Ord 16-Occupational Licenses ORDINANCE OF THE CITY C0~CIL OF THE CI.TT OF DELRA~'. , FLORIDA, FIXING OCCUPATIONAL TAXES AND LICENSES TO BE CHARGED THE VARIOUS PERSONS, FIRMS OF CORPORATIONS ENGAGED IN OR MANAGING ANY BUSINESS~, PROFESSION, OR OCCUPATION IN THE CITY OF DELRAY, FLORIDA. Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall emgage in or manage any business, profession or occupation mentioned in this Ordinance, unless a city license shall have been procured from the City tax Ctllector of the City in w~lch said business, profession or occupation may be located or..emgaged in. One licemse shall be issued to each person, fi~m or~ corporation upon receipt of the amount hereinafter provided, or as may be otherwise provided in this Ordinance, and in case the license is issued 12~.e City ~ax ~ollector must collect in addition thereto a fee of twenty- five cents for each license signed by him and s~ch license shall be signed in the name of the City of Delray, ~lorida, by the Tax Collector and shall have the City saal thereon. Section ~. No license shall be issued for more then one year and all licenses shall expire on the first ~ay of October of each year, except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance. Ail business licenses shall be transfew~ed with the approval of the City Coumcil, with the business for which they were t~ken out when there is a ~na fide sale or transfer of the property used and employed in the business as stock in trade, but such transfereed license shall not be held good for any longer time or for other period thsm for which it was originally issued; Provided, that the original license shall be surrendered to and filed with the City Tax Collector at the time application for t~&nsfer is made, such transferred license, after being approved, shall be of the same force and effect as the original license. Section 3. Tha$ all licenses shall be payable on or before She first day of October .of each year, and no license shall be issued for amy fraotionallportion of the year, except as other- wise provided in this 0rdimamce, and except that amy license not otherwise specified i~ this O~dinance may be issued after the first day of April to expire October 1st, upon paymemt of one- half the amount fixed as the of such license for one price year. Page 259, 0rd Book 2. ~THEEETIC ARENA. There shall be cha~ged for each firm, person c~ corporation owing or operation an atheletic arana or other ATHLETIC BUSINESSES, as provided in Section 1, alicense tax of Twenty-five ($~5.00) Dollare per yea~ or Fifteem ($15.00) Dollars for each fractional part of a year less than s ix ($) months. Section 4. AUTOMOBILE AG~CIES, or' persons, ffr~s or corporations engaged in the sale of AUTOMOBILES, or automobile TRUCiCS, shall pay for each place of business a license tax of ,15.00~ 0rd 135 Book ~ AUT'GMOBLIE A'~ENCIES or persons, firms of corporations engaged in the sale of automobiles, or automobile trucks, or automobile equipment of fixtures, shall pay a license tax of $15.00 for every place of business; that all persons who have taken out a regular automobile garage license shall not be required fo..take out an additional license for automobile ageacies. Slmtlon 5. Dealers in MOTORCYCLES shall pay for each place of business, a license tax of $10.00. Section 6. AUTOMOBILE GARAGES for keeping, storing caring for,: repairing automobiles or other horse-less carriages, or for the sale of gasolin~ and oil at retail in co nncetion with said garage shall pay a license tax of -/ II 0r~. 1~5 Book A. AUTOMOBILE GARAGF~ FOR keeping, storing, oaring for, repairing autc~oblles or other horse-less carriages, or for the sale of gasoline and oil at retail in connection with said garage shall pay a license tax of $15.00; that all persons who have taken out a regular automobile agency license shall not be required to take out an additional license for ~ automobile garage. Section 7. Each person, firm or corporation ADVERTISING on streets with banners, floats, cartoons, exhibitions, or by any other means where no vehicle is used, shall pay a license tax of $5.00. Section 8. PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS, advertising by means of minstrel ah ows or vaudeville acts, shall pay a license tax of $10.00 per day. Section 9. Each vehicle advertising on the streets by means of b~ners, floats or cartoons, or by any other means, shall