02-24-67 35
F~ERUARY 24, 1967,
A regular meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in
the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor AI~ C. AVery in the Chair,
C£tyManager David M. Gatchel, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Coun-
cilmen J. LeRoyCroft, James H. Jurney, LeRoy W. Merritt and George
Talbot, Jr., being present.
I. An opening prayer was delivered by City Clerk R. D. Worthing.
2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of
America was given.
3. The minutes of the regular CounCil m~eting of February 13th, 1967,
were unanimously approved, on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded byMr.
4. City Clerk Worthing read the following letter from the Bethesda
Hospital Association, Inc., dated February 20, 1967=
"The Board of Directors of the Bethesda Hospital Association
owes the City Council a debt of gratitude for its assistance
in deferring the Council meeting to Friday, February 24th, in
order that theHospital Association might hold its annual meeting
in the Council Chambers On Thursday evening, February 23rd. Your
co-operationwas greatlyappreciated."
4. Mayor Avery read a Pr°clamation regarding the Girl Scouts, pro-
claiming February 25th through March 11th, 1967, to be Girl Scout
Cookie Time.
5. Mr, Croft said he had received complaints from people sitting in
the rear of the Council Chambers that they could not hear what was being
said, and that he believes that can be corrected if the CounCilmen will
talk into the microphones.
5. 'Regarding Council permission granted on February 13th, 1967, for
the Jaycees to use the Community Center on Saturday evening, March llth
and the City Park on March llth and 12th for the Annual Jaycee Fun Days,
~r. Merritt informed Council that the Jaycee Fun Days have been post-
poned until April 22nd and 23rd, and the Club would like the dates for
use of the City facilities changed accordingly.
Mr. Merritt moved that the City Manager be given permission to grant
said request, provided it could be worked into his program. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Croft and carried unanimously.
5 Mr. Talbot said that he had never realized until he heard the Delray
Beach Story presented by City Manager Gstchel at the Kiwanis Club just
what the Beach rehabilitation and revetment has done for the City of
Delray Beach and the beach,..even though he was Chairman of the Beach
Erosion Committee.
Mr. Talbot said that he wou~d like to explain his ideas to the Coun-
cilmen and continued: "I would like to have immediate consideration of
progressing with the extension of the Beach rehabilitation and revet-
ment program. There remains yet to be done approximately 1200 feet
from the south end of the present revetment to Atlantic Avenue, plus
approximately 2500 feet to the end of the Public Beach. I would like
to .see work startedor plans made beginning immediately. This matter
could be broken down into phase 2 concerning the 1200 feet north of
Atlantic Avenue, and along with this, at the end of Atlantic Avenue I
think there should be anadeq~te pavilion built, hurricane PrOOf, with
proper facilities such as toilet facilities, and of adequate size to
take, care o~eeds and future needs for the public to Use,
Next is where you get the. money to do this. I would like to include
in this item on the agenda' of the next regularly stated meeting the in-
struction to the City Manager to contact ~lace Engineering Corporation
for estimates of phases 2 and 3 an~ the shelter house or pavilion. The
-1- 2-24-67
preliminary engineering has already been done. This 'is more or less
repetitive work, and it would appear to me that they could come up
with figures in pretty` qUiCk fashion'· Last but not least, does the
public want this? I sm led to believe by the people I have talked with,
the general comments, and seeing ~he people enjoy that part of the
rehabilitation and revetment that has been done to .date, that this
matter should be put to a choice of the people by a. referendum on
whether they desire tO authorize the issuance of general obligation
bonds to complete this program."
Mr. Talbot said that the longer this ~ork is put off the more it
Will cost, and continued: "You have your proper angle repose presently,
and it would appear to me that engineering wise it would be relatively
Very inexpensive as opposed to the area·or the frontage that we have
done to date. In other words, this whole.~uggestion stems from the
fact whether the citizens, the tax payers of Delray Beach, wish to take
the obligation of permitting the City to issue ad valorem bonds or
general fund bonds to complete this program. I see no reason for my
reqUesting this to be on the agenda unless it meets With some sort of
approval of council, and in that interim period, if Council does approve
placing this on the agenda, I believe that our City Manager and City
.Clerk could take certain steps as to proceeding."
