Agenda Workshop 02-26-02MODIFIED
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2002 - 6:00 P.M
The City will furnish auxiliary aids and services to afford an individual with a disability an
opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program or activity conducted by
the City. Contact Doug Randolph at 243-7127 (voice) or 243-7199 (TDD), 24 hours prior to the
event in order for the City to accommodate your request. Adaptive listening devices are
available for meetings in the Commission Chambers.
Pursuant to Section 3.07 of the Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Mayor David W. Schmidt
has instructed me to announce a Special Meeting of the City Commission to be held for the
following purposes:
(1) VEHICLE PURCHASES: Consider approval of vehicle purchases.
Interlocal Agreement between the Palm Beach County School Board and the City of
Delray Beach concerning the relocation of Atlantic High School.
proceed with the acquisition of the Continental Homes of Florida, Inc. property in the
amount of $6,390,000, said property consists of approximately 19.653 acres of land.
proceed with the appraisal of 37 parcels in the Breezy Ridge Estates properties, by Bob
Banting of Anderson & Carr at $350.00 per parcel.
(5) Commission Comments.
Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission
with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, such person will need to ensure that a
verbatim record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. The City
neither provides nor prepares such record.
2001 FROM:
100 N.W. 1st AVENUE - DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 - 561/243-7000
David T. Harden, City Manager
F bert A. Barcinski, Assistant City Manager
bruary 26, 2002
City Commission is requested to approve bid awards for replacement of City vehicles and
police take home vehicles per staff recommendation.
City vehicle replacements are requested on an annual basis due to age, mileage, repair
costs, or a combination of the above. Attachment "A" is a list of the vehicles being
recommended for replacement this year. We also agreed to purchase an additional ten (10)
take home vehicles for the Police Department.
Staff recommends various bid awards from Florida Sheriff Association Contract, as specified in
Attachment "B", from the State of Florida Contract, as specified in Attachment "C", and from
a local bid "Attachment D". These unit costs include various options and extended
warranties on all vehicles. Not included are some option items that we will acquire from other
vendors not available on these contracts. The total of the recommended purchases is
$577,499. Additional vehicles wile be proposed for replacement at future meetings based on
final approval of the proposed replacement list "Attachment A". We have already ordered
items numbers 1,2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, and 16.
Funding is available from the FY 00-01 budget in City Garage Account #501-3312-591-64.20 in
the amount of $580,000 and $88,694 in account 501-3312-591-64.21. A budget transfer will be
prepared to transfer funds into the Garage account to cover the costs of the take home
c: Bill Darty
File u sweeney /agenda
DocB~d Award Replacement Veh 200{ agenda
Printed on Recycled Paper
,9. e. t
City of Delray Beach
Proposed Vehicle Replacement Listing
FY 01-02
Attachment "A"
Assigned i Vehicle Make Model
1217 [Police Investigation l~FForcl ~au~'us
1212 Police Investigation ~Ford Taurus
1304 Police Investigabon iFord Taurus
1213i Fire Admin/Support Ford Taurus
385]Code Enforcement~Ford Taurus
378~ Stor~m Water Admin~Ford Taurus
381 :Housing Rehab i Ford Taurus
384[A~mJn Serwc' es IFord Tauru~ --
17~1 Police CSO IChevy Cavalier
1720 Police CS? ~Chevy Cavalier
1718i Pohce CSQ Chevy Cavalier
17191Pohce CSO ~ ChevyCavalier
4511L~ftstati0n M~int. ~Ford F-250
14181Pohce Investigation ~uick Century
619iS~orm Water IGMC SL2500
621 !Buiiding M~l_nt Chevrolet G-10 Van
429 Water Treatment ~Chevy s-JO
1218 !Police Admin Ford Taurus
664 iCity Garage~ GMC SL2500
682 Storm Water ~Caterpillar Loader
1606 P0hce S~pport ~Yamaha~olf ~a~rt ~
1605;Police Support I Yamah~ Golf Cart
7931Parks Maintenance !Chevy Ext Cab C2,~00
Year 'Current
Old Vehicle Description Mfg. M~leage
~4 Door FwD - 1992 75,00(~1
4 Door~ -- - ' 1~ 1~2,50~
4DoorFWD 124, ]
· 4DoorFWD -- 1989~ 68.6341
!4 Door FWD 199,9,3~ 97,801
l~ Door c~mp~ct 11997 2~7,629
]4 Door Compact 11997~ 33,3,81
4 Door Compact ~ 1997,' 32,365
-~ Ooor Compact --~'199~ ~ ~9,035
3/4 ton ~fility 1989 9~,162
Line [Vehicle[
!3/4 Ton Pick-Up
C/2 Cargo va?
ompact Pick-Up
4 Door FWD
i 1994 97,350
,1990~ 71,995
] ~989~ 55,205
19~i 53,89~
--- 19921 66,008
3/4 Ton P~ck-Up __ 1990~ 58,901~
ro, nt end Loader 1972'1161 hrs
~Gol~Cart 1996 0
t~ol(Cart ! 1996, 0
13/~ {on Ext. Ca~ ,19911 53,168
City of Delmy Beach
Proposed Vehicle Replacement Listing
FY 01-02
Attachment "B"
Florida Sheriffs Contract
~ine !Vendor
21 !Garber Chevrolet
22!Garber Chevrolet
231Garber Chevrolet
24, Garber Chevrolet
Duval Ford
Duval Ford
Duval Ford
Duval Ford
Duval Ford
i Dural Ford
~ Dural Ford
I Duval Ford
]Gus Machdo Ford
Gus Machdo Ford
~Year NewVehicle Description i Make
i~002 FVVD Pursuit lChevrolet- Impala FSA
~i200~FWD Pursui! IChevrolet Impala FSA
2002 FWD Pursuit Ichevmlet Impala -FSA
2002i FWD Pursuit Chevrolet -Impala FSA
2003 RWD Pursuit __~F°rd i Pohce Interceptor ! FSA
2003,RWD Pursuit 'Ford ~Police Interceptor1 FSA
2003iRWD Pursuit Ford I Police Interceptor ' FSA
2003'RWD Pursu,t [Ford Pohce !nterceptor I FSA
2003 RWD Pursuit I Ford Po ce nterceptor /FSA
2003'~RWD Pursuit ~Ford Poiice interceptor !FSA
2003i RWD Pursuit Ford ;Police Interceptor ; FSA
! 2003-RWD Pursuit Ford ~cept_or IFSA
~2002'7 Pass Mini Van RWD Ford I Econoline E-150 F~
2002 7 Pass. Mini van RWD Ford Econoline E-150 FSA
Commodity Line Item'
# ICost Total Cost
Spec ~2 20,314 20,314
Spec ~Y2 20,314 40,628
Spec #2 20,314 60,942
Spec #2 20,314 r 81,256
Spec #1 25,357= 106,313
Spec #1 25,357 131,670
Spec #1 25,357 ~57,0~7
Spec #1 i 25,357,.~7~ 182,38~
Spec#1 ~ 25,357~ 207,741
Spec #1 25,3571 233,098
Spec#1 ~ 24,729 283,184
Spec#12! 19,912 303,096
Spec #12 19,912 323,00§
City of Delray Beach
Proposed Vehicle Replacement Listing
FY 01-02
Attachment "C"
State of Florida Vehicle Contract
Line # Vendor
5 Garber Chevrolet
6 Garber Chevrolet
7 Garber Chevrolet
8 Garber Chevrolet
26 Maroone Dodge
27 Garber Chevrolet
28 ~ Maroone Dodge
311Maroone Dodge
321Heintzelman Truck
34!Garber Chevrole~
35] Maroone Dodge
45! Maroone Dodge
i '1 i ~Line Item
[Year 'New Vehicle Description Make Model ~Commod!ty? Cost iTotal Cost 7_
i 200~?, Door FWD ~ [Chevrolet Malibu 1070-200-300, 14,1~ 14,124
200214 Door FWD Chevrolet Uahbu -070-200-300 ~ ~4,124 ~8,248
2002!4 Door FWD IChevrolet Malibu 070-200-300 ] 14,124~ 42,372
2002J Large Utilty4 door I Chevrolet Tahoe 070-400-402 ~ 21,997~ 64,369
2002 !3/4 ton utility tD0d~ Ram 2500 070-500-425 21,3327 85,701
20024 Door FWD Chevrolet Malibu 070-200-300 ; 14,124! 99,825
2002 3/4 Ton P~ck-Up Dodge ,~am 2500 ~070-500-425 ~ 17,762' 117,587
2002i 1/2 Ton Cargo Van - Dodge , Ram Van 070-300-398 13,950' 131,537
2002~Compact Pick-Up Ford iRanger I070-500-140 : 12,519 144,056
Chevrolet ~ !070-200-300 14,124 158,180
20o~i 4 Door FWD
2002!3/4 Ton Pick-UP Dodge
2002! Ext Cab 3/4 ton Pick-up Dodge
IRam 2500 !070~500-425
!Ram 2500 Ext cab 1070-500-428
21,3321 179,512
20,2141 ~9,726
City of Delray Beach
Proposed Vehicle Replacement Listing
FY 01-02
Attachment "D"
Bid Piggy Back
lLine # iVendor _
37rBriggs Equipment
IYeari INew Model ' 'Line Item I
Vehicle Descript,on Make ICommodity ICOst Total Cost
, 20021Combination Backhoe Case ~580M i7~0-00-1991 54,7651 54,765
Request to be placed on:
Regular Agenda
When: 02/26/02
Special Agenda
'Agenda Item No: ~ !
Workshop Agenda
Description of agenda item (who, what, where, how much): City Commiss±on is requested to
approve bid awards for replacement of City vehicles and police cake home
vehicles per staff recommendation.
Recommendation: Approval.
Department Head Signature:
Determination of consistency with Comprehensive Plan:
City Attorney Review/Recommendation (if applicable):
Budget Director Review (required on all items involving
of funds):
Funding Availabl .~~0
Funding altemati'ves:
/~~ Account No. & Description: ~30~ ~3~
Account Balance: ~ ~t~ CxO0
City Manager Review:
Approved for agenda:(~/NO
Hold until:
Agenda Coordinator Review.
