Ord 21-99 ORDINANCE NO. 21-99 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 33, "POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS", SUBHEADING, "PENSIONS", SECTION 33.68, "SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT INCOME AND MINIMUM BENEFIT FOR MEMBERS WHO RETIRED PRIOR TO A CERTAIN DATE", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH BY AMENDING SECTION 33.68(A) AND BY ENACTING SUBSECTION 33.68 (C); TO PROVIDE ELIGIBLE MEMBERS AND THEIR BENFICIARIES WHO RETIRED UNDER THE "POLICE AND FIRE PENSION PLAN" WITH CERTAIN ENHANCED BENEFITS AND SETTING A MINIMUM BENEFIT; PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, A SAVINGS CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach desires to enhance certain retirement benefits for certain retirees and their beneficiaries covered under the "Police and Firefighter Pension Plan". NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Chapter 33, "Police and Fire Departments", subheading, "Pensions", Section 33.68, "Supplemental Retirement Income and Minimum Benefits for Members Who Retired Prior to a Certain Date", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach is hereby amended by amending Section 33.68(A) and by enacting subsection 33.68 (C) and (D) to read as follows: (A) Members and beneficiaries of members who retired prior to October 1, 1987, shall receive an increase in their retirement income calculated in accordance with Sections 33.62 and 33.63, equal to two percent (2 %) for each year from the date of the member's retirement through September 30, ,,r., !_~2:t ¢~nn ...... ,u The supplemental and minimum retirement income provided in this section shall be paid effective January 1, 1988. The supplemental retirement income provided in this section shall not be subject to the benefit offset contained in Section 33.62(E)(5)(e) and (E)(7). (B) Members and beneficiaries of members who retired or terminated employment prior to October 1, 1990, and began receiving benefits prior to the effective date of this ordinance, shall receive an increase in their retirement income calculated in accordance with Sec. 33.62, 33.63, 33.68(A), equal to five percent (5%). The supplemental and minimum retirement income provided in this section shall be paid effective April 1, 1993. The supplemental retirement income provided in this section shall not be subject to the benefit offset contained in Section 13.62(E)(5)(e) and (E)(7). (C) Effective August 1, 1999, all participants or beneficiaries of participants who are receiving benefits under the plan prior to September 30, 1993 shall have the monthly amount of retirement income increased by five percent (5%) over the gross amount they were receiving in August of 1993 provided; however, this increase effective August 1, 1999 shall not exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month. (D) Effective August 1, 1999, all participants with ten (10) or more years of credited service, and designated beneficiaries of such participants who receive plan benefits that are based on or derived from the participant's normal retirement income, regardless of the participant's retirement date, shall receive benefits based on a minimum monthly normal retirement income amount of at least five hundred dollars ($500) per month. Section 2. That all ordinances or pans of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 4. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the 6th day of July , 1999. ATTEST: City Clerk -- ~/ - First Reading 3une 15, 19 9 9 Second Reading July 6, 19 9 9 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER~4~ SUBJECT: AGENDA ITF/~ #/0~ - REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 6, 1999 ORDINANCE NO. 21-99 (RETIREMENT BENEFIT ENHANCEMENT FOR RETIREES OF THE POLICE AND FIRE PENSION PLAN) DATE: JUNE 30, 1999 This is second reading and a public hearing for Ordinance No. 21-99 which amends Chapter 33, "Police and Fire Departments", Subheading "Pensions", Section 33.68, "Supplemental Retirement Income and Minimum