pay a license tax of $5.00; Provided, this is not applicable to cc~mercial~.bodies, boards of trade, county fairs, whe~ they ad- ve~tlse. Section 10. AGENCIES , FII~S, .CORPORATIONS, or ASSOCIAa TIONS or othe~ persona engaged in the business of bill postin~ shall pay a license tax of $10.00. Section 11. Agencies, firms, associations, corporations, or other peesons distributing circulars, pamphlets, or other AD- VERTISING MATTER, except local merchants, and theatres advertising in this way their own goods and merchandise, shall pay a license tax of $5.00° Section 12. Persons, firms, corporations, or associations engaged in the ~siness of &~OUNUING, systematizing, keeping or regulating accounts or books for private individuals or cor- porations, except bookkeepers regularly e~ployed and under salary by such private individuals or corporations, shall pay a license tax of ~5.00 for each person or member of the firm, corporation or association. SEction 13. ALLIGATOR DEALERS shall pay a license tax of $5.00 for each place of business. ~on 14. A~0~HITECTS sh~ll I~Y a license tax of $10.00. Section 15o AU~TIONEE~ sha~l pay a license t~x of $15o00. Section 15o Each individual, firm, corporation or Canl~ny conductiong the bu~ness of ABSTI~CTI~TG titles, either in part o~ in whole, shall p~y a license te~ of $~5.00o ~ect~on l?o Persons, firms or oorporat~ons operat~ pe~nent a~TJ~T PARK~ sha~l pay a license t~x of $15.00. ~ection 18. 0rd, 135-3 Book 4 Owners or n~nagers of t~nporary AUCT[0N SH0?$ shall pay a l~cense t~ of $50°00 for each place of b~sl~ss for each day. Section 19° AUTOMATIC VENDING MACTtl~TE~, owners or aanagers of, ~hen operated flor profit shell pay a lioense tax of $5.00 far each machine or device. ~ection 20. BATH~, owners or nmnagers of Turkish, Russian, vapor or other baths, when operated for profit or pubic use end who pay no other license tax, shml.l pay a license tax of $15o00o Section ~l° B~TH~ WTTH SWZ~[I~G ?00L~, owners or managers of swooning pools, when operated ~or profit or public use, shall pay a ~lcense tax of ~15o00° 0rd 128-3 BEER Every VENDOR shall pay an annual city license fee for each. pi ace of business within said olty in the su~ of Seven and 50/100 Dollars ($?.50) Where a I[0TEL AND A RESTAURANT or dining room are Jointly operated only one license fee shall be paid. CLUBS OF ASSOCIATIONS of persons of a similar nature, whether incorporated or not incorporated for profit or not for profit, shall if they have hotel rooms or their equivalent of have dining faciliti, es, or both, pay_an annual city license in the sum of Sev~n and 50/100tbs Dollars ($?.50~. ]~ach MANUFACTUREH authorized to do ~Asiness within said city under this Ordinance shall pay a city license fee of Three B~ndred Seventy-five Dollars ($3?5.00) per annum for each manufac- turing plant or establishment he may operate within said city, provided, however, that manUfacturers engaged exclusively in the production and processing of fruit J~lces described in this Ordinance shall pay an annual City license fee of One Hunderd ~enty-five Dollars ($125.00). F~ch DISTRIBUTOR or wholea~e dealer authorized to do bsiness under this Ordinance shall pay a City License fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each and every wholesale establishment or branch which he ~aay-operate or conduct either wholly or in part within said City. Section 221 BROKERS DEALING IN BONDS and stocks shall pay a license tax of Section 23. BROKERS DEALING IN INSURANCE 8hall pay a license tax of $§.00 for each Company represented. Section 24. BROKERS DEALING IN ~ AND LAND OPTIONS shall pay a license tax of ~5.00 (0rd 3. Book .4) Section 25. BROE~,RS DEALING IN MERCHANDISE shall pay a license tax of ~15.00. Section 26. DE~_T.ERS IN SECOND .... HAND boots and shoes whall pay a license tax of $15.00 for each place of business. 0:d_ 13_5-_2 .. _~o.o_k .4. Before any persnn, firm or corporation shall sell or be engaged in the business of selling ~ooda, wared, mer- chandise or other personal peoperty, such sales being advertised as bankrupt, insolvent, insurance, assignee, trustee, acution, syndicate, raileoad or other wreck, wholesale or manufacturer's or c~osing out sale, or as goods damaged by smoke, fire, water or otherwise, such person, firm or corporation shall file an application with the City Oouncil, which application shall be passed on by the 01ty 0ouncll, and a license tax of $250.00 shall be paid before any license shall be granted to said applicant for the carrying on the bus[ness or businesses hereinabove mentioned or provided. Sec. 27. 