Mr. Talbot:then moved ~nat his suggest'ions, as chairman of the
Beach Erosion Committee, be placed on the agenda of the next regular
Council meeting~ ~There was no second to this motion.
There was a question as to how long it would take to prepare for a
Referendum, and it was pointed out that·this item should be publicized
Mr. Talbot said'that if money is available he would like a tape
made of this Delray Beach revetment story as narrated by the City
Manager and the story be presented for the public on various advertised
Mr. Talbot.moved that the City Manager be directed to ask Glace
Engineering Cor~POrati°n what a.feasibility study woUld cost on the
items that he had presented. The motion was secondedbyMr-Croft.
Upon call of Roll, Mr. Croft, Mr. Jurney, Mr. Talbot and Mayor Avery
votedin favor .of the motion and Mr. Merritt was opposed. Mr. Merritt
qUalified his vote in that with· the present condition of the Police
fac~&~ties he could vote no other way.
'6.a. Regarding extension of the Sewage Works Project, City Manager
Gatchel reported to Council as follows:
"As'a result of recent determination for extension of the Sewage Works
Project No. 5964-8b, it is recommended that Council authorize the
Consulting Engineers, Russell & Axon, to prepare design plans and spec-
~ifications for Areas 12= remaining unsewered portion of 20~ remaining
portion of 21 lying east of S. W. 4th Avenue~ 21A~ Lift Station 2lA and
Interceptor ~o point west of the S,A.L; Railroad, and 23,.as shown on
Sectiona~ Map recently received from the engineers. Such specifications
shall include the necessary topographic and land surveys. It is further
reconu~ended that council direct the Consulting Engineers to prepare
Bid Proposal Forms to provide for separate bids on~
Proposal:.l~ To cover Areas' 12, '20 & 21~
Estimated cost -·$218,000.
Proposal 2. To cover the &ditional
areas and items identified
above~ Estimated cost - $211,000.
It shall be understood and agreed that:fees for such services shall
be in the absolute minimumbracket'as provided in the 1955 Florida
Engineering Society's FeeSche~ule, also the Supplemental Agreement
~o. 3 applicable to the baSic C°nt=actdated SePtember 29, 1959, an~ to
Russell & Axon's~Letter of April 2, 1965, excluding Items 4 and 5 on
Page 2 thereof,~inasmuch as it is desired that the .,Services"and
',Resident Supervision`' Should be held opri°nd1 with the City, with
-2- 2-24-67
negotiation for same being undertaken at such time as these services
may be authorized by Council."
Mr. Talbot moved that authoriza6ion be granted as recon~ended by
the City Manager, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney. During
discussion it was pointed out that this procedure is identical to the
previous policies established by Council. U~On call of ro11, the
motion carried unanimous!y.
6.b. The City Manager informed Council that Baner Realty, Inc. on behalf
of the property owners, offers to sell to the City the West 150' of the
S% of Block 164 less. the South 15' thereof; and the North 20' of the
South 30~ of Lot 24, Seabreeze Park; also an irregular parcel of the
Easterly portion of LOt 25 and South 10' of Lot 24; further, that the
'regular parcel provides egress and ingress from Andrews Avenue to the
principal tract which fronts on East Atlantic Avenue and comprises
approximately 48,500 square feet.
~ Mayor Avery suggested that this item be referred to the Traffic &
Parking Committee, the City Manager being an ex officio member, for
study and a feasibility report.
Mr. Merritt informed Council that on June 15th this same parcel of
land had been referred to the Traffic & Parking Committee, having been
offered by the Cottingham Corporation at that time. Mr. Merritt quoted
as follows from the Traffic & Parking Committee meeting minutes of June
15th, 1966: "After considerable discussion concerning the land sale'
proposal to the City by the. Cottingham Corporation, the motion was made
by Mr. Kabler to have Mr. Worthing write to the Cottingham Corpor&t~om
thanking them for their offer but advising that the. purchase is not
feasible at this time. The motion was seconded by Mr. CrOft and
Mr. Merritt pointed out that the original offer was for $121,000. and
,the present offer is for $125,000.
