11-27-78 NOVEMBER 27, 1978
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, was held in the Council Chambers at 7:05 P.M., Monday,
November 27, 1978, with Mayor Leon M. Weekes presiding and City
Manager J. Eldon Mariott, City Attorney Roger Saberson, and Council
members Robert D. Chapin, Charlotte G. Durante and James H. Scheifley,
1. The Lord's prayer was recited in unison.
2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of
America was given.
3. Mrs. Durante moved for the approval of the minutes of the
r~gular meeting of November 13, 1978 and the special meeting of November
9, 1978, seconded by Mr. Chapin. Said motion passed unanimously.
4.a. Mr. Chapin moved for the appointment of John E. Gomery, Jr. to
fill the vacancy created by Mr. Sanson's resignation, seconded by Mrs.
Durante. Said motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Gomery came forward and was sworn in by the City Clerk.
Mayor Weekes welcomed him to the City Council.
Mayor Weekes had item 4.c. moved up to follow item 4.a.
4.c. Mr. Sansoh stated that he asked for this opportunity tonight
to express his thoughts and feelings for the privilege of having served
for the past four years as a Council member in the City and to basically
thank the citizens, of Delray for that opportunity. Over the past four
years, the town of Delray has become the City of Delray. ~During that
time, they, as a Council, have been part of all that growth. This
Council is a very responsible body who he is proud to have served with,
each and every one, past and present, who adequately respond to the
growth that has been allowed to occur and will 'provide for the manner
in which future generations of this City can continue to live here.
There are three basic things that need to be given attention within
the'next year. The first is to provide for the transportation facili-
ties and arteries that the public will be demanding, to adequately pre-
cipitate their flow and their access to stores and recreation facilities;
secondly, he hopes that Council will address the issue, particularly in
the western section of town, of providing small passive neighborhood
park areas, particularly for the children and the senior citizens;
thirdly, there is a great demand now and even more will be within the
next two years, particularly from the western sections of the City, for
adequate fire and police protection. He feels that with proper planning
and a proper sense of responsibility to priorities, these facilities can
be provided without great outlays of tax burden and financial hardship
on citizens. He thanked the citizens of Delray for having given him
the majority vote in every precinct of this town as he tried to step up
the political ladder. He would like to leave the Council with one
thought given forth by the wise philosopher, Edmund Burke: "It ought
to be the happiness and glory of a representative to live in the strict-
est union, the closest correspondence and the most unreserved communica-
tion with his constituents. Their wishes are to have great weight with
him, their opinion high respect, their business unremitted attention.
It is his duty to sacrifice his repose, his pleasures, his satisfactions
to theirs and above all, ever, and in all cases, to prefer their
interests to his own."
Mayor Weekes had item 8.b. moved up to follow item 4.c.
8.b. Mayor Weekes presented Resolution No. 102-78:
(Copy of Resolution No. 102-78 is on file in the official
Resolution Book)
Mayor Weekes read ~he entire resolution.
Mr. Scheifley moved for the passage of Resolution No. 102-78,
seconded by Mr. Chapin. Upon roll call Council voted as follows: Mr.
Chapin - Yes; Mrs. Durante - Yes; Mr. Gomery - Yes; Mr. Scheifley -
Yes;. Mayor Weekes - Yes. Said motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote.
Mayor Weekes presented Mr. Sanson with the resolution and
with a plaque which is given in recognition of Mr. Sanson's outstanding
service to the City of Delray Beach and to the citizens of Palm Beach
County in general.
4.b.1. Mayor Weekes personally thanked Mr. Sanson for the cooperation
that he has given to the Council and particularly for the time that he
has devoted unselfishly to betterment of the citizens of the City and
of the citizens of Palm Beach County. Mr. Sanson has been involved in
a myriad of things that most of us do not have the time to do.
4.b.2. Mr. Chapin stated that Mr. Sanson has been a valuable asset
to the Council and he wished him well in his endeavors in his private
Mr. Chapin further stated that he would like the Council to be
aware that the new County Commissioner, Mr. Gregory, has been made
aware of the City's relationships with the prior County Commissioner
relating to the 9 acres south of Miller Park. The County Commission
has placed purchase of those nine acres in its 78-79 annual budget.