Benefit for Members Who Retired Prior to a Certain Date", of the City Code by amending Subsection 33.68(A) and by enacting Subsection 33.68(C), to provide eligible members and their beneficiaries who retired under the Police and Fire Pension Plan with certain enhanced benefits and setting a minimum benefit. The ordinance provides a five percent (5%) increase (not to exceed over $100.00 per month), effective August 1, 1999, for Police and Fire pension plan members who retired prior to September 30, 1993. Only participants with ten or more years of credited service shall receive a minimum normal retirement benefit of at least $500,00 per month. An actuarial impact statement is attached. The end result is that the change in benefits would have no effect on the required employer contribution. At first reading on June 15, 1999, the City Commission passed the ordinance by unanimous vote. Recommend approval of Ordinance No. 21-99 on second and final reading. Ref:AgmemolB.Ord.21-99.Police & Fire :07/01Z99 TRIT 14:30 FAX 9545250083 GABRIEL,ROEDER,SMITH&C0. ~003 GABRIEL~ ROEDER. SMITH & COMPANY cenaaaltin~ & Actum'ies 301 East LaG Olae MK.d_ ,B Sure 200 * ~_ Laudef~de, FL 33~)1 · 954-527-1616 · FAX 954-52frOOe3 July1,1999 Mr. Charles Slavin, Actuary Bureau of Local Retirement Systems Division of Retirement Cedars Executive Center, Bldg. C 2639 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Flodda 32399-1560 Ms. Patficia Shoemaker Bureau of Municipal Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Funds Division of Retirement Building B, Room 252 Post Office Box 3010 Tallahassee, Flodda 32315-3010 Re: Actuarial Impact Statement for the Delray Beach Police and Firefighters Retirement System Dear Sir and Madam: Please review the enclosed ordinance which would provide a one-time increase in benefits for those retired before September 30, 1993 and which would also raise the minimum monthly benefit from .$400 to $500 for those who have at least ten years of service. It is being proposed that this change in benef'~ would be funded from unrecognized investment gains. In other words, the actuarial value of assets would be increased by an amount equal to the present value of benefits attributable to the change. At September 30, 1998, the amount of unrecognized investment gains was $11,864,387. The value of benefits attributable to the proposed change is $313,088. Therefore, unrecognized gains would be reduced by $313,088 thereby increasing the actuarial value of assets by a like amount. ;The;;end ~esult:is that the ' change,inbenelitsWOuld ~have ~'effect'on the requiredemployeri~bution:' ~ Enclosed tables show the actuarial impact of this proposal. With the exception just noted, this Statement has been prepared using the same member data, asset information, and actuarial assumptions and methods as were used in the October 1, 1998 Actuarial Valuation Report. ~.07/0~99 TItlT 14:30 FAX 9545250083 GABRIEL,ROEDER,SMITH&CO. 0004 Mr. Charles Slavin Ms. Patdcia Shoemaker Re: Delray Police & Fire July 1, 1999 Page 2 in our opinion, the changes are in compliance with Part VII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes and Section 14, Article X of the State Constitution. Respectfully submitted, For the Board of Trustees As Plan Administrator ~/~. Stei~hen Palmquist, A~, MAAA, MCA Enrolled Actuary No. 99-'I'560 '.07/01Z99 TlttT 14:30 FAX 9545250083 GABRIEL,ROEDER,S~ITH&CO. ~005 ............ . ..... AS OF OC,'~(~BER d .~996 ..... ' ...... ...... ...... ' ...... Changes, Changes :,' CO..~. RED GROUP'.:: .'.' "'.:i!:'* . ' ' ' . .............. .............. ~ ....... ::::':': :*'.'*' ...... .:'.: :'..: ...':':."