04-08-68 APRIL 8, 196e. A regular meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8500 P.M., with Mayor J. L. Saunders in the Chair, .City Manager David M. Gatchel, City Attorney John ROsS Adams, and Councilmen James H'. Jurney, LeRoy W. Merritt, James B. Wile0n and O. F. Youngblood, being.present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by Dr. Frank Hamilton. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. 3, The minutes of the regular Council meeting of March 25th, 1968, were .unanimously approved, on motion by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 4. City Clerk Worthing read the following letter, dated March 26th, from the Arcade Tap ROom to the City Managers "01~ several occasions during the past few weeks, it has unfortunately become necessary for uS to call on your First-Ald~Rescue team to give aid to guests of our restaurant, In every instance, they have responded promptly and their services hav~ 'been bot/l efficient and courteous. We should like you to know that we are very ap~ . .-. : preciative fo~ 2hie. and:would also 1-ike you to convey ~:~ ouZ~thanks' to the City council." ' ' 'Mayor 'Saunders asked ~:hat the City Manager inform the' Fir~t-Aid' Rescue Team of the appreciatiOn expressed. 5. Mr. Jurney read the roi'lowing petition signed by 'thirty-three peopl.e: ~ "We the undersigned citizens, property owners, tmxpayers. and voters of Delray Beach, Florida, respectful'ly petition your Ho~0rable council to order a strict enforcement of.~the existing :Dog ~ Ordinance. Dogs in this area are very numerous and are a noisy nuismlce. In addition to damaging property by digging in flower beds, lawns, 'etc., they mess up lawns, chase passing Cars with loud barking, and in several cases have attempted to bite passing ~yclistS and pedestrians. Most dogs in this'seCtion are 'not kept on a leas~ or confined in any way. They just run loOse in packs. - It was repOrted the people signing this petition live in the nOrthwest section of town, with addresses on Rye L~le, Lak6 Shore Drive, Kings Lynn, N. W. 1st Avenue and N. W. 9th Street.' Mayor Saunders suggested this be referred to the City Manager and asked that he get someone, or as many as are needed on this job' as soon as ~oeSible. The C~ty Manager reported that he is ready to enforce the .ordi~.ance tO the best of his ability, but has been unable to get someone to as- sist the Animal Warden. During lengthy discussion, it was reported there would be furthe~ effort to hire sOmeone for said job. 5. Mr. Wilson suggested that .the Cotincil review with John's Beach Service, at the end of this seasOn, how m~:~aba~&~ th~ have now, how th~'t number compares .with' the "number' they had Wh'~g.:.~e' p~esent agreement was '-made~. further, a r.~tew o.£-'the placam~ni'o'f 'the Cabanas, and t. ha6 a particular endeavo~ be ~h~e~ ~': keep them from erecting caba- nas on the" grassed area. 68¸ He recommended this matter be reviewed at an early Council work- shop session, contemplating taking such action that might be necessary prior to the next season. 5. Mr. Wilson referred to Council action on Agenda Item 10.b. of the March 25th, 1968 Council meeting, regarding consideration of the County Commission's proposal to provide a Special Tax DistriCt Free- holder's referendum. He then quoted the following part of Item 10.b. from the March 25th Council meeting ~inutes: "Mr. Wilson then moved to endorse the special tax district as proposed by Mr. Warren, the motion being seconded by Mr. Youngblood. Upon call of roll, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Youngblood and Mayor Saunders voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Jurney and Mr. Merritt were opposed." Mr. Wil~on reported he had discussed this item at length w~th Mr. Jurney and Mr. Merritt, and suggested that his motion be cancelled, not because of the intent but because of the wording, a~d that a new motion be made that would clarify the situation. Mr. Wilson moved that the motion he made as identified under Item 10.b., Page 10, of the minutes of the last Council meeting be reconsidered, the motion being seconded by Mr. Youngblood and unani-~ mously carried. Mr. Wilson then moved that the City Council recommend that. action be taken to insure an attempt to obtain necessary signatures which in turn will make possible the holding of a referendum in order that the people of the community may be heard in favor of or against the tax district as proposed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Youngblood and carried unanimously. 6.a. Concerning a survey of parcels of land in violation of the nuisance laws, presented by the City Manager, Mr. Merritt moved that the City Clerk be instructed to proceed with the enforcement of Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney, and unanimously carried. (Copy of survey is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See page ?8-D. 6.b. Regarding the Garden club's project for beautification of the V. F. W. monument at the City Park, City Manager Gatchel reported he thinks the following letter of transmittal signed by Mrs. I). R. Neff, President of the Sea Grape Garden Club, as well as the accompanying sketch, are self-explanatory; further, it is felt by the City Adminis- tration to be a good plan in its present forms "1. City council approval is respectfully requested of a coopera- tive Garden Club Project for the beautification of the Veterans of Foreign Wars' Monument in the city Park at Atlantic Avenue and the Intracoastal Waterway. Consideration of this matter at the council meeting on April 8th would be greatly appreciated, providing suc~ action meets with your approval. 