04-05-94SpMtg APRIL 5, 1994
A Special Meeting of the City Commission of the City of
Delray Beach, Florida, was called to order by Mayor Thomas E.
Lynch in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 6:00 P.M. Tues-
day, April 5, 1994.
Roll call showed:
Present - Commissioner Jay Alperin
Commissioner Ken Ellingsworth
Commissioner David Randolph
Commissioner Barbara Smith
Mayor Thomas E. Lynch
Absent - None
Also present were - City Manager David T. Harden and
City Attorney Susan A. Ruby
Mayor Lynch announced that the meeting had been called
for the purpose of considering the following:
The City Attorney stated that the Special Agenda should
be amended to include Items (5) Amendment to Interlocal Agree-
ment/Delray Swap Shop); and Item (6) Ordinance 19-94); and to add
a potential item as Item (7) Authorization for Agreement of
Lawsuit between the City and the Woods of Southridge Homeowners
Dr. Alperin moved approval of the agenda as amended,
seconded by Mr. Randolph. Upon roll call the Commission voted as
follows: Mrs. Smith - Yes; Dr. Alperin - Yes; Mr. Randolph -
Yes; Mr. Ellingsworth - Yes; Mayor Lynch - Yes. Said motion
passed with a 5 to 0 vote.
1, ¢0NDITIONAL USE/SCHOOL SITE "S": Consider Conditional
Use request to establish Palm Beach County Elementary School Site
91-I (S-2) on a parcel of land zoned CF (Community Facilities).
John Walker, Project Coordinator, stated that the
proposed elementary school has a capacity of approximately 970
students. It is a two-story configuration and is proposed to be
located east of Military Trail and south of Linton Boulevard. The
action requested tonight is one of the last actions in a long
series of efforts to bring an elementary school to the southeast
portion of the City. Staff has reviewed the conditional use
request and finds that the proposal is consistent with the Com-
prehensive Plan and the Land Development Regulations. Compati-
bility of the neighborhood will be met with the siting of the
school on the west portion of the property and a provision of
landscape buffers which exceed the code requirements. At its
meeting of March 28th the Planning and Zoning Board reviewed the
proposal and unanimously recommended approval of the conditional
use and sketch plan.
Upon question regarding the possibility of portable
structures on the school site, Mr. Walker responded that the
School Board has a policy that calls for the construction of new
schools to be planned for potential expansion. He explained that
the rationale for this concept is for the installation of water,
sewer and utilities connections.
Mr. Barcinski stated that the proposal under considera-
tion tonight is relative to the sketch plan and noted that the
final site plan is not required to appear before the City Commis-
sion; however, the City will receive a courtesy review.
Mr. Randolph asked, if the figures were available,,what
percentage of the anticipated enrollment of the 970 students who
will be attending this school are residents of Delray Beach.
Dave Williams, representing the School Board, responded
that the figures were not yet available. He explained that a
tentative boundary study has been prepared and that the School
Board will not be acting on the boundary issue until March, 1995.
He noted that the majority of students who will attend the new
school will be residents of Delray Beach..
Mr. Ellingsworth moved for approval of the conditional
use request for School Site "S", seconded by Mr. Randolph. Upon
roll call the Commission voted as follows: Dr. Alperin - Yes;
Mr. Ellingsworth - Yes; Mr. Randolph - Yes; Mayor Lynch - Yes;
Mrs. Smith - Yes. Said motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote.
HAMMOCK RENTAL COMPLEX: Consider reversal of H.P.B.'s denial of
elevations for the Sloan Hammock Building.
The City Attorney announced that the Commission will
proceed with procedures for Quasi-Judicial Hearings and that the
Acting City Clerk will swear in any witnesses who will be testi-
fying on this issue.
Diane Dominguez, Planning Director, stated that this is
an appeal of the Historic Preservation Board's decision which
relates to the building elevations for a triplex to be located in
the Marina Historic District. The three-unit building is part of
an overall redevelopment project which involves three residential
structures. The applicant would like to add a second story to the
current one-story structure and the addition is somewhat substan-
tial. The addition will include a widow's walk and a cupola with
an overall height of 35 feet. The Board felt that this would be
too massive. The applicant then presented two options at the
latest HPB meeting., Staff recommends that either of these op-
tions would be an acceptable compromise.
