02-12-68 F~U~.? 12 o 1968. A regular meeting of ~he.C~y Counc.~ of Delray ~each was he~d ~n the Council Ch~bers at 8=00 P.M., with Mayor J. L. Saunders ~n the Chair, Acting City M~ager R. D. Wo~thing, C~ty Attorney Jo~ Ross Ad~s, and Councilmen ~es H. Jurney, LeRoy .W. Merritt, J~es B. Wilson and O. F. You~bl~d.be~ng present. 1. ~ opening prayer was delivered by the Reverend J. R. Ev~s. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United states of ~erica ~s g~ven. 3. ~e m~nutes of the r~ular Council meeting, of J~ua~ 22nd ~d spe~al meetings of Janua~ 31st ~dFebru~ 9th, 1968, were ~an~- ~usly a~roved, on motion ~ ~. Jurney and seconded by ~. Merrett. 4. Mayor Saunder~ read the following, letter he received, ~ated Febru- ary 8, 1968, and' signed ~ Mr. Jack E. Ni~a., ~nager: "As Manager of the Delray Beach office of Merrill Lynch, P~erce, Fenner & Smith Inc., I w~sh ~o thank you and the City Beaut~f.~ca.t~on Co~i~tee for~ our award. We appreciate the honor, and we are pleased that ~ have contributed something to the further beautification of the lovely city of Delray Beach." 5. ~. Merrett referred to the ~ec~t s~reet and ra~Lway crossing repairs made at ~he F. E. C. Railway and S. E. 2nd Street, and asked that the C~ty Eng,'neet and Director'of Public works be through proper channels, for their f~ne ~rk at that haz~dous crossi~. 5. Mr. J~n~ referred to a petition he had received, ~s~gn~ bY n~ne- teen residents, r~ard~ng the traffic and drainage condition on N. 7th Avenue. He ask~ that ~h~s ~tem be referred to the City Manager, and asked that he take care of s~e. 5.. Mr. Jurney reported he had received a lengthy letter ~=om Mr. Joseph B. McC~acken, 22 Grove Way, dated February 5th, concerning -recommendations to.a City problem, and asked that this letter be re- ferred to the City Clerk in order that it'.may be properly channeled. 5.. Mr. Wilson reported .he had .received numerOus calls fro~ property owners and citizens Who a~e ~0~r~ed about the' .~ondition of the Beach Revetment, and that he had suggested to each of the~ that they defer any action until such time as Council has a workshop session at which t~me everything pertaining to the revetment will be thoroughly con- s ider ed. 5. =Mr. Youngblood commended the Police Department for the fine job · they .have done in the western area concerning 'drunks and loitering, but urged them to not let-up as the job has not yet been completed. Further, there is much to be done, and it is still the desire to ul~grade that section of the City. 5. Mayor Saunders reported receiving a call from a lady who is con- cerned about the noise at the F. E. C. Railway property on S. E. 3rd Avenue, and that he had informed her City Attorney Adams has been in contact ..with the attorneys for the Railway Company. -He also re, fred that he had been informed the'City of Lake worth is having the rail- road tracks ~moved from the City to a western 1sca=ion, and askeU that City Attorney Adams write to the City Attorney of Lake Worth to find out what action they have taken, if any, and how same had been accomplished if the tracks are being moved. 3O 6.a. The City Manager informed Council that the owners of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 77, located at the S. E. corner of East Atlantic and ls~ Avenues, have .offered same to the City for $60,000. cash at time of delivery. He further reported that he had received an offer for the City to purchase, if it so desires, the extension eastward from that prol3ert¥ to S. E. 2nd Avenue, 'which involves the 'entire Bon Aire Hotel building and the two. lots. sout]%..of '.the alZey at the rear of said hotel o The City Manager said it is recommended these offers be referred to the Administration for review and consultation with the Planning Board, relative thereto, in order that the CitY Manager may submit to Council, for consideration, a plan for ~ossible use thereof, and avail- able financing ~-f determined feasible. Mr. Jurney, during lengthy comments, said the area west of the F. E. C. Railway tracks is in dire need of off-street 13arking and that he believes that will be one of the major items in the sul-~ival of Atlantic Avenue in the future. He then moved that this item be referred to the Planning and Zoning Board, and the financing feasibility be determined, etc. Mr. Merritt asked that the motion be amended to in- clude the Traffic & Parking Committee along With the Administration and the Planning and Zoning Board. The Change was accepted by Mr. Jurney, and the motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson. Mayor Saunders said he understands there may be a third parcel of land in the same v~cinity offered to the City in the near future and he would like that included in this motion, if, and when, the offer is made. That addition was accepted to the motion and second, and Upon call of roll, the motion carried unanimously. 