09-23-68 SEPTEMBER 2~, ~!968. A regular meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council ~hambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor J. L? Saunders in the Chair, City Manager David M. Gatchel, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen James H. Jurney,.LeRoy W. Merritt, James B. Wilson and O. F. Youngblood being present. 1, Am opening prayer was delivered by the Rev. Byron So Fruit° 2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. 3. The.minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 9th and special meeting of September 6th, 1968, were unanimously approved, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Youngblood. 4. City Clerk Wor%hing read the following letter from the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Center of Palm Beach County, dated September 16, 1968, and signed by Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Chairman: "On behalf of the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Center of Palm Beach County, I should like to extend our sincere thanks for your decision to allocate $500.00 for the fiscal year commencing. October 1st, to the new Center I cannot tell you how grateful we are for your concern and support for this vitally needed hospital, and how gratifying it is to know that your community recognizes the desperate need for a comprehensive facility to aid the mentally and emotionally disturbed on a 24-hour-a-day basis. our very best wishes to your community, and we. look forward to receiving your donation in the very near future." 5. Mr. Merritt mentioned the West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority, and read the following excerpts from the news item he had referred to at the last Council meeting: "Clematis High On DDA Second Year Plans. One park and two Parking lots were the three .projects which the DDA spearheaded this past year, all with success: Thedowntown employee 45-space parking lot on Evernia Street. The second municipal parking lot now underway at the corner of Dixie Highway and Datura Street to the Florida East Coast railway tracks, after almost five years was implemented by the group's hard drive. The Chairman was satisfied with the first year and especially proud of the second municipal parking lot made possible by suppler mental contributions from downtown merchants who showed, for what was said to be the first time, a united front." Mr. Merritt also had a picture of the demolition of the Grand Hotel and read the picture caption as follows: . "Demolition of the Grand Hoteiis almost complete as the Rubin Con- struction Co. wrecking crew brings down the buildingand trucks the rubble from the site of the second municipal parking lot being readied for downtown~West Palm Beach. The future parking lot, located on Datura .Street West of Dixie .Highway. to-the Florida East Coast railway tracks,.-is expected to be ready for use in November." 5- Mr. Youngblood read the following letter ha had received from Lillian StriCkland, 30 N. W. 5th Avenue, dated September 23rd: 9-23-68 "The people in ou~ neighborhood a=e not able to sleep at night for the cursing and fighting in the wine joints, especially Joe Rolle and Jimmie Howard. We are asking if the Council will have them close down some time ~uring the night so that we can sleep." He said he had received complaints from others in that area also, and that it had'been reported there are many teenagers around there all night. It was pointed out that anyone under 21 years of age should not be allowed in those places, and although'thoSe Places of business are per- mitted to be open until 4:00 A.M., they are not allowed to make noise and disturb the peace all night. Mayor Saunders asked the City Manager to turn this item over to the' Chief of Police to investigate. Mr. Wilson recommended there be an early workshop meeting with a view to amending the ordinance where the bars wouldbe closed not later than 2:00 A.M. Mr. Jurney asked that the minutes of the Council meeting when the bar closing was set at 4:00 A.M., be available at said workshop meeting. 6.a. The City Manager reported to Council as follows: "Bids have been solicited for demolishment of the 3-story Bon Aire Hotel, as requested by Council. Result of such solicitation is as follows: BIG CHIEF, INC. (Fort Lauderdale) $ 7,350.00 DORE WRECKING COMPANY (Titusville) 14,400.00 JAY P. CALLAWAY (Delray Beach) 16,772.00 The low bid, shown above, provides for the following: Demolish and remove 3-story Bon Aire Hotel including all slab and foundations. Lot will be cleared of all trees and bushes. Sidewalk damage due to removal of foundations along East Atlantic Avenue will not be the responsibility of Big Chief, Inc. The low bidder does provide for furnishing Workmen's Compen- sation and Employer's Liability Insurance for all employees and Comprehensive General Liability Insurance with limits of $200,000/ $500,000 for bodily injury and $50,000/$100,000 for property damage." The City Manager suggested if Council determines tonight to proceed with any of these bids that the Administration be further instructed to get with the chosen bidder to .determine as to the further removal of some of the facilities that are in the hotel that are considered part of the building itself such as doorS, locks, electrical paneling and wiring, windows, etc., by,the City, or if they plan on some salvage value from those items. It was pointed out that the demolition time, according to the bid, is 15 days. Following lengthy discussion, ¥~. Merritt moved that Big Chief, Inc., of Fort Lauderdale, be awarded the bid for demolitionof the BonAire Hotel, and that the City Administration be authorized to contact them relative to any further salvagethe City might obtain, but that the whole operation not exceed thirty days. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney. The City Manager said he feels that Councilshould further stipulate the source of funds for said demolition, and recommended, that the funds come from the $600,000 Utility Tax Bond.Issue, the same source of funds as used for'the purchase of the building. He said it would be at Coun- cil discretion at a later date as to whether they would want to offset a portion of that COst from the General Fund receipts from the sale of items from said property. The City Manager's recommendation was accept- ed as part of the motion, and upon call of roll, the motion carried unanimously. 6.b. Regarding authorization for transfer of $1,500 from the Contin- gency Account, the City Manager informed Council that abnormal main- tenance costs for City Hall repairs have been encountered during the -2- 9-23-68 current fiscal year amounting to approximately $2,000 in excess of the budgeted appropriation for City Hall Building Repair account, and re- ferred to a detailed report of expenditures that had been furnished to Council. Further, after making certain necessary General Governmental transfers, within the Fund, there will be approximately $500 available for transfer tolthe maintenance account,~and..~n appropriation transfer, in the amount, of $1,500., is therefore requested authorized from the Contingency Account to the City Hall Building Repair Account. Said $1,500 was unanimously authorized to be transferred, on motion by Mr, Jurney and seconded by Mr. Wilson.~ 6.c. Regarding purchase of a 0ne-half ton step van, City Manager Gatchel reported to Council as follows: "On July 1st, City-owned. 1962 half-ton Chevrolet truck was in- volved in an accident and wrecked,. . ' Investigation of the accident resulted in the City. not being determined at fault nor causing said accident. In- surance adjustment awarded the city $485.00 plus retainage of the truck for salvage of any usable parts, the truck body being very much intact and available for transfer to another chassis. There are also good tires and various other repair parts available from the wreckage. Bids were solicited from four local automobile agencies for a half-ton van to replace the wrecked truck, which was part of the automotive equipment assigned to the Parks Division of the Parks & Recreation Department. Only one bid was received, that being from Adams Chevrolet Company, in the amount of $2,286.00, for furnishing a half-ton 1969 Step-Van. No appropriation is necessary as there are sufficient unen- cumbered funds remaining in the Parks and Recreation account. Council approval, however, is requested for purchasing this needed replacement at a total cost of $2,286.00." Mr. Youngblood sai~ since the investigation shows that the City was not at fault and there is a need for the equipment, he would move for approval of the request. The motion was se=onded by Mr. Wilson and carried unanimously. 6.d. It was reported that the first regular'Council meeting in Novem- ber falls on November llth, Veterans' Day, a legal holiday, and said meeting was unanimously rescheduled to November 12th,. on motion by Mr. Merritt and seconded by Mr. Wilson. 7.a. Ci~¥'Clerk Worthing informed Council that Mr. Leon C. Frantz and Mr. Franck P. Gracey each petition for~a.gratis occupational license on the grounds of being 65 years of age, or older, and in compliance with Section 16-4 of the City's Code of Ordinances, and as further provided by the laws of the State of Florida, it is recommended that Mr. Leon C. Frantz, being over 73 years of age, and Mr. Frank P. Gracey, who is over 89 years of age, be granted gratis occupational licenses. Said request for gratis licenses were unanimously granted, on motion by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Merrltt. 7.b. The City Clerk informed Council that Mr. Johnnie Lee Gainer, 225 S~.W. 12th Avenue, has purchased the goodwill and name of ATLANTIC CAB COMPANY, formerly located at 702 West Atlantic Avenue, and owned by Mr. Daniel Price (recently deceased); further, Mr. Gainer is thoroughly familiar with the regulations and requirements pertaining to such oper- ation and petitions Council for transfer of License No. 1141, previously issued to Mr. Daniel Price. as owner and operator of said Atlantic Cab Company possessing one (1) Certificate of Public Convenience, and grant- ing of this request for transfer is recommended subject to full compli- ance with the City's Code. of Ordinances governing Vehicles for Hire, as set forth in Chapter 26 of said Code. Said transfer of~license was unanimously granted,'on motion by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr, YOungblood. -3- 9-23-68 1.8.4 7.c. The Council was"informed that St. Vincent's Catholic Youth Orga- nization requests the use of the Community Center's gymnasium on Satur- day, October 12th, for conducting a chaperoned Teen-Dance between the hours of 8=00 and 11:00 P~M.; further, that such usage of the gymnasium will not conflict with any Community center programming, and'with the approval of the Recreation Director, Mr. Elliott, it is recommended the request be granted. Mr. Youngblood moved 'that the request be granted, the motion being seconded by Mr. Merritt who said it would be subject to meeting all the 'o requirements of the Administration. Upon call of ro11, the mot~ n carried unanimously. 