10-08-73 161 OCTOBER 8~ ].973 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, October 8, 1973, with Mayor James H. Scheifley presiding, City Manager J. Eldon Mariott, City Attorney G. Robert Fellows, and Council members Grace S. Krivos, J. L. Saunders, Leon M. Weekes and O. F. Youngblood present. The opening prayer was delivered by Rev. Frank Crispin. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. 3. The minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 24, 1973, were unanimously ~pproved on motion by Mrs~ Krivos and seconded by Mr. Youngblood. 4.a. Mayor Scheifley congratulated Vice-Mayor Krivos for the fine manner in which she handled the meeting of September 24, 1973. 4.b. Mayor Scheifley read a Proclamation proclaiming Halloween, Wednesday, October 31, 1973, as Meet 'N Treat Day sponsored by the Delray Beach Jaycees. 4.c. Mayor Scheifley read a Proclamation proclaiming October 1, 1973, and every October 1st thereafter as Municipal Home Rule Day and pro- 67th District, to be an Honorary Citizen o~ the City of Delray Beach, sponsored by the Florida League of Cities, Inc. 4.d. Mayor Scheifley read a Proclamation proclaiming Wednesday, October 24, 1973, as United Nations Day sponsored by the United Nations Association of the United States of America. 6.a. The City Manager reported the terms of ~wo members of the Contractors Board of Examiners expire as of October 9,~ 1973. Mr. Charles E. Toth, a regular member, and Mr. Richard T. Hanna, an alternate men/ber, have both agreed to serve another 'term if Council so desires. The new term of office would expire October 9, 1976. Mr. Saunders stated both gentlemen were very well qualified and moved tkat Mr. Toth and Mr. Hann~ be reappointed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Youngblood and passed unanimously. 6.b. City Manager Mariott presented the following two bids received by the City for the purchase of three pick-up trucks to be used by the Garbage Collection Division of the Public Works Department: BIDDER PRICE TRADE-IN NET Adams Chevrolet Company $ 8,925.00 $ 750.00 $8,175.00 Rich Motors 10,299.39 400.00 9,899.39 The City Manager recommended the bid be awarded to the low bidder, Adams Chevrolet Company, in the amount of $8,175.00. The budget provides $8,350.00 for this purpose. Mr~ Weekes moved the low bid of Adams Chevrolet Company be accepted for the purchase of the three trucks, seconded by Mr. Saunders and passed unanimously. 162 6.c. The City Manager stated the required legal advertising has been complied with concerning the Public Hearing for the Assessment Roll for opening, grading and paving that part of S. W. 7th Avenue from S. W. 6th Street southward to meet the existing pavement approximately 300 feet south of S. W. 7th Street. The total actual cost has been determined to be $16,838.50 of which $13,470.80 is to be assessed to the abutting property owners with the City paying the balance of the cost, $3,367.70, which is 207'o of the total project in accordance with ' City policy. After the Public Hearing, which would approve the assess- ment roll, an ordinance will be prepared and submitted for Council's consideration at a later date. A Public Hearing was held, having been legally advertised in compliance with the laws of the State of Florida and the Charter of the City of Delray Beach. Ther. e being no objections, the Public Hearing was closed. 6.d. The City Manager stated Council should consider retaining legal counsel to represent the City in the Hi!!ert zoDing matter. In answer to Mayor Scheifley's question, the City Manager stated legal action has been filed against the City in connection with the R. A. Hillert property, being Lot 1, Tropic Isle Harbor Shopping Center. He further stated the balance of the .,.and in question has not been involved in legal action as yet. Mr. Weekes moved that the City Manager be author- ized to employ Mr. Robert Chapin as counsel for the City. Mrs. Krivos seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 6.e. City Manager Mariott stated it was recommended that Council authorize by motion the acceptance, at no cost to the City, of a right- ~ ,~ for ~.ubllc ~'~~ ~ ~' .... ..... ,__,~3,~.