6.b. Concerning consideration for City participation in a meeting with the Florida Public Service commission relative tO review of certain public utility rates schedules, Acting City Manager Worthing said this request originated in a. letter received from Miami' City Commissioner Maurice A. Ferre, and that District Managers,. Mr. James Breedlove and Mr. H. V. Hansen, of 'the Florida Power & Light and Southern Bell Tele- phone COmpanies, respectively, are present and may desire to be heard relative to this matter. During comments, Mr. Breedlove said they are not contesting any rights that are d£ctated by said letter from Mr. Ferre for a represent- at£ve from the City to appear An Tallahassee on February 20th to listen to an order that has already been decided by the Supreme Court of the State of Florida. particularly rates of the Florida Power & Light Com- pany and Southern Bell Telephone Company. He said if there is any question regarding the rates or any service that the Florida Power & Light Company and Southern~ Bell Telep~ione Company have failed to render to the customers or to the ci~ies, they wou~d be glad to answer any charges that come u13. Mayor Saunders reported that Delray Beach had not participated in a similar request last year, and it had been reported the surrounding communities do not plan to participate this year. The City Attorney explained th~ present request ~s that the City of Miami wishes to go up a~d review', with the' FlOrida Public Service commission and those companies, the future rate making policy, and that he didn't see how anyone could be o'ffende4 if Delray Beach did not elect to send a representative. Following discussion and com~en'ts, by Mr. Hanson, Mr. Merritt moved that this matter be tabled until ~he first meeting in March, the motion being seconded by Mr. Youngblood and unanimously carried. 6.c. The City Manager submitted Supplemental Agreement No. 15, affect- ing the Engineering Service Contract with Russell & Axon dated September 30, 1959, as agreed upon between the administration and the prinicpals of Russell & Axon at a meeting Friday, February 9th. Further: "This agreement differs slightly from the agreement considered by Council in ~workshop session We~lnesday, February 7th. This agreement provides for an additional $950 in projected other engineering and resident inspection -2- 2-12-68 =osts occasioned by the use of a 1.75% factor applied to the labor costs~ as opposed to the original consideration of a 1.50~ factor. TO sum it ult. in a ~ wo~ds;, asSthe admi~ietration has projected, this sewer project engin~eering fees ~o Tropic Palms and Tropic Isle would cost $33,722 under the terms o'~ the old contract, $37,280 under the terms of the agreement considered at workshop session, and $38,230 or $950 in addition thereto in its~ present form. Mr. Russell has convinced the administration that the 1.75% factor is legitimate and is the lowest factor which they operate under with any of their other clients, and the City Manager has printed proof that the Florida Engineering SoCiety recognizes 2.00~ as the minimum per- centage that should be considered du=ing current negotiations between owner:and.engineer~. .Si ~.~,~_mnly. $950~_is the t..~t, al dollar difference, I~. feel it'~4~.., be'a' Small?:'~tfferen~e'i]~ relationship to the total $670,000 project, as call'ed for Wxth' ' ~'Fxrst Federal 'saVings 'and Lgan Association of Miami, and also, all engineering will be Paid for out of-the 'First Federal funds. 'We are also bound by~i'the First Federal agreement to have plans and specifications prepared Within 90 days and the contract let for construction within 45 days thereafter, so. therefore, no delay should be alloWed to occur in this matter. The':City Manager 'further desires to call to your attention the fact that this supplementaI agree- ment provides for total credit for the City's cost in providing for the Master Sewer Plan for the entire Delray Beach Reserve Area, to become effective and prorata reimbursement due from Russell & Axon effective on the next sewer construction job undertaken~ I, therefore, heartily recommend Council approval of Supplemental Agreement No. 15. This proposed Suppiemental.>A~r.e~ement No. ~5, is~ and shall be understood to be applicable only to the extension ~roject for the sewage distribution system line construction extending southerly from 10th Street to the c-15 Canal and between the Intracoastal Waterway and 1-95." Mr. Jurney moved that Supplemental ~greement No. 15 be accepted on the conditions as stated, the motion being seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously Carried. (Copy of said Supplemental Agreement No. 15 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See page 36-A-C2 7.a. The City Manager informed Council that a petition has been re- ceived for reclassification of the South 100 feet of Lots 23 through 33 in~lus£ve less the'W~'t~'~-20 fe~t' t~ereof, ASBURY PARK HEIGHTS, from