0wnere or managers of BXKERIES shall pay a lic- ense tax of $15.00. Sec. 28. Persons, finns, or brokers doing a BANEING business, either incorporated or not, shall pay a license tax of $2§.00. Sec. Zg. Persons, firms or corporations running BARBER SHOPS shall pay a license tax of said shops, except where there are less than three chairs, in such case there shall be a straight charge of $10.00 per year. Sec. S0 135-2 Book 4. Persons, fires or corporations co nductl~ BILLIARD 0RP0~L TABLES, or billiard of pool rooms, kept for public use or profit, shall pay a licmse of $2~.00 for every place of ~lness. II SeCtion S1-A. Ail ~ouris~ camps which p~ovide cottages, tuts, or which provide park~;~g space for tourists ~o camp, the owner of such tourist camps or par~Lng l~rounds shall pay a license · tax of $25.00 Section 31. ~oarding Houses, lodging houses or hotels, having accommodations for three hundre~ or more lodgers or boarders, shall pay a license ~ax of $50.00. Boarding Houses, hodging houses or hotels, hav~g odatlons for t~ h~dred ~d less th~ tk~ee h~dred lodgers or boaters, sh~l pay a license t~ of 435.00. Boarding ~ouses, lod~ng ho~es or hotel, havi~ a~oommodations for one h~dred ~d less t~n two h~dred lodgers or boarders, sh~l pay a lio~se tax of $25.00. ~ar~g Houses, l~ging ho~es or hotels, having acc~odations for eev~ty-flve a~ l~s th~ one h~d~d lodge~ or boarders, s~ pay a lice~e ~x of $20.00 Boar~ Nouses, hodging ho~es or hotels, havi~ accoEoda~ons for fifty ~d less ~ s~enty-~ve lo~ers boarders shall p~ a license ~x of $15.~. ~ar~ng Eouses, 10dgi~ houses or hotels, havi~ acc~- moda~ions for ~enty-five ~d less t~ fifty lodgers or boarders, shall pay a license tax of $10.00. B~rding No.es, lodging houses or hotels, havl~ accommodations for fifteen ~d less th~ twenty-five lodgers or boarders, sh~l p~ a license tax of $~.50. ~ding Nouses, ~odgi~ houses or ho~s, ~vi~ acco~- odations for ~en ~d less th~ f~te~ lo.ers or boarders s~ll pay a lice~e ~x of 45.00. Acc~o~tl~,s for lodge~ or b~rders s~ll be cons- t~ed ~ me~ the n~ber of beds habi~ally ~pt for tach lo~e~ or boarde~, ~d not the n~ber of ~s ~ the ho~e. Provided, that widows o~lng pr~erty ~lued at 45000 or less sh~l no~ be required ~ ~y a llce~e ~x ~r conducting a boarding house. Sec. 3~. BOI~, ~CH~ S~PS 0R F0~RI~, o~ers ~age~ ~, ~ng more t~n $1~0~invested In ~e business, s~lt ~y a lic~se t~ of $5.00. Se~. ~. BRI~ Y~ 0R FAC~RI~, oEer. or m~agers of, s~l ~y a ~e~se tax of 45.00. SEc. ~. B~~ 0R L0~ ASSOC~TIONS, local, sh~l pay a llo~se ~x of Sec. 35. BICYC~ R~, o~ers of managers of, ~I pay a li~.nse ~x of $~.00 for each place of ~s~ness. Sec. 36. ~WMNG AL~S or ~X ~L A~~ o~ers or m~agers of, sh~l pay a lle~se ~ of~10.~ for each place of ~s- Sec. S7. P~sons, fl~s of po~o~tions E~EG ~ATS ~er c~tract, sh~l be required to pay alieense tax of 45.00. Sec. 38. 155-3 ~k 4 ~AGE ~A~NS, D~ 0R EU~, T~-C~S ~ A~MOBI~.~ for public hire, sha~ ~y a lleems~ ~x of 45.00 for ~eb ba~e wa~n, dray, ~E, ~xi-eab or au~obile. See. S9. BIOYO~ ~AE SHOPS, o~ers or ~age~ w~ pay no other li~se, sh~l pay a li~ens,-~x of $5.~. Sec 40. ~0~CK ST~S, o~ers or m~age~ of, o~he~ ~ae Sh~ t~se ~ barber shops, ~11 p~ a li~e~e tax of ~.~. Se~, 41. ~AR HOUS~ 0R BOAT YA~, oEers or m~agers of, keeping row boats, small sail boats, etc. for hire or storage, shall be required to pay a license tax of $~50. Sec. 42. CANNING FACTORIES; Swners or managers of, engage in bhe business of canning fruits., vegetables, fish syrup or molasses shall pay a licAnse tax of $10.00, provided, that hhis is not app- licable to farmers who can their own peoducts. Sec. 43. CIVIL ENGINEERS, surveyors; each individual shall pay a license tax of $5.00. Sec. 44. CLAIRVOYANTS OR SPIRIT MEDIUMS giving =canoes for profit, shall pay a license tax of $25.00. See. 45. Owners or managers of BOTTLING PLANTS producing soft drinks or beverages of any character whatever, and said plant operating a machine for capping or sealing bottles of any sstyle or character, shall pay a license tax of $15.00. Sec. 46. COMMTSSION MERCHANTS, handling shipments on commission basis, shell pay a license tax c~ $10.00. Sec. ~?. CIDER DEAr.ERS shall pay a license tax of $5.00- Sec. 48. CIGAR AND TOBACCO DEALERS, ~ o.pay no other license, shall be required to pay a license tax of ~10.00. Sec. 49. CURIO DEALERS shall pay a license tax of $10.00. Sec, 50. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING DF~;ERS shall pay a license tax of $150.00 for each place of b~siness. Except as provided for in the Smllowlng ordinance. 13592 Book 4 Befo'~e any 'person, firm or corporation shall sell or be ~ e~gaged in the business of selling goods, wares, merchandise or other personal property, such sales being advertised as bankrupt, lnsolvant, insurance, assignee, trustee, auction, syndicate, rail- road or other wreck, wholesale or manufacturer's o2 closing out or as goods damaged by smoke, fire, water or otherwise, such perscm, firm or corporation shall file an application wl~ the City Council, which application shall be passes on by the City Council, and a license tax of $~50.00 be paid before any license shall be granted to said applicant for the carrying on of the business or businesses hereinabove mentioned or prove~ed. Sec. ~1. CARRIAGE AND WANON FACTORIES, owners or managers of, shall pay a license tax of $10.00. Sec. 52. COLD S TORAGE PLANTS, owners or managers cf, and when not conducted with an ice ~lant, and when operated for profit, shall pay a license tax of ~15.00. Sec. ~S. CHEWING GUM STANDS, when operated for profit, shall pay a license of $5.00; provided, this shall not apply to stands operated in connection with o~her business. Sec. 54. C]~, OR ARTIFICIAL STONE ~fANUFA~E~RERS, or contractors dealing in, shall pay a license tax of $10.005 provided, this is not applicable to merchants paying regular license tax. Sec 55. CANDY STANDS ON STREETS shall pay a license tax of $5.00 for each stand. Sec. 56. COAL YARDS and dealers in coal, shall pay a license tax of $10.00 Sec. 5?. CONTRACTORS, all kinds not otherwise specified in this ordin~ce, shall pay a license tax of $15.00; provided, this does not apply to person or persons not holding themselves out as regular contractors as a business; provided, no license shall be required of building con~ractors other than those having an established place. Sec. 58. DYNAMITE, dealers in, shall pay a license tax of $25.00. Sec. 59. DENTISTS, PHYSICIANS, permanently located, shall pay a license tax of $10,00. SEC. 60. DROVERS, selling at auction, trading of otherwise, shall pay a license tax of $10.00. Sec. 61. DETEDTIVE AGENCIES, each persm, firm or corporation, operating detective agencies, shall pay a license tax of ~5.00o Sec. dZ. DETECTIVES~(~'~oh individu~l who is employed as a private detective, shall pay a license tax of $5.00; provided, that nothing in this sec~on shall be construed to apply to any person or persons employed by the state, county or municipality as an authorized police or peace officer. Sec. $3. DIREOTORIES; each person, firm or corporation making or ~ffering for sale, shall troy a llcemse tax cf $10.00 Sec. 64. DYE WORKS AND STEAM CLEANERS: shall pay a J license tax of $10.00. Sec. 65. Dry C~S, who pay no other license, shall pay a license tax of $10.00. Sec. $6. OSTEOPATHS: each osteopath shell pay a license tax of $5.00. See. 6V. ELECTRIC MANIYFACTURERE OR CONTRACTORS, Dealers in for profit or contractors for, shall pay a license tax of $18.00. Seo. 68. 0rd~ 6~ Bock 4 ELECTIRC LIGH'T OR POWER PLANTS; any person, fire 02., corporation f~rnishing eleetrlc light or power or both, shall lm Y a license tax cf $100.00. Sec. 69. EXPRESS COMPANIES: that any express company doing business in this city shall pay a license tax of $~.5.00. Sec. V 0. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES or offices; owners or mmxagers of, shall pay a license tax of $5.00. See. ?1. FLORIST: persons, firms, corporations, ~r associations engaged in the business, shall pay a license tax of $10.0o. Sec. ?2. FORTUNE TELLERS shall pay a license tax of $?8.00 unless with show which pays other license. Sec. ~. FURNITURE, dealers in, shall pay a license tax of $15.00. SEC. 74. FOUNDRIES' either connecte~ with machine shops or otherwise, shall pay a license tax of $15.00. See. 75. GASOLINE, dealers in, shall pay a limen~e tax of $10.00 (Filling Station only) , ~holesale, $20.00. Sec. 76. GREEN GROCERIES, dealers in, furnishing fruits and nute but no other lines, shall pay a license tax of $10.00; that all persons who have taken out regular merchants license shall not be required to take out an