06-24-68 ~E 24, 1968, A regul&r meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8~00 P.M., with Mayor J. L. Saunders £n the Chair, City Manager David M. Gatchel, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen James H. Jurney, LeRoy W. Merritt, James B. Wilson and O. F. Youngblood being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by the Rev. J. D. Edwards. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. 3. The minutes of the regular Council meeting of June loth and special meeting of June 17th, 1968, were unanimously approved, on motion by-Mr. Merritt and seconded by Mr. W~leon. 4. City Clerk worthing read the following letter fro~ the City of Boynton Beach, signed by Mayor Michael V. Michael, and dated June 20, 1968~ "In a continuation of South Palm Beach County's efforts to implement the construction of necessary access roads prior to the building of 1-95, we have invited, the COunty Commissioners to meet with us at City Hall Un Boy~to~t Beach, at 7:30 P.M., July 25, -1968. We cordially i'nvite you, members of your O~uncil and other interested parties' in yoUr Community to attend this meeting. Only through a united front of all the .South Palm Beach County communities will we be able to solve the complex problems connected with 1-95. Your cormnents and participation at this meett~ will be most valuable in .solving .these problems.. An early reply will be appreciated." The ~ouncilmen were in~formed to a~vis.e the City Manager's office if they plan .to attend said meeting in order that the letter may be replied to. 5. Mr. Jurney read the following.letter he. had received, from Mrs. T, p. Wyatt regarding installation of sanitary sewers~ "We would like to inquire when city sewers wil! be in- stalled along S. W. 10th Street. .Sewers were installed earlier this year to within two blocks of us and we wondered then why this ~wo block stretch right off Swinton Avenue was excluded. We are now having septic tank trouble and it is going to be necessary for us to have. a new septic tank insta.lled. 'As you know, it cost us several hundred dollars, to have this done and if sewers will soon be installed it would be an unneceesary expen s e. We will appreciate you bringing this .question before the City Courtcil and advising us. We will be so grateful If the sewer lines could be completed on Our street.!'. Mr. Jurney presented said letter to the City Manager. 5. Mr. Jurney referred to people working within the City of Delray Beach without an occupational license,-and said when' he brought this item. up at the ias~ CoUncil ~ettng, he did not intend .to ,convey the £dea that "the merchants, co~actors, etc. with 'local places of -1- 6-24-68 130 business are not licensed,-but that he is aware of people coming into Delray Beach at various t~mes and doing business without a license. He said it is his desire that a person-be hired to check on unlicensed peop-le and.he believes the additional revenue ~his would"bring in would pay for the cost Of said employee. Mr. Jurney said he would like this ite~ referred to the City Manager for study and for discussion at a workshop meeting, to which Council was agreeable.. 5. Mr. 'Merritt referred to recent Council- action in granting a re- quest of Mr. R. O. Priest to use his building located on West Atlantic and Congress Avenues. He re~Orted that since that time, nothing but a little clearing has been. done, and therehave been inquiries as to when that building would be moved away from the sidewalk. Mr. Merritt moved that Mr. R. O. Pre'est be notified that the City will allow him thirty days in which to move said house to its proper .Iocat~on, otherwise, the previous action of Council concerning same W°uld be rescinded. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried unanimolls ly. 5. Mr. Wilson referred to the recent offer of sale to the City of the Arvilla Hotel l~roperty for a possible off-street parking lot, and asked if there is a report from .the Tr~affic and Park~lig Committee on that a~d other items that have been referred to them. Mr. Merritt~reported that said Committee has enough referrals to warrant a .meeting and one would be held in the near future'. 5. Mr. Wilson referred to the petition of Mr. DeBolt and other residents in Block 64 concerning lighting in an alley for the protec- tion of their homes, and asked if anything had been done on that item. The City Clerk reported that said work had been authorized last week and ordered from the proper source. 5. Mr. Youngblood made a detailed report on a meeting he had attended at Boynton Beach on July 18th concerning construction of 1-95 and the access and crossroads~ He said the information brought out at that meeting had changed his concept of the proposed special tax districts to.provide the money for construction of the access and crossroads, and that he is--opposed to the tax'districts. Further, it had been made known that it is the responsibility of the County and State to provide the access roads. Senator Jerry Thomas suggested these south county city officials have a showdown meeting with the County Co~missioners and have them understand that the south county 1-95 access roads should have priority over'whatever projects they plan for the central or north section of the County. 