2 4/05/94
Mark Krall, Attorney representing the applicant, point-
ed out that the Historic Preservation Board approved the project
and a Certificate of Occupancy was granted. Mr. Krall then gave
a lengthy presentation and highlighted points of interest which
were expressed by the Historic Preservation Board.
Dan Sloan. property owner, emphasized the fact that the
addition of the cupola is very minimal and felt that the cupola
is aesthetically complimentary to the character of the area. Mr.
Sloan pointed out that there are other cupolas located at Old
School Square, Veterans Park and the Eighth Street Bridge House.
Also, that the property to the north has two two-story structures
whose roofs are higher than that of the proposal.
Dan C~rter, Chairman of the Preservation Board, stated
that the Board's primary concern was not of the roof structure,
but of the scale of the structure in relationship to the sur-
rounding buildings and to the project itself. He pointed out
that the Historic Preservation Board worked very hard reviewing
this project.
Dr. Alperin commented that he had attended the Historic
Preservation Board meetings when this item was reviewed and that
the Board had spent a lot of time and effort evaluating this
proposal. He was reluctant to go against the HPB's decision
without a very good reason.
Mayor Lynch pointed out that the Historic Preservation
Board's action was not unanimous and pointed out that the vote
was split 3 to 3.
After discussion, the Commission felt that the cupola
would add charm and character to the structure and would enhance
its appearance.
Mr. Randolph moved to uphold the Historic Preservation
Board's appeal for approval of Option #1, Elevation "B" with a
total height, including the cupola of 32'6", seconded by Mr.
Ellingsworth. Upon roll call the Commission voted as follows:
Mr. Ellingsworth - Yes; Mr. Randolph - Yes; Mayor Lynch - Yes;
Mrs. Smith - Yes; Dr. Alperin - No. Said motion passed with a 4
to ! vote (Dr. Alperin dissenting).
At this point it was the consensus of the Commission to move
Items (5) and (6) forward on the Agenda in order to accommodate
the majority of individuals in the audience.
Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between the City and Palm
Beach County authorizing the annexation of the Delray Swap Shop
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Mr. Tolces, Assistant City Attorney, reported that Palm
Beach County.as of this date granted approval of the Amendment to
the Interlocal Agreement to allow for the annexation of the
Delray Swap Shop property. He explained that the amendment is
straightforward and addresses the authority of the State Statutes
that the annexation can proceed.
John Milledqeo Attorney representing the owner of the
Delray Swap Shop, expressed appreciation to City staff for their
cooperation and stated for the record that his client does not
object to the City Commission taking action on the amendment.
Mrs. Smith moved for approval of the Amendment to the
Interlocal Agreement with Palm Beach County to allow the annexa-
tion of the Delray Swap Shop property, seconded by Dr. Alperin.
Upon roll call the Commission voted as follows: Mayor Lynch -
Yes; Mrs. Smith - Yes; Dr. Alperin - Yes; Mr. Ellingsworth - Yes;
Mr. Randolph - Yes. Said motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote.
ORDINANCE NO. 19-94: First reading of an ordinance for
Annexation, Small Scale Land Use Plan Amendment from County CH/5
(Commercial High Intensity-Residential equivalent of 5 units per
acre) to a City Future Land Use Designation of GC (General Com-
mercial), and Initial Zoning of GC (General Commercial) for the
Delray Swap Shop.
The City Manager presented Ordinance 19-94.
The City Attorney read the caption of the Ordinance.
Mr. Ellingsworth moved for adoption of Ordinance 19-94
on First Reading, second by Mrs. Smith. Upon roll call the
Commission voted as follows: Mrs. Smith - Yes; Dr. Alperin - Yes;
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Mr. Ellingsworth - Yes; Mr. Randolph - Yes; Mayor Lynch - Yes.
Said motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote.
Mr. Randolph moved to postpone the voluntary annexation
agreement of the Delray Swap Shop, seconded by Mr. Ellingsworth.
Upon roll call the Commission voted as follows: Dr. Alperin -
Yes; Mr. Ellingsworth - Yes; Mr. Randolph - Yes; Mayor Lynch -
Yes; Mrs. Smith - Yes. Said motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote.
At this point the Commission returned to the remaining items on
the Agenda: Items (4), (5) and (7).
the final plat for the Hancock Subdivision, a proposed two lot
subdivision located at 622 North Ocean Boulevard (State Road
A-i-A), pursuant to LDR Section 2.4.5(K), Minor Subdivisions.
The City Attorney announced that the Commission would
proceed with the procedures for Quasi-Judicial Hearings and that
the Acting City Clerk will swear in all witnesses who will be
testifying on this issue.
Diane Dominguez, Planning Director, stated that the
proposal will create two platted lots, one on either side of
A-1-A. As proposed, the lot on the west side would more than meet
the minimum lot dimensions for R-i-AAA requirements; however, Lot
2 on the east side, does not meet the requirement. Ms. Dominguez
explained that there is a provision in the present code which
allows for lots which were created after October of 1990 to meet
the minimum requirements, if the Commission deems it necessary
and appropriate to create such a nonconformity. She noted that
staff has discussed with the applicant the necessity to comply
with standards of the City's Coastal Protection Ordinance. A
topographic survey was submitted and they have agreed to do a
mitigation plan which will create a dune and improve stability of
the beach over and above existing conditions. If the subdivision
is approved, this mitigation should be made a condition of the
approval. Also, the Commission might consider as a condition,
limiting the size of the building envelope which could possibly
help to preserve some views and keep the structure more in char-
acter with surrounding development.
Roger Saberson, Attorney representing the applicant,
stated that his clients view the lot which is located east of
A-1-A to qualify at the present time as an existing nonconforming
lot of record that does not require any specific approval. He
pointed out that the lot was originally approximately 3,000
square feet, which is more than the standards for R-i-AAA zoning
and what caused the property to be less was beyond the control of
the property owner, since it was the Erosion Control Line and the
ocean which reduced the size of the property. He noted a provi-
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sion in Chapter 161 that the owner of the land east of the Ero-
sion Control Line continues to have all common-law rights.
Mr. Saberson made a lengthy presentation and provided
an aerial photograph highlighting points of interest of surround-
ing properties in the area. Mr. Saberson informed the Commission
that he would have a number of witnesses testifying for his case
and would also have a number of Petitioner's Exhibits to present
for the record.
The City Commission accepted Petitioner's Exhibits (1)
through (58) as part of the record and as evidence for these
proceedings. For the purpose of clarification, there were a
total of 58 Exhibits; however, the listing of Exhibits presented
to the Commission by Mr. Saberson listed a total of 60 Exhibits
(Exhibits No. 21 & 22 had been deleted prior to this meeting).
Michael Weiner pointed out that it is his applicant's
obligation to present documents prior to a hearing and adamantly
voiced his objection to the number of exhibits being admitted as
part of the record due to the fact that they were not submitted
prior to this hearing.
B~n Kennedy, representing Mr. and Mrs. Eichelberger,
owners of property which is located directly north of 622 North
Ocean Boulevard, voiced his objection to the exhibits being
admitted as part of the evidence because he did not have the
opportunity to view the exhibits prior to this meeting.
The following individuals testified as witnesses for
Mr. Saberson:
Jerry Sanzone, Chief Building Official, testified for
Petitioner's Exhibit 10A (aerial photograph). Mr. Sanzone stated
that the property designated as the Wilson property has been
granted a Certificate of Occupancy. Also, that the property which
is located immediately north of the Hancock property has been
legally permitted and is presently under construction.
Pat Cayce, Historic Preservation Planner, stated that
the Hancock property and the Wilson property have the approxi-
mately the same historic value and both would be qualified for
the National Register. She noted that they were built two years
apart by the same architect. The property known as the Foxe
Fontaine home, 610 North Ocean Boulevard was built in 1935 and
the property located at 622 North Ocean Boulevard was built in
Ken Weigand, Land Surveyor, testified for Petitioner's
Exhibit 22. Mr. Weigand stated that he had prepared the Hancock
Subdivision and plat.
$~n Reddick, Professional Planner, testified for
Petitioner's Exhibit 57. Mr. Reddick confirmed that the proposed
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subdivision is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and
that the property on the east side of A-1-A is already an exist-
ing lot which qualifies as a lot of record according to the Land
Development Regulations. He pointed out that the lot on the east
side of A-1-A is an existing lot and could be used without any
special policies. Mr. Reddick explained the reason for the
smaller lot dimension is the fact that the Erosion Control Line
took that land from the individual. Further, that when land is
taken without compensation the areas and uses of that land in
determining density, setbacks, etc. may still be used. He point-
ed out that if variances should be determined necessary, the
specific standards established by the LDR's are met by this
specific proposal, particularly that the smaller lot dimensions
were reduced by action of the State of Florida thereby reducing
the size of the lot.