9.a. The City Clerk reported that pertaining to the Planning/Zoning Board, the term of Mr. Thomas E. Woolbright, as a member of said Board, expires on September 28, 1968~ further, the Planning and Zoning Board, at a regular meeting held On September 17th, unanimously recommends to Council the reappointment of Mr. Woolbright to a full five-year term on that Board, cOmmencing September 28, 1968. Mro Woolbright was unanimoUSly reappointed to the Planrring/Zoning Board for a five-year term, on motion bY Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Wilson. The City Clerk reported that concerning the CONTRACTORS BOARD OF EXAMINERS, theterms of Mr. Charles W. Trieste and Mr. Julian Wells, as members of said Board, expire on October 9, 1968, and the Board of' Ex- aminers recommend the. reappointment of Messrs. Yrieste and Wells for an ensuing three-year term commencing oN OCtoberg, 1968. Mx. Jurney moved that this item be tablea for consideration at the next workShop meeting, the motion being seconded by Mr. Merritt and unanimously carried. 10.~ Mr.. Melvin Marsh referred to the City lot mowing program and said he is not in favor of that procedure and'feels the taxpayers money could be better spent for a park for children to play in rather than being spent by the City for mowing private property. Further, that hehas the same type of mowing equipment the City has and in order to keep busy has to take it to Boca Raton where he mows approximately a third of the va- cant lots there. Mayor Saunders reported that Mr. Marsh had contacted him concerning this item and suggested that Mr. Marsh meet with City Manager Gatchel and explain a proposed program following which the City Manager could explain same to Council at a workshop meeting if it is deemed worthy, 10.a. Mr. C. Dingfield, 1220 SouGh Congress Avenue informed Council of the excessive speed of the traffic on Congress Avenue and the danger to the children of that area, and that it would be appreciated by the resi- dents of that area if something could be done about it. i0.bo The City Clerk reported that a petition for Church construction with use of same for church and educational purposes by the Cason Memorial Methodist Church, Inc., on portions of Blocks 41, 49 and 57 had been received. Further, that a public hearing on this petition was held by the Planning/Zoning Board today, in compliance with requirements as set forth in Chapter 29 of the City's Code of Ordinances, and as a result of this hearing, and review of the request, said Board unanimous- ly recommends granting the request for such conditional use of the land described. said permissive use was unanimously granted the Cason Memorial M6thod[st Church, Inc., on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Merritt. 10.b. Mr. Wilson announced that!:.~heKiwanis Club will again sponsor the Halloween parade as it has.~:~ many years; further, he has checked on same withMr. Elliott, and'SaW if everything is handled as well as last year, and if it is as good this year, .they will be most happy. -4- 9-23-68 10.b. Mr. Merritt'referre~ to the ordinance requiring all trucks used for business in the City to have the name of the firm, corporation or person operating same prlnte~ thereon for identification purposes. He aske~ if that ordinance coul~ be enforce~ as.it is more obvious every day that more people are doing business in the City without identifi- cation on their vehicles. The City Manager informed Council he woul~ take care of said item through the Police and Inspection Departments. 10.b. Mayor Saunders reported he ha~ been to see Mr. Odas Tanner, a developer of aw area in Tropic Isle Subdivision, who reporte~ he had sold all the units in his first two apartment buildings, being 64 units, and that he wout~ soon start another building. 10.c. City Clerk Worthing presented Bills for Approval as follows= General Fund $172,271.70 Water Operating & Maintenance Fund 6,543.73 Water Revenue Fund 57,240.40 Special Assessment Fund 7,653.26 Refundable Deposits Fun~ 1,449.52 Beautification Fun~ 282.90 Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund 1,210.00 Utilities Tax Revenue Fund 62,000.00 Sewer Construction Loan Fun~ - First Fed. Savings & Loan of Miami 106,388.74 The bills were .unanimously or~ere~ paid,~ on motion by Mro Jurney and seconded by M re Wilson. The meeting adjourned at 9=05 P.M. R. D. WORTHING City Clerk APPROVE~ ......-~ ~" MAYOR -5- 9-23~68