-o=--'¥..'ay pu~o=~ for ~ ~~ u~ S .... 22nd Avenue lying between Germanto?na Road and South Congress Avenue. A sketch was sho%..n~ depicting the location of the paved road extending in a southeasterly direction. The property consists of a strip of land 80 feet in width in Section 30, Township 46 South, Range 43 East. The City Manager stated the City would be responsible for maintaining the paved road involved. Mrs. Krivos moved the acceptance of the right- of-way deed at no cost to the City for a portion of S. W. 22nd Avenue lying between Germanto%m Road and South Congress Avenue. Mr. Youngblood seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 7.a. The City Manager reported Lucy Z. Crenier, 933 Seagate Drive, has made application to the City for a gratis license to work as a real estate sales person. Satisfactory evidence for such a license has been furnished the City and approval is recommended. Mr. Saunders so moved, seconded by Mr. Youngblood which mo~ion passed unanimously. 7.b. The City Manager stated the City's Solicitation Committee has recommended approval of the application submitted by the Atlantic High School Pep Club for permission to solicit funds cn October 13, 1973. All requirements have been met and Council approval is recommended. Mr. Saunders moved that permission be granted to the Atlantic High School Pep Club to solicit funds on October 13, seconded by Mr. Young- blood, said motion passing unanimously. 7.c. City Man~ger Mariott reported the City's Solicitation Committee has recommended approval of the application of the Seventh Day Adventist Church (Daughter of Zion) for permission to solicit funds from November !0 through Nove~r~er 24, 1973 nil City requirements have been met and -2- 10-8-73 163 Council approval is recommended. Mr. Youngblood moved to sustain the recommendation of the Solicitation Committee, seconded by Mr. Saunders, which motion passed unanimously° 8.a. The City Manager presented Resolution No. 44-73. A RESOLUTION OF T?~ CI~i~J COUNCIL OF T~[E CI'i~f OF DELRAY BEACi-t, FLORIDA, VACkATING D~ND ABA~TDONING ~{E NO'~TH-SOUTT.-I SIXTEEN FOOT ALLEY LYING BE%tEEN LOTS 1 THROUGIt 4 A~D LOTS 37 AND 64, McGINLEY & GOSMAN' S SUBDIVISION. (Copy of Resolution No. 44-73 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) A sketch was shown depicting the location of the north-south sixteen foot alley lying between Lots 1 through 4 and I,ots 37 and 64, McGin!ey & Gosman's Subdivision. The City Manager explained the o%.mers of the property were deeding to the City a 38 foot strip of 5 foot utility easement property to compen- sate for the abandonment of the alley. He further sta~ed two actions were required by Council: the first is passage of Resolution No. 44-73 which would abandon the north-south alley~ the second is a motion accepting an easement deed for the smaller parcel of ].and. Mrs. Krivos moved for the passage of Resolution No. 44-73, seconded by Mr. Saunders. Upon roll call, Council voted as follows: Mrs. Krivos Yes Mr. Saunders Yes Mr. Weekes Yes Mayor Scheifley Yes Mr. Saunders moved to accept the easement deed for the 38 foot strip cf property, seconded by Mr. Youngblood. Upon roll call, Council voted as follows: Mrs. Krivos Yes Mr. Saunders Yes Mr. Youngblood Yes Mr. Weeke s Yes Mayor Scheifley Yes '. 8.b. The City Manager presented Resolution No. 45-73. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING CIT~ GUIDELIL~ES PERTAINING TO AN AGREE~Nz AS SET OUT IN RESOLU- TION NO. 14-73 FOR USERS OF INTERIM TREAT~ENT .. PI~ANTS FOR SEWAGE PURSUANT TO GUIDELINES ESTA- BLISHED BY 57-tE FLORIDA DEPART~V~NT OF POLLUTION CONTROL AL~D THE AREA PLANNING BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. (Copy of Resolution No. 45-73 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) The City Manager explained Council passed Resolution No. 14-73 on March 26, 1973, adopting guidelines for the installation of package 10-8-73 164 sewage treatment plants. That resolution had attached to it a document entitled "Interim Sewage Treatment Plant Agreement for City of Delray Beach". The document w~s twofold: one - it set forth the guidelines with which applicants must comply in order to install a package plant; and two - it served as an Agreement between the City and the applicants for the installation of the plant and the fees to be paid by the appli- cants for the City's operation of the plant. The Agreement was based on the Area Planning Board's approval of package plants down to a 50,000 gallon per day minimum cap~city size. The City subsequently received permission ~from the Area Planning Board to lower the minimum size from 50,000 gallons per day to 2,000 gallons per day. Resolution No. 45-73~ if adopted, will adopt guidelines for package plant instal- -- lations that would be supplementary to those already on the books by the City, but would not supplant the original Agreement. The Resolution under consideration also provides for more stringent regulations with respect to location and operation of package plants. Mayor Scheifley questioned whether or not. a possible proliferation of smaller package plants would cause am~ ad~ninistrative problem or necessitate the hiring of additional Ci.~y personnel. The City Manager replied these possibili- ties would depend on the number of plants installed and at the present time, there is no method of determining the nunfoer that will be installed. The City Manager stated the fees to be charged the users are designed to cover any possible added costs to the City. He further stated a 2,000 gallon plant would serve approximately 8 units while the 50,000 gallon plant would serve approximately 150 units. Further discussion ensued with the City Manager explaining other aspects of the package plants to be installed in the City. Mr. Weekes moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 45-73, seconded by Mr. Youngblood. Upon roll call, Council voted as follows: Mrs. Krivos Yes Mr. Saunders Yes Mr. Weekes Yes Mr. Youngblood Yes Mayor Scheifley Yes 8.c. The City Manager presented Resolution No. 46-73° A RESOLUTION OF ?~,~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACi-I, FLORIDA, VACATING AA,iD ABAL~ONING ALL EASEME~TS AS SHO?~? ON LOTS 5A - 6A - 7A - 8A- 9A- 10A- llA- 12A, OF REPLAT OF LOTS 17 - 31, INCLUSIVE, OF TROPIC PAI~S, PLAT NO. 1, DELRAY BEACH ~ FLOP. IDA. (Copy of Resolution No. 46-73 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) A sketch was projected depicting the location of proposed abandonment of easements in Tropic Palms Subdivision listed as follows: All easements as sho%~n on Lots SA, 6A, 7A,' SA, 9A, 10A, llA, 12A of Replat of Lots 17 - 31, inclusive, of TroPic Palms, Plat No. 1, Delray Beach. The property was or~ginaily platted for single family use which n~cessitated the easemcnts~ the use of the property for a church site would not require the provision for utility easements. The City Mana¢~er recommended that Counct! abandon the easements subject to the City's receipt of "no objection" letters from Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, Florida Powcr and Light Company and Florida -4- 10-8-73 165 Public Utilities Company. Mayor Scheifley asked if the church would be permitted under Conditional Use in this area and whether or not the church committee had made proper appl-[caticn for such use. Rev. Frank Crispin answered the church had be<~n attempting for two years to make proper application, but had been told they had to have a building permit prior to making such application. He indicated they would make whatever arrangements necessary to facilitate their progress. The City Manager stated the City Attorney advised him the church must h~ve Conditional Use approval prior to any further action. He suggested the information be received and held for action simultaneously with approval of Conditional Use. Rev. Crispin was asked to see the City Manager as soon as possible for the help he required to follow proper administraeive procedure. Mr. Jack Rollins from Boca Raton spoke from the floor reiter~.ting their attempts to follow procedure. Resolution No. 46-73 was tabled. 