08-26-68 AUGUST 26,1968. A regular meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor J. L. Saunders in the Chair, City Manager David M. Gatchel, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and councilmen.JameS'H. Jurney, LeRoy W. Merritt~ James B. wilson and Oo F. Youngblood being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by Father John Skehan~ 2, The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. 3. The minutes of the regular Council meeting of August 12th, 1968, were unanimously approved, on mOtiOn by Mr. Youngbloo~ and seconded by Mr. Merritt. 6.a. Concerning a survey of land in violation of the City's nuisance laws, presented by the City Manager, Mr. Wilson moved that the City Clerk be instructed to proceed with the enforcement of Chapter 15 of the City Code of Ordinances, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried. (Copy of nuisance survey is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See page 172-A-B. 6.b. The City Manager remindedCoUncilthat the second regular Council meeting in Octoberfalls on October 28th which is during the time of the FloridaLeague of Municipalities Annual Convention, OctOber 27th through the 29th, and a date'for said meeting should'be provided not later than October 31st. The date of the second regUlar COuncil meeting 'in October was unani- mously changed from October 28th to wednesday, October 30th, on motion by Mr. Merritt and seconded by Mr. Wilson. 6.c. Concerning purchase of a water service pump, the City Manager re- ported that lightning' recently struck and caused irreparable damage to a very old high velocity pump at the South Water Plant, which type of. pump has long since been discontinued by its manufacturer, Fairbanks Morse & Company, and repair parts and replacementsare not available. He reported the total pumping capacity of the South Plant, without this pump, is only 4900 G.P.M., whereas the combined capacity of the wells serving the South Plant is 6400 G.P.M., and referred to a copy of.the City Engineer's report to him relative to this serious condi- tion. Further, it is estimated that cost for an urgently needed re- placement high service pump, capacity to be determined in consultation with Russell & Axon, would be $15,000. and approval for such purchase, together with authorization for transfer of sufficient funds, now available, from the Water and Sewer contingency Account,' is requested. Mr. Wilson said he thought the Councilmen had all read the very thorough report of the City Engineer, and moved that his recommendation be supported and that sufficient funds be authorized to purchase the new pump, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney andunanimouSly carried." 7.a. The City Clerk informed COuncil that the'First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Delray Beach, requeSts'the use of the auditorium in the Community Center for holding a lecture on ChriStian Science at 2:00 P.M,, Sunday, December 8, 1968;further, such usage of the auditorium will not conflict withany Community Center programming, and with the approval of the Recreation Director, it'is recommended that the request be granted. Said request was unanimously granted, on motionbyMr. Youngblood and seconded bY Mr. Wilson. -1- 8-26-68 7.b. City Clerk Worthing informed Council that the GOODWILL INDUSTRIES has petitioned for a gratis license permitting them to open a retail store in Delray Beach at 35 N. E. 1st Avenue. He said the Industries is a non-profit tax-exempt charitable organization, and refurbishes donated materials through the employment of handicapped men and women, and that Council may grant such gratis license in compliance with Chapter 18-3~ of the City's Code of Ordinances, and as further provided by the laws of the State of Florida. The request for gratis-license was unanimously granted,, on motion by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Youngblood. 8.a. The City Clerk presented RESOLUTION NO. 37-68. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF A CERTAIN ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, AS SHOWN ON A PLAT PLACED OF RECORD BY MODEL LAND COMPANY, FILED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 53, PALM BEACH COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS. WHEREAS, the owners of certain real property located in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, abutting the hereinafter described road right- of-way request the vacation and abandonment of said right-of-way; and WHEREAS, said road right-of-way has never been opened or developed, and is not required for providing egress and ingress to any lands; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: That pursuan~ to Section 7, Paragraph 3 of the Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, we-hereby.' declare the following right-of-way in the City of De. lray Beach, Florida, to be vacated and abandoned: The East twenty-five (25) feet of the Northeast Quarter (NE%) of the Northeast Quarter (NE%) of the Southeast Quarter.. (SE%) of Section 19-46-43 LESS the North twenty-five (25.) feet thereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session '~n this the 26th day of August, 1968. ...... MAYOR ATTEST: .... city Clerk ............ Resolution No. 37-68 was unanimously passed and adopted on this first and final reading, on motion by Mr. Ju_rney and seconded by Mr. Youngblood. 8.b. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 23-68. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LANDS ARE CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY; REDEFINING THE BOUND- ARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LANDS; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LA.NDS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. 698 N. W. 9th Street (Copy of Ordinance No. 23-68 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.~ See page 172-C-D. -2- 8-26-68 There being no objection to Ordinance No. 23-68, said Ordinance was unanimously passed and 'adopted on this second and final reading, on motion by Mr. Youngblood and seconded by Mr. Wilson. 8.c. The City Clerk presented ORDINANCE NO. 24-68. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, LEVYING THE ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBMITTED BY THE CITY MANAGER OF SAID CITY; CONCERNING THE OPENING, GRADING AND PAVING OF THAT PART OF N. E. 7th COURT LYING BETWEEN 7th AND 8th AVENUES, TO A WIDTH OF TWENTY-FOURFEET, SAID ASSESS- MENT ROLL BEING ATTACHED HERETO AND FORMING A PART (Copy of Ordinance No. 24-68 and-attached Assessment Roll are attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See page 172-E-F. There being no Objection to the improvement of that part of N. E. 7th Court lying between 7th and 8th Avenues and the Assessment Roll concerning same, Ordinance No. 24-68 was unanimously passed and adopted On this'seCond and final reading, on motion by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Youngblood. 9.a. Regarding an offer to purchase a City owned parcel of land, City Clerk Worthing reported to CoUncil as follows= ,'Relative to'the re- quest of Mrs. Phannye F. HaYes to purchase Lot 24, BlOCk A, Westside Heights, lOcated on the southwest corner of N. Wo 9th Avenue and 2nd Street, owned by the City, at last Council meeting the City Manager in- formed Council of the ultimate need for obtaining additional land for widening of N. W. 2nd Street, which Will undoubtedly in the near future be considered for a principal thoroughfare to tie in with Congress Ave- nue, west of the Seaboard Railroad, and would lessen the lot size of said Lot 24 to sUch an extent as to make unreasonable to consider for improvement of the remaind~er of the lot. This has been explained to Mr. &Mrs. Hayes and accepted by them. They are looking elsewhere, with the aid of the City Tax Department having provided identity of the owners of certain vacant parcels of land, and their deposit of $600.00 which accompanied the original offer of purchase, has been returned to them." 9~bo The City Clerk reported that at the last Council meeting, Mrs. DorotheaMontgomery brought to the attention of Council the low water pressure in the area of Mira Mar Garden Apartments, which frequently occurs, particularly at peak demand periods. He said the Councilmen had been furnished a copy of the City Engineer's analysis report and recommendations, dated AUgust 21, 1968, to the. City Manager reflecting, in part, that considerable progress has already been undertaken in previously authorized water main exten- sions, which, when completed, are definitely for the Purpose of pro- viding 'for satisfactory water supply and pressure in that entire area. 9.c. City Clerk Worthing read the Beautification Committee meeting minutes of August 14, 1968. Concerning preparation of plans by the Beautification Committee for landscaping of the Bon Aire Hotel property, the City Manager said he would furnish them with