01-02-68SpMtg JANUARY 2~ 1968. A special meeting of the City council of Delray Beach was held the Council Chambers at 8=00 P.M., it also being the Annual Organiza- tional Meeting, with Mayor Al. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager David M. Gatchel, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen J. LeRoy Croft, James H. Jurney, LeRoy W. Merrttt and George Talbot, Jr. being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by the Rev. Byron S~ Fruit. la. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the U~ited States of America was given. 2. The minutes of the regular Council meeting of December 26, 1967, were unanimOusly approved, on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Talbot. X. Mayor Avery said he had a most pleasant duty to perform, and stated that in 1906 Mr. George Morikami came from. Japan to ,.Boca Raton and work- ed on a pineapple plantation. At the outbreak of world .War Two, be- cause he was an enemy alien, he was placed under twenty-four hour guard~ further, until 1952 people from that country could not become natural- ized citizens of the United States, and on December 15, 1967, Mr. Morikami became a naturalized American Citizen. Mayor Avery read an excerpt from a newspaper article recently pub- lished about Mr. Morikami which related some of his l£fe's history and his generosity to the local and state governmental agencies, and then, to show the appreciation of Delray Beach toward such a person, present- ed him with a Certif.£cate maki, ng him an Honorary Mayor of Delray Beach. Many were in attendance at the Council .meeting and. Mayor .Avery asked that all of the old-timers who wish him well to gather around Mr. Morikami near the Council table so the press could take pictures. :'3. Retiring Councilmen J. LeRoy C~oft and George W. Talbot, Jr., and retiring Mayor Al: C; Avery, expressed, their appreciation for the. privi- lege of serving the City o~E Delray Beach during their .severa.1 .years in the offices to which they were elected, and in serving with the other Councilmen. The different accomplls~ents'dur~ng the ~past few years were men- tioned, also the incoming Council was wished much success in carrying on with the projects now unde~, such as the Southwest area drainage, extension of sanitary sewer fac~ities, proposed water treatment plant, and construction of a new taw enforcement complex. City Manager David M. Gatchel and the City Administration were com- plimented for their efficient work, and it was pointed out that the City is in very good fiscal condition. 4. This Council unanimously adjourned at 8:15 P.M., on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by ~r. Croft. 1. Ma,yor-Elect J. L. Saunders and Councilmen-Elect James B. Wilson and O, F. yoUngblood subscribed to the. Oath of Office given by City Clerk R. D. Worthing. la. An opening p. rayer was delivered by the Rev. Byron S. Fruit. 2. Mr. Wilson said it is his belief that the interests of the City may best be served at-this time by Mr. Jurney continuing as Vice-Mayor, and moved that Mr. Jurney be reappointed as t~ce-Mayor for 1968. The mo- tion was seconded by Mr. Youngblood and' ~=ied unanimously. ~n ~ 1-2-~8 3. Vice-Mayor Jurney thanked the Council and Mayor for the honor of being selected as Vice-Mayor for another year, and said he believes this will be a very harmonious Council. 3. Mr. Merritt said he enjoyed his first year on the Council and is ' looking forward to this year'withMayor Saunders and. the new Councilmen and seeing some of the things completed that have already beeninitiated. 3. Mr, Wilson said he is deeply grateful to the ones who supported him in the recent election, and that he would do his best to justify the confidence placed in him. Further, he didn'.t believe any two freshman Councilmen have ever been given the wonderful cooperation and help by the Administration that he and Mr. Youngblood received, and feels this is getting them off to a good start with knowledge of the City's busi- ness. 3. Mr. Youngblood said that since the speechmaking in trying to get on the Council is over, he is ready for action. He commended the City Administration for the high type business procedure in instructing the incoming Councilmen on various things. He said he feels .this is a year of history Since he is the first Negro to serve as a City Councilman, and that Delray Beach will become a great City. with the extension of sanitary sewer facilities to the Tropic Isle and Tropic Palms areas; further, with such an Administration and a good team to work with har- moniously, he can't see anything but success. ~. Mayor Saunders said he feels the present Council owes the previous Council a very deep debt of gratitude and that the past few years have been very progressive. Further, the present Council stands on the threshold of having many projects completed during the next two years as the groundwork was laid'by'Vthe ~revious Council. He also commended City Manager Gatchel for his fine work. Mayor Saunders asked former Mayor Al. C. Avery 'and-Councilmen J. LeRoy Croft and George W. Talbot, Jr. to approach the Council table and each received a Resolution, No; 1-68, No. 2-68 and No. 3-68 respectivelY, written in their honor commending them for past services. They Were each. presented with a Plaque inscribed with their name and hearing the following inscription: IN RECOGNITION.'