Robert H. Barron, Coastal Dune Restoration Consultant
and Landscape Installer, testified for Petitioner's Exhibits 18
and 59. Mr. Barron concluded that the Hancock property which is
located east of A-1-A will have more ecological value after the
implementation of the project than the value of the property as
it currently exists. Also, that the project and exhibits which
he referenced this evening qualify for permits under the regula-
tions of the Coastal Protection Ordinance.
Robert B. Banting, Real Estate Appraiser, testified for
Petitioner's Exhibit 24 (Land Appraisal Report). Mr. Banting
stated that he was asked to appraise the Hancock property, assum-
ing that it was a buildable lot that could be improved in keeping
with the neighborhood. He concluded that, based on that assump-
tion, the property was valued at $725,000. Mr. Banting then gave
testimony that the extreme western portion of the property falls
within Flood Zone C and the balance of the property falls with
Flood Zone B. He noted that both zones normally are required for
flood insurance.
Rhonda Harrell, Architect, testifying for Exhibit 53,
stated that in her professional opinion a single family home
could be designed for the Hancock property which is located east
of A-1-A and would comply with the R-i-AAA requirements, includ-
ing the standards for the Coastal Construction Line as set forth
in the Land Development Regulations.
Barbara Whitaker, Real Estate Broker, testified for
Exhibit 10A. Ms. Whitaker stated that her office has the multi-
ple listing for the Cusson property and that the asking price is
over one million fifty thousand dollars.
At this point Mr. Saberson referenced Exhibit 10B which
indicated the relationship of the Hancock property to construc-
tion which has occurred along the beach area, east of A-1-A.
Ken Weigsnd, Land Surveyor, testified for the second
time in reference to Exhibit llA which he had prepared. This
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exhibit reflects homes which are located north, east and south of
the Hancock property relative to the current standards for the
Coastal Construction Line.
At this time Mr. Saberson requested to reserve the
right to question witnesses for the opposition and to be allowed
to rebut any evidence that may be presented.
Upon question relative to the procedures which were
being followed, the City Attorney stated that according to the
Quasi-Judicial procedures, the rules prohibit the opportunity to
present rebuttal testimony.
Ben Kennedy, Attorney representing Mr. and Mrs.
Eichelberger (owners of property directly north of 622 Ocean
Boulevard), requested that the Commission consider postponement
of this item.
Mr. Weiner was disturbed regarding the testimony which
was presented and stated that he was caught by surprise and was
not prepared to rebut testimony. He objected to reference made
by the opposing attorney regarding his clients motivation when
they have as yet not presented their testimony. Mr. Weiner
commented that under those circumstances, where there are approx-
imately 60 exhibits which have not been presented to staff, and
where a valid conclusion has been reached without these exhibits,
why it is necessary to have them tonight. With these two issues
at hand, he felt the request for postponement was valid.
Mr. Saberson stated that relationship to Mr. Weiner's
clients' motivation is his own personal belief, and the Commis-
sion could draw whatever belief it may have on the evidence. He
pointed out that the evidence is based upon certified copies of
instruments that are recorded in the public record and/or record-
ed at the Tax Collector's Office and are reflected on a listing
agreement from Mr. Weiner's clients' agent. Mr. Saberson stated
that he would be very much opposed to a postponement and pointed
out that this issue has been pending for a long time. He empha-
sized that Mr. Weiner has had more than adequate time to gather
testimony and evidence. Mr. Saberson stated that a survey had
been conducted on his client's property and that he even offered
to pay half of the cost of the survey if he could receive a copy;
however, he did not receive one. Furthermore, he adamantly
opposed the request for postponement.
Dr. Alperin stated that he would not like to see any
prevention for either attorney to view the other's exhibits. He
emphasized that he did not want to see either side present new
exhibits when the postponement is resumed so that the same argu-
ments cannot be repeated.
Mrs. Smith wondered how pertinent the exhibits pre-
sented tonight relate to the Commission's decision regarding the
plat approval.
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Upon question regarding whether each attorney had been
given an opportunity to view the other's exhibits, the City
Attorney explained that the City does not need a written require-
ment. The City Attorney pointed out that the Quasi-Judicial
rules offer guidance for a hearing and does not present discovery
rules required of the applicant.