2. In order that this project may be properly reviewed and acted upon, a plan has been prepared by ..Mrs. Fran Zahm, a nationally recog- nized landscape architect. Copies of this plan have been furnished to concerned city hall administrative personnel. 3. The submitted plan has been previously approved by the V.F.W. and the City Beautification Committee. 4. In consultation with Mr. Cartee and Mr. Elliott it was tenta- tively agreed, subject to your final approval, that the City was in a position to: a. Remove present planting bo Remove walk around monument, should it become necessary c., Relocate flagpole d. Supply 8 Adonidia Palm trees 5. The beautification work will be carried out by Boones Nursery (Mr. Lloyd Mangus), at a cost of $1,500 to be paid for by the Delray ~arden Clubs. It is planned to complete the work by summer. 6. We request that .approval be given to carry out the plan as herewith presented. It is believed that ~t will result in a major improvement to our city park. A major objective in preparing this plan has been ease of maintenance. We wish to thank you in advance for your favorable cOnsideration of this matter." Foll0wing a question as to what expense the City would assume in this project, the City Manager reported the work could be accom- plished with the present City personnel, and that he believes there is sufficient money in the present budget to take care of any expenditure. Mr. Merritt said that with appreciation to them 'he would move that the plan'..as submitted by the CounselOr of the Garden Club Parley -~ be approved and accepted by the City. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried unanimously. 6.c. On motion by Mr: Jurney and seconded by Mr. W~lson, Mr. J. T. McMurrain was unanimously reappointed as a member of the Civil Service Board for a four-year term commencing on April 1, 1968. 6..d. Th~ City Manager reported that while in a recent workshop session, Council had requested the lease for the City 'Dock property be available at this time for discussion and review, particularly as pertains to responsibility for ground maintenance, and further, as to term of lease and other conditions contained in said'lease. Mr. Jurney moved that this item be referred to the next works~ meeting in order .that the lease might be reviewed in its entirety, and act on same at the next Council meeting. .~ayor Saunders directed that this item be scheduled. . for the next Council workshop meeting. 6.e. Mr. Nathan Sharp, on behalf of ~he Police.,"Benevolent Association, referred to land donated to the City by Mr. Warren' Grimes for use by said Police Benevolent 'Association, and of a donation to assist., in pr0Viaing a building. He said he feels it is in the best inte=est of the City and the Police.. Department that the City build Said building and the Association would equip and maintain same and pay the C,~ty of Delray BeaCh $100.00 per m.on~h On a lease. Further, if. this is proved it would be a great encouragement to the Polic~ Department, and would place Delray Beach ahead of any City on the east coast of Florida. Following a question by Mayor Saunders, City Manager Gatchel ex- plained it is' his understanding that Mr. Sharp has suggeste~ that the City actually build the shell of said building in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by an architect retained by the Police Benevolent Association~ that the Association would equip and maintain, same and pay $100.00 a month rent to the City. He Said. that.' Mr. Sharp recognizes, being a member of the Finan- cial 'Adv£sory Board, that such a request would have to be with Council's apprOval, subject to availability of fu/~ds amounting to approximately $60,000 to ~;70,000. Following discussion, Mr. WilSon moved ~hat the Council approve ~he. idea an~ earnestly hope that the project can be consummated, and there be an early workshop meeting to explore the possibility of se- .euring necessary funds, the motion being seconded by Mr, Jurney. Upon call 'of roll, Mr. Jurney, Mr. Merritt, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Youngblood voted in favor of the motion and Mayor Saunders was opposed. He qualified.his vote in that he feels there are too many unanswered questions at this time. 6.f. .city Manager Gat~hel,, info .rme~.. COuncil that the Grimes. Manufac- turing ComPany has submitted to 'the ~anning and ~oning .Board a Pre- limina, rY Plat for Lake Eden S.~...dlvis~n: Plat No, 1, for'development of aPproximatelY eight acres '°'~ 'ia"~.~.':i~ng adjacent to and West of 'the Unity ChUrch property and North of N. W.' 22nd Street.~ Further, this tract Of land was annexed to ~he City in April, 1964, and the Planning and Zoning Board, together w£th'~ 'th~ City Engineer, has met With the. developer's representative, ~evie~d the Preliminary Plat0 ali parties agreeing to'certain changes, deterfnined by the Board and City Engineer to be in the best interest of the City, as well as in Compliance with the City's~Subdivision Ordinance, and it is, therefore, recommended by the BOard that Council tentatively approve said Preliminary Plat, which, prior to execution, shall reflect the agreed upon changes as set forth in a memorandum, dated April 4th, from'the Planning Board, and shown belOW: 1. Location sketch shall be placed on the Preliminary Plat showing all information required by the Subdivision Ordinance. 