01-03-67SpMtg JANUARY 3, 1967. A special meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8..00 P.M., it also being the Annual Organi- zational Meeting, with Mayor Al. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager David M. Gatohel, City A~.torney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen j. LeRoy Croft, James H. Jurney, Jack L. Saunders and George Talbot, Jr. being present. ' 1. An opening prayer was delivered by the Rev. Paul W. Gess. 1.a. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. 2. Mr. Jurney moved that the minutes of the regular Council meeting of December 28th, 1966 be approved, the motion being seconded by Mr. Saunders. Upon call of ro11, Mr. Croft, Mr, Jurney, Mr. Saunders and Mr. Talbot voted in favor of the motion, and Mayor Avery abstained from voting. Mayor Avery qualified his vote in that he was not present at the meeting of December 28th. 3. During commen~s by retiring Councilman Saunders, he said that he viewed his departure from the Council with mixed emotions, but had enjoyed his past three years as a Councilman, and has a feel£ng of pride and satisfaction regarding some of the accomplishments. X. City Clerk Worthing then read RESOLUTION NO. 1~67. ':: ~' RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ~OUNCIL.OF TILE CITY'. W~F~AS, JACK L. SAUNDERS, has unselfishly given of his time and ability aa a City Co. unc. ilma. n. for the past two years, NOw THEREFORE, BE" IT'RE$OLVBb; B~ T~E CITY Coui~c~L OF THE-CITY OF DRLRAY BEACH: Tha~:~JACK L, SAUNDERS-he)an~ is.' hereby comme~dea'.'for hi~.'grea't contribution"t0 the general w"elfare of the City of Delray Beach, Florida as City Councilman. 'l~'s~iuti~n ~o'~-' ~a67' w~s unanimously ad0~ted b~ th~ first~ a~ 'final i~adi~g, on:motion'by Mr~ CrOft and 'seconded b~ ~ir. J.u~ey. Mr- S&~l~d~rS~'wa's a'lso~presented with a pla~ue with the following inscription: ' : ......... JACK-L:2~'sA~ERs - '- - ' ' " ': "" ' .... Recognitibh .and 'App~e~iation -" .'~ - ...... for Ou.tstandin~ SerVi~e a~d. A'~Smpli~hment ToWard Better Gove'rnmen~ ~S c~n~flman "'~he city. of D~iray' BeaCh, FlOrida.' ..... · ~,?'~'~ - - t ~ · - - - 4. This Court,ii was unanimously adjourned at 8.~15 P.M., on motion Mr."~roft and seconded_by Mr-- Jumpy; ' ' y ANNUAL C.O,.UNCID ORG.ANIS. ATIONAL MEETING 1.a. An opening prayer was delivered by the Rev. Paul W. ~ess. 1. Councilmen-Elect James H. Jurney and LeRoy W. Merritt subscribed ~o the Oath of Office given by .City clerk R.. D. Worthfng. 2. CounCilman James ~H, Jurney was ~mani~ousIy appoit~ted vice=MaYor for the year .:of 1967, on motion bY Mr. cr~a~nd S~conded by 'Mr~ Merritt. ~ ~'~ ' ' · - 3. Mr. Merritt said he was thankful for the opportunity to serve on the City COUnCil a~d r~iter~ted his campaign p~&~c~e that his first would be to the City Council and his first responsibility obligation would be to the Peopie-of Delray ~each. He ~also 'said that he thought the City needed dignified growth and planned progress, and is to move forward it must be to a plan. 3. Mr. jurney said it hadbeen a. pleasUre s~ervin'g on the Council for the-past two years and that he WOUld continue servi'ng the City to the best of ~his abil~tY~ F~rther, thkt he wa~ts the Council, in the near future, to meet with the planning and' zoning Board a'nd WOrk together for a better plan for De,ray Beach', as he feels Planning is one of th~ most important things within the City, and the .Planning and Zoning Board ha~ done an excellent job. Mr. ~Urney said that he ~eels all the people serving on City. Boards and Committees do a wonderful job for the City~ and mo~ed that they all be recognized by a letter. The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimously. 3. Mayor Avery 'and Councilmen CrOft and Talbot commented on .the accomplishments of the PaSt~'years~ and .exerCised great pleasure in having had the opportunity of serving with~Such a fine C0uncilman as Mr. Saunders. .The Press and others ware also ~hanked ~r ~r f~ ~o~k du~.~ the past year. 5. To comply with Section 26 of the City Charter in establishing m~%~ ~ates for ~e 'rsgu~la= '~CO~cil me~ing~, Mr ~. 'croft moved tha~ satd~ be the Seco-d and fourth ~o~ays %'f each month ~ The motion was seconded by Mr. Merritt and. carried unani~ouslY. 7. Mr~ Talbot moved that David H. Gatchel be appointed as City Manager, to serve at the Pleasure of the CoUncil. The mO~ion was seconded by Mr. ~ and carried ~unanimouSly.