Mr. Talbot asked if there had been a lay-out of the number of cars
that could be parked in that area, end the cost per.car figured.
Mr. Merritt informed Council that was done at the time but not
reflected in the minutes, and that such a type of study is made on each
parcel referred to that committee.
Following discussion, Mr. Talbot moved that this item be referred
to the Traffic & Parking Committee for their study and recommendation,
the motion be. ing seconded by Mr. Merritt and unanimously carried.
Mr. Merritt then moved that the City Manager be directed to have
the City Engineer prepare factual engineering data on this item for the
Traffic & Parking Committee, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney
and unanimously carried.
6.c.1. Concerning the Sewer Adjustment Advisory Board, Mr. Talbot moved
that Mr. Lens Brunner be reappointed for a three-year term on said .
Board, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried.
The City Manager informed Council that Mr. Charles Jefferson, 1021
N. E. 8th Avenue, has expressed willingness to serve on the Sewer
Adjustment Advisory Board, and Mr. Jurney moved that he be appointed to
said Board to fi1! the unexpired term of Mr. Benjamin Hoxsie who no longer
qualifies to serve on that Board. The motion was seoonde~ by Mr. Croft
end carried unanimoul~y.
The term of Mr. Lens Brunner will expire on August 24th, 1969, and
the term of Mr. Jefferson will expire on August 24th, 1968.
6.c.2. City Manager Gatchel informed Council that the three-year Board
of Adjustment terms of member Eleanor Gringle and alternate member
Charles B. Gwynn expirewed~esday, March lSth~ further, that in recogni-
tion of recent Council determination that Board and Committee members
be residents of Delray Beach, it was recommended by the remaining Board
members that Eleanor Gringle be reappointed, and Mr. Floyd Griffin
place Mr. Gwynn, who no longer resides within the City, each for a period
of three years commencing March IS, 1967.
Mr. Croft moved that the recommendation of the Board be sustained end
that Mrs. Gringle and Mr. Griffin be appointed to said Board of
Adjustment for three.year terms commencing March 15, 1967. The ~motion
{~as seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimously .... ·
6.c.3. concerning,the COmmunity-Relations committee, City~Manager Gatchei
informed Counctl~ that :Mr.; John .~.an: Sweden, ;ps= 'notice,~ attached to. the.
agenda, has withdrawn, from the committee due to business ..and ~resseing
com~itments. 'Further, 'that Mrs. Frnak L; Carey, Jr., a.local resident,
has been recommended for appointment to said Board. It was pointed Out
that there are six members of that committee from the west side of town
and five members from the east side. Mayor Avery said the Council may
want to appoint another member from the east side of town in the near
future to give this co~mittee balance.
Mr. Talbot moved that Mrs. Frank L. Carey, Jr. be appointed to the
gold, unity aelations Com~nittee, if she is willing to accept the ap~oint-
ment, to replace Mr. John Van Sweden.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft and carried unanimmusly.
X. Mayor Avery said he had suggested that resolutions of commendation
be prepared for people who have served on different com~aittees but the
City Manager and City Clerk had suggested that Certificates of Appre-
ciation be prepared for them i~tead.
Mr. Ju'r~ey moved that cer~i'fi~a~eS~of'ApPreCiation-be prepared for
the gontlementhat are going off the Boards, the motion being seconded
by Mr. Talbot an~ unanimously carried.
6.d. Conce~.ning appointment of an auditing firm, t~e city Manager
fo=me~ councll as follows:
"The City Charter provides that an independent annual audit shall
be made of all accounts of the City Government by certified publ'ic
The presentation of the Audit Re~ort for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 1966, completes the audit agreement between the City and
Himes & Himes. For obvious reasons, the employment of an auditing firm,
An compliance with Charter provisions, should be provided without undue
Mr. John Kirkton of Himes & Himes advises that they are agreeable
to renewing the agreement, referred to herein, at the same per diem
rates as existed in said agr, eement, ~overing their services for the
past two years, with the understanding that cost for each annual audit
will not exceed $7,000.00
Believing these per diem rates to be most reasonable, and in the
best interests of the-City, it is recommended that such renewal agree-
ment with Himes & Himes be authorized. However, competitive per diem
rates for such services will be obtained should it be the pleasure of
Council to so ~Arect."