Our new commissioner was not aware of that but through the efforts of
Malcolm Byrd, he believes he has been made aware of it.
Mr. Chapin stated that he is planning to arrange a meeting
with Ned Brook of the Area Planning Board with Mr. Carey, Mr. Mariott
and himself to insure that the roads in the west section of this
community which have not been included in the transportation needs of
the year 2000 in South Palm Beach County will indeed be included.
That plan, which is updated from year to year, is conspicuous in its
omission for improvements in the greater Delray Beach area. He plans
to pursue this matter vigorously with Mr. G~gory and the members of
that organization.
4.b.3. Mrs. Durante stated that she feels that the one thing they
can all say about Mr. Sanson.is that he has truly given unselfishly
of his time and that the resolution which was read speaks very honestly
of Mr. Sanson's dedication to the City. Although Mr. Sanson has
disagreed with Council, at no time did they feel that he was operating
at anything other than a level of the highest integrity that you can
expect of a public official.
4.b.4. Mr. Gomery expressed his appreciation to Council for asking
him back. He will try to carry on for the benefit of everybody in
Delray and he hopes that he can do as well and devote the time and
energy and enthusiasm as his predecessor.
~.b~5. Mr. Scheifley stated that Ron Sanson's name has three "N's"
in it. Going through his name he thinks that "R" stands for Republican;
as far as the "0" is concerned, Mr. Sanson has been outspoken and is
quite an orator; "N" he is a notable person; "S" stands for sincerity;
"A" he has both been aggressive and ambitious; "N" he is a noteworthy
person and also noetic; "S" he has been self-confident which has been
an asset; "O" he is an outgoing person and is operose; "N" he is
certainly a newsworthy person. It is very difficult with three "N's"
to find all those complimentary things in the dictionary. If he had
been like Mr. Chips who went to Washington, it would be very easy:
"C" he has been very conscientious; "H" he has been hard-working;
"I" he is industrious; "P" he is persistent; "S" he has been very
Mr. Scheifley further stated that back in July the City
Engineer, Mr. Church, wrote a letter to the Planning & Zoning Board
making certain recommendations and requesting an ordinance be passed.
He says the ordinance should require that street addresses be clearly
shown on property so that the addresses, may be clearly visible. The
Fire Department should be designated as being responsible for reviewing
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and approving all street names and assigning street numbers and so
forth. It seems to him that in a City of 38,000 people with all the
commercial district and residential property they have, that every
developed property should have a number on it. Some of the stores on
Atlantic Avenue do not have numbers. They should have a very simple,
direct ordinance requiring all developed property, both residential
and commercial, to have street numbers, not only for the convenience
of the Fire Department and the Police Department, but for the conven-
ience of the public. He suggested that Council schedule this for a
workshop meeting.
4.b.6. Mayor Weekes stated that he is somewhat disconcerted and dis-
appointed that they have not been able to meet on a one-to-one basis
or any other basis with Mr. Gregory, the new County Commissioner.
There are at least two persons on this Council that have made an effort
to reach Mr. Gregory to no avail. Another member of the community has
made repeated efforts %o no avail and this person is in a position of
substantial authority. It gives him pause as to what kind of represent-
ation the South County is going to have on the Commission for the next
four years.
5.a. A gentleman from the audience requested a new sign for Orange
The City Manager agreed to look into it.
5.b. Mr. Manafo stated that the City Engineering Department under
Mr. Church and particularly the work of Kirk Schreiber in helping the
Bass Creek residents in overcoming a flooding problem has really been
outstanding. They have left a very lasting impression on him and all
the other residents for the kind of work they have done. He asked if
the development bond for the Bass Creek area has been ~efunded to'the
developer. The City Attorney stated that it has. Mr. Manafo further
stated that the City accepted the roads on January 1, 1978 with the
stipulation of being a twelve month warranty. He referred to a memo-
randum from Mr. Church to Mr. Saberson requesting some legal ac'tion to
bring Mr. Fuller in line with the kind of work that was promised.