additional licmnse to handle or deal in green groceries, fruits or nuts. II '2, Sec. 77. GAMES and devices, automatic or otherwise, such aw scuffle boards, throwing balls at figures, and the like, and not otherwise specified in this ordinance, shall pay a license tax of $i0.00 for each device or game. Ora, 115 Book 4 That section 77 of the Occupational License Ordi~anc'~ above-referred to, be amended by adding "That marble games or other like devices owned and operated by merchants, ~o have paid regular occupational licens_es, .shall be taxe~ additional license tax of Five Dollars ($5.00) for each and every marble game or other like device operated in the ~lty by said resident merchants; and that all personB, firms or corporations who do not maintain a regular place of business and take out a regulax business license within the City, shall pay a license tax of Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each and eveFy marble gems crothe r like device, that he or it s~all operate or cause to be operated within the City." Sec. 78. GAS PLANTS, any person, firm, corporation or company furnishing g~s for profit, shall pay a license tax of $25.00. Sec. ?g. GYPSIES: it shall be unlawful f~r any band o~ troop or aggregation of travelling or wandering or normadic gypsies to camp~ pitch their tents, stop and pursue e~ engage in the business of trading horese, peddling, trading or other ououpation ~n this city, unless and until they shall procure a license that has first been approved by th, eClt¥ Council of this City and shall have paid a license tax of $100.00 SEC. 80. NYPNOTISTS, professional, mhall pay a lieease tax of $25.00 Sec 81, Street venders or merchants; HAWKERS or street merchants of drugs of patent medicines, or any kine of dru~,oint- meat, or device of any kind intended for the use of trealmnent of any diseases, injury or deformity, shall pa~ a license tax of $25.00. Sec. 82. HARNESS OR SADDLERY, reps.ires or makers of , shall pay a license of $10.00. Sec. 83. HOSPITALS, sanitariums or other places for the treatment of diseases or habits $or profit, shall pay a license tax of $10.00; provided, that this does not apply to hospitals, sanitariums or other places of like charabter conducted by charitable associations or societies. Sec. 84. HAT CLEANING AND blocking; any person or persons engaged in this business shall pay a license tax of $5.00. Sec. 85. Ice factories including cold storage plants connectedd therewith, having the right to sell at wholesale or retail, shall pay a license tax as follows; Wit~ a capacity of more than ten tons and less than tw~aty tons per day, shall pay a license tax of $25.00; with capacity of more than than t~Trty tons per day, ahall pay a license tax of $25.00; with a capacity of more than thirty 1OhS and less than slaty tons per day, shall pay a license tax of $35.00~ with a capacity o~ more than sixty tons and less than one hundred l~ns per day, shall pay a ll~emse tax of $5~.00; with a capacity of m~re than sixty tons and less than one hundred tons per day, shall pay a license tax of $5~.00; with a capacity of more than on~ hundred tons and less than one hundred and fifty tons per day, shall pay a license tax of Sec. 88. ICE WAGONS SElling on streets, not owned or operated by ice factories w~o pay license, shall pa~ a license tax of $25.00 for each wagon. I1 Sec. 87. ICE CREAM CARTS OR WAGONS, selling on streets at retail, shall pay a license tax of $5.00 for each cart of wagon. Sec. 88. ICE CREAM ~LANUFACTURERS of, selling wholesale or retail, shall pay a license tax of $10.00. See. 89. Oltuk, dealers in, shall pay a license tax of $5.~ Sec. 90. Y0B PRINTING offices running by power shall pay a license tax of $10.00. Sec. 91. LAWYERS SHALL pay a lice nsc fas cc $10.00 for each member of the firm. Sec. 92. L~IZ~CHES, steam or electric, kept for or public use shall pa~ a license tax of ~10.00. Ord 15~-2 Bo.ok 4 LIQUOR Every Vendor shall pay an annual license (city) fee each ~,_laee~"of business within said city in the sum of Two Hundred Fifty ~ollars ($250.00) -- Where a hotel and a restaurant or dining room are Jointly operated only one license fee whall be paid. 01ubs or associations or persons of a similar nat-are, whether incorporated or not incorporated for profit, or ~ot for profit, shall if they have hotel rooms or their equivalent or have ~ining facilities or_both, pa~ an annual city