12-03-70SpMtg 1'91 DECEMBER 3, 1970. A Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, was held.in the Council'Chambers at 8500 A.M., ThuN~ ~y, December 3, 1970, wzth Mayor J. L. Saunders in the Chair, Cit~?~ Manager J. El~on Mariott, City Attorney G. Robert Fellows and Members Grace S. Martin, John L. Pitts, III, James H. Scheifley and O. F. ¥oungblood being present. The Lord's Prayer was ·recited by everyone. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United S~ates of America was given. Mayor Saunders called the meeting to order and announced that same had been called for the purpose of canvassing the returns of the General Election held on Tuesday, December 1, 1970. The City Clerk reported that the results of the General Election~ held on December 1, 1970, for the purpose of electing two Councilmen, each for a two-year term on the City Council; also for a straw vote on the question: "Do you want the City of Delray Beach to award a non-exclusive cable television franchise that would make cable tele- vision available to those residents who desire the service, would not interfere with normal antenna reception and woula guarantee the City additional revenues?",, as shown on the returns thereof, submitted by the Election Clerk and Inspectors are as follows: FOR COUNCILMAN JAMES H. JURNEY 854 JAMES H. SCHEIFLEY 1,485 PETER N. VOSSOS 252 LEON M. WEEKES 1,707 CABLE T.V.: FRANCHISE YES 1,001 NO 446 In compliance with Section 12.7 of the city'~ Code of Ordinances, Council should, in the absence of any declaration of contest by any Candidate in the election, declare the result of the election as re- flected in the official returns submitted, a recapitulation of which has been furnished Council. Mr. Youngblood moved that the returns of said General Election be accepted, as submitted, the motion being seconded by Mrs. Martin and unanimously carried. Mayor Saunders announced that the Chamber of Commerce is sponsor~ ing anOld-Fashioned Christmas parade, Saturday, December 5 starting at 10:00 A.M., which will have over 40 floats and over 1~000 people partici~ting. The meeting adjourned adjourned at 8~10 A.M. HALLIE E. YATES City Clerk MAYOR Sp. 12-3-70