~ 8, 9' and lb. Hr. jUrney moved that the City Attorney, ~4uniciPaI Judge, Judges Ad Litem, City Prosecutor and ASsistant Prosecutors be appoint- ed, to-serve at the pleasure of the C~ncil, as follows: City Attorney - John Ross Adams. Municipa~ Judge James W. Nowlinl, Jr. Judges Ad Litem - paul Gringle, J°h~ Wi spinner and Anne E~del Deacon. Prosecutor - Charles Byron. ASSistant Prosecutors = Robert Fe~iows, HenrF Crow1ey and I. C. Smith. The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft and carrie~ Unanimously. 11. Regarding committee and Board apPointmentS~ Mr~ Merritt moved ~for the appointment of Committees and ~oards l'i~Sted' as'a result of a work- shop meeting. Said Boards and Committees are as follows: ADULT RECREATION ADVISORY BOAR~ ~ Alternate. Senior Citizens ClUb Col. Larry Everett, Pres. R.D. Kipp Lawn Bowling C~ub G.H. Ganson, Pres. Joe Vaccaro -2- 1~3-$7 Shuffleboard Club James tassel, Pres. John Glen City Recreation Alfred Elliott, DirectOr City Mrs. Juanita Joyal (SuperviSor, Community center) BARBERS BOARD OF,EXAMINeRS N. G. Dean - Chairman James Grady Dorothy Williams (W. C. Musgrave, Secretary, not appointed by Council) BEAUTIFiCAtiON COMMITTEE One year term. Representatiye To eX~ire Board of Realtors Stuart LaF~kt0n 1-1-68 Men's Garden Club Col. Clarence Bingham 1-1-68 Clarence Galinat as Alternate City Council LeRoY, Merri~t 1-1-68 President's Parley of Garden Clubs Mrs. John C. Bordeman 1-1-68 Member 'at Large Mrs. Charles Patrick 1-1-68 Member at Large Mrs. ESther Howard 1-1-68 Member at Large Lawrence Parker 1-1-68 Mrs~ Gladys Little Ga~defl'-Ct~bs-at-large~..'.'.'~l-l-6~ J. B, Smith Merchants & Businessmen 1-1-69" Mrs. James Bowen Member at Large 1-1-69 Mrs. Weldon Evaul Member at Large 1~1-69 JoSeph..Sante : ':. - Member at Large 1-1-69 ~o~Y=~xo~s c~TTEE Gertrude Mudge Florence Barnes John Van Sweden LeRoy Baine Margaret Walsmith C. Spencer Pompey Vi~gi~ia'Meye~s.i~ ~' Lula Baldwin Ja~k:D~'Waiker - R~setta Rolle .... ''' ..... Al. W. Risker ~ORRECTION COMMITTEE ~emb~rs ~ ~visors Mr~.;'¢.'~o Vogler - Chairman ~' R.C.-C~O~t - Ch~e£ o~ Police Mr~ O. C~ P~xico John Ross Adams, ~t¥ Atto~ne~ Mr.'J~mes T.-Smith '' ~ Mrs. Agnes Payton Mr-',.~Xank. T';;'Hearst ,,. . Dietician from"Bethes~m Hospital Mr. Char~es Byron, ~ty Pr?secugoN.'-' ~,~NaNC~L'~VXS0R~.nO~U~D Nathan Sharp - Chairman Howard W..Smith HEALTH DOCTORS Dr:; J~rry Cox D~. ~uSselI-FOrlaw · "" -3- ~-3-67 PLUMBING.,.BOARD Robert Crego Plumbing ~nspector Dr. Jerry Cox Ci~:Physician Charles Clark Journeyman Plumber Robert C. Johnston Journeyman Plumber Robert Barnwell, Jr. Master Plumber Q~entin Bishop ~ster Plumber Mark'C. Fleming City Engineer RECREATIONAL TENNIS_ COMMITTEE Dr. Monroe Father Paul Speicher Kenneth Jacobson i I' Dr. Thomas Shoal Andrew Gent plannlng/Zoning Board LeRoy Merritt - Chairman Council Kenneth E11ingsworth Chamber of COmmerce James Love Merchant R. C. Croft . thief of POlice · John Gregory Fire Chief John Kabler Realtor Joe Kern Realtor City Manager Ex-officio The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and Carried unanimously. X. B~garding a vacancy on the palm:Beach County Resources Development Board, Mr. Jurney moved that Mr. Lawrence C. Smith be appointed to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Harry C~rquest, the motion being sec- onded by Mr.. Croft and unanimously carried~- Said te~m','~xpires on october 1, 1967. X. Regarding Rules of Order fok' Council meetings, Mayor Avery Said that during last year Roberts Rules of Order were observed with the exception that the councilmen voted alphabetically with the MaYOr voting last, and with theCity AttOrneY being parliamentarian. The same rules were unanimously approved for 1967, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Merritt. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. R. D. ~ORTHING City Clerk APPROVED: MAYOR -4- 1-3-67 A regular meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 F.M., with Mayor Al. C. Avery in the. Chair, City .Manager David M. Gatchel0 City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen J. LeRoy Croft, James H. Jurney, LeRoy Merritt and George Talbot, Jr., being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by the Rev. Dominic Morris, O.P.. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. 3. The minutes of the Organizational Council meeting of January 3rd, 1967, were unanimously approved, on motion by Mr. [4e~.~itt and sec~. .... '~. onded by Mr. Jurney. 