10-13-69 OCTOBER 13, 1969,: A regular meeting of the City .Council of the City.of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8=00 P.M., with Mayor J. L. Saunders in the Chair, Acting City Manager R. D. Wo~thing, City At- torney G. Robert Fellows and,Councilmen J. L. Pitts, III, James H. Scheifley, James B. WiSson and O. F. Youngblood being present. An opening prayer was delivered by Rev. W. Arthur Spruill an~ the ~' to the Flag of the United States of America was p~edge of Allegiance given. " X. Mayor Saunders introduced Mrs. Grace Martin, Mr. Clifford Duraen, Jr., and Mr. O. F. youngblood, Council candidates, and Mr. James H. Jurney, a candidate for Mayor, for the coming eleution. 3. The minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 22, 1969, were unanimously approved, on motion by Mr. Wilson and. seconded by Mr. Youngblood. 5. Mr. Pitts commented on the number of service stations in Delray Beach and the number that are not operating. He said he thinks this item should be discussed at a workshop-meeting and the ordinance re- viewed with the idea-of requiring a company to tear down their station if they are going to construct a new one. 5. Mr. Pitts said that he is interested in the Boy Scouts and sees nothing in the papers of thei~'b~tlvities; He suggested that the Boy Scout Executives of the Gulfstream Council be invited to a Council workshO~ ~eetingl.to see ~ the~::'h~v~ 'any problems and if th& City can ~n~o~age tha~ organiZation~i' , 5. 'Mr,' ~it%s' askea~'the'Stitus"'Of"a ".meeting with the B~ca' Rat0n-city COunaiI ~egarding a Transfer.plant. Ma. yor..Saunders said that,.would be arranged when the City Man,ger.. returns · " - 5. Mr Pitts"asked the status 'of the' s~ate ROad approval~ ~f traffi~'on'Atlan~ic Avenue. ' Acting City Ma~ager'"Worthlng'repOrted that when the City Manager return~ from the City Manager'~ Convention, a meeting will be sched- dle~*w~h.'~the'State Road D~par~ment rePreSenta~iveS-'~ ' 52'~.Mr. Pi%ts reported tha~: the Jr. High School swimming team is pre- paring for a County Meet, and the ocean-side swimming pool will be closed after the '20th of"':.th~s month. He asked' if~the pool could be kept open longer,' or if it'woulfl be possible for them to use the Teen TOwn center moo1, and suggested this as an item for ~he OctOber 14th workshop meeting; Mayor Saunders asked Mr~ Alfr~ Eiliott, Director of Parks and Recreation, to meet with Council at that workshop meeting. -~,: 5.'Mr~ Wilson said there iS' n°thing~i~ the code of ordinances ~hich requireS.that a request for a'~buil~i/lg:permit be accompan~ea by .a lanas~apxng plan~ or Some p!~ni'fO= *beauti~ication of Re'suggested a review 0f..this sub}ect..at an early ..wo. rkshop meeting, with the idea of passing an °r~inance' whiCh would,make it manflatory that any 'building permit be accompanie~ ' by a, .plan for' beaU~ification- 5. Mr, Wilsoni :sa id 'that fo'II,lng the' Hurricane'~t~at deva~2ated'. '~he Gulf Coast he had suggested that the 'City's Sign Ordinance.be reviewed on the basis of safety, and he still d~sires:that ordinance reviewed and'iit..be.requir~ that'signs be installed to' stand::a,~200 mile an hour Wind~*,~'H~ ~asked ~hat this be.considered at an early workshop session and-a~ti6n on same as soon as'Possibl~; .' ' 5~ gay~r~:saunders'read'a PROCLAMATION Of;the BUsiness and professional Women's Club proclaiming October Igth thru the 25th, 1969, as N~TIOtTAL BuSINEss WOME~rS WEEK. .~I- 10-13-69 6.a. Concerning a survey of lands in violation of the City's nuisance laws, presented by the City Manager, MX. Scheifley moved that the City Clerk be instructed to proceed with theenforcement of ChaPter 15 of the City Code of Ordinances, the motion being seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously carried. (Copy of Nuisance Survey is attached to the official copy of these minutes°) See pages 158-A-B. 6.b. As a result of the annual meeting of the Florida League of Municipalities being held on October 26th, 27th and 28th, in Daytona Beach, Mr. Youngblood moved that the next regular Council meeting be held at 8:00 P.M., on Wednesday, October 29th instead of Monday the 27th. The motion was seconded by Mr. Pitts and carried unanimously. 