01-07-74SpMtg 221
3ANUARY 7, ].974
A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M., Monday,
January 7, 1974, with Mayor James H. Scheifiey presiding, City Manager
J. Eldon Mariott, City' Attorney G. Robert Fellows and Council members
Grace S. Krivos, Leon M. Weekes and O. F. Youngblood present. Mr. J.
L. Saunders was absent.
1__. The opening prayer was delivered by Dr. John W. Worthington of
the Cason Methodist Church of Delray Beach.
_2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of
America was given.
· . _3.. The minutes of the regular Council meeting of December 26, 1973
were unanimously approved on motion by Mrs. Krivos and seconded by Mr.
4.~.. Mayor Scheifley introduced Mr. Joe Collier, General Manager
of Florida Power and Light Company in Delray Beach, who presented to
the City the annual Franchise Check from Florida Power and Light Co.
in the .amount of $216,248.00. He stated this was for the year ending
December 4, 1973, and the amount had increased 35.8% over the previous
Mrs. Krivos, Mr. Weekes and Mr. Youngblood all stated the}, had enjoyed
the amicable working relationship among the Council members and hoped
they would continue to achieve solutions to projects which would
arise in the coming year. Mr. Youngb!ood thanked the members of Coun-
cil for his years of working with them and expressed his appreciation
for the opportunity of serving as a Councilman. He listed some of
the accomplishments achieved during the six years he had served as a
result of Council teamwork, and spoke of the projects he hoped to
see resolved in the coming years. Each member of Council acknowledg-
ed their pleasure in serving with Mr. Youngblood and offered their
best wishes for the future. Mayor Scheifley commended the Council
and the City Administration for the efforts and achievements during the
year. He then announced that a week from t6night Mr. Jack Saunders will
return to Cohncil.
6_~_. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 P.M.
1_. .Mayor-elect James H. Scheifley and Councilmen-elect Grace S.
Krivos and David E. Randolph subscribed to the Oath of Office adminis-
tered by City Clerk Ha!!ie E. Yates.
2. The Lord's Prayer was recited in unison.
3. Mayor Scheifley presented Resolution No. 1-74, with Mr. Weekes
moving for the passage of the Resolution, seconded by Mrs. Krivos.
Upon roll call, Council voted as follows: Mrs. Krivos - Yes; Mr.
Randolph - Yes; Mr. Weekes - Yes; Mayor Scheifley - Yes.
Mayor Scheifley asked Mr. Younqblood to step f6rward and state(]
he would read the contents of Resolution No..1-74.
COUNCILqAN, 0 ? '/' .
..... ~.%k~ as a city Councilman fo~' the past' six years,
That O. Fi YO~GBLOOD be and he is hereby commended for his
great contribution to the general welfare of the City of Delray Beach,
Florida, as city Councilman ....
Unanimously adopted on this 7th day 0f January, 1974.
Mr. Youngblood expressed his gratitude to the Mayor and Council
for the Resolution.
Mayor Scheifley read a letter from Attorney John H. Adams for
the firm of Nowlin & Adams, Nowlin & Sumrall expressing appreciation
for the demzcate service to the community rendered by Mr Youngblood.
Mayor Scheifley then presented ~ir. Youngblood with a plaque
with the inscrip'[ion' as follows: "To O. F. Youngblood in recognition
and appreciation for outstanding service and accomplishment for better
government as Councilman of the City of Delray Beach. January 2, 1968
to January 7, 1974." -
Mr. David Randolph spoke expressing his appreciation for the
confidence of the citizens.of Delray Beach in electing him as Council-
man. lie expressed the hope that he would follow the example set by
Mr. Youngblood. He also thanked the present Council for their help
in familiarizing him with Council operations. Mr. Randolph introduced
his wife and father to Council and the audience.
4. Mayor Scheifley stated that the Council would follow the policy
of selecting a Vice-Mayor by nominating the Council candidate with one
year of experience on the Council who had received the highest number
of votes in the General Election. Mr. Leon Weekes was uffanimously
elected to the position of Vice-Mayor for 1974 on motion by Mrs. Krivos
and seconded by Mr. Randolph with Mr. Weekes abstaining.
5. Mayor Scheifley stated Council meeting dates should be set for
1974. Mr. Weekes moved that regular Council meetings be held on the
second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7:30 P.M., seconded by Mr.
Randolph, said motion passing unanimously
6. Mayor Scheifley stated the next item of business was the appoint-
ment of City Manager for the year 1974. Mrs. Krivos moved that Mr. J.
Eldon Mariott be appointed City Manager for the year 1974, seconded by .'
Mr. Weekes, said motion passing unanimously.
7.. Mayor Scheifley asked for appointments of Municipal Judge and
Judges Ad L[tem. Mr. Weekes moved that Ernest G. Simon be appointed
Municipal judge and Paul E. Gringle and Aaron Sanson, III be appointed
as Judges Ad Litem for the year i9V4. The motion was seconded by Mrs.