a plot plan of that property. The following is an excerpt from said BeaUtification committee minutes: "Mrs~ Evaul reported that there were areas of.excessive dryness at the new Garden Club planting in'the Atlantic Avenue'Park. Mr. Elliottwas asked to check the sprinkler system," Concerning this item, Mr. ElliOtt reported that the area in question is around the V,F.W. monument which is being hand watere~~ now until the sprinklers can be installed. -3- 8-26-68 170 10.a. Mr. William J. Howard, 200 N. W. 2nd Street, informed Council that on July 15th, 1968, during extension of the sanitary sewage collection systemby the City, his driveway had been broken and that' it still has not been repaired. He reported'that he had contacted the City several times concerning same. The City Manager informed Council this item would be taken care of. 10.a. Mr'. Alfred Straghn of the Christian Movement for Civic ACtion asked for a report on what has been Worked out concerning integration· of the Police Department, following their request some time ago for that department'to be fully integrated. The City Manager said that iS a question that is a matter of opinion ..· and he realizes that opinions are rather widely divergent; further, the,' Police Chief has assigned his officers of the entire department in such a manner as he feels would be in the best interests concerning the ~ citizens of this City. i He said this item had not been reported on by his office in connec- tion with the Personnel Policies, wage scale, or budget, and that he had not discussed it with Council due to the priorities giventhose items and the time element involved. Mayor Saunders pointed out that this is strictly an administrative matter and that he feels it should be left up to the City Mgnager and Police Chief to make any recommendations to Council in that area. 10a. Concerning integration of the Police Department, Mrs. Lillie Cole said it is her understanding that there was a recent decision of the Federal Court that it is unconstitutional to assigaNegro police officers just to Negro areas, and asked that same be checked into. Mrs. Cole referred to the budget meeting last Tuesday, and thanked council for inviting their organization. She said there is one point in which she believes the Council was in error; further, that she be- lieves the City Manager stated that funds were available to hire a Negro lifeguard on the beach but Was under the impression there was only one Negro lifeguardqUalified and he was already employed at Teen Town Center. She said in further checking it was determined that there are eight qualified Negro lifeguards in-the City and gave their names as follows: Floyd Williams William McCray Bruce Harris LincolnJackson Franklin Wallace ThoMas Williams Albert Mitchell Dennis Murray Mayor Saunders said the City Attorney would advise Council as to whether various things are constitutional, and suggested that the City Attorney look up the case just referred to concerning integration of a police department. lO.b. Mr. Jurney referred to complaints he had received concerning a run-down piece Qf. property on the east side of North Swinton Avenue ~ in the 500 block. City Manager Gatchel said that property was reported on in the Beautification Committee minutes presented tonight; further, that a- letter had been sent to the owner who replied that they are moving back permanently and will personally clean it up, and that money had been sent monthly to a professional yard man, yet nothing was done, 10.b. Mrs. Phyllis Plume reported on the progress of the Youth EmployT ment Service program, saying there have been 70 young people placed in jobs this summer; further, two young men had applied today lot'.jobs and they are hoping to find employment 'for them. 10.b. City Manager Gatchel reported that the contractor on the Beach Revetment repair is moving his heavy equipment and supplies in tomor- row and that North Ocean Boulevard will be blocked' off to traffic during that construction. -4- 8-26-68 1'I 1 10.b. The City Manager reported that the auction of personal property at the Ben Aire Hotel was completed Saturday and he feels the two-day -auction was quite a SucCess with total receipts of approximately $5,000. He thanked all the City personnel who assisted in this task, and particularly the "Professional Auctioneer" City Clerk R. D. Worthing, for his untiringefforts before, during, and after the auction. Mayor Saunder~ expressed appreciation to