8.d. ~-~e City Manager expl~ined th_at Ordinance Nos. 27-73, 30'-73, 31-73 and 32-73 were passed on f-'.'rst rea~ing by Council a~ a prior meeting. However, passage of the new Home Rule Act at the last session of the legislature requires these Ordinances to be placed on first read- ing again in order to allow sufficient lead time for advertising the Ordinances prior to passage on second and final reading. He further stated all of the Ordinances had been passed unanimously on first reading. The City Attorney added the Dew procedure requires the City to advertise for fourteen (14) days prior to passage. He also stated the new procedure would make the Ordinances effective !0 days after passage rather than the previous 30 days. Discussion will be held in Council workshops concerning other aspects of the new law, i.e., whether or not amendments can be made, advertising prior to the consi- deration of the ordinances, etc. The city Manager presented Ordinance No. 27-73. AN ORDILU~NCE OF %~-LE CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, A/C~h!DING CM~APTER 29 "ZONING" OF THE CODE OF OP~3I!~ANCES OF 17~E CITY OF DELPJaY BEACH, AS A~ENDED, FURTheR ~2~ZENDING C}~_APTER 29 "ZONING" BY ADDING A NEW ZONING DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS CENTP~AL BUSI~JESS DISTRICT (CBD) AL~D PRE- SCRIBING 1TIE USES PEZa~ITTED TI-~REIN; AA!D AI.~_ENDING SECTION 29-2 "DISTRICT A!~-D BOUN~DARIES'' TO INCLD~DE THE NEW CBD DISTRICT; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF Ot~DINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALS~f CLAUSE. Mr. Saunders questioned the permitted uses in Ordinance No. 27-73, citing the omission of travel services and attorneys. After discussion, it was the opinion of Council that the Ordinance should be further researched with the Planning and Zoning Board and the Council workshop in order to comply with the new Home Rule Act. Mr. Ernest Schier asked the general boundaries of the Central Business District. Mayor Scheifley and the City Clerk outlined the boundaries and explained further it involved the Downtown Development Authority taxing district. Ordinance No. 27-73 was tabled. 8.e. The city Manager presented Ordinance No. 30-73. AN ORDILV~NCE OF %~-iE CITY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACII, FLORIDA, ~ENDING CILAPTER 4 -5- 10-8-73 166 "ALCOI{OI, IC BEVEP~AGES" OF TIIE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DE~?CAY BEACtt, AS 7CiEAIDED, BY E r - ANti, DING S~CTION 4-6 PERTAINING TO POSSESSION OF AN' OPEN CONTAII,~ER BEING PRI~,'L~ FACIE EVIDENCE OF CONSU74PTION; REPEALING ALL O1LDIR~rANCES OR PARTS OF OP~DiI,~NCES IN CONFLICT t~EREWITH; PRO- VID ING A SAVING C/~XU~,E; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE. Mr. Weekes moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 30-73 on first reading, seconded by Mrs. Krivos. Upon roll call, Council voted as follows: Mrs. Krivos Yes Mr. Saunders Yes Mr. Weeke s Yes Mr. Youngblood Yes Mayor Scheifley Yes 8. f. The City Manager presented Ordinance No. 31-73. AN ORDINANCE OF 57IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, A~,~S~i-DING CH~PTER 1 "GEL~ERAL PROVISIOi,~S" OF 57~E CODE OF OPSDILANCES O.F THE CITY OF DELRA¥ BEACH, AS A2~NDED, BY A24Eb~DING SECTION 1-6.1 PERTAINI[qG TO A MINIMUM COURT COST; REPEALING ALL ORD!,_..z~.~,_~CEo OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT · HEREWI57-t; PROVIDI_~[G A SAVING CLAUSE. Mrs. Krivos moved for the passage of Ordinance No. 31-73 on first re~ ....... ~ '~,~ ~.- v~,~~ !,~r~n ro].~ ~=]~ ~,~ voted as follows: Mrs. Krivos Yes Mr. Saunders Yes Mr. Weekes Yes Mr. Youngblood Yes Mayor Scheifley Yes 8__~ The City Manager presented Ordinance No. 32-73. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TFE. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLOPd3DA, REZONING ALA% PLACING LOT 28, DEL-}LARBOUR SUBDIVISION, IN "P~M-15 MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT", AND A~ELrDING "ZONING MAP OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, 1972". Mr. Weekes moved for the adcption of Ordinance No. 32-73 on first reading, seconded by Mr. Saunders. Upon roll call, Council voted as follows: Mrs. Krivos ' Yes Mr. Saunders Yes Mr. Weekes Yes Mr. Y oungblood Yes Mayor Scheifley Yes 8.h. The City Manager presented Ordinance No. 33-';'3. -6- 10-8-73 167 AN ORDINANCE OF TIlE CI~IY COUNCIL OF TtlF. CITY OF DEIJPd~Y BEACtI, FLORIDA, I~.EZONi[!:;G AL~D PLACING PRESENTLY ZO~-[ED R-lA A~:D l~,,b-]_5 L~NDS ON EACH SIDE OF WEST ATi~INTIC AVE}f~UE FROM. 200 TO 250 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF AT~}:~TIC AVENUE BE%%~EN S. W. 3~ AVENUE AND S. W. 14TH AVENUE Ai, TD FROM THE NORTH- SOU%It ALLEY IN BLOCK 20 TO N. W, 14~I AVENIE, IN "C-1 LIMITED CO~.IERCIAL DISTRICT" 2~D A~.'