~AND APPRECIATION FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE AND ACCOMPLISHMENT TOWARD BETTER GOVERNMENT AS COUNCILMAN CITY OF DELRAY BEACH Jan. 2, 1968 5. To comply with Section 26 of the City Charter in establishing meet~ ing dates for the regular Council meetings, Mr. Merritt moved that the regularly scheduled meetings during 1968 be held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 8:00 P.M., the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried. 6. There were no public requests from the floor. 7. Mr. Youngblood moved that Mr. David M. Gatchel continue to's~rve the City as City Manager. The motion w~s seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried unanimously. 8. .Mr. Merritt moved that Mr. Ernest G. Simon be reappointed as the Municipal Judge and fha% Mr. Paul Gringle and Mr. Joh~ W. Spinner be appointed as Judges Ad Litem for.the coming year, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney a~unanimously carried. -2- Sp. 1-2-68 9~ Mr. John Ross Adams was unanimouslyreappointed as City Attorney for'the coming year, on motion by Mr. Merritt and seconde~ by Mr. Wilson. 10. Mr. Jurney moved that Mr. Charles Byron be appointed as City Prosecutor and Mr. Henry Crowley, Mr. Robert Fellows and Mr. I. C. Smith be appointed as Assistant Prosecutors for 1968. The motion'was seconded by Mr. Youngblood and unanimously carried. 11. Regarding appointments to the various City Committees 'and Boards, ~yor Saunders explained that at a Council workshop meeting last week the Committees and individuals had been given consideration. Mr. Merritt moved that the following Board and Committee members be appointed for the coming year, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried: ADULT R~CREATIONADVISOR~BOARD ReDresentative Alternate Senior Citizens Club R. Dean Kipp, Pres. John Moore,lst Vice-Pres. Lawn Bowling Club George H. Ganson, Pres. Joseph Vaccaro, Director Shuffleboard Club James Cassel, Past Pres. Leland S. Seaman, Pres. City Recreation Alfred Elltott, Director City Mrs. Juanita Joyal (Supervisor, Community Center) Wilton Lee - Chairman J. F, Thompson Raleigh Harris (Roy Ward - Secretary - not appointed by Council) ~EA..UTIFICATION COMMITTEE One Year Ter~ -- Representative ~9..~xpire Board of Realtors Stuart Lankton 1-1-69 Men's Garden Club Herbert NeiIson 1-1-69 City Council James B. Wilson 1-1-69 President's Parley 'of Garden Clubs MrS. Hugh Spilsbury 1-1-69 Member at Large Mrs. Charles Patrick 1-1-69 Member at Large Mrs. Lens Brunner 1-1-69 Member at Large Lawrence Parker 1-1-69 Tw~:Year. Term. Representinq TO Expire Gary Gooder News 1-1-70 Charles Toth Architect 1-1-70 Mrs. Phyllis Plume League of Women Voters 1-1-70 ~q,MMUN~TY RELATIONS. COMMiTTeE Gertrude Mudge LeRoy Baine Virginia Meyers - Chairman C. Spencer Pompey Jack D. Walker Lula Baldwin Mrs. Frank L. Carey, jrrCorrespond- Rosetta Rolle- Recording Secretary Rev. Frederic F. Bush lng Sec'Y. Al. W. Risker- Vice-Chairman David D. McFadyen Clifford Durden, Jr. Florence Barnes Otto Mitchell -3- Sp. 1-2-68 4 2-year term - 1968 & 1969 Gaylen Goodwin Electrical Inspector C~ W. Trieste , General Contractor J. William Gearhart Florida Power & Light Company Matt Gracey,-II Elector Joseph Quinn Chief of Fire Prevention Richard T. Hanna Architect R. C. Keen Master Electrician FINANCIAL ADVISORy~ BOARD Nathan Sharp - Chairman Rhea Whitley . Howard W, Smith ,HEALTH DOCTORS Dr. Jerry Cox Dr. J, Russell Forlaw Robert Crego Plumbing Inspector Dr. Jerry Cox City Physician Charles Clark Journeyman Plumber Robert C. Johnston Journeyman Plumber Robert Barnwe.ll, Jr. Master Plumber Quentin Bishop Master Plumber Mark C. Fleming City Engineer Andrew Gent Planning/Zoning Board LeRoy Merritt - Chairman Council I~nneth Ellingsworth Chamber of Commerce James Love M~rchant R. C. Croft Chief of Police Joseph Quinn Fire Chief John Kabler Realtor Joe Kern Realtor City Manager Ex Officio Planning Director Ex Officio X- City Clerk R. D. Worthing informed Council that a petition for change in Zoning classification from R-1AA (Single Family Dwelling District) to R-3 (Multiple Family Dwelling District) had been re- ceived concerning Lots 1 through 9 and Lots 26, 27, 28 and 29, Replat of Breezy Ridge Estates; further, it is recommended that Council re- fer this petition to the Planning and Zoning Board for a public hear- ing and their recommendation to Council as a result thereof. Said petitionwa, s unanimously referred to the Planning and Zoning Board, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Merritt. X.. Mr. Merritt asked the City Manager the anticipated.time of com- pletion of repairs to the Beach Revetment. The City.Manager reported it was expected the repairs would be completed by Wednesday night, January 3rd. -4- Sp. 1-2-68 Mayor Saunders expressed his appreciation for the good attend- ance tonight, and said that it is the Citizense town, the Councilmen are their representatives and are trying to do the right kind of job for them, and as the Mayor he would pledge to try to work in harmony and get all the projects done that have been started~ that he is looking forward .to a great year, and with the help of the people, it can~.t fail. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. City Clerk A PPROVE)I~ ~ 'MAYOR i ....' -5- Sp. 1-2-68