01-04-71SpMtg JANUARY 4, 1971. A special meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M., it also being the Annual Organiza- tional Meeting, with Mayor J. L. Saunders in the Chair, City Manager J. Eldon Mariott, City Attorney G. Robert Fellows and Council Members Grace S. Martin, John L. Pitts, III, James H. Scheifley and O. F. ¥oungblood being present. 1. The Lord's Prayer was recited by everyone. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. 3. The minutes of the regular meeting of December 28, 1970, were unan- imously approved, on motion by Mr. Youngblood and seconded by Mrs. Martin. 4. Councilwoman Grace S. Martin commented as follows: "Your Honor, and distinguished Councilmen, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to say that my first year on the Council of the City of Delray Beach, the Garden Spot of the World, has really and truly been a wonderful year in many ways. I admit, at times it has been frustrating, but, on the whole, it has been really a wonderful year and I would like to thank each of my fellow colleagues here for their wonderful coopera- tion and for all their kindnesses to me throughout the year. I know we haven't always agreed on everything but we have always been considerate of each other's opinions and feelings and I do sincerely appreciate it from all of you. I feel that we have accomplished many things during the past year. We still have many to go, of which I'm eagerly looking forward to, but I would like to say that I have truly enjoyed every minute of this year and ~. thanks to each and every one of you for making it such a wonderful year." 4. Outgoing Councilman John L. Pitts, III,. commented as follows: "Mayor, I can't leave without bringing up a few~ things here that to me are the major priorities for the coming year. I'm merely going to list them not go into them. The first one, of course, is probably agreed upon by everybody, that is sand nourishment of the beach. No. 2. The Master Plan completion. The approval and passage of the necessary ordi- nances that will have to go with this Master Plan and that's where it will really put Mr. Fellows to work this year. Welcome to a lot of work, Bob. No. 3. City assistance and cooperation with the Housing Authority. No. 4. Full speed ahead on plans for complete treatment of sewage to comply with the 1974 legislative deadline. No. 5. Settle- ment of the law suit with Dickerson on the revetment. ~No. 6. Opening of S. E. 1st Street F.E.C. railroad crossing. There are three other items that are of particular interest to me, and one of them is the volunteer ambulance service. I just gave Mr. Mariott some more information on that. Some very good specific infor- mation from a town in Pennsylvania where it is really working. No. 2. Arbitration Clause in all City construction contracts~ and No. 3. De- velopment of the South Beach for public use. Now, on the South Beach, it would be my feeling that we should keep control of it at all times, and therefore, to allow the County to buy it from us would remove that control and I would be against the sale of the South Beach to the County. We're looking forward to the future of Delray by keeping this beach. It isn't urgent that we develop it at this time but it is urgent that we keep it and if we can possibly buy any land adjoining it to seriously try to do something. I have nothing more to sa~; except to Mrs.. Yates~ and Mr. Fellows, I've enjoyed your company up here and the rest of you know how I feel." -1- SP~.~ 1-4-71 4. Councilman James H. Scheifley commented as follows: "Your Honor, Mr. Pitts is leaving us tonight and I think it's the City's loss. I think he has been an excellent City Councilman and I just jotted down the characteristics which I think that he personifies and the first ones that came to mind are inquisitiveness, I think his statement just now was an example of his inquisitiveness, his sincerity, his integrity, persistence, fairness, friendliness and congeniality. Those are the qualities that I think Jack Pitts personifies. I think it is the City's loss and it has been a real experience to work with you on the Council, Jack, and we wish you well. Of this coming year's concern, I think the prime problem is beach erosion, and I think we are on the correct track in solving this problem. I think our immediate problem, County-wide and locally, is to make the County Commission spe- cifically aware of the problem and take steps to ~mplement the program as suggested by the Beach Erosion Committee of the Palm Beach County Municipal League, of which Mr. Mariott is chairman. I believe that is our most important problem and I feel that we are on the right track. In the coming year, I hope that in the next few months, we will be well under way with the Southwest Drainage, the Fire Department, bringin~ the Fire Department up to date and getting new equipment, and the Water Filtration Plant. I think this Council has accomplished a great deal. I think we have a few major things to accomplish in the next year or so, but with Beach Erosion having No. 1 priority." 