(if applicable)
TELEPHONE 561/243-7090 · FACSIMILE 561/278-4755
Writer's Direct Line 561/243-7091
February 25, 2002
City Commission
Susan A. Ruby, City Attorney
Intedocal Agreement between the School Board
County and the City of Delray Beach
of Palm Beach
The interlocal agreement is attached for your review. The essential contract terms
are as follows:
That the City will transfer to the School Board approximately 43 acres of
land shown within the approximate 46 acres of land depicted in Exhibit "A"
by December 1,2002.
The old site will be available for the location of a middle school if
demographics warrant it. The City receives the right to obtain up to 15
acres for a soccer complex.
The City shall provide two access points, water and sewer service and
turning lane(s) and a traffic signal at the entrance to the site. The City, per
Section 3.1.4 of the agreement will either transport those students who
must traverse a hazardous route who live within two miles of the school, or
abate the hazardous condition.
The City will initiate rezonings and obtain approvals from South Florida
Water Management District and/or Lake Worth Drainage District and culvert
the L-33 canal on the site.
The City shall provide a wall if requested by the Temple, meeting City
6. The City shall, at its own expense, demolish structures on the site.
February 25, 2002
Page 2
Breezy Ridge residents may remain in their homes after the transfer of the
land to the City subject to lease provisions with the School Board.
The School Board shall construct Atlantic High School on the new site and
pay the City $3,392,000.00 in saved construction costs (this may later be
adjusted) and $8,070,000.00 for a total of $11,462,000.00.
The City has the right to purchase up to 15 acres of land on the current site
for $225,000.00 per acre for a soccer and/or recreational complex unless
there is a joint use agreement wherein the City will pay half that amount per
acre. This right exists whether the property is used for a middle school site
or not or any other purpose.
have any questions.
David T. Harden, City Manager
Barbara Garito, City Clerk
School Site Purchase (1) $13,000,000 $0
Soccer Site Purchase 1,687,500(2) 3,375,000(3)
TOTAL $14,687,500 $3,375,000
Sell School Site to School $11,462,000 $0
TOTAL LAND COST $3,225,500 $3,375,000
ConstrUct Soccer Fields $980,000(5) $3,000,000(6)
Culvert L-33 Canal $250,000(7) $0
Construct Turn Lanes and Traffic $240,000(8) $0
Construct wall by Temple Sinai $100,000(9) $0
NET TOTAL $4,795,500 $6, 375,000
(1) The City believes that $13,000,000 is an appropriate estimate based on (a) the contract for the Tate
property, (b) appraisals for the individual properties north of Tate, and (c) a gross or approximate
appraisal of the Breezy Ridge subdivision. Appraisal amounts have been adjusted upward to
allow for offers above the appraisal, which may be necessary to get a willing seller, or in the
alternative, the cost of eminent domain.
(2) Per our lnterlocal Agreement with the School Board, the City will pay $225,000 per acre for 15
acres of the Atlantic High School site, less 50% for allowing joint use by the School District.
(3) Cost from City of Delray Beach Parks and Recreation System Master Plan by Glatting, Jackson,
Kercher, Anglin, Lopez, Rinehart, Inc.
(4) Per our Interlocal Agreement with the School Board, Section 4.1, the City will receive this amount
upon conveying the new high school site to the School District. This amount is subject to
adjustment upward to compensate for de-mucking and fill already completed.
(5) Cost to develop four soccer fields on the existing Atlantic High School site using the middle
school and soccer complex site plan prepared by the School District. Estimate by David Miller
and Associates, P.A., February 15, 2002.
(6) Cost from City of Delray Beach Parks and Recreation System Master Plan by Glatting, Jackson,
Kercher, Anglin, Lopez, Rinehart, Inc.
(7) Estimate by City Engineering staff, from Coral Trace Boulevard to the E4 canal.
(8) Estimate by City Engineering staffafter consultation with Palm Beach County..
(9) Estimate by City Engineering staff.
THIS AGREEMENT, is entered into this ~ day of ,2002,
Board") and the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, ("City").
WHEREAS, in order to provide adequate public school facilities in a timely
manner and at appropriate locations, the City and the School Board have determined
that it is necessary and appropriate for the School Board and the City to cooperate
with each other by entering into this Interlocal Agreement; and
WHEREAS, Section 163.01, Flodda Statutes, and Sections 235.193 and
235.194, Florida Statutes, encourages coordination of planning between school districts
and municipalities; and
WHEREAS, an Interlocal Agreement to establish public school concurrency
dated June 6, 2000 has been entered into by the parties; and
WHEREAS, the parties previously entered into an Intedocal agreement dated
August 21, 1996 to acquire property adjacent to the current Atlantic High School site
(also known as "Seacrest Athletic Facilities"), which provided for the development of
certain athletic and parking facilities and for the maintenance and use of the same; and
WHEREAS, Florida Statutes §166.411(11), permits municipalities to obtain
school sites by eminent domain, if the School Board requests in writing that the
municipality obtain such lands for conveyance to the School Board and promises to
establish a public school on the lands; and
WHEREAS, Florida Statutes Section 166.411(1 ) provides that municipalities may
make public improvements in the public interest; and
WHEREAS, the City and the School Board find that establishing a new high
school, and obtaining, establishing and/or maintaining recreational facilities are all within
the public interest.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises contained herein, the
parties agree as follows:
1.0 Incorporation of Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and
are incorporated as if fully set forth herein. All exhibits to this agreement are hereby
deemed a part hereof.
2:0 Representations.
2.1 The City hereby represents to the School Board that it has the
authority to execute any and all documents necessary to effectuate and implement the
terms of this agreement.
2.2 The School Board hereby represents to the City that it has the
authority to execute any and all documents necessary to effectuate and implement the
terms of this Agreement.
3.0 Obligations of the Parties.
3.1 The City's obligations are as follows:
3.1.1 The School Board requests the City to acquire, and the
City shall acquire approximately 43 acres of land in the area depicted on Exhibit "A" for
the construction of a new Atlantic High School ("the site").
3.1.2 The City will convey fee simple title to all properties
comprising the site to the School Board by December 1, 2002 in order to meet the
construction schedule set forth in the School Board's Five Year Capital Plan, as may
be amended from time to time. This date may be extended by the mutual consent of
the parties. The City shall initiate any rezonings that are required and, to the extent
practicable, the City shall expedite all governmental approvals within its control, which
are necessary for the construction of the high school.
If any resident of Breezy Ridge desires to remain in his/her home
after the date on which the City transfers fee simple title to said home to the School
Board, the resident must (a) execute the Lease and Indemnification Agreement
required by the School Board, (b) provide the School Board with proof of continuing
property and casualty insurance on the home, (c) acknowledge in writing that the
School Board is the sole arbiter of how long after title transfers he/she may remain in
the home and (d) stipulate that the School Board shall be entitled to obtain a Writ of
Possession from the Court without notice to the homeowner if he/she fails to surrender
possession of the home to the School Board on the date specified by the School
3.1.3 The City will enter into a contract with the School Board in
substantially the form shown on Exhibit "B".
3.1.4 The City shall provide two access points to the site and shall
provide for water and sewer services to the site. The access points shall be suitable for
emergency vehicle access. The City shall provide turn lane(s) and a traffic signal at the
entrance to the site, at the City's expense.
If students, who live within two miles of the new Atlantic High
School and therefore are not eligible to be transported to school by the School District,
are required to traverse hazardous routes when the school opens, the City shall provide
transportation for these students, to the extent permitted by law. The City may, at its
own expense, abate the hazardous walking conditions on the roadways near the new
Atlantic High School to the satisfaction of the School Board before the school opens, so
as to reduce the number of students for whom the City otherwise would be required to
provide transportation and/or eliminate the need for such transportation.
3.1.5 The City shall, at its own expense, conduct Phase I and,
where necessary, Phase II environmental assessments on the property to be conveyed
to the School Board for the new Atlantic High School. Copies of the assessments will
be provided to the School Board for review in a timely manner. The City shall, at its
own expense, remediate all environmental issues raised in the Phase I and Phase II
assessments, the City's intention being to convey a clean site to the School Board.
3.1.6 To the extent permitted by law, the City shall indemnify and
hold the School Board harmless for any liability or causes of action for damages
attendant to the City's acquisition of the site, including without limitation reimbursing the
School Board for legal expenses incurred in participating in litigation concerning site
acquisition issues. After the City transfers title to the School Board, the School Board
shall indemnify and hold City harmless, to the extent permitted by law, for any liability or
cause of action for damages related to the construction and operation of the new
Atlantic High School.
3.1.7 On or before December 1, 2002, the City shall, at its own
expense, obtain all approvals necessary from the South Florida Water Management
District and/or Lake Worth Drainage District and culvert the L-33 Canal on the site. This
date can be extended by mutual agreement of the parties.
3.1.8 If the School Board locates the stadium near or next to the
Temple and the Temple determines a wall is necessary, the City will erect a wall
meeting the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach on the portion of the site
abutting Temple Sinai, at its own expense, provided however that the School Board
shall pay the City the amount the School Board otherwise would have spent to erect
the typical chain link fence where the wall is built.
3.1.9 The City shall, at its own expense, demolish any and all
structures on the site prior to December 1, 2002 provided however that, if the City
cannot demolish all of the structures prior to December 1, 2002, to the extent permitted
by law, the City shall indemnify and hold the School Board harmless for any and all
liability for the City's demolition activities after December 1,2002.
3.2 Obligations of the School Board.
3.2.1 Although the School Board and the City must agree on the
new location, the School Board shall make the final determination as to the
acceptability of the site for the construction of the new high school
February 20, 2002. However, the School Board must advise the
determination in writing no later than February 26, 2002.
no later than
City of such
3.2.2 The School Board agrees to accept fee simple title to all
properties comprising the site in the then "as is" condition of said properties, subject to (i)
the terms of this Intedocal Agreement and Exhibit "B" hereto and (ii) the City's
requirement to build a wall along the boundary shared by Temple Sinai, if needed, which
is referred to above in paragraph 3.1.9.