5. Mayor Saunders asked that Mrs. Phyllis Plume make a report on ; .the program of summer jobs for youth that has been undertaken by the Chamber of Commerce with the assistance of the League of Women Voters. Mrs. Plume reported 'thirty young people had been placed in summer positions.with two other jobs pending. She said her work in this project has been very rewarding as the youngsters have been most appreciative, and the employers are~being rendered a service. Further, she feels this is a very-worthwhile Project and hopes it can be done again next year. Mayor Saunders expressed his pleasure with the results of this program, and sa~d it is his desire that such a program be conducted each summer ~ 6.a. Regarding City-owned beach property, the City Manager said that in compliance with Council d~rective of May 27~:h, certain advertise- ments were placed express ing 'the des.ire of .Coul~o~l that a public auction be held concerning poss -~b~e:disposa~ of the City-owned 400 feet of beach property on ~outh AiA, and a public auction was held at 1:00 P.M., Thur~sday, June 20, at the~ty Hall with the following results ~ -2- 6-24-68 "A sing~e..offer, in the-~ount of $400~000,, was re- ceived trom Mesmrs. Charles W. Braznet! and D. Richard Mead, Jr.., for purchase of said 400 feet of Ctty-o~ned beach property on South AIA. Further, Council shall accept or reject-this.bid prior to close of this meeting, and should Council accept this .offer, which was accompanied by an earnest money deposit amounting to 10~ of the bid, .namely $40,000,, the bidder shall pay to the City, within 30 days · ~wom such bid acceptance, the balance of $360,000. or the deposit of $40,000. shall be determined to be forfeited. During discussion of the sale of said beach property, there was considerable discussion concerning construction of storm drainage improvements in the southwest area of town. Following lengthy discussion, Mr. Youngblood moved to retain the beach until a minimum bid can be 'obtained that would include all the money the-.City has put into it. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson who said 'he feels there should be some time limitation placed on it. Mr. Merrlitt said he feels the motion'is out of order as that is not the matter at hand. The motion and second were withdrawn, and Mr. Merritt then moved'' that the ~offer for the 400 feet of beach be rejected, and that the bidders be notifie~ of same and of the gratitude of Council for their inte=est. The 'mOtion was seconded by Mr. Wilson and upon call of.roll, Mr. Merritt, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Youngblood and Mayor Saunders voted in favor of the motion, and Mr. Jurney was opposed.. 7.a. Concerning a request~for exten~sion of a Tax Moratorium Agreement, City Clerk Worthing reported to,' .Council as follows~ ".Certain lands, comprising. Lake Ida Shores,, Lake Ida Shores, 1st Addition, and Lake Ida Manor, 2nd Addition, were_anneXed to the City in June of 1957, subject, in part, to being limited to an ad valorem tax of $10.00 per lot, unless said lot was sold or improved upon, for a period of ten years.. This moratorium on normal taxation of said lands expired at the end. of 1967, causing normal: assessment and taxation thereof as of January 1, 1968. Mr. Hugh Vogl, VicehPresident of Lake Ida Development Corp., appeared, before the Rqualization Board for relief from said normal assessment and taxation, applicable aa .of-January 1st, 1968. ! informed the said Ecrualiza'tion Boa=d, at that time, that most of these vacant Lots had been-provided with Sewer Col-. lection Line Stub-Outs at their front property considered further reason for subjecting said lots to normal taxat ~on.. The Equalization Board's only action was' su~gesting..'tO Mr. vogl that he apply to City council for consideration of an 'Extension' of the original .moratorium for a Period of two years." Mr. Vogl appeared personally and asked for a two-year extension of said tax moratorium. Following lengthy discussion, Mr. 'W!ls0n suggested that this matter be tabled for- further-study and it be ~taken up at the next meeting, which was agreeable to Council. 7.b. It was reported that Mr. Thomas J. Bell, owner and operator of Delray Beach Tax~ Company, Inc., has applied for a Certificate of Publ'ic ConVenience for the operation of one additional taxicab. On motion by Mr. Youngblood and seconded by Mr. Jurney, the Council called a Public Hearing to consider said apl~.lication, .said Public Hearing to be held-Monday,. July 8, 1968, at 8:00 P.M., in the Counci! Chambers at the City Hall. 7.c. Concerning a request for abandonment of an unused road right- of-way, the-C~ty. Clerk ~nformed Council. that resulting~ from the sale, many.years .ago, Of .a strip of land running through the tract recently acquired by the Florida,~ Power & Ligl%t Com~_lly for .construction of an electric power distribution substation, a ~5-foot road right- of-way exists on oertain public records. F~rther, said right-of-way has never been opened nor. made use of by the public, and Florida Power & Light Company, through their attorneys, is asking ~for the City to disclaim any interest therein, and it is recommended this petition be referred to the Planning-& ZOning Board .for.~their~ study and recom- mendation to Council at the next Co.uncil meeting. Said petition was unanimously referred to the Planning and Zoning Board, on motion by Mr. .. Merritt and seconded by 'Mr. Wilson. 8.a. City Clerk-.Worthing.presented RESOLUTION NO. 28-68. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ,OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ORDERING THE CON- STRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS, FIVE [5) FEET IN WIDTH, ON THE NC~RTH SIDE OF S. E. THIRD STREET BETWEEN S. E. THIRD '-AND .FOURTH AVENUES~ ALSO ON THE EAST SIDE OF VENETIAN DRIVE COMMENCING AT MIRAMAR DRIVE AND EXTENDING NORTHF~tLY TO THE PARKING AREA IN BLOCK A, JOHN B. REID'S .VILLAGE. (Copy of Resolution No. 28~6S is a~tached to the official copy of these minutes.) See p~ge 140-A~B. It was pointed out that a public hearing, in compliance with Section 169 of the City Charter, would be held by Council at the July 8th regu,lar meeting, for the purpose .o.~ hearing objections, if any, to such improvement and cost 'sharing as. set out in said Resolu- tion. Resolution No.. 28-68 was unanimously passed and adopted on this first .and final reading on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Wileo~. 8.b. The City Clerk presented RESOLUTION NO. 29.-68. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING AREA NO. 27. OF SANITARY SEWER PI~DJECT NO. 5964-8b-2 AS OPERA- TIONAL AND SETTING THE. EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THE INITIAL SCHEDULE OF RATES, FEES 'AND OTHER CHARGES TO BE IMPOSED FOR THE SERVICES AND FACILITIES FUR- NIS~I~D BY: SAID A~ NO. 27 OF THE SEWER SYSTEM. (Copy of aeSo~lution No. 29-68 is attached to the. official copy of these minutes.) See page 140.?C. Resolution No. 29-68 was unanimously passed and adopted on this first and final reading, on-motion by Mr. Yo~ngblood and~, seconded by Mr. Jurney. 