07-10-67 ~ULY 10, 1967. A regular meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor Al. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager David M. Gatchel, City Attorney John P~ss Adams, and Councilmen J. LeRoy Croft, James H. Jurney, LeROy W. Merritt and George Talbot, Jr., being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by the Reverend Charles Co Carrin. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America . was give~n. 3. The adnutes of 2he regular Council meetillg of J~ne 26, 1967, were tunanimously approved, on motion by Mr. Croft and second by Mr. Talbot. 5. Mr. Merritt said he had one item to present, which would be in the form of a motion, this matter having been tentatively approved at a previous meeting, and moved as follows: "Following a recon~endation o£ the County Solicitor, ! move that Himes & Hime8 be instructed to provide an audit of the long distance telephone calls made from, or charged to ~he City Mall telephone since January 1st of 1965, and that said audit include the date each call was made, who made the call, to whom the call was made and the charge for each call. This audit should also include any telegrams or other tolls charged to the City of De/ray Beach through the Telephone Company." The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimouslyo 5. Mayor Avery stated he has been besieged by calls frora residents of the northwest section of the City concerning the park at. the wester- ly end of N. Wo 11th Street, there having been reports in the newspapers recently that the County plans to restrict use of the park, eliminating the circular driveway and moving the boat remp to the west shore of Lake Ida, which is accessible only from N. W. 4th Street, The property owners who are within walk/ng distance of the park and frequently use the facilities are requesting that the City Council petition the County Commission to reconsider its action in resZricting the use of the park and give consideration to the operation of same in the same successful manner as it has been operated for the past several years. After lengthy discussion, during Which severs! of the Councilmen expressed the opinion that there was not sufficient information known about the County's plans to take any stand on the matter, Mr. Merritt moved that a telegram be sent to the County CommissiOn, requesting that they main- tain the present facilities at the Lake Ida Park until such time as the Delray Council can discuss ~ith them the problems connected with its operation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unani- mouslyo 5. Mayor Avery introduced Mr. Ray Villwock, who is replacing Jim Kelly as Delray Beach Bureau Chief for the Miami ~rald. 5. Mayor Avery informed the Council that two children had drowned ~n an area of the southwest section of the City, and that the city Manager is exploring the possibilities of the City taking steps to preve~t any such occurrences in the future~ further, that the Council would be informed of the results of his investigation. ' 6.a. City Manager Gatchel reported to Council as follows~ "For furnishing and installing storm shutters for the windows and doors, including the gable windows, at the Adult Recreation Canter, the following bids have been received= DON CLAPP INSTALLATION $1 ~ 124.02 TY-S~.CURE ALUMINUM CO., INC. .1~!$0.00 ~ PaoDvc~s o~ ~m~ ~cn, INc. -1- 7-10-67 1:24 ·hese shutters are to be made of ~auge .050 sheet aluminum having 3° corrugations. 'The gable shutters shell bo secured at the top with an aluminum header and ~olted at the botto~, Window and door shutters shall be bolted to ,the outside window and ,door frames, A sample shutter As available at the meeting tonight if the Council desires to lOOk at For protection of building and property within, it is re~ mended that the lc~ bid be accepted and necessary funds tO cover sa~e he authorized from the General FUnd Contingency Account. # He also advised that these shutters were very light and can be put up from the ground level. ~r. Croft moved that the low bid be accepted, as recommended, funds to be provided from the General Fund COntingency Account. motion was seconded by Hr. Talbot and carried unanimously. 