3.2.3 The School Board will construct a new Atlantic High School
on the property, which the City transfers to the School Board, in accordance with the
School Board's Five Year Capital Plan, as amended from time to time.
3.2.4 After some or all of the existing Atlantic High School is
demolished, the School Board agrees to make available to the City sufficient land (up
to approximately 15 acres) on which the City will construct a soccer and/or recreational
complex, provided however that the School Board shall not be required to convey such
land if the remainder of the site would not be usable for construction of a middle school.
3.2.5 Subject to the City's rights pursuant to paragraphs 3.2.4 and
4.2 of this Intedocal Agreement, consistent with the School Board's Five Year Capital
Plan, as amended from time to time, the School Board shall have sole discretion either
to construct a new middle school at its own cost on the existing Atlantic High School
site, use said site for another compatible purpose, or dispose of said site.
4.0 Consideration. The consideration for the transaction is as follows:
4.1 Upon City's conveyance of fee simple title to the site, the School
Board shall pay the City eight million seventy thousand dollars ($8,070,000), which is
the appraised value of the portion of the existing Atlantic High School site located east
of Seacrest Boulevard (35.86 acres) as of January 4, 2002, plus three million three
hundred ninety two thousand dollars, ($3,392,000), which is the difference between the
cost of constructing a new Atlantic High School on its existing site and the cost of
constructing the new high school on the site to be conveyed by the City, for a total of
eleven million four hundred sixty-two thousand dollars ($11,462,000). However, the
$3,392,000 difference in construction costs (and therefore the consideration to be paid
to City by the School Board) shall be adjusted if the School District's consultant,
3D/International, determines that, after 3D/International estimated the cost of
constructing the new Atlantic High School on the site, either the City or the current
owner of the site made on-site improvements, which change 3Dllnternational's estimate
of the cost of construction.
4.2 If the City purchases a portion of the existing Atlantic High School site
for use as a soccer and/or recreational complex, City shall pay the School Board two
hundred twenty five thousand dollars ($225,000.00) per acre for the property it acquires,
provided however that, if the City (i) erects a soccer and/or recreational complex at its
own expense, (ii) maintains said complex at its own expense and (iii) enters into a joint
use agreement with the School Board entitling the School Board to use the soccer
and/or recreational complex on school days, during school hours, for school functions,
the School Board will reimburse the City 50% of the amount the City paid for the site
of the soccer and/or recreational complex.
5.0 Miscellaneous Provisions.
5.1 Commencement Date. The commencement date of this agreement
shall be the date shown herein below when the agreement is approved by the City and
the School Board and when the last party to this agreement has executed same.
5.2 Other Aqreements. The City and the School Board shall enter
into a joint use/maintenance agreement and other agreements as may be necessary to
implement this Agreement.
5.3 Modification. Any modifications to this Agreement shall be in
wdting and approved by the parties' respective governing bodies.
5.4 Notice. Whenever any party desires to give notice unto any other
party, it must be given by written notice, sent by registered United States mail, with
return receipt requested, addressed to the party for whom it is intended and the
remaining party, at the places last specified, and the places for giving of notice shall
remain such until they shall have been changed by written notice in compliance with the
provisions of this section. For the present, the School Board and the City designate
the following as the respective places for giving notice.
School Board:
David T. Harden, City Manager
City of Delray Beach, Florida
100 N.W. 1st Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33444
Art Johnson, PhD, Superintendent
School District of Palm Beach County, Florida
3300 Forest Hill Boulevard
West Palm Beach, FL 33406
5.5 Binding Authority Each person signing this Agreement on behalf
of either party individually warrants that he or she has full legal power to execute this
Agreement on behalf of the party for whom he or she is signing, and to bind and
obligate such party with respect to all provisions contained in this Agreement.
5.6 Headinqs Headings herein are for the convenience of reference
only and shall not be considered on any ~nterpretation of this Agreement.
5.7 Exhibits Each exhibit referred to in this Agreement forms an
essential part of this Agreement. The exhibits, if not physically attached, should be
treated as part of this Agreement and are incorporated herein by reference.
5.8 Waiver Failure of the City or School Board to insist upon strict
performance of any covenant or condition of this Agreement, or to execute any right
herein contained, shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment for the future of
any such covenant, condition or right, but the same shall remain in full force and effect.
5.9 Legal Representation It is acknowledged that each party to this
Agreement had the opportunity to be represented by counsel in the preparation of this
Agreement and accordingly, the rule that a contract shall be interpreted strictly against
the party preparing same, shall not apply herein due to the joint contributions of both
5.10 Joint Defense In the event that the validity of this Agreement is
challenged through legal proceedings or otherwise, the parties agree to cooperate with
each other in defense of this Agreement, with each party to bear its own attorney's fees
and costs associated with such defense.
5.11 Provisions Severable This Agreement is intended to be performed
in accordance with, and only to the extent permitted by all applicable laws, ordinances,
rules, and regulations of the jurisdiction in which the parties do business. If any
provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any person or circumstance
shall, for any reason or to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this
Agreement and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances
shall not be affected thereby, but rather shall
permitted by law.
5.12 No Third-Party Beneficiary
specifically among and for the benefit of the
be enforced to the greatest extent
This Agreement is made solely and
parties hereto, and their respective
successors and assigns subject to the express provisions hereof relating to successors
and assigns, and no other person shall have any rights, interest, or claims hereunder or
be entitled to any benefits under or on account of this Agreement as a third-party
beneficiary or otherwise.
5.13 Remedies Each party hereto recognizes and agrees that the
violation of any term, provision, or condition of this Agreement may cause irreparable
damage to the other parties which may be difficult to ascertain, and that the award of
any sum of damages may not be adequate relief to such parties. Each party, therefore,
agrees that, in addition to other remedies available in the event of a breach of this
Agreement, any other party shall have a right to equitable relief, including, but not
limited to, the remedy of specific performance.
5.14 Counterpart Si.qnatures This Agreement may be executed in one
or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which
together will constitute one and the same instrument.
5.15 Venue/Laws. Th~s Agreement shall be construed under the laws of
the State of Flodda with venue in Palm Beach County, Florida.
5.16. Entire Aqreement. This Agreement, together with exhibits and
addendums, as may now or in the future be attached and incorporated into this
Agreement sets forth all covenants and agreements of the parties, except that the
contract for sale and purchase attached hereto shall include other provisions, not
contained therein, as provided by this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Intedocal Agreement has been executed by
the parties this ~ day of ,2002, effective upon filing with the
Clerk of the Court in the 15"' Judicial Circuit in accordance with the provisions of the
Intedocal Cooperation Act.
COUNTY, FLORIDA, as the Governing Body of
Thomas Lynch, Chairperson
Art Johnson, PhD, Superintendent
Reviewed & Approved:
School Board Attorney
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of
, 2002 by Thomas Lynch, Chairperson of the Palm Beach
County School Board, who is personally known to me or who has produced
as identification.
Signature of Notary Public - State
of Florida
(SEAL) By:
David W. Schmidt, Mayor
City Clerk
Reviewed & Approved:
City Attorney
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of
, 2002 by David W. Schmidt, Mayor of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, who is personally known to me or who has produced
as identification.
H:\5357\ 13321 \dmterlocalDelrayBeach. F.J~'tljI
Signature of Notary Public - State
of Florida
Per Paragraph 3.1.1 of the In(ertocal Agreement, i:he &3 acres of fond
l:o be conveyed I:o ~.he School Board is located witt~ln the approximate 48
acre ar~a shown in [he attachmenL
PARTIES: CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, ("Seller"),
that the Seller shall sell and Buyer shall buy the following described Real Propert~ ancl
Personal Property (collectively "Property") upon the fo[lowing terms and conditions,
whicl't INCLUDE the Standards for Real Estate Transactions ("Standard(s)") on the
reverse side hereof or attached hereto and riders and any addenda to thIs Contract for
Sale and Purchase ("Contract"):
II. PURCHASE PRICE .............................. USS
III. TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE; EFFECTIVE DATE: If this offer is not executed by
and delivered to all parties OR FACT OF EXECUTION communicated in writing
between the parties on or before the deposit(s) will, at
Buyer's option, be returned to Buyer and the offer w~thdrawn. The date of this Contract
("Effective Date") will be the date when the Iast one of the Buyer and the Seller has
signed this offer.
IV. TITLE EVIDENCE: At least 7 days before closing date, Buyer shall obtain a title
insurance commitment.
closing papers delivered
provisions of this Contract.
This transaction shall be closed and the deed and other
on ., unless extended by other
VI. RESTRICTIONS; EASEMENTS; LIMITATIONS: Buyer shall take title subject to:
zoning, restrictions, prohibitions and other requirements imposed by governmental
authority; restrictions and matters appearing on the plat or otherwise common to the
subdivision; public utility easements of record (easements are to be located contiguous
to F~eal Property lines and not more than 10 feet in width as to the rear or front lines and
7 ~ feet in width as to the side lines, unless otherwise specified herein); provided, that
there exists at closing no violation of the foregoing and none of them prevents the use
of Real Property for purpose.
Vl~. OCCUPANCY: Seller warrants that there are no parties in occupancy other than
Seller, except as provided and permitted by the lnterlocal Agreement. but if Property is
intended to be rented or occupied beyond closing, the fact and terms thereof shall 'be
stated herein, and the tenant(s) or occupants disclosed pursuant to Standard D. Seller
agrees to deliver occupancy of Property at time of closing unless otherwise stated
herein, if occupancy is to be delivered before closing, Buyer assumes all risk of loss to
Property from date of occupancy, shall be responsible and liable for maintenance from
02/20,'02 ~ED 16'28 [TX/RX NO 942'2]
that date, and shall be deemed to have accepted Property in their existing condibon as
of time of taking occupancy unless otherwise stated hereto or in a separate wnting.
provisions shall control all printed provisions of Contract in conflict with them.
IX. ASSIGNABILITY: Buyer may not assign Contract.
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when accumulated in a
building in sufficient quantities, may present health risks to persons who
are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon that exceed federal and state
guidelines have been found in buildings in Florida. Additional information
regarding Radon or Rodon testing may be obtained from your County
Public health unit.