4. City Clerk Worthing read the following letter from Mr. F. H. Olton, Aurora, Ohio, dated January 6th, 1967: · "I have just returned from spending the holidays with my family in Delray and thought you might like to know how much we enjoyed Four con~nunity and particularly the tennis courts. I first came to Delray five years ago on the recommenda- tion of a friend, because of it being a nice =esiden- rial-type community with tennis courts. Since then, I have had the pleasure of visiting Delray twice a year for periods of ten days to two weeks. This year was the first time we brought 'our four children along and had a most delightful vacation. We took tennis lessons every ~ay and were very well pleased with Mr. and Mrs. Turber. They not only were good teachers but also did an excellent job in keeping the children interested. I believe that the tennis courts are a real asset to your community." 4. City Clerk Worthing called Council attention to the De~lcatt~ of. Congress Avenue, Monday, January 16th, 1967, at 10:00 A.M. at the intermection of GOlf Road and Congress Avenue west of Boynton Beach. Further, that officials of the County, Boynton Beach and Delray Beach are invited to attend. 4. City Manager Gatchel read the following letter from Mr. B. O. Wood, Bo-Dei Printing Co., to Mayor Avery, dated December 29th, 1966: "As a taxpayer of Delray Beac~ on a new building and lot and owner .of a license to sell in the city of Delray, we feel that we were given a raw deal in the awarding of the 1967 Water.Bills for printing. The reason we feel this way is that we were informed by Mr. Worthing that our price was $27.00 higher than the price given by Southeastern Printing Company of Stuart, Florida. It seems that in a case like this where there is a next low bidder 4and so close) there could be some method of awarding this to the next low bidder, taking into consideration that he is a taxpayer, buys practi- cally everthing from local merchants and does quality printS. We were further aismayed due to the fact that two years ago we were told that our price was almost $200.00 less than what had been paid in the past for the same job, which would mean that the city saved at least $400.00 by dealing with us for two years. This year we had to raise our price due to higher padex =sst and labor and -1- 1-9-67 taxes which was still under the $200.00 savings the city had for ~he past two years. Now we put a price in that is within $27.00 of a firm who obviously does nothing to make D~lray prosperous and we lose the Job. We are poor loosers, but we feel that whoever gave out this job to the SoutheaStern Printing company has VERY poor Judgement in awarding contracts, and we believe any- one with a broad m~nd will feel. 'the sa~e. We are going to the bother of writing this letter because we feel we were ~not'treated right and the ruling bodies of the city shoUld know w~at is going on and how their .'~ money is being spent and ill will is being created through such poor judgement, P. S. At the time of writ.lng this letter we received two tickets for the Firemen~s Annual Ball, which include the tickets, envelope and a card advertising the ball. We. did not receive any opportunity to bid on these three jobs, so we returned the tickets.' If things are going to be on a bid basis we feel that all Jobs like this should be put out for bid. What do you think?,' Mayor Avery said there are regulations regarding purchasing, but asked each Councilman to give this letter some consideration so that it may be discussed in a workshop meeting.. Further, if Charter changes on purchasing procedure are desired, the Legislative Clinic will soon meet. Mr. Croft said that in his opinion df people are not eligible to receive a contract .if they are the low bidder,'why are they given the opportunity of bidding on an item, and that if any screening is done it should be done before an item. is put out to bid. 5. Mr. Jurney informed Council that the existence of a large sign on Andrews Avenue, also an automobile with sig~s all over it had been brought to his attention twice this week, Mr. Jurney asked if such sign is permisaable under the City Sign Ordinance. The City Manager said he is familiar with the sign referred to, as he is with other signs over tow~ that are in violation of the City Ordinances. Further, that this l~articular matter as well as other matters brought to COuncil attention by the Beautification Comittee has been referred to the Director of Planning, Zoning and Inspection, and the following is an excerpt from a report from Mr. Smith. "I feel this property portrays very vividly the sign problem within the City. We have mar~f non-conforming signs with no .