Their own independent work has indicated that there may be discrepancies
between the engineering report submitted by the developer and the actual
elevations that exist in that area creating a flooding problem. They
are ~unable to find a number of the drains. On January 1st when the
City's warranty runs out, will the City still have recourse against Mr.
The City Attorney stated that he has just today received the
memo that Mr. Manafo is referring to and he will be reviewing that whole
situation and if Mr. Manafo will contact him in the near future, he will
be glad to answer that question.
Mr. Manafo urged Council to follow through with this. They have
all of Mr. Fuller's extensions and they have been numerous. No work has
been started out there and if, for any reason, they could not hold this
particular developer liable, that would mean that the City would
probably have to correct the problem at great expense.
5.c. Mr. John Donovan of 1515 Gallinule Drive, the new president of
the Tropic Palms Homeowners Association, stated that last August he
came before the Board and complained that there are very few dogs that
are licensed in the City. Last Monday night he checked at the Police
Department and there were then forty licenses issued. He is amazed
that the City does not publicize the need for a dog license here. If
you read in the newspaper, there is a wave of rabies down from Alabama
into the Panhandle and it is affecting all kinds of animals. If it
comes down here, we will have a serious problem.
The City Attorney stated that it was decided in conjunction with
the codification project with municipal code that since the County had
an ordinance dealing with the licensing of dogs which would be in effect
in the cities if we did not have an ordinance, that we would in the
future leaye that to the County. Also, there was a survey that was
transmitted that was done by the Administration and passed out to Council
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members that indicated those veterinarians that did offer City licenses
and those that did not.
Mr. Donovan further stated that a new ordinance was passed
regarding firefighters and the rules and regulations regarding them
have not come forth. It seems that the City could have prepared those
well in advance. It leaves these people in limbo as to what their
rights are as to their health insurance and all kinds of benefits.
Some members are leaving the department. They may have a large train-
ing :expense to replace these people. He hopes that a real effort will
be made to take care of this matter.
Mr. Donovan stated that in regard to street addresses, they
have Post Office mail boxes on their streets with their names on them
and people came down on three different nights with baseball bats and
knocked them all down. He requested greater police protection in their
area so that this will no longer continue. He further stated that the
street sign on Audubon' and Lindell Boulevard is no longer legible. He
hopes that action will be taken to have that repainted.
6.a. The City Manager reported that Council at a workshop meeting
decided informally to ask for the appointment of Mr. Chapin by the
Governor to the Metropolitan Planning Organization as replacement of
former Councilman Aaron Sanson. It is recommended that Council take
formal action tonight nominating Mr. Chapin to serve as a member of
that organization.
Mr. Scheifley moved that Mr. Robert Chapin be nominated for
the Metropolitan Planning Organization, seconded by Mr. Gomery. Said
motiom passed with a 4 to 0 vote. Mr. Chapin abstained.
6.b. The City Manager reported that Council, at the. November l~h
meeting, approved an Inter-Local Agreement between the City and the
County providing for continuation of the Community Development Program.
The termination date of this agreement as approved by Council is
September 30, 1979 whereas it should have been to the expiration of
the Housing and Community Development Act of 1977.
Mr. Gomery moved for the approval of the Inter-Local Agreement
with Palm Beach County for the Community Development Activities,
seconded by Mrs. Durante. .Said motion passed unanimously.
6.c. The City Manager reported that Council agreed informally at
the November 20th workshop meeting to give consideration at tonight's
meeting to the request of the Fire and Engineering Departments rela-
tive to the street name and number changes in Pines of Delray.
In reference to a memorandum from Mr. Church, the City
Engineer, Council agreed to have four motions.
Mr. Chapin moved that the recommendation from the City
Engineering Deparment to eliminate street names designated S.W. 10th
Court, S.W. 23rd AvenUe and S.W. 24th Avenue be adopted, seconded by
Mr. Gomery. Said motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Chapin moved that the recommendation from the City
Engineering Department to officially change the name for Ixora Terrace
to Orange Terrace which was original, requested by the Post Office be
approved, seconded by Mrs. Durante. Said motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Chapin moved that the recommendation from the City
Engineering Department to change those three buildings which are
addressed Lowson B'oulevard to Del Aire Boulevard be approved, seconded
by Mr. Scheifley. Said motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Chapin moved that Council not adopt the recommendation from
the City Engineering Department to eliminate the improperly named
streets; Croton Lane, Palm Lane, Pansy Lane, Willow Lane and Shady Lane
and leave those lanes named as they presently &re named, seconded by
Mrs. Durante. Said motion passed unanimously.