6,b. Concerning the need for re~ovation of three Water supply wells, the · the City Manager informed Council that the degree of urgency for this work was es~abiished during the recent dry s~ell when the out, ut of all wells naturally dropped because of the lo~ering of the water table, and the capacities of these wells was £ovnd to be se~. iously impaired, in accordance with their normal expected abilities. He continued as follo~e. "Therefore, bads were solicited for the renovation o~ the three wells located: S, B. 9th Street and Swinton Avanuej S. E. 8th Street and Dixie ~ouleverd~ and So. 1 well at the Horth Water Plant. Very detailed and specific specifications for the renovation these wells were prepared by the City as it is of utmost iaportance that the potential, and or~ginally designed combined capacity output of 3700 G.P.M. be provided without undue delay, Bide were solicited £romz Alsay Drillin~, Inc. ~4axeon WelI'~Alling. This pro,eot demands avory quali£~ed and capable so,vice, only renderable by an experienced handler of ~urAatic acid undeE pressure, ~hich ~t is dee~od necessary for the proper ~d desired result to be accc~nplished. The only bad received was from Aleay Drilling company who is believed to be the only qualified rehabilitator of supply wells, ~n accordance with the City's sPecifiCations, in this area. The bid of Als&¥ OrAl,lng Compan]f is .based. upo~ a method of ~edure ~hieh differs slightly from the re, ovation procedure as set · ~Orth ~n the specifications. This difference, however, equals or ex- ceedo the specifications* m~nimum requirements and i8 considered i. sfactory by the City Engineer and Director of Public Utilities. 'Furthermore, Aleay Drilling, Xnc., incorporates An their pro- POsal the follo~ing understand$~g and agreementf ' It AS our opinion that this typo o£ treatment conducted in the manner set forth in our bid will restore the wells to full capacity. I~, in the opin~on of the engineers, a second treatmen~ on any well is deemed necesseury, w~ ~shall repeat the method described, at the direction of the engineers, w~th no charge of ny kind being made for labor or equilxuent used. City would, he, ever, purchase the aci~ at their discretion for such ~econd treatment'. ~t ia,' therefore, recommended that AlSay Drilling, Inc., be employed to renovate the subject .well0, in accordance with their pro- posal and agreement, as quote~' in the. precedin~ paragraph, for the sun of $4,385.50, with such funds being auhhoriz~d from ~he Water and Se~er Fund Contingency Accotmt.. Itt. Merritt moved that the well rehabilitation lmro~ram be in- stituted, es ~ecoz~ended by the City administration, and that funds be provided ~rom the Water a~d Sewer Contingency Account, the motion beA~ seconded by Mr. Croft end unanimously c~rried. 7.a. City Clerk Worthing reported that: Mr. Royal Randolph, Sr. o has petitioned for a;t~ansfer of Beer and Wine License No. 562, issued to Lee's Place, 50 N. W. 5th Avenue, consumption on the premisesl further, that Mr. Randolph has been appointed Manager of Lee's Place, his qualifications have been investigated and approved by the proper agen-. cies, and it is, 'therefore, recommended that the request be granted. It was moved by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Jurney that this request be. granted, the motion being unanimously carried. 8.a. The City Clerk presented RESOLUTION NO. 13-67. A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, .AUTHORIZ, lNG THE ~XECUTION OF LEASE AGREEMP-NT WITH FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY COMPANY TO PRO- VIDE CERTAIN SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION ON RAIL- WAY COMPANY OWNED LANDS. (Copy of Resolution No. 13-67 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.} See page 126-A. Mr. Merritt asked if the trees along S. E. 3rd Avenue from the bank parking lot south to 1st Street would be eliminated by construction of this sidewalk in the area proposed, and the City Manager advised that a great majority of them would have to be removed. Mr. Talbot moved that Resolution No. 13-67 be adopted, the motion being seconded by Mr. Croft. Upon call of roll, Mr. Croft, Mr. Jurney,. Mr. Talbot and Mayor Avery voted in favar of the motion and Mr. Merritt was opposed. 8.b. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 23-67. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA DE-ANNEXING FROM THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA THAT PORTION OF U. S. HIGHWAY NO. i (STATE ROAD NO. 5) RIGHT- OF-WAY NORTH OF THE NORTH LIMITS OF THE GREATER DELRAY BEACH RESERVE AREA~ AND RATIFYING AND CONFI-RMING THE ANNEXATION OF ALL OF SAID HIGH- WAY RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHIN SAID RESERVE AREA PRE- VI'OUSLY ANNEXED BY VARIOUS ORDINANCES. Ordinance No. 23-67 was unanimously placed on first reading, on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Merritt. 8.c. The City Clerk presented F2i~RGENCY ORDINANCE NO. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY.OF DELRAY BEACH,- FLORIDA, PERTAINING TO REGULATIONS ON THE CONDUCT OF BINGO GAMES WITHIN THIS CITY~ PROVIDING FOR A PERMIT~ AND PROVIDING ~ t'~-N~Z FOR ANY VIOLATION HEREOF. CCopy mf Emergency Ordinance No. 24-67 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.} See pages 126-B-C. Emergency Ordinance No. 24-67 was unanimously passed and adopted on this first and final reading, on motion by Mr. J~rney and seconded by Mr. Merritt. The City Manager advised that permits have been prepared and will be available at City Hall beginning tomorrow for use of those who wish to apply. 9.a. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that a very detailed and lengthy report 'of the desalting of ocean water to provide a possible future source of water for human consumption was attached to the agenda, and it is recon~ne~ded that further consideration of the matter be de- ferred for discussion at a future workshop meeting. It was so moved by Mr. Croft, seconded by Mr. Merritt and the motion carried unanimously. -3- 7-10-67 ~1:26 10.a. ~t~. Daniel Doher~y, on behalf of the Veterans of Foreign Ware, thanked the Council for adopting the ordinance concerning bingo games, and also stated that his organization is vitally interested in keeping t~e H. W. llth $~reet recreational facilities open and aPPreciates the CoUncil ' s stand on ~he mat~er o lO.a. Mr. Ralph Browning, Vice-Contender of the American Legion, also expressed hie organizationls appreciation to ~he Council for passing the ordinance allowing bingo gomes, ~hich he said further enables the American Legion to foster Little League baseball in Delray Beach. 10.a. Mr. J. William SCJunalz, 200 Andrews Avenue, co,ended the Police Department for the f~ne Job they are doing lO.x. Cit~y t4anager Gatchel stated that he had given the Council, this evening, a col~ o£ a memorandum concerning staffing of the FiFe Depart- ment effective July let; further, that he had withheld this matter until proper recognition could be given to retired Fire Chief ~ohn Gregory for 3S years and $ months service with this City, and with Council's approval, made the following appointments.* Acting Chief 3o J. ~u£nn promoted to Chief~ Captain C, D. Cook to Assistant Chie£; Wickert 'to CaPtain; and Fireman L. R. ~oiner to Lieutenant. Chief Ouinn was in~roduced and 'he stated that the Department would tr~ to qo ahead with the same fine Job that Chief Gregoz¥ had started. 10.X. The Cl~y Manager informed Council that the Attorney for the Palm Beach county Legislative Delegation has advised that all four bills in which the City is interested have passed ~both Houses, and that the only thing that could stop these bills £rom becoming law wa8 a gubernatorial veto, which is highly unlikely in these cases. 10.x. Cit~ Clerk ~orthing reported that the Daughter of Sion Seventh Day Adventist Church request permission to erect a tent for conducting church services, connencing ~uly 23rd and extending £or eight ~eeks, on a parcel of land located on the 8outhvee~-corner o~ West Atlantic and 12th Avenues, with 132.5' frontage.on Atlantic Avenue and a depth 120' or approx~nately 14,000 square feet; further, that the owners have given the£r consent for such use of the land, the Ministerial Alliance has expressed its concurrence with the petitionerls deSire~ and should it be the pleasure o£ Council to grant this request, such aPProval should be subject to the applicMlt con~lyin~ w~th all require~ents as set forth in Ordinance 1~o. 60-66, as pertains to pe~uiesive use of ten.ts and other tee~orar¥ str~c~res. Mr. CroEt moved that the request be granted, subject to the requirements outlined by the City Clerk, the fir. Jurney and unanimously carried. 10':]$:;.x City Clerk 3qorthing presented a bill fro~ l~Ea~ton ltedio & ?. V. in ~ amount of $475.00 for the television set given to retiring Fire ~ief ~ohn Gregory, to be included in the Bills for Approval., ~hich axe kS follo~s ~ General Fund $56,573.05 Cigarette Tax Fund 55,358.00 lqater Operating & t4sintenance Fund Se~er Construction Trust Fund 806.25 The bills were unanimously Ordered paid, on motion by Mr. Merritt and seconded by YLc. 3urney. The meeting a~Journed at 8:56 P.M. RESOLUTION NO. 13-67. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRA¥ BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZ- ING THE EXECUTION OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY COMPANY TO PRO- VIDE CERTAIN SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION ON RAIL- WAY COMPANY OWNED LANDS. WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach desires to construct a sidewalk five (5) feet in width on certain lands owned by the Florida East Coast Railway Company, said portion of property being more spe- cifically described as follows: A five foot (5") strip of land on the Railway's easterly right of way with easterly line of said parcel commencing at a point on Railway's easterly right of way limit four thousand six hundred eighty feet (4,680') southerly from Railway's Mile Post NO. 316, as measured from Jacksonville, Florida, with easterly line continuing southerly and coin- ciding with Railway's easterly right of way limit a distance .