Buyer may have determined the energy efficiency rating of the residential
building, if any is located on the Real Property.
Xl. SPECIAL CLAUSES; ADDENDUM: If additional terms are to be provided, they
will be provided in the attached addendum, tf there is an addendum, check here.
David W, Schmidt, Mayor
By: .
Thomas Lynch, Chairman
City Clerk
Dr. Art Johnson
School Superintendent
Approved as to Form:
Approved as to Farm:
City Attorney
General Counsel
0Z/Z0/02 WED [6 28 [TX/R% ~0 94221
CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, a Florida mumclpal corporation
A. The soil, surface water, drainage requirements and run off availability,
geological conditions, and environmental state of the property being purchased must be
acceptable to Buyer in Buyer's discretion. This shall be determined using (il the results
of the Phase I and/or Phase II environmental studies referred to in the February 2002
fntedocal Agreement between the '~;hool Board of Palm Beach County and the City of
Delray Beach at paragraph 3.15 or !~) existing test borings and studies or by performing
other test bodng and other soil, geological and engineering studies which may be
conducted by Buyer at Buyer's expense within forty-five (45) days from the date of this
Contract. Notice of the results of the latter testing shall be furnished to Seller. During
the term of this Contract, the Buyer, or Buyer's employees, agents, representatives, or
assigns, shall have full and complete right to enter upon the property for the purpose of
making any and all Inspections, tests and studies of the property. In the event the
Buyer determines within said inspection period that the property shall be in a condition
unacceptable to Buyer, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel this Contract by
delivering written notice thereof within said inspection period to Seller and receive a full
refund of the deposit paid under th~s Contract. In the event the Buyer does not cancel
this Contract as aforesaid, the Buyer expressly waives any and all claims against Seller
with respect to the condition of the subject property and the Buyer accepts the subject
property in its "as is" condition. Seller hereby notifies Buyer that Seller is unaware of
any defects or repairs required to the subject property other than:
B. This Contract is expressly contingen[ and conditioned upon the approval
of the same by the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach and the School Board
of Palm Beach County. Florida.
02/20/02 ~ED L6'2.~ [T'~,'R.'~ NO 94'_'21
TELEPHONE 561/243-7090 · FACSIMILE 561/278-4755
Writer's Direct Line: 561/243-7091
February 25, 2002
City Commission
Susan A. Ruby, City Attorney
Contract with Continental Homes and Phase II Environmental Report
The contract between the City and Continental Homes provides that the City may,
in its sole discretion, terminate the contract and receive a refund of its deposit
monies by March 1, 2002. The City is scheduled to close March 18, 2002. If the
City fails to close on March 18, 2002, the City will forfeit the $200,000.00 deposit.
The purchase price for the 19.653 acres less the deposit is $ 6,190,000.00. A
copy of the contract is attached for your review. Also attached is a copy of the
Phase II environmental report.
If you have any questions, please give me a call.
David T. Harden, City Manager
Robert W. Federspiel, Esq.
Barbara Garito, City Clerk
PARTIES: CO~INENTAL HOMES OF FLORIDA, INC., ("Seller") , of 8000 Governors Square
Boulevard, Suite ~101, Miami Lakes, FL 33016, (Phone (305)51~-4954, and the CITY
OF DELRAY BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, ("Buyer") , of 100 N.W. 1~
Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33444 (Phone: 561-243-7000}, hereby agree that ~he
Seller shall sell and Buyer shall buy the following described Real Property and
Personal Property (collectively "Property") upon the following terms and
conditions, which INCLUDE the Standards for Real Estate Transactions
{"Standard(s)") on the reverse side hereof or attached hereto and riders and any
addenda to this Contract for Sale and Purchase ("Contract").
{a)Legal description of the Real Property located in Palm Beach County,
A parcel of land in Section 18, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm
Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as follows:
Commence at the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Bock 1 of SUDAN - UNIT A,
according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 28, at Page
144, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County and run South 89°45'41''
East 72.02 feet to a point located on the Westerly right of way for Lake
Worth Drainage Canal No. E-4, then run South 11°54'42'' West along said
Westerly right of way 553.56 feet, to the Point of Beginning, from said
Point of Beginning continue South 11054'42'' West along said E-4 right of
way 774.23 feet to the Northerly right of way for lateral canal No. L-33,
then run South 89040'57" West along said Northerly right of way 1037 59
feet, then run North 01°05'55'' West along the Easterly boundary of a 60
foot roadway as recorded in Official Record Book 9838, at Page 565 for a
distance of 765.05 feet to the South boundary of Coral Trace Subdivision,
then run South 89~55'27'' East along said boundary line a distance of
1212.05 feet to the Point of Beginning. The Easterly 24 feet subject to
easement as recorded in Official Record Book 9838, at Pages 561 and 569.
Consisting of approximately 19.653 acres, more or less
Property Control no. 12-43-46-18-00-000-1250
(b) Street address, city, zip, of the Property is:
(a) Deposit due upon the approval
by the City Commission pursuant to the
contingencies set forth in Addendum
Section B to be held in escrow by
Robert W. Federspiel, P.A. Trust Account
In the amount of
Balance to close (U.S. cash, LOCA~LLY D~WN
certified or cashier's check), subject to
adjustments or proration
$ 6,390,000.00
$ 6,190,000.00
$ 6,390,000.00
executed by and delivered to all parties OR FACT OF EXECUTION communicated in
writing between the parties prior to such offer being withdrawn by the first
party signing, the deposit(s) will, at Buyer's option, be returned and this offer
withdrawn. The date of Contract ("Effective Date") will be the later of the date
when ~he last one of the Buyer and the Seller has signed this offer or the date
the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach approves this Contract. A
facsimile copy of this Contract and any slgnatures thereon shall be considered
for all purposes as originals. This Contract may be executed in counterpart.
IV. TITLE EVIDENCE: At least 30 days from the effective date, (CHECK ONLY
ONE) : 0Seller shall, at Seller's expense, deliver to Buyer or Buyer's attorney,
OR .Buyer shall at Buyer's expense obtain (CHECK ONLY ONE): ~abstract of title
or 0title insurance commitment (with legible copies of instruments listed as
exceptions attached thereto) and, after closing, an owner's policy of title
V. CLOSING DATE: This trans trion shall be closed and the deed and other
closing papers delivered within s_.<ty (60) days from the Effective Date, unless
modified by other provisions of ConSract.
VI. RESTRICTIONS; EASEMENTS; LIMITATIONS: Buyer shall take title subject to
the matters described in Exhibit
VII. OCCUPANCY: Seller warrants there are no parties in occupancy other than
Seller; but if Property is intended to be rented or occupied beyond closing, the
fact and terms thereof and the tenant(s) or occupants shall be disclosed pursuant
to Standard F. Seller shall deliver occupancy of Property to Buyer at time of
closing unless otherwise stated herein. If occupancy is to be delivered before
closing, Buyer assumes all rlsk of loss to Property from date of occupancy, shall
be responsible and liable for maintenance from that date, and shall be deemed to
have accepted Property in its existing condition as of time of taking occupancy
unless otherwise stated herein.
provisions, riders and addenda shall control all printed provisions of this
Contract in conflict with them.
IX. ASSIGNABILITY: (CHECK ONLY ONE): Buyer (1)~ may assign and thereby be
released from any further liability under this Contract; ~may assign but not be
released from liability under this Contract; or .may not assign this Contract.
(a) Radon
is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when
accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities, may present
health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of
radon that exceed federal and state guidelines have been found in
buildings in Florida. Additional information regarding Radon or
Radon testing may be obtained from your County Public Health unit.
Buyer may have determined the energy efficiency rating of the
residential building, if any is located on the Real Property.
XI. SPECIAL CLAUSES; ADDEITDA: If additional terms are to be provided, attached
addendum and CHECK HERE ~.
Tax ID No. 60-0811624154C
Social Security
or r~ ~O No.
Deposit(s) under Paragraph II (a) received; IF OTHER TH3%N CASH, THEN SUBJECT TO
CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation
The Buyer shall have forty-five (45) days following the approval by
the City Commission pursuant to Section XI(B) below within which to
conduct any and all feasibility studies and determinations relative to
the suitability for the acquisition of the subject property by the
Buyer and the Buyer reserves the express right to terminate this
Contract at any time during said period for any reason or no reason,
in Buyer's sole dlsc-~etion, whereupon Buyer shall receive a full
refund of all deposit ~onies paid hereunder. Buyer shall be granted
reasonable access to the premises to conduct such feasibility studies
and determinations, including environmental assays, core drilling,
surveys, soil sampling and other such testing. In the event the Buyer
does not cancel this Contract as aforesaid, the Buyer expressly waives
any and all claims against Seller with respect to the condition of the
subject property and the Buyer accepts the subject property In its "as
is" condition. Seller hereby notifies Buyer that Seller is unaware of
any defects or repairs required to the subject property other than:
The Seller hereby
agrees to provide Buyer with an Affidavit attesting to the expenditure
of those sums identified in invoices and receipts attached to the
Affidavit relative to the improvement of the subject real property
from the time of acquisition by the Seller through the effective date
of this Contract. Prior to closing, the Seller shall be entitled to
continue to make all submittals and proceed through all appropriate
approval processes within the City of Delray Beach for its proposed
development of the property during the Inspection Period, and the
Buyer and acknowledges that all such submittals and requests for
approval shall be processed in the City's ordinary course of business.
This Contract is expressly contingent and conditioned upon the
approval of the same by the City Commission of the City of Delray
Beach within ten (10) days following the Effective Date, and this
Contract shall expressly not be deemed an "offer" for any purpose
unless and until the said City Commission shall have approved and
accepted said Contract in open session. If this Contract is not
approved by the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach within
ten (10) days following the Effective Date, then this Contract will
be null and void and of no further force or effect.
The parties warrant and agree that there is no broker involved in
this transaction.
