06-09-71SpMtg 89
JUNE 9, 197_
A Special bIeeting of the City Council of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, was held in the Council Cha]~]bers at 10:30 A.M.,
Wednesday, June 9, 1971, with ~ayor J. L. Saunders in the Chair,
City Manager j. El~on Mariott, City Attorney G. Robert
and Council Hembers james N. Sc]lei~l~=~, Leon M. Wee.<es anC. O.
~.!ar~ln being absent.
Youngblood being present,and Grace S. '
~e Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of
America was given.
Mayor Saunders called the meeting to order and announced that
s~e had been calle~ for the purpose of considering purchase of
land for the proposed flre station on the Beach, which was provided
for in the Bond Issue, and for any other business that might come
before the meeting.
The City Manager reported that Lots 1 and 2, Block D. John B.
Reid's Village is located on the Southeast corner of the intersec-
tion of Venetian an~ Miramar Drives, with approximately 45,000 square
feet in area, and has been offered to the City for $90,000 with a
do%~ pa~ent of 29 per cent; at 5~ per cent interest; annual pay-
ments to be made on both the interest and principle an~ with a pre-
pa~ent privilege, w~thout penalty, for a period of five years.
Mr. Weekes explained that the City has investigated all pos-
s~ble loc~t.~.ons of sufficient size for the proposed fire ~t~._ion
Mr. J. Watson Dunbar, 50 East Road, Mr. Taylor G. Soper and
~r. Neptune B. Smyth, 60 and 80 Venetian Drive, respectively,
voiced their object~on to the intended use of the property but not
to the purchase of same.
Mr. Smyth reported that the stop sign located on the Northwest
corner of Venetian and Mir~ar ~ '~
.9rlveo blocks his parking' space and
protrudes out in the street and asked if something co~!d be done
about it. Th~s item was referred to the City Manager.
He also-asked ~f something could be done about the f~ur-way
stop signs on Venetian Drive as be di~ not think they were needed.
_ !f 1ca,_~o~
The City Manager ex~lained that there is ample just' ~"
for a four-way s'~op at a basy intersection when one or both streets
would be made a thoroughfare but that he wou].d inves~-icate s~me
After general discussion, Mr. Weekes moved to purchase Lots
1 ~nd 2, Block D, John B. Rei~'s V~.llage for $~0,000; with title
insurance being furnished at.the seller's expense~ the closing to
be within 60 ~ays; said property to be purchased for a fire static.~
site with the funds to cover cost of same being qaken from the Fire
Station Bond Account an~ as was outlined by the ~ty Manager earl'~
~n the meeting. The motion was ~econde~ by Mr Youngblood a..(~ unan~~-
mously cmrr~ed.
The City Manager submztt~_a 'to Council Ln_ .~ .... ].lowing bi~. f'or
Ambulance Service that were received and opened on April 15 ...... ,!.
x~e reported that the ].ow blo. c. er, M & .~ ~ Associates of R~es?. Pa].m
Beach, F].orida, 'has not entered into a con'tract watt the C'
that. Service, end recommended that Co'6ukc~i rea ..... t ell ]Si<is
and continue the ser,<~ice as i't is new being prov{de,i.
-I- op.°' 6--~--7~.
M & B Associz~tes,
West Palm Beach, ~_orlda $ 7,200
Universal Medical Service, Inc.,
Lake Worth, Florida $ 36,000
A.A. Ambulance Service, Inc.,
Boynton Beach and Delray Beach,
Florida $144,000
Mr. Scheifley moved that the recon%~endation of the City
Manager be followed an~.that all bids be rejected at this time
and that the City continue the Emergency A~.bulance Service. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Weekes and unaniraous!y carried.
The meeting adjourned at 11:10 A.M.
City Clerk