01-05-70Spmtg -1- A special ~eet~n,g~'of ~e City Council .or Ii::)elra¥ Beach va~ ~eld ~n ~e Council Cha~e~s at 8~O0 P,~. ,. ~ a~o. ~ng~"~ ~n~l ~rgani- zat~onal Meeting, without J. L. S.aunders in t~e Chair, C~ty Manager David M. Gatc~l, City..A~or~ey G. ~m~rt Fe11~ and'cou~i~h John L:. Pitts, III, J~s H. Scheifley, James B. Wilson aha O. F. Young- blood~ing present. 1. ~ opening prayer was aelivered by Rev. J. D. Edwards. la. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag o~ the United States of ~erica was given. 2. The minutes of the s~cial Council ~eting of Dec.er 4th an~ re~lar ~eting of Dece~er 22n~. 1969, were ~animoUsly ap~r~ed, on ~tion bye. Wtls~ and seconded bye. Youngbl~. 3. Councilma~ John L. Pitts, III, ~ente~ ~ followst "Mr. Mayor and fellow Councilmen, I have felt i~ a priv~lege to serve with you this last year. ~ile we have bee~ op~stte in our views on some issues, we have all been co~istent in ~he goal of making our City a better place in which to live. I have enjoyed the company of all of you and I shall miss the silver orato=y of Jim Wilso~. I believe our Council ~etings have been ~st tastefully conducted ~keeping with the spirit of Delray. The biggest achieve~nt of thi~ Council, in~ min~, was the organization and passing of the Gene~al Obligation Bonds for Southwest Drainage, Water Trea~en~, ~ n~ ~ire Equipmen~ a~ Facility. As a continuing ~er ,Of t~e 1970 Council, I pledge to this Council ~o ~rk for ~ successful ~letion of this Bond Issue." 3, Councilman O. F. Youngbloo~ co~ntea as follows= "Mr. Mayor, I would l~ke to say that in ~ opinion the me. rs of the p=esent Council have ~rked diligen~ly for the ~rogrese of this ~uni~ an~ ~o bring ~ut a ~t~er unaezst~a~ng of the operation for the citizens at large." 3. Outgoing Councilman J~s B. Wilson counted as folios= "First I would like to ~ngratulate Mayor Saunters ~d Councilm~ Youngblood on their reelection. I~m gla~ that they will be able ~o continue their activities in the City's behalf. It has ~en a pleasure to me to serve with them. I cong=atula~e~s. Mar~in on her election and wish her well. And, although we did not alw~s see eye to ~e on all issues, I respect Council~n Pitts and Sc~,ifley for their beliefs ~d for their ~esire to serve thei= ~it~. In t~e main, we were ~le to =econcile our vie~ints in~rkshop sessions and~rk well together. I shall miss the association. I ~eeply regret the resi~tion of City Man~er Gatchel. He was ~le and ~edicate~ ~o what he believed to~ in the best interests of the City. I can onl~ ho~e ~he City will be ~le to find another Manager as ~11 ~alified, as ~le and as d~ica~e~. I have enJOyea ~ aSsociati~ with City CIerk ~b Worthing. In ~ opinion, no one knows ~=e about the City an~ the entire co. unity t~an he. I respect him for h~ ~ility and for his willin~ess at all times to coopera~e with Council~n. I woula like to pay a ~eserVea tribute to Mrs. Yates for her willin~ess to hel~ and for her unfailing grac~sness ~ courtesy. It has been a pleasure ~o~rk wi~h Chief Croft, Captain Granth~, S~. Dalton and other ~e=s of Delray~s f~ne Police Force. ~at also goes ~or Chief ~inn a~hAs associa~es in the Fire Depart~nt, that Delray can ~11 be proua of' Mark Fleming, Chief Engineer for the City, has demonstrated his engineering ability many times in ~sesSions with the Council during the past two years I served and was alWays most cooperative. Bob A~bo~t, City Planning Director, has a'lso~emonstrate~'"~£s abilities under difflc~%~,~r~mstances. Performing tasks and assign- ments above and. beyond his duties, cheerfully and.willingly, due to the fact that funds were not available to properly and adequately staff his department. I would like to salute Tom Woolbright, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Department, and all members of that Department for their dedi- cation, the long hours they put in, their courage in standing up for what they believe to be right and their ability to bounce back from many barrages of brick bats for they-'get few bouquets. It is my belief that in Tom Weber Delray has one of the best, most competent financial managers in Florida. He too is always ready and willing to supply information and help to members of Council. I might go o~ and on for there are'many others, fine people here' in this City AdministratiOn to whom I'would like to.pay tribute if time would permit, but now I would like to make a few brief observations about the recent election.. The. fact that I was not reelected is of small consequence to anyone but me, and perhaps to some of those who voted for me. But some aspects of the'election constitute curious anomalies which might deserve brief discussion. The presumption is that most incumbents who seek reelection are judged and reelected or rejected upon the basis of how they voted. It is interesting to comment upon the fact that on almost ,every issue, as the records indi- cate, Mayor Saunders, Ozie Youngblood and I voted alike. The ex- ceptions were few over a ~w0-ye~r~period~an~. co~Ded fo~t~.most. part to minor issues. ~.