...' A. Number Included in the Valuation 1. Active Members 255 255 2. Inactive Members 88* 88* B. Covered Annual Payroll $10,763,306 $10,763,306 C. Actuarial Present Value of Projected Benefits 73,318,688 73,631,776 D. Actuarial Value of Assets 55,648,688 55,961,776 E_ Actuarial Present Value of Future Contrib 1. Total: C-D 17,670,000 17,670,000 2. Portion Assigned to Unfunded Frozen Actuarial Accrued Liability (UFAAL) 1,115,394 1,115,394 3. Portion Assigned to Future Normal Costs 16,554,606 16,554,606 cU,qR'E~;~i~:'cosT." .............. "" ..... ' .... '" '"' '::"":":""'": ........... :': ... i:~;';i;.: :~ F. Annual Payment Needed to Amortize UFAAL 104,611 104,611 As % of B 097% 0.97% G. Annual Employer Normal COst 1,224,169 1,224,169 As % of B 11.37% 11.37% H, Interest on F and G from Valuation Date to Contribution Date(s) 141,746 141,746 As % of B 1.32% 1.32% I. Required Employer/State Contrib:F+G+H 1,470,526 1,470,526 As % of B 13.66% 13.66% J. Estimated State Premium Tax Refund 504,922 504,922 AS % of B 4.69% 4.69% K. Balance Required from Employer: I-J 965,604 965,604 As % of B 8.97% 8.9-/% L. Year to Which Contributions Apply 1. Plan Year Ending 9/30/99 9/30/99 2. Employer Fiscal Year Ending 9/30/00 9/30/00 3. Assumed Date(s) of Employer Contrib 12/31/99 12/31/99 * Includes 20 participants in the DROP plan in lg98 and 16 in 1997. '.07,/~1Z99 THI! 14:31 FAX 9545250083 GABRIEL,ROEDER,SMITH&CO. ~ 006 .,...~ :,:,,: ~..,. ,:, DERIVATION:OF'.EMPLOYER NORMAL,COST :: : . .ii.'.::'.'... ::'i:.'i:..i',i.:'i:i: :*. '.i.i.: :. *: ASi0F':'0~TOBER 1, 1998 . ::... ".' ".. :. 'l~efore I After Changes Changes ^. Actuarial Present ~lue of Projected Benefits for 1. Active Uembem a. Normal Retirement Benefits $ 46,604,783 $ 46,604,783 b. Vesting Benefits 894,205 894,205 c. Disability Benefits 2,425,657 2,425,657 d. Pramfirement Death Benefits 1,101,433 1,101,433 e. Return of Member Contributions 307,067 307,067 f. Other 0 0 g. Total 51,333,145 51,333,145 2. Inactive Members a. Service Retirees and Beneficiaries 15,097,540 15,288,328 b. Disability Retirees 6,650,425 6,772,725 c. Terminated Vested Members 237,578 2_37,578_ d. Total 21,985,543 22,298,631 3. Total for All Members 73.318,688 73,631,776 B. Actuarial Value of Assets 55,648,688 55,961,776 C..Unfunded Frozen Actuarial Accrued Liability (UFAAL) 1,115,394 1,115,394 D. Actuarial Present Value of Projected Member Contributions 6,680,906 6,680,906 E. Actuarial Present Value of Projected Employer Normal Costs: A3 - B - C - D 9,873,700 9,873,7'00 F. Actuarial Present Value of Projected Covered Payroll 91,144,700 91,144,700 G. Employer Normal Cost Rate: 100 x E/F 10.83% 10.83% H. Annual Payroll of Active Membem 10,763,306 10.7'63,306 I. Assumed Amount of Administrative Expenses 58,503 58,503 J. Employer Normal Cost: (G x H) + I 1,?_24,169 1,224,169 ~.~.~ T~, ~, ~ ~u~ ~ 8:~ a.m. ~ 5~ p.~,~h ~1 ~ ~DI~ MISSION ~ THE C~ ~ DEL~Y ..~H. ~R ~, "EM~O~ES ~ICIES BENEF~S". SUB~I~ "~RE* ME~ ~N", OF ~O~ES ~ ~ ~ ~ ~L- ~Y ~CH BY ~ENDING ~1~ ~.~, "~P~ME~ R~IRE* .ME~ IN.ME ~D MINIMUM ~N- EFt", TO PROVI~ ~AIN ~lGl- B~ MEMBERS AND ~R BENEF[* C~RIES WHO ~IRED UN~R ~E ~NE~ EMPL~S ~NSlON ~ ~ EN~C~ I~UOING ~M ~NE~ P~T~IP~S ~ ~N O~ORE ~D~D S~ICE: PR~ID[NG ~ REaR C~, A ~ C~, ~D ION H, ~0~ ~DI~ C~- ~R ~. "~LICE ~D FI~ ~P~- ME~ME~ I~ AND ~I~MUM ~ R~D ~1~ TO A ~RTAIN ~H BY ~DING SE~ION ~ION ~.~(C): TO ~OVlDE ~1- ~ MEMBERS ~D ~IR ~NE- ~IES WHO R~RED UN~R ~" W~ ~AIN ~NE~ ~D S~ A MINI- MUM BEN~; ~O~DING A -~.~d~ ~ p~~ ~.01~. .- .... ~E~Y~H ~i~: du~ £1TY OF DELAI:IY BEI:I£H CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE~°° ~TM~' '~'-"" ,~^~,. ~o~,~ ~,~ TELEPHONE 561/243-?090- FACSIMILE 561/278-4755 DELRAY BEACH  Writer's Direct Line: 561/243-7091 AII.Am~ca City DATE: June 11, 1999 1993 TO: City Commission FROM: Susan A. Ruby, City Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance 20-99 and 21-99 Applying A Retirement Benefit Enhancement for Retirees of the Police and fire Pension Plan and General Employees Pension Plan Ordinance 20-99, provides for a 5% increase (not to exceed over $100.00 per month, effective August 1, 1999 for general employees who retired prior to September 30, 1993. The minimum normal retirement pension has been increased from $400 to $500 per month. Ordinance 21-99 provides a 5 % increase (not to exceed $100 per month) effective august 1, 1999 for police and fire pension plan members who retired prior to September 30, 