- of 1,040 feet, more or less, said easterly line also being the westerly line of Southeast Third Avenue, Delray Beach, FlOrida; southerly line of said parcel having a length of 5 feet coinciding with the northerly line of Southeast Second Street, Delray Beach, Florida, at right angles to said easterly line; westerly line of said parcel being 5 feet distant westerly from and parallel with said easterly line; with northerly line having a length of 5 feet and being parallel wi{h and 1,040 feet, more or less, distant northerly from said southerly, line. Ail as shown on Railway's print of Plan 317-3-23, dated July 1, 1967, attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, 'BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. .That the City of Delray Beach does hereby contract and agree to enter into an agreement with Florida East Coast Railway Com- pany wherein and whereby said City of Delray Beach is given the right .. and privilege to construct and maintain a sidewalk on right of way of Florida East Coast Railway Company within the City Limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as more particularly described in Lease Agree- ment attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. That the Mayor with the attestation of the City Clerk, be and they hereby are each authorized and directed to execute said Lease Agreement for and on behalf of said City of Delray Beach, Florida. 3. That this Resolution shall take effect .i~m~ediately upon its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of July, 1967. ATTEST: City C ler~~~ 126-B ORDINANCe. NO. 24-67. AN F,M~R~'NCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP .T~ .CITY OP DE~RAY BF~H, FLORIDA, PER~ TAINING TO REGULATIONS ON THE.. ~;O~DUCT OF · B~I~ GAMF~.WITHZN ·THIS CITY; PROVIDING FOR , A PEEZ4IT; ~ PROVIDING, A PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION HEREOF. WHEREAS, the~ State of Florida recently enacted a law legallzing certain app..roved bingo or ~uest games and providing when, how, and by whom they shall be conducted; and 'the dis- tribution of the proceeds therefrom; and WH~, "it~i~ fo~n'~ and determined by the C£..ty Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that the public welfare of the City requires that the conduct of such games within the city be further regulated by requiring a permit; so that local police officials will know when, where and by whom any such games are being conducted; and WHEREAS, the City Council has deeme~ that this situation warrants the passage of this ordinances as an emergenc,y measure, as authorized under Section 30 of the City Charter of this City ~or the protection o~ the interests, of its citizens; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. ~Y person, firm or c0rp0~ration des£ring to conduct a ,bingo or other game .permitted. under Section 849.093 Florida Statutes0 '1967, shall file an application for permit on a form attached to this ordinance. It shall be unlawful to conduct such games except in stri,ct .compliance with said.permit. 'Section-2. The City Manager 'shail iupon consideration' of said :application, in his sound and sole judgment, either grant or deny the issuance of a permit for the conduct of such games, which permit shall be conditioned on ~the applicant's ~trict compliance with the regulations of Section 849.093 aforesaid,. and further conditioned on the applicant holding said games at the scheduled times, and Places in a manner so as not to create a n,uisance in th.e n~ighborhood of the approved site. Said permit Shall be effective for a period to be set by the City Manager unless sooner revoked or cancelled. SeCtion'3~ The City Manager shall have the ~lgh~ in his discretion to require submission of evidence as to the char£table, civic, co~unity, benevolent, religious, scholastic works, Or non- Profit status of any organization making application for said per- mit. The City Manager shall also have: the right at. his discretion to require' the books 'or_' any additional information not hereinabove Specifically be made available'fOr his inspection and examination. This .shall aPPly to any organization making applica~ti0n for a permit Or having a permit to conduct SUch games in the .City. The granting Of any permit shall be' refused, un,il such information has been furnished or in the event a permit has been issued, the same shall be subject to cancellation because of~such failure to furnish, the information requested; Section 4. Appeals t6 the City C0Unci! may be taken by anY' person, firm or corporation aggrieved b~' any dec~sion of the Ci.ty Manager. The City Council shall fix a reaSonable time for the hearing, give notice to the parties in ~n.te~est, and decide the same Within a reasonable time. ~ ' 126'C Page 2. O~dinance No. 24-67. Section 5. Any Person, fit~ or COOl, ratiOn "found ~ilty of a violation of ~e p~OviStOnS of S~tion S49.093.-~lortda tion ~ereto, the Ci~ M~ may re~ke said ~lt, ' P~S~ ~ '~D as ~ ~gency ~dinance ~s 19th day of ~ly , ', 1~7, to becO~ effec~tiva ~'latel~; .... :"- - MAYOR ATTBST: City Clezk 127 ,T(~Y 24, 1967. A regular meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor Al. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager David M. Gatchel0 C£ty Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen J. LeRoy Crof. t, James H. Jurney0 -Leisy W. Merritt and George Talbot, Jr. 0 being present. ~ 1. An opening prayer was delivered by City Clerk R. D. Worthing. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. 3. The ~Lnutes of the regular meeting of July loth, were u~animously approved,-ion motion by Mr..Croft and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 4. City Clerk Worthing read a copy of a letter, dated July 21st, 1967, from the League of Women Voters of South Palm Beach County, to the Board of County Commissioners, urging that Board to keep the Lake Ida Park at N. W. 11th Street o~en. The League of Women Voters commended the City Council for the steps it has already taken in this regard. Mayor Avery asked that the City Manager schedule a meeting between the Board of County Commissioners and the City Council for discussion of this important item. 4. City Clerk Worthi~g read a letter from Mr. Skip Crawford, Derby Director of the S~uth Palm Beach County Soap Box Derby, thanking the City foF its recent cooperation and donation, and expressing desire for continued SUppOrt in the future. 4. The City Clerk read the following 'letter from Rev. Carl E. Storey, Chairman Committee of 100 South COunty MOody Adam's Crusade, dated July 13, 1967: "This is to express the appreciation of the Committee of .100 for your cooperation in granting the use of the Delray City Park for the August area-wide Evangelistic Crusade. B.ecause of limited parking, .and no facilities in case of rain, we.requested permission from the county School Board to use the Seacrest Stadium. This permission was granted just a few days ago; therefore, we are changing to' the Seacrest Stadium for the crusade. This will enable us to ha%e support' from the entfr~ South Cou.n. ty Area with churches Cooperating' from Deerfie~d to Lake Worth. Again, thanks for YOUr. consideration and for the excellent cooperation given by Dave Gatchel, City Manager, . and his staff. - 4. Mayor Avery ann°un,ed that Miss Carol Rick, a Seacrest High School. student, planned to Study this .sucre, er at a University in Strasbourg A,l-~ace Lorr&£ne FranCe and that Miss Rick had been designated as the May0r's good. will ambassador to convey the title of Honorary Mayor of DelraY Beach upon the'Mayor of 'that City. City Clerk. Worthing read a letter from Miss Rick' informing Mayor Avery of a formal, reception held by the Mayor-of that City in honor of the American students taking courses at the U~ivers~ty this summer, and of his pleasure with the title of Honorary Mayor of Delray Beach. 5. Mr. Croft referred to a call regarding an unsanitary condition at 2~7 S. W. 3rd Avenue %~here sanitary sewers are available but not being made use of. 5. Mr. CrOft mentiOned'the recent construction, by the. county, of an asphalt sldewalk on the north. Sid~ of S. W. 10th Street in the vicinity of Pine Grove Elementary School, and said that the sidewalk terminates about 100 feet east of S. W. 10th Avenue leaving that area -1- 7-24-67 ~ at the intersection of Germantown Road and 10th Street with no side- walk and the school children either have to walk in the sand or on the roadway. He said if the county cannot provide a Sidewalk in that area that he feels the City should provide one f~ its citizens. The City Manager was directed to investigate this item and make a r econ~nendation. 5. With reference to his motion at the last regular Council meeting concerning audit of long distance telephone calls made from the City Hall, Mr. Merritt said he had stated a starting date but. had neglected to state a closing date. He then moved that said telephone calls be audited up to May 1, 1967, and the cost of said audit to come from the. General Fund i Contingency Account. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney, and following discussion as to the cost of such an audit, the motion carried unanimously. 5. Mr. Merritt said that he ha~ discussed with the City Manager a proposed ordinance concerning the pick up of excessive trash by the City, and asked .that such an ordinance be presented for consideration as soon as possible. Mr. Merritt also a.sked about an ordinance con- cerning the limiting of, or regulating the distance between gasoline stations. City Attorney Adams informed Council that he has accumulated ordinances concerning that item from all over South Plorida; that he had discussed same with the City of Palm Beach; and is aware that the city of Boca Raton is having problems with its ordinance concerning same; further, that he feels such an ordinance is more of a policy matter, and suggested that a comittee be appointed to work up a desired ordinance and he would work in an advisory capacity with Such a committee. Mayor Avery appointed the following committee to prepare said Ordinancet Councilman Merritt as Chairman; the City Manager; the City Attorney; the Chairman of the Planning/Zoning Board and another member of the Planning/Zoning Board, said member, most experienced concerning this matter, to be selected by ~he Chairman of that Board. The City Attorney informed Mr. Merritt that he would be ready to work with the Committee .whenever a meeting is scheduled. 