4. Councilman O. F. Youngblood made the following comments: "Your Honor, I simply wish to express my appreciation, most of all to the administration, for when Mr. Worthing left here, I felt that we were at a loss and I believe that Mrs. Yates has carried on the work in a very fine manner. Then too, I thought we were at a loss when we got without the Manager, and I think we should commend ourselves for being capable of selecting a qualified Manager who is serious-minded and who is working along with the Council and doing a great job. When I came on the Council, or at least when I decided to run for Councilman my first term, I believe it was Mr. Worthing who stimulated me to want to run and I told him I didn't have a possible chance. First of all, this is something new for Delray and then secondly, I didn't know whether or not I would be capable of breaking down the racial problem. Of course, the first year I served on the Council, we had kind of a rough group. There were times when we wanted to fight. I think I 'm telling it right. But this year, this last group made a great demonstration of culture and dignity and ability to carry on in the face of handicaps. For that, I want to take off my hat to the group because we have always said that a man should be able to disagree without losing his common touch, Mr. Pitts has been a pretty rough customer, he will differ with you. He can carry on a great smile right after he gets through with you, and I think that is a great thing. I have learned a lot and I said to Mr. Weekes, as he came on the scene that I hope he would help to continue to carry on the great work that has been started. We sometimes like to put ourselves on the show though because we get the other part coming all the time. But I do think that there has been any number of major objec- tives to be done. Now, we can see them becoming fruitful. Therefore, I think with the West Side Drainage, with the improvement of the water, with the Fire Department and with the preservation of the beach and with our capable Manager having the ability to get with HUD and the State Department and the County and help us with our local financial problem, we can have nothing but success ahead. Again, I want to say that I have enjoyed my work here and I must say that I don't think there was a racial problem. I just had a feeling that there was a racial pro- blem. If there has been a racial problem here in Delray since I have been on the Council, I haven't been able to find it. My greatest prgbtem might have been with my own group because I have been to any number of social activities such as the Chamber of Commerce and many of the others. -2- Sp. 1-4-71 I think I have been treated real well and it has taught me to want to do whatever I can, whenever I can, to help carry on the good work." 4. Mayor Saunders commented as follows: "I too want to add my appreciation to Mr. Pitts. It's been indeed a pleasure working with him. Mr. Scheifley covered it so well, all your attributes, Mr. Pitts. I think we can say that this Council has been about as congenial and about as thoughtful of one another as any Council I have worked on. We don't always agree, which is healthy, but we're not disagreeable when we disagree, and I think that means a lot." Mayor Saunders presented RESOLUTION NO. 1-70 to Mr. Pitts, which was unanimously approved by Council. He also presented Mr. Pitts with a Plaque. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, COMMENDING RETIRING COUNCILMAN JOHN L. PITTS, III. WHEREAS, JOHN L. PITTS, III, has unselfish- ly given of his time and ability as a City Councilman for the past two years, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH: That JOHN L. PITTS, III, be and he is here- by commended for his great contribution to the general welfare of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as City Councilman. Unanimously adopted on this 4th day of January, 1971. This Council adjourned at 7:25 P.M. ANNUAL COUNCIL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING 1. Councilmen-Elect Leon M. Weekes and James H. Scheifley subscribed to the Oath of Office given by City Clerk Hall~ie E. Yates. 3. Mr. Scheifley explained that the Council Candidate receiving the highest number of votes in the General Election will have one year of experience on the Council before serving as Vice-Mayor, which is a Council policy. Mrs. Grace S. Martin was unanimously selected as Vice-Mayor for 1971, on motion by Mr. Scheifley and seconded by Mr. Youngblood. 4. Councilwoman Gr~ace S. Martin commented as follows: "I would like to thank Mr. Scheifley and Mr. Youngblood and all of you for selecting me as your Vice-Mayor for next year.~ I will sincere- . ly try to do my very best and I really am looking forward to bringing to a close many Of the things that we have already started that we haven't completed, and am looking forward to ~serving with Mr. Weekes this year and all of our wonderful people, With the fine cooperation that we've had in the past, I 'm sure we will continue to have it in the future." 4. Councilman Leon M. Weekes made the following remarks: "I'm not as fluent a.speaker as some of those who have been up here for a couple of years. I'll simply say that it is really a privilege to follow Jack Pitts in this chair and, Jack, you're leaving me some really big shoes to fill. I only hope that I do as good a job for the City of Delray Beach as you have done. -3- Sp. 1-4-71 It is going to be a great pleasure to work with each of the Council and with the City Administration. I have to agree almost entirely, may- be with the shifting of a number or two, with your list of priorities. It is going to be a very interesting challenge for the next two years and I 'm looking forward to it with a great deal of pleasure." 