Agenda Workshop 04-08-02CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 8, 2002 - 8:00 A.M CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM 3993 The City will furnish auxiliary aids and services to afford an individual with a disability an opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program or activity conducted by the City. Contact Doug Randolph at 243-7127 (voice) or 243-7199 (TDD), 24 hours prior to the event in order for the City to accommodate your request. Adaptive listening devices are available for meetings in the Commission Chambers. SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA Pursuant to Section 3.07 of the Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Mayor David W. Schmidt has instructed me to announce a Special Meeting of the City Commission to be held for the following purposes: (1) Replacement of Pine Grove Elementary School Magnet Program. (2) Commission Comments. Barbara Garito City Clerk Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, such person will need to ensure that a verbatim record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. The City neither provides nor prepares such record. C 0 V E R S H E E T i To: Fax #: Subject: Date: Pages: Janet M~xks (561) 243-7221 P/ac Grove Propo.va/ ~.~rU 5, ~-002 14, including 'd~is cover sheet. COMME~S: F FYI From the cMsk of... Carole tR. ShetJer Area I Superintendent Ama 1 Administra6on 2153 Ciint Moore Road Boca Raton. FI 33496 (561) 241-2051 Fax: (561) 241-20S~ CC~7--T~?--TOC'YPJ NIl-IT I I.-I~ I OT[/[TI,h"TI-I T Board Meeting Date: April 8, 2002 Agenda Item: SCHOOL D/STRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE PINE GROVE PILOT PROGRAM I recommend that the School Board approve a proposal to convert Pine Grove Elementary School from a fine arts magnet school to a fine arts theme school, it would be a "choice" school. ! further recommend that funds currently allocated to the magnet program be utilized to provide a $7,000 supplement-to teachers selected to teach at Pine Grove. A pilot program of four years duration would be implemented in order to determine the effect on student acl~ievement of providing a high quality teacher in each classroor~. Along with the selection of teachers, the pilot program would provide targeted in-service training, collaborative planning and administrative supporf. A proposed Memorandum of Understanding (attached) addresses issues related to the current contract with the Classroom Teachers Association. To summarize the proposed pilot program: The most impotent ingredient in improving student achievement is a quality teacher in the classroom. For purposes of this pilot program, "quality teacher~ is defined as: 1. A,teacher who chooses to work at Pine Grove. 2. A teacher who can demonstrate an ability to significantly improve student performance among a high-risk population. 3. A teacher who is willing to commit additional time and energy toward the improvement of student performance. Teachers who elect to and are selected to teach at Pine Grove will receive a supplement of $7,000 per year. Additional duty hours for parent meetings, collaborative planning, professional training, student tutorials and/or home visits will not exceed 175 hours per school year. Every effort will be made to complete most of these activities within the regular 7.5 day contract. Teachers, parents and children will be required to sign an agreement to be part of the Pine Grove Program. Children who violate the student agreement and/or children of parents who violate the parent agreement will be placed on probationary status. Violation of probation may result in a change in placement within the school or a change in placement outside the school Professional training for teachers Will be focused primarily in three areas: 1. Reading Strategies 2. Mathematics Strategies ~S. Single School Culture (Discipline) Current Magnet Funds in the amount of $723,248 will be utilized as follows: 57 teacher supplements & benel~s $48t,593 3 arts integration teachers 176,115 Mat~-ials & suppliea 1 S,540 Staff t~ining~ 50,000 TOTAL $723,248 Teachers will be asked to make a one-year commitment the first year. At the end of the firstyear teachers may choose to leave. At the end of the first year the Principal may ask the teacher to leave. In either case a position will be found for the teacher based on the District's UAT Procedures. Teachers, who elect to stay and are asked to stay atthe end of the first year, will be asked to make a 3-year oommitmenL The ill;st year of the Pilot Program teachers will be evaluated using th~ Accomplished Educator's Assessment (AEA). Following the first year the CTAS or AEA may be utilized for evaluation. BOARD GOAl:S: ~,~2,#~,#4,#5, & #~ LEGAL SIGN-OFF YESD. NOD N/AD KEY RESULTS::g3, ~4 CONTACTS: Dr. Joseph Orr, Carole R. Shefler (CSHETLE), Dr. Janice Cover FINANCIAL IMPACT ' ' ' The financial impact to the General Fund is a