license in the sum of Two Hundred Fifty ~ollars ($250.00). Each manufacturer authorized to do bus, ness within said city under this ordinance shall pay a city license fee of Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) per annum for each manufacturing plantor establiehment he may operate within said city. Each DISTHIBUTOR OR WHOLESALE DFJflSER authorized to do business tmder this ordinance shall pay a City license fee of Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250900) for each and every wholesale estab- lishmentor branch ~hich he may operate or conduct either wholly or in part within said City. Sec. 93. LIVERY ~t FEED STABLES, individuals or firms keeping for hire or public use horses or mules for c~veylng pass- engers or feright shall pay a license tax of $15.00. Sec. 94. SALE STABLES shall pay a license tax of $15.00. Sec. 95. LUNG ESTERS, when operated for profit, shall pay a license tax of $10.00 for each machine. Sec. 96. Lumber dealers, carryin~ a stock on hand and selling at retail shall pay a license tax of $25.00. Buying?or selling on combisslon or exporting, shall pay a license tax of $10.00. Sec. 97. LOCESMITHS AND TRUNK REPAIRERS who pay no other license shall pay a license tax of $5.00 Sec. 98. MANUFACTURERS OF BARRELS, tubs and buckets by machinery shall pay a license t ax of ~10.00. ManufACTURERS OF MOSS OR MOSS PACKERS, inside of corporate limits of cities or ~owns, shall pay a license tax of $10.00 MANUFACTURERS OF HBRE, shall pay a license tax of $5.00 MANUFACTURERS OF FURNITLUtE shall pay a license tax of $1o.oo MANUFACTURERS OF TERRA COTTA':, EARTITENWARE POTTERY or other clay products shall pay a license tax of $10.00. Manufacturers of tile shall pay a license ~ax of $10.00. M~NUFACTURERS OF ROOFING shall pay a license ~ax of $10.00. TAR MANUFACTURERS OF coal tar shall p~y a license tax of ~10.00 for each plant. Sec. 9g. MACHINE ~HOPH; repair shops; blacksmith shops for ~ublic use, having one thouseaud dollars ~r more invested in the business, shll pay a license trax of $10.00. Sec' 100. MARBLE YARDS; 0wwqrs or managers of, shall pay a license tax of $I0.00. Sec. 101. MERCHANTS, D1~UGGISTS AND STOREKEEPERS, shall pay a license tax as follows: Ord l~5-.S ~o...ok ,4 For the first one thousand dollars, or reaction of one thousand.dollars of stock, or'merchandise $I0.00. For each additional thousand dollars or fraction thereof, $2.50; but dealers in merchandise at wholesale only, shall pay a license tax of $2550 for each one thouseand dollars of their stock cg merchandise: Provided, that the words "stock of Merchandise" sh~ll be held to mean the cash value of merchandise or $ ods on hand and not the amennt of capital stock invested in the business: Provided further, that any merchant keeping sewing machines in stock for sale in the same manner as other merchandise shall not be taxes as a sewing machine agent or dealer. Sec. 102. ~ERCf~;TILE AGenCIES shall pay a license tax of $5.00. Sec. 105. MERCHANT TAILORS SHALL PAY a licens$ tax of $10.00 for each place of business. Sec. 10A. MENTAL HEALEBS, or all persona claiming to heal by absent treatment shall pay a license tax of $75.00. Provided, that nothing in this clause shall be construed as affection any Ghristian denomination who pray for the recovery of the sick. Sec. 105 MERRY-GO-ROUNDS, managers or owners of, shall pay a license tax of $10.00. Sec. 10~. Meats, dealers in fresh meats and packing houses products at wholesale, packed or refrigerated, when not connected with an ice factory, shall pay a license tax of $10.00. D~alers in fresh meats, selling at retail, shall pay a lic- ense tax of ~10.00 :provided, that a license tax shall t~o~ be requl~ed of any permn selling fresh meats of their ow~ raising and for their benefit by such persm, n or his or her agent. ~Refer to 0rd 91 Ord BoOk Sec. 10? 0rd. 155-E Book A Music boxes: owners or managers of, when operated for profit, shall pay a license tax cf $10,00 on each box. Sec. 10G NEWS C~PANIES: Owners or managers of, shall pay a license tax of $5.00: Provided, that ~his shall not apply to news dealers. Sec, 109 NEWS STANDS; owners or managers of, where daily and weekly newspapers or magaxines, postcards, etcl, are sold shall pay a license ta~ as provided for merchants, druggists and Storekeepers. sec. 110. 