03-29-84AnnOrgMtg A Special Meeting of the City CoUncil of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, was called to order by Mayor Willard V. Young in the
Council Chambers at City Hall at 7:00 P.M., Thursday, March 29, 1984.
Roll call showed:
Present - Council Member Malcolm T. Bird
Council Member Doak S. Campbell
Council ~Jember Arthur Jackel
Council Member Edward L. Perry
Mayor Willard V. Young
Absent - None
Also present were - City ~anager James L. Pennin§ton, and
City Attorney Herbert W.A. Thiele.
2% The opening prayer was delivered by Rabbi Samuel Silver,
Temple Sinai.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of
America was given.
Mayor Young stated that he has lived in Delray Beach for
fifteen years and has watched it grow. For nine years he has had the
opportunity to be part of that growth and he has enjoyed every bit of
it. Tonight that period of service comes to an end but, hopefully,
there will be an opportunity presented that will permit him to again
take some part in the operation of their government. As he steps down,
he would like to express his appreciation to the present Council, to
City 5mnager James Pennington and all members of his staff as well as
all of the City employees for their cooperation and many courtesies
shown to him during his term in office. He knows that the City is in
good hands and wishes Mayor-elect Campbell and the new Council every
success in all of their undertakings. If they should require his ser-
vices for any task, they have but to ask. Further, he expressed his
apprecation to the citizens of Delray Beach for their understanding o~
the problems and the solutions to those problems as they haYe been
presented to City Council. He thanked all for a most enjoyable term in
Mayor Young declared the meeting adjourned at 7:07 P.h.
Council Member-elect Marie Horenburger, Council ~ember-elect
Jimmy %~eatherspoon, Council Member-elect Arthur Jackel and Mayor-elect
Doak S. Campbell subscribed to the Oath of Office administered by
Elizabeth Arnau, City Clerk.
Roll call showed:
Present - Council Member Malcolm T. Bird
Council Member ~arie Horenburger
Council Member Arthur Jackel
Council Member Jimmy Weatherspoon
Mayor Doak $. Campbell
Absent - None
Also present were - City Manager James L. Pennington, an~
City Attorney Herbert W.A. Thiele.
Mayor Campbell presented Resolution No. 26-84:
(Copy of Resolution No. 26-84 is on file in the official
Resolution Book)
Mayor Campbell read the resolution in full and presented a
plaque "To Edward L. Perry in recognition and appreciation for dedicated
service and accomplishment for better government as Council ~ember, City
of Delray Beach, April 1982 - April 1984".
Mr. Bird n~ved for the adoption of Resolution No. 26-84,
seconded by Mr. Jackel. Upon roll call Council voted as follows: ~.
Bird - Yes; Mrs. Horenburger - Yes; Mr. Jackel - Yes; Mr. Weatherspoon -
Yes; Mayor Campbell - Yes. Said motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote.
Mr. Perry came forward to accept the resolution and the
plaque. He thanked the citizens for the opportunity to serve. They
have had some difficult moments but it was through that kind of rela-
tionship they became a fairly strong Council. There is no animosity
left and he feels they accomplished the overall goal by making sure that
all sides were heard. He appreciated the fact that his fellow Council
members put up with some of his combativeness; he didn't mean to be
combative but there were times he felt very strongly about points. He
won some and he lost some but overall he feels it was a very healthy
experience for the City. He especially thanked the people who leant
support during some difficult moments and for the outrzght love shown by
many people through letters, cards, phone calls and greetings. He hopes
they will do the same for the members of the new Council. He has great
hopes for them and extends them his best wishes. Further, if there is
anything he can do to serve the City, they lust have to ask.
Mayor Campbell presented Resolution No. 25-84:
(Copy of Resolution No. 25-84 is on file in the official
Resolution Book)
Mayor Campbell read the resolution in full and presented a
plaque "To Willard V. Young in recognition and appreciation for dedi-
cated service and accomplishment for better government as Mayor, City of
Delray Beach, April 1982 - April 1984" with a key to the City on the
Mr. Bird moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 25-84,
seconded by Mr. Jackel. Upon roll call Council voted as follows: bm.
Bird - Yes; Mrs. Horenburger - Yes; Mr. Jackel - Yes; Mr. %~atherspoon -
Yes; Mayor Campbell - Yes. Said motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote.
Mr. Young came forward to accept the resolution and plaque.
He thanked the Mayor and all the members of Council with whom he served
for a very enjoyable two years. Although they had thelr differences, he
thinks they all wound up in a very compatible manner. He extended his
best wishes to the citizens of Delray Beach for their understanding
during his term as Mayor. He sincerely appreciates the plaque.
Mr. Bird stated that several years ago former Council Member
Charlotte Durante suggested that for the position of Vice-Mayor they
select the highest vote getter of the preceding year. Last year they
bent that rule a little and this year he suggests that they do away with
that rule entirely. It is time this Council recognizes the leadership
ability of the black citizens who have served.
Mr. Bird moved that M~. Jimmy %~atherspoon be selected as
Vice-Mayor for the City of Delray Beach for the coming year, seconded by
Mr. Jackel. Said motion passed unanimously.
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4~ Mrs. Horenburger moved to name Arthur Jackel for the posi-
tion of Deputy Vice-Mayor for the coming year, seconded by
Weatherspoon. Said motion passed unanimously.