~i>~DING "ZONIIfG !~P OF DELRAY BEAC!t, FLORIDA, ].972". The City Manager stated the Ordinance changed the zoning classifications from R-iA and RM-]_5 to C-1 Limited Commercial District from 200 to 250 feet on each side of A%lantic Avenue between S. W. 3rd Avenue and S. W. 14th Avenue and f~m the north-south alley in Block 20 to N. W. 14th Avenue. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended passage of this Ordinance by a vo-he of 5 to 1. Mr. Youngb!ood moved for the adoption of Ordinnnce ~'o. 33-73 on first re~ding, seconded by Mrs. Krivos. Upon roll call, Council voted ~s follows: l,~rs. Krivos Yes Mr. Saunders Yes Mr. Weekes Yes Mr. Youngblood Yes Mayor Scheifley Yes City Manager Mariott stated consideration had been given by Council to changing the zoning of a portion of 5th Avenue from Neighbor- hood Commercial and RM-15 Multiple Family Dwelling to Commercial. The Planning and Zoning Board has not made a final decision on this matter. Mr. Youngblood reported the residents of the area in question are in accord ~,;ith thc rczoning to Ccmmcrcial. The City Attorney confirmed the above Ordinances all comply with the new Home Rule Act and would be considered again in the second meeting of Council in October. 8. i. The City Manager presented Ordinance No. 34-73. ~ O~INANCE OF T~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI~ OF DEL~Y BEACH, FLOR~A, ~NDING C~PTER 29 "ZONING" OF T~ CI~'S CODE OF O~INANCES BY ~DiNG SUBSECTION' 29-7 (A) (2) (x) PE~,~ITTING "PET GROOMING" AS A PER- MITTED USE IN ~IE C-1 LIMI~D CO[~RCIAL ZONING · DISTRICT. City Manager Mariott stated the Planning and Zoning Board had recommended passage of this Ordinance by unanimous vote and it had been discussed by Council at workshop. Mr. Weekes moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 34-73 on first reading, seconded by Mr. Saunders. Upon roll call, Council voted as follows: Mrs. Krivos Yes Mr. Saunders Yes Mr. W~ekes Yes. Mr. Youngblood Yes Mayor Scheifley Yes 8.j. ~e City Manager presented Ordinance No. 35-73. -7- 10-8-73 165 AN' OiU}INANCE OP 'P~E CIT~ COUNCIL OF Tt~ CITY OF DELPOiY L~..,.~C,.i, FLORIDA, A},iENDING CHAPTER 29 "ZONING" OF T. ilE Clql~'e CODE OF ORD.[N~N~ES BY AMENDING SUB- SECTION 29-4 (~.~) (1) PERIAI,~d. NG TO ACCESSORY USES OF SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. City Manager Ma]..zotu stated p~ssage of this Ordinance was reco~nended by the Planning and Zoning Board by unanimous vote and it has been discussed by Council. He further stated the Ordinance pro- vides a listing of accessory uses that are permitted in single family zoning districts, hr. Youngblood moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 35-73. Discussion ensued concerning the differentiation between guest cottages and guest houses. The City Manager reported it has been decided guest cottages would be a permitted, u ce, the distinction being a guest cottage is used for guests wikhout payment of rent while a guest house is used for monetary gai'~n by the ee~er. It was ascertained that any of the permitted uses.. J.n the Ordinance could conceivably be abused, but the list should remain as prepared. P~,r. Saunders seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Council voted as follows: Mrs. Krivos Yes " Mr. Saunders Yes Mr. Weeke s Yes Mr. Youngb lood Yes Mayor Scheifley Yes 10.a. The following Biils for Approval were unanimously approved for payment on motion by Mr. Youngblood and seconded by Mr. Saunders. General ..... -~ $~8 ~-~ ~ Water and Sewer Fund .......... 182,798,74 Special Assessment Fund ........ 14,529.00 Refundable De:posits Fund ........ 