8.c. The City Clerk presented RESOLUTION NO. 30-68. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHOR- IZING NECESSARY SIGNATURES OF CERTAIN CITY OFFICIALS FOR BANK RECOGNITION AND ACCESS TO THE CITY'S SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX IN THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. (Copy of Resolution No. 30-68 is attached to the official copy of these minutes,) See page 140-D. Mr. Jurney asked who ~e ~afety deposit box is available to at this time. During.~iscussion! City Attorney Adams ~said the banks -4- 6-24-68 usual.Iy require a resolution every year' or-. every t~me 'an officer 'changea. He said he feels it would be in the best interest of the City to pass the resolution and raise the question at the next meeting if there is any doubt as to the past history. Mr. Jurney said that being the case he would move that Resolution No. 30-68 be passed on this' first a~-d final reading. The motion was seconded by Mr. YoungbloOd and carried unan/mously. 8.d. City Clerk Worthing presented OI~DINANCE NO. 16-68. AN ORDINANCE OF'THE CITY CO~JNCIL OF THE'CITY OF DELP, AY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELEAY BEACH CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH L~NDS ARE CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY~ REDBFINING T~E BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LANDS ~ PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATI~S OF SAID LAND~ r AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF.' (Co~y of Ordinance No. 16-68 is attached to the official copy of these minuteS.) See pages 140-E-F. There being no objection to Ordinance No. 16-68, said Ordinance was unanimously passed and adopted on .this second 'and final reading, on motion by. Mr. Merritt and seconded by Mr. Youngb!ood. X. Mr, Dave. Hoggins asked about being-exempt from an. 0c~pattonal license fee concerning h£s lawn maintenance 'business after reaching the age of 65. City Clerk Worthing explained that several months ago, through his employer, Mr. John .A. _Dittrich of Lowry Street, Mr. Hoggins had requested by letter that a gratis license for his-lawn maintenance business be granted. The City'Clerk reported he had explained to Mr. Dittrich and Mr. Hoggins at that time that such an application should be made in September, for Council approval, and would aPPly to the 19.68-69 l icense. F~rther, that Mr. Hogg£ns paid for his current license last September and there is no Provision for refunding of.occupational license fees. Mr. Hoggins said he had been informed by the Federal Goverrd~ent that after reaching the age of 65, he is exempt from all labor taxes, and after paying, the license fee for eight years after reaching the age of 6§, feels [t would not be impossible for his .money to be re- funded by the City. Further, if the Federal Government refunded his money, he sees no reason why any Ci'ty'wOuld not refund the money he had p~id0 and that he has knowledge the Federal Government. will back him up. in this. Mayor Saunders informed Mr. Hoggins that this matter would be referred to the City Attorney for a report at the next m, eeting. 8.e. The Ci'ty Cle'rk presented ORDINANCE NO. 17-68. AN ORDINANCE OF' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ~C.!TY .OF DELRAy BEA~I,' FLORIDA, ANNEXINg. TO. THE. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN SECTION 8,~ TOWNSHIP 46 S(K~T, H, RANGE 43 EAST~ WHICH LANDS ARE CONTI~UOUS TO ExISTING MUNICI'P~ ..LIMITS OF SAID CITY~ REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID 'CITY TO INCLUDE SAID Ia~NDS~ PROVIDING FOR THE .R, IG~TS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LANDS~ AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. (Copy of Ordinance No. 17-68 is attached to the official copy of these minUtes.) See page .140-G. There being no objection to Ordinance No. 17.-68, said Ordinance was unan~uously~, p&ssed and adopted on this Second and final reading, -on motion ..by' Mr.. Jurney and' s"ec0nde~ by. Mr. Wilson. 8.f. City Clerk WorthLng p~esent~ed. ORDINANCE ~!~I0, 18-68, AN ORDII~.NCE OF ?1~ CItY C~CIL O~ ~ CITY OF D~Y B~CH, FLO~DA, ~ING TO T~ CI~ OF D~Y ~CH C~TAIN L~S LO~TED IN SE~ION 8, T~S~P.46 SO~H~ ~GE 43 ~T, ~ICH-~ ~ CO~IGU~S 'TO EXISTING ~CIP~ LIMITS OF SAID CI~ REDEFINI~. T~ BO~D~IES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID L~DS~ ~D-~IDING FOR THE RIG,S ~ ~!GATIONS OF SAID L~S. ~dinance No. 18-68 .was un~.~Ously placed on first re~ing, on ~t~on by ~. Youngblood and seconded b~ ~. Wilson. 8.g. The Ci~ Clerk ~nfo~ Co~c~l that Ordin~ce No. 19-68 would not be ~ns~dered as the petition for ann~a~n had been w~th~awn 8.h. ~e City Clerk presented ~I~CE NO. 20-~8. ~ O~I~CE OF T~ CI~ C~CIL OF T~ 'CITY OF D~Y B~, FL~IDA~ ~ING TO T~ CI~ OF D~Y B~CH CERTAIN .~D L~TED IN SE~I~.. 28~ ?0 IN~UDE S~D L~ ~IDIN~,FOR.~ RIG, S ~D OBLIGATIOES OF SAID:L~D~ ~D ~IDING FOR ZONING TH~BOF. Ord~n~ce No. 20-68 was un~ously place~ on first reading, on mot~°n ~ ~. Merritt ~d seco~ed by' ~. Jurne~. 9.a. Concerning a Petitign for s~e p19n approval of property at 222 North O~an Boulevard, Cit~.Clerk Worthing presented the fol- lowing Planning and ~n~ng ~ard re~rt, dated June 19, 1968: "On J~e 18th, 1968,-a regul~ meeting was held ~ City Hall at 4=00 P.M. following a ~bl~c Hearing on June 3rd, 1968, ~ns~der~ng a petition for S~te Plan Approval ~ a R-3 Multiple. F~ily ~elling District on the ~ollow~ng described propert~ The North 100 fee~ of ~t 7~ less the West 305 feet th~r~f, per Plat Book 1, Page 25, ~blic Records of Palm Beach ~unty, Florida. With one m~ber absent ~d one m~be= objecting, the Planing and Zoning Board voted to reco~d the City Cocci1 grant approval to the Site PI~ petiC~on as presented to Council, which ~s in compli~ce with Section 29--7.~ of the D~!ray Beach Code of Ordin~ces. ~e objector protested."