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Before roll call on the previous motion, the following dis-
cussion was had.
Mr. Gomery stated that there was a suggestion made by Mr.
O'Brien that an indexed map should be made up with present streets and
buildings just as they are currently shown on the City map without any
changes, that that should be placed in a frame under glass outside the
south clubhouse.
Mayor Weekes stated that the Homeowner's Association can take
care of that. Council is not going to try and impose that on4 them.
Mr. Scheifley asked the administration what is the possibility
of some sort of disaster due to these names, possibly as a result of
new personnel in the dispatch center or the Fire Department.
The City Manaqer stated that there is a possibility but
whether or not that possibility is increased and to what degree by not
making the changes is not really known. It would be an impossibility
for anyone to attempt to assign numerical values to it as to just what
the odds would be.
Mr. Scheifley asked what the primary reason is in the recommend-
ation that these improperly named streets be eliminated.
The City Manager stated that it is thought that it would make
it easier for drivers of emergency vehicles to find and get an'address
whether it be fire, police or a first-aid wagon. It might also make
it easier for the Post Office to deliver mai~ but that does not fall
into the emergency class; it is secondary.
Mrs. Durante stated that for the same reason that she is
supporting changing the addresses of those buildings that now have
Lowson Boulevard to Del Aire addresses, she feels that the addresses of
those buildings on the lanes should not be changed because you have
buildings sitting on those lanes, whereas if you gave them the addresses
of those other streets, they would not be sitting on those streets.
For example, on Croton Lane, there are two buildings and to give them
Citrus Way addresses, you are back to what we have with the Lowson
Boulevard addresses.
Mr. Church stated that the two buildings are set off of Citrus
Way in that particular instance and it is a case where they can be
found even with their present address. It is not an ideal situation
though. If the streets out there are illegally named, you would not
find them on the map. One thing should~be done; they should be made
official names. ~ ~
Mayor Weekes stated that the City is the one that has permit-
ted this to be perpetrated. He is not prepared to upset the people
who are living in those buildings for the sake of eleven buildings.
He hopes that the City Council and the Administration have learned a
lesson from this that they should not allow this to happen again. He
agrees with Mr. Church that if they do not change the names of these
streets,then they should make them legal. He instructed the City
Administration to have these streets officially named as they are
presently designated.
Mrs. Durante stated that on Palm Lane there are two little
prongs, both named Palm Lane. One goes dead east and the other one
goes dead north. She suggested that one be called Palm Lane East and
the other one called Palm Lane North because they definitely go in
different directions.
At this point the roll was called to the fourth motion.
The President of the Pines Association thanked the Council
members for taking the time to come out and see their problem first-
Mayor Weekes, on behalf of the Council, thanked the citizens
from the Pines of Delray and the officers of the association for the
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manner in which their presentation has been made. He further stated
that it is very rare that they have an item in which there is as much
interest generated, as there has been in this one, where the present-
ation has been as factual and as well made as it has in this.
6.d. The City Manager reported that Council should consider author-
izing the administration to request permission from Palm Beach County
for the City to annex portions of Linton Boulevard. The annexation
request is made in order to provide for patrolling and law enforcement
along the two isolated sections of Linton Boulevard which lie within the
general boundary of the City limits but fall in the County's jurisdic-
tion. The portions involved are as follows.
That portion of Linton Boulevard lying between the
east right-of-way of GermantoWn Road and west right-
of-way line of Seaboard Railroad, and
That portion of Linton Boulevard lying between the
north-westerly projection of the north-easterly
right-of-way of Germantown Road and the east right-
of-way of State Road 809 (Military Trail).~
This was discussed at the November 20th workshop meeting.