2,855. Disaster Trust Fund .......... 30,000.00 Improvement Trust Fund ......... 2,224.80 Beach. Restoration Fund . . : ...... 119,566.77 Federal Revenue Sharing Fund ...... 1,618.75 Lowson Blvd. W&S Project Fund ..... 841,990.96 10.b.1. The city Manager informed Council the Legislature during the last session passed a law reestablishing November llth as the official holiday to be observed as Veteran's Day in Florida. Since November llth falls on a Sunday, the City will observe Monday, November 12th as the official City holiday. The City Manager recommended Council hold its first meeting in Noven~er on Tuesday, November 13th, at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Saunders so moved, seconded by Mr. Youngblood, said. motion passing unanimously. The City Clerk was requested to remind all Council members the week prior to this meeting. 10.b.2. The City Manager presented a request from Mr. Ellis Chingos, developer of the Delray Shopping Mall. In 1968 Mr. Chingos provided the City with an easement deed for utility purposes across a portion of the land that is now under ~tcvelopment. The location of that easement is, in part, under certain buildings planned for the development. The request is for abandonment of a portion of the present easement and acceptance by the City of an e:sement deed for relocation. The City Manager recommended Council approve the City Attorney's preparing a Resolution for consideration at the next meeting. Mrs. Krivos moved the City Attorney be authorized to draw up a Resolution abandoning -8- 10-8-73 169 portion of the present easement and accepting an easement in another location to the City of Delray Beach. Mr. Saunders seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 10.b.3. The City Manager reported on the Water Quality Management Plan. A public hearing was held on the final plan in West Palm Beach on October 5, 1973 by the Area Planning Board. The plan incorporated five alter- nates as far as o%.~ership, operation and maintenance of the water and sewage facilities in Palm Beach County. The consultant to the Area Planning Board has recommended one of the five alternates which is the most objectionable plan to the City Council of Delray Beach. City Manager Mariott stated he attended the hearing and represented the position of Delr~y Beach, pointing out to the Board what the adoption of the plan would do. The Board members were evidently unaware of some of the requirements contained in the recommended plan. After dis- cussion by others attending the hearing, the Area Planning Board post- poned adoption of the plan. The five slternates will be considered again sometime in late October. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M. -9- RESOLUTION NO. 44-73. A RESOLUTION OF THE CIUL~f COUNCIL OF TItE CITY OF DELF~AY BEACH, FLORIDA, VAC2%TING AI~D ABANHDONING THE NORTH-SOU'iT-t SIXTEEN FOOT ALLEY LYING BE~fEEN LOTS 1 TttROUGH 4 AI,,nD LOTS 37 AND 64, McGINLEY GOS~'L~N~S SUBDIVISION. WI-~REAS, F. Earl Wallace, Jr. and J. D. Stetson Coleman, owners of Lots 1 through 4, 37 and 64, McGinley & Gosman's Subdivision, as appears in Plat Book 2, Page 87, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, have petitioned the city of Delray Beach for abandonment of the North-South 16 foot alley lying bet~,~een Lots 1 through 4 and Lots 37 and 64, McGinley & Cosman's Subdivision; and, WHEREAS, this matter was referred to the Planning and Zoning Board and after due consideration, they recommended that same be aban- doned subject to a five foot (5~) public utility easement being re- tained; and, %~-IEREAS, the City Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City to abandon said North-Sou~ ~lley in McGin]ey & Gosman's Subdivision, NOW, T~LEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY Ti~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE C~TY OF ~F. LTCA¥ BEACH,. FLORIDA: 1. That pursuant to Section Seven (7), Paragraph Three (3) of 'the Charter for the City of Delray Beach, Florida, it is hereby deter- mined to v~cate and abandon the following described right-of-way: The North-South sizteen foot alley lying between Lo'[:.s i through 4 and Lots 37 and 64, McGinley & Gosman's Subdivision, as appears in Plat Book 2, Page 87, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. PASSED A~U0 [-~OP'i~ED in regular session on this the 8th day of October , 1973. ATTEST: city C].erk ~/L?