1993. Only participants with ten or more years of credited service shall receive a minimum normal retirement benefit of at least $500 per month. Please call if you have any questions. By copy to David Harden, City Manager, our office requests these ordinances be placed in the June 15, 1999 agenda. Attachment ~0~ ~~l~ ICrC/ cc: David Harden, City Manager Alison Harty, City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 21-99 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 33, "POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS", SUBHEADING, "PENSIONS", SECTION 33.68, "SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT INCOME AND MINIMUM BENEFIT FOR MEMBERS WHO RETIRED PRIOR TO A CERTAIN DATE", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH BY AMENDING SECTION 33.68(A) AND BY ENACTING SUBSECTION 33.68 (C); TO PROVIDE ELIGIBLE MEMBERS AND THEIR BENFICIARIES WHO RETIRED UNDER THE "POLICE AND FIRE PENSION PLAN" WITH CERTAIN ENHANCED BENEFITS AND SETTING A MINIMUM BENEFIT; PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, A SAVINGS CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach desires to enhance certain retirement benefits for certain retirees and their beneficiaries covered under the "Police and Firefighter Pension Plan". NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Chapter 33, "Police and Fire Departments", subheading, "Pensions", Section 33.68, "Supplemental Retirement Income and Minimum Benefits for Members Who Retired Prior to a Certain Date", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach is hereby amended by amending Section 33.68(A) and by enacting subsection 33.68 (C) and (D) to read as follows: (A) Members and beneficiaries of members who retired prior to October 1, 1987, shall receive an increase in their retirement income calculated in accordance with Sections 33.62 and 33.63, equal to two percent (2%) for each year from the date of the member's retirement through September 30, 1987; k ......... , .~ .... k .....~..~k ...... k.....~,;.-.~a ...-;~.~ ~. r~..,~.k.~- ~ ~o~'~ ok.~, .... ; ..... t; ..... ·,.,,.,~,,' ~ cf o~ ~o~ $2~0 ~e~ ~,~,.,,k The supplemental and minimum retirement income provided in this section shall be paid effective January 1, 1988. The supplemental retirement income provided in this section shall not be subject to the benefit offset contained in Section 33.62(E)(5)(e) and (E)(7). (B) Members and beneficiaries of members who retired or terminated employment prior to October 1, 1990, and began receiving benefits prior to the effective date of this ordinance, shall receive an increase in their retirement income calculated in accordance with Sec. 33.62, 33.63, 33.68(A), equal to five percent (5%). The supplemental and minimum retirement income provided in this section shall be paid effective April 1, 1993. The supplemental retirement income provided in this section shall not be subject to the benefit offset contained in Section 13.62(E)(5)(e) and (E)(7). (C) Effective August 1, 1999, all participants or beneficiaries of participants who are receiving benefits under the plan prior to September 30, 1993 shall have the monthly amount of retirement income increased by five percent (5 %) over the gross amount they were receiving in August of 1993 provided; however, this increase effective August 1, 1999 shall not exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month. (D) Effective August 1, 1999, all participants with ten (10) or more years of credited service, and designated beneficiaries of such participants who receive plan benefits that are based on or derived from the participant's normal retirement income, regardless of the participant's retirement date, shall receive benefits based on a minimum monthly normal retirement income amount of at least five hundred dollars ($500) per month. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 4. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the __ day of , 1999. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk First Reading Second Reading