the Administration for the successful auction, and said there were .many items from the hotel that were selected by the various City departments for use in the different departments and they would all be evaluated and placed in the City in- ventory, and the value of those items would be added to the auction sales. Mr. Jurney moved that the City Manager proceed 'with obtainin9 bids to demolish the Aire the motion seconded Ben Hotel, being by Mr. Merritt. Mr. Youngblood asked what would be done with the debris resulting from said demolition and the City Manager said that would have to be a part of the contract with the person chosen to demolish the building as to whether they would dispose of the material or if and where the City would provide such a placel Mr. J~rney said he had. asked about the legality of filling Priest Pond with some of the debris from the demolition of the hotel. The City Attorney said that since Priest Pond is on private property, con- sent of all the property owners involved would have to be obtained. Mr o Youngblood asked if he could be responsible for contacting those property owners and have them come to the City Hall or.send in a signed statement confirming the idea, It was pointed out that. it would be the responsibility of the Administration to notify the people involved of the proposal of filling Priest Pond. There 'was mention made of the effect the filling of said pond may have on the drainage in the southwest area of town, and Mayor Saunders asked that the City Engineer give Council a report, in .the near future, as to his opinion on whether the filling of said pond would be favor- able or unfavorable. Upon call of roll on the motion to obtain bids on demolition of the Ben Aire Hotel, the motion carried unanimously. 10.b. Mr. Howard F. Hughes, Jr., requested City participation in the program of the Rocks Booster Club pertaining to theDelray Beach Rocks Football teams by subscribing to a full page ad in the amount of $100. The City Manager reported that this is the third such appeal, the last two being granted, and if this is approved the money for same should be appropriated from the General Fund Contingency Account. Mr. Wilson moved that the request by Mr. Hughes for a $100 ad be approved and the money for same be appropriated from the General Fund Contingency Account, the motion being seconded by Mr. Merritt and unanimously carried~ !0. c. City Clerk Worthing presented Bills for Approval ~s follows: General Fund $65,657.23 Water Operating & Maintenance Fund 5,662.17 Refundable Deposits Fund 4,600.00 Sinking Fund, Cigarette Tax Bonds, Series 1965 24,452.50 Mr. Merritt moved that the bills be paid, the motion being seconded by Mr. Youngblood. Upon call of roll,.Mr. Merritt, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Youngblood and Mayor Saunders voted in favor of the motion, and Mr. Jurney abstained from voting as he is the recipient of a check in the Bills for Approval. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.  .... ~ R.D. WORTHING City Clerk M A Y O R 5- 8-26-68 · 172-A PROPERTIES IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE NO. G-147 AND SECTIONS 15-3 and 15-4 OF THE CITY CODE. CITY OWNER ,,AN,D~ ADD~S~ pROPE~,. DE$C,R,~PT~ ,(~.. CODE 1..'-."'Evelyn;.'Ha~ning~..Estate Vacant part of East 99.86 15-3 c/o TruSt Department feet of West 244.86 feet & 120 Genesee Street of South ~ of Lot 10, 15-4 Auburn, New York 13021 Block 1, Osceola Park. (617 S. E. 5th Street) 2. Louise A. Woodfin South ½ of Lot 10 less 15-3 508 E. Atlantic Avenue West 244.86 feet,.:.Slock 1, & Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Osceola Park. 15-4 (625 S. E. 5th Street) 3. Leonard L. & Mina E. & Doris Vacant part of North 75 15-3 'Surles feet of Lot 12 less West & 258 S. E. 6th Avenue 5 foot R/W, Block 1, 15-4 Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Osceola Park. (527 S..E. 6th Avenue) 4. Vernon B. Astler, Frank E. .". LO~ 12,. less the North 15-3 KuCera &.Jerry F. Cox 75 feet &-less-Wes't 5.~foot & 2800 S. Seacrest Boulevard R/W, Block 1, Osceola Park. 15-4 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 (525 S. E. 6th Avenue) 5. Robert Wayne & Mary Frances Vacant part of Lots 9, 10 15-3 Stewart & 11, Block 5, Dell Park. 230 Gulfstream Boulevard (242, 246, 250 N. E. 12th .' .... ~'15~4 Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Street} . 