decrease of $723,248 from the Magnet Budget of Pine Grove School of the Arts. The $723,248 will be utilized to pay a supplement of $7,000 plus benefits per teacher to 57 teachers and add three arts integration teachers, materials, supplies and staff training. Since these funds are already budgeted .for Pine Grove, there is no additional finanoial impaot to the district_ PINE GROvE'ELEMENTArY SCHOOL FY~ - FY01 PCAT StOne State ~landards: Acc~untability Students % scoa_ag 3 a Black WMtm ~p,'mic To~l 62 100 ' 72 72 NOm.' Tile FDOE m ~'~mum school grading crite~ ~r Readiag and Maffi is 60% ofthe students ~3r~3 at tevel 2 or abova. ami the higher m'itoria for Read'~j a~ Ma~, is 50% scoring at 18v81 3or above. The FDOE minimum scl~ol gradi~ c~da for Wdtir~ ~s 50% of StudeAIs scoring 3.0 or a~ove, and ~ higher criteria for Writing Ls 67% scoring 3 or al~3ve. B--Black. H=Hispani~ W=White, T=-'rom[, and NR=Not Reported. FY98-00 data source: Gold Repa~ 1"~ 9 Weeks SY01. FY0~ ~ats source for To/~C 200~2001 SchooI,N:~untab~ty Repo~ The FDOE I~s not released FY01 disagg~egated ct~a at ~ tmle. F"Y00 FEAT Norm Referenced Test: Ali Curriculum Groups e---3te~.. HaHis panic, W=White, T=To~ai. an~ H.R = No! Repofl~. FYO0 clala Smurce: Gold F~po~ 1= 9 Weeks S¥01 FYO0 - FYO¶ Norm Referenced Test: All Curriculum Groups NOte: ~ n~lliDnai m~Kiml ~ sank ~ da~ maurce:. GrUel Report I 9 Weeks SY01. FY01 d_aba saum'e fro' Te~I: FDOE ~Jt cumc~um ~rm.,~ repar~. this__. of March, 2002 fl~ SchOol,. Board of P~ B~ Co~ ~ "~~0n'~ ~ ~ ~1~ a f~ (4) ~ ~ot ~~ ~~ "~~'J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1~ to ~t to ~ a ~ lc~l for ~c d~on of ~c Pm~ ~ In o~r Io i_m_plement the ProEr~r% tl~ P~ ~ S~0I ~ b~ ~1~ ~t ~ ~mpb~ ~ ~ ~ ~]y for a posed w~ ~ ~pl%. ~1o~ ~~ ~i~ s~ by ~e D~ ~ bc U~t AdjUst T~f~ ~ ~co~e wi~ pro~an~ of ~cle ~ of~e P~' ~9~v~ B~~g A~c~. To imp~t ~ MOU, th= Patti~s air~ thsx diet the fr~ year the provisions of Arfiol~ IV. S~'tions A, 15 1 and 2, C a~ a~lioable provisions o£ 1~ of the C~tl~-xiv¢ Bar'gaming Agreem~t a~ waiv~i fcr~ ~h¢ School/or th~ duration of the ProEram. Any imstru, cdonal vacmmci~s rim~ may oo~ur d~i~g lhe four (4) ~ tmon of th: Program v~ll 5~ posted and fill~d ~S provided ~bove. Th~ ~ lm'~l~l and smm~,,~y ~r~ ine~~l by refex~aa~ into Tids Mmmor~dum of Un/~mn~ (Moro. THR ~CI-IOOL DISTRICT OF PAI~ I~P. ACH PALM BP. ACH C0Ulq'fY CLASSKOOM TEA~ ASSOCIATION: Tom LyncI~ Sch~l Board Cha/~an ~d A Winiams, Chi~f'N~otlatar T~ I.eon~r~ N6gotiations Chah~on Pine Grove Proposal SUIt, fII~ARY The Magnet Program at Pine Grove has been judged to be not effective as a magnet. The School Board supports allowing magnet resources to remain in the school. The most important ingredient in improving student achievement is a quality teacher in the classroom. Although there are currently many quality teachers at Pine Grove, for purposes of this proposal, we define ~quality teacher" as: A teacher who chooses to work at Pine Grove. A teacher who can demonstrate an ability to improve student performance among a high risk population. A teacher who is willing to commit additional time and energy toward the improvement of student performance. Teachers who elect to and are selected to teach at Pine Grove will receive a stipend of $7,000 per year. Additional duty hours for parent meetings, collaborative planning, professional training, student tutorials and/or home visits will not exceed 175 hours per school year. Every effort will be made to complete most of these activities within the regular 7.5 day contract. Teachers who participate in home visits are protected by the School Board's regular liability coverage. Teachers, parents and children will be required to sign an agreement to be part of the Pine Grove Program. Pine Grove Proposal/Summary ' Page.,2 Children who violate the student agreement and/or children of parents who violate the Parent agreement will be placed on probationary status. Violation of probation may result in a change in placement within the school or a change in placement outside the school. Professional training for teachers will be foc. used primarily in three areas: · · Reading Strategies Mathematics Strategies Single School Culture (Discipline) Teachers will be asked to make a one-year commitment the firstyear. At the end of the first year teachers may choose to leave or the Principal may UAT the teacher. In either case a position will be found based on UAT Procedures. Teachers who elect to stay and are asked to stay at the end of the first year, will be required to make a three-year commitment. The evaluation will be the regular AEA evaluation. After the first year in the program, teachers will continue to be evaluated using the AEA instrument unless they fail to meet their goals, in which case they will be evaluated using the CTAS instrument. Pursuant to Article IV, Section C of the District/CTA Contract, the Voluntary Transfer Period will be extended. PINE