6,c. Regarding a $12,000. cash bond received in November, 1966, from Mr. John B. Ambrose, owner and developer of Sudan Subdivision, assuring certain sidewalk and street improvements in that Subdivision, Acting City Manager Worthing informed Council that the Davis Road improvement, for which MX. Ambrose was responsible, has now been satisfactorily com- pleted by Hardrives, Inc., and is acceptable to the City,. as reflected in a report from City Engineer Fleming, dated September 26, 1969, and authorization is requested for releasing the savings account of $12,000.00 to Mr. Ambrose in order that he may provide for payment to Hardrives, Inc., in the amount of $8,952~000 for said Davis Road im- provement, and it is understoodand agreed that Mr. Ambrose will re- plenish the remaining balance of said Cash Bond with necessary funds to assure completion of the sidewalk construction as previously agreed upon. Authorization was unanimously granted for partialrelease of Cash Bond to Mr. Ambrose, as outlined, on motion by Mr. Pitts and seconded by Mr. Wilson. 6.d. Concerning possible disposition of City owned 400-foot tract of land lying between South A1A and the ocean, Mr. Scheifley moved~that the sale or retention of said south beach property owned by the City be put on the ballot of the General Election in December for a straw vote for the guidance of the City Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Pit~s and carried unanimously. 6.e. Acting City Manager Worthing announced that there would be a meet- ing of the Florida. Shore & Beach Preservation AsSociation at "The Tides" in Redington Beach, on November 5th, 6th and 7th,.and. informed the Councilmen that if they plan to attend saidmeeting they should in- form the City Manager's secretary in order that the necessary reser- vations may be made. 6.f. Regarding consideration of the Final Plat of TROPIC BAY which comprises some property in the 3rd Section of Tropic Isle, property in Blocks 1 and 2, First Addition to Del-Raton Park, and property in Sec- tion 28-46-43, the City ~nager informed Council that Site Plan approv- al for this property was given to Joyce of Florida, Inc., at the last regular Council meeting. Further, the following recommendation of the City Enqineer, dated October 9~ 1969, is. concurred in bY the Planning and Zoning Board: "The Preliminary Plat of the Subdivision of TROPIC BAY, showing all facilities for this area, as well as the Final Plat to be filed with Palm Beach County, as presented by the developer, Joyce of Florida, Inc., have been examined by the City Engineer and the Planning Board, and determined to be satisfactory. Accordingly, it is recommended that theCouncil, in ac- cordance with Ordinance No. G-285, grant approval of the Preliminary Plat, and tentative approval of the Final Plat, the latter contingent only on the certification of the City Engineer that all facilities havebeen constructed or Surety Bond provided as required by said Ordinance No. G-285."- The City Manager said it is recommended'that Council accept the Preliminary Plat of TROPIC BAY, and. give tentative'approval of the Final Plat, execution of which should be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. It was so moved by Mr. wilson, seconded by Mr. Pitts and unanimously carried. 7.a. The City Manager presented petitions fo~ rezoning of the following tracts of land located just south of Sherwood Park, and said that Coun- cil may deny these requests or refer same to the Planning & Zoning Board for a public hearing thereon, to be followed by the Board's recommendation: Tract 1. From R-1AAA-B and R-1AA to RM-1, being the south half of Section 24-46-42 less several portions thereof including S. w. 12th Street right-of-way, as shown on sketch attached to the petition. Tract 2. From R-1AA to RM-2, being a portion of said south half of Section 24-46-42 less portions thereof, and that portion of Section 25-46-42 lying north and east of Germantown Road, less a small portion thereof, as well as Lake Worth Drainage District's Lateral Canal No. 36 lying within said tract, as shown on sketch attached to the petition. Said petitions were unanimously referred to the Planning and Zoning Board, on motion by Mr. ScheifleY and seconded-by Mr. Wilson. ?