~Qn.~att~rs pertaining to Planning and Zoning, almost without exception, we v~ted alike on site plan approvals or rejectionS, yet they were elected and i'was~"not. I don.'t believe that any Councilman during the past two Years has worked harder in behalf of projects for the well being of those who reside on the West side. Working with Ken Ellingsworth of the Chamber of Commerce, I was the originator and author of the highly successful "YES", the "YES PLAN" the Youth Employment Program which has pla~ed many young men between the ages.of 16 and 20 in well-~aid, summgr pqsitions. However, the person who deserves most credit for the success of the program is Mrs. Phyllis Plume, who with her fellow volunteers, brought the program from the plan on paper to the successful fruition. With Ozie Youngblood I was a co-founder of the Community Child Care Center which 'so far has been an outstanding success in its first year~ I worked to explore avenues of approach to federally funded low- cost housing, for the drainage project and for more and better recre- ational facilities. '~:~'~' As a Citizen, I shall continue to work for and support the Community Child Care Center and shall be glad to help, if my help is desired, in the problem of securing better housing for those of limited income. Yet, despite the fact that I fulfilled every campaign statement made to West side Civic groups two year~ ago, to the best of my belief I received no endorsement or s~port from any West side Civic or Community group and few votes indeed from citizens of that area. But all that is past, it is the-future of Delray Bea'ch'that is important. I hope that the new Co6~'{'l!~wi~ work and press hard for the early execution of the projects approved in the recent Bond Issue. The earliest possible completion of the Master Plan to assure orderly growth and planned rather than piece-meal zoning for the City in 'the future. A beautification ordinance to make mandatory the submission of a landscaping plan with each petition for a buiIding permit as applied to all commercial buildings and parking lots. An early decision to erect a garbage collection transfer and compaction facility before the City runs out of land for its present landfill operation. A permanent solution to our beach erosion, sand replenishment and revetment repairs and maintenance problems. A change in closing hours from 4~00 to 2:00 A.M. to apply to all establishments selling or serving alcoholic beverages. .The National Safety Council states that each year more than 25,000, or about half of the 50,000 highway ~eaths, are caused by drunken driving with the critical hours for the most part being those of early morning, I say that not as a tee- totlar. I like a drink and I think it is an adjUnct to gracious living~ I hope that the Ministerial Association and the Ministerial Alliance will give their consideration to this proposed ordinance .change in closing hours. It is said that old soldiers never die, they just fade away. It is said that old bankers never ~ie, they just lose interest. I don't know what is said about old Councilmen~ Unless I lose a lot of weight it is doubtful that I will fade away and I shall never lose interest in Delray Beach, but I am looking forward to relaxing and to the en- joyment of real retirement for the first time since coming to Delray Beach in 1961. Here's wishing all members of the new Council good health~-good luck, and a good Press. Thank you." 3. Mayor Saunders presented Mro Wilson with a Plaque with the following inscription= "To James By Wilson, in recognition and appreciation for outstanding service and accomplishments toward better government, as Vice-Mayor in 1969, City of Delray Beach. January 5, 1970." Mayor Saunders then presented Mr. Wilson with a copy of the following= RESOLUTION NO. 1~?0. A RESOLUTION OF T~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, COMMENDING RETIRING COUNCILMAN JAMES B. WILSON. ~: WHEREAS, JAMES B. WILSON, has unselfishly given of his time and ability~as a ~ity Councilman for the past tWO years, the last year thereof as Vice-Mayor. NOW,THEREF~, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF DELRAY BEACh= That JAMES B. WILSON be and is hereby commended for his great contribut~n to the general welfare of the City of Delray Beach, Florida a~'City Councilman and Vice-Mayor. Unanlmously adopted this 5th day of January, 1970. This Council adjourned at 8=13 P.M. .... ~_A~NU ~L COUNCIL ORGANIZATION~AL_.MEETING 1. Mayor-Elect J. L. Saunders and Council members-Elect Grace S. Martin 'and Ozie Fo Youngblood subscribed to the Oath of Office given by City Clerk R. Do Worthing. la. An opening prayer was delivered by Rev. J. D. Edwards. Mayor Saunders welcomed the newly elected Council woman Mrs. Grace S. Martin. 