~ program to eliminate them. We have numerous violations as to setbacks, banners and poor construction. If this property is to be singled out as puculiar or unusual: throughtout the City, we could take immediate action to rectify the problem. However, the violations cited here are rife throughout the City. I would not reconuaend any attempt to single 'out one £ndtvidual to be made an example of. It is my recommendation that the sign ordinance be comPIetely reviewed withe good look at what goals and standards we wish to accomplish for our City and then undertake a City-wide .enforcement with reasonable time for complianc~ on all non-conforming struc- tures and close control on all new signs." Following discussion, Mr. Jurney moved that the City Manager be directed to contact the .owner of said sign on ~Andrews Avenue and get it removed since it is ~ ~residential area. The motion was seconded by Mr. Merritt and carried unanimously. 5. Mayor Avery read a. PROCLAMATION stating that .the U. S~ Jaycees have set aside the we~k of.January 15th - 22nd, 1967, to observe the -2- 1-9-67 founding of the Jaycees and to con~emorate such ,founding b~ the selection of an outstanding younq man in this con~vni'ty as the recip- ient of the Distinguished Service Award, and proclaiming the week of January 15th - 22nd, 1967, as JAYCEE WEEK. Jaycee representatives present were Mr. Tim WOOd, Mr. James Grady and Dr. Richard cason.. Dr. Cason asked Council permission for the Jayceee to use the Conu~unity Center at 7:00 A.M.,.Monday, January 16th~ 1967 for a Community-wide Prayer Breakfast, this being for two ~urposes.. Fizst, to awaken or reawaken the Comuunity Religious interest, and second, for the purpose of raising money for a donation to the campus minis- tries who will be working at the Florida'Atlantic University with all ~ faiths represented. Mr. Merritt moved that the City Manager be authorized to schedule .. said use of the Com~unity Center provided it does not conflict with .. ~ any of the programs, and if ther~ is a conflict that another time be arranged. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unan£-- mously. Mr. James Grady announced that the JAYCEE WEEK would start on Sunday with the Jaycees attending Church services in s group, followed by the Prayer Breakfast on Monday. He the~ outlined other activities of the week. 5. Mayor Avery invited Mr. James L. Breedlove, District Manager of Florida Power & Light Company, to the microphone. Mr. Breedlove was accompanied by Mr. Charles Senior, former District Manager of Florida Power & Light Company. Mr. Breedlove presented the .City with a che~k in the amount of $75,967.39, covering ~ranchise payment to the City of Delray Beach, showing an increase over the previous year.. 5. Mr. Merritt informed Council that the Florida East Coast Railway crossing at S. E. 2nd Street is very dangerous at this time, and ask- ed what could be done to get the company to rebuild that crossing. Mayor Avery informed Mr. Merritt. that he had the right, as a Councilman, to request the Cit~ Manager to-investigate this condition and report back to Council what can be done to correct same. Mayor Avery said that in the past, the intersection of S. E, .2nd Avenue with 2nd Street had bean painted with stripes and. "stop", and asked that the City Manager give priority to tho repainting at that intersection. 5. Mayor Al. C. Avery informed Council that Mr. Alex Simon, owner of property on the north side of East Atlantic Avenue Just west of the . F.E.C. Railway, is interested in selling said property, and that it might be possible for the City to purchase the property to Me for off-street parking. Mayor Avery asked that the City Manager, and Parking Committee explore the feasibility of the purchase of that property. [' City Manage= reported that he has had disCussion, with ~wo The members of the S/men Family, but to date 'does not have a letter to the City offering the property. 5. Mr. Talbot aske~ that a feasibility s~dy be made regarding painting of crosswalk~ on O~ean, Boulevard at various points as it is var very difficult at times to cross Ocean BOulevard on account of heavy traffic. 