5. Mr. Talbot requested that the City Manager submit to Council an itemized statement of the ~amount of money the Tennis Committee has spent in this year's budget and what it was spent for. The Council agreed to this request, and Mr. TaAbot asked that Such itemized state- ment be mailed to each Councilman as soon as possible. 5. Mr. Talbot said that he thinks the City should inspect and license individual cars, trucks and motorcycles in order to control the safety factor of Delray Beach. In: the .past: when he' had mentioned .this .item, he had been advised that Delray Beach wac to small a town for that pro- cedure. With Council, consent, Mr: Talbot requested that the City Manager discuss this matter with the Chief of Police and ~thers to determine the feasibility of such licensing, and if they feel it is necessary that a licensi~g, inspection program be set up by Ordinance. 6.a. Mayor Avery announced that bids have been received for the construction of sewer collection lines and appurtenances thereto, for s~wer conStruCtion Areas 23 and 25, and asked that these bids be examined by the City"Attorney, City Engineer, representative of the Consulting Engineers and the City Manager. The City Manager announced the bids received as follows: -2- 7-24-67 129 Base Bid -'Items ' Alternate Bid BIDDER thru. 21,' 22,'. 23 Items 21, 22, 23 Days thru 44, 45 and 46 thru 43, 44a 45a and 46 _ cambron Constr. Co., Inc. Orlando, Florida $194,595.80 $195.400.80 150 Intercounty Constr. corp. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida $267,470.35 None 180 Dawson Co., Inc. Jupiter, Florida $254,528.72 None 250 Dargel Constr. Co., Inc. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida $242,210.40 $242,210.40 200 ~ Mr. Croft moved that these bids be referred'to the ~ons~l~ing ;: Engineers for analysis and recommendation. The-motion was seconded by Mr. Merritt and carried unanimously. 6.b. Concerning the City-owned 400 feet of beach property, City Manager Gatchel informed council that as authorized, and advertised in the Wall Street Journal0 Chicago - Detroit - St. Louis - Atlanta - Jacksonville - Tampa and Miami papers, the 400 feet of City-owned beach property at 1300-1400 South Ocean Boulevard was offered for possible sale at public auction, in the City Hall on Thursday, July 20, and the only offer of purchase was made by the canada House, Inc., by Mr. H. D.. McGilvery, Director, in the m~ount of $300,000.00~ further, that Council, in compliance with Section 7 of the City's Charter, may accept or reject this offer. · Mr." Jurney 'moved that the offer tO' p~rchaSe 'the 400~foot beach owned by the City of Delray Beach, and offered at public auction on July .20th, 1967, 'be declined and that the City Mal~ager be directe(l to return any and all deposit to the Canada House, Inc. in care of Mr. H. D.. McGilvery. Director, thanking them for their intent and interest they showed on the bidding. The motion was seconded by Mr. Merritt add Carried unanimously. Mr. Jurney then moved that the City Manager be d~rected to hold open for bids at a.public auction the City-owned 400 feet of beach and that any and all interested parties may participate, including the local =eal estate brokers, on the same legal basis that the property was previously offered. City Attorney. Adams q~estioned whether Mr. Jurney intended to convey the impression that said beach property is still for sale, and upon being informed by Mr. Jurney that was the intent of his motion, the City Attorney suggested that the City Manager be asked express interest to anyone who may contact him tha% the City is still interested'in negotiating for the sale of said property. Mr. Jurney said it is his desire that the property still remain open for Sale to anyone who comes up with sufficient amount of money that the Council will accept, subject 'to whatever is legal. The motion was seconded by Mr. Merritt, and u~on call of ro11, Mr. Croft, Mr2 Jurney and Mr. Merritt voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Talbot ~, and Mayor Avery were opposed. t Mayor Avery said it had bean his hope that tonight the City ~ Council would direct ~he City Manager to present a feasibility study, including cost, to prepare said property for .use by £he public. 