R-1AA (Single Family Dwelling DistriCt) to R-3 (Multiple Family Dwell- ing DiStrict), and that Council may deny this. request or refer same to the Planning/Zoning Board for a Public Hearing to be held thereon, and a recommendation from the BOard relative 'to th'e petition. Said petition was unanimously referred to the Planning and Zoning Board, on motion by Mr. Merritt and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 7.b. The City Manager informed Council that a request has been re- ceived petitioning Council to vacate and abandon Lots 1 thru 9 of Sub- division in' Block 124, together with the: service lanes, alleys and easements, as shown on the plat thereof in the Public Records for Palm Beach County; further, in consideration of such abandonment, the petitioners have agreed to grant an easement over the east five feet there6f for sidewalk pur~ses as'~ ~'~ ' was~origxnally provided and shown on said Plat, and it is recommended~ thi'~ request be referred to the Admin- istration for review and consultation with the Planning Board, to be followed by recommendation to Council. Mr. Youngblood 'moved that the Administration work 'Out said matter with the Planning Board for future recommendation to COuncil, the motion being seconded by Mr. jUrney and unanimously carried. 7.c. The City Manager informed Council that Mr. Fletcher Williams, 407 S. w. Second Street, D~lray Beach has made application for a Gratis LiCense permitting him..,.~.......beco~.e.a.L~ndscape Gsrdener; further, that his request is in compli'ance wxth SeCtion 16-4 of the City's Code of Ordinances and ~t is recommended tha~ Council grant this request. Said request was unanimously .granted, on motion by Mr. Merritt and seconded by Mr. YOun~blood. 9-1 9--~ 7.d. The City Mana.qer informed Council of a petition-being' received from Mr. Billy Gene'~roslow"reques-ting th~ transfer of Occupational License No. 198, issued .to Gerald G. Pence, operating as Delray Bowli~9 Lanes, 325 S. E. 1st Avenue; further, that Mr. Croslow has been invest~- gated in the usual prescribed manner, approved by City and State Bever- age Department agencies, and it is, therefore, recommended that the petition be granted. Said petition for transfer of license was unanimously granted, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Wilson. 7.e. The City Manager informed Council that the Holley Advertising ~nc., doinq business as 'The Shopper' located in Boynt°n BeaCh, and the ~.Pompano Shopper's Guide', engaged in.distributing advertisement matter, house to house, request Council consideration for relief from the manner prescribed and set forth in Chapter 16 of the Code of Ordi- nances, requiring such material to be handed out to recipients only. Further, it is recommended that both of these reqUests be referred to the Administration for further_study and recommendation to be submitte~ to Council at the next regular meeting. ~ Attorney Frederick Hollingsworth, .appearing on behalf of both of the petitioners, called Council's attention to the restriction on distribution of news information as imposed in the City of Delray BeaCh by virtue-of Chapter 16 of the Code of Ordinances being highly uncon- stitutional, and following general discussion, .Mr. ~ Wilson .,moved ,to. grant two weeks probational period to the two petitioners during which time the parties concerned could confer with the City Administration and arrive at something that is workable and fair to all concerned. The motion was seconded by Mr. Youngbl0od. Acting City Manager Worthing said he wanted to inform Council, and all parties involved, that during such probational period, the operation is otherwise subject to the provisions of the Occupational License relative to fee which is ~25.00 .per day~ except local merchants, for distribution of advertising matter. Upon call of roll, Mr. Jurney, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Youngblood and Mayor Saunders voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Merrett was opposed. 8.a. The City Manager presented RESOLUTION NO. 8-68. A RESOLUTI(IN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ASSESSING COST FOR ABATING NUISANCES UPON CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY~ SETTING OUT ACTUAL COSTS -INCURRED BY-SAID CITY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH ABATEMENT AND LEVYING THE COST OF SUCH ABATEMENT OF SAID NUISANCES, AND DECLARING SAID LEVY TO BE A LIEN UP(kN SAID PROPERTY IN AN A~OUNT AS SHC~dN BY RE- PORT OF THE CITY MANAGER OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. (Copy of Resolution No. 8-68 and attachment are attached to the o~ficial copy of these minutes.) See ~ages 36-D-E. Resolution No. 8-68 was unanimously passed and adopted on this first and final reading, on motion by Mr. Jurney .and seconded by Mr. Youngblood. 