5. Mr. Talbot also requested the City Manager to have a feasibility study made considering S. E, and N. E. let Streets being made' one-way streets, or truck routes, which would take- a lot of' traff, ic off Atlantic Avenue. Mr. Talbot said there may need to be condemnation of some property at S. E. 1st Street, Or it may be taken care of with s jog in the street. -3- 149-67 It was mentioned that ,~he POlice Department and Planning and 5. ~. Taler asked khe s~a~us o~ ~e re~rt ~o ~e Corps of Eng- ineers regaling the open~ng of 2he ~tl~k~c ~venue B~dge. City M~ager Gatchel info.ed Cocci1 that ~he re~rt has just been completed ~d will be ~n~ ~e mail ~[s week. ~. J~ said that he had observed the opera2ion of 2he bridge fr~ his ~at ~d feels the bridge o~ra~r should open and close ~e bridge a little ~icker ~d that it should not be open~ so wide for the small~ats. 6.a ~ Concerning a survey of p~cels of l~d Nusi~ce la~ present~ ~ the City M~ager, the City ~erk be eulogized ~ proceed wi2h ~apter 15~of, Code of ~din~ces, 2he'~tion ~ing seconded Merritt .~d -~ously carried. (Co~ of Nuis~ce survey is attached to ~e official co~ of these minutes.) see page 8-A. 6.b. City ,~ager Gatchel info.ed Council that the Legislative Clinic, ~der ~e ~ai~ship of SensOr Jer~ ~omas, is scheduled ~ meet ~ the Cocci1 ~ers on ~esday, J~u~y 24th, f~om 8~00 A.M. to 12~00 noon. Further, ~a~ the Clinic ~s 'for the ~r~se, in part, of receiving desired ~arter changes and o2her bills of gover~ental nature from ~e. v~ious municipal~ties in South Palm Beach Co~y. : ~e City M~ager suggested that the ~uncil sche~uhe ~y meetings they desired with the City A~istration, ~d particul~ly the City At~rn~, reg~ding ~ssible chafer ch~ges. Mayor Ave~ m~tioned a ~ssible ~ter chugs reg~ding munic- ipal elections. ~. Jurney asked if the Delray Beach reserve ~ea ~uld be pre- s~ted ~ the L~islature again. Mayor Ave~ mentioned a meeting to be held Wednesday, Janua~ llth, reg~ding a water ~ea~ent, facili~ ~d ~ditional sewer ~nstruction. ~d said the2 ~g conce~ing pro~sed legislat~on could be ?discussed at that meeting. ,, ~e Ci~ Attorney was directed ~ make a list of ~y ~ssible ch~ter changes ~d present ~ ~ Council at the Janua~ llth meet~g. - - 6.C. ~e City ~age= inform~ Council of a re.est for pe~it to dis~nse beer ~d wine for ~ns~ption off the praises, in conjunc- tion wi~ ~e est~lished gr~e~ s~re ~ ~ "Ha~d a Gross Cash a C~", locate~ at 1338 West Atl~tic Avenue, Fur~, that all re~lations of ~e City. p~ta~ing to such application have been met, ~d it ,is, ~erefore, reco~enaed that ~e re.eSt was ~an~usly .gr~t~. on ~ion seconded ~ ~. J~. 8.a. C~ Cl~k Wor~ing Prese~t~ ~ION NO. 2.67. A ~S~ON O~ T~ CI~ C~C~ OF ~ CITY OF D~Y B~, ~IDA~ ,~G~N~ T~ N~ OF (Co~ of Resolution No. 2-6~ is atta~ ~ the official co~ of these m~nutes.) See ~age 8-B.. ~e C~ Clerk info~e~ Council that the Pos~aster has agree~ that there is no conflict or objection on the part of the Post Office reg~d~g ~is s~eet n~e ch~ge.- Resolution,~o..2.67 ~s ~u.ly passed ~d adop~d on this first ~d f~aI reading, on ~tion ~ ~; Taler ~a secon~e~ by ~. Jump. ' , -4- 1-9~7 8.b. City Clerk WQrthing presented RES0~UTION NO. 3-67. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IH, ERAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ASSESSING CO~TS FOR ABATIN(~ NUISANCF~ UPON CERTAIN ~ LOCATF. D WITHIN SAID CZTY~' SETTING O~T ACTUAL COSTS INCURRED BY SAID CITY TO ACCO~Ff-'ISH SUCH ABATEMENT AND LEVYI~G THE COST OF SUCH ABATEMENT OF SAID NUISANCES, AND DEC~.ARING SAID LEVY TO BE A LIEN UPON SAID PROP- ERTY IN AN AMOUNT AS SHO~N BY REPORT OF THE CITY .M.~NAGER OF DEI~JtY BEACH, FLORIDA. (Copy of Resolution No. $-67 is attached to the official copy Of these minutes.) See page 8-C-D. Resolution-No. 3-67 was unan/~ously passed and adopted on this first and final reading, on motion by Mr~ Merritt and seconded by Mr. Talbot. 9. Mr. Merritt read the Beautification Committee meeting minutes of January 4th, 1967, and the following items were considered by Council. {1) "Mr...J~t Smith reported that the violations concerning, Junk- yards are being investigated. However, the basic problem ie what to do with the junk vehicles and equipment AFTER enforcing the ordinances. The con. nitres recommends that the City CoUncil urge the County Com- mission to consider the services of an auto shredding machine on a county-wide basis." Concerning item 1. ~4r. Merritt informed Council that he had talked at length with the City Manager today, and that he dosen' t think there is any action that can be taken now. That the present ordinance will be looked into. and also there is a possibility that a shredding machine may be located in Lantana. (2) "Mr. Art Smith also reported on the diffiCUlty of enforcing the present sign ordinance in individual cases. The con~aittes recommends that the Council have the Planning and Zoning Board review and strengthen the entire sign ordinance and then carry out a City- wide enforcement after a reasonable length of