Mr. Talbot m~ved ~.that':.Himes &~-Himes.:be retai~ed as. auditors for the
next two years, the motion being -~econded by Mr. Merritt and unanimously
~.e. Regarding funds for storage yard enclosure, City Manager Gatchel
.~eported to Council as follows:
"The approved current budget reflects an .intended fencing project
kor enclosing a storage area at the City Barn, principally for assuring
the protectionof water.and sem~ipe, Valves, fittings and ~epartmental
supplies, and provided $~00.00 '~f~mm. the Water and Sewer FUnd for such
As a result of the recent a~ministrative re-organization and estab-
lishing the Office for the Director of ~ubli¢ Works at the rear of the
City Barn, it has been determined in the best interests of the City that
a greater area be enclosed by fencing to protect valuable City equipment
and supplies.
The lowest bid for this revised'and much needed enclosure protection,
~onsisting of six-foot high chain link fence, top rails, corner and
gate posts, all in accordance with City plans and s~ecifications, is
-4- 2-24-67
Subject to Council. approval hereof, which is recommended, authori-
zation is requested for the: transfer of $682.28 from the Water and
Sewer Contingency Account, and $646.27 from the General Fund Contin-
gency Account, to cover the: additional cost. ? ·
The City Manager said it had originally been planned zo fence in
~he currently used pipe storage area at the corner of S. W. 8th Avenue
and 4th Street, but since the office of the Director of Public Works
is located at the City Barn area it had been deemed advisable to en-
large that fenced area where there would be an element of control that
would not be had at the other location~ further, it is the intention
to move the rock pile for construction of roads, etc., into that fenced
area also.
Finance Director Weber reported a balance of $65,331. in the General
Fund Reserve for Contingency Account, and a balance of $246,600. in the
Water and Sewer ~Fund Contingency Account.
During discussion, Purchasing Agnet Worthing reported that Hurricane
Fence Company bid was $2,480. and Florida Fence Company was ~2,228.55,
both bidding on plans and specifications provided by the City Engineer
which included double drive gates, angle bracket barbed wire. top .rails,
corner, line and gate posts.
Following lengthy discussion, Mr. Talbot moved that the bid be
accepted on the basis of specifications amounting to $2,228.55 and the
sum be charged to the Contingency Account of the Water and Sewer Fund.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimously.
7.a. The City Clerk informed Council of a petition ~having been received
for reclassification of Lot 24 and the South 41 feet of Lot 23, Block 72,
from R-3 (Multiple Family Dwelling District). to C-1 (Limited Commercial
District) ~ further, that Council may deny this request or refer same to
the Planning/Zoning Board for a public hearing to be held thereon, to be
followed by the Board's recommendation to Council.
Said petition was unanimously referred to the Planning/Zoning
Board, on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Jurney.
8.a. City Clerk worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 5-67.
PLACING LOTS 32, 33 and 34, BLOCK 13, DEL-IDA.
Ordinance No. 5-67 was unanimously placed on first reading, on
motion by Mr. TalbOt and seconded by Mr. Jurney.
9.a. City Clerk Worthing informed Council that as a result of a con-
ference with Mr. John George and Col. Clarence Bingham, representatives
of the American Legion Post No. 65 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post
No. 4141, it is recommended, subject to Council approval for such an
area, that all of Block 9, Lots 1 through 65, Delray Beach Cemetery,
be reserved for the buxial of all American Legion members and Veterans
of Foreign Wars, who shall have been residents of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, at time of death, and their immediate families. Further,
that cost of all lots and plots therein shall be in accordance with the
rate schedule for the Cemetery in effect at time of purchase.