8.b. The City Manager presented ORDINANCE NO. 32-6~ which provides for rezoning 85 platted lots and 17 acres of unplatted lands, from R-lA to R-3 classification, and informed Council that recently, at the request of the property owners involved, and on the suggestion of Mr. Art Smith, Planning Consultant, concurred in by the City Manager, the property owners were requested to provide for replatting of the lots and submis- sion of a proposed lay-out, for development of the seventeen acres of land. Further, said property owners have fully complied with the City Manager's directive, and prior to Council action on the ordinance on this second and final reading, a public hearing should be held at' this ~ime in order that any interested .parties.. may be heard. Mr. John H. Adams, Attorney for the petition[ers, cited the fact that his clients had 'comnlied w£th the reau~rements of City Mana.qer Gatchel in provid~'-Toz-replatting of' the heretofore l~reviQusly platted lots as well as baying s~bmitted tentative sketch plan reflecting plat- ting of the heretofore ~latted seventeen acres of land. He pointed out that the replatting had been done within the framework of the roads and water system presently installed, and the City would have control of the drainage of the unPlatted lands before approving the plat prepared by the developers. Mr. Jurney moved that Ordinance No. 32-66 be passed, provided that the owners of said property perform their duties and present the pro- posed plat to the proper authorities. The motion was seconded by Mr. Youngblood. During discussion, .City Attorney Adams said it is best to consider rezoning of prol~erCy-.se~arately from other contingencies. During discussion, ~Mr. Jurney said he would like to retract his motion. ~ ~ It was reported ~ th&t .the...'rePlat' .and the?proposed, plat., of~ the...un~ .~. platted landS.'had.been delivered.to the. City Hall only this afternoon, and had not been checked by the City Engineer, Planning Consultant-or ~lanning and Zoning Board. Acting City Manager- Worthi~g said that he would like to recommend, with Mr. John H. Adams' approval, that the City Manager be allOWed to see the plat which complies in every respect w~th his directive to the land owners, through Mr. Adams, and sai~ the item could come back to Council on February 22nd. Mr. Merritt ~,d~.%hat this item be tabled until the next regular Council meeting to be held February 22nd. The motion was seconded by Mr. Youngblood and carried unanimously. 8.c. The City Manager presented ORDINANCE NO. 1-68. AN ORDINANCE OF THE. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING THE PROVISIONS FOR HAVING CARNIVALS AND CIRCUSES WITHIN .THIS CITY~ BANNING CAR- NIVALS AND CIRCUSES FROM OPERATING WITH- IN THE CORPORATE LIMITS ~ DEFINING CARNI~ VALS AND ~.CIRCUSES, AND PROVIDING A PEN- ALTY FOR VIOLATION. (Copy of Ordi~{a~ce~No. 1-68 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.} ~ee p~ge 36-F. There being no objection to Ordinance No. 1-68 at the public hearing scheduled for same, Mr. Wilson moved that said Ordinance be passed and adopted-on this second and final readin~g. The motion was seconded by Mr. Merritt, and upon call of roll, Mr. Jurney,-Mr. Merritt, Mr. Wilson and Mayor Saunders voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Youngblood was. opposed. 8.d. The City Manager presented ORDINANCE NO. 2-68. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING; AMENDING CH~ER: .29 OF 'THE CODE OF 'ORD.I. NANCESi OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH BY CREATING AND ESTABLISHING A NEW USE DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN ~ AS "RM-1 - MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT'.' AND PRESCRIBING THE USES PERMITTED THEREIN. (Copy of Ordinance No, 2-68 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See pages 36-G-H. Mr. Robert Abbott, Director of Planning, Zoning and Inspection, summarized the contents of said-ordinance for the benefit of the public. There being no objection to Ordinance No. 2-68,. said Ordinance was unanimously passed~,~ and adopted on this second and final reading, on motion by Mr. Merritt ahd seconded by Mr.. JurneY: -5- 2-12-68 8.e. The City Manager presented. ORDINANCE NO. 2-68. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CiTY couNCiL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, .ANNEXING TO THE CITY: OF DELAY BEACH CERTAIN bAND LOCATED IN SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH~ RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LAND IS CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY~ REDEFINING THE.BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY'TO INCLUDE SAID LAND~ PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND~ AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. Ordinance' No. 3-68 was unanimously placed on first reading, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Merritt. 8.f. The City Manager. presented ORDINANCE NO. 4-68. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LAND, NAMELY LOT 3, DELRAY BEACH SHORES, WHICH LAND IS CONTIGUOUS-TO EXIST-- ING'MUNICI.PAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY~ REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND~ PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND; AND,i PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING" THEREOF. 1030 Rhodes-Villa Avenue Ordinance No. 4-68 was unanimously placed on first reading, on motion by Mr. Merritt and seconded by Mr. wilson. 9.a, The City Manager informed Council that an application to solicit funds within the City, submitted by the American Cancer Society, Florida Division, Inc., was processed through the Solicitations Committee and the report of that committee is as follows; further, in view of the dates for desired solicitations: not being in conflict with previous Council approved periods of time for solicitation of funds by other organizations, it is recommended that this application be granted. "The Solicitations Committee reviewed the attached application to solicit, submitted by the American Cancer Society, and recommends approval of their request. Dates to be March 18th through 25th, 1968." Said application by the American Cancer Society to solicit funds in the City of Delray Beach from March 18th thrOugh the 25th, 1968, was unanimously granted on motion by Mr. Youngblood and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 10.b. Mayor Saunders reported that' City Manager Gatchel is in Atlanta making application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, in an attempt to secure aid in financing the construction of a Storm Sewer Project and had directed the City Engineer to proceed with ar- ranging a meeting with Glace Engineering, In'c. ,. Consulting Engineers. City Engineer Fleming reported that he had' conta'oted Glace Engi- neering, Inc., informing them of the nature of. the Beach Revetment failure, and explained the'pr°posed plans for 'investigating the cause of such failure. Further, that Glace Engineering, Inc., is undertaking the management of said investigation, and will start a field crew later this week to checking and gathering engineering data in an attempt to determine the engineering cause for the failure of the structure, whether it came from some strata below or failure in the wall itself. The City Engineer reported .he had received a telephone call from Mr. David Winton, Hillsboro Beach Erosion Committee Chairman, reporting they had been watching, the Delray Beach revetment very closely and had also been comparing it with Hobe Sound, and were convinced that Delray Beach had done the right' thing and hoped this failure would not cause too much of a set back, further, they had experienced a similar conditior -6- 2-12-68 in that area where, there had been an out-jutting point wh[ch had suffered a failure similar to this one and it had been remedied with a series of small groins, 10.b. Mr. Merritt referred' to a report from the City Engineer con- cerning a petition for opening t~e north-south alley in Block 88, and asked the City Manager-what the procedure is if this is to be ac- complished. Acting City Manager Worthing reported that he was not familiar with said report, but if it is fOund to be proper and in the best interest of the immediate area. 'that an answer would be forthcoming at the next regular Council meeting. City Engineer Fleming reported this had been discussed with City Manager Gatchel and it was his thought that probably Council would want a petition signed by the owners of fifty per cent or more of the abutting property and then it is merely a matter of procedure by Reso lut ion. 10.c. The City Manager presented Bills for Approval as follows: General Fund $119,359.95 Water Operating & Maintenance Fund 7,012.94 Cigarette Tax Fund 5,358.00 Capital Improvements Construction Fund 2,147.55 Construction Trust Fund 16,446.55 The bills were unanimously ordered paid, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr.. Merritt. The meeting adjourned at 10510 P.M. .......... D, WO THX City Clerk APPROVED: J/\MAYOR I -7- 2~12-68 36-A SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NUMBER 15 ENGINEERING CONTRACT CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA W~IEREAS, the City of Delray Beach, hereinafter referred to as the OWNER, and Russell and Axon, Consulting Engineers, In- corporated, hereinafter referred to as the ENGINEERS, entered into a contract for engineering services dated the 30th day of ~eptember, 1959, and WHEREAS, the ENGINEERS have informed the OWNER that it would be in the best interest of the OWNER to provide competent engineering, for the' design of sanitary sewer, extensions to cer- tain areas south of the presently serviced areas, and more par- ticularly described as: That section bounded on the north by South 10th Street, on the east by the Intracoastal Waterway, on the south by' the C-15 Canal and-the west by Highway 1-95. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. OWNER authorize ENGINEERs to proceed immediately with preparation of final plans and specifications, in the form of con- tract drawings and related documents, for construction of: a. Gravity interceptor sewage main.from the area described above to the existing Lift Station No. 1. b. Sewage lift stations and force mains as re- quired to pump sewage, from collection systems within the project area described above, to the gravity interceptor main provided in (a) 'above. 2. Estimated project costs for sewage facilities provided in Section 1 (a) and (b) above, are $670,000, more or less; as previously established by preliminary ENGINEERS' cost estimates submitted in response to specific requests by the OWNE:R. 3. OWNER agrees to compensate ENGINEERS, for engineering services authorized herein, in accordance with the chart for com- pensation for Professional Services published in the Directory and · ~Guide for Selecting and. Compensating Consulting Engineers (1966m67) pUbliShed by the Consulting Engineers of Florida, attached, and by reference, forming a part of this Authorization. a. OWNER and ENGINEER agree that proj~ect costs, used. in determining the Percent Compensation due ENGINEERS hereunder, shall be'established' . . . by adding the project costs of all water and sewer projects constructed during ENGINEERS' tenure with OWNER, to actual construction costs of new work designed under this authorization. b. For further clarification and avoidance of any future misunderstanding, it is agreed that ser- vices rendered.pursuant to this Supplemental Agreement No. 15 shall be paid for on the fol- ~" ' - - lowing ~asis: -1. Design work for lift stations 4.00% ., . ~ 2. Design work for force mains, laterals and other outside pipe work 3.75% 3. Consulting servides during construction 1.75% 36-B c. The OWNER agrees to pay to the ENGINEERS, on a 'monthly basis, that compensation for additional engineering services necessitated under this ~ .. authorization, based on an amount equal to ac- - · ..tual payroll costs multiplied by a factor of 1.75, in accordance with' the following hourly rates per person: Staff Members $9.50 per hour Design Engineers 6.50 ,, ,, Survey Party Chief 4.00 ,, ,, Engineering Aides 4.00 ', ,, Instrument Man 3.25 ,, ,, Draftsmen 3.25 ,, ,, Rodman 2,. 50 ,, ,, Steno & Clerical 2.50. " ,, In addition the ENGINEERS will be reimbursed for office expenses and for travel on the job ~ . . at the rate of 10 cents per mile. · '?~..~-~. ~ii '/" '- ?'d~ In the event the OWNER determines to direct the ENGINEERS to provide competent resident inspection and supervision, the OWA/ER will pay the ENGINEERS on a monthly basis for such services in the manner described in 3 (c) above. Resident supervision of construction includes, but is not limited to, lay- ' 'i'iJ i'~ii~i~i' ing out of work, analysis of temporary structures '~-.i~'. -/~ ..... and facilities, field supervision, field inspection .... of materials and work, progress reports, prepara- " tion of monthly and final estimates and final re- port. As part of their duties as Resident Super- ~..?~??~i.i~ visors, the ENGINEERS shall render monthly inspec- tion and progress reports to the OWNER. e. It is mutually understood and agreed that on this particular construction project, no credit will be due the City for fees previously paid for the' Master Plan; however, on future phases of con- struction, it is agreed that the City will re- ceive full credit for total Master Plan'FEES, it ~. being understood that such fees shall thereafter be deducted proportionately from any fees that may become due under subsequent final design authori- zations for any portions of the areas covered by the respective sections of the Master Plan report. 4. The terms and provisions of the contract between the parties hereto, dated September 30, 1959, shall remain in full force and effect, unless modified by this Supplemental Agreement No. 15. 36-C ~ Executed this I.%Tk day of . , 1968. , CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA ~/ MAYOR 'ATTEST: RUSSELL & AXON CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED Authorized Officer ATTEST: 2- ~thorized Officer ~ RESOLUTION NO. 8-68. 36-D A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ASSESSING COSTS FOR ABATING NUISANCES UPON CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY; SETTIN~ OUT ACTUAL COSTS INCURRED BY SAID CITY TO.ACCOM~-SH LIEN UPON P OPE TY IN WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, did, in regular.//~/~/////~////session held on the July..~4, August 14, September 25 & October 30, 1967 declare the existence of a nui- sance upon '~e~tain lots'or parcels 0f land, described in a list sub- mitted to them, for violation of the provisions o~Ordinance G-147; '~"~ WHEREAS, pursuant to such declaration, the~ City Clerk of said City did furnish each of the respective owned-of the lands described in said list with a notice describing the nature of the nuisance and i that they must abate said nuisance within thirt~y (30) days, failing in which the City Council would have it done~.