Mayor Lynch did not want to grant a postponement with
the idea of having testimony presented again; however, he did not
feel that the process was fair and that both sides should have
given access to their exhibits in advance. He recommended post-
ponement with the understanding that the attorneys make available
all documents and exhibits one week prior to the next scheduled
meeting on this issue. Mayor Lynch stated the following for the
record: that Mr. Saberson's case will remain open, however, he
would continue where he left; that a list of documents be avail-
able for each opposing side; and, that a list of said documents
be submitted to the City Attorney's Office by all attorneys
The hearing date will be tentatively scheduled for two
weeks from today unless the City Attorney, at her discretion,
decides to postpone.
Mr. Ellingsworth moved for continuance to the Regular
Meeting of April 19, 1994 unless otherwise determined by the City
Attorney, seconded by Mr. Randolph. Upon roll call the Commis-
sion voted as follows: Mr. Ellingsworth - Yes; Mr. Randolph -
Yes; Mayor Lynch - Yes; Mrs. Smith - Yes; Dr. Alperin - Yes.
Said motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote.
At this point the Commission took a five minute recess.
~ Approval of the land use restriction agreement
between the City and The Groves and Woods of Southridge.
David Tolces, Assistant City Attorney, explained that
the land use restriction agreement addresses the concerns which
were initially raised by the Woods of Southridge Homeowners
Association. He noted that when the site plan was approved one
of the conditions of approval was that the developer enter into
an agreement with the City restricting the development to senior
citizens. As indicated in his recent memorandum, Mr. Tolces
explained that the developer is agreeing to have at least 75% of
the units occupied by one person at least 62 years of age or
older; and that all the units will be occupied by persons who are
at least 55 years of age or older. The Homeowners Association
has worked with the developer in reaching this agreement and the
City Attorney's Office has deemed it as acceptable to the City.
He noted that this agreement will be recorded and will run with
the land so that whoever operates the complex will be bounded by
the terms of this agreement.
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It was noted by Mr. Tolces that there are provisions in
the agreement that can be enforced should the Homeowners Associa-
tion find that they are not complying with the terms of the
The City Attorney stated that the agreement also states
the complex will be used solely for the purpose of providing
multiple housing for older persons as defined by a certain United
States code section which provides for housing of individuals
over a certain age.
After a lengthy review of the agreement, it was empha-
sized by Mr. Tolces that the Homeowners Association will be doing
most of the policing of this agreement and will assure that there
is compliance and if not, they will come to the City if there is
a problem.
Mayor Lynch suggested that an addition be made as to
the agreement, Section II, Item (f) which would address the issue
if there is not a person 55 years or older present in one of the
Lengthy discussion ensued regarding compliance of the
agreement against the developer should there be any violations
regarding age limitations.
Mr. Randolph moved for approval of the Land Use Re-
striction Agreement with The Groves and Woods of Southridge as
amended, seconded by Mrs. Smith. Upon roll call the Commission
voted as follows: Mr. Randolph - Yes; Mayor Lynch - Yes; Mrs.
Smith - Yes; Dr. Alperin - Yes; Mr. Ellingsworth - Yes. Said
motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote.
Regarding the pending law suit, Mr. Tolces stated that
in conjunction with the passage of the Land Use Restriction
Agreement just passed by the Commission, the Woods of Southridge
Homeowners Association have no further concerns regarding the
approval of the site plan being inconsistent with the City's
Comprehensive Plan; therefore, they are willing to drop the
lawsuit against the City with each party bearing their own fees
and costs.
Mr. Randolph moved approval by the Woods of Southridge
decision to drop the lawsuit against the City of Delray Beach,
seconded by Mrs. Smith. Upon roll call the Commission voted as
follows: Mayor Lynch - Yes; Mrs. Smith - Yes; Dr. Alperin - Yes;
Mr. Ellingsworth - Yes; Mr. Randolph - Yes. Said vote passed
with a 5 to 0 vote.
Mayor Lynch declared the meeting adjourned at 10:00
-10- 4/05/94
The undersigned is the City Clerk of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, and the information provided herein is the min-
utes of the April 5, 1994, Special Meeting of said City Commis-
sion, which minutes/were formally approved and adopted by the
City Commission on ~~ /9, /~9~
-- ~ City C~erk -' !
If the minutes that you have received are not completed as indi-
cated above, then this means that they are not the official
minutes of the City Commission. They will become the official
minutes only after they have been reviewed and approved which may
involve some amendments, additions or deletions to the minutes as
set forth above.
-11- 4/05/94