Mr. Talbot moved that Block 9 of the Delray Beach Cemetery be re-
served as recommended, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and
unanimously carried.
9.b. City Attorney Adams presented Council .with a written report regard-
ing signs on the Johnson property at 217 North Andrews Avenue, and
reported that as of tonight that property is in strict compliance with
all of the City's sign ordinances.
-~- 9.
9.c. On February 13th, Council directed the City Attorney to meet with
Mr. Harold J. Roig, owner of Lots 21 & 22, Block D, Palm Beach Shore
Acres, and his Attorney Mr. Fre~ Devitt and Mr. Stewart B. Iglehart,
prospective purchaser of said property, regarding a. petition to rezone
Said property from R-1AAA to R-3, in an effort tO work out an agreement
or possible deed restrictions regulating the type of construction on
the property, Council desiring same to be comparable to the Bridgehampton
Apartments, ·
City Attorney Adams reported that such a meeting had been held and
presented the following letter from Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Roig, dated
February 24th:
"The undersigned are the owners of the property described as
Lots 21 and 22, Block "D", according to the Revised
Plat of Block "D" and Block "E" of PALM BEACH SHORE
ACRES (Ocean Boulevard Estates) Delray Beach, Florida,
according to the Plat thereof recorded in the office
of the Clerk of Circuit COUrt of Palm Beach County,
Florida in Plat Book 7, page 38.
If the City of Delray BeaCh, Florida grants the petition of the
undersigned, dated October 10, 1966, to change the zoning classi-
ficationof said property from R~lAAA.(single family dwelling
district) to R~3 (multiple family.dwelling district), the under-
signed will as of the effective date of said change place the
following restrictions and limitations on said property which
are intended to be and shall be taken as covenants to run with
the land and to the public, namely~
1) No building shall be erected, placed, or altered on
this property that exceeds thirty (30) feet in height
measured from the highest finished grade to the ceiling
of the highest floor.
2) This covenant is.'to run with the land and to the
public and shall he binding on all parties and all per-
sons claiming hereunder for a period of five (5) years
from the date this covenant is recorded.
The Declaration of Restrictions to place said aforementioned
restrictions of record shall be executed and held by Byrd &
Whitley, Attorneys at Law, as Escrow Agent and shall be
placed of record upon the rezoning change being effective."
The City Attorney reported that Attorney James Nowlin, Sr. represent-
lng Mr. W. A. Wecker, was present earlier this evening and had seen
the letter and proposed deed restrictions prepared by Mr. Roig; further,
that he had informed Attorney Nowlin if Council is in favor of the deed
restrictions, an ordinance would be prepared for first reading at the
next regular meeting.
During disccusion, Attorney Fred Devitt informed Council that he has
an amendment to the option to buy, which Mr. Iglehart signed today,
saying these terms would be agreeable to him.
~ Mr. Talbot moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draft an
~rdinance to rezone Lots 21 & 22, Block D, ~alm Beach Shore Acres to
R-3 classification for presentation to Council at the next regular
meeting. The motion was seconded byMr. J~rney.
During discussion, Mr. Art Smith, Director of Planning, Zoning and
Inspection, commented on said proposed rezoning.
Upon call of roll on.the motion to instruct the City Attorney to
draft an ordinance to rezone said property, the motion carried unani~ '~
9.d. The City Clerk informed Council that the Planning/Zoning Board
held a public hearing on a request for rezoning, recently referred by
council to the Board, concerning Lots 3, 4 and 5, BlOck 1; also Lots
5 and 6, Block 2, Colonial Heights Subdivision, and the fOllowing is an
excerpt of the February 22nd Planning Board report concerning same:
-6- 2-24-67
"Afte~ consideration of all opinions and review of the above
described property, the Board unanimously recommended that
the petition be denied as it would create spot zoning in an
area not platted for Duplex Zoning and not conducive to the
additional traffic demands'of R-2 density."
· .Mr. Merritt.moved that the recommendation of the Planning/Zoning
Board be sustained, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and
unanimously carried.