0IL, ~a~er in illuminating or lubricating oils at wholsale, shall pay a license tax of $10.00. Sec. lll. 0CULISTAN, when permauentely located, shall pay license tax of ~10.00. Bec. 112. ~PTICIANS SHALL PAY A LICENSE TAX OF Sec. 113. PALMISTS shall pay a ~license tax of $?5.00 Sec. 114. CONTRACTING PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS, not doing their own work, shall pay a license tax of Sec, 115. PAINT MANUFACTURERS shall pay a license tax $15.00 See. 116. PEDDLERS OF I~ERCHANDISE, not otherewlse en- umerated sepecifically herein, shall pay a license tax ~ $10.00 per day. Sad. 91 Book 4 Persons who are not producers of the produce they offer for sale, and who peddly from house to house the products of the farm, ~b~b grove or waters, shall pay a license ef Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per year. Sec. 117. PEDDLERS of stoves~ ranges and clocks, sold from wagons, whall pay a license tax of $2.50 per day. Sec. i16. PEDDLING IN BOATS. all boats engaged in the sale of vegetables, the products of the farm or plantation, fish and oysters, shall not be considered as pwddllng boats. SEC. 11~. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, all kinds, shll pay a license tax of $10,00 Sec. 120 PIANO U~qERS Shall pay a license tax of $5.00 S~c, 121 PHOTOGRAPHERS hhall pay a license tax of $10.00 Sec. 1P~ PHONOGRAPHS: Owners or managers of, when oper- ated for profit, shall pay a license tax of $10.00. Sec. 123. i~LANING MILLS AND noyelty works, not connected with sawmills, shall pay a license tax of ~15.00 . Sec. 124. P~CTURE AGENTS, traveling, shall pay a licemse tax of $25.00. Sec, 125. PEANUT CARTS AN PEANUT STANDS, on s treats, and payeng no 6ther license, shall lay a license tax of ;~5.00. Sec, 126. PRESSING CLUBS; owners and managers of shall pay a license tax of $10.00. Sec. 127. CONTRACTT~ PLUMBERS~ not doing th$$r own work shall pay a license tax of $$5.00. REAL ESTATE BRO~R $5.00 and REAL ESTATE SALESMAN $5.00. Sec. 128 RESTAURANTS, ca,es and public eating saloons, owners or managers of, shall pay a license tax as follows: With meats or accomoda~ions for fifteen or more persons shall pay a license tax of $10.00 With seats or accomodations for le ss than fifteen persons shall pay a license tax of $5.00. Sec. 129 PAWNBROKERS, persona,firms or corporations, engaged in the business, shall pay a license tax of $15.00. Sec. l~0. RAILROAD OR RAIL~t0AD CO~fPANIES doing bus[ ne ss having a passenger of freight deposit located in the City shall pay a license tax of $25.00 Ord. 135-2 Book 4 Al~l railroad o'~ railroad companies, automobile buses or bus lines, or bus companies, or automobile trucks for the hauling of express or freight, doing business in the City, and having a passenger freight or express depot or office located within said City, shall pay a license tax of $25.00. Sec. 131. ~LAUGHTER ~NS, owners or managers, shall pay a license tax of $12.§9 Sec. 132. SH0~S of all kinds, including circuses, vaude- vill~ minstrels, theatrical, or any exhibition giving performe_nces under tents or in structures of ~ y kind, whether such tents or structures are covered or uncovered, shall pay a license tax as follows: (C.~RNIVAL- ~RARRES) 0rd 261 Book 2 For one nights performance a license tax of $50.00. For each additional n~bts performance a license tax of ~40.00. Sec. 133 CIRCUS PARADES or demonstrations of a like nature~ shall pay a license tax of ~$200.00 for each parade. Sec. 134. ALL CIRCUSES ~R SM0~VS of a like nature shall pay a license tax of $5.00 for each booth or concession connected with said circus or Like show. Sec. 135. CONC~T HALLS or places where ~ntertainnents or exhibitions are given, such as concerts, balls, dances, variety performances, musical or otherwise, for profit, including roof gardens where refreshments are served by female waitresses, shall pay a license tax of $10.00 Provided, that this section shall not apply to entertainments given for chairtable purposes, the proceeds of which are given to local charities. Sec. 136. SJ~W MILLS, including planing mills and dry kilns shall pay a license tax of $10.00. Sec. 13~. SKATING RI?~S~ o?mers or managers of, shall pay a license tax of $10.00 for each rink, Sec. 138. SODA V~f~Tt~ OR 'MI~.~VERAL WATER FOUNTAINS shall pay a license tax of $10.00. ~o¥i~e~, that merchants, storekeepers and druggists operating soda water or mineral water fountains, shall not be re- quired to take cut a special license under this sectio$. Sec. 139. SHOOTING GALLERIES~ owners or managers of, shall pay a license tax of $10.00. Sec. 140. TELEPH0~ COMP~IES operating within the City shall pay a license tax of $~5.00. Sec. 141. ~LEGR~PH C01~P~.