6. Elijah & Earnestine Johnson Vacant part of North 55 15-3 191 Bartley Road feet of South 443 feet of & Long Valley, New Jersey 07853 East ½ of Block 3, Priest's 15-4 Addition to Atlantic Park Gardens. (214 S. W. 14th Avenue) 7. Laura A. Veasey Estate Vacant part of Lots 15 & .' ~!. 15-3 c/o Viney Miller .t6¥ ::-B'lock 3, Odmanns. Rt. 2, Box $37 (26-30 S. W. 14th Avenue) 15-4 Greenwood, Delaware 19950 8, Althmese Britt Lot 13, Block 6, Atlantic 15-3 P. O. Box 1571 Gardens. & Delray Beach, Florida 33444 (102 S. W. llth Avenue) 15-4 9. Arnold Rolle Vacant part of Lot 20, 15-3 210 N. W. 13th Avenue Btock 8, Atlantic Gardens. & Delray Beach, Florida 33444 (47-49 S. W. llth Avenue) 15-4 10. Frederick LaFleur Vacant part of Lot 9, 15-3 1005 17th Street Block .3, Atlantic Park West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 G~rdens. 15-4 (133 S. W. 13th Avenue) 11. Ruth S. Dedi' Vacant part of Lot 8, '~-. ~' ." 15~3 12 S. W. 8th Court Block 3, Bellview Manor. & Delray Beach, Florida 33444 (12 S. W. 8th Court) 15-4 8/26/68 86 i72-B Page 2. Nuisance List, August 26, 1968. Violations 15-3 and 15-4 as concern this report are as follows: t. 15-3 - Garden trash 15-4 - Some high weeds'and undergrowth 2. 15-3 - Garden trash 15-4 - Heavy undergrowth 3. 15-3 - Garden trash 15-4 - High weeds, logs and other dgbris 4. 15-~ - Garden trash 15-4 - High weeds and'heavy undergrowth, jungle conditions 5. 15-3 - Garden trash 15-4 - High weeds and miscellaneous debris 6, 15-3 - Garden trash 15-4 - High weeds,..~per,,=ans, and..o~her'.misce~aneous.'deb~is 7. 15-3 - Garden trash 15-4 - High weeds, paper, cans and other miscellaneous debris 8. 15-3 - Garden trash 15-4 - High weeds and some undergrowth 9. 15-3 - Garden trash 15-4 ~ High weeds and other miscellaneous debris 10. 15-3 - Garden trash 15-4 ~ High.weeds;.and.~her..misc~laneous debris 11. 15-3 - Garden trash 15-4 - High weeds, heavy undergrowth and other miscellaneous debris Submitted to the City Council by the City Manager. on this 26th day of August, 1968. 172-C ORDINANCE NO. 23-68. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN SEC- TION 8, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LANDS ARE CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY; REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUD~ SAID LANDS; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LANDS; AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. WHEREAS, ARTHUR P. O'BRIEN and MARGUERITED. O'BRIEN (his wife).are the fee simple owners of the property hereinafter described, and WHEREAS, ARTHUR P. O'BRIEN and MARGUERITE D. O'BRIEN (his wife), by their petition, have .consented and given permis- sion for the annexation of said property by the City of Delray Beach, and WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach has heretofore been authorized to annex lands in accordance with SectiOn 185.1 of the City Charter of said City granted to it by the State of Florida; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE cITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the city of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County~ Florida, hereby annexes to said city the following described parcel of land located in Section 8, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, which lies contiguous~to said City. A parcel of land in'the NW% of Lot 3, S/D of Section 8, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, per Plat Book 1, Page 4, more particu- larly described as follows: Begin at NE corner of NW~ of Lot 3; thence S'ly along east line a distance of 30.93 ft; thence SW'ly making angle with east line of NW% of Lot 3 measured south to southwest 53°56'10" a distance Qf 23~.40 feet to beginning' of:curve con=ave to north, radius 176.85 ft, C/A 36°27'; thence SW'ly along arc of curve a distance of 45.81 ft. to P.O.B. & northeast corner of parcel described; thence continue W'ly alOng arc of curve a distance of 66.70 ft. to end of curve; thence W'ly along and tangent to curve a distance of 44.75 ft; thence S'ly parallel to west line of NW% of Lot 3 a distance of 131.14 ft. m/1 to point in south line of NW~ of Lot 3; thence E'ly along south line a distance of 110 ft; thence N'lY parallel to west line of NW% of Lot 3 a distance of 143.49 ft. m/1 to P.Oo.B. SECTION 2. That the Boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are hereby redefined so as to include therein the above described parcel of land, and said land is hereby de- clared to be within the corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. 