~b' ~ga~di~g 9' Peri'ich from Mr. ~arl w£1s'°n' for a cert'Eficate of Public ~onvenie~e'and NeCessitY:to'Operate one taxicab' a-~ubl'ic hear- lng wa~ he'ld' and there were no Objections from other licensed cab oper- ators nor the public; however;'~COunciIde~erre~ action at the last meeting on said petition due to the absence of ~he applicant. Mr. Wilson answered several questions for Mr. Pitts concerning his proposed 'taXicab oPeration~'' ....... 'Mr~ WilSon moved that the request of Mr. Carl' wilson for a certifi- cate ~o operat'e'on~ taxicab be granted', the motion b~ing seconded by Mr.-Youn~bloOd an~'u~animously Ca, tied. 7.c.'The City'Man~ger presented~ 'reqmest'~Signed by twenty~hree resi- dents and property owners' of Ri0'Del Rey'Shores Subdivision, which subdivision l'£es between":iS~ Ej'Tth and"10.th Streets, and extends east- erly from S. E. 6t~ Avenue t° the Intracoastal Waterway, and classified R-1AA except that portion extending'easter'ly from 6th Avenue for a dis- tance of 135 fee=, whi6h:''is zoned c-2, requeSting,that the Planning and Zoning Board be ~ir~cted to review ~he.classificati°n' of that portion zoned C-2. He said it 'is ~ecommended that CounCil refer this request to the Planning and Zoning Board for its review and consideration thereof, and recommendation to the City CounCil at such time as the Board has been able to devote s~fficient 'time, stud~' an~ Possible public hearing on. the is.~ue,:should' such hearing ~e determined 'to be Warranted, Mr... Youngblood moved-that this request ~e. referred to the Pla.nn. ing and Zoning Boar~ .for their reViewla,d-:recomme~dati°n' ..the' motio~ being seconded by'Mr', wi1s°n and unahimously carried'. Mr. SCheifley requested'~he 'cit~'''Att0rney to research' the l~ws and advise'Council, 'at its next meetin'g, as to the validity o'f-petitions submitted prior to °~ficial lega'l date that passed'~nd adCcPted Ordi- nances become law,' which petitions concerned 'use, or change in zoning, of lands affected by such ordLnance · 7~.d. The' City Manager reported receipt of a petition from Garme Invest- ment Company requesting rezoning f~rom R-1 (Single Family Dwelling Dis- tr'ict) to RMv2 (Multiple Family Dwell. lng DistriCt) of the NE% 'of Of' 'SW~ 6f ~S~ctio'n 17-46-43 less the' nor%h, south, east and west 25- fCct: rights-of,way; further, Co?~ncil ma~.. ~eny this request or refer same to'the Planning 'and 'Zoning'Board for. a pUbli6 hearing,' and '""'" -3- 10-1.3-69 recommendation to Council as a result of such hearing and the Board's study of the general area, particularly as to land classification. Said petition was unanimously referred to the Planning and Zoning Board, on motion by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Youngblood. 7.e. Concerning a request for use of the Community Center, the Acting City Manager reported to Council as follows: "The South Florida Migrant Legal Services Program requests the use of the auditorium'at the Community Center for next Sun- day evening, between the hours of 8:00 P.M., and ll:0O P.M.., for the purpose of conducting a talent show. It is the intent of the organization to charge admission, of minimal amount. Council attention is again directed to the fact that, originally, it was the opinion of Council~ several years ago, to keep this facility on a no-admission basis. Survey of auditorium usage for the past' few years discloses that ad- missions have been charged for certain benefit performances and talent displays. Therefore, it is recommended that this request be granted, and that consideration be given to uti- lization of the Community Center's facilities, and possible .admission charges permitted, at an early workshop meeting in order that Council policy may be established." Mr. Wilson said he thinks the ~uggestion for review of Council poli- cy on this matter is good. He then moved to grant said request for use of the Community Center auditorium for next Sunday evening,.the motion being seconded by Mr. Pitts and unanimously carried. 