A. EVIDENCE OF TITLE: (1)An abstract of t~t[e prepared or brought current by a reputable and e.<lstlng abstrac~ firm (if not
Rea[ Proper~y recorded In the public records of ~he county wherein Real Propert/ ~s located. ~roug~ Effective Date [~ shall
commence wzgh ~he earl~esg publlc records, or such later da~e as ~y be customary l~ ~he county Upom C!osk~g of this Contract, the
· DscracC shall become che property of Buyer, c_b]ect ~o the rlg~C of retention thereof by f=rsc mortgagee until fully paid (2} A
title ~surance comml~me~ [ssued by a Flor[da llcensed ~[tle ~nsurer agreelng ~o issue ~o Buyer, upon recording of the deed
Buyer, a~ owner's policy of t[c~e insurance [n the amount of ~he purchase price, lnsur~ng Bufer's ~le co Real Property, subject
only to liens, encu~rances, exceptions or quaf[flcat[on provided [n ch[s Con~acc and ~ose which shall be d&scharged by Seller at
or before ctoslng Seller shall convey a ~rkeCable ~[Cle subject only zo liens, encu~rances, exceptions or ~al~f~cac~ons set forth
un Contract Marketable ~=le shall be dete~ined according co appllcable Title Scandards adopted by authority of The Florida Bar
and ~n accordance w~t~ ~aw. Buyer s~fl ~ve l0 ~ys. uf abstract, or 5 days. ~ tulle co~me~t, from dase of recelv~n~ evLdence of
~l=le to examine ~= If ~tle ~s found defectlve, Buyer shall, w~h~n 3 days ~hereafter, notlfy Seller ~n wrl=lng speclfylng
delectus) I~ the defect(s) render tx~le un~rketable, Seller w~[l have ]0 days from rece~p~ of not~ce %o remove t~e delectus),
fa~l~ng whlch Buyer shall, w~c~n flve (~) days after exp~ra~lo~ of ~he chlrty (30) day perlod, del~ver wr~zuen ~ot~ce =o Seller
either (1) extending uhe t=me for a reasonable per~od not co exceed i20 days w~=h~n which Seller shall use d~l~gen~ effort ~o re,ye
~he defects, or (2)recessing a refund of deposit(s) pa~d which s~all ~ed~acely be returned co Buyer If Buyer fa~ls Zo so noc~fy
Se~ler, Buyer shall be deemed co have accepted ~he =~tle as =~ ~hen ~s Seller shall, ~f ~lCle ~s found unmarketable, use d~l~genc
effort =o correct defect(s) ~n t~=le w~=h~n the z~me p~ovlded ~herefor If Seller ~s unable ~o t~mely correct ~he defects, Buyer
shall e~ther walve the defects, or ~ecelve a refund o~ ?osl~(s), =hereby releaslng Buyer and Seller from all further oDllgaclon
under ~s Con=rac~
B. P~E MO~Y MOR~GE; SE~I~ A~ TO SELLER ~ purchase money ~rtgage and mortgage note zo Seller shall prov~Ge for
a 30 day grace perlod ~n the event of default ~f a ~rst mortgage and a 15 day grace per~od if second or lesser ~r%gage, shall
provide for r~gh= of pre~a~en~ in whole or In part w~thou= penalcy, shall pe~l~ acceleration ~n even= of transfer of ~he Real
Proper=y, s~all re~&fe all prior l~en and encu~rances co be kept ~ good s~and~mg and forb~d ~d~flca=~ons of or future advances
under pr%or mortgage(s), s~all re~re Buyer ~o maintain policies of ~nsurance containing a standard ~rtgagee clause covering all
~mprovemen=s located on the Real Property against flre and all perI!s included wi=nih the ze~ "ex=ended coverage endorsements" and
such other rzsks and perlls as Seller ~y reasonably re~re, Ln an amo~ e~al ~o =he~r h~ghesC ~nsuraDle value, and ~he ~rtgage,
note and securlty agreement shall be otherwise in form and comtenc re~lred by Seller, but Seller may only re~lre clauses
cuscomar/1y found in ~ortgages, mortgage ~otes, and security agreements generally utilized by saving and ioa~ insc1ZUClOnS or state
or national banks located ~n the county whereln Real Property is located All ~ersonal Property and leases belng conveyed or
assigned w~ll, at Se~er's o~t~on, be s~]ect to the l~en o~ a security agreement evidenced by recorded f~nanc~g s~a~e~n~s If
balloon mortgage, che flnal 9a~enc wlll exceed the periodic pa~encs ~hereon
C. S~Y: Buyer, aC Buyer's expense, wlt~ln ~lme allowed Co dellver evldence of clcle, may ~ave Real Property su~eyed and
cerclfled ~y a reglstered Florlda su~eyor If the su~ey dlscloses encroachmencs on the Real Property or Chat improvements located
~hereon encroach on seCback llnes, easements, ia~ds of ochers, or v~olate a~y rescrlcClons, ConCracc covenanCs or appllcaDle
governmencal regulac~on, the same shall consc~cuce a c~le defect
ING~SS ~ EGRESS: Seller warrants and re~resen~s =na~ there ~s ~ngress and egres~ zo ~he Real Property sufficient for ~he
5~SES: Seller shall, no~ less ~han 15 days before closing, furnish ~o Buyer co9~es of all written leases and estoppel
~rom ~ach tenant specifying the nature and duras~on of the tenant's occupancy, rental rates, aduanced rem= and ~ecur~y de~s~s
w~hln ~hat ~lme 9erlod In =he fo~ o~ a Seller's a~dav~=, and Buyer may ~herea~ter con=ac~ tenants =o con~lrm such
Seller shall, at closing, dellver and asszqn all original leases ~o Buyer
G. LIENS. Seller shall furnish ~o Buyer a= =~me of closing an affldavl~ a~esZlng ~o ~he absence, unless o=ke~lse provlded for
no ~mprovemen~s or repalrs ~o Property for 90 days l~edlazely precedlng date of closing If Proper~y has been lmproved, or repalred
suDDllers, and ma~er~almen in addl=lon ~o Seller's l~en affldav~ se~ng forth ~he names of ali such general con~rac~or~,
subcontractors, su~l~ers and ~er[alme~ and further affLrm;ng ~ha~ ali charges for ~mDrovemen~s or repairs which could serve as a
bas~s for a ~echanlc's llen or a claim for damages nave been pald or wlli be 9ald a= c!oslng of ~h~s Contrac=
closing agen~ des~gnaaed by Seller
It TIME. [n compuTlng time perLods of less than sux ,bi days, Saturdays, 3undays and state Dr national legal holLdavs ~ra.i be
excluded ,%ny ~[me periods provided for here~n which ~hall end on Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday shall e~cend Co 5 00 p ~ of zhe
~ext business day Time is of =he essence ~n thxs Con=rat=.
J. DOCUMENTS FOR CLOSING: Seller shall furnish deed, b~ll of sale, construction Lien a~flda'zlt, owner's possession affidavit,
asslgnmemzs o~ leases, ~enant and mortgage estoppel letters, and corrective lnstrumemts Buyer s~all furnish closing
K. EXPENSES: Documentary stamps on the deed ~nd recording corrective ~nstrumemts shall be paid by Seller Dccu:ncntar?
f~manclng statements s~all be paid by Buyer Unless otherwlse provided by ~aw or rider to ~hls Con=rac~, charges for '~he following
related title services, namely title or abstract charge, title examlna~los, and se~=lemen~ and closing fee, shall be paid by ~ne
party responslble for furnlshlng ~he title evidence in accordance with Paragraph v
even= premlums shall be prorated Cash ac closlng shall be increased or decreased as may be required by prorations to be made through
day prior To closing Or occupancy if occupancy occurs before closing. Advance rent and security deposlcs w~ll be credited ~o Buyer
Escrow deposits held by mortgagee wL~l be cred=~ed To Seller Taxes shall be prorated baaed on =he current year's Tax w~ch due
M. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT LIENS: Cer=lfled. conflrmed and raTlfled special assessment llens as of da~e of closing (no= as of Effectlve
DaTe) are to be paid by Seller Pendlng liens as of date of closing shall be assumed by Buyer If ~he lmprovemenc has
substantially completed as of Effec~Ive DaTe, any pending lien shall be considered as certified, confirmed or ra~lfled and Seller
shall, aT closing, be charged an amount equal to the last estimate of assessment for the improvement by the public body
O. RISK OF LOSS: I~ the Property is damaged by fire or other casualty before closing and cost of restoration does not exceed 3% of
the assessed valuation of the Property so damaged, cost of restoration shall be an obllga~lon of the Seller and closing shall proceed
vakuatlon of ~he ~mprove~en~s so damaged, Buyer shall have ~e o~on of e~ther taking Property as is, ~o~ether w~h e~her the t% or
any lnsurance proceeds payable by virtue of such loss or damage, or of canceling Contract and recelvlng return of deposlt(s}
P PROCEEDS OF SALE; CLOSING PROCEDURE: The deed shall se recorded upon clearance of funds If an abstract of zltle has been
'would render Seller's ~ltle unmarketable from =ne date of the last evidence Ail closing proceeds shall be held in escrow by Seller's
a~orney or other mutually acceptable escrow agen~ ~or a per~od of not more uhan 5 days after closing dace If
rendered unmarketaDle, uhrough no fault of Bu'/er. Buyer shall, wl=hln che 5 day period, notify Seller ~n writing of the defect and
Seller shall have 30 da,fa from date of receipt off such notlflcaulon To cure =ne defect 5f Seller falls =o timely cure the defect.