~he setbacks and two parties raised ~est~onS at the ~bl~c Hear~g." ~. Preston L. Ter~, III, Attorney for Woodl~d Homes Cor~ra- t~on, ~nfo~ed Co~c~l that the o~er and principal stockholder of that Cor~rat~on, ~. H. M. Dunn, Jr. of ~Seaspray Avenue, and their ~chitect, ~. Willi~ A. Gilroy, are present tonight. Attorney Terry explained what is planned for the property is a six-floor condomin~ consisting of 23 units~ the building would consist of 7 fl~rs, the first floor being the lobby and M~ager's apar~ent, 65 feet h~gh with 40-foot setback in the front and a ~tal of 45 feet ~n setbacks on ~e sides, with parking in the rear, sw~ing ~ool ~ ~e .front and the e~re project to be scree,ed by thirty-inch pilfer. Further, the p~sal as has.now been' reco~end~ to the Council represents a cons~der~le reduction from what was -6- 6-24-68 originally proposed t~ the Planning and Zoning Board, but working in co-operation with the Board and with recommendations of Mr. Abbott, the project has been reduced to avoid high density occupancy in the beach area. The site plan was displayed and explained to Cotmcil. Mr. James Scheifley0 member of the Plarming and Zoning Board, informed Council that he is the member who objected to the site plan approval for this particular lot. During comments, he said he is in favor of h£gh-rise buildings, but not on 100 foot lots, and if they are legal and permitted on 100 foot lots, believes the ordinances should be amended. There was lengthy discussion and also comments by the owner, Mr. Dunn, during which Mr. Jurney moved to table this item for con- sideration at a workshop meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried unanimously. 9.b. The City Clerk reported that on April 22, Council referred a petition for rezoning of certain lands to the Planning and Zoning Board for a public hearing to be held thereon, and then presented the following report from that Board, dated June 19, 1968~ "O~ June 18th, 196.8, a regular meeting was held in City Hall at 4:00 P.M., following a Public Hearing on. May 21st0 1968, considering a petition for a change Of zoning classification from R-1A Single FamityDwelling District to C-2 General Commercial District on the following described property= - Lots 14..and 15 of Replat of part Of Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Model Land Co.'s S/D of West halfof Sec..21-46-45. One member o2 the Bo~rd~ was absent. All members present voted unanimously to recommend the City Council deny the petition on the grounds that the allowed use would be incompat~ble with the general ~se of the area. ~. Three persons spoke in objection at the Hearing." Mr. Merritt reported he had been in contact with the petitioner who has requested, since he could not be present tonight and would like td be present when it is considered, that this item be deferre~ until the next regular meetingand he would so move. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried unanimously. 9.c. The City Clerk reported that as a result~of Council having re- ferred, to the Planning and Zoing Board, a petition for rezoning the 40 feet of. Lot 28, Seabreeze Park from R-1AA to C-1 the Board held a Public Hearing on s~me, as well as Site Plan Approval for develop- ment'of that lot, together with Lots i & 2, Sesbreeze Park and all joining 150'x323.10' parcel of ground in the southwest corner of Block 164. Concerning the above described properties, City Clerk Worthing read the follow£ng Planning and zoning Board report, dated June "On. June 18th, 1968, a Public Hearing was held in City Hall at 4:00 P.M., considering, concurrently, the 'Delray- Gulfstream Hotel's ! petition for a change of zoning clas- sification from R-1AA Single Family Dwelling District to. C-1 Limited Commercial District and, petition for Site Plan Approval. One member of the Board. was ~abse~t. All me~bers present ymted unani~ously to =ecom~enc% the City Council grant approval to th~ petitions subject to the £ollowing~ -7- 6-24-68 '" (1) Should additional parking be necessa~-f at a future date~ .the owners Will provide such~ ~ing Subject to Site 'Plan ApproVal. (2) $~d~extreme tra~c congestion occur, the ovmers will have a traffic engineering study made, at .their expense, to provide an alternative situation. Although no ob~:eCtio~s per se were raised at the Public Hearing, several p~~ voiced concern p~t~ily about lack of parking and tra£.~L~ ~congest-ion," 1~". Richard C. Reiily, Architect for the petitioners, was present and explained the site plan and ~fking plans. Attorney John Spinner was present representing the pet:~oners, Delray-~ulfstream, Inc., and ~o of the owners of Delra~-~ulfs'tream, Inc~ were also present. ~ring leng~y discussion ~d c~~'s' ~ Council and people [~ the audience of ~e site pl~, p~k~nq and the probl~s ~rk~ng ~d ~aff~c ~n ~hat area, ~n~q ~d Inspection, assu~ed ~c~l that more than ad.ate pa~king is provided ~n ac~rd~ ~i~ the Cit~ Code. It ~as also ~inted out ~hat a 100~fook bU~ld~ng ~uld be buil~ ~ that location without site pl~ approval. Pollowing leng~y d~scussion, '~. Youngblood ~ved that the Council sustain the Planing ~d ~ntng Board's rea~dation for rezoning of ~e south 40 feet of Lot 28, Se~reeze Park from R-~ to C-1, the motion being second~ ~ ~. Merritt and unan~ously carried. ~. Merritt ~~ted an~ ~ved as follows~ "In view o~ the fact that I would much ra~er live and defend what we have been able ~ get these people to agree to do ~-what they ~ul~ ~o by the exist~g ordinance, ~der ~he existing zoning, I move that we sustain ~e ~d~s reco~endation concerning ~e site plan for the Quality court." ~e ~tio~ :w~ s~on~ed by ~. Yo~gbl~ and car- ried ~an~ously. The City Clerk said that in view of Co~cil' action just taken and due to the t~e el~t, i~ is sugges~d that an ordinance for such reclassification of the ~uth 40 ~eet of Lot 28, Seabreeze Park, subject ~ Council pleasure, might be placed on first read~g at this t~e, wi~ a public Hearing on said ordinate ~ be held at the t~e of the se~nd ~d final reading on July 22nd. The City Clerk ~ present~ O~~ NO* 21-68.' ~ ~IN~CE ~ T~ CI~'CO~CIL OF ~D ~ACING LOT 28 LRSS ~E NOR~ 10 FEET, SE~Z~ P~K, D~Y B~CH, FLORIDA, IN "C-I LI~TED C~RCI~ DISTRICT", ~ A- ~*IN6: "ZONING ~P OF D~Y B~CH, ~ORIDA, ~dinan~e No; 21-~ ~was unan~usly placed °n first reading, on motion by ~. ~gb'loo~-.