4. Mayor Saunders commented as follows: "I didn't outline any of the things awhile ago that I thought were important and Mr. Pitts covered them very well. I look forward, though, with a great deal of anticipation, to finishing some of .the things that this Council has started. We've had t~atk every~year for years about Southwest Drainage, and we did something about it. We took it to the voters, they overwhelmingly voted a $4,150,000~Bond-Issue, which made it possible for us to embark on that program. The same with the spar- kling glass of water, we have been talking about a good filtration plant. We have the money to go ahead with it now, as soon as the plans and specifications are bought~up'to date~ ~ We have already taken a great deal of action in the Fire Department, buying new pumpers and snorkel, buying property for a new station, opening of bids and awarding of a contract. So, I'm hopeful that in this next year we will see the fruition of these projects. At least have them well under way. Another thing which Mr. Pitts mentioned, and I 'm sure is uppermost in this Council's mind, is the completion of 1-95 through Delray Beach, but in order to do that, it will mean that some low-cost housing project will have to be well under way this year. We had in.mind, that will' ~e the case. We're very hopeful it will _be.. Then, too, ~I would ~like ~to~-second ~what Mr ~ Scheifley said about the erosion project. I hope that this year we will be well on our way to some solution to our beach erosion problem through work ~with the State, County and Federal Governments. ~ I think this Council will be a good Council. We've lost a very fine member but I think we've replaced him with a very fine member. I look forward to working with all of you again." 5. No ~. Public Releases. 6. To comply with Section 26 of the 'City Charter in establishing meeting dates for the regular Council meetings, Mr. Youngblood moved ~that the regularly scheduled meetings during 1971 be held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays 'at 7:00 P.M., the motion being seconded by Mrs. Martin and unan- imously carried. 7. Mr. J. Eldon Mariott was unanimously appointed as City Manager for the year 1971, in~coml~tiance with Sections'12 and 44 of the City Charter, on motion by Mr Scheifley and seconded by Mr. Weekes. 8. Ernest G. Simon was unanimously appointed as Municipal Judge and Paul E. Gringle and James W. Nowlin, Jr., were unanimously appointed as Judges Ad Litem for 1971, in compliance with Sections 12 and 47 of the Charter, on motion by Mrs. Martin and seconde~t by Mr. Youngblood. 9. Attorney~ G. Robert Fellows was unanimously appointed as City Attorney for 1971, in compliance with Sections 12 and 58 of the City Charter, on motion-by Mr. Weekes and seconded by Mr, Scheifley. - 10. Attorney I. C. Smith was unanimously appointed as City. Prosecutor, and Attorneys Henry D. Crowley, John W. Spinner and H. Cassidy Sumrall, Jr., were unanimously appointed as A~si~ta~t Prosecutors for 1971, in compliance with Sections 12 and 48.1 of the City Charter, on motion by Mr. Scheifley and seconded by Mr. Youngblood. 11. On 'motion by Mr, Youngblood and seconded by Mrs. Martin, the follow- ing Board Members were unanimously appointed for 1971, as recommended by that Board: -4- Sp. 1-4-71 BARBERS BOARD OF EXAMINERS Wilton Lee, Chairman J. F. Thompson Raleigh Harris On motion by Mrs. Martin and seconded by Mr. Youngblood, the following Committee Members were unanimously appointed for 1971, as recommended by that Committee. BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE Mrs. George Hodges, Chairman Mrs. Clarence Plume, Secretary · HONORARY ' CONSULTANTS Mr. J. B. Smith, Sr. Mr. Lawrence Parker Mr. Charles Toth ACTIVE MEMBERS Mr. George Aspinwall Mr. Gary Gooder Mrs. James Bowen Mr. William Kerr Mrs. Lens Brunner Mrs. George Little Mrs. George Dwyer Mrs. William Mudge Mrs. Paul Fenyvessy Mr. Herbert Neilson Mr. Kenneth Ellingsworth Dr. Jack Odom Mr. Alfred Elliott Mrs. Charles Patrick Mrs. Weldon Evaul Mr. Jack Pitts Mrs. Monroe Farber Mr. James Scheifley Mr. John Gomery Mr. James Wilson On motion by Mr. Youngblood and seconded by Mrs. Martin, the follow- ing Committee Members were unanimously appointed for 1971: COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Gertrude Mudge LeRoy Baine Virginia Meyers C. Spencer Pompey Jack D. Walker Florence Barnes Mrs. Frank L. Carey, Jr. Rosetta Rolle Rev. Frederic F. Bush Al. W. Risker David D. McFadyen Clifford Durden, Jr. Joseph W. Baldwin, Jr. Otto Mitchell On motion by Mr. Weekes and seconded by Mrs. Martin the follow- ing Doctors were unanimously appointed to serve the City during 1971: HEALTH DOCTORS Dr. Jerry Cox Dr. J. Russell Forlaw Dr. Howard T. Willson Dr. John R. Smith PLUMBING BOARD Frank Ryncarz Layman Dr. Jerry Cox City Physician Eugene Elliott Journeyman Plumber Malcolm R. Tubbs Journeyman Plumber Robert Barnwell, Jr. Master Plumber Quentin Bishop Master Plumber Mark C. Fleming City Engineer -5- Sp. 1-4-71 On motion by Mrs. Martin and seconded by Mr. Youngblood, the Plumbing Board Members were unanimously appointed to serve during 1971. TRAFFIC & PARKING COMMITTEE Andrew Gent Planning and Zoning Board LeRoy W. Merritt Businessman Kenneth Ellingsworth . Chamber of Commerce James Love Merchant R. ~C. ~Croft ~ Chief of Police Joseph Quinn Fire Chief John Kabler Realtor Joe Kern Realtor City Manager Ex-Offic io Planning Director Ex-Officio On motion by Mr. Scheifley and seconded by Mrs. Martin the Traffic and Parking Committee Members were unanimously appointed to serve dur- ing 1971. X. Mrs. Weekes, her daughter, Gena, and her mother, Mrs. Sprayberry, were introduced. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M. HALLIE E. YATES City Clerk A~pROVED: ~ MAYOR -6- Sp. 1-4-71