all deposit(s) shall, upon wr!~=en demand by Buret and wl¢hln 5 days after de.and, De returne= to Buyer and simultaneous!/ wl~h such
repayment, Buyer shall re~urn Personalty and zacate Peal Proper~y and reconvey ~he Property to Seller by special warranty deed and
blll of sale If Buyer falls to make ~mely demand ~or refund, Buyer shall take title as Is. ,waiving all rlgnTs against Seller as to
in chls ConTrac~ Seller shall have the right ~o rew~lre from the lendlng institution a wrlzten commltmen~ Chat 1= wlll not wltb~old
d~sbursem~rlt of rnor~gage proceeds Js a result of ~nv t~sie ~eEect att:ibu~ao!e ~o 3t]ye~ mortgago~ The escrow ,~nd
Q. ~SCROW: Aay escrow ,]gent ("Agent") recelvLng ~unds or equivalen~ ~$ ~us~orLzed ,~nd agrees by acceptance Of them to de~osLt them
of clearance of funds shall not excuse Buyer's performance rf [n doub~ Is to Agent's dusles Or l~aDll~tles under the prov~sLons of
disbursement, or untli a }udgmen: of a court of compe~en~ ]urlsd~ctlon shall determlne :he r~ghts of the parties or Agent may de~oslt
w~th :he clerk of the c~rcu~t court hav~ng ]ur~sd~ctLon of the d~spute U~on notifying all part~es concerned of such action, all
l%ab~l~ty on the part of Agent shal~ fully terminate, except to the extent of accounting for any ~tems previously delivered our of
escrow [f a l~censed real estate broker, Agen~ w~li comply w~:h pro,/kslo~s of Chapter 475. F S , as ]mended Any su~ between Buyer
and Seller where Agent ~s made a party because of acting as Agent hereunder, or ~n any su~ whereln Agent ~nterpleads the subBect
the escrowed ~unds or equivalent and charged and awarded as cou~t costs ~n favor of :he prevailing par5z The Agent shall no: be
w~l~ul breach o~ Contract or gross negligence of Agent
R. ATTORNEY F~Efl; COSTS: ~n any l~ga~lon, ~nclud~ng breach, enforcemen~ or ~nter~re~at~on, arising out of
prevailing party Ln such llzlgat;on which0 for the purt~oses Of :bls Standard, shall ~sclude Seller, Buyer, and any brokers acting ~n
agency or nonagency relationships authorized ~y Cka~ter 475, ? S , as amended, shal~ be entitled to recover from the eon-prevailing
fi. ~AILURE OP PERFORF~,WC~: ~f Buyer fa~ls :0 p=~:Qrm :h~s Contract ~:n~n the ZLme specified ,:~nclud~ng payment of ali
deposit(s)), ~he deposit(s) pa~d by Buyer and depose5 ~greed ~o be pa~d, may be recovered and retained by Or for the account Of
Seller as agreed upon l~c/u~da:ed damages, cons~dera:~c~ :c~ the executlon of th~s Jontract and ~n full settlement of any cla~ms,
whereupon, Buyer and Seller shall be relieved of all obl~ga[ions under Contract; cr Ccilcr, :~ Sailor': cp::Gn,
.............. r~..t: un~cr tk~ Ccntr&ct If, for any reason ocher than failure of Seller to make Seller's tLt!e marketable
after d~l~gen: effort, Seller fa~ts, neglects or refuses to perforTn th~s Con:rac~, the Buyer may seek specific performance as Buyer's
T. CONTRACT NOT RECORDABLE, PERSONS SOUND; NOTICe: Neither ~h~s Con~rac: nor any not~ce Of ~t shall De recorded ~n any public
pe-~mLts, s~gular shall Lnclude plural and one gender shall ~nctude all No:~ce g~ven by or to :he attorney for any par~y shall be as
effective as if g~ven by or :0 :hat party.
U. CO~YANCE: Seller shall convey ~le to Real Property by s~a~u~ory warranty, ~rustee's, personal representative's or
guardxan's deed, as appropriate ~0 the status of Seller, sub]ec~ only :0 matters contained ~n Paragraph VII and :hose otherwise
accepted by Buyer Personal Property shall, a~ request of Buyer, be transferred by an absolute b~ll of sale wlth warranty of t~:le,
V. OT~R AGEE~aTS: NO prior or present agreements or representations shall be b~nd~ng upon Buyer or Seller u~les$ ~ncluded
by :he party or part~es ~ncended ~0 be bound oy
FEB. 19. 2002 S: 1SPM
~ C1'1'¥ A'I"I'Y
Envlrr=nmerlt~l Property Assessments
Contamln=tion Assessments · Remediatlon
Lsboratory Services - Monitoring Wells
wv~, · info ~
1310 Neptune Odve * Boynton Beach, FL 3;3426
Beach (56t) 7:~2-7200 · Pompano Beach (g$4) 782.7200 - MiamiJOade (SOS) 858-0981 · Fax (551) 737-9975
02/21/02 THU 17:13 [TX/RX NO 9433]
Environmental Property Assessments
Contamination Assessments · Remediation
Laboratory Services · Monitoring Wells
www. ·
February 19, 2002
City of Delray Beach
434 South Swinton Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33444
Attn: Mr. Randall Krejcarek
Phase II Environmental Property Assessment
Propose.d High School
Vacant 19.6 Acre Parcel
Northeast Corner of Coral Trail Drive & Canal L-33
Delray Beach, Florida
NEF # 747.15
Dear Mr. Krejcarek:
NU'I-rING ENVIRONMENTAL OF FLORIDA, INC. (NEF) has performed a Phase II Environmental Property Assessment at the
above referenced project in general accordance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E-1903 and in
accordance your verbal authorization of February 15, 2002. This report completes NEF's services at the project as set
forth in NEF's proposal. The purpose of this assessment was to develop additional information on "recognized
environmental conditions" noted in NEF's Phase I Environmental Property Assessment of February 2002. Please see
section 2.0 of this report for further details regarding NEF's methodology. For further information regarding our
company's qualifications, please visit our World Wide Web page at contact the
undersigned at your convenience.
1310 Neptune Drive · Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Boynton Beach (561) 732-720.0 · Pompano Beach (954) 782-7200 ° Miami/Dade (30~5) 858-0981 · Fax (561) 737-9975
Special Terms and Conditions
Independent examination of the facts developed for the subject site is the principal component of a due diligent
environmental assessment effort. NEF has made a due diligent effort to obtain and verify as many facts pertinent to an
environmental evaluation of the subject site as possible, given time and physical constraints. A rigorous effort has
been made to identify recognized environmental conditions on the subject site, but because of limitations within the
data used to evaluate the property and limitations inherent in the quantitative tests performed, it is not possible to
guarantee that the site is completely free of recognized envIronmental conditions.
Our client for this Phase II Environmental investigation was:
City of Delray Beach
434 South Swinton Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33444
Attn: Mr. Randall Krejcarek
The contents of this report are ~or the exclusive use of the clients and their authorized representatives. Information
conveyed in this report should not be used or relied upon by other parties without the written consent of NU'FI'ING
Limitations and Exceptions of Assessment
The Phase II Environmental Property Assessment was conducted in general accordance with the scope of work
described above and in substantive accordance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E-1903 of the above
referenced site, the property. The work conducted by NEF is limited to the services authorized by the client, and no
other services beyond those explicitly stated should be inferred or implied.
A recommendation that further assessment activities are not warranted or mandatory at the subject site in no way
constitutes an assurance by NEF that recognized environmental conditions are not present at the subject site, but
reflects NEF's opinion, based upon the evidence encountered, that there is a Iow likelihood that recognized
environmental conditions are present on the properly.
The client should be aware that the information contained in this report is being held in confidence. NEF has no
obligation under Florida law to report to regulatory agencies the presence of limited contamination detected during the
performance of environmental property assessments..
However, the client or owner of the property may have such a reporting obligation. A legal opinion relative to these
responsibilities should be obtained by the client or owner.
Limiting Conditions and Methodology Used
It is understood that an environmental assessment generates information upon which to form an opinion regarding site
conditions and does not lead to full knowledge of property conditions. There can be no assurance nor does NEF offer
any assurance that property conditions do not exist or could not exist in the future which were undetected at the time
of the assessment and could lead to liability in connection with the property. In conducting the investigation, NEF
analyzed records and site conditions in accordance with industry accepted environmental property assessment
practice. We cannot predict what actions, if any, a given regulatory agency may presently take or what standards and
practices may apply to the property in the future.
The findings of this investigation are based upon conditions identified at the time of our study and may not necessarily
represent concealed conditions or conditions which may develop subsequent to our study. All field testing performed
as a part of the scope of work of this investigation was conducted in general accordance with NEF's State approved
Comprehensive Quality Assurance Plan #910269G (CQAP).
The client provided NEF with a site diagram defining the boundaries of the subject property Resurveying or
confirmation of the actual legal boundaries of the subject property was not included as a part of this investigation. NEF
will not be held responsible for inaccuracies in site boundary information provided by the client.
Certain sections of the report may contain information derived from regulatory agency databases and files, historical
information resources, laboratories and interviews with persons familiar with the subject property. NEF cannot be held
responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the information from these sources. Therefore, NEF assumes no
liability for any loss resulting from errors or omissions arising from the use of inaccurate or incomplete information or
misrepresentations or omissions made by others.
Field headspace testing, performed with a Flame Ionization Detector (FID), is frequently used to screen soil samples
for the presence of certain Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) present in gasoline, diesel fuel, and some solvents.
Field headspace testing is conducted by.NEF in accordance with procedures outlined in Chapter 62-770 Florida
Administrative Code (FAC) for the presence of detectable concentrations of VOCs. An in-line condensable carbon
filter is used to obtain filtered readings to correct for the presence of naturally occurring VOCs. Net VOC readings are
calculated by subtracting the filtered reading from the unfiltered reading for each sample. Although valuable in
estimating the degree of impact from certain types of contaminants, many petroleum and non-petroleum contaminants
cannot be detected with this method; therefore, the results of the field headspace testing should not be used to
construe that the subject property is free of environmental contamination.
Laboratory results are expressed in this report in parts per million (PPM, mg/L or rog/Kg) or parts per billion (PPB, I~g/L
or l~g/Kg). Field headspace screening results are expressed in parts per million (PPM). Sampling depths are
expressed in feet below land surface (BLS).
Test data presented in this report pertains to the actual soil and groundwater samples recovered at the subject site.
