10-17-83SpMtg OCTOBLR 17, 1983 A Special Meeting of the City Council of the City o~ Delra~ Beach, Florida, was called to order by ~yor Willard V. Young in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 5:30 P.h., honda~, October 17, 19~3. 1. Roll call showed: Present - Council hember ~alcolm T. Bird Council hember Doak S. Campbell Council 5~ember Arthur JacKel Council hember Edward L. Perry Mayor %~illard V. Young Absent - None Also present were - City 5~nager William H. Law, Jr. an~ City Attorney Herbert W.A. ~hiele. ~ayor Youn~ called the meeting to order and announced that this meeting has been called for the purpose of (1) beginnin9 the ~inal selection process for City Manager. 1. ~. Leo Blair, Chairman of the Cit~ hanager Screenin9 Com- mittee, made a presentation in which he discussed the formation o~ the Screening Committee, what took place at each of their meetings, an~ the advertising and screening procedures they used. He noted that the press was notified of every meeting they held and he was disappointed ~n the news coverage. He further added that Council has been provided w~tn the Screening Committee's ~inal list o~ 1~ names. 5~. Perry read the following letter into the record: "~lven my past reactions to the results reported by the City hanager ~creenln9 Committee for the City of Delray Beach, I feel duty bound to report to you that I have completed my review o~ the 97 resumes for that posit~on and have concluded with nine candidates as semifinalists; four o~ those semifinalists were included in the list of 12 which were forwarded by the Committee. Given the fact that one of the Committee's candidates having suffered a serious medical problem in the interim, I imagine ~hat the Committee would reduce its list by one, thereby putting us at a 4 to 11 agreement, hr. William Law, Interim City hanager, is included ~n m~ semifinal list. While my reaction to the Committee's f~ndin9 was that "something seems too slick", I must agree that they appeared to nave done an extremely capable job, especially in light of the emotional pressures having been brought to bear on them. If any individual member felt that my remarks amounted to an indictment of his professionalism or integrity, I most sincerely apologize; such was not my intent. I nun~bl~ thank the Committee for the time and obvious great effort which they gave to this proDect. In light of the thanklessness o~ the task, these citizens deserve every other citizen's congratulations ~or a ver~ ~ine job." Mayor Young thanked the $creenin9 Committee for the excel- lent job they have done; Council concurred. Upon question b~ 5~. ~ir~, Mr. Blair advised that the list of criteria was formulated before ~ne resumes were received. ~. Jackel stated that he was please~ to hear that the Ethics Committee in Tallahassee has cleared ~. Law of ank wrongdoing. Mr. Jackel suggested the following 5-part procedure for the selection o~ City ~anager: (1) shorten the list from 12 names to 5 or 6; (2) have the resumes checked out by a professional body, posslbl~ a police o~- ficer chosen by the Chief of Police; ~3) interview the selected few, preferably in public; (4) final evaluation by individual Councllmen; (5) the final vote with a ma3ority of Council prevailing. Upon question by 5~. Jackel, hakor Young stated that this is not a public hearing; therefore, no citizen input wlll be taken at this time. Thls is a matter for discussion by Council ~emDers. Each Council ~lember offered his own nominations as follows (not necessarily by order of preference): Mayor Young: Gatchel 5~. Bird: Law Law Pennin gton Gainer ~ainer Perkins E1 lis Botch Barton Pennin gton Perkins Mr. Campbell: Pennington ~. Jackel: ~.~yers Ellis Gainer Perkins R. ~mith L aw Pe nnin 9ton Barton Kromer Gainer Perkin s ~. Perry: Hecht Hetrich Caldwel 1 E. Smith Pe nnin gto n Perkins It was noted that 5~. Perkins, ~r. Pennington, ~]r. Law and 5~. Gainer each received 3 or more Council nominations. ~.n~. Campbell suggested that, in order to arrive at a reduced list of 5 names, they take these top four names and vote on a fifth. Council members voted between Mr. Ellis, ~ir. Barton and ~. ~ers, each of whom receive~ 2 Council nominations, and selected ~r. ~.llis as the fifth name on their list. ~]r. Jackel urged Council to consider havin9 these 5 resumes checked by someone other than Council, such as a member of the Police Department chosen by the Police Chief. hr. Bird d~sagreed and stated that when they get down to one finalist, that would be the aFproprlate time to make a full fledged background check to assure themselves there are no skeletons. ~. Perry concurred with 5~. Bird. ~r. Bird suggested that Council hembers continue their individual investigations and reconvene in two weeks to reduce the l~st a little further before goin9 to the exFense of havin9 Feople down ~or interviews. They can then devote all of their e~forts in the succeeding period to a small number and, hopefully, make the finest possible selec- tion within a month or so. ~. Perry suggested further that council forget about the scores assi9nea by the Screening Committee an~ take these 5 names and start fresh. Council concurred with both suggestlons. Mayor Young stated he hopes they can reduce the list to 3 names at that meeting. It was the consensus o~ Council to hold a special meetin9 on ~]onday, October 31, 1983, at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Young declared the meeting adjourned at ~:30 ~.~. ATTE $~: City hAYOR The undersigned is the City Clerk of the Cit~ o~ ~lray Beach and that the information provided herein is the minutes o~ the meeting of said City Council o~ October 17, 1983, which m~nutes were formally approved and adopted by the City Council on~.~j?/Fz~3 .  Cit7 NOTE TO READER: If the minutes that you have received are not completed as ln~icate~ above, then this means that these are not the o~ficial minutes of ~tk Council. They will ~come the official minutes only after they have been reviewed and approved which may involve some as~ndments, a~t~ons, or deletions to the minutes as set forth above. - 2 - 10/17/83