12-06-68SpMtg DECEMBER 6, 1968. A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, was held in the Council Chambers at 10:00 A.M., Friday, December 6th, 1968, with Mayor J. L. Saunders in the Chair, City Man- ager David M. Gatchel, and Councilmen James H. Jurney, James B. Wilson, and O. F. Youngblood being present. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America w~s given. Mayor saunders calied the meeting to order and said that same had been called for the purpose of Council canvassing the returns of the General Election held on Tuesday, December 3rd, 1968, and for any other b. usiness that may come before the meeting. city Clerk Worthing .rePorted as follows: "The results of the General Election, held on December 1968, for the purpose of electing two Councilmen, each for a two-year term on. the City Council, as shown, on' the returns thereof, submitted by the Election 'Clerk and a majority of the 'Inspectors are as foll°ws: FOR Cou~C,I~N JAMES H. JURNEY 858 JAMES'B. MCGUIRE ' ~ ' '700 JOHN L. PITTS, III 902 .... · .in. compl£an~e with secti.on 12~:?.'0f' the' Ci'ty'~s :.COde. .... · '>n. ances,' Council Should, 'in the' absence. of any de~1~rat, iOn '; ~ contest by' ~ny 'candidate ~in the election, declare, the 'result. .~. :-' .'of the' election as reflecte~ in the official returns ~ubmitte~, and a copy of their recaPitualtion is in front of each of you '~'~nt~emen.,,': ...... . . ,... Mr. ~ilson moved' that the results of the Election, as stated in detail :By. ~e-' Ci. ty Clerk, be-~prOvea ~S 'read: and a'S":p=e:sen'ted~~'_ ',The" mo~ion was seconded by .~r. jurney"and carried UnanimouSl'y. "::t': "Aa'Y°r"saunder~ reported that'he had attended a recent meeting of the Charitable Solicitations Committee concerning a request by the seventh' DAY'' AdventiSt'' Church, and 'in order ~hat the Church may comply with the advertising requirements., asked that Council take action on said "~equest: a't this time. 'The 'Ci-~y Clerk reported to Council as -follows: "An application to s'o~i'c~t' fUnds within ~he City, submitte~ by the SevGnt'h Day Ad- '' vent~:St ch~rch'~ .~uring the` period of December 17th thru the 31st, was processe..~~ through the Solicitations Committee, whose report is as follows = ' 'The S°l~ci:tat~ons C0~mittee recommends approval of the request ':to so-licit made by the Seventh Day Adventist Church during t~'e"~'ates, DeCember 17 through the 31st. :' It~'.'iS'suggested that next year this Church attempt to Co~dinate i'A" single drive with the'Daughters of 'ziOn' s~en~h. ~Y-A"dve~t~s~'.Church Who held a similar solicitati°n' ~ur'~n~ ~he m~nth' "~f 'NOvember. ' The 'dates' for ~'esired sol£citatiOn, not being in c0nfl~e~ With pre~OUs "Cou~ncil approved Periods of time for solicitation of funds 'by other organizations, it is recommended that this request be granted." "' Mr,".'¥o'hnglJl~a 'moved to susta~n the recommendat;~n'S of 'the.. Solict; ~-t"~:.t. ionS:..-eo~ittee, .t~ ~otio~ :being Seconded'' Uy:~'." Wilson, who ~ug- gested that the item of solicitation of funds by local churches be fur- th'~r'"!~'e~i~ed'.'f°r f~ture ana'~ysiS.' and' decision on the part of the so- '.i~'ci~a'~i0~s . ~ittee. Mayor..: isaunders "Suggested:- a workshop 'meeting. ~!~' 'SA~a"Solid~tatio~ co~ee at some later date on this item~: · :~ ~-~' :' uPon cai1', of r011, the ~ti'on carrie~ unanimously. :,222 Mayor Saunders in{~duce~% councilm~n Elect John L. Pitts, III. Jurney said ~%hing happeneal during the past City Election that iS of uoncern to ~im, and reported that two members of the Plan- ning and Zoning Boa~dopenly engaged themselves in pOlitics, against him. He said he is not asking for any act'ion'on what is passed, but this should be considered for the future. During comments, he asked that the City Clerk read the Charter provisions' concerning same. City Clerk Worthing read Section 145 of the City Charter as follows= "Participation of city employees in election of candidates. It shall be unlawful for any person connected with the- City government to solicit votes or support for the nomina- tion or election of any candidates for councilman° Any appointed officer or employee having been found guilty of violating the provisions of this section shall not be eligible to serve the City in any capacity at any time during the five years following s~ch violation; provided that the councilman shall not be affected by this Act. The council shall decide by a majority vote thereof, after public hearing and presentation of evidence, whether such a violation has been committed." During further comments, Mr. Jurney said he hoped that during the coming year the members of the Planning and Zoning Board who have a conflict of interest will be removed from said Board. The meeting adjourned at 10:25 A. M. R- D. WORTHING City Clerk MAYOR -2- Sp. 12-6-68