7.f. The City Manager. referred to a letter, dated September 23rd, from the First Presbyterian Church concerninga drainage problem on their parking lot, and the resurfacing of Bronson Street, and informed Council that City Engineer Fleming has estimated the cost of resurfac- lng Bronson Street to be between $3,500.00 and $4,000.00 and that the First Presbyterian ChurCh' has offeredto participate ~n such improve- ment cost-to the extent of $1,000.00. Further, .~Subject to Council ap- prOval for such street improvement, authorization is requested for transfer of sufficient funds, from the.General Fund Contingency Ac- count, to cover the City's shake for such improvement cost. Mr. Youngblooa moved to grant authorization for said street improve- ment and the transfer of necessary funds, as requested, the motion be- ing seconded by Mr. Wilson; Upon call of roll, Mr. Pitts, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Youngblood and Mayor Saunders voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Scheifley abstained from voting and stated that he is a member of the First Presbyterian Church. 8.a. Acting City Manager Worthing presented RESOLUTION NO. 42-69. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING TH~ PALM BEACH COUNTY COM- MISSION TO EXCLUDE THE PRESENT MUNICIPAL AREA OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH FROM ANY TAXING DISTRICT WHICH MIGHT BE ESTABLISHED FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUISITION, DEVELOPMENT AND/OR MAINTAINING ADDITIONAL BEACH-FRONT RECREATIONAL OR OTHER PARKS FACILITIES. (Copy of Resolution No. 42-69 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See Page 158-F. Resolution No. 42-69 was unanimously passed and adopted on this first and final reading, on motion by Mr. Youngblood and seconded by Mr. Scheifley. Mr. James McGuire said he thinks that not supporting the County Commission in this proposed Bond Issue and not supporting them in their attempt to' finally build up the public recreational facilities of Palm Beach County is a serious mistake~4' 10-13-69 8.b. The City Manager presented .O~DINANCE NO.~ 37~69. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, .AMENDING THE DELRAY BEACH SUPPLEMENT TO THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE BY ADDITIONS AND/OR AMENDMENTS TO SAID SUPPLEMENT OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE (ORDINANCE NO. G-22§) FOR THE · CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. (Copy of Ordinance No. 37-69 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See pages i§8-C-E. A Public Hearing having been legally advertised in compliance with the laws of the State of Florida and the Charter of the City of Delray Beach w~s held, and there being no objection to Ordinance No. 37-69, said Ordinance was unanimously passed and adopted on this second and final reading, on motion by Mr. Youngblood and seconded by Mr. Pitts and unanimously carried. 8.c. The City Manager presented ORDINANCE~ NO. 38-69. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REZONING AND PLACING THE EAST 67 FEET OF WEST 400 FEET OF SOUTH 400 FEET OF NORTH 450 FEET OF LOT 21, SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 4~i.SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, DELR~Y' B~ACH',' ~FLOR~DAi 'IN'~."'C~3 WHOLESALE DIS- TRIBUTION AND LIGHT IN~USTRIAL DISTRICT", AND AMEND- ~NG ',ZONING' MAP OF' DELRA¥"'i'BEj%CH,' FLORIDA, 1969'~.' Ord~nance No. 3.8.-69 was''unan~m0~slyI' placed off f.~rst reading, on motion bY' Mr.:' S~ei~lmY" and .~e6°ndea ~"b~i ~: WilSSn. '-: 8.d. ACting City Manager Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 39-69. AN ORDnaNCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL 'OF'THE CITY OF'DE~RAY BEACH,- FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN SECTION 21., TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE"43 'EAST; ALSO THE';.EAST 7§-FEET OF LOT A, DELRAY BEACH' SHOR~S~ WHICH~L~NDS ARE eONT~UOUS TO: EXISTING ' · · '~ MUNICIPAL 'LIMITS~ OF SAID C~TY; 'REDEFINING TH~":BOUNDARIES 'Op"SAID CITY TO INCLUDE ~AID LANDS; -PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS'AND oBLIGATkONS 'OF' SAID' LANDS; AND PROVIDING FOR " ' THE'ZONING THEREOF. Ordinance No'. 