~and s~cOnded bY ~. Wiison. X. ~. ~~ LivacCari, o~er' ~d operator of BreSler.~s Ice Cre~ Shop, 1222 East Atl'a~ic Aveaue~ complained'of the parking situation in the area of his business, and aske~ if he ~uld be provide6. ~ith a loading zone for the detive~ of ice cre~ to his businesS. He complained of his past ~perien~e.s ~ncerning this it~. ~yor Saunders advised ~. Livaccari to contact the .Ci~ M~ager for an appoin~ent to discuss and ~rk this matter out. 9.d. Concerning ~ssib!e application and' usage of light ~les, al- legedly, donated ~Florida ~w~ &' .Light '~mp~y, for Teen Town Athletic Field, ~he citF'M~ager said he had made reco~endations to Council at the last 're~lar meeting ~ncerning developer Of the .- . ' ': .... 8- 6-24-68 ball field at Teen Town Center which was to continue the present utilization of' the field through this summer and'to' provide for the improvements, to the field in' the new budget beginning October 1, 1968, one of the principal reasons for that reCOmmendation being the night time utilization that could be put to Sterling Field on Monday, Tues- day, Thursday and saturday nights of each week beginning the first of July The City Manager commented further: "Council desired the ad- ministration to. look further into the possibi'lity of at least tempo- rarily locating some poles for lighting the Pony League Field at :Teen Town Center which would provide .for night time utilization of that field for 'the remainder of the summer. Gentlemen, we have look- ed into this matter further and the back stop at this Pony League Field at Teen' Town Center is right square on the line, the-property line of the City-owned property. We cannot, in good conscience recom- mend to you that..we put poles in there now because of 'the safety involved. The safety of not only the team in the field, we couldn't even provide enough space in ~here for a runner that would round third base, as an example,' headed' for home without endangering him- self with the location of the poles. Because of the present location of the diamond and. the location' of 'the back stop right on the property corner lines we feel that the installation of any poles in any manner now on the City .property would not be in the: best interests of the safety of.. the .users of the field, and that would be for day time as well as night time play." · It was pointed out that to take. advantage'of the $5,000. donation that had been mentioned would be to close that field for the summer in order to relocate it on the City-owned property. Mayor Saunders' said he hoped the lady who offered to donate the $5,000. would reconsider and give it at.a later ~time when it can be used for that purpose. Attorney Peter ward, said the lady-is a client of his and she isn't going to give the money~since there has been such delay in the improvement of that ball field, 9.e. The City. Clerk. reported', that 'CounCil recently referred to the Planning and Zoning Board for study, the request of Novo Investment Corporation for abandonment of the south 152.66 feet of :MacFarlane Drive, He said the .Board reviewed'this petition, 'its' affect on the area involved, and recommends "the abandonraent' be apprOved, Subject to utility easements,-as determined to be needed by the City Manager, City Engineer and Director of PubI~c UtiIities being provided 'by the petitioner. The City Clerk~ then read the following report from said Board, dated June 2.0th: "On June 18th, 1968, a regular meeting was held in City Hall at 4:00 P.M., cons'~der.-~ng a request t° abandon the south 152~66 feet of MacFarlane Drive. One member of the Board was absent. All members present voted tO recommend the City Council grant the request subject to the City retaining., necessary easements:' (1) . A ten'-foot drain'age easement extending south ' from the proposed..southern terminus of MacFarlane Drive to the Yacht ' BaS in . (2) An eas~nt for public':accesS.~extending from the proposed southernterminus of MadFarlane DriV® to venetian (3) .Other utility easements should they prove · . necessary." Following lengthy discussion, City Attorney Adams explained that what the City Manager is 'asking-for .is. that Coun~cil tentatively approve the .recommendations of the Planning Board :and ~fer this item to the City MaDager in order that he may present it 'back to 'Council in the form of a Resolution of abandomnent incorporating the items he feels necessary in the best interests of the City. 1:38 It was. so moved by Mr. Youngblood and seconded by Mr. Wil~on. It was- explained ': that this . ~s..,ait. enabling, mot ion, and a cond i,~txanal .one, "and thLs ~ld be aUt~rLz~ ~e City ~ager ~ proceed wLth the pre- paration of a resolut~n ~nta~n~ h~s r~endat~ons, '~ich' resolu- tion wou~d be pres~t~ to ~uacLl for ~nstderat~on. U~n call roll, the motion carried ~.~. ~' The City Clerk read the Beautification ~t~ee meeting m~utes of June 12, L968, ~d ~he followLng three ~t~ of ~se m~utes re- ~ested Counc*l aution ~ 1. "The C~tttee ~gain re~~ded that the City hire young p~ple, to be supervised ~ m~bers o~ .~e ~n-'s Oard~ -"; to cloan.'up Litter areas during ~he s~er months, (~tLon r~est~) 2. ~e Co~ittee reco~ded that~ least 12 ~anent City signs (c~t~ ~he f~ne tn v~olation of the new ordin~ce) be placed at park areas ~d entr~ces to the C~ty. ~e funds could be taken fr~ thLs year's unexpended budget, or be p~v~ded f=~ the next ye~s budget. (ActLon r~eot) 3. ~8. ~aul =e~rt~ on tho c~rd~na~ed beautification ~lans of ~he. l~br~y ~d n~ ~er of ~erce building. ~e ~it~ee re~e~s that the C~ty r~est that free-standing ~we= ~le at the inters~tion of alleys behind the ~lice station be .moved. (~i8 s~u~d be ~ns~dered when the old ~l~ce s~at~on is d~l~shed and traffLc is ~creased. ~ns~derat~on ~uld be for underground w~r~g.) (Aution r~ested),, It~ 1 was unan~usly referred ~o ~ C~ty Manager for stu~ ~d re~rt at the next ~rkshop meeting., on motion ~ ~. W~lson ~d se~nded by ~. YOungblood. It~ 2 was un~usly referred to the City M~ger for a recom- mendation ~ Cocci1, on motion ~ Mr. ~r~tt and 8e~nd~ W~lson. It~ 3 was unan~usly referred ~ ~he C~ty M~ager on ~on by ~. Ju~ey ~d seconded by. ~. Yo~gblood. 