2. Mr. Youngbloo~ explained a Council policy that the person polling the highest number of votes have one year of experience on the Council before serving as Vice-Mayor. Mr. James H. Scheifley was unanimously selected as Vice-Mayor for 1970, on motion by Mro Youngbloo~ and seconded by Mr. Pitts. 3. Mrs. Grace S. Martin commented as follows~ "I would like to say very seriously'that I feel very humble in th~ acceptance of this trust and responsibility this evening, and with God's help I will do my very best to be worthy of this honor. I am looking forward with anticipation to working with each member of this fine Council and_I feel sure that with cooperation, and working to- gether as a team that we'will be able to accomplish a great deal. I am also looking forward to working again with my old boss, Mr. Worthing. I would like to say that I am very, very happy tonightto have members of my family and so many of my wonderful friends that have come to share with me 'tonight in this important event in my life. This has meant a great deal to me and I am very grateful. Thank you, to each one of you." 3. Mr. James H. Scheifley commented as follows: "First, I would like to thank the members of Council for choosing me as Vice-MaYOr. I shall try to fulfill my responsibilities to the best of my ability. One little reservation, the last two gentlemen who were elected as Vice-Mayor, it led to ~emporarypolitical oblivion. We will try tO change that this.coming year. I think the last year's Council accomplished some major objectives or some important things. I think the starting of the Bond Issue is the major thing, and I hope that it goes through. I think that in March a milestone was passed when the new zoning ordinances were passed in Delray Beach to control the growth in controlling density and the quality of the growth. I think there was a major step forward and I think that Delray is and will be much better off for it. I hope in the coming year that .we start on a water filtration plant whether it is financed by Bonds or Whether we decide a revenue bond issue is better, but I do hope we get started on a badly needed water filtration plant.. The same with the drainage system Which has been promised by every politician who has run for the last ten years and I hope that we get it started this year. I also hope that we obtain the badly needed fire equipment~ I'm sure that we installed a very potentially efficient garbage and trash system, with the new containerized train system and I hope that during the near future it will develop into a very satisfactory~ working system. But there is.one question that bothers me concerning the garbage system~ I have asked this question of many people and as yet I have not received a satisfactory answer. The garbage is now being picked up twice one week and three times another week. I have never had anyone explain this to me logically why this is so. It should either be three times a week or twice a week or once a week, possibly twice a week, but it implies that people eat more one week than the other week, or they eat different kinds of food than the other week and this is not logical to me. I think it should be the same number of times each week. About three or four months ago.Mr. I. C. Smith came before Council and made a suggestion which we all thought was very good, and I still think it is good. I still would like to see it put into effect within the next thirty days. That is topublish the 'garbage and trash pickup in the newspapers and also by postcard to every resident of Delray Beach. If we can't do it three times a week, then let's do it twice a week. If we can't do it twice a week, then let's do it once a week, but let's make it regular and be very-positive and firm about it, because I don't think that people are bothered about whether it is picked up two or three times a week, the thing that bothers them is when they don't come on the day they are supposed to come. In many cities they just have once a week pick up and.people have to put their garbage out on the sidewalk, etc. It would be much cheaper and regular but I think there is a happy medium somewhere. On the field of Planning and Zoning I hope that we do get our Mas- ter Plan. I am not optomistic. I think that we will be working on one, but I certainlyhope we.lget a Master Plan for the development of the City during the next 12 months, and I .think that the major effort 9. Attorney Charles Byron was unanimously reappointed as City Prose- cutor, and Attorneys Henry D. Crowley and John.W. Spinner were unanimously reappointed as Assistant City Prosecutors, for the coming year, on motion by Mr. Pitts and seconded by Mr. Scheifley. 10. On motion by Mrs. Martin and seconded by Mr. Youngblood, the following Boardsand'Committees were unanimously appointed to serve during 1970= , ATI VISORY. BOm Senior Citizens Club Joseph Menz, President Lawn Bowling Club Harold L. Sherwin, President Shuffleboard Club Cyril Rogers, President Director, Parks & Recreation Alfred Elliott Supervisor, Adult Recreation Complex Mrs. Marie Olive 9,.aRD. OF EX I RS Wilton Lee - Chairman J. F. Thompson Raleigh Harris BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE ~ Mr~ John'Gomery - Chairman Mr. James Wilson - Secretary Honorary Consultants Mr. Stuart Lankton Mr. Lawrence Parker Mr~ J~ B. Smith. 