GROVE PROPOSAL The overall goal for this proposal is to improve student achievement. The budget report will show that a large amount of funds have been allocated to Pine Grove over the past few years, with few significant changes in student achievement. However, the implementation of the Fine Arts Program has made a difference, both in academic and social behaviors. This supports the research on the positive effects of the arts on student achievement, hence the desire to continue an arts theme. Additionally, space, mater'Mis and equipment are available to continue a fine arts focus. We believe that for the success of this proposal, there needs to be a match between the instructional staff and the school. It is essential that we choose teachers who would like to be at Pine Grove. who wish to grow professionally and demonstrate an ability to improve achievement among high-risk students. Pro,_ram Desert The school would be classified, not as a "magneV' school, but as a "Fine Arts Theme" (a "choice" school). The proposed program will be implemented using a compilation of funds from the following budgets: 1. General Operating 2. ESE 3: ESOL Magnet 5. TrUe t Approximately 57 regular educaUon, ESE, ESOt and Resource teachers, plus 3 Arts Integration teachers would be needed. Class size will be a t 5:1 ratio during the literacy block In order to achieve lower overall class size, the K-2 Reading Initiative teachers, Reading Coach, and SAI teachers will be regular classroom teachers. The master schedule would provide daily opportuniUes for grade level collaboration. A 'Block Schedule," making it possible to lower class size during the literacy block. Kindergarten through Fifth Grade will implement a balanced literacy program centered around school wide or grade level themes, and meeting the requirements of the Sunshine Stete Standards. Teachers with a proven record for improving academic achievement in at-risk populations will be recruited. All tea=hers will receive a supplement of $7,000 per year. Students will be assessed in the following ways: 1. Palm Beach County State Assessment Systems 2. Performance Measures designed at school center ;3. Teacher Evaluations (1) Hlsto. ry of Pine Grove. Elementarj~ $choo/ Administrative and Staff CtYan. qes Prior to the appointment of the current principal in t 999, Pine Grove Elementary School of the Arts experienced numerous administrative and staff changes. For example, over the period from 1995 to 1999, there were three principals appointed to the school. There had been as many changes in the assistant principal's position as well. When the current principal was appointed, there were twenty-two new teachers to Pine Grove. In 2000, approximately twelve new teachers joined the Pine Grove staff. This year, 2001 there are eighteen new teachers. It must be painted out that this addition includes new positions, as well as teachers transferring, retiring, as well as additional staff due to growth in population or new program initiatives. There has also been a high rate of turnover in the noninstrucfional staff. There has been a change in confidential secretary, school treasurer, magnet secretary, and cafeteria manager, as well as several paraprofessionals. For obvious reasons, any personnel affects the school climate and consistency for students. Student Achievement Profile 1995- 200f CTB$ SCORES - READING [ Quartile I -- Quartile II Quartile III QUartile IV I 995 44% 29% 16% 1t % .. 996 47% 29% 13% 11% 997 49% 31% 16% 4% 998 47% 32% 14% 7% 999 41% 26% 18% 15% FCAT SCORES - READING Level I Level I! Level Iii Level IV Level V 1998 62% 14% 19% 4% 1% 1999 63% 16% 2000 I 55% 13% 2001I. 58% 17% t 1% 11% 3% WRITING SCORES Narrative Expository 1995 1.9 1.6 1996 2.2 1.6 1997 1.8 1.6 1998 2.9 2.5 1999 2.9 2.§ ..... 2000 3.0 3.0 2001 3.3 3.3 (2) CTB$ SORES - MATHEMATICS Quartile I Quartile II Quartile III Quartile IV 1995 39"/0 23% 18% 20% 1996 47% 1 im,~ 20% 17% 1997 46/o 24% 18% 14% 1998 43% 21% 21% 16% 1999 38% 20% 20% 22% FCAT SCORES - MATHEMATICS Level I Level II Level Iii Level IV Level V 1998 76% 17% 6% 1% 0% 1999 49% 40% 7% 4% 0% 2000 33% 34% 19% 9% 5% 2001 35% :S2% 17% 13% 2% FREE AND REDUCED LUNCH March 1997 92% March 1998 90% March t 999 80% March 2000 81% March 2001 82% EXCEPTIONAL STUDENT EDUCATION March 1997 11% March 1998 9% March 1999 9% March 2000 9% 'March 2001 ~ 9% LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENT March 1997 March 1998 iLEP) 38% March 1999 37% March 2000 37% March 2001 40% ($) p~..ofes~onaI Devel_o~_ ment In-service and collaborative planning will be concentrated in: ),- Readin9 Mathematics Single School Culture (Discipline) Necessa~ Chan_;es for the Effective Implementation of the Pine Grove Flexibility to realign the General Operating, Magnet and Title I Budgets Aggressive recruitment of quality instructional staff to fit the school's program needs. Minimal transportation from outside of SAC areas Kindergarten