Substantial variation in soil and groundwater quahty can occur between test locations. NEF has attempted to exercise
due care in the selection of test locations and test parameters to provide the basis for the opinions expressed in this
3 i
During the course of a Phase I Environmental Property Assessment performed by NEF on the subject site in February
2002, the following recognized environmental conditions were noted on the subject property:
'liVe have performed a Phase I Environmental Property Assessment in general accordance with the scope and
limitations of ASTM Practice E- 1527 of the above referenced site, the property. Any additions, exceptions to, or
deletions from, this practice are des_cribed in Section 2.0 of this report. This assessment has revealed no evidence of
recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property except for the following:
Issue I
During the course of this investigation, NEF personnel reviewed historical aerial photographs for the subject area
which indicated that the northern portion of the site apparently had been in use for agricultural purposes from the early
1970s and ending in the late 1970s. Given the apparent historical use of this portion of the subject site for agricultural
purposes, it is NEF's opinion that there is a Iow to moderate likelihood of potential agrochemical residue at the site
from this former land use.
In this regard, NEF recommends that three surf/c/al soil samples be collected near the northern properly line on the
subject property. These soil samples should be submitted for analysis per EPA Methods 8081A (organochlorinated
pesticides), 8141A (organophosphorous pesticides), 8151A (chlorinated herbicides), and total arsenic.
Issue 2
On the day of the site inspection, NEF personnel observed what appeared to be a composting facility adjoining the
subject site to the northeast. Additionally, NEF personnel observed an approximate 1000 gallon above ground storage
tank (AST) situated on that parcel. A Database Search report prepared for NEF by the First Search Company did not
yield a listing for th. is facility nor did a review of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) southeast
district office files yield a listing for this facility. NEF personnel observed the address of the subject facility as being 150
Davis Road based on reconnaissance of this off site facility on the day of the site inspection.
NEF did find a listing for "M & P Services" located at 2480 Owens Baker Road on file at the Palm Beach County
Department of Environmental Resources Management (ERM). Site plans on record at ERM list entrances for this
facility both on Owens Baker Road (2480) and Davis Road (150).
The file on record at ERM for this facilit~ yielded the following information: Poor house keeping practices were noted in
the vicinity of former underground storage tanks (USTs) located on this parcel according to pollutant tank inspection
reports dated 1992 in the ERM file. On February 3, 1997 three USTs were removed from the site and replaced with a
1000 gallon above ground storage tank (AST) used to store unleaded gasoline.'A tank closure assessment report
(TCAR) prepared for this tank closure on July 28, 1997 stated that no groundwater contamination was indicated.
Correspondence from ERM dated December 1, 1997 stated that no additional investigation was required with respect
to this tank closure. The most recent tank inspection of this facility performed on October 30, 2001 listed this facility as
being in compliance.
Given the above, the d/stance and direction of the tank located on this parcel from the subject site and an absence of
information indicating an encroachment of petroleum related contaminants to the Site (in the data reviewed), it is
NEF's opinion that the tanks documented at this facility in ERM records pose a Iow likelihood of creating "recognized
environmental conditions" to the subject site at this time. Therefore, NEF is not recommending further environmental
investigation in this regard at this time pertaining to these offsite tanks.
4 i
However, it is NEF's understanding through conversations with Mr. Forrest of the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection Southeast District Office (DEP/SE) that the composting activities at this facility are being conducted without
the knowledge or proper licensing from the DEP/SE. Mr. Forrest stated that properly licensed/operating composting
facilities are usually not required to perform groundwater monitoring. However he did state that if chromated copper
arsenate (CCA) treated lumber is co-mingled with the compost material, then the chemicals impregnated within this
lumber may leach out and contaminate the property.
Given the above and the close proximity of this facility to the subject site, NEF recommends that a monitoring well be
installed on the subject site across from this facility. A groundwater sample should be collected from this well for
analysis for chromium, copper and arsenic.
Issue 3
During the course of this investigation, NEF personnel reviewed historical aerial photographs for the subject property
and surrounding area which indicated properties lying approximately 200 feet to the east and 200 feet to the west
which are depicted in the 1960 aerial photograph with objects consistent with dumping. A review of the aerial
photograph dated 1968 and subsequent aerial photographs did not depict evidence of dumping on these two parcels.
Given the distance of these off site facilities from the subject pr~)perty, the relative time frame in which these facilities
operated (prior to 1965), the presence of a canal between the subject property and the off site facility to the east
(which would act as a hydrostatic barrier between the subject property and this off site facility), and the absence of
information indicating a discharge of chemical contaminants on these properties (in the data reviewed), it is NEF's
opinion that the presence of these potential former dump sites poses a Iow likelihood of presenting "recognized
environmental conditions" to .the subject site at this time."
5 ~
Test Pits
Test pits were not performed as a part of the scope of work of this investigation.
Test Borings
Soil borings were not performed as a part of the scope of work ~f this investigation.
Soil Laboratory Testing
On February 18, 2002, NEF personnel collected three surficial soil samples (SS-l, 2 & 3) for laboratory analysis using
equipment decontaminated in accordance with our CQAP. Samples were transported on ice to the laboratory for
analysis per EPA Methods 8081A (chlorinated pesticides), 8141A (organophosphorous pesticides), 8151A (chlorinated
herbicides) and total arsenic. The samples were collected from the 0-6" interval below grade. These soil samples
were collected from locations near the northern property line in which agricultural activities were depicted in historic
aerial photographs.
Monitoring Well Installations
On February 18, 2002, NEF personnel installed one well point (TMW-1) as a part of the scope of work of this
investigation. The well point was installed within a manually augured bore-hole. The two inch diameter ten foot long
well screen (0.010 inch slot) was installed to the maximum depth below the water table which could be penetrated with
the manual drilling equipment. The well poiht was developed until physical parameters stabilized and all traces of
PVC shavings were removed. The average depth to ~vater was observed at approximately 6' below grade on the day
of sample collection. This well was positioned on the subject property across from an undocumented offsite
composting facility.
Monitoring Well Testing
On February 18, 2002, NEF personnel purged and sampled the well point. The well point was sampled in accordance
with NEF's CQAP using a pre-cleaned Teflon bailer. The well point was sampled for laboratory analysis for total and
filtered arsenic, copper and chromium.
Other testing methods were not employed as a part of the scope of work of this investigation.
6 i
Laboratory analysis of the grab soil samples collected at borings SB-1,2 & 3
pesticides and total arsenic, as follows:
indicated the presence of chlorinated
Summary of Soil_Quality Results
February 18, 2002
Results Stated in Parts Per M~llion (m~/K~l) · BDL = Below Laboraton/Detection Umits
Compound SB-1 SB-2 ' SB-3
Arsenic 0.284 BDL 0.293 0.8
4,4'-DDD 0.0094 0.00096 0.0021 '4.6
4,4'-DDE 0.0039 0.0040 0.0024 3.3
4,4'-DDT 0.020 0.0015 0.0018 3.3
SCTL' Soil Cleanup Target Levels estabhshed for chemical constituents in soil as defined in Chapter 62-777 FAC
(Direct Exposure Column I criteria - residential use assumptions).
BDL Below Detect,on Limits
All other select parameters were reported below detection limits for the soil samples collected. Copies of the laboratory
analytical results and chain of custody forms are attached.
Results of the lab..oratory analysis of water samples obtained from TMW-1 indicated the presence of certain heavy
metals, as follov~s:
Summary of Groundwater Testing R~ults
February 18, 2002
Results Stated ~n Parts Per Billion (pg/L) except * in Parts Per Million (mg/L)
BDL = Below Laborato~ Detection Limits
Compound TMW-1 GCTL
Arsenic 33 50
Chromium 21 100
Cooper 30 1000
Groundwater Cleanup Target Levels established for chemical constituents m groundwater as defined in
Chapter 62-777 FAC.
Copies of the laboratory analytical results and chain of custody forms are attached.
The data developed during this investigation was below state cleanup target levels as promulgated in Chapter 62-777
Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) for the select analyses run on the soil and groundwater samples collected. Given
this data, it is NEF's opinion that further environmental investigation is not warranted at the subject site at this time.
NEF appreciates this opportunity to be of service. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not
hesitate to contact the undersigned at your convenience.
Dahfrd Anderson
Senior Project Manager
Laboratory Analytical Results
Filename: City of Delray Proposed HS P2
Geotechnical & Construction Materials
Hydrogeology & Monitoring Wells
Engineering · inspection ° Testing
February 19, 2002
Mr. Randal L. Krejcarek, P.E.
City Engineer
City of Delray Beach
434 South Swinton Avenue
Delray Beach, Florida 33a, a,4
Phone: 561-243-7322
Fax: 561-243-7314
Report of Geotechnical Exploration (Test Pits, and Test Borings)
Tate Property
West of Davis Road, East of Coral Trace Boulevard, and North
Of LWDD Canal L-33
Delray Beach, Florida
Dear Mr. Krejcarek:.
Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. has performed geotechnical exploration at the above
referenced property in Delray Beach, Florida. The purpose of this exploration was to
obtain more detailed information concerning the present site and subsurface conditions
throughout the property in order to provide site preparation and foundation design
recommendations for support of future proposed construction. This report presents our
findings and recommendations.
We understand that the City of Delray Beach is.considering the purcha.s'e of this property
to develop a high school. The property is approximately 20 acres in siz6 and before the
city could decide whether to purchase the property, general soil conditions needed to be
determined to provide information concerning earthwork requirements prior to
developing the site. At this time the site was undergoing a demuckingJbackfilling
procedure to prepare the site for residential development.
In 1995 Nutting Engineers performed a Geotechnical exploration for the site to determine
the existing conditions. During that time the site was heavily overgrown with low lying
shrubs and grass, as well as various trees such as slash pine, Florida holly, and
Maleleucas. The borings on the property were limited to the perimeter, but numerous
muck probes did indicate that the southern half and eastern portions of the property
contained approximately 2 to 6 feet of fibrous peat. It was recommended that the site
should undergo a demucking/backfilling process at that time.
