Res 22-02Jeff Atwa er District 83 - Florida House of Representatives FEB ! 5 2002 ClT'i :'d .... "' 10337 North Milita~' Trail Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 (561) 625-5101 Fax (561) 625-5103 atwater, j eff(q)leg, state, fl.us 402 North Monroe St. Tallahassee FL 32399 (850) 488-0322 Fax 1-888-5~t4-0397 February 12, 2002 David W. Schmidt, Mayer ' 100 N.W. 1st Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444-2698 Dear David: With session in full swing, I wanted to relay information about two issues of vital importance to Palm Beach County that are currently being raised here in Tallahassee. The matters at hand are the renourishment of our beaches and the structure of the windstorm insurance industry. Beach reriourishment, an issue significant to both our residents and our tourism industry, needs your support in order to not only maintain funding but to also facilitate a more user-friendly permitting process. It is my desire to bnng a competitive marketplace back into the windstorm protection insurance business ~n order to promote affordabfiity, accessibihty and improved customer service. In order to accomphsh these goals, I am appealing for your support in the form of a resolution approved by your municipality. It is my hope that these resolutions could be sent directly to my office in Tallahassee at which time we will make sure they are placed in the proper hands of involved committee members. I have included with this request points of ~mportance regarding each ~ssue that could be used as a guide in the resolution-writing process. I hope they prove to be helpful. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter and also for your continued support of all issues important to the residents, businesses and municipalities of Palm Beach County. If my office can be of further assistance on this matter, please don't hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Jeff Atwater Vice-Chair, EconollHc ])er & lnt'l Trade Elder and Long-Term Cea'e I~hseal Pohcy & Besources Goancfl for Competitive Comme~e Windstorm Insurance Citizens Property Insurance Corporation is the new entity resulting from the merger of the Florida Windstorm Underwriting Association into the Florida Residential Property and Casualty Joint Underwriting Association. Citizens will offer significant enhancements over these entities, while maintaining their critical elements. The following are the major features of the proposal: Less Government - Florida has two separate residual property markets. The FRPCJUA - Florida Residential Property & Casualty Joint Underwriting Association, and the FWUA - Florida Windstorm Underwriting Association. Currently these markets have separate computer systems, separate management teams, separate headquarters, as well as two sets of consultants, law firms, actuaries, regulations, and legislative agendas. Under CPIC this duplication is eliminated by using one entity to handle these functions. Improved customer service - Currently, many Florida citizens that participate in the residual markets must complete two applications and write two checks each month. After a loss the policyholder may have to deal with two companies, two agents and two separate adjusters. The coverage that is obtained often times is inferior to coverage available in the private market. Also, consumers may be forced to move all of their insurance coverage to a take-out company, regardless of the consumer's previous relationship with their agent and prior insurer. Under CPIC, consumers will be able to purchase comparable coverage to the voluntary market and have the opportunity to maintain the relationship with their current agent and insurer. Significant Tax Savings - Citizens is structured to be a tax-exempt entity. This will allow CPIC to collect revenues tax-free and issue tax-free bonds. According to a 2001 Senate Interim Report, this would reduce debt service costs by as much as $1 billion on a $2.5 billion 20-year bond. Reduces Subsidy - Florida's residual markets burden all homeowners by levying assessments on carriers who pass the cost on to policyholders through higher premiums. As the residual markets grow, so does the potential assessment burden on all homeowners. The CPIC proposal reduces the need for assessments by allowing the residual market surplus to accumulate tax-free while ensuring that its rates cannot be less than the voluntary market. CPIC also creates a broader and more equitable assessment base by including surplus lines insurers and policyholders. Currently homeowners insured through surplus lines carriers are exempt from assessments. Why is beach renourishment important? Beach projects protect property - property that is some of the most valuable real estate in Florida from a tax base standpoint as well as important public lands and roadways. Healthy beaches contribute to a healthy economy, i.e. tourism. Beach projects can be completed without environmental damage or with appropriate mitigation. What can the State of Florida do to facilitate beach renourishment projects? Continue to fund beach renourishment projects at a level consistent with the essential needs of coastal regions. Permitting should be made easier to facilitate the faster completion of environmentally responsible projects and the Federal and State permit requirements should be coordinated for consistency. Areas downdrift from inlets should receive special consideration for projects mitigating inlet-caused erosion. RESOLUTION NO. 22-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE CONTINUED FUNDING SUPPORT AND EASE OF PERMITTING OF BEACH RENOURISHMENT PROJECTS IN COASTAL MUNICIPALITIES IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA. WHEREAS, beach renourishment is important because it provides valuable storm protection benefits for public and private property and this property is some of the most valuable real estate in Florida from a tax base standpoint; and WHEREAS, beach renourishment promotes healthy beaches vital for endangered sea turtle nesting: WHEREAS, beach renourishment promotes healthy beaches which contributes to a healthy economy; and WHEREAS, all beach renourishment projects are required to be economically justified and therefore provide a positive benefits to cost ratio; and WHEREAS, beach renourishment provides incidental recreational benefits for the citizens and tourists of the State of Florida: and WHEREAS, the State of Florida can facilitate beach renourishment projects by continuing to fund these projects at a level consistent with the essential needs of coastal regions; and WHEREAS, beach projects can be completed without environmental damage or with appropriate mitigation; and WHEREAS, permitting should be made easier to facilitate the faster completion of environmentally responsible projects and the Federal and State permit requirements should be coordinated for consistency; and WHEREAS, areas downdrift from inlets should receive special consideration for projects mitigating inlet-cause erosion; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOI.I.OWS: Section 1. The City of Deiray Beach, Florida endorses proposed legislation to be considered in the Florida Legislature in 2002 that supports continued funding and ease of permitting in beach renourishment projects facilitated in coastal regions/municipalities. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to provide copies of the resolution to Rep. Jeff Atwater, Palm Beach County League of Cities, the Florida League of Cities, and Governor Jeb Bush. 2002. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the 19~h day of February, ATTEST: City Clerk MAYOR 2 Res. No. 22-02 £1T¥ OF DELRR¥ BEI:ICH DELRAY BEACH 1993 CITY CLERK 100 N.W. IstAVENUE DELRAYBEACH, FLORIDA 33444 2001 561/243-7000 Febm~ 20, 2002 Florida League of Cities P.O. Box 1757 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Dear Florida League of Cities: Please find attached Resolution 22-02 supporting continued funding and ease of permitting of Beach Renourishment projects, and Resolution 23-02 supporting the reorganization of Windstorm Insurance. The City Commission passed and adopted these resolutions in the Regular Commission Meeting of February 19, 2002. If we can be of any assistance to you, please call the office 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at (561) 243-7050. Sincerely, Chevelle D. Nubin Executive Assistant S:\C,t7 Cletk\chevclle folder\Florida Lc'asuc of Cst~es.02.19.02 Pnnted on Recycled Paper THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS [lTV DF DELRRV BEI:I[H DELRAY BEACH CITY CLERK 1993 2001 100 N.W. 1st AVENUE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 5611243-7000 Febtu,u7 20, 2OO2 Palm Beach County League o£ Cities 301 North Olive Avenue, Suite 1002.17 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 De. at Palm Beach County League of Cities: Please find attached Re~olution 22-02 supporting continued funding and ease of permitting of Beach Reno_uri~hment projects, and Resolution 23-02 supporting the reorganization of Windstorm Insurance. The City Commission passed and adopted these resolutions in the Reguhr Commission Meeting of February 19, 2002. If we can be of any assistance to you, please call the office 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at (561) 243-7050. Sincerely, Chevelle D. Nubin Executive Assistant ~\C~ty Clerk\chevclle foidet\PBC Le~ue olr Ckies re~lufom.02.19.02 THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS [lTV JIF DELI:II:IV BEI:I£H DELRAY BEACH AU-Ame~O~ty 1993 2001 CITY CLERK 100 N.W. 1st AVENUE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 561/243-7000 February 20, 2002 De~r Representative Atwater: Please find attached Resolution 2202 supporting continued fimding smd e~se of pem~t~g of Beach Renourishment projects, smd Resolution 23-02 supporting the reorganization of Windstorm Insurance. The City Commission passed smd adopted these resolutions in the Reg-lnr Commission Meeting of February 19, 2002. If we can be of any assistance to you, please call the office 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at (561) 243-7050. Sincerely, Chevelle D. Nubin Executive Assistant \City Clezk \chevdle foider\Anv~e~ t~solutlons..02.19.02 THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS [IT¥ DF DELRR¥ BEI:I£H DELRAY BEACH CITY CLERK 1993 2001 100 N.W. 15t AVENUE - DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 561/243-7000 February 20, 2002 Govemor Job Bush The Executive Office of the Governor The Capital Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 Dear Governor Bush: Please find attached Resolution 21-02 supporting increased funding for Regional Planning Councils, Resolution 22-02 supporting continued funding and ease of pemaitting of Beach Renoutishment projects, and Resolution 23-02 supporting the reorganization of Windstoma Insurance. The City Commission passed and adopted these resolutions in the Regular Commission Meeting of February 19, 2002. If we can be of any assistance to you, please call the office 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at (561) 243-7050. Sincerely, Chevelle D. Nubin Executive Assistant S:\City Cie~\chevelle folder\G~Jeb l~h vesolutiom.02.19.02 l~ff~l ;va Recycled P~oer THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS