11-25-74 . . : i._ J..LLJ C: ,. . 1. The opc.:~ing pre,ye: was delivered 1.:.,:~ Rev. Louisa Ear]e Uni'~-,~ of '~' '~ ..... : Dc ......~1. Churci~ . ': "' ' Linc ]/'l~g of the UnJ_tea AmerLk::a was given. 3. The minutes of the reg'u]a.r meeting of i~ovember 12, 19'14, were unar,';r~ous]'~' appreved en mo-hien by ilrs Rrivos and seconded b5 .... . ~r~l.~_ appearing 4 s. Hr. Randolph spoke co.n,:~ernin, g an ~ -{n ~ ~,.~_a~,,_._i"'~¢-',¢ Herald on Sunday, Nevembar 24, lr~14~ , shatincl_ ~ the article was damaging t.e h~ms,-~` the City Ceunc:l and thn City of De].ray He read ~t~._ oaraqraoh that reporhed the City Manager had renu Mr. Randolph. He stated_ publicly~ that he has never R,,..-..~:,..~..~, re:un,:::~ an auelence by the C~ty Manager, either while he has been a Councilman or before he was a member o:_-~ Council. He s~.a~.e_.~- ~- 'd the City Hanager has had > :n "ope~ door" policy to all members of Council and to the eitize~]s of Delray Beach. 4.b. Mr. Saunders spoke as follows: "Mr. Ma]o}:, as you know, ! am completing my last few weeks on the City Council as a member of the Ci%y Council. I s~a:ted to serve in 1949 and i have been rather proud over the years of some of the things we have been able to accomplish for this ciffy. I won't begin to name the}n, but any of you who have lived here for any length of hime know that we have made this a be:ter place in which to live. So being of service to this corfu, unity has been a very, very vital part of my line. However, during ~he past few weeks, I have experienced a feeling of sadness due~o some of the ouLlandish a..d~, irresponsible. _ statements that have been made by some of the candidates to the effect that this Council is not performing its duty to the best of its ability by giving over too much power to the Ci:y Hanager. Ordinarily, I would not dignify this statement with an answer. But Z feel this sta%ement has be<un re- peated so often, and if you repea~ a tn~ng ,.f~en enough, people begin to believe it. I am stopped in the post office in the mornings when I go to get the ]nail - ~ am stopped on the street, and people wan: to know i: this is so. I~ my opinion, it Zs simply noh true. In my judg- ment, it is a necessity that the City Manager, during the day to day administration of this city, must make decisions from time to time. i would not give you a plug nickel for any CZty Manager that had ~o run to Council ~very tZme he wanted to mak. e a decision. We hire a City Manager to run the city and make decisions. We, as a Council, set policy and we expect the City Hanager ~o carry out this policy. A good City Manager, in my opinion, cannot be a hale fellow, well meh, if he is going to do his job and do it right. He must be able ho do it and be allowed to operate without having to worry about playing petty politics. Eldon Hariott would no~ win a popularity contest in this city because he is doing his job and doing {t well. There are new City Hanagers in this state who are more highly reqarded or more highly exteemed and, in my opinion, none more knowledgeab'a in all realms of government, and I think it would be a disservice ~o this city to replace him." 4.c. Mr. Weekes stated he was not nearly so eloquent as ~r. Saunders, but if someone had to write a speech for him to make, he would wish it were what Mr. Saunders had just said. He stated his feelings in this matter would be redundant because he would only repeat what has gone before. He further stated he concurred 100% with Mr. Saunders' statement. ha , ]~e wo~t]rt c .... sLLi~' 'bokllc'~? I[c: ....... ~'/:)ilcd ?~c [~[}'r.~ c-') ],0()/, X.'.'.~,'4 ~'~,~ i'~J ~]~]r)~}~'~'~' ~. c'~ 1".~avo',:: Er"i,c::~ F'lr,y :~c;:~:~ an cdJ. L.c':l;].;:~i. :Zroh~ 'chcc 2.~ia~ '; '-~-'d for tzhc~omiRg h,~'~ fro;n ~;1-;~k~ and fcd<~ra.! ~o,~"c ...... 2'he edi'LorJal c-:J' the ac Lion ' ...... _ ........... J~ l't.' ,z ....... . .....-~,-7 C ~:~,c. 1:o rc.~sto~-e thc l,,-,-,,-=- -lso ..... h.~,,_.nd .... 'Lhc ..:i_ty ........ ,' p].ant .,.t:_.~ ,_C~,:rJ_.~_J_ey sa ullo.?e t3a5 };3eel a lo'1: o! discussAorl in. 'khe las'L: several men-Lbs al>ouL cha~q'inq the form of go¥ornment Delray '~'~tl~ ......... ~'~, Several of the candidates a~.e attc.,]~p-k:kng to r~dKe--' it a caml~aign issu~:~ He said the press Nad no~ publicized su:~::~icien%!y th~:.~::' the ~j.t.,,r o--~,n.-,{1 has arraN, ged to provide e'or any cha~,ge i.n city goverqment_ . Approximately two to 'three ~,,e,.~-- ago,. the City_ ..... ' appcin, ted. a Charter revision cex~mittee made up of several local czzJ''~ - zens, all of whom aree,~c':-,iicated ......... to the welfare of 'kl~e city The ~..c~: is compr..seo, of the following: M=. John Ross Adams, Chairman, Mtso Phyllis Carey; M:. Marshall DeWitt; .r~r. Jack ,.~u]~der~- ?.r. Robert D. r-,~.hapz~; ..... ..... [~?r". I C ~m.zu.h~ ' ~- an.e~ Rev. Warren Nubern, with Mrs. Charlotte Dura]~te and Mrs. Beatrice }~opkJ~s as Alternates. An orderly procedure has been set up for anyone having su%ge:~tions for revisions in the governmo;.-h, ~:F~ Mayor Scheifley reed a Proclamation calling for a General. Election to be held en Decem~:)er 3, 1976, between the hours of 7:00 and 7:00 P.NI. _6...,a_._ Mr. Robert ChapJn made a repor-L concerning the United Farm- workers of Florida Hou?Jng Project, Inc. lawsuit against the City. He stated tile questien c;f damages and attorneys fees had been sett].ed by the Couz't and negotiation. Five a~torneys were involved and a settlement has been negotiated in the amount of $4,00{). The vario~as counsels for the plainqiffs sought fees in the approximate amount ef $30,000 and after the direction, of the cou:,:t and much negotiai, ion, no legal fees will be given to the Flerida Rural Legal Services, ne fees will be reco]~mended to be award:?d te the attorneys in Washingten, D.C. , and $10,400 is recomsnended to be awarded to the New 7'erk atterney. Final settlement for court costs which e}~'ceeded $2,500 ]nave been settled for $600.00. Mr. Chapin stated the felt it was a very favorable settlement. The Farmworkers did not buy the property involved and at present there is no state or federal funding for this type of project. Also the zoning on the County Master Plan has been changed. Judge Fulton stated in no way did he feel the City llad acted in any discrimi- natory fashien; however, he had a legal ebligation to follow the Court of Appeals' decision. Mr. Chapin recommended to 'Council that he be give]: the authorization to enter into the agreement signed by other counsel involved. Mayor $cheifley'conm~ended Mr. Chapin for a~ outstanding job. The City Attorney stated a motion should be made 'ko approve the settle- merit as outlined by Mr. C'hepin. The City Manager stated thc funds should come from the General Fund Contingency Account. Mr. Weekes moved to accept the recom:mendation of Hr 'Chapin, authorizing him to accept the negotiated settlement in the amount of $15,000, the funds to come from the General Fund Contingency Account, seconded by Mrs. Krivos. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Chapin reported on the suit against %he City by the Bart- ton Apartments, Inc. A decision is expected in the month of December on this case. lie also reported on the suit filed against the City by Dr. Hillert and he expected a motion for summary judgment in December. - 2 - 11-25-74 ' ] ..... ~.cmo~. 3.{~7,'~ a u .1.2.: .~ ' , 6.0 '['].~: ~" ...., ~.,t: (.,_[_~(' ~g bids ]ia.,.~(i: beon Item ~:1 item ~,-,: It,'' J~3 ]item. ll-Pol icc~ 5-Poi '. c., i--Parks 3-PubtJ.c 2-BuLze' ~Jnq & ]{ac. Ulilities Blud( .r 1-I;' i.a a Joe RoseP~o~.o.s'~ ..... $~8~. ,265 .......... 00 $3~,q00 00 ~4,500 00 $~3,9()0 0r} '~ "¢ o*- . 30 2]7 56 ,124 98 11 932 03 Adams Ch~v...Jl:.~ 38,537 35 , . ~ .... Earl Wa].lace il'c, d 40 982 8.7 30 466 60 4 063 ~8 12 451 77 Hauser Dodge 38,907.65 30,672.88 4,221.55 No Sid Dan ~urns Olds 48,355~53 32,372.08 4,563.97 12,596.!7 it is rec.,zom~e..{~ee that the purchase be made from the low bidder in all cases, Chat Item {:t be a~varded to ,]oo Rose ,.~oteEo in tho ~:mount of $38 , '}65. 00 ;_ It=.m~'-~'. ~.2 be awerded to Adams Chevrolet ]_n' the amount ef $30,2t7.56; lt3m {~3 be av.~arded te Earl Wallace Ford in the amount o2 $~,063.18 and Item ~ be awarded te Adams Chevrolet in the amount of $11, 9s2. 08. Alt of Lhe vehio!es are bbdgeted for in the present bu..~et. Hr. Weekes moved the bids be awarded in each instance to the low bidder, as outlined by the City Manager, with funds te come from already budgeted funds, seconded by Mr. Saunders, said motion passing unanimeus}Ly. 6.d. The City Manager recommended that Council authorize, by motion the entering ' , lnL3 of an agreement with the County for the grading of traffic signalization at the intersection ef Nest Atlantic Avenue and Congress Avenue in accordance with a letter te the City dated November 15¢ 197& from the Office of the County Engineer Th:~ estimated cost is $5;500 wi'th funds to cr~'~e from the 1973-74 budgeted funds, said Yunds having been encumbered at the end of the year. Saunders moved for the upgrading of traffic signalization at %he inter- section e~ West Atlantic Avenue and Congress Avenue with an estimated cost of $5,500, "~' . w2~.n funis te come from budgeted funds, seconded by Hr. Randolph, said motion passing unanimously. 6.e. The City Hanager recommended that Council authorize the retaining of a risk management consultant which has been considered by the City for some time and has been discussed by Council at workshop meetings. The City Nas received two proposals for providing risk management consultant service te the city with the iow bid being sub- mitted by Edward W. Slyer. His maximum billing to the City would be $7,500 for the first year. The second proposal was submitted by Employer's Insurance Hanagement Corporation in the amount ef $21,700 for three years with the first year's payment to be $8,500.00. It recommended that Council authorize by motion tho entering into of an agreement with Edward W. Slyer, the low bidder, for risk management service for the coming year in the amount of $7,500, with funds to come from budgeted insurance funds. Mr. Weekes recommended having an outside consultant who would have no interest in the city's insurance thereby alleviating any possible cenflfct of interest. Hr. Weekes moved Council approve the service as outlined by the City Hanager and the renegotiating of the insurance program of the City after the survey has been completed, seconded by Hrs. Krivos, said motion passing unanimously. The City Manager stated it is recommended that Council, as a companion action, pass a motion directing the City Manager to inform the city's insurance agent of record as to the action taken by Council -3- 11-25-74 t::.o l:]t,:~ c:i.[:.'/ :itt 't:}l: · : ~ " fLtnds will be , j.~ c .... ," :'' .... . . . ' ' , . ]S ]_(~]'~oni:'~,-'~., Sc:ho:':)~_, ..]' . 'f'.A.. . ~ S~C:Oti~JOd ];2~z }i)7 ](at-ic~O]~ :_)'~t ,. sa. id Nto hJ.C)n [..,,~ s s ;~ ~N:[.. . ~.~. - .... "' ~',','~ }.I(~soiutJon ]~o. 77 74 A RESOIi, UTION OF ~'~']:~...~ CITV. __ COL'?fCi]-., OF TiN] CiTY D~_,.,~A!_ nr~ o~ FLORIDA, r~:,"{-~ ."-' - ~ J. ~.A~Re,:~.,: MIK?:DL :."~(}:x'" HiS ()~}~'~'ui~Ni~-: .......... ~"'-~.. Si!',RVi[C~; ,.~o A HEHBI:!i'P OP TI{E D]ZLR?zY ..... bbv,. ~]~O',.~:N D}iVELC)Pi-iZ]].,'T AU~ HO~_z ~ . (Copy ef Resoluhien he. 77-14 is attached he ~._hc orificial copy .~ -hhe°~:.::~ minutes.) .mna_~,~ ~ariott stated this wouto, commend J , ...... ~1 for his service on the Dov, nuov~,, Development z~u~t, calk/. Hrs. Rrivos moved for the passage of Reso]_u'c. ion No. 77-74, seconded by Wee]{es. Upon__ roll call, Council_ voLed as fo]'.LOV.~:~ ....... mZS. Rrivos - Yes; Hr. Randolph -- Yes; z..~.L. Sauncters - ~eo' i}~r. Wee]rp::. - Yeq; Mayor Scheifley -- Yes. 8~h. The City Hanager presented Resolution No. 78-74. A RESOLUTION OF THE CZmv~., COUNCIL nm THR CITY OP DELi~Y BEz~H, FLORzDz~, AUTHORIZING A CI?Y CON..RA~ '~':~ S~ RECORD " ....... tN :, FOR THJ~ PU.~k..M% ..... OF A ING S~,7.:,,:.~. FOR ~' FI ~ DEPARTJ~[~NT. (Copy of Resolukien No. 78-74 is at[ached ~e the official copy ef these minu[es..) The City i4anager recermnended th. ae Rese!uFion Ne. 78-74 be adopted au[herizing the purcN se efa recording system ~or the Pire Depar'hment be approved. The cesk for installation ef this equipment as quoted by Lanier Business Products is $7,456, for which there are sufficient funds provide,i in the C.~ty s current t0ue_;eL. Hr Saunders moved for the passage ef Resolution Ne. 78-74, seconded by Hrs. Krives. Upon roll call, Council voted as fellows: Hrs. Krivos - Yes; . . e - ; Hr Randolph- Yes; Mr S~uneers - Yes Mr. Weekes - Yes; Mayer Scheifley- Yes. 8.c. The City Manager presen-hed Ordinance No. 65-74. AN ORDINANCE OF TItE CITY COUNCIL OF TItE CITY OF DEL~Y BEACtt, FLORIDA, AHENDING SECTION 4-20P CI{~)TER 4 "ALCOtIOLIC BEVENAGES" OF TIlE CODE OF ORDINANCES 0F TItE CITY OF DEL~Y BEACIt; PROVIDING FOR HOURS OF SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVNRAGES ON NEW YEAR'S EVE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITII; PROVIDING A PENALTY C~USE; PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE. City Manager Mariott stated this ordinance has been discussed by Council and would permit the sale of alcoholic beverages until 4:00 A.M. instead of 2:00 A.H. on New Year's Eve only. Mr. Weekes moved that Ordinance No. 65-74 be passed on first reading, seconded by Mr. Randolph. Upon roll call, Council voted as follows: Mrs. Krivos - No; Mr. Randolph - Yes; Mr. Saunders - Yes; Mr. Weekes - Yes; Mayor Scheifley - Yes. The motion passed with a 4 to 1 vote. -4- 11-25-74 tI?;R}~:N'~'~:~!; I 1,, .... ~..:_,...,:, A ~ ,.A _L~-~(; CLAUS],:; 1 t...,., 7 .... iNC] A P }:;N A L'?~i. 7' Cf,AU":' (('~.,-~,z of Ordinanco No R4-74 is att-mch~,d to ~b'~ offi:~a] copy of these minu&c,s.) City Manager t.~,-4 ..... ~- st~L. ed~'- ~ {:his ordinance modi~.ication' t,za~' z ec,~h~ ,~,nc~e,~ b./ Clt_y Bes~utlfJ. c~tJon CommJ. ttee and basical].v requires Ohat a].l required landscaping must be provided with a spz~nkm .... s,~&~tent, zt Public ilearing has heel scheduled to be held A Public !Iearing was held,- havinq bee~ ]egal].y adver'-'° in compliance with %he raws of the State of Florida and the Charter of ~-~ ~' .... P' '~ be-~--~ n obj~ctions~ the ~ublic ul]~. ~l~.y of Delray ~'[each ne~e i,,.u o ~_ t-R::~l~ was closed Hr. Saunders moved [hat Ordinance Ne. 5<-74 be adopted en second and fi_naA reading, seconded by Hr. RantelpN. Upon roll ca!] Ceuncil vol_ed as fo._lex.:s; Mrs Krivos - Yes; Hr. Randolph - Yes; Mr Saunders - Yes; I~k. Leek~:.~ - Yes; Hayer Scheifley - Yes 8.e. The City Manager presented Ordinance No. 55-74. P~.q ORDINANCE OF ~'IL!~,:' CITY COUNCIL OF Tile CITY OF DE~I~iY BEACH, FLORIDA, AHNND!NG SECTIONS t4-9, 14-10 AND 14--.]_]. OF CHAPTER 14 :'FIRED!~'P~n,~'~S~"~'~, FIRE P~,~.~V.~zi~.~l. Ol E,]D FIRE ~'"r .... ~,~uuJ .... lIONS OF THE CODE OF ORD.:~z-~NC~ OF ...... CIT~ Oc DEL~eJIY BEACii PERTAINING TO RvC-[,~ o .... SolFICATION OF PROPERTY INTO FIRE DISTRICTS I, II AND III; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PAR:PS OF ORD -rNAN~r"~ o ...... ~.~o IN CONFLICT II~RE?;~ITH. (Copy of Ordinance Ne. 55-74 is attacNed te the ~-'c copy ef these minutes.) City Hanager N~t~_ott'--' -- stated this ordinance modification needed primarily for clarification ef the City's zoning districts and to make those districts compatible with the. fire zones. A Public Hearing has been scheduled to be held. A Public Hearing was held, having been legally advertised in compliance with th.e laws of the State of Flerida and the Charter of tile City of Delray Beach. There being ne objections, the Public Hearing was closed. Hrs. Krivos moved fer the adeptien of Ordinance Ne. 55-74 on second and final reading, seconded by Hr. Neekes. Upen rell call, Council voted as follows: Mrs. Krivos - Yes; l,.lr. Randolph - Yes; Mr. Saunders - Yes; Mr. Weekes - Yes; Mayor Scheifley - Yes. 8.f. The City Manager presented Ordinance No. 56-74. AN ORDINANCE 0~' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL~Y BEACII, FLORIDA, REZONING AND PLACING LAND PRESE~qPLY ZONED ~q-15 MULTIPLE F~4ILY DWELLING DISTRICT IN "C-1 LIMITED COHHERCIAL DISTRICT", AN AREA LOCATED ON TIIE EAST SIDE OF FEDERAL HIGII~{AY BETWEEN SOUTH LAKZ AVENUE AND BOND WAY LYING IN THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTIt, ~ANGE 43 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, IN PLAT BOOK 9 AT PAGE 72; ;~D AMENDING "ZONING ~IP OF DEL~Y BEACH, FLORIDA, 1972". --5-- 11-25-74 A Pub]'[_c: ~.:e~:.rJ.:ng v:,a;~ ~]e.~d, ]~aving ~.~:~ .... ',f~"~': J_:;(::::i c:c4u~.]_J, apce with t].~(~ law, of 'Li~o St:at:o of: Florida ~nd ti~c Ch~':,.:t:,.~x' of ilk: was c~os,o~. Mr. I:ian(~o!pi: move,.: ~o:~ Lng:. adoption of Ordinnnce No. '.3.--7~ on second a.-d final rea. di:ng,..,e~no.~' ~,,'~ '. / Hr. Sa,:ndc:::s. Uoon,_ r~.,']_l ca:Il Ce~ncJ_]_ .... vet:ed a..~ =~.,~].].o';.;s": firs. Rrives - Yes; Mr. rt.:n~=o.L~:=.- ~: - -'-?, -- Yes; Nr. Saun 1..~ - Yes; tlr Neekes - Yes/ ~,~.o.v(.~ Scheifley - Yes. 8.g.. The CJ.t!~ Nanao~r 'presen~e~: Oxdinance No 57-74 AN OPOl !N?'.'? CE OP THN CiTY COiE:,]CIL OF '2HL CITY OF DE]i,?2~Y BEACH~ FLORIDA, REZO!.iNG AND =~.:.,,..Ir~(~ LAND ' ' ~ ~ l'~' ~ r m - -~ ',' PRESNNTi.~Y z. oNzm l'Ui--15 MI,L.,. IP~Ii, FAMILY DWELLING LOCATED ON' ~'"?~i]:~ ~-~S~'~-' "~ SIDE OF p~ r,~-- _LD .... ~t.b HIGi'Ii, iAY BiPT'~TEEN SOUTH _LA~d~ :,J~NLz AND BOND NAY LYING IN THE NOi{Tit HA OF SECTION 9, TOWNS/lIP 46 SOU~. ~, RANGE da EAST, ACCORDING TO TNE PLAT Th.s.,~Or Fii,ETM iN THE OPFiC.]i OF THE nvp~¥ ',-R.~[i ...... ..... ~::.~A OF TIdE Clot .: COURT IN.~.4=)~'~T' FOR PALi,I BEACH COUN%i', FLORIDA, IN..n]3}:~'r'~- ~°OQV. ~, 15 AT ~°z~:',_,'~:, 6; AND~.,~..~_z~'~nl~,Ta,.~ "ZONING I.~IP ON ]DNLF~Y BEACH, FLORI])A, 1972" . (Copy of Ordinance Ne. 57-74 zs attached to the o.cf~c~_a_ copy of these minutes. ) City Manager Mariett reported -this erdinance will rezone 18,000 sguare feet on the east side ef Federal Highway between Bond Way and Seuth Lake Avenue frem ~q-!5 (Hu!tiple Family) Dwelling to C-1 (Limited Cen~aercial) District. A Pure.mc H-~aring has teen sch6{uied to be held. The applicant {s Paul M. Booker fer Royal Cast= _. A Public Hearing was held, having been legally advertised in compliance with the laws of the State ef Florida and the Charter the City of Delray Beach. There being ne ebjectJ, ons, the ]Public Hearing was closed. Mrs. Krives moved for the adoptien ef Ordinance Ne. 57-74 on second and final reading, secended by Mr. Saunders. Upen tell call, Co:mcil voted as fellows: Mrs. Krives - Yes; Hr. Randelph - Yes; Hr. Saunders- -Yes; Mr. Weekes - Yes; Mayor Scheifley - Y._(_o~. 8.h. The City Manager presented Ordinance No. 60-74. AN OP{)INANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELF~Y BEACH, FLORIDA, REZONING AND PLACING LAND PRESENTLY ZONED ~4-15 MULTIPLE FAMILk DWELLING DISTRICT IN "C-1 LIMITED COP%~ERCIAL DISTRICT" AN AREA LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF U.S. HIGtl~qAY NO. 1 BETWEEN N.E. 8't'H STREET AND BOND WAY, BEING ALL THAT PORTION OF LOT 4 IN SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH~ ~NGE 43 EAoT, AS R~,CORDED IN PLAT ]3OOK PAGE 40, PUBLIC RE<lORDS OF PALM BEACII COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND A[IENDi~]G ZONING Z,L&P OF DELP~Y BEACH, FI,ORIDA, ]_972" (Copy of Ordinance No. 60-74 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) --6-- 11-25-74 City J'd~).].~.~¥~'.u ~'~' ',"' ..... 1;,~ c,~; "' ~ -(' ~rea co]~sJ s' ' [': 2 q lO,' 5 Z'J 1;;. 0 rl )%VO~i 0 I..'01[~ Ri',~-J5 [,.J [ L[':i_~).].O i;'oP, t:J I',7) '~ A Pt'~b]_Jc llearJnq x,~:-t~ Ne]d, 'l~.aving ]~een lc.T~!],:, in c. .,~-1 i~r~c'c~ W:if]l l:h~: ]{::', ::; o:i:: i-'~,' S[a[:~: of J?l_o:i ~d [~rtcl ~ho Cl~c:rk{~:~:' L]~o Cit:y c,F. .. I).'::t. raT loc..~ch. '.~!:e:~:e Nc:in9 ~:o objc:cL:i_ons, th~-~ Public Jng was c]esed. Hz:s. RrJvos moved for t-~e adoption of Ordinance No. ~ r ':] ' 'F '~ '~ -~ ' ~..-con~.2 b,,, Hr. R:~ndolph Dpon roiL]_ ' ~ ]_, .,. _ . C C(':uncil voted %.s follows: N ..... Krivos - V,~s; i':z- Rando][:~]~ Y ....; ~..r. Saundcrs ,r ,.. Mr Weekes Yeo . .- ~.e ..... - ~; Hayer Scheiflc:y - Yes 8.1. The Ci'hy Manager presented Ordinance Ne. 62-?4. AN ORDINANCE OF Tl'{il CITY OP DNi. JRAY BI£ACH, P]i,ORIDA. AME!::I)ING SECTION 9-1 AND 9..-.I.2 OF CP~iPTNR 9 'BUIDDING CODE" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES 0P T~fll CITY OF DNLJ~IY BEACH 13Y ADOPTING THE 1913 ]~iDigZION AND 1.9tz]- R~VISION THERNTO OF THE SOUTHERN ST'ANDARD BUILDING C()DE} ES- TAB.['~ISfI!N'G FEES; READOPTING APdERDHENTS THtSRETO; PRO VtDING AN BFFNCTIVE DA~fB; REP~AL!NG A~ ORDINANCES OR PANTS OF ORD!Ni~NC~S IN CONPLIC~I~ NERENITi!; PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUS}~; PROVIDING A PENALTY C]iAUSti. (Copy of Ordinance No. 62-?s~ is at%ached ~co t~.':: efficia} copy of these minutes.) City P~anager Merio~-k stated this ordinance will update the City's Building Code and will. also updake the fees charged for the varions permits issued by the Building Departmen'[:. A Public Hearing has been scheduled to be held. A Public Hearing was held, having been legally advertised in compliance with the laws of qbe State of Florida and the Charter of the City of Deiray Beach. ~1 e].e being no objections tile P~blic Hear:i. ng was clesed. Mr. Randelph moved far the adeption of Ordinance No. 62-74 on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Saunders. Upon roll ca!]., Council voted as follows: Hrs. Krivos ~ Yes; E~r. Randolph- Yes; Mr. Saunders -Yes; Hr. Weekes -Yes; Mayor Scheifley -Yes. 10.b. The following Bills for Approval were unanimously approved on motion by Pk. Saunders and seconded by Mr. Randelph: Genera]_ Fund ........... $192,500.19 Water and Sewer Fund ........ 5,300.00 Cigarette Tax Fund. . . . . . . . 12,328.75 Citizens Contribution ....... 100.00 Beach Restoraqion Fund. . .... 2,638.52 Federal Revenue Sharing Fu~d . . . 106,600.00 - 7 - 1].-25-74 MAYOR - 8 - ].].-25-74