time. Concerning Item 2. It was so moved by Mr. Merritt, Mr. Jurney and unan/mously carried. (3) "Mr. Parker reported on the litter problem created by hand- bills in the western sector and-requested that the distributors be notified of any violations of the ordinance. .Concerning Item 3, .Mr. Merritt expla/~ed that Mr. Parker had reported that on Saturdays young children or helpers would be loaded on a truck with the hand bills and the bills would be thrown off the truck into the yards or any~hare, and ~uld just become litter. Mr. Merritt moved that the distributors be notified of any violations of the ordinance, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried. (4'~~ "Mrs. Evaul moved that the group's origina~-name, "Civic Beautification Coordination Committee", be officially changed to "City Beautification Committee". Seconded by Mrs. Plume and carried. Concerning Item 4. Mr. Merritt moved that said name change be official, the motion being seconded by Mr. J~rney and unanimously carried. X. Mr. Talbot suggested that the City Manager contact the City Insurance Agents to see if there Id any possibility that the fence behind the Publ~ Store could be covered in the City insurance program without any extra premium. -5- 1-9-67 10.a. Mr.. J. William~chmalz, 200 And=ewe Aven~e, informed Council of having contacted F~nk J. Rooney, Inc. concerning the litter, c~ua~d by their construction employees. Mr. Schmalz mentioned the litter from construction employee lunches at other building sites, and suggested that the City require the bu£1ding contractor to police the grounds during construction. Following~ discussion, Mayor Avery said this item would be referred to the City M~ager with instructions to either alleviate the situatior. or come back to Council with recommendations concerning same. 10.a. Mr. Ed. Schmidt, 308 North Swinton Avenue, asked what the decision of the Planning/Zoning ~oard was after holding a public hearing on December 20th, 1966, involving people on Swinton Avenue for. one block south and one block north of N. E. 3rd Street. Mayor Avery informed Mr. Schmidt there is nothing under reports on that item. Mr. Schmidt asked if the peol~le concerned would be notified when that item comes before Council, and Mayor Avery said that proper advertisement would be given before an Ordinance comes to Council on second reading, and if there are people that he would especially like to have notified the names could be given to City Clerk Worthing for that purpose. Mr. Schmidt said he had attended a Public Hearing held by the Planni~lg/Zoning Board on January Sth, 196.~, and asked when the results of that hearing would come before the Council. Mayor Avery informed Mr. Schmidt that he did not know When such report would be presented to Council, but if it resulted in an Ordinance, there would be first and second readings of the Ordinance with publication prior to the second reading. 10.x. City Manager Gatchel reporte~ that a meeting with the archi- tect and .coD~tr&.~r on the Adult Recreational-Center indicates a completion date of the building,Wednesday, January 11th, the build- ing being available for use on January 12th. Further, that the shuffleboard courts would be delayed to some extent because of the necessity of moving the old awnings to the new building, and those courts would be ready for use on Friday, January 20th. Mayor Avery mentioned a plaque and dedication ceremonies for that building, and the City Manager said he would come to Council at a later date concerning those items. 10.x. City Attorney Adams reported to Council as follows~ "The City has been served with a complaint for an injunction involving the south beach and the purchase of it which ~ae.=oRsua%~ about ago. The reason I bring this up is that it ~as just served today a~d ! have gone through it more for clarification than anythi'~g else. They are asking two things. The are asking the Court to enjoin the use of the property as a public beach because it is in violation of restrictions and covenants, and also in a separate count they are asking that the City be enjoined from spending public funds for developing ~a...P~bli~ beach' ~here. As you Will recall, When we bought., the property, I wrote a · memorandum in December, 1965, ~ating out there were restrictions which expire January 1, 1970, restricting the use of the property to hotels, clubs, apa~me6~houses, motels, villas, cabanas, cottages, shopping centers and/or residences together with customary and accepted appurtenances. At that time I pointed out that