2. Although" actu'al construction drawings will be submitted to the City Engineer subsequent to approval of the Preliminary Plat, the location and size of certain fac£1ities such as drainage pipes, catch basins, side- walks and so forth, shall be entered on to the Pre- liminary Plat to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to signing of the Preliminary Plat by City Of- ficials o 3. That a sidewalk shall be provided along the westerly ~ight-of-way line of proposed 'N. W. 2nd'Avenue extension and along the southerly right-of-way line of this street from a point where it bends Lo-the west, to the cul-de- sac. 4. Contours showing the final grade of the lots and spot elevations sufficient to show the 'elevation and grade of the street shall be shoW~. Mr. Youngblood said that since the changes meet the approval of the Planning Board and the Engineer, he would move that the Preliminary Plat be accepted, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and unani- mously carried. 7.a. City..Clerk Worth~ng informed Council of a petition having been received from Hugh and Evelyn Kean, requesting transfer of Beer and Wine License No. 1335, issued to Hugh Knight Browning, operating the Barefoot Pub, at 328 N. E. 6th Avenue~ further, that Mr. & Mrs. Keane have been investigated in the usual prescribed manner, approved by' City and State Beverage Department agencies, and it id, therefore, recommended that the request be granted. Said request for transfer of license was unanimously granted, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Youngblood. 7.b. The City Clerk informed Council of Mr. Le~l J. Robinson, 31 N. W. 7th Avenue, having applied for a ".Certificate of' Public Conven- ience and Necessity" to operate one tax~sb. In compliance with Sec- tion 26-7 of ~he 'Cod~ of Ordinances, Council set the .'.date of the next regular Council meeting as a time for public hearing on said applica- tion, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. l~erritt. 8.a. City Clerk Worthing presented oRDINANCE NO. 7-68. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REZONIN~ AND PLACING IN CERTAIN ~DISTRICTS~, IDENTIFIED AND CONTAINED HEREIN, THE LOTS AND PARCELS OF LAND IN TH~ CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH HEREINAFTER, Ak~D AS APPEAR ON PLATS THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND AMENDING "ZONING MAP OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, 1960". (Copy of Ordinance No. 7-68 is a2~ached to the official copy of these minutes.) See pages ?S-A-C. The City Clerk referred to the following Planning and Zonin~ Board Report, dated February 21, 1968: "At a regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board held at 4:00 P.M., February 20th, .1968, ~n the City Council Chambers, a Public Hearing was held for the purpose of hearing objections, if any, to proposed changes in the zoning of Tropic Palms Subdivision and certain lots in Tropic Isle Subdivision. .... There were ..four objectors representing ownership of eight lots in Tropic Isle and a five-acre industrial tract in Tropic Palms. There are 1,815 lots and a small amount of acreage involved in the proposed zoning change. The Board voted unanimously to recommend 'that City Council ap- prove the request of the Planning and Zoning Board for the comprehen- sive rezoning of all the lots and acreage as originally presented by the Board." Letters from Mr. & Mrs. John D. Halstead, ~. Hans R. Freyer, Dr. & 'Mrs. Murray Sanders, Mr. Alfred Hillman; and Mrs. Ethel M. Bailey we=e, pr~ented expressing objections to rezoning of. properties in Tropic .Is'Is Subdivision~to RM-1 classification, and Mr. & Mrs. Halstead also objected to .the .reclassification of a five-acre tract of land in Tropic Palms Subdivis ion from C-3 to RM-1. No one appeared before Council during the Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 7-68. During discussion, Mr. James Scheifley, a past president and a Director of the Tropic Isle Civic' Association, commented on the zoning and the deed restrictions in TrOpic Isle, and informed Council.. that the vast majority of the residents of Tropic Isle and the majority of the Directors of the AssociatiOn, are in favor of the rezoning that would result from the passing of Ordinance NO. 7.-68 and recognize that'the proposed development would be for the best interests of Delray Beach in every way. He 'explained tha= the. change of ZOning from R-2 to RM-1, in his opinion and the opinion of the Planning and Zoning Board, W°Uld upgrade the i area. Following. lengthy .discussion, Qrdinance No. 7-68 was unantl~oUS~'y passed a~ adopted on this second and final reading, on motion by Mr. Merritt and seconded by Mr. Wilson. 8.b,' 'The City Clerk presented ORDINANCE NO. 9-68. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCI~7~F THE CITY ,OF DF~RAY. BEACH, IN PALM BEACH COU'~Y, FLORIDA, A- MENDING CHA.PTER 17 (OFFENSES) OF .THE CODE OF ' ORDINANCES~ CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FI~ORIDA, BY. ADDING THERETO A NEW SECTION 17-20.1 (INDUSTRIm AL AND MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS -_NOISE PRO- HIBITED FROM 10 O ~ CLOCK P.M. UNTIL 7 O ~ CLOCK A.M.) PROVIDING THAT NO INDUSTRIAL OR MANUFAC- TURING ACTIVITY MAY BE CARRIED ON-WITHIN THE CITY BETWE~ THE HOURS ~oF-10 O'CLOCK P~M.. AND ~ 7 O~CLOCK A.M. IN SUCH MANNER THAT THE NOISE ~ MAY DISTURB THE PEACE WITHIN ANY .RESIDENTIAL AREA .OF SAID CITY~ PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE~ REPEALING ALL 'ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH~ PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE .DATE~ ' AUTHORITY TO~ CODIFY ~ FOtt A -SAVINGS CLAUSE I AND FOR' OTHER PURPOSES. Ordinance No. 9~68 was unanimously placed on first reading, On mot£on by:'.Mr. Merritt and seconded by Mr. Youngblood. 