~r~3 169B RESOLUTION NO. 45-73 A RESOLUTION OF TItE CITY_ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELI%AY BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVI~[G CITY GUIDE- LINES PERTAI~I~iG TO AN AGP, EEMf~NT AS SET OUT IN RESOLUTIOI'[ ~70. 14-73 FOR USERS OF INTERIM TREAT- MENT PLAI:!TS }['OR SEWAGE PUI~SUANT '.PO GU~E LILIES ESTABLIS[[ED BY TiIE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF POLLU- TION CONT]/OL AbTD THE AREA P!J:5.~iNG BOAPdD OF PALM BEA C7I COUN~I. ?~tEREAS, the City Council by Resolution No. 14-73 approved tmn agreement (including installation guidelines) to be executed with users of interim treatment plants; and, WHEREAS, the Area Planning Board has approve~ instal].ation of interim package sewage treatment plants of 2,000 gallons per day minimum - - c~p~cicy in the Delray Beach Service Area; and V~PRAg~ ~ha C~ty Administration has recommended adoption of supplementary guidelines to be used in the approval of all in- terim tre~tmen~~ ~ plants, NOW, ~EREFORE, BE IT Ot~DAII~D BY ~E CI'~ CO~IC~L OF THE CI~ OF DEL~iY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the attached exhibit titled "Supplementary Guide- lines For Design And Installation Of Interim 'Package' Wastewater Treatment Facilities" shall be supp!emen- tary to the guidelines approved by Resolution No. 14-73 and shall be used by the City Administration in entering into "Interim Sewage Pl~ts" Agreements. 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED Ak~ ~OPTED in regular session on this the 8th day of October 1973. ATTEST :, 169C CITY OF DEL!iAY BEACH' SUP PIJEI~gN TARY GUIDELINES FOR DESIGN Ai'~) iNSTALLATiON OF INTERIM "PAC~IGE" WASTEWATER TREAT~,~NT FACILITIES In addition to the "Local Guidelines for Installation and Operation of Interim 'Package' Waslewater Treatment Facilities" titled "interim Sewage Treatment Plant Agreement for City of Delray Beach, Florida" approved by City Resolution No. 14--73 on March 26, 1973, the follow- ing Supplementary Guidelines are provided for the information and compliance of all concerned. These Supplementary Guidelines are in- tended to assist in the implementation of existing Guidelines and to modify same in certain respects. 1. Before applying for permit to construct new interim waste- water treatment facilities, the applicant must exhaus% all possi- bilities for negotiation with other developers or b.uilders in the same general area, for possible joint development and use of existing or planned wastewater treatment facilities~ . It is most desirable that the number of such facilities be kept to a minimum insofar as possible. 2. No wastewater treatraent facility shall be so located as to constitute an unrea~sonab!e nuisance to neighboring properties by re~.~c,n of noise~ o~or: er ~ny ot.~.er ca~]se, Suitable buffer zone must be provided to suit the conditions of each individual installation in order to minimize the probability of such nuisances. 3. It wil]_ be the responsibility of the applicant to notify appropriate neighboring property ovn~ers of his intent to install wastewater treatment facilities in sufficient time for said property o%maers to register any objections thereon to the City Engineer prior to the granting of a permit for installation of said facilities. 4. The following guideline specifications will apply to all interim washewater plant designs: a. Plans and specificatiOns must be prepared, signed and sealed ]Dy a Florida registered Professional Engineer, qualified in sanitary design. Upon completion of the installation and prior to acceptance by the City, the engineer of record will provide a certificate of completion in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, or certified record drawings showing any "as built" modifications. bo Wl~en an i. nte~im wastewater treatment facility requires the .installacion of a temporary pump':ng station, a common power source