39'69 Was unanimously 'placed on first reading, on motion by Mr. Pitts and seconded by Mr. Wilson. 9.a. concerning a 'proposed sign on the..Quality"H0%el, Mr. 'Robert G. Radabaugh, Manager of said Hotel, C~mmented as follows: "First, let me say,(that 'weJ'at QUality(Court WiSh to. cooperate in' every way possi- hie with the cit~.of' Delray-B~aCh.' The ~al'itY: Sunburst Emblem was approved-':Wit~', the Site'"'P!an' t~, be on,~ the. building, above~ the eighth floor.. It w~s' to be 'a plastic back-lighted si~n. on October. 15th, .- 1968, . a. six-foot~ Sunburs~ E~mblem was -disapproved at st~eet!'(~eve~,, however, the- Plan~inguaDd. z0ni~g Board unanimously approVed.'a franch~ise~type 's' ' · ,. .. ~.gn ~en,by' twelve" fee~. in diameter on the .building. on: the basis of this. meeting, we had a .different sign de- migned f6r'' street ieveI"'and':'~ubsequ6ntly signed a contract for a 'ten- foot Quality. Emblem for-the b~ilding, ._ I might add..that our contract with the"'Qu,aiity'C0.u~2s International speCifica!ly states"that the official Sunburst 'Emblem sign must he"erected in'a prominent location. The prop0sedLSign .wOuld have been"bolted to the. w~st ele~at'~on ~f the elevato= 'P~hth°Use ~and be visible'" i~rom the' west"°nly. An atteX~ate Solution,"~whiCh Mr.', J. W"' Dunbar has. indicated would be. aCce % 'i& 'to i eac s' AssOci i0n, :would it be possibl " f r.' e 'nOw to get f ,r' a smaller', overall si.Tn at~gr~nd,l~vel at the' same locat~°n as the p*e~ent ~ntrance sign -5- 10~13-69 which now measures~twenty-four .feet in width. It is understood that there will be no exposed-lighting." Mr. J. W. Dunbar, Secretary of the Beach Property Owner's Associ- ation was very much in agreement with the proposal made by Mr. Radabaugh. Mr. Wilson said that in view of Mr. Radabaugh's actiOn he would move that Item 9.a. be struck from the Agenda, the motion being sec- onded by Mr. Pitts and unanimously carried. Mr. Pitts then moved to approve the sign as proposed, the motion being seconded by Mr. Youngblood and unanimously carried. 9.b. Acting City Manager Worthing referred to a progress report from the City Engineer..on the Beach Revetment repairs, dated October 3, 1969, which report had been discussed by Council at a workshop meeting. The City Manager reported to Council as follows: "A minor failure in the revetment wall, noted several months ago, located at approxi- mately Station 26+50, which lies a short distance south of the south- ernmost area under repairs, has not, apparently, increased in size since it was first noted. The City Engineer, Mr. Mark Fleming, recommends thatnegotiation, by the City, with Murphy Construction~Company, who is under contract for the revetment wall repairs nearing completion, for providing im- mediate repair of this weak spot at Station'26+50. Subject to Council approval for such negotiation, authorization .is requested for approval of a change order providing for such negotiation and supplement to the original contract With Murphy Construction Com- pany, to be executed by the proper City officials. Estimated cost for such additional repairs, which might well forestall further revetment wall damage, is $1,800." Mayor Saunders said Council is hopeful that.the revetment repairs will be completed and the roa4 opened before the end of this month. Authorization for a change order providing for such negotiation and supplement to the original contract with Murphy Construction Company, executed by the proper City officials, was unanimously given, on motion by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Youngblood. Copy of Cha~ge Order is attached to the official copy of these minutes. See page 158-J. 9.c. Acting City Manager Worthing read the Beautification Committee meeting minutes of September 26th, 1969, which was a special meeting called to determine the role said committee was to play in regard to a letter concerning beautification which was sent out by. the Mmyor on September 16th, to nineteen auto dealers. 