9.e. Concerning the request of Mr. James J. Ritterbusch, dated October
27, 1966, for rezoning a tract of land fronting on the north side of
West Atlantic Avenue, adjacent to and west of Breezy Ridge Estates,
the Planning Board in its re~ort of February 7th, recommended that the
request be approved subject to a right-of-way being provided for
northerly extension of Homewood Boulevard through said tract. On
February 13th, Council referred this item back to the Planning Board
for clarification as to the width of right-of-way deemed necessary for
said road extension, and the following is the planning Board report
Concerning same, dated February 22nd=
"In reference to correspondence dated February 7th, 1967 from
the Planning and Zoning Board to City Council-concerning the
right-of-way on the west side of that.propertF known as
W~ of SW~ of NE% of SW% lying North
of the North right-of-way line of
West A~antic Avenue in Section 18,
Township 46 South, Range 43 East
the Board offers the following suggestion.
.. A right-of-way of eighty (80) feet be acquired on the
west side of said tract.
This right-of-way would providefor the orderly extension
of Homewood Boulevard, north of Atlantic Avenue.
An attached copy of a sketch showing the proposed right-
of-way in conjunction with theexisting Homewood Boulevard
is provided for Council's clarification.
This sketch also shows the relationship of this right-
of-way to a tentative street programinvolving the
extension of Davis Road and the forthcoming Congress
Based on this proposaland any future development of this.
area the Board feels.this right-of-way is of utmost
'' It was stated that rezoning should not be contingent upon contri-
bution of right-of-way.
Mr. Ritterbusch informed Council that the property involved is in
aa Estate, and the Trustees of the Estate is a bank in Manchester
England; further, that hewould reco~m~end to them that they donate an
80-foot right-of-way with some provision of a reverter clause where if
the road is not put in in a.stipulated'~number of years.that, the right-of-
Way would revert back to the original owners. Mr. Ritterbusch suggested
five years as a time limit on the road being built.
Mr. Jurney moved to accept the recommendation of the Planning/Zoning
Board and request the CityAttorney to prepare an Ordinance for Council
consideration and first.reading at the next regular Council meeting.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot, and following lengthy d&saussion,
carried unanimously.
9.f. Concerning the petition of the owners of Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block 81,
for rezoning of said property from R-2 to C-2, a Planning Board report
dated February 7th recommended that the request be approved subject to
the right-of-way being provided for future widening of N. E. 2nd Avenue
and N. E. 4th Street, The COuncil, passed a motion that this request be
tabled pending advice from the Planning Board as to recommended Width
-7- 2-24-67
of right-of-way necessary and the possibility of .obtaining quit claim
deeds for same.
The following is the Planning Board report concerning same, dated
F ebruaL~, 22ndz
"Tn reference to correspondence., dated February 7th, 1967 from
· the Planning and Zoning Board to City ;~uncil concerning the
right-ofoway at the South .East corner ~of North East 2nd Avenue
and 4th Street, the Board offers th· following suggestion.
1. An.'addLt~onal fl£teen feet of right-of-way on the North
Bast 4th Street side of said property.
This would coml~ly with City Ordinance No. G-34] estah-
lishling a forty foot setback from the center line of
4th Street.
i~ this. property is rezoned and commercially developed
any future attempts at right-of-way acquisition would
be at a much greater expense.
The major Thoroughfare plan and proposed State and County
Road Program indicate 4th Street'from Lake Ida Road to
u. s. % 1,-as the major Bast-West access in. the north end
of Delray Beach, -'
We .~feel for these reasons 'this subject deserves max~m
2. The need for a right-of-way on the 2nd Avenue side of
said property would require a detailed study of future.
traffic ways throughout the Detray Beach Shopping Area.
Although zoning .could not be wit~fb%~d, pand~gg su~h, atudy
the Board urges the city to consider this urgent recD/irement
as it would be a great economic saving to the city in the
Attorney Carl, G. Gezelschap appeared before council representing
one of the petitioners, Mrs. Julia L. Adams..
it was pointed OUt that zoning should not be contingent upon
contribut.ion of right-of-way.