06 172-D Page 2. ORDINANCE NO. 23-68. SECTION 3. That the tract of land hereinabove described is hereby declared to be in Zoning District R-1AA, as defined by existing ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. SECTION 4. That the land hereinabove described shall immediately become subject to all of the franchises, privileges, immunities, debts, obligations, liabilities, ordinances and laws to which lands in the City of Delray Beach are now or may be, and persons residing thereon shall be deemed citizens of the'City of Delray Beach. SECTION 5. That if any word, phrase, clause, sentence or part of this Qrdinance shall be declared illegal by a court of competent jurisdiction, such record of illegality shall in no way affect the remaining portion. PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading on this the 26th day of August , 1968. ~S/,J. L, sau~de~ MAYOR ATTEST: ·/S/ R. D. Worthing City Clerk First Reading .~ugust .12, 1968 . . . Second Reading August. )6, .196~ ........ 6~ 172-E ORDINANCE 'NO. 24-68. AN ORDINANC~ OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ~EVYING THE ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBMITTED BY THE CITY MANAGER OF SAID CITY, CONCERNING THE OPENING,. GRADING AND PAVING OF ~THAT PART OF'N. E. 7th COURT LYING BETWEEN 7th AND 8th AVENUES, TO A WIDTH OF TWENTY-FOUR FEET, SAID' ~SSESSMENT ROLL BEING ATTACHED HERETO AND FORMING A PART HEREOF. : WHEREAS, the City Manaqer of the City of Delray Beach, Florida has, in pursuance to the ~harter of said City, submitted to the City Council for approval, a report of the costs, and the assessment roll for the opening, grading and paving of that part of N. E. 7th Court lying between 7th and 8th Avenues a distance of two hundred thirty-five (235) feet to a width of twenty-four (24) feet. WHEREAS, said report and assessment roll was approved by the City Council in regular session on the 12th day of August, 1968, and WHEREAS, due notice concerning said assessment roll was given by advertisement, by the City Clerk, in accordance with the City Charter of said City, and for the purpose, of hearing ob- jections to said assessment roll, and WHEREAS, nO sufficient objections were received to the confirmation of said assessment roll. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The assessments, as shown by said assess- ment roll which is attached hereto, and made a ~Bart hereof, are hereby levied 'against the properties shown and in the amounts stated on Said assessment ro11, said assessments to .be paid' in three equal annual installments, together, with interest at the rate of 8% per annum, 'the first installment becoming due and payable on and on the for the next ensuing two years; and said special assessments', so levied, shall be a lien from the date the assessments become ef- fective, upon the respective lots and parcels of land described in said assessment roi1, of the same nature and to the same ex'-' .." tent'..as ~the~ liens' fo~ general City.;taxes, and shall be collecti- ble in the' same' manner and with 'the 'same penalties and under the same provisions as to sale and forfeiture as City taxes are col- lectible. PASSED in regular session on second and final reading on this the 26th day of August , 1968. /S/ J. L. Saunders ........ ATTEST: /S/ R. D. Wo.rthing City Clerk First Reading Au..g.ust 12, 1968 Second Reading ~u~us~..26.,:.....1968 F~r op~nifi~, grading ~nd pavifi~ that part~f'Northeast Seventh C6~rt lYin~ between Seventh and Eighth Avenues a distance of two hundred thirty~five {235} feet, to a width of twenty-four feet. "~ ~ ASSESSMENT per fro~t~.~ .. ~ , $4.26991 .... ~ ~ FROI~ TOTAL P~O~PERTY '~ ~ ~' R " D.:., .: ii ..' ~. % ' " ~" ' ' ,..l ~' ' ' i, ,S ;~ ~' ~ Lots 23, 24 and 25, ai~°' F~ed C:, Jr. & 145 $619.14 {~0~'~ )i:~eph~ne Y. c~oley ~0_ 384 29 Lots {26'~'fi~"~ 27 less S .... ' Lot 46~ ~':~'r . :' ~,:~ederick S. Neafie 45 102.15 ,'~ :,E~ard ~. Rodd~.'a Son 190 811.28 .,: ..,. ,,.).:.~, .... ~.:,: 470 $2,006,86* · ,~..~,:~ ~-.:.' :.Co. nst..ruction Contract .(Hardr... ives ) $2,134,00 iS%' for Engineering, -Accounting & .>..: -~-;. ~,Collection .~.~ ._the City 320.10 'i.~4~.~'tising - Bi~s :,~.c-~~., ..~ 13.7.5 ... ...Adv~.~tising - Resolut~.~(.~No. 15-67 c,->,,,] 25.86 ....:.~ ,..-,Advertising - Assessmen. ~,SRoll (est)--~.,:.~, -'- 'i' :8.80 Advertising - Ordinance Caption (e,st} 6.06 $2,508.57 Less 20~ - City share of cost per Resolution No. 15-67 501.71, · 80% to be assessed $2,006.86