~IES sh~ll'pay a license tax of $ 5.00. Sec. 142. T~TRES, permanently located, giving nightly performances, of moving picture or ~other forms of entertainment shall pay a license tax of ~i~25.00. TOURIST CA~P 135-2 Sec. 143. U~DERTAKERS, who are not embalmers, shall pay a license tax of $10.00. undertakers and embalmers shall pay a license tax of $15.00 Sec. 1~4. ~WATC~E~iAt~RS A~D REP~IRERS OF JEWLR¥, who pay no other license, shall pay a license tax of $5.00. Sec. 145. WAREHOUSES, bonded orstorage: owners or managers of, shall pay a license tax of $25.00. ~ ?JATER C0~TP~IES: persons, firms or corporations Sec~ 146-:~ operating same shall pay a license tax of $10.00. s Sec. 147 that all cinfirmed cripples or invalids, physically incapable of manual labor, or all Veterans of the Civil V~ar, and widows who are dependent upon their own exertions, shall be allowed to peddly withoug paying a license, using their own capital only, not in excess of five hundred dollars and i~a the County in which they are permanent residents; Provided, such exemption shall be allowed only upon the certificate of the City physician of ttB disability herw in named. Sec. 148. That all farm and grove products, and produce manufactured therefrom, except intoxicating liquors, wine or beer, shall be exempt from all forms of license tax by the City when the same is being offered for sale or sold by the farmer or grower producing said products. ar.d. 91 BOok 4 Such farmer or grower must present to the City Clerk surf icient proof by affidavit that the produce he offers for sale wa~ produced on his own farm or grove, or from the waters; (the buy- er of produce ih grom~d or fruit on trees, or the buyer or leasee of trees bearing fruit in the course of me~_~uring shall not be c ued as a farmer or grower) whereupon ,the City Cle~k shall regi such farmer or grower in a book kept for that purpose, showing the number of such registration, the name, age, place of residence ~nd location of the farm or grove of such farmer of grower, and issue to him permit signed by the City Clerk, showing such re Said permit must be displayed by the farmer or grower in a cons' ious place on the vehicle from w~ich he offers produce for sale. Sec. 149. The payr~nt of all license taxes shall be en- forced by the seizure and sale of the property by the tax collector, and it is hereby made the d~ ty of the chief of police of the City of Delray to report the voilation of the Sec. 150. When it shall be necessary for the ~ax coll~ to enforce the payment of any license taxes he is hereb~ and empowered to issue ~ City Warrant Directing the chief of od Delray to collect the same by levy and sale. Sec. 151. Every business, occupation, profession ~r exhibition, substantial, fixed or temporary engaged in by any person or persona, firm or corporation, whether in a b~ilding, tent or upon the street, vacant lot or anywhere in the open a ir within the City and herein not specifically designated, shall pay a license tax of Ten Dollaro ($10.00) unless otherwise speoifi, by resolution or ordinance of the City Council. Sec. 152. Any person or persons and the members of any firm or corporation voilating the provisions of this ordinance ~hall upon conviction be punished by a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars, or ~ry imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety days, or by both s~ch fine and imprisionment for each offense. Sec. 1~3. All ordinahc~es o~ parts Of ordinances in confli. herewith are here~'y repealed. Sec. 154. This ordinance shall become effective immediate] upon passage and approval by the Mayor. PASSES by the City Council of the City of Delray, Fl~mlda, this 24th day of January A.D. 1927. ATTEST: ( Lawren C. PB~d oitY ~lerk. L.L. Barwick President of the Council Exmained and approved this S& day of January, A.D. 1927. (j.s.suna ; Mayo r. ' OUTSIDE CO~[PANIES. Penny Peaaut,.. . , ~.~ & candy machine~-~ :?einhin~-. ~ .. .~ ~ machin~-~ $10. O0 · (~r. privi~.~ of outting~ as 5.00 many ~s +~.~v,,~,~ like in to,~?n, , providing there is no element for 1 of chance or tokens given. Skill Machines .... ~!0.00 Musio Boxes --- ~10.00 OiEaret%e Machine s --- 5. O0 :~Skill ~Target Guns --- 5.00