11-21-73SpMtg 195 NOVEMBER 21, 1973 A special .~,::l_~n~ of +lin ~:f~:v Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, was he, id ~n the C~..~.n~ii Chambers at 12:15 P.M., Wednesday, November 21, 1973, with Ma5[o~ Oa~.~,~ H. Scheifley pre- -';~U, c~l~cy ~.~.n.~r J. E!~!on Mariot~, City Attoz~-~ G. Robert Fellows, and Council membez~ C~ace S~ Krivos, Leon M. ~'nckes, and O. F. Youngblood present. Mr. Jack Lo Saunders was absen2 The opening prayer was offered by Vice-Mayer Krivos. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. Mayor Scheifiey called the meeting to order and announced the same had been called for the purpose of canvassing the returns of the November 20th Primary Election in the City of Delray Beach. City Manager Mari'ott requested the City Clerk to report the election returns. The City Clerk reported the results of the Primary Election held on Tuesday, November 20th for Councilmen for the term of two years were as follows: Grace S. Krivos 1587 Maurice F. Power 750 David E. Randolph 1190 Aaron i. Sanson 605 Rev. Senm]ie Taylor ~64 Total Votes ~ 4996 t~e City Clerk further stated in the absence of ~ny declaration of contest by any 'of the Candidates in this election, Council. should accept the report of the Election returns submitted by the Clerks and Inspectors of the Election. A motion should be passed that Grace S. Krivos, Maurice F. Power, David E. Randolph and Rev. Semmie Taylor, as a result of the Primary Election, be the Council Candidates for the General Election to be held on December 4th, 1973. Mayor Scheifley requested the record show he had the detailed report from the City Clerk which is available to the Council members from each precinct with the proper signatures validating' each. Mr. Weekes moved to accept the report of the Election returns as submitted by the Clerks and Inspectors, seconded by Mr. Youngblood. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Youngblood moved the four Candidates receiving the highest number of votes be the Council Candidates for the General Election on December 4th, 1973, the Candidates being Grace S. Krivos, Maurice F. Power, David E. Randolph and Rev. Semmie Taylo~o Mr. Weekes seconded the motion which passed' unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 12:21 P.M. APPROV ~ED: :. C.ity Clerk