8.'ci The City.'Clerk Presented ORDINANCE NO. 10-68. AN ORDIN;~NCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 29, CODE OF ORDI- NANCES, B~ ADDING PR~ISIONS. PERTAINING TO REGULATION OF VETERINARY CLINICS;' AND PRO-- VIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF-. Ordinance No. 10-68 was unanimously placed on first reading, on motion by Mr. Youngblood and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 8.d. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 11-68 and said this Ordinance had been initiated by the Beautification Committee. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 14A, GARBAGE, TRASH AND WEEDS, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, SECTION 14A-I-DEFINITIONS, BY ADDING SUBPARAGRAPH (i) DEFINING LITTER;. AND BY ADDING SECTION 14A-9 PROHIBITING THE THROWING OR DEPOSITING OF LITTER; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY THERE- FOR. The City Attorney called attention to subsection (b) of the Ordinanc~ as follows: ~ ... "Sweeping litter into gutters prohibited. No person shall sweep into or deposit in any gutter, street, or other public: place within-the City the accumulation of litter from any building or lot or from any public or private sidewalk or driveway. Persons. owning, or occupying property shall keep the. sidewalk in.front of their premises free of litter," . Following discussion, Ordinance No. ll-68,Was unanimously placed ~n first reading, ~on motion by Mr.. . Jurney and seconded by Mr. Wilson. 9.a. The City Cle=k report~,.,~..that~on March llth, Council referred to the Planning and Zoning Board, for consideration~and recon~endation, a petition for abandonment of that portion of S. E. 4th Street lying between S. E. 7th Avenue and.the Intracoastal Waterway, and the Board's report ~s as follows: "At the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board held at 4:00P.M., March 19, 1968, in the Council Chambers, City of Delray Beach, the ~oard unanimously voted to recommend to City Council.that the petition-to abandon a portion of S. E. 4th Street lying between S. E. 7th Avenue and the Waterway, a distance of 150 feet, be denied on the basis that such would abandon necessary rightS-of-way on which are lo=ated-the Storm drain facilities for that area.'' Mr. Merritt moved to sustain the .recommendation of ~the. Planning ~d Zoning Board, in denial of ~the petition, the motion being ~seconded by Mr. Youngblood and unanimously carried. 9.b. The-City Clerk reported 'that on February i.12th, CoUncil referred to the Planning and Zoning BOard a request for rezoning of the South 100 feet of Lots 23 thru 33 less the West 20 feet, Asbury Park Heights, from R-1AA to R-3 (Multiple Family Dwelling District). Further, the Planning and Zoning Board held a public hearing on the request on March 19th, and at a meeting on March 25th reviewed the results of said hearing and unanimously recommend to Council that the request for re- zoning of said property from R-1AA to R-3 be granted. Mr. Jurney moved to sustain the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board in granting the rezoning request,- the motion being seconded by Mr. Y~ungblood. Upon call of roll, Mr. Jurney, 'Mr. Merritt, Mr. Youngblood a.n~ Mayor Saunders voted in favor of the motion, and Mr. WilSon, being the..'owner of said p=operty, abstained from voting. -6 - 4-8 -68 9.c. Concerning .a~petition for rezoning of ~Lots I thru 9, and Lots 26 thru 29, Replat o.f Breezy Ridge Estates, referred to the Planning and Zoning Board for' a~.public hearing to be held-.thereon, the City Clerk re~orted that the ~oard, under date of April 2nd, re~rts that such a limite~ change would be incompatible~with" existing residential development in ~he subdivision. Further, the petitioner owns five · lots adjoining Lot. s 26 thru 29, an~ the Planning and Zoning Board requests, with the agreement ~0f the .~etitioner, that Lots 26 thru 34 inclusive, Replat of Breezy Ridge Estates, be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Boar~ for consideration of rezoning from R-1AA to RM-1 clas- sification& It was so m~..ve~' by Mr. Youngblood, the motion being second- ed by Mr. Wilson and unanimously =arried. 9.d. The City Clerk re~orted that on.January 22, Council referred to the Planning an~ Zoning Board a petition for rezoning of several par- cels of land in ~he ~mmediate area of the southwest corner of South Swinton Avenue and 10th Street from R-lA to C-2 classification and the Planning and Zoning Board, following a public hearing on this request, has approved such reclassification subject to deletion from the petition of that part of Lot 5, section 21-46-43, which lies east of South Swinton Avenue, and-further subject to dedication of lands for right-of-way on both S. W. 10th Street and South Swinton Avenue, in recognition of future major artery requirements of the Bureau of Public Roads Thorough- fare Plan, previously tentatively agreed u~on by Council with Mr. Arthur Smith. Further, Council may deny this rezoning r~quest or sustain the Planning and'ZOning Board's unanimous recommendation which has been accepted and....