10.a. Attorney I. C. Smith appeared before Council and commented as follows: "The question of garbage, trash and littering of the .streets has been a subject of great concern to many of the citizens of this City, therefore, the Naciremus Club, a service club of this City, has asked me to appear here on its behalf to make this presentation to you for your consideration. In addition to appearing on behalf of the Naciremus Club, I am also appearing on behalf of myself, because what concerns it also concerns me... Section 14A of the Code of Ordinances of this City places the ex- clusive responsibility for collection, removal and disposition of gar- bag~, trash and refuse, within the City limits, upon the City. During the past two years the City has failed 'in this responsibility, The level of garbage and trash collection has dropped tremendously.' A short ti~e ago the general.rule of garbage collection was three times per.week and trash collection one time per week. Presently I have been told that the rule is for garbage collection three times per week one week, and the following week two times a week, with trash collec- tion two times per month. This sounds all right on paper, however, in practice the statement appears to be a little incorrect. Trucks pass by on a specific day, then the next day you get set for the scheduled run and the truck does not appear. Many residents have two garbage cans and have been forced to get three, and in many instances one garbage can has been emptied and the others remain filled. Where there has been no regular pick-up many garbage cansbecome filled to capacity, the.same pilfered by animals at night resulting in garbage and trash being scattered about the properties. As you ride down many of the streets in the City you will find the same to be littered with trash and debris. Some of the littering has been done by residents in violation of Section 14A, however, much of the trash that is there has been placed there for trash pick-up which just has not occurred. Strictly speaking, something must be done, he&lth wise, immediate appointive action must be and should be taken by this Council to up- date the quality of public services rendered as it applies to the subject under discussion. To do otherwise, Council would be'derelict in its duties. Therefore, the Naciremus Club, in view of the fore- going statement recommends that the City take affirmative action and mail to each of the residents.of this City printed'garbage collection schedules so eaCh'resident may know when the truck or trucks will come for the purpose of picking up the trash and the garbage. Secondly, to see to it that the City complies with the schedule by picking up the garbage on the scheduled day andthat the workers be advised to pick up all garbage and not to pick up one can and leave another one filled. Thirdly, recommend that the Ordinance against 'littering by residents be enforced after an adequate warning has been given to all of the r~S.ide~ts that 'they 'should' not litter st~e~t~. The'ref0re~ '~we ask~ that you t'ake'"some. ' MaYOr Smith-has"said'ana wOuld'like.t0' what' be'presented, see C0Uncil take action ton£g~t on Fo'!~aWi~g 'commentS by COunCil, .AttOrney Smith continued: "I had' the occasion~tO"see %he garbage~tra~ pass along my property'the,-first day ~ou~~ .and I hsd' been toid somewhere along the way 'that'the men would- mick UP the garbage's'nd also pick up smalIer £tems,' boxes, pa~ers and'th~ngs Of that n~ture, and I took time off to watch those men as theY we~t down'th~ Street. This~is-not a destructive c~itic~Sm.of thaSe m~n, but merely constructive, but they busy themselves merely with P£cking up th~ garbage 'from the'cabS, and there were 'boxes and smaI1 items alOng'the way' ~hiCh, if theY were picked up'at the time t~ey passed by, wOUld not,hay6 been scattered the next day~ T~ my'way of thinking,'a good Suggestion would be, if the super- visor would r~de and tell'those men how mUch disCretion _they have and