~afld the cost thereof would be levied as an assessment against sai~p~operty~ and WHEREAS, the owners hereinafter named did fa~Z and neglect to abate the nuisance existing upon their respective ~s within the time prescribed in said notice and Ordinance G-147, ar~t~t]ae City of Delray Beach was required to and did enter upon the following la~s and incur costs in abating the nuisance existing thereon as described in the aforesaid list; and WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, has, pur- suant to said Ordinance G-ld7 and the City Charter submitted to the.. City Council a report of the costs incurred in abating the nuisance as aforesaid, said report indicating the costs per parcel of land involved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL~ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That assessments in the individual amounts as shown by the report of the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, involving the City's cost of abating the aforesaid nuis~n~e.s upon the lots or par- cels of land described in said report, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are levie~against the parcels of land described on said report and in the amounts indicated thereon. Said assessments so levied shall be a lien upon the respective lots and parcels of land..described in said report, of the same nature and to the same extent as the lien for general city taxes and shall be. col- lectible in the same manner and with the same penalties and under the same provisions as to sale and foreclosure as city taxes are collect- ibleo 2. That the City Clerk of said City shall, as soon as possible after the effective date, record a certified, c~ of this resolution in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Co~ in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, and shall furnish t~each ofthe owners named in and upon said report a notice that the Ci~y~C~u~cil of the City of Delray Beach, did, on the July 24, August 14, September 25 ~ qctqber 30, .%967 order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing on their described property and property owner having f~fled to abate such nuisance, within the 30 day period, whereupon it was abated by the City at costs shown in said report and such assessments shall be legal, valid and binding obligations upon the property against which said assessments are levied. This resolution shall become effective 30 days from the date of adoption, and the assessments contained herein shall become due and payable thirty days after the mailing date of the not,ce of said assessment, after which interest shall accrue at the rate of 6% per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED in _~ sess~~4ayof ~gbrua~y , ~, A.Do 19,68 . 36-E COST OF ABATING NUISANCES UNDER ORDINANCE NO. G-147. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OWNER' ASSESSMENT Jul~ 24, 1967 list'. Lots 10,111 & 12, Block 65. Maisie E. Buerk $42.50 August 14, 1967 list... Lots lA & 18A, Seestedt-Stevens Ralph D. & Martha B. Pr iesmeyer $ 28.75 September 25, 1967 list. Lot 8, Block 23. Ett%el J. Mackey $18.00 October 30~ 1967 list. Lots 6, 7 and South½ of Lot 5, less East 5 foot R/W, Block 105. Ruth A. Hibarger $50.00 ? 36-F ORDINANCE NO. 1-68. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING T~E PROVISIONS FOR HA%-~NG CARNIVALS AND CIRCUSES WITHIN THIS CITY; BANNING CAR- NIVALS AND CIRCUSES FROM OPERATING WITH- IN T~E CORPORATE LIMITS; DEFINING CARNI- VALS AND CIRCUSES, AND PROVIDING A ALTY FOR VIOLATION. WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach has heretofore allowed carnivals and circuses to operate in this community provided the sponsoring organizations first obtained the con- sent of the City Council; and ~EREAS, Section 16-11, (71), Article II of Chapter 16, Code of Ordinances of this City provides that the license fee for carnivals and circuses and other theatrical shows under canvas is $500.00 and that such engagements shall not exceed one week; and WHEREAS, the City Council feels that carnivals and circuses are in that category of businesses which are potentially a menace to the public health, welfare, order, safety and morals of the citizens of this City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Item (71) Section 16-11, Article II of Chapter 16, Code of Ordinances of this City, be, and the same is hereby repealed and eliminated from said Code of Ordinances. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to operate a carnival or circus within the corporate limits of this City. A carnlval or circus shall mean the commonly accepted concept of a traveling amusement show con- ducted primarily under tents offering circus acts or a traveling amusement show primarily offering rides and games for the amuse- ment of the public. The definition shal! not include a festival sponsored and operated by local citizens not employing profes- sional assistance, nor shall it include theatrical performances conducted within the confines of a permanent building. Section 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this ordinance, shall upon conviction, be pun- ished as provided in Section 1-6 of the Code of Ordinances of this City. Passed and aaopted in regular session on this second and final reading on this 12th day of February , 1968. ATTEST: City Clerk First Reading J~anuar~ 22. 1968 ~ Second Reading .~ . ~ ........ ~ .-...~-.~.~ 36-G ORDINANCE NO. 2-68. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING; 'AMENDING ~HAPTER 29 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH BY CREATIN~ AND ESTABLISHIN~ A NEW USE DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS "RM-1 - MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT" AND PRESCRIBIN~ THE USES PERMITTED THEREIN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH,. FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That ~hapter 29 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach is amended by creating and establishing a new use district to be known as "RM-1 - Multiple Family Dwelling Dis- trict''. (A) USES PERMITTED. Within any RM-1 - Multiple Family Dwelling District,~ no building, structure, land or watersha11 be used except for one or more of the following uses: (1) Any use permitted in the R-1 single family dwelling district. (2) Multiple Family Dwellings, up to ten units. (B)SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS. ChUrches odges Clubs Parking Hotels Motels Utilities Civic Buildings Public Buildings Plaza DeveloPment Cluster' DeveloPment ~ ~,~ Ten or'more Dwelling Units Any application shall be considered as prescribed (C) BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS. Buildings may be erected to a height not exceeding /~ t2w~ty (~0)~ feet, measured from the'highest finished grade to ~he ·ceiling of the highest floor. The height requirements may be exceeded only by.special exception as prescribed in Sec. 29-7.5% (site plan approval). (D) LOT COVERAGE. No Principal' structure shall occupy more than thirty- five (35%) per cent of the lot area. Accessory uses only as prescribed in SeC. 29-7.5% (site plan approval). (E) BUILDING SITE AREA REQUIRED. ~ach lot or parcel of land shall have an area of not less than six thousand (6,000) square feet for a singlefamily unit, and for each family unit thereafter, an additional 1,000 square feet Shall be required. (F) YARD REQUIREMENTS. ~ (1) Front. ~Yar~ There shall be a front yard havin~ dePthof not less than twentY-five (25) feet measuFed from the streetright,of-way line to' the wall of the 36-G Page 2. ORDINANCE NO. 2-68. principal building or buildings, Where lots com- prising forky (40%),per cent or more of the front- age on one side ~f the. s%~eetbetween two inter-. secting ~treets is developed with buildings that have.front yardsgreater than twenty-five (25) feet, no building shall project beyond the average front line so established. (2) ,Side Yard There shall be a side yard on each side of the principalbuilding or buildings of not less than fifteen,(15) feet~ On corner lots a side yard of aot less than twentymfive (25) feet from the property line of the intersecting street ~ha11 be provided. (3) R~r..Yard There shall be a.~.rear yard of at leasttwenty~(20) feet measured from the principal buildingor buildings. (4) There sha!l be at least fifteen (15) feet be- tween detached principal buildings. (5) Where setback lines halve been established on streets or .highways for the purpose of future street widening the,.frOn~nd side yards shall be measured from said "Setback lines, (G) ACCESSORY BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. For all structures the following requirements shall be observed: (1) Accessory buildings shall not be located less than ten'(10) feet from any rear property line nor less than fifteen (15) feet from any side property line, (2) No garage or other accessory building shall be erected before the principal b~ilding is under con- '' struction'to the~point of being fully enclosed, (3) On corner lots, accessory buildings shall not be located less than twenty-five (25) feet from-the property line. of'theintersecting~ ~:str~t.c ~ ' ~, ,. ! \ (4) Where setback lines have been established on streets or highways for the-purpose of future street widening the front and side yards shall be measured from said setback lines. (a) PARKING. Same as required in Sec,'. 29-4 except that there shall be a minimum of one and one-half (1~) spaces for each residential Unit. PASSED in regular session on the second and~final reading this 12th day of ~Febr~mr~y ,1968. ~ ~ /w-Q ATTEST: City Clerk ~0~ First Reading Second Reading Janumrv 2~, 1968