Mr. Chapin moved that the administration be authorized to re-
quest Palm Beach County Commission to approve annexations of the
following parcels of Land: 1) That portion of Linton Boulevard lying
between the east ~ight-of-way of Germantown Road and west right-of-way
line of Seaboard Railroad, and 2) That portion of Linton Boulevard
lying between the northwesterly projection of the north-easterly
right-of-way of Germantown Road and the east right-of-way of State
Road 809, seconded by Mr. Scheifley. Said motion passed unanimously.
A three minute recess was taken at 8:07 P.M. The meeting
reconvened at 8:10 P.M.
6.e. The City Attorney reported that the letter of November 27, 1978,
to Mr. Morgan Bragg, which the City Attorney's office has drafted, is
the one is which we are requesting authorization to send to the in-
surance defense counsel. It is important to point out that the letter
and any negotiations for settlement are strictly between the City and
its insurance carrier. This is not a response directly to the plain-
tiff. It is a response that informs our insurance company that we
have reviewed the complaint filed by the plaintiff, that we feel that
the various allegations in the complaint are covered by insurance and
therefore the insurance company, as is appropriate under our insurance
contract, should take whatever action it deems appropriate. This
letter is not intended to be a decision on the merits of whether the
case should or should not be settled but is simply telling the insurance
company that we feel there is insurance coverage for the allegations in
the complaint,and therefore, it is the insurance company's responsibility
and duty to go ahead and perform its obligations under the insurance
Mr. Scheifley referred to item 6.e. of the agenda where it
says that the plaintiff, Richard Zolnay made an offer to settle his
pending case for $16,000. Mr. Scheifley further stated that he has
copies of three letters regarding this issue and he asked where in
this correspondence is there any reference to $16,000.
The City Attorney stated that the $16,000 reference appears in
a memorandum that he wrote to City Council specifically informing
Council of the pending settlement offer with Mr. Zolnay and also it
appears in the status report of litigation which he furnished to
City Council in conjunction with a report to the auditors.
Mr. Scheifley stated that he personally would not want to take
part in any procedure or any letter that might indicate that the
insurance company would settle this case without going to trial. He
is opposed to any compromise solution or any settlement by the insur-
ance company for $16,000 or even $2,000. He thinks it should go to
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The City Manager stated that it his understanding that the
insurance company alone has the prerogative of deciding whether to
settle or not, that the insurance company does not need the City's
acquiescence or approval. If that is correct, then why does the City
need to do anything in order for the insurance company to be able to
The City Attorney stated that the insurance company has taken
the position that there is coverage only under one count of the seven
count complaint and transmitted the offer to the City for a response
that would indicate whether or not the City wanted to participate and
if the City did want to participate, how much. After discussing it
with the insurance consultants and reviewing the complaint, they felt
that the appropriate response to the insurance company was that the
counts in the complaint are covered by insurance. The insurance
company has the right to settle it if they feel that the settlement
amount is reasonable. That is a judgment they have to make and pro-
ceed accordingly under the insurance contract. The City needs to
respond to the offer that was made by the insurance defense counsel,
otherwise the City may be in the position of not cooperating as it
should under the insurance provisions.
Mr. Scheifley stated that he feels that there is a principle
involved here and he feels that there is a point where the City should
stand up and fight even if they have to go along without the insurance
Mayor Weekes recalled a few years back when there was a serious
injury as a result of an accident with a pistol and the City failed to
respond properly to a letter from its insurance carrier and that re-
sulted in an excess settlement over and above the City's insurance
coverage of $250,000
Mrs. Durante moved that the City authorize the response to the
correspondence of the insurance defense counsel representing Great
American Insurance Company in regard to the plaintiff, Richard .Zolnay,
seconded by Mr. Chapin. Upon roll call Council voted as follows: Mr.
Chapin - Yes; Mrs. Durante - Yes; Mr. Gomery - Yes; Mr. Scheifley - No;
Mayor Weekes - Yes. Said motion passed with a 4 to 1 vote.
6.f. The City Manager reported that it is recommended that Council
approve the Final Estimate Reconciliation Agreement -- Salinity
Monitoring Wells 1 & 2 in the amount of $8,450, which completes this
contract. The total contract amount was $9,450, with credit in the
amount of $1,000 for steel casing not used in storm drain project.
Funding will come from the Water & Sewer fund contingency account.