Palm Beach (561) 736-4900 ° Broward (954) 941-8700 · Miami-Dade (305) 858-0981 · Fax (561) 737-9975 · Fax (954) 938-8900
In 1997 The City of Delray Beach hired Nutting Engineers to perform an exploration of
the property to determine the amount of organic soils on the subject site in order to
determine costs for performing a demucking/backfilling operation. During the
investigation an old drainage ditch was encountered that did contain organic soils that
was not previously mapped. The result of the site investigation determined that at that
time it was estimated that approximately 50,000 cubic yards of soil were required to be
Recently, 2000 the property began to undergo site preparations for the proposed
residential development. Continental Homes of Florida, Inc. began demucking/backfilling
operations at the subject site. At the time of the soil exploration on February 8, 2002,
approximately two thirds of the site was demucked and backfilled for the planned
development. A lake was also excavated in the center of the property. About half of the
building pads were staked out and at construction grade. The demucked soils were
moved to the northeast portion of the property in large stockpiles. The stockpiles ranged
in elevation from 5 feet above existing ground surface to as high as approximately 30 feet
above the existing ground surface. The current site elevations vary from +15 NGVD at
the building pads to a low of approximately +7 or +6 NGVD where the water table is
encountered. The actual depths of th~ lake could not be fully determined; however,
portions are at least 12 feet in depth. Though most of the fibrous peat has been removed,
along the eastern portion of the property the peat still exists. At these locations the site
elevation varies from +7 to +9 NGVD.
The exploration of current subsurface' conditions included site observation, twenty
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings (ASTM D-1586) within the subject property,
review of the Palm Beach County Soil Survey Map, review of aerial photographs of the
site from 1953 to 2000, and a total of 43 backhoe exca. vated test pits observed by a
Nutting representative on February 8, 2002. Reproductions of the aerials reviewei:t are
included in the appendix section of the report.
The locations of the test pits are indicated on the attached test pit location plans.
Individual test pit logs are presented in the appendix of this report. The test pits were
located at locations established by the Project Geotechnical Engineer using existing site
features and a measuring wheel. The test pit locations and relative elevation references is
provided to us from the Paving, Grading, and Drainage Plan sheets 1 and 2 of 7 prepared
by Schnars Engineering Corporation dated November 5, 2001.
Soil Survey Maps
The Palm Beach County soil survey maps indicate that the site consists of the following
soil series: Anclote fine sand and Okeelanta Muck.
Anclote fine sand can be described as a nearly level, deep sandy soil in small depressions
and poorly defined drainage ways. In a representative pedon, the surface layer in the
upper 8 inches is black fine sand and in the lower 9 inches, it is black and gray fine sand.
The underlying material extends to a depth of six inches and is gray fine sand. Below 17
inches gray sand with mottles exist. We note that the soil surveys were typically
penetrated to a depth of approximately six feet. This soil series is evident in the northern
half of the property.
Okeelanta muck which is generally located in the southern half of the property consists of
nearly level, very poorly drained organic soil that has sandy mineral material within a
depth of 40 inches. It is typically found within large freshwater marshes and small
isolated depressions. Below 40 inches gray fine sand is typically encountered. We note
that the soil survey was penetrated to a depth of six feet.
Historical Aerial Photograph Review
Historical aerial photographs of the site were reviewed from 1953 to 2000 to assist with
site evaluation. The following is a su .rrmaary of the major site changes that were identified
on the aerial photographs:
1953-1963: The subject site is visible as vacant, undeveloped land. The site contains
some trees that are mostly concentrated to the south and east of the property. A small
canal or drainage ditch exist approximately 200 feet south of the northern property line
and extends from the western property line 700 feet east. Paved dirt roadways exist in the
middle of the site and some of the visible trees appear to be in rows or groves that may
have been planted.
1968: The subject site appears similar to previous aerials, with the following exception:
The majority of the trees were removed in the southern half of the property. Some trees
in the grove still exist, but appear to have been abandoned. A clump or stand of trees is
clearly visible at the eastem section of the property.
1973-1977: The subject site appears similar to the previous aerial photograph. The ditch
or canal appears to have been dried up. The trees and shrubs appear to have been
growing without disruption
1989-2000: The canal on the subject property appears to have been filled in. Based on
the visible growth of plant life on the property, the southern half of the property appears
much more suitable for the plant growth compare (indicating organic soils) to the barren
areas on the north half of the property. All other features appear similar as previous aerial
Test Boring Results
The test borings were performed within the western section of the property in order to
determine if the soils that were demucked/replaced and compacted was performed
properly and uniformly. The test borings indicate in general that the subsurface soils
consist of loose to medium dense gray to brown to light tan quartz fine si~nd to a depth of
fifteen feet below the surface. Based on the current site grade elevations and the
proposed elevations, the borings were performed to depths ranging from +0 NGVD to -3
One location of concern was if organic soils gtill existed within the old canal trench seen
in the historical photographs. Test Borings B-12, B-15, and B-19 were performed in the
area of the old canal ditch. These borings indicated that organic soils no longer exist
within these locations.
The test borings were located in the field using approximate methods; namely, a
measuring wheel and available surface controls. The test boring locations are provided
on the site map located in the appendix section of this report.
Test Pit Results
In general, the test pits revealed that four types of soil conditions exist on the subject site.
The conditions are: 1) Fibrous peat existing below the surface, 2) sands intermixed with
peat and roots (canal easement), 3) One foot layer of peat (Stockpile area), and 4) clean
imported sands. Also included is the lake exploration to determine depths of the lake. The
results of the conditions are provided below.
Condition 1: Test pits numbered TP-2 through TP-6, TP-8, TP-'10, TP-13, TP-14, TP-16,
TP-17, and TP-41 through TP-43 represent locations where dark brown fibrous peat exists.
Some of these test pits are located at soil condition transitions. Typically the surface of the
peat was located at the ground surface to two feet below the surface. This peat.ranges in
thickness from two feet up to ten feet at TP-13. On average about four to six feet of peat is
encountered. Based on elevations provided, the peat exists from approximately +9.5
NGVD to a depth of approximately +3.5 NGVD.
Condition 2: Test Pits numbered TP-9, TP-19, and TP-21 through TP-25, represent
locations where sands exit that are somewhat intermixed with small to medium sized roots
and some organic silt and peat. This location appears to exist on the south property and
continuing south approximately 30 feet into the canal easement. This intermixed soil is
approximately four to five feet in thickness, and varies in depth to this material. Based on
elevations provided to us we estimate that this intermixed material exists to a depth of +4
NGVD, but may be deeper in some isolated locations.
Condition 3: Test Pits numbered TP-1, and TP-35 through TP-40 represent this condition.
The upper one-foot of the surface is covered with roots and fibrous peat. Based on the large
stockpiles of unsuitable soils and debris, it appears that this layer was formed during the
demucking/backfilling process that was in progress at the site. Below this one-foot layer,
clean brown or light gray sand exist.
Condition 4: The remaining test pits with exception of TP-27 (lake exploration) represent
the demucking/backfilling program that was in progress at the subject site. The sands are
light brown to light gray.
The locations of these conditions are provided on the test pit location plan in various
shading schemes. It is important to note that these locations are estimates based on
approximate distance and measurements performed. The boundary lines are not
exact and some variance should be expected.
Groundwater Location
Based on nearby features and elevations provided to us, the watertable was encountered at
approximately +8.5 to +7.5 NGVD. Fluctuation in the observed groundwater levels
should be expected due to rainfall variations, seasonal climatic changes, construction
activity and other site-specific factors.
The following analysis and 'recommendations is based on the assumption that the entire
site will be developed, and the organic soils will need to be excavated and either placed in
landscaped areas of the site, or removed from the site.
Condition 1 Analysis
Based upon the results of the test pits, unsuitable soils and fibrous peat exist along the.
eastern portion of the property. In order to develop the site with conventional single and
multi-story structures, the organic soils will need to be completely removed and replaced
with well-compacted structural fill. Removal of the soils will require excavations below
the water table, and the earthwork contractor should use appropriate equipment.
Demucking Estimates: Based on these results it can be estimated (lake area not
included) that condition 1 covers an area of approximately 1.75 to 2.25 acres. With an
average thickness of six feet from the surface of the peat, 17,000 to 22,000 cubic yards of
organic soils will need to be excavated. It should be anticipated that some over
excavation will occur, so the amount of soil removed may increase depending on
equipment used, operator issues, etc.. The depth and thickness of the organic soils may
be greater or less in some isolated locations within the condition 1 area. Replacement
estimates for this area and the remaining site will be provided in the section titled 'Site
Fill Estimates'.
Condition 2 Analysis
Based on the results of the test pits, intermixed soils exist along the south property to 30
feet into the LWDD canal L-33 easement. Based on discussions with you we understand
that some plans for this area include the development of asphalt paved roadways and
parking lots. It is our opinion that if this area is planned for parking lot or road
development, removal of these soils would not be necessary, however this will depend on
finalized plans and information that has not yet been determined. When more finalized
plans are determined, we can provide further analysis and recommendations.
Condition 3 Analysis
Based on the results of the test pits, it is estimated that approximately 3.0 to 3.75 acres
consist of one foot or less of surficial organic soils. We note that this estimate excludes
the many various unsuitable soil and debris stockpiles above the "natural" ground surface
in this area. This condition is generally located within the northeast portion of the
property. Because of the large stockpiles on the site, actual volumes of removal are
difficult to estimate. We recommend that the site be visited to fully understand the
amount of stockpiled unsuitable soil and debris. A surveyor should 'be contacted to
evaluate the stockpiled volume if needed.
Condition 4 Analysis
The remainder of the property (exclfiding the lake) appears to have been properly
demucked of unsuitable soil and replaced with clean backfill. Based on aerial
photographs some concern of the old canal ditch on the site was raised. The results of the
test borings in the areas of this ditch indicate that this area was also properly derriucked
and replaced with clean fill. The ground surfaces in these areas vary from approximately..
+15 to +7 or +8 NGVD.
TELEPHONE 561/243-7090 · FACSIMILE 561/278-4755
Writer's D~rect Line: 561/243-7091
February 25, 2002
City Commission
Susan A. Ruby, City Attorney
SUBJECT: Authorization to Obtain Appraisals
The City will need to obtain appraisals for the Breezy Ridge Subdivision if the City
approves the interlocal agreement and determines it will close on the Continental
Homes property.
We have received a quote of $350.00 per parcel from Bob Banting of Anderson &
Carr. The total for the 37 parcels will be $12,950.00. Please call if you have any
cc: David T. Harden, City Manager