~agfee~ to'by the petitioners. Attorney John H. A~ams, representing the petit~'oners ~or rezoning, informed Council that he 'has presented to the City officials .photo~ ~raphic copies of the r~ght-of-way deeds, the requirements having been dictated by the Director of planning, Zoning and Inspection, and said deeds would be delivered to the City. at time of rezon~ing, Mr. Merritt said that he objects, as he has in the past, t° any rezoning to commercial classif£cation of property fronting on' Swinton Aven~e. Ir'was ~ointed out that the subject property is very near the P.E.c. Raiiway tracks, in the vicinity of the Florida Power & Light Compan~ .parking area and storage Yard, and also in the vicinity of two concrete, product ~nduStries. FUrther, there would be a grade separa- tion off of ~I-95 at 10th st~e~ and an Interchange at 12t~ Street which woul~ increase traffig in this area. Mr. Jurney moved that' 'the CounCil sustain' the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board~' the mot£on being seconded by Mr. Youngb~o0d. U~on call o~ roll, Mr, Jurney, Mr. Wilson, Mr. youngbl°Od, and Mayor Saunters voted in_ favor of the motion and Mr. Merritt was oPPosed. 9.e. The City Clerk reported that o~~ February 12th the. CounCil re- ferre~ a request ~Or abandonment of Lots i thru 9 in the .north half of Block 124, to the Planning and Zoning Board for. review an~d recommenda- tion, and that said Board unanimously recommends the request be subject to clearance with the City Engineer in regard to the existing easements, if: any, an~ ~ossible need for future .easements for the health, safety and welfare of the community. . . 'Further, the. petitioner and City Engineer are in concurrence with the City retaining, for the benefi~ of the lands affected, and in the best interests of the City, the sidewalk right-of.way'running north and south along the easterly five 'feet of the property, as well as the ten-foot easement~ for pUbli= Utilities and the ten-foot 'Service alley running east and west, both of which are on the south side of the sub- ject property. The City Clerk informed Council that a Resolution providing for such vacating of the Plat, in full compliance with the recommendatorY advice of the City Engineer has been .prepared for Council consideration. -?- 4-8-68 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF D~LRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONING PART OF THE PLAT OF THE SUBDI- VISION OF BLOCK 124 OF SAID CITY, TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH-SOUTH SERVICE LANE'S' RESERVING, HOWEVER, THE EAST-WEST SERVICE LANE, SEWER AND UTILITY EASEMENT'AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT (AFORESAID PLAT BEING RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 18, PAGE 91, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA). (CO~y Of .Resolution No. 15-68 is attached to the official copy 9f these minutes.) See pages ?8-E-F. Mr. Merritt asked if the request- is also for the abandonment of the 16-foot service alley running north and south through said plat of She north half of the Block. City Engineer Fleming said they are ask- ing for that abandonment, and that he had recommended a provision re- quiring reversion to the City of both the north-south and east-west service lane in the event that any portion of the property is sold by ~etes and bounds, as that north-south service land would be the only means of access for serving the property with garbage and trash col- lections providing it is not built upon as a single unit. City Clerk Worthing read a letter from the prospective purchaser of said property, the Bart Company, dated April 5th, in which they stated it is their intention to develop the north half of Block 124 with a single structure, and that they agree the property will' not be subdivided nor sold in parcels by metes and bounds~ further, upon proval of the request for abandonment and their acquisition of the property, they would quit claim to the City any right, title or inters.st to the five-foot sidewalk to the east of the property. Mr. Merritt reported that in an endeavor to provide parking facilities for the Adult Recreation Complex located in the C~ty Park, the Council appointed Committee, of which he was Chairman, had ex- hausted every possibility of providing said parking before the final plans were made and a portion of~ the Park used for that purpose. He read correspondence, commencing on June 15, 1967, to and .from Mr. Vos, the owner of Lots 1 thru 9 of the north half of Block 124, in which he had asked that Mr. Vos consider trading the 16-foot n¢~rth- south alley and the 10-foot east-west service lane connecting said alley with N. E. 7th Avenue, for a twenty-foot strip along the eastern edge of said property, which would help alleviate the parking problem for the City and at the same time solidify the entire parcel plus ,adding six front feet to the overall Mr. Vos replied that he could see some'merit to the proposal, but for various reasons concerning setbacks and servicing of apartments they were to be built on the eastern part of the property, he was not incl£ned to agree with said ~roposal, and offered to sell his property to the City. The following is an excerpt from Mr. Merritt's letter of July 1967, to Mr. Vos= "It has been my experience that property of that size ~s much more des~reable in an unbroken, state than when it is divided by inflexible alleys and rights-of-way. Certainly the dedicated sidewalks and building