what to pick up and what not to Pick up, then theY W°uld do'a better job, but~obviously they are 'garbage p~'ck-up men andthey will p~ck up the garbage and:leave the:~'ebr~s ~long the street" Following disCussiOn~ Mr. Yo~ngblood moved to accept'the recommen- dations made' by Attorney Smith, and'it also be recommended that the administrators of the/garbage and trash department follow through.. .May6r s~Unders-suggested~that.the motion be that this item be tur~e~ Over 'to'the City Manager..'fo~ implementation.and action. It was so moved by Mr. YOUngblood, .seconded by Mr. Wilson and .unanimously 10'~a.. Mr~'~Richard Roth, representing the Jaycees, asked Council per- mission 'for"use of' the Community Center for their "Jr. Miss ConteSt''. He sas the contest .would be held. ~'.0n "saturday evening, NOvember,~Oth, and that they al'sO desire uSe-0'f'the, bulldlng during, the evenings of November 4, 5.and 7 for rehearsalsr further, that this has been dis- cussed W~th Mr. Elliott0 .DirectOr;of Parks and Recreation, and has his approVal.. - . . · · Mr. Scheifley mOved'that the request be granted,' sub01~et.-to the ap- proVal~°~fi'Mr'. Eiiiott~ 'the motion.being seconded try-Mr. Wilson and unanlm0u~ly carried.'. -7- 10_13_69. 10.b. Concerning a request from Radio Station WDBF to erect an identi- fication sign, Mr. Scheifley said he didn't feel he knew enough about it at the present time to pass an opinion, and moved, that this item be tabled and placed on the agenda of a proposed special meeting.. Mr. Wilson suggested that the item be tabled for action at the next regular meeting, which change was accepted by Mr, Scheifley. The mo- tion was seconded by Mr. WilsOn and carried unanimously. lO.c. Mr. Scheifley referred to a letter to Council, from City Attorney Fellows, dated October 9, 1969, concerning a fee for his work in con- nection with the validation of the proposed $4,000,000. Bond Issue. He said that after reviewing the letter, he feels the terms as outlined are fair, modest and equitable, being 1/4 of one per cent if the bond issue is $2,000,000.00'or over, and 1/3 of one per cent if the issue be under $2,000,000.00. He then. moved that the fees, as outlined in the letter, regarding the proposed General Obligation Bond issue, be accepted. The motion was' seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried unani- mously. (copy of letter: i&~Y?~9~tO the official copy of these minu~es.) See pages' 158-H-I. 10.C. Acting City Manager Worthing presented RESOLUTION NO. 43-69. A P, ESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, .AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NUMBER I. AFFECTING THE CONTRACT FOR THE DIS- POSAL OF PRETREATED SANITARY SEWAGE BETWEEN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH AND THE TOWN OF HIGHLAND BEACH, DATED MAY 14, 1969. (Copy of Resolution No. 43-69 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.]' See page 158-G. Resolution No. 43-69 was unanimously passed and adopted on this first and final reading, on motion by Mr. Youngblood and seconded by Mr. Wilson. 10.c. Mr. Pitts asked if the City Engineer could have some informa- tion for Council tomorrow night as to the exact cost of the Beach Revetment, and how the blocks made by the City fit in with the contract. Mayor Saunders asked. City'Engineer Fleming to meet with Council at the workshop meeting to be held at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, October 14th. 10od. Acting City Manager Worthing presented Bills for Approval as follows: General Fund $ 228~616.87 Water Operating &Maintenance Fund 9,739.02 Water Revenue Fund 83,500.00 Refundable Deposits Fund 3,107.91 Beautification Fund 634.31 Utilities Tax Revenue Fund 46,550.00 Sewer Revenue Fund 34,000.00 Cigarette Tax Fund 13,116.43 Capital Improvements Construction Fund 721.79 Mr. Pitts questioned bills from B. & S. Farms, and said questions were answered by Finance Director Weber. The bills were unanimously approved for payment, on motion by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Youngblood. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. MAYOR