Mr. Chapin moved that Council approve the Final Estimate Re-
conciliation Agreement regarding Salinity Monitoring Wells 1 & 2 in
the amount of $8,450, seconded by Mrs. Durante. Said motion passed
6.g. The City Manager reported that C~uncil, at the workshop meeting
on November 20th, tentatively agreed to purchase a triangular piece
of property located at the northeast corner of the intersection of 1-95
and S.Wo 3rd Street for the amount of the assessed value $2,385.
Formal action tonight is recommended.
Mrs. Durante moved that the City purchase the property located
at the northeast corner of the intersection of 1-95 and S.W. 3rd Street
for the price of $2,385, seconded by Mr. Chapino Said motion passed
6.h. The City Manager reported that it is recommended that Council
authorize approval of a second stipulation between the City and Palm
Beach County Health Department. This stipulation increases approved
plant capacity by 1 million gallons per day; grants the City a special
allocation of 1477 e.r.c.s. (equivalent residential connections) in
addition to the 25 per month which are currently allowed; and modifies
the water main extension moratorium so that extensions may be per-
mitted as ~ng as the limits extended on connections are.not exceeded.
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The County Health Department Board is supposed to take action on
November 30th with regard to this assuming City Council approval to-
Mr. Gomery moved for the approval of a second stipulation be-
tween the City and Palm Beach County Health Department as outlined in
6.h. of the agenda, seconded by Mrs. Durante. Said motion passed
7. There were no petitions and communications.
8.a. The City Manager reported that the following quotations have
been received for multipurpose room equipment for Pompey Park Recrea-
tion Center:
Bidder Quotation
Diversified Des~.gn Enterprises $8,942.50
Boca Raton
Harry Steinman Company 9,150.25
Mark Products 9,333.00
It is recommended that the contract be awarded to the low bidder,
Diversified Design Enterprises in the amount of $8,942.50 by passage
of Resolution No. 101-78. This award is subject to receiving full
funding for this purpose from Palm Beach County through the Community
Development Program.
The City Manager presented Resolution No. 101-78:
(Copy of Resolution No. 101-78 is on file in the official
Resolution book)
Mr. Scheifley moved for the passage of Resolution 101-78,
seconded by Mrs. Durante. Upon roll call Council voted as follows:
Mr. Chapin - Yes; Mrs. Durante - Yes; Mr. Gomery - Yes; Mr. Scheifley
- Yes; Mayor Weekes - Yes. Said motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote.
8.c. The City Manager reported that Ordinance No. 78-78 amending
Chapter 9 "Building Code'! of the Code of Ordinances relative to consoli-
dation of construction boards is before Council for consideration on
Second and FINAL Reading. This ordinance was passed on First Reading
at the November 13th meeting. Prior to consideration of passage of
this ordinance on Second and FINAL Reading, a public hearing has been
scheduled to be held at this time.
The City Manager presented Ordinance No. 78-78:
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The City Manager read the caption of the ordinance.
The City Attorney stated that Council, at the last meeting,
requested that the terms of office be staggered 3 members for 1 year;
3 members for 2 years; and 3 members for 3 years. That has been done.
The City Manager stated that the selection of one of the board
member positions has been broadened slightly to read 'realtor or
insurance agent'
A public hearing was held having been legally advertised in
compliance with the laws of the State of Florida and the Charter of the
City of Delray Beach, Florida. The public hearing was closed.
Mr. Chapin moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-78 on
Second and FINAL Reading, seconded by Mrs. Durante.
Mr. Gomery stated that an item that he thought might be con-
troversial is that 5 voting members of the board which is composed of 9
members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting. The majority of those
present and voting shall be required to make any decision. That could
be done by 3 members.
The City Attorney stated that it can be reworded so that five
voting members of.the board shall constitute a quorum at any meeting
and a vote of not less than 5 members shall be required to adopt any
affirmative action of the board.
Upon the recommendation of the City Attorney, Mr. Scheifley
moved that Ordinance No. 78-78 be postponed until the next meeting for
Second and FINAL Reading, seconded by Mr. Gomery. Upon roll call
Council voted as follows: Mr. Chapin - Yes; Mrs. Durante - Yes; Mr.