setbacks would still be ~n effect, but would only pertain to the perimeter and should prove to be a major selling point to a potential developer." Mr. Merritt informed Council that by helping the City alleviate a problem, '~this present problem could have atready .been solved, and that he is not in favor of now abandoning said property. Following a question by Mr. Jurney regarding & sidewalk on the east side of N. E. 7th Avenue from 1st Street to Atlantic Avenue, City Engineer Fleming repo=ted there is enough room for a sidewalk within the existing street righthof-way. Attorney Harry Newett, representing the prospective purchaser of said property, informed Council that the purchaser plans to improve the property in. a manner that would be of value to the City. Following a question by Mr. Jurney about providing sufficient parking for a condominium, Mr. Charles Bart of the Bart Company in- formed Council that in their past 'construction in Delray Beach they have more than conformed with the City parking requirements and any development they would place on this property would be a help to the park and an' asset to the City. Mr. Jurney moved to sustain the recommendation of the Planning a~nd Zoning Board, the motion being seconded by Mr-.~'Youngblood. Mr. Merritt mentioned the disappointment of many people when the City Park was used to provide parking facilities, and suggested rather than abandon and give the property away,., the City trade the 16-foot alley for. 16 feet adjacent-to the sidewalk on the east side of Said property. Mr. Bart informed Council they could not use the property if that were the condition as it would not be large enough. City Attorney ,Adams suggested that to carry this item to the proper conclusion the motion to sustain the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board should also include the passage of Resolution No. 15-68. Mr. Jurney then moved that Resolution No. 15-68 be passed on:: this first and final reading, the motion being seconded by Mr. Youngblood. Upon call of roll, Mr. Jurney, Mr, Wilson, Mr. Youngblood and Mayor Saunders voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Merritt was op,posed.~ . : : ~. :~, ,~,: 10,'a'~' -.Eev, :S. 'Taylor., '(1437. $.. i W. 3rd.../stree~;. r.e.~.err'~d: .~.(5'.~he de, nth cO..u,t ..O~:it~e ::"Sa,~.~atlO,..'Oe-p%~e"t, a"d.: sa~d there' 'i~" ~'d~os~'S~ac~0n o~ ~=i: ~o..~ .a. nd'als.o to e~empt whatever ~er~'°nn~l ~0~ibl'e' f~Om'wOrki'n~ tomorrow. in.honor of Dr, King ........... ... ....... , .... .. :.,., : .... . ~.. . su=pr se wo~ o~'~l~ga~"hOlidaysithroughout''~'~.~r. ~'.' ~' ".'" -"~' '-'-' suggj ed'::. at th,. me, from wi'th'. ~:he'd~SCr~'t~0n' 6f"the ind£~idualS themS61ves. ' ....... ~ '~ During comments, 'City Manager Gatchel said 'he felt ~t would'be a high. ly inef~£cient .operation' if the"/¢ity were" ~,o :t..rF (~o.._dec~.eave .the rews' on h ": arbage tru&ks at e equ~:% ,:~'~.'90:~U~it~'.. .He:..'fUr'ther .Stat~.d .tha~~, all. C~ty personnel :'~h°~la be we're'. ~ot gr'an~e'd to th~"Ot~ers, t~'at'h'e'aoeS no~ ~now th~" Counci~"s ': des£:~e ~.n ~his matter, "that the t~e off =ould.~e w~:th, or...W~hOut pay, ~r..~o~ood sa~d t~a~ when 'he men~o.ned,: w~:tb°U~ .~n~a~.~y, b~ was '~6~ .'~hinkin~ o.f. ~he f~nanc~al.- side, he was ~h~nk'~.n~...~' .~e~s of. c~ bU'~ a~'..'su=h a la~&~ ~our i~ would ~e d~ffi=ul~, to d'iS=°n~nue ~e ":~ - -9- " ' ' .... 4'e~6's "'"".' '~' planned operations for tomorrow. The Council was 'in agreement that no ones job would be. in. jeopardy if they did not re~ort for work tomorrow. lO.a. Mr'~ Sherman Artis, 125 S. W. 8th Avenue, mentioned the request of the Progressive Committee' for-Civic ACtion regarding a lighted base- ball field, and asked how soon a decision would be made on that re- quest. The City Manager reported that he is checking into the avail- ability of additional property that will be needed there, the cost of lighting, sodding', etc., but there has not been sufficient time to complete the report. ' ~0.b. Relative to a matter' brought .up at the last Council meeting by Mr. Jurney regarding improper sewer connectionS, City Manager Gatchel ~ reported this matter had been handled previously and prior to the last' Council meeting. -Further, approximately a year ago an individual did install, without a permit, a substandard sewer connection and when the Department of Planning, ~oning and Inspection became aware of the sit- uation, the Building Inspector made an agreement with that individual to disconnect the improperly installed connection. He further inform- ed Council that the party who brought this to CoUncil attention was unaware at that time that the situation had been corrected, and that he has a letter from the protester in which he agrees to drop the com- plaint, and thanks the City Council and Building Inspector for prompt action in the matter. lO.b. City Clerk Worthing read t~.e following letter from the Board of Public Instruction of Palm Beach County, signedby Robert W. Fulton, Superintendent' of Public Instruction, and also read the accompanying Resolution= "I am enclosing a Resolution adopted by the Board of Public Instruction on March 25, 1968. It ~is the sincere hope of the Board of Public Instruction that the City of Delray Beach will give serious consideration to this resolution." RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach presently has under con- sideration the matter of approving plans for the developmefit of a subdivision upon which it is proposed to