in. probability a court would hold that a municipal beach would fit within these restrictions and even if it wouldn't fit w~t~n'thos~ restrictions it was my opinion that the law, at least at that time, was that these restrictions don't apply to a governmental body. You have twenty days to file an answer to the suit... At times I have filed answers and at times I haven't, but unless somebody specifically tells me not to, I will go ahead and. file a motion to dismiss because I don't believe it states any kind .of=a cause for -6- 1-9-67 action against the City. The fu~ were validated. They were funds that were received as a result of a validation suit of a bond issue where the purchase of a public beach was specifically enumerated. Unless there are any objections, I will go ahead and file the usual motions on this." Mayor Avery polled the Council and the~ebeing no objections he instructed the City Attorney to file' the v~ual motions. 10.x. Mr. Jurney referred to the Ordinance on conditions of sea walls and said he felt the ordinance Should be enforced as there are many violations. City Manager Gatchel informed Council that he has a report from the City Engineer relative to'a number of sea wall violations in Tropic Isle Subdvision and that he desires to:~discuse this matter in workshop session with Council. 10.b. City Clerk Worthing presented Bills for Approval as follows: General Fund $77,207.59 Water Operating & Maintenance Fund 4,617.57 Beach Disaster Fund 23,000.00 General Fund - Sinking Fund 17,888.19 Cigarette Tax Fund 5,358.00 Sewer Construction Trust Fund 72,224.54 The bills were unanimously ordered paid, on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded, by Mr. Merritt. X. Mayor Avery announced that the Council meeting at 8:00 P.M. 0 Wed- nesday, January llth, 1967, concerning the water treatment facilit~ and additional sewer construction, 'would be called as a special meeting, and would~ also be for the purpose of considering any other business that may cOme before that meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9-.1.5 P.M., on motion by Mr. Merritt and seconded by Mr. ~urney. City Clerk APPROVED = MAYOR -7- 1-9-67 PROPERTIES IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE NO. G-147 and SECTIONS 15-3 and 15-4 OF TH~ CITY CODE. PROPERTY CITY 1. Fairfield Apts., 1342 A.I.~-Dupont Lots 2 thru 5, and ' .Inc. Bldg. South 23.47! of Lot 15-3 & c/o Chelsia Title Miami, Florida 33131 6, Clarke Rungs Add. 15-4 2. Miriam N. Brown 414 N. E. 7th Avenue unimproved portion of Cohen Delray Beach, Fl&; Lot 31, Hallera 15-3 & Grootman ' s 15-4 3~ Joseph T. Dolan & 193 Rockland Road Lots 12 thru 19, Blk. 15-3 & T. J. Dolan Fairfield0 Conn. 06430 12, Osceola.Park 15-4 George Robert & East vacant part of Frances Orean 127 N. E. 1st Avenue Lot 2 less W 16' & . Ferguson Delray BeaCh, Florida Lot 3 less E 28' Blt. 1, Bellview Ma~or 15-3 Violations 15-3 and 15-4 as concerns this report are as follows: 1. 15-3 - Trash 15-4 - High weeds 2. 15-3 - Loose. trash & Junk of all kinds, dead tree 15-4 - High weeds, vines, overgrown hedges, etc. 3. 15-3 - Logs and branches 15-4 - High weeds and pines 4. 15-3 - Junk & loose trash (old car parts & loose lumber) Submitted to the City Council by the City Manager on this the 9th day of January, 1967. RESOLUTION NO. 2-67. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PLOP. IDA, CHANGING THE NAME OF SHULSON STREET TO BAY STREET. WHEREAS, the property owners residing on SHULSON STREET, a public right~of-way lying between South Ocean Boulevard and Venetian Drive in Section 16-46-43, have requested that said public street be renamed BAY STREET, NOW, THeREFORe, BE IT REsOLvED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: 1. That the name of SHULSON STREET, located with- in the City of Delra¥ Beach and lying between South Ocean Boulevard.and' Venetian Drive. be and the same is hereby changed to BAY STREET. PASSED AND' ADOPTED on this 9th day of January, 1967. ATTEST OPERTIES IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE NO. G-147 a~~ SECTIONS 15-3 and:lS-4.OF THE CITY CODE. Fairfield Apts 1~42 A. I. Du~nt Lots 2-$ 'an~ th ~nc. %Bldg. ~ 23.47' of L~.6, 15-3 c/o ~elsia Title ~i~i, Fla. 33131 Clarke Run~e Add. 15-4 Miri~. N. Bro~ 414 ~. E. ~th Avenue Lot Haller Cohen Delra~ Beach, Fla. Gro~'s 15-4 ~ / / 5 / Robert L. Jr. & ' S"'~10' of Lo~s 24 & 25 E~ith C." ~re 1466 pelican lees E 133' c/o J. ~W. "Elliott Delray BeaCh, ~a. that ~tton of S 110' ~ of Lot 11 lying E of E'ly ~ l~ne of Intra- / ~ coastal W~ less / 't Sec. 9~46-43~ 15-4 / / G~r.ge Robert ~ / .. F~ances Ore~ 12~. E. 1~ Avenue.. h ~a~t va~an~ par~ of '~ot 2 Ferguson De, ray Beach. Fla. ~ot 3 less E 28*, // B~k. 1, Bellvi~ M~o= 15-3 / / Viola~io 5-3 and 15-4 as concerns this rXor~ are as follows~ 1. 