through Fifth Grade Arts/Technology with A~ademic Integration In-service Training Elimination of the Extended Day Negotiations with CTA regarding personnel changes Additional Reading Recovery trained teachers Implementation of a School wide Discipline Plan based on Single School Culture pisciplJne An integral part of the School wide Reform Initiative is an effective discipline program. The Single School Culture will be utilized for collaborative planning and consistent enforcement of the rules on campus and in the classrooms. Parent Involvement Research shows that one major determinant for children's academic achievement is the involvement of parents in the education process. Parents will be expected to sign the Parent Agreement. Parents will be expected to attend at least two parent conferences at school. Parents will be expected to sign the Student Agenda Book nightly. (4) Proposed Instructional Staff Criteria = Willingness to commit to the vision of Pine Grove Elementary [] Willingness to implement a curriculum that aligns teaching strategies and learning activities, instructional support and resources, and assessments of student learning with the curriculum. [] Willingness to implement a systematic process for monitoring, evaluating, and reviewing instructional strategies that reflects a commitment to continuous improvement. [] Willingness to implement instructional strategies and learning activities that are aligned with the goals and expectations for student learning. ~ Demonstrate the ability to integrate the instructional and assessment functions of the teaching process to support data-driven instructional decision-making. = Demonstrate the ability to employ effective classroom management and organizational strategies, which establishes a positive academic climate. = Willingness to provide students with a variety of opportunities to receive additional assistance to improve their learning beyond initial classroom instruction. a Willingness to sign a mutual agreement to stay at Pine Grove for a trial period of one year, followed by the opportunity for a three-year commitment. [] Willingness to provide assessments of student learning which are aligned with available achievement data for all students. = Willingness to provide instructional leadership and mentoring. Total Magnet Funds allocated to Pine Grove Elementary School of the Arts are $723,248. In the Pilot Program funds will be utilized as follows: 57 teacher supplements & benefits 3 arts integration teachers Materials and supplies Staff training TOTAL $481,593 176,115 15,540 5O,000 $723,248 Commitment to Excellence At Pine Grove El~.mentary School · tud.~..nVs Oomrni ..b~nent: I will arrive at Pine Grove everyday by 8:00 A.M. (Monday - Friday) I will leave the campus at dismissal time, unless I am involved in an approved afl. er-school activity I will work, think and behave in the best way I know how and I will do whatever it takes for me and my fellow students to learn. This also means that i will complete my homework every night, and I will ask questJons in class if l do not understand something. I will behave so as to protect the safety, interest, and rights of all individuals in the classroom. I will treat everyone on campus with respect_ I will follow the uniform dress code. Signature of Student Date Parents'/Guardians' Commitmenf~ o:o We will make sure our child arrives at Pine Grove everyday by 8:00 A.M. (Monday- Friday). · ~ We will sign the Student Agenda Book every night. · **o We will help our child in the best way we know how and will do whatever it takes for him/her to learn. This also means that we will check our child's homework every night, provide a quiet place during homework time and limit the amount of television they watch. <, We will make ourselves available to our children, the school and any concerns they might have. This also means that if our child is going to miss school, we will notify the teacher as soon as possible and we will read carefully all the papers that the school sends home to us. o*.o We will allow our child to go on approved field trips. ¢- We will make sure our child follows the Pine Grove Elementary dress code. -:- We understand that our child must follow the Pine Grove Elementary rules so as to protect the safety, interests, and rights of all individuals in the classroom. o:o Failure to adhere to these commitments may cause my child t~ lose various privileges and may lead to transfer to another program or school. Signature of Parent/Guardian (6) Date Teac. t~er's Comm/fme~,t I will arrive at Pine Grove by 7:30 A.M. (Monday - Friday), I will stay at Pine Grove through the first year with a possible commitment for another three years. I will always tea(3h in the best way I know how and I will do whatever it takes for my students to learn. I will maintain effective classroom management. Signature of Teacher Date ..... __ cEn?~T~T~¢:Xeq NnTIHNIqT~TUnH T H~NH