and control center will be provided for the treatment plant and pumping station. The control panel will be equipped with an emergenc~ power receptacle confo~.]ing to the City of Delray Beach standards. In addition, a portable emergency power generator of 169D suitable size and capacity will 'be supplied to the City for use with each interim pi_ant and its temporary pumping station. However, in installations of small treatment plants, not requiring pumps for continuous flow, the provision for emergency power will not be required. c. An alarm transmitter compatible with the City's leased- wire system will be provided for each treatment plant- pumping station installation. d. All treatment plants will be provided with sludge-removal facilities and suitable vehicular access roadway to accomplish sludge removal by motor vehicle. e. For some installations, a comminutor may be required, subject to the service capabilities and requirements and at the option of the City Engineer. f. Each treatment facility requiring monitoring of sewage flow will be provided with a meter wi%h 7-day recorder chart and %ohalizer at the option of gte City Engineer. g. In those installations requi~ing recirculation of sludge, a sludge flow meter and variable controls will be pro- vided, if so required by the City Engineer. h. If at any time during operation period, %he need for chlorination - the Developer shall provide the stipulated equipment without cost to the'City. 5. ~en the facilities are completed and ready to be turned over to the City for maintenance and operation, the Developer will arrange for a "start-up test" to be conducted by the equipment manu- facturer's representative, accompanied by the Developer's engineer and the City Engineer or his representatives. 6. Prior to acceptance by the City, the following will be pro- vided by the Developer: a. Manufacturer's manual of operation and maintenance. An appropriate list of parts and equipment that may be required for proper maintenance. c. A supply of spare parts or equipment items of a sensi- tive nature, based upon the manufacturer's recommenda- tions. d. A certificate of warranty or guarantee from the manu- facturer and Developer for a minimum period of one year from the date of acceptance, by the Cihy. -2- i69E 7. The month!iT operation and maintenance charges to be paid to the City by the Developer for all plants of less than 10,000 gallons per day design capacity shall be as follows: At least 9,000 gpd but less than 10,000 gpd $270.00 " " 8,000 gpd " " ~' 9,000 gpd 240.00 " " 7,000 gpd " " " 8,000 gpd 210.00 " " 6,000 gp~. " " " 7,000 gpd 180.00 " " 5~000 gpd " " " 6,000 gpd 150.00 " " 4', 000 gpd " " " 5,000 gpd 120.00 " " 3,000 gpd " " " 4,000 gpd 90.00 " "' 2,000 gpd " " " 3,000 gpd 60.00 -3- 169F RESOLUTION NO. 46-73. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COU~CIL OF T~IE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORlqDA, VACATING AND ABAN- DONING ALL EASEMENTS AS SHOWN ON LOTS 5A - 6A - 7A - 8A - 9A - 10A - 1lA - 12A, OF REPLAT OF LOTS 17 - 31, iNCLUSiVE, OF TROPIC PALMS, PLAT NO. 1, DELRAY BEACH, FLORI~DA. WHEREAS, Gold Coast Church of Christ, Inc., owners of Lots 5A - 6A - 7A - 8A - 9A - 10A - llA - 12A, of Replat of Lots 17 - 31, in- clusive, of Tropic Palms, Plat No. 1, Delray Beach, Florida, as recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 134, Palm Beach County, Florida, has petitioned the City of Delzay Beach for abandonment of all easements shown thereon; and, WHEREAS, the City Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City to abandon said easements, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That, pursuant to Section Seven (7), Paragraph Three (3), of the Ch~ for the City determined to vacate and abandon the fcliowing easements: All easements as shown on Lots 5A - 6A - 7A - 8A - 9A - 10A- llA- 12A, of Replat of Lots 17 - 31, inclusive, of Tropic Palms~ Plat No. 1, Delray Beach, Florida, as recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 134, Palm Beach County, Florida Public Records. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the day of , 1973. MAYOR AT~k~ST: Clerk