03-11-74SpMtg APRIL 11L 1974 A Specie! Meeting of the city Council of the city of Delray Beach, Florida, was held in the Council Chambers at 5:15 P.M., Thursday, April !!, 1974, with M~yor James H. Scheifley presiding and City Manager J. Eldon MarJ. ott, City Attorney G. Robert Fellows, Council members Grace S. Krivos, David E. Randolph, J. L. Saunders and Leon M. Weekes ore.sent. Mayor Scheifley called the meeting to order. Ail Present stood, recite(] the Lord's Prayer and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States. Mayor Scheifley announced the purpose of the meeting was to consider a conditional use to allow a Community Child Care Center and for ~ny other business that may come before the Council. City Attorney G. Robert Fellows reported it had been brought to his attention that the Conditional Use section of the Zoning Ordi- nance states "upon the receipt of such recom~.endation, the City Council shall review the application and recommendation at the next regular Council meeting following the Planning Board hearing". He stated the next regular meeting of Counci'l is April 22, 1974, and the matter of the Community Child Care Center should not be heard at this time, but should be deferred until April 22nd. Mrs. Krivos moved to table the project until the next regular Council meeting on Monday, April 22, 1974, seconded by Mr. Weekes, said motion passing unanimously. Mayor Scheifley apologized to the members of .the audience who were interested in the Child Care Center. He stated this development had occurred early this afternoon, but Council must abide by the rulings of the City Ordinances. City Manager Mariott stated the City-County purchase of property on the beach should be discussed. The City Attorney stated he had prepared Resolution No. 25-74 which would supersede Resolution No. 16-74, the original resolution regarding this purchase. City Attorney Fellows explained he has had communication with the County Attorney and it has been agreed that the City of Delray Beach will be responsible for paying the County, on demand, one-half of the price of the G'~Tnn- Kucera property (approximately $273,000) and the City will make demand on the County for one-half of the purchase price of the Lohrman property (approximately $71,050). The County is to take title to the Gmrfnn- Kucera property and the city shall take title to the Lohrman property and all other property purchased pursuant to County Resolution No. R-73-785. city Attorney Fellows further explained the original agree- ment with the County was for the County to purchase the G~fnn-Kucera property for $546,000 and the City would purchase similar property in the amount of $450,000. Under the present agreement, the County CoaT. is- sion has reserved the differential between .the total amount to be ex- pended by the County for their share of the Gwynn-Kucera property and their original agreement which amounts to $202,000 towards the future purchase of beach property zn Delray Beach. The City, in turn, will have a balance of $106,000 to purchase beach property should same become avuilable. Mrs. Krivo? objected to the County t~king title to the G'~Tfnn-Kucera property since she felt it would be giving away the taxpayers' money. She stated it would be fairer for the City 'to take title to the Gw%'nn-Kucera property and the County to take title to the Lohrman property. 294 Miss We!].a Farr].rw3-ton, representing the County Attorney's office, answered Guesl~ions .... Dosed by Council. She stated the County obligated to the contract and is named as title taker' in the purchase of the G,~'nn-.~qucera property. Mrs. Krivos stated she felt the proper~sy should be in joint title with the County and the City. Miss Farrington stated stated the County Commission would have to make such a decision and 'the deadline for. .co~ptetion of the contract is April !5th. Consid- erable discussion evolved concerning the funds and the title to.the properties under consideration. Miss Farrington stated the County Commissioners have passed a resolution reserving the funds mentioned above. Mayor Scheifl. ey pointed out that many businesses operate on a 99 year lease which would be the situation in this instance with the title for the Gwo~nn-Kucera property in the County's name and a lease granted to the city of Delray Beach for 99 years. Mayor Scheifley and the City Manager both pointed out that consistency should be maintained in this project to avoid any adverse reaction. The City Manager voiced his approval of the proposed action in regard to the County's partici- pation in the project. (Copy of Res~'25-74 is attached to the official copy of these minutes). Mr. Joseph christiansen, 1001 Brooks Lane; Mr. David Ekvall, 1004 Island Drive; Mr. Tom Ingersoll, Arvilla Hotel; and Mr. Robert Grauch, 555 S.E. 6th Avenue, all of-Delray Beach, spoke from the floor against aspects of the proposed purchase. Mr. Saunders moved for the passage of Resolution No. 25-74, seconded by Mr. Weekes. Upon roll call, Council voted as follows: Mrs. Krivos - No; Mr. Randolp~h - Yes; Mr. Saunders - Yes; Mr. Weekes - Yes; Mayor Scheifley - Yes. Mr. Leon M. Weekes left the meeting at 6:07. P.M. to attend the mee~-~.ng of ~.b.~ Gold Coa~; ~.