construct some 3,000 homes within the next two to three years, and WHEREAS, students who will be living in said subdivision may be confronted with dangerous and hazardous walking conditions in going to and from existing schOolS by'reason of the location thereof, and WHEREAS, this Board deemS' it necessary and advisable that' provis£cn be made in said subdivision ~planning for school sites at suitable lOcations to be determined in consultation with the - County Superintendent of Schoo~ls and members of his administra- tive staff, NOW, THEREFORE, BEIT RESOLVED BY THE~BOARD OF PUBLIC IN- STRUCTION OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, that this resolution shall be presented to the City'Manager, the Mayor and officials of the C~ty of Delray Beach charged with approval of said sub- division plan with areguest for consideration and appropriate action in accordance therewith. ADOPTED this 25th day of March, 1~968. THE BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. Its Chafrman ATTEST= By_ ./s/ .Robert W. Fulton Mayor Saunders asked that this item from the Board of Public Instruction be place~ on the agenda of the next Council meeting. 10.c. City Clerk Worthing presented Bills for Approval as follows= General Fun~ $ 73,616.08 Water Operating and Maintenance.Funa 5,849.11 Water Revenue Fun~ .. 10,000.00 Utilities TaxRevenue Fund 1,550.00. Cigarette Tax Fund 5,358.00 Sewer Construction Trust Fund 22,485.24 Sewer Construction Loan Fund First Fed. So & L. of M~ami 2,822.00 The bills were unanimously ordered paid, on motion by Mr. Jurney and secon~edbyMr. Youngblood. The meeting adjourned at 10=45 P.M. City Clerk -11- 4-8-68 DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REZONING AND PLACING IN CERTAIN 'DISTRICTS', IDENTIFIED AND CONTAINED HEREIN, THE LOTS AND PARCELS OF LAND IN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH HEREINAFTER, AND AS APPEAR ON PLATS THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN A~) FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND AMENDING "ZONING MAP OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the following described property in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby rezoned and placed in Clas- sificatlons in~icated below, and as defined in Chapter 29 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, to-wit: DESCRI. PT!0N.._OF _PROPERTY C L A S_S I F I .C...A ? I O N FROM TO TROPIC. ISLE SUBD~I_vISI..oN Lots 94 thru 99 inclusive R-3 RM-1 (Multiple Family Dwe 1ling District) Lot 100 R-2 RM-1 Lots 101 and 102 R-3 RM-1 LOtS 103 and 104 R-2 RM-1 Lots 120 thru 129 inclusive R-3 RM-1 Lots 130 thru 139 inclusive R-2 RM-1 Lot 397 R-2 RM-1 Lots 398 thru 406 inclusive R-1AA RM-1 Lots 407 thru 415 inclusive R-2 RM-1 LOt 416 R-3 P44-1 LOt 472 R-2 RM-1 Lots 473 thru 480 inclusive R-3 RM-1 Lot 481 R-2 RM-1 Lots 482 thru 486 inclusive R-3 RM-1 Lots 487 thru 489 ~nclusive C-1 RM-1 Lots 490 thru 492 inclusive R-3 RM-1 Lots 493 thru 495 inclusive R-2 RM-1 Lots 496 thru 533 inclusive R-1AA RM-1 Lot 534 R-3 RM-1 LOts 535 thru 548 inclusive R-1AA RM-1 Lots 549 thru 553 inclusive R-2 RM-1 Lots 554 thru 558 inclusive R-3 RM-1 LOts 559 thru 568 inclusive R-2 RM-1 Lots M-1 thru M-7 inclusive R-3 RM-1 Lots M-8 and M-9 C-1 RM-1 TROP I C. PA .LM. S__ SUBD I ?~.S I ON Lots I thru 16 inclusive R-2 RM-1 Lots iA thru .4A inclusive R-2 RM-1 Lots 5A thru 12A inclusive R-lA R-1AA (Single Family) Lots 32' thru 241 inclusive R-lA R'-IAA 78-B Page 2. ORDINANCE NO. 7-68. CLASSIFICATION FROM TQ Lots 242 thru 263 incluSive R~2 RM-1 (Muitiple. Family) Lot 264 R-IA RM-1 Lots 265 thru 281 inclusive R-3 RM-1 Lots 28Z thru 374 inclusive R-lA R-1AA (Single Family) Lots 375 thru 388 inclusiv~ R-IA RM-1 (Multiple Family) Lots 389 thru 405 inclusive R-lA R-1AA (Single Family) Lots 406 thru 419 inclusive R-iA RM-1 (Multiple Family) Lots 420 thru 438 inclusive R-lA R-1AA (Single Family) Lots 439 thru 452 inclusive R-lA RM-1 (Multiple Family) Lots 453 thru 473 inclusive R-IA R-1AA (Single Family) Lots 474 thru 487 inclusive R-lA RM-1 (Multiple Family) Lot's 488 thru 500 inclusive R-lA R-1AA (Single Family) Lots 501 thru 514 inclusive R-1AA RM-1 (Multiple Family) Lots 515 thru 636 inclusive R-lA R-1AA (Single Family) Lots 637 thru 679 inclusive R-lA RM-1 (Multiple FamilY) Lots 680 thru 700 inclusive R-2 RM-1 Lots 701 thru 811 inclusive R-lA RM-1 Lots 812 thru 1090 inclusive R-1AA RM-1 Lots 1091 thru 1114 inclusive R-2 RM-1 Lots 1115 thru 1169 inclusive R-IAA RM-1 Lots 1170 thru 1172 inclusive R-2 RM-1 Lots 1173 thru 1181 inclusive R-2 C-2 (General Commercial) Lots 1184 thru 1197 inclusive R-2 C-2 Lots 1198 thru 1202 inclusive R-1AA C-2 Lot 1203 R-2 C-2 LOts 1204 thru 1217 inclusive R-1AA C-2 Lots 1218 thru 1220~inclusive R-2 C-2 Lots 1221 thru 1231. inclusive R-1AA C-2 Lots 1232 thru 1242 incluSive R-2 C-2 Lots 1246 thru 1253 inclusive C-2 RM-1 (Multiple Family) Lots 1254 thru 1272.inclusive R-2 RM-1 Lots 1273 thru 1286 inclusive R-lA RM-1 Lots 1287 thru 1294. inclusive ~R-2 RM-1 Lots 1295 thru 1314 inclusive R-1AA RM-1 Lots 1315 thru 1319 inclusive R-2 RM-1 Tracts A and B C-1 BM-1 Tract O R-lA Tract P R-lA RM-1 Lot A C-1 C-2 (General Commercial) Lots B, C. and D R-lA C-2 W½ of NE¼ of NW% of SE% P1.Bk. , 1-4; also described as W~ of Tract 3 in SE% of said Sec. 29-46-43 P1.Bk. 6-50. R-3 RM-1 (Multiple Family) E½ of ~E% of NW% o~ SE¼ in P1.Bk. 1-4; also 4escribed as E½ of Tract 3 in SE% of said sec. 29-46-43, P1.Bk. 6-50. C-3 RM-1 (Multiple Family) ~EC~ION 30, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH,.RANGE 43 EA~.. SE% of NE% of NE% lying South of Germantown Road & East of SAL RR less R/W of State Road No. 9. C-2 RM-1 (Multiple Family) Page 3, ORDINANCE NO. 7-68. Section 2. That the Building Inspector of said City of Delray Beach shall, upon the ~ffective date of this Ordinance, change the "Zoning Map of Delray Beach, Florida, 1960", to conform with the provisions of Section I here6f. PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading, on this the 8th day of April , 1968. /s/ J. L. Saunders MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk First Reading ...March !!,..1968.._.... . Second Reading .