'Sr. Mr. Charles Toth Active Members Mrs. James Bowen Mrs. Lens Brunner Mr. Ken Ellingsworth Mr. Alfred Elliot% Mrs. Weldon Evaul Mr. Gary Gooder Mrs. George Little Mr. Herbert NielSon Dr. Jack Odom Mrs. Charles Patrick Mrs. Clarence A. Plume Mr. J. W. Dunbar Mr. George Aspinwall Mrs. George Hodges Mrs. Monroe Father Mrs. William Mudge Fir. William Kerr Gertrude Mudge LeRoy Baine Virginia Meyers C. Spencer Pompey Jack Do Walker Florence Barnes Mrs. Frank L. Carey, Jro Rosetta Rolle Rev. Frederic F. Bush Al. W. Risker David Do McFadyen Clifford Durden, Jr. Joseph W. Baldwin, Jr, Otto Mitchell ELECTRICAL EXAMINING BOARD (Two Year Term-1970 & 1971) Herbert Stol1 Electrical Inspector C..W. Trieste General Contractor J. William Gearhart Florida Power & Light Company Matt Gracey~ II . Elector Clarence D~ Cook Chief of Fire Prevention RichardT. Hanna ArchiteCt R~ c. Keen MaSter Electrician -7- sp. 1/5/?0 FINANCI~ALADVISORY BOARD Marshall Mo DeWitt Howard W. Smith Col. John E. Beebe, Jr. HEALTH D~_TORS Dr. Jerry Cox Dr. J. Russell Forlaw Allen Stagg, Jr, Plumbing Inspector Dr. Jerry COX City Physician Fred B~ Conrad Journeyman Plumber .... Malcolm R. Tubbs Journeyman Plumber Robert Barnwell, Jr. Master Plumber Quentin Bishop Master Plumber Mark C. Fleming City Engineer TRAFFIC & PARKING COMMITTEE Andrew Gent Planning & Zoning Board LeRoy W. Merritt Businessman Kenneth Ellingsworth Chamber of Commerce James Love Merchant R. C. Croft Chief of Police Joseph Quinn Fire Chief John Kabler Realtor Joe Kern Realtor City Manager Ex-Officio Planning Director Ex-Officio X. During discussion concerning advertising for a City Manager, it was decided that this item would be further discussed at a workshop meeting scheduled for 7:30 P.M., Wednesday, January 7th, and Mayor Saunders said that all applicants should prepare a resume of their qualifications and their experience and either deliver it or mail it to the City Clerk's Office. X. Mr. Pitts asked if it would be possible to include a short dis- cussion on group insurance for City Employees at said scheduled workshop meeting. Xo It was reported that there would be discussion with the Planning and Zoning Board at said workshop meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:42 P.M. R. D. WORTHING City Clerk A~PROVE~ -S- sp. 1/5/?0 should be on the westward expansion out to Military Trail in our Reserve Ar~a. However, there are a couple Df other points that I think and I hope that we will.accomplish, and that is to get a better balance between residential and commercially zoned property. I think we have too much commercially zoned property and I think we should use what we have before we extend any commercial zoning. Another point that I hope we can acCOmplish is the clearing up of the abandoned gas stations in Delray Beach and also limit the number of gas stations. I think it is getting out of balance. Another goal I hope we accomplish is the preservation of the area that is now zoned as single family residence area. I think these things will be done, but there is one thing I think can be done before we get a Master Plan and I hope that we do it within the next thirty days and that is to require two parking places for every unit in a multiple residence area. As the Arvida Corporation has told us, anyone who builds less than two parking places per unit in condo- miniums is only kidding themselves, and you only have to go over to the beach to a cocktail party or any other time, and with all the two- car families, etc., I am sure that it is practical, it is desirable and necessary and will come about. I think that we should take steps to do that immediately. During the next year I hope that someone comes up with a plan, a practical plan, so that we can open South 1st Street across the rail- road. This is one of the bottle necks in the City traffic. It is continually recommended by the Traffic and Parking Committee but nobody has come up with a practical idea of how we can go about it and compete with Mr. Ball and his railroad. Another objective I think we should undertake this year is the review of all City ordinances and either enforce them or repeal them. There are ordinances on the books, and some of which were passed within the last four years, which are not enforced. I refer to the swimming pool ordinance. It was passed during an emotional period when some child was drowned, or near drowned. The Planning and Zoning Director told me at the time that it would never be enforced and it never has been. I think we should strive to get more parking in the beach area. We have a wonderful Beautification Committee made up of fine dedicated citizens. I hope they become more aggressive. I feel that there are things they