Krivos and passed unanimously.
8. Mr. G. Robert Fellows was unanimously appointed as City Attorney
for the year of 1974 on motion by Mrs. Krivos, seconded by Mr. Randolph.
9. Mr. I. C. Smith was unanimously appointed as City Prosecutor
and Mr. Robert L. Thomas was unanimously appointed as Assistant City
Prosecutor for the year 1974 on motion by ~.Ir. Randolph, seconded by
Mr. Weekes.
10.a. Mayor Scheifley announced the Co~unittee and Board appointments
should be made for the year 1974, and should be appointed individually
as a matter of record.
The following persons were unanimously appointed to the Barbers
Board of Examiners for the year 1974 on motion by [~Irs. Krivos and
seconded by Mr. Randolph:
Mr. J. Kermit Bougher
~' · Mr. John F. Thompson
Mrs. Gertrude Carter
It was recommended by the Barbers Board that these individuals
be appointed and Council was informed that Roy Ward had been selected
to serve as secretary to that Board.
The City Manager explained the Resolution setting up the Be~u--
tification Committee provides for the appointment of 22 active, voting
members by City Council. The recommendation provided Council lists
the Honorary Consultants and the Ex-Officio members as well as the
active members. He requested only the active members be read into the
record. Mr. Weekes moved the following persons be appointed to the
City Beautification Committee for 1974:
Mr.-Quentin Boerner Mr. William Kerr
Mrs. Marshall DeWitt' Mrs. George Little
Mr. George Aspin~al! Mrs. Howard ~cGinn
~[rs. John Bordeman Mrs. William Mudge
Mrs. James Bowen Dr. Jack Odom
Mrs. Lens Brunner Mrs. R. Franklin Outcalt
Mrs. George D%~fer Mrs. Dorothy Peyton
Mrs. Monroe Farber Mrs. John Banting
Mrs. Paul FenyvesJy Mrs. Vince Canning, Jr.-
Mr. John Gomery Mrs. Harold F. Priester
Mrs. George Hodges Mr. Preston Wright
Mrs. Krivos seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
The following persons were unanimously appointed to the Commu-
nity Relations Committee for the year 1974.on motion by Mr. Randolph
and seconded by Mrs. Krivos:
Mr. LeRoy Baine Mrs. Virginia Meyers
Mr. Joseph W. Baldwin, Jr. Mr. Otto Mitchell
Mrs. Florence Barnes Mrs. Gertrude Mudge
Rev. Frederic F. Bush Mr. C. Spencer Pompey
Mrs. Frank L. Carey, Jr. Mr. A1 W. Risker
Mr. Clifford Durden, Jr. Mrs. Rosette Rolle
Mr. David D. McFadyen Mr. Jack D. Walker
City Manager Mariott stated there were several changes to be
made in the list of names for the Electrical Examining Board for it
to be current. Mr. J. William Gearhart has retired from the Florida
Power and Light Company and his replacement at that company is Mr.
William H. Conroy. It is suggested that Mr. Conroy be substituted
for Mr. Gearhart. Mr. Robert Sln~jer, Chief of Fire Prevention,
should be substituted for Mr. Clarence D. Cook. The following mem-
bers were unanimously appointed to the Electrical Examining Doard
for a two year term of 1974 and 1975 on motion by ~irs. Krivos
and seconded by Nr. Randolph.
Mr. J. D. Acheson Master Electrician
Mr. C. W. Trieste General Contractor
Mr. William H. Conroy, Jr. Florida Power & Light Co.
Mr. Matt Gracey, II Layman
Mr. Robert Slager Chief of Fire Prevention
Mr. Richard To Hanna Architect
Mr. R. C. Keen Master Electrician
Mr. Weekes moved that Dr. Edward Doyle and Dr. Edward Wt~ite
be appointed as the City Health Doctors for the year 1974. Mrs.
Krivos seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
The following persons were unanimously appointed to the Plumb-
ing Board for the year 1974 for a one year term on motion by Mrs.
Krivos and seconded by Mr. Randolph.
Mr. Frank Ryncarz Layman
Dr. Edward Doyle Physician (City)
Mr. Eugene Elliott Journeyman Plumber
Mr. Malcolm R. Tubbs Journeyman Plumber
Mr. Robert Barnwell, Jr. Master Plumber
Mr. Quentin Bishop Master Plumber
Mr. Mark C. Fleming City Engineer
10.b. Mr. Weekes reported the monthly meeting of the Gold Coast Lea-
gue of cities would be held on Thursday, January 10, at 7:00 P.M. at
the Gaslight Inn in Plantation.
10oc. ~4ayor Scheifley announced the next regular meeting of the
City Council would be l.!onday, January 14, 1974, at 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 P.M.
City Clerk
, 1-7:',74. ,,,, i