Following discussion, Mr. Jurney moved that the City. Attorney be
directed to Prepare an ordinance to present to Council at the next
~egular meeting changing the ZOning ae requested, the motion being
seconded by ~r. Talbot and unanimously, carried.
Mr. Art Smith, Director of Planning, Zoning & Inspection, stressed
the importance of proper planning in relation to zoning.
10.a. Mrs. Charlotte Vogler informed Council that she is a Malabar at
Large of the Board of Directors of the Palm Beach County community
Action Council and under the reorganization, now underway, the Cities
in the County are being asked to send a representative to this Council
Who may be selected to serve on the Board of Directors.
Mrs. vogler said that Mr. Frank Carey, Jr. of Delray Beach has .been
serving on said Board of Directors during the past year~ and since his
term is expiring she would recOneaend that he be considered for appoint-
ment to represent the City of Delray Beach. in the County Poverty Program
if the Councilmen do not wish to represent the City in this program.
Mr. Frank Carey, Jr. was unanimously selected to represent the City
of Delray Beach on the Palm Beach County Community Action Council, on
motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Merritt.
10.a. On February 13th the City Manager. was directed to submit t9 Council
at this meeting a recommendation as to a method of artificially nourish-
ing the beach, and City Manager Gatchel reported that he has contacted
the Consulting Engineers in St. Petersburg relative to this questiOn
and has not received an answer from them at this time. The City Manager
said that he has a letter from the City Engineer on this item, but
prefers.to present it at the same time the o~ from the Consulting
Engineers is presented.
10.a. A meeting of Council with the Planning/Zonin~ Board w~s scheduled
for 8:00 P.M., Thursday, March 2nd, 1967, in the Conference Room at the
City Hall.
-8- "~ 2-24-67
lO.a. City Clerk Worthing informed Council that a request has been
received for the relocation of a cul de sac and abandonment of a small
portion of Del-Harbour Drive in order to develop Lots 9 thru 13, Del-
Harbour. Further, that it is recommended this item be referred to the
Planning/Zoning Board, the City Engineer .and the City Atto=r~.y for
study and recommendation. It was so moved by Mr. Talbot. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Croft and carr-ied unanimously..
lO.a. City Clerk Worthing informed Council that tyne Solicitations
Screening Committee reported today that they recommend the Palm Beach
County Unit of the American Cancer Society be granted a permit to
solicit funds in the City of Delray Beach from March 6th through March
!8th, 1967.
The request of the American cancer Society for soliciting in Delray
Beach was unanimously approved, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded
by Mr. Merritt.
10.a. Mr. Jurney asked City Manager Gatchel the status on the southwest
area drainage program, and the City Manager reported that the Consulting
Engineers are now ready to discuss this matter with Council, a~d he
suggested that it be at a workshop meeting rather than a regular Council
10.a. Mr. Croft referred to a letter from the City of Miami regarding
the cost to tha. t city in the campaign to reduce the rates of Florida
Power & Light Company and Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company,
and participation of other Florida cities in sharing some of"thet cost.
Mayor Avery said that when Miami had first asked'the City to l~articipate
in this, a year or so ago, the Council indicated at that time that it
would leave that up to the Florida Public Utilities Commission which is
set up for that purpose.
The City Manager was directed to write a letter to the City of
Miami informing them that there are no available funds in the current
budget for participation in this expense.
10.b. City Clerk Worthing presented Bills for Approval as follows~
General Fund $158,377 05
Water Operating & Maintenance Fund 4,657 6,3
Water Revenue Fund 64,787 40
Special Assessment Fund 120 75'
Refundable Deposits Fund 3,034 91
Improvement Fund 155 00
Sewer Operating & Maintenance Fund 20,910.86
Sewer Revenue Fund 50,000.00
Cigarette Tax Fund, Sinking Fund, Series 1965 24,452.50
Capital Improvements Construction Fund 2,003.94
The bills were unanimously ordered paid, on motion by Mr. Cloft and
~econded by Mr. Jurney.
The meeting adjourned at 10:37 P.M,
City Clerk