15-3 / ~ash ' . 1~-4 - High weeds ~ pines ,4. ~5a4 - High ~eds Junk & loose trash (old car par~s a loose,~,,l~er) °n this the 9th day of J~uary, 1967. RESOLUTION NO. 3-67. 8-C A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ASSESSING COSTS FOR ABATING NUISANCES UPON CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY; SETTING OUT ACTUAL COSTS INCURRED BY SAID CITY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH ABATEMENT AND LEVYING THE COST OF SUCH ABATEMENT OF SAID NUISANCES, AND DECLARING SAID LEVY TO BE A LIEN UPON SAID PROPERTY IN AN AMOUNT AS SHOWN BY RE- PORT OF TH~ CITY MANAGER OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, did, in reqular///~/~////////// session held on the 12t. h and ..2.6th September, 1966 .. declare the existence of .a nui- sance upon certain lots or parcel's' of land, described in a list sub- mitted to them, for violation of the provisions of Ordinance G-147; WHEREAS, pursuant to such declaration, the City Clerk of said City did furnish each of the respective owners of the lands describe&l in said list with a notice describing the nature of the nuisance aha that they must abate said nuisance within thirty (30) d~, failing in which the City Council would have it done, and the cost thereof would be levied as an.assessment against said property; and WHEREAS, the owners hereinafter named did fail a~. neglect to abate the nuisance existing upon their respective lan~s within the time prescribed in said notice and Ordinance G-147, and the City of Delray Beach was. required to and did enter upon the followimg Lands and incur costs in abating the nuisance existing thereon as described in the aforesaid list; and WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, has, pur- suant to said Ordinance G-ld7 and the City Charter submitted to the City Council a report of the costs incurred in abating the nuisance as aforesaid, said report indicating the costs per parcel of land involved. NOW, THEREFORE, .BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That assessments in the individual amounts as shown by the report of the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, involving the City's cost of abating the aforesaid nuisances upon the lots or par- eels of land described in said report, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are levied against the parcels of land described on said report and in the amounts indicated thereon. Said assessments so levied shall be a lien upon the respective lots and parcels of land .described in said report, of the same nature and to the same extent as the lien for general city taxes and shall be col- lectible in the same manner and with the same penalties and under the same provisions as to sale and foreclosure as city taxes are collect- ible. 2. That the City Clerk of said City shall, as soon as possible after the effective date, record a certified copy of this resolution in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, and shall furnish to each of the owners named in and upon said report a notice that the City CoUncil of the City of Delray Beach, did, on the 12th and 26th of September, 1966 order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing o~n'' their described property and property owner having failed to abate such nuisance, within the 30 day period, whereupon it was abated by the City at costs shown in said report and such assessments shall be legal, valid and binding obligations upon the property against which said assessments are levied. This resolution shall become effective 30 days from the date of adoption, and the assessments contained herein shall become due and payable thirty days after the mailing date of the notice of said assessment,, after which interest shall accrue ak the rate of 6% ~er annum on any unpaid portion thereof. "' .JanuPAaSr~ED A~ ~D. DOT~6i7n..re~ular session o~ t~~ COST OF ABATING NUISANCES UNDER ORDINANCE NO. G~147. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OWNER ASSESSMENT September 12, 1966 list. North 50 feet of South 150 feet of West 135 feet, Block John D. & Fredrica 33. Halstead $19.00 L~t 3, Block 34 Lyn-Ray C6rp $29.50 Vacant part of Lot 3, Block 63 ~e~l~StedO-C'.&~ I. $29.25 Campbell September 26~ 1966 list. ' ............ Lot 31, Block .B, Tourist Nook Ozie Bell Brown $30.00