Gomery - Yes; Mr. Scheifley - Yes; Mayor Weekes - Yes. Said motion
passed with a 5 to 0 vote.
9.a. The City Manager reported that the Planning & Zoning Board at
a meeting held on November 21st, recommended by unanimous vote that
the site and development plan approval extension request for Martell
Arms, located on the west side of N.E. 8th Avenue between N.E. 8th
Street and Bond Way which expires on December 13, 1978, be extended
for six months. The applicant requested one year's extension.
Mr. Scheifley moved that the recommendation of the Planning &
Zoning Board be sustained, seconded by Mrs. Durante. Said motion
passed unanimously.
9.b. The City Manager reported that the Planning & Zoning Board at
a meeting held on November 21st, recommended by unanimous vote that
the final plat approval request for Spanish Wells (Phase III), located
on the south side of Linton Boulevard between Military Trail and Dover
Road, be approved, subject to the following:
1) Comments of the City Engineer as stated in his
memorandum of November 20th.
2) Comments of the Director of Public Works/Utilities
as stated in his memorandum of November 14th.
3) Availability of water.
Mrs. Durante moved that Council sustain the recommendation of
the Planning & Zoning Board, seconded by Mr. Gomery. Said motion
passed unanimously.
9.c. The City Manager reported that the Planning & Zoning Board at
a meeting held on November 21st, recommended b~ unanimous vote that
the final plat approval request for High Point, Section VII be approved,
subject to the following:
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1) Comments of the City Engineer as stated in his
memorandum of November 20th.
2) Comments of the Director of Public Works/Utilities
as stated in his memorandum of November 14th.
3) Availability of water.
Mr. Gomery moved for the approval of the final plat request
for High Point, Section VII, seconded by Mr. Scheifley. Said motion
passed unanimously.
9.d. The Planning & Zoning Board at a meeting held on November 21st,
considered the Spinner rezoning request of a 3.8-acre parcel of land
from R-1AA (Single Family Dwelling) District to RM-6 (Multiple Family
Dwelling) District located in Section 21-46-43 on both sides of Del-
Haven Drive, between the Intracoastal Waterway and A1A. The motion
failed in a tie vote of 3 to 3 (Blair, Hill and Wallin voting "no";
Plume, Stebbins and Carey voting "yes").
The City Manager stated that the applicant requested today that
this item be deferred at this meeting.
Mr. Scheifley stated that he thought it has been policy that
Council does not accept a recommendation from the Planning & Zoning
Board unless four members voted in favor of it.
The Mayor stated that it was his intention to refer it'back to
the Planning & Zoning Board to get a consensus of that Board. A 3 to 3
vote is not a consensus of that Board.
It was the consensus of Council to skip over this item tonight.
9.e. The City Manager reported that the Planning & Zoning Board at
a meeting held on November 21st, recommended by unanimous vote that
the rezoning request of a parcel of land from R-lA (Single Family
Dwelling) District to R-1AA (Single Family Dwelling) District located
in Section 12-46-42 on the east side of Barwick Road between Lake Ida
Road and the L-32 Canal be approved for the following reasons:
1) The change would alter the population density,
thereby decreasing the load on public facilities
such as schools, utilities and streets.
2) The change would help to decrease traffic con-
gestion by reducing trip generations produced by
development of this area.
3) This area would become more compatible in terms
of visual open space, in its relationship to the
developments located to the east.
Council may authorize the City Attorney to prepare the rezoning ordi-
nance or refer it to workshop.
Mr. Scheifley moved to sustain the recommendation of the
Planning & Zoning Board, seconded by Mr. Gomery. Said motion passed
Mayor Weekes declared the meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
City Clerk
- 10- 11/27/78
The undersigned is the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach
and that the information provided herein is the minutes of the meeting
of said City Council of November 27, 1978 which minutes were formally
approved and adopted by the City Council on ~_~. ~ ./~
C ' ty Clerk
If the minutes that you have received are not completed as indicated
above, then this means that these are not the official minutes of
City Council. They will become the official minutes only after they
have been reviewed and approved which may involve some amendments,
additions, or deletions to the minutes as set forth above.
- 11 - 11/27/78