10.a. ~gard~ng a r~est of ~e ~Chr~sti~ Mordent for C~v~c Action ~ d~ocuss ~s~ness of ~rtance concerning City activ~t~es, Messrs. Randolph W~ll~S, Clay~n W~d~ and Alfr~ Strag~ of that org~i- zat~on appe~ed before Council ~d referr~ to a l~st of pro~sals presented ~ Council s~eral weeks ago that had be~ referred by Council ~ ~he C~y M~ager. .They asked ~ be b~ught up ~ date on what action has been t~en and what action ~s p~anned ~nce~ng sa~d pro~s~s. ~e C~ty ~nager sa~ that ~s. Pl~e had. made a re~r~ th~s evening ~ncern~ng s~er ~plo~t for youth, and that he had re,Fred further ~ncern~g ~prov~ent ~ the ball f~eld at Teen To~ C~ter after having made a detailed re~rt concernLng s~ at the last ~uncil meeting. ~e C~ Manager rev~ew~ ~he re~rt he had made at the last reeler ~unc~l meeting ~n~ern~ng each it~ of said pro, sa1. He saLd s~e of the pro~sals have alrea~ been ~ut ~nto effect and that he is .st~ll ~Fk~g on s~e o~ the ~t~s ~4 will m~e his ;.re~endat~ons to CouncL1 c~cerning 8~e at the earliest ~ssible t~e, also some of these reco~endat~ons w~11 have to be complet~ prior to presentation of ~e 1968-69 pro~sed budget ~o the ~c~1 at ~ts f~rst meeting ~n August. 10.b. ~. M~chael Burnson made a re~rt-concerning play ~eas (ne~g~=~od pla~rou~8) ~d =oCu~enda~ons secured w~h the ~perat~on Of~ Re,ear,One1 Director Alfred Ell,o~t and Sgt. gdd, e -t0- 6-24-68 JOC~ Mr. Burnson requested that the city make an inclusion in the Ci. ty Code for a provision' for reCreational areas in all future develop- ments in Delray Beach. Said: report was referred to the City Manager for discu'ssion at the next workshop meeting. 10.b. Mrs. Jounice H~ll, 309 S. w. 15th Terrace, complained of the length of time between trash pickupe. The City Manager explained that the entire town is serviced with trash pickups, on an equal basis, but that service is not up to date due to weather conditions, personnel and equipment, growth of the City and the pickup. 'of cut- tings'and trimmings of landscape contractors. 10.b. There were some comments and questions by Bruce Harriss, Johnnie Williams, Rev. David Johnson and Mrs. Annette Tucker con- cerning some of the proposals and conditions discussed earlier during the meeting, with comments and answers by various Councilmen. 10.b. Mrs. Dorothea ~ontgomery 'suggested the possibility of a moratorium on building permits for a certain period of time while the parking and building ordinances are rechecked in the R-3 and possibly C-1 zoning districts in order to take care of site planning~ parking and traffic. lO.b. Mr. Carlton Pete-Carter informed Council that he was born in Delray Beach 'and that he has had the privilege ~f becoming a-pro- fessional musician and song writer. Further, that he has just re- cently returned to this area and desires to open an "Under 21 Club" and asked what procedure he should follow to accomplish that. Mr. Carter was directed to contact City Clerk worthing and make application for said license. 10.d. City Clerk Worthing presented the following Bills for Approval: General Fund $168,416.19 · Water Operating & Maintenance Fund 5,396.17 Water Revenue Fund 24,267.03 Special Assessment Fund 30.00 Refundable Deposits Fund 1,607.64 Beautification Fund 467.20 Sewer Construction Trust Fund, First National Bank of Delray Beach 8,644.68 The bills were unanimously ordered paid, on motion by Mr. Youngblood. and seconded by Mr. Jurney. The meeting adjourned' at 12..10 A,M., Tuesday, June 25th. ........ .R. D..WORTHING City Clerk -11- 6-24-68 .1.40 140-A RESOLUTION NO. 28-6'8. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ·CITY ,OF. DELRAY BEACH, F'..~.~RIDA, O~.~ERIN~ THE coN~ ~s, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, ~id, on the loth day of June, 1968, adopt a Resolution requiring the City Manager to prepare plans, specifications an estimate of cost for the ¢onstru=~ion of a sidewalk on the. North side of S. E. Third Street between S. g. Third an~ Fourth Avenues; al,o on the East side of Venetian Drive commencing at Miramar Drive and extending northerly to the parking area in Block A, John B. Reid's Village, ,aid sidewalks to be five ([) fee~ in width, and requiring said plans, specifications and esti- mate of cost of such improvements to be placed on file in the of- fice of the City Manager, and WHEREAS, the. City Council deems it to be necessary for the safety and convenience of the public to' 'make the above scribed improvements,. NOw, THErEFOr, BE IT R~SOL~D Uy the City Council o~ the City of Delray BeaCh,' Florida, that it is determinedl to make the followin~ described' improvements, to-wit: CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS, five (5) feet in width, on the North side of S. E. Thir~ between S. E, Third aha Fourth Avenues, the total cost, as estimated, for such improvement being $800.00~ ALSO on the East· side of:Venetian DriVe commencing at Miramar Drive and extending northerly to the parking area in Block A, John B. Reid's Village, the total cost, 'aS estimated, for much improvement being $1,300.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the entire cost of such provements shall he"shared by the CitY of Delray Be~ch, Florida, and the following described .properties in Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, on a 'basis of' the City of Delray Beach paying fifty {50) per cent of the cost of 'said improvement and the abutting property owners, said properties shOwn below, paying fifty (50) per cent of said total eost~ by Special Assessment. BLOCK.. LOT (S. E. Third Street) 95 West 80.5 feet of Lot 12. 95 East 52 feet 'of Lot 12. 95 West 65.75 feet of Lot 24. 95 East 66.75 feet of Lot SUBDIVlSI0~ BLOCK LOT. {Venetian Drive) John B. Reid's Village C NOrth 25 feet of Lot 1. John B. Reid's Village C South 75 feet of Lot John B. Reidts Village C 2. John B. Reid'~ village c 3. said benefits to be determined and prorated according to the front footage of the respective properties as set forth immediately ,above. 