$Pr~l'....~,. 1968 ......... _._ 78-D PROPERTIES IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE NO. G-147 AND SECTIONS :15-3 and 15-4 OF THE CITY CODE. CITY OWNE~, ~NDu ADDRE SS P~OFE~ ,~T¥ .DE 8CRI P~ION CODE. 1. Marie J. Wells Lot 22, Sundy & Tenbrook 15-3 310 Washington Avenue Addition. Delray Beach, Florida 33444 (402 S. W. 4th Avenue) 15-4 2. Earnestine Williams Strachan Lot 23, Sundy & Tenbrook 15-3 1I S. W. 6th Avenue, Apt. # 6. Addition. & Delray Beach, Florida 35444 (406 S. W. 4th Avenue) 15-4 3. Harry A. & Betty Jane Redmon Vacant part Of LOt 27., 15-3 840 Pig Tree Lane Palmetto Square' ~ ' Plantation, Florida 33313 (33-35 N. W. 15th Avenue) 15-4 4. Ellen Bowe Lot 2, Block 3, 15-3 1821 N. W. 66th Street Atlantic Park Gardens & Miami, Florida 33147 (105 S. W. 13th Avenue) 15-4 5. James Horace & Annie Merchant Lot 3, Block 3, 15-3 109 S. W. 13th Avenue Atlantic Park ~ardens & Delray Beach, Florida 33444 (109 S. W. 13th Avenue) I5-4 6. Dr. Frank P. Strickler Lot 8 less West 25 ft. R/W 15-3 .-.417 Heyburn Bldg. & less that portion East of ,Louisville, Ky. 40202 State Road AIA, Block E, 15-4 Palm Beach Shore Acres. (510 North Ocean Boulevard) Violations 15-3 and 15-4 as concern this report are as follows: 1. 15-3 - Garden trash. 15-4 - High weeds and heavy undergrowt,h. 2. 15-3 - Garden trash.. 15-4 -High weeds and heavy undergrowth~ 3. 15-3 - Garden trash and ,loose lumber'and~metal. 15-4 - High weeds and h~avy undergrowth. 4. 15-3 - Garden trash. 15-4 - High weeds and someunderbrush, 15-3 - Garden.trash. 15-4 - High weeds and some undergrowth at rear of lot. 6. 15-3 - Garden trash. · - 15-4 - High weeds and Some undergrowth on parts of lot. Submitted to the City Council by the City Manager on this 8th day of April, 1968. 78-E RESOLUTION NO. 15-68. .. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ,~ CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONING PART OF THE PLAT OF THE SUBDI- · ~ ~ VISION OF BLOCK 124 OF SAID CITY, TOGETHER ~ WITH THE NORTH-SOUTH SERVICE LANE; RESERVING, " - HOW-EVER, THE EAST-WEST SERVICE LANE, SEWER AND UTILITY EASEMENT AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT (AFORESAID PLAT BEING RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK . _ 18, PAGE 91, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA ) WHEREAS, the owners of Lots 1,·2,3,4,'5,6,7,8, and .9 of the SubdiviSion of Block 124, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court, in .... :~ : . . and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat BoOk 18, page 91, have petitioned the City Council of the City of Delray Beach to abandon a portion of the plat and return it to acreage; and 'WHEREAS, the service lanes or easements in the said part of the subdivision and plat have never been opened, de- veloped, employed or used in any manner whatsoever except the sidewalk located along the easterly edge thereof has been opened and is in use; and WHEREAS, the owners desire the vacation of the above · described portion of said plat and lanes and easement so that the property may'-be sold in its entirety and developed by a purchaser in accordance with its own plans; and it is deemed' to be in the best interests of the city of Delray Beach to vacate that portion of said plat excepting the sidewalk, sewer and utility easement, and east-west service lane as hereinafter described; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: That pursuant to Section 7, Paragraph 3 of the Char- ter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, we hereby declare the following part of the Plat of the Subdivision of Block 124 of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as recorded in Plat Book 18, page 91, of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, to be vacated and abandoned: Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9 of Subdivision of Block 124 of Delray Beach, Florida, as per 78-F plat thereof recorded in the office of the clerk of the circuit court in and for palm ~ BeaCh county, Florida, 'in Plat Book 18, page 91, including the north-south service lane shown thereon; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, noth',.Ang contained in this Resolution shall be dee~ed or construed as vacating the sidewalk right-of-way running north and south along the easterly five feet of said Block 124, or the ten-foot easement for sewers and other public utilities running east-west and being 1°cated five feet north of and five feet south of the south line 124, or that part of the service lane sh°wn on said' plat east-west lying south of the south line'of Lot 6 of said 124 as extended west to the east right-of-way line of Northeast Seventh Avenue, Delray Beach' Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED in Regular session this the 8,~h lp~il~ day of~ . . Mayor ATTEST: - city Clerk