can do with the support of the City Council that will tremendously beautify our City. They are doing things now on the Federal HighWay and there are things being done in this City which are a real pleasure. We only hear about the bad things. In spite of the fact that our Mayor is connected with a certain institution, I think that what the First Federal Savings & Loan Association is doing on Atlantic Avenue is a tremendous asset to this City and a spot of beauty. I think it is really a treat to drive past that area, and I think your Bank is doing a wonderful job. Another point that I would like to see stressed and undertaken is the attempt to get Federal Aid on different projects. I think that we have been weak in this field. Our sister cities are getting Federal Aid and I think that we should try to do something, whatever is necessary, to find out how they get it and to get some of this Federal Aid for possibly Federal Housing and Drainage. 'If they get it for the acquisition of Beaches it seems that we should be able to get it for much m~re important and more necessary things connected with the general health and welfare. Mr. Mayor, these are some of the gOals that I hope we will under- take very seriously, and I am sure we will, and with the help of everyone and cooperation I am sure that Delray Beach will be a much finer City." Mr. O. F. Youngblood commented as follows: "I would like to say 'Amen' to what Mr. Scheifley has said and I would also like to thank those of you in. the audience who helped to return me to the COuncil to serve for 1970. I would like to Pledge to you to continue to work for the good of the community to the best of my knowledge. I fe~l that much has been accomplished in the light of themany criticisms thatgo with being a Councilman.. I, having been principal of a School and having beenkicked around so much there, it seems to me it has been a pleasure for me to be kicked around on the Council. Thank you." Mayor Saunders then commented as follows~ "I would like to thank allthe fine people in Delray that helped to return me to office and i pledge to the best of my ability to try to accomplish many of the things that Mr. Scheifley has outlined. I am particularly interested in the three main items covered by the Bond Issue. If we started tomorrow, it would take us two years to get the Water Plant, so we have to get going even if we can't do it with the Bond Issue we will have to do it some other way, even Revenue Cer- tificates. It is most important that we get started on some of these things because it is my goal to have all of. these things completed by the time my term is up. We have many, many challenges ahead of us in this next year and I am sure that everybody working together and working hard--we put in a lot of hours that you really'don't know about in workshops and meetings and things--there is never anybody on the Council 'that after they once get on it, it sort of gets in 'their blood and they will neglect their business, they will neglect their families and just go all out to make this thing work. I am sure that this council is going to do the same thing." 4. City Clerk Worthing read the following letter from the Tropic Isle Civic Association to City Manager Gatchel, dated December 12, 1970~ "The Directors of this Association have requested me to thank you and the City of Delray Beach for your cooperation in the planting of Adonidiapalms along the entrance to Tropic Isle. The job done by your Park Department was excellent, and our members are most grateful for what you and the City have done for us." 5. To comply with Section 26 of the City Charter in establishing meeting dates for the regular Council meetings, Mr. Youngblood moved that the regularly scheduled meetings during 1970 be held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 8:00 P.M., the motion being seconded by Mr. Pitts and unanimously carried. 6. Mr. Youngblood reported that CoUncil, at a recent workshop meeting had received, in writing, the resignation of City Manager David M. Gatchel. He then moved that the City Manager's resignation be accepted, with regret. The motion was seconded by Mr. Scheifley and carried unanimously. 7. City Clerk Worthing reported that in accordance with Sections 12 and 47 of the Charter, also Chapter 2 of the City's Code of Ordinances, and subject t° it being understood that all such appointments and terms of office are at the pleasure of Council, Council should provide for appointment of a Municipal Judge, Judges Ad Litem, a City Attorney, a City Prosecutor and Assistant City Prosecutors. Mr. Ernest G. Simon was unanimously appointed as Municipal Judge, and Mr. Paul E. Gringte and Mr. I. C. Smith were unanimously appointed as Judges Ad Litem for the coming year, on motion by Mr. Youngblood and seconded by Mr. Pitts. 8. Attorney G. Robert Fellows was unanimously reappointed as City Attorney for the coming year, on motion by Mr. Scheifley and seconded by Mr. Pitts.