~a~e in Fort Lauderda!e The City Manager stated a request has been received from the Delray Beach American Little League to solicit funds on Saturday, April 13, 1974. The Solicitations Committee has recommended approval, all City requirements having been met. Mr. Saunders so moved, seconded by Mr. Randolph, said motion passing unanimously. City Manager Mariott reported that' sometime ago Council approved utilizing a 1,000 foot strip of the beach adjacent to the revetment to experiment with methods for impeding or stopping the blowing of sand. In the meantime, a plan has been developed by Mr. Turner, the landscape architect, in consultation with Dr. Manley Boss, Professor at Florida Atlantic University, to landscape the entire public beach with the in- tent' of stopping the sand from blowing, plus beautifying the beach. The City Manager stated the newly proposed plan appears to be more feasible and satisfactory than the originally proposed 1,000 foot ex- perimental section. Mr. Turner presented verbally the new plan for landscaping the entire beach, utilizing sod, Hawaiian seagrapes, tropic palms and Silver Buttonwood trees. These three trees are the most salt resistant and adaptable to the area. In response to questions from Council, Mr. Turner described ~ plan as having' 10 .feet of sod from the asphalt to the east, then 'between 10 tO 17 feet of vegetation con- sisting of Hawaiian seagrapes planted about 3 feet apart with palms and Buttonwood trees interspersed, and entranceways ever~ two hundred feet. Mr. Strock spoke stating he agreed with the plan and saw nothing that would be detrimental to either the erosion prevention of the beach or the aesthetic effect. Dr. Boss also spoke stating the only effect of the proposed plan would be to the advantage of the attempted halting of the blowing sand and the beautification of the beach area. It was -2- Sp. Mtg. 4-11-74 E95 ascertained that a maximum sand screen could be obtained without blocking the v~_ew of ' ~= beach. Considerable discussion concerning the plan itself resulted in a request for Council to be allowed to consider the plan at a workshop meeting. The total money involved would be ~pproximately $200,000 and would be taken from the Beach Bond Fund. Mr. Turner stated he would present an artist's conception of the proposed plan at the workshop meeting. The City Manager stated the City would be responsible for sprinkler systems, sodding, sidewalks, etc. The City Manager summarized several aspects of the project and requested that all members of Council study the plans of the landscape architect. It was also suggested the Beautification Committee and the Chamber of Commerce be asked for their suggqstions after studying the plans, the results of %Znich would be returned to Council prior to a workshop meeting to be scheduled. ~e meeting was adjourned at 6:55 P.M. City Clerk APPROVED: Sp. Mtg. 4.-1].-74 295A · ~ ,_,~,.~_u., NO, 25-74. A RESOLU*IOU np =~;; C ..~ COUXCIL OF TIlE CiTY OF DEL[L/Y BEA. CH, ~'~E.;~.DA, ~'~.,.~.~ ~h~, CiTY ~O PURCHASE LA:~D ON TIIE EEACiI IN ACCOP, DA>~CE WITH · THE TERMS OF THIS F~SOLUTION ~D SUPERSEDING ~SOLUTION NO. 16-74. WHE~AS, the Palm Beach County Coz~issicn. passed and adopted Resolution No. R-73-7.~5 on December 11, 1973, committing the County to purchase certain land on State Highway AIA to be used for parking and beach support purposes from Joseph W. and Ann P. Gwynn and Frank E. and Jane tt. Kucera contingent upon the ~' - ~zt~. of Delray Beach purchasing land costing not less than $450,000 to be used for beach support and parking facilities; and WHE~AS, the City of Delray Beach is appreciative of the action taken by the County Commission in its passage of Resolution No. R-73- 785; and WHEP~AS, the City of Delray Beach has had under consideration for purchase for a considerable period of time several parcels of land on the beach in ccnnec%ion.with the C~ty's commitment to the County Com~ission and pursuant to provisions of County Resolution No. R-73-78[.; and WHE~AS, only one suitable parcel of land is available at this time, NOW, THE~FOP~, BE IT ~SOLVED BY THE CITY CO~CIL OF THE CITY OF DEL~Y BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION !. a. That the City Council of the City of Delray Beach does, by passage of this Resolution, commit the City to paying half of the purchase price of the Gwynn-Kucera property referred to in this Resolution and half of the purchase price of the Lohrman property located at the northwest corner of State Highway AIA and ~..z .... ~ .... nro~a~a eh~ ~~ ~=~,= ~ r~=4~ ~ the ~- chase price of these two properties. b. The City Manager is hereby authorized to pay the County, on demand, one-half of the price of the Gwynn-Kucera property (estimated to be $273,000) and make demand on the County for one-half of the purchase price of the Lohrman property (esti- mated to be $71,050). SECTION 2. That the County shall t~ke title to the Gwynn- Kucera'property and the City shall take title to the Lohrman property and all other property purchased pursuant to County Resolution No. R-73-785. SECTION 3. That the City Council understands that the CountY Con~ission has reserved the differential between the total amount to be ex~ended by the County for the purchase of the Gwynn-Kucera property and the Lohrman property and the $546,000 previously committed by the County for the purchase of the Gwynn-Kucera property to be used in con- junction %vith City funds for purchase of other land provided such is agreed upon in the future by both the City and the County Co~ission. SECTION 4. This resolution supersedes Resolution No. 16-74 passed and adopted on March 25, 1974. · ' PASSED ~ND ADOPTED by the City of D~lray Beach, State of Florida, in special session on this llth day of April, 1974. ATTE ST: · ; --~ty Clerk ,~