99 140-B Page 2. RESOLUTION NO. 28-68. B~ IT FURTHER RESOLVED :that 'Said special assessments against all the lots and lands as set fOrth herein which are spe- cially benefitted, shall be and remain liens superior in.dignity to all other liens, eXcept~liens for taxe..S~.Until P~id, from the date of the assessment .upon the respective!~lots and'parcels of land assessed, and which shall bear interes~ at the rate of eight (8) per cent per annum, and which may be paid in three (3) equal yearly in- stallments with accrued interest on all deferred payments. Payments shall be made at the same place that taxes payable to the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are paid, namely at the office of the City Tax Collector, and upon failure of any property owner to pay any annual installment due, or any part thereof, or any annual interest upon deferred payments, the City of Delray BeaCh may bring necessary legal proceedings by a Bill in Chancery to enforce payment thereof with all accrued interest together with all legal costs incurred, in- cluding a reasonable attorney's fee. The total amount of anylien may be paid in full at any time with interest from the date of assess- ment. IT IS'ORDERED that the City Council shall sit at the City Hall in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, at 8:00 P.M., on July 8th, 1968, for the purpose of hearing objections, if any,.on said proposed improvements as set forth herein. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the citY Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on this the 24th day of June, 1968. ./..J.. L. Sau.n. ders M A Y O R ATTEST: /S/. R. D. Worthin~ City Clerk 140-C RESOLUTIONNO. 29-68. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING AREA~NO. 27 OF SANITARY SEWER PROJECT NO. 5964-8b-2 AS OPERA- TIONAL AND SETTING THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THE INITIAL SCHED~ OF RATES, FEES ANDOTHER CHARGES TO BE IMPOSED FOR THE SERVICES AND FACILITIES FUR- NISHED BY SAID AREA NO. 27 OF THE SEWER SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the City entered into. a contract for engineering Services with Russell &Axon, Consulting Engineers, on the 30th day of September, 1959, and WHEREAS, pursuant to said contract, Russell & Axon designed an ocean outfall sewer system together with lift stations and other sanitary sewer improvements, hereinafter referred to as Project No. 5964-8b-2~ and WHEREAS, Russell & Axon was hired to perform consulting and resident inspection services for Area No. 27 of the Sewage Works Pro- ject No. 5964~8b-2, and WHEREAS, .it is deemed to be in the best interest of the af- fected properties that the initial schedule of rates, fees and other Charges to be imposed for the services and 'facilities furnished by the sewer system, as set forth and.contained in Resolution No. 1359 and Ordinance No. G-'553, are to become effective the 'first day of August, 1968, and WHEREAS, Russell & Axon has recently certified, as operation-. al, Area NO. 27 of Sewage Works Project No. 5964-8b~2,- as follows: Lateral'20-L, S.-W.' 2nd Street bet. S. W. 15th Avenue and the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad R/W. Main 27, South"Congress Avenue bet. S. W. 2nd Street and inter.secting point of Congress Avenue & S. W. 20th Court. NOW, 'THEREFORE,'"'BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Area 27 within the Sanitary Sewer System heretofore designated Project No. 5964-8b-2, which is specifically identified hereinabove, is hereby accepted by the City as being operatiOnal, and the initial schedule of rates, fees and other charges previously es- tablished, and applicable thereto, shall become effective August 1, 1968. 2. That nothing herein contained shall be construed as dis- charging'the contractors from the strict Performance of their remain- ing contractual duties. That each of the contractors, and their bond- ing companies, remain responsible in all respects until released'in accordancewith their_agreements with'the City. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of June, 1968. /S/~J. L. saunders ATTEST: _/S/ R. D. Worthinq .... !.. City Clerk ' ' ~ ~9 140-D ',, RESOLUTION NO. 30-68. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 'OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHOR~ IZING NECESSARY SIGNATURES OF CERTAIN CITY OFFICIALS FOR BANK RECOGNITION AND AcCEss 'TO THE CITY' S' SAFETY DEPOSIT B°X IN THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA ~ WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary for the daily operation of the Finance Department of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that provisions be made for daily access to the Safety Deposit Box of the City at the First National Bank of Delray Beach, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Delray 'Beach, Florida, as. follows: Section 1: That the First National Bank of Delray Beach recognize and accept the ~"Signatures' of any two of the following AdminiStrative Personnel for providing access to the Safety Deposit Box of the City of Delray BeaCh, Florida, within said First National Bank of Delray Beach: (City Manager THE: (City clerk (Director of Finance PASSED and ADOPTED this 24th day of June, 1968o ..iS/ .J.. L.. Saunders MAYOR ATTEST: /S/ R. D. Worthing City clerk 140-E ORDINANCE NO. 16-68. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY coUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LANDS ARE CONTI~UOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY; REDEFINING TH~ BOUNDA- RIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LANDS; PRO- VIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LANDS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. WHEREAS, FRANCES E. ZAHM and YUONNE G HATCH; also YVONNE G. HATCH are the fee simple owners, respectively, of the properties hereinafter described, and WHEREAS, FRANCES E. ZA~and YVONNE G. HATCH, by their peti- tions, have consented and qiven permission for the annexation of said properties by the City of Delray Beach, and WT~EREAS, the City of Delray Beach has heretofore been au- thorized to annex lands in accordance with Section 185.1 of the City Charter of said City granted to it by the State of Ftorida; NOW, THEREFOR, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Council. of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, hereby annexes to said City the following described parcels of land located in Section 28, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, which lie con- tiguous to said City and are more particularly described as follows: 1. Beginning at the intersection of a line parallel to, and 1300 feet northerly from, measured at right an- gles to, the e~st and west quarter section line of said Section 28 with the westerly right of way line of State ROad No. AiA, as now laid out and in use; thence westerly, along said parallel line, a dis- tance of 110.79 feet; thence southerly, at right angles to the preceding course, a distance of 100 feet; thence easterly, parallel to the first here- in described course, a distance of 100 feet to a point in said westerly right of way line of State Road A1A; thence northerly, along said westerly right of Way line, a distance of 100.58 feet to the point of beginning. 2. Beginning at a point in a line parallel to, and 1300 feet northerly, measured at right angles, from the east and west quarter section line of said Section 28, said point of beginning being 110.79 feet westerly, measured along said paral- lel line, from the westerly right of way line of State Road No. AiA; thence continue along the same course westerly a distance of 100 feet; thence southerly, at right angles to the pre- ceding course, a distance of 100 feet; thence easterly, parallel to the first herein described course, a distance of 100 feet; thence northerly, at right angles to the preceding course, a dis- tance of 100 feet to the point of beginning. 140'F Page 2. Ordinance No. 16-68. SECTION 2. That the boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are hereby redefined.so as to include therein the above de- scribed parcels of land, and said lands are hereby declared to be within the corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach; Florida. SECTION 3. That the land hereinabove described in item 1 is hereby declared to be in Zoning District R-1AA, and the land here- inabove described in item 2 is hereby declared to be in Zoning Dis- trict R-2,as defined by existing ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. SECTION 4. That the lands hereinabove described shall im- mediately become subject to all of th~ franchises, privileges, immu- nities, debts (except the existing bonded indebtedness),' obligations, liabilities, ordinances and laws to which lands in the City of Delray Beach are now or may be, and persons residing thereon shall be deemed =itizens of the City of Delray Beach. SECTION 5. That if any word, phrase, clause, sentence or part of this ordinance shall be declared illegal by a court of com- petent jurisdiction, such record of illegality shall in no way af- fect the remaining portion. PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading on the 24th day of June , 1968. /S/ J. L. Saqnd~r~ MAYOR ATTEST: /.S/ ~R. D. Worth~n~. .Cxty ~lerk First Reading June 10, 1968 Second Reading .J~une _2~4.~. 1_968_ ......... - ''- 140-G ORDINANCE NO. 17-68. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHiP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LANDS ARE CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY; REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LANDS; PROVIDING FOR TH~ RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LANDS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING T~ER~OF. WHEREAS, MAURICE F. POWER and ANNA F. POWER (his wife) are the fee simple owners of the property hereinafter first described, and WHEREAS, MAURICE F. POWER and ANNA F. POWER (his wife), by their petition, have consented and given permission for the annexation of said property by the City of Delray Beach, and WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach has heretofore been author- ized to annex lands in accordance with Section 185.1 of the City Char- ter of said City granted to it by the State of Florida; NOW, T~EREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Councilof the City Of'Delray B~ach,.. Palm Beach County, Florida, hereby annexes to said City the following described parcels of land located in Section 8, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, which lie contiguous to said City and are more particularly described as follows: 1. Lot 12, Block 2, Ame~ded'Plat-of.LAK~ IDA.GARDENS~-per Plat Book 23,.'Page 192 - Publi= Records of~.Palm Beach County, Florida. 2. That portion of Northwest Eleventh Street, as appears on the 'Amended Plat of Lake Ida Gardens' per Plat Book 23, Page 192 in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. SECTION 2. That the Boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are hereby redefined so as to include therein the above de- scribed tracts and parcels of land, and said lands are hereby declared to be within the corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. SECTION 3. That the tract of land hereinabove first describ- ed is hereby declared to be in Zoning District R-1AA, as defined by existing ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. SECTION 4. That the lands heretnabove described shall im- mediately become subject to all of the franchises, privileges, immu- nities, debts, obligations, liabilities, ordinances and laws to which lands in the City of Delray Beach are now or may be, and persons re- siding thereon shall be deemed citizens of the City of Delray Beach. SECTION 5. That if any word, phrase, clause, sentence or part of this ordinance shall be declared illegal by a court of compe- tent jurisdiction, such record of illegality shall in no way affect the remaining portion. PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading on this the 24th day of June , 1968. /S/ J. L. Saunders ATTEST: M A Y O R "'~ /S/ R. D. Worthing City Clerk First ReadingJune .!0, 1968_ . Second Reading ..June .24, 1968