5%a~1% Mr. Weatherspoon thanked the public for their support during
his campaign, he thanked Council for electing him Vice-Mayor and he
thanked his wife and two children for their support. He stated that he
will strive to be the kind of Council Member that, not only his family,
but the City of Delray Beach as a whole will be proud of. He will study
and evaluate each issue and will be fair and decisive.
5~2'~ Mrs. Horenburger thanked her supporters and a special thanks
to her husband and daughter for their patience and understanding. She
feels honored and blessed to be given the opportunity to serve this City
as a Council Member. It is a pleasure to sit on this platform with
these distinguished gentlemen and she is confident, with their help and
support and the backing of their excellent staff, that they will see
some new approaches to some old problems and hopefully improve planning
for the future. She believes they can make Delray Beach an even better
place to live.
5~%3'; Mr. Jackel stated that he is proud to have served the people
of Delray Beach for the past two years and will continue to exert every
effort in their behalf for the next two years. He aavised that at the
end of this election campaign, his treasury had a surplus and the Cam-
paign Committee decided it would serve the most good if it were donated
to the Delray Beach Public Library Building Fund. hrs. Bowen, President
of the Library Association and ¥~s. Strickland, Head Librarian, came
forward to accept the check for $1,707.00 and thanked ~. Oackel on
behalf of the Library.
5;~%~ ~. Bird stated that he and Bill Young were first elected
together in 1979 and have gone through son~ long and difficult times
together; he hopes that history will judge that the actions they took
were the appropriate ones for the time and the place. He added Ed Perry
gave them a new standard of constituency service and involvement; he has
seen Mr. Perry in the streets and on the beach; if there was a problem
he went to the source. It was a pleasure to serve with those two
gentlemen who are now leaving them and a pleasure to ser~e with 5~.
Jackel and Mayor Campbell who are remaining. Although he did not have a
campaign this year, he introduced his wife and daughter and thanked them
for their support through the years. He thanked everyone who is in
attendance tonight; it is important to see the public participate in
their government.
5~a%5~ ~yor Campbell stated that a lot of exciting things are
going to be taking place in the future and he feels privileged to be a
part of that future. He dedicates himself, with the public's help, to
trying to resolve all of those problems that will come before Council
and those they are trying to wrestle with right now. It's a sad note
that this Council is taking office amid one of the greatest tragedies
that has ever befallen Delray Beach and it reminds him of Delray Beach's
greatest asset; that they are indeed a hometown community. They have to
strive to be good neighbors and always be considerate and attentive of
their fellow citizens' needs. One of the most striking things about
Delray Beach is its people; there is no other community in the County he
knows of that has the history and the real community spirit that Delray
has. He pledges to do all he can to keep Delray Beach the kind of place
that they were born in, stayed in and brought them here.
Mr. Bird moved that for 1984 they meet on the Second and
Fourth Tuesday of each month except for the month of December when their
meetings shall be held on the First and Second Tuesday of the month,
seconded by Mr. Jackel. Said motion passed unanimously.
The appointment of members to the Beautification Committee
is before Council for consideration. The list is as follows:
Mrs. Fred Appel 5~s. Arthur Jackel
Mrs. John Banting Mr. Tom Lyman
Mr. Quentin Boerner Mr. Sam Portnay
Mrs. John Bordeman Mr. Alton E. Rabbitt
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Mr. Phillip W. Carow Mrs. Paul Speicher
Mrs. Glenna Crafts Mr. Jeffrey Thistle
Mr. Don Dilley hrs. Henry Silver
Mr. John Gomery 5~. William Worth
Mrs. Louis Cohen 5~s. Frank Wright
The appointments of City Physicians, Dr. Swartz and Dr.
Colvard, is before Council for consideration.
Mr. Bird moved for the appointments (7.a. & 7.b.), seconded
by 5~. Jackel. Said motion passed unanimously.
~. Ralph Dye, President of the Coalition for Good Govern-
ment, made a presentation. He provided Council hembers with an outline
for a close look at City Government, stating that they hope it will
serve as a catalyst for communication among Council members, old and
new, and as a guide toward developing a consensus. They offer it as a
starting point for fruitful discussion and follow-up action by the
Council and City Administration in these areas of critical importance to
the future of the community and they ask that it be made part of the
public record. (Note: A copy of the Coalition's letter and outline is
on file in the City Clerk's office).
Mr. David Cohen spoke on behalf of the organizations he
represents and the City as a whole. He congratulated the newly elected
Council Members and stated that actually the public should be congratu-
lating themselves in their choice of City legislators. They offer their
support, cooperation, tolerance and understanding.
Mayor Campbell introduced his mother and father who were ~n
the audience.
Mayor Campbell declared the meeting adjourned at 7:37 P.h.
The undersigned is the City Clerk of the Cit~ of Delray
Beach and that the information provided herein is the minutes of the
meeting of said City Council of March 29, 1984, which minutes were for-
mally approved and adopted by the City Council on
~ City Clerk
If the minutes that you have received are not completed as indicated
above, then this means that these are not the official minutes of City
Council. They will become the official minutes only after they have
been reviewed and approved which may involve some amendments, additions,
or deletions to the minutes as set forth above.
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