6.c. Concerning e survey of parcels of land in violation of .the City's nuisance laws presented by the City Manager, Mr. Talbot moved that the City Clerk be authorized to proceed with the enforcement of Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances. The motion was seconded by 'Mr. Croft and carried unanimously. (Copy of nuisance survey is attached to the official copy of these minutes~) See page 134-B. 6.d. Concerning an application by Mr. ~-rnest~ Glass for Certificate of Public Convenience for the operation of one taxicab, City Clerk Worthing informed Council this application had been denied on April 24th~ however, V£ce-Mayor Jurney requested its reconsideration. -3- 7-24-67 Further, should Council desire to reconsider this application, it should determine a time and place for a public hearing to be held thereon, in compliance with Section 26-7 of the Code of Ordinances. Mr. Jurney moved that a public hearing be held on this item at the next regular Council meeting, the motion being seconded by Mr. Merritt and unanimously carried. X, Mayor Avery introduced Mr. Ozie F. Youngblood, 'a CounciI candidate for the General Election to be held on December 5, 1967. 7.a. City Clerk Worthing referred to a lengthy letter from the Palm Beach County Medical Society, explaining its aims and functions, and that said Society solicits Council appointment of one representative to a Palm Beach County Health'~P~anning Council, which is being initiated by the Palm Beach County Medical Society. It was questioned whether this was a lay council or professional council. City Manager Gatchel referred to a letter dated July 21st, from Mr. Lake Lytal, Executive Secretary of the Palm Beach County Planning Council, asking that consideration be given to this request to appoint a lay person to represent Delray Beach on said Planning Council. Following discussion, Mr. Talbot moved that the City Manager be directed to call the Administrator ~f~.the~-&ocal ~Hospital: and:~any.-rep- resentatives of the medical profession asking for suggestion of the name of a person for such appointment. The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft and carried unanimously. City Attorney Adams advised Council that the suggested name should be presented to Council for appointment. ?.b... City Clerk Worthing informed Council that the South County EvangeI£stic Crusade, conducting a Crusade from August 14th through.' the 2?th, at the Seacrest High School Athletic Field request permission to place a banner over and across Seacrest Boulevard, just opposite the entrance to the parking lot at Seacrest High School, during that period of time from August 17th' through the 27th and that the banner Would read: MOODY ADAMS, CRUSADE, AUGUST 17-27. Mayor Avery said if the request for such banner._'is;~ approved, it should be subject to the reconunendations of the Chief of Police and the City Manager concerning proper height, etc. Mr. Talbot moved that the City Manager be instructed to' confer with the Chief of Police .and authorize such banner placement as is satisfactory to the Public safety, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney. Mr. Croft said that since Seacrest Boulevard is a County road, the County may have restrictions. The City Manager said he would check with the County on that matter, Upon call of ro11, the motion carried unan/mously. 7,c. Concerning request for a gratis license, city Clerk Worthing in- formed Council that Mr. Richard J. Price, an individual physically incapable of manual labor, so certified by a reputable, registered physican, as well as the Vocational Rehabilitation Division of the State Department of Education, has petitioned for a gratis license to do Roof Cleaning and Painting. Further, investigation discloses the applicant warrants such consideration, and it is recommended that, in compliance with Section 205.15 of the FlOrida Statutes, as well as Section 16-4 of the City's Code of Ordina~ces, the request be granted. Mr. Talbot moved that said license be granted as recommended. The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft who questioned a physically in- capable person conducting that type of business. The City Clerk informed Council that the Vocational. Rehabilitation Bureau has set Mr. Price up in business with a helper to perform the work that Mr. Price is unable to do, and in accordance with the Florida Statutes reconmlended that the license be granted. -4- 7-24-67 Following lengthy ~iscussion, Mr. Talbot withdrew his motion that the license be granted. Mr. Jurney moved that this item be tabled until more information concerning said disability is furnished t-o Council, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried. 7.d. Regarding a petition for abandonment of a limited right-of-way, City Clerk Worthing reported to Council as follows.. "Mr. C. Herrick Hammond owns Lot 1, Block E, Palm Beach Shore AcreS, 702 North Ocean Boulevard, which lot extends from Ocean H~levard westard to ~ndrews Avenue, a distance of approximately 607 feet. In 1956, Mr. Hammond, whose home fronts on North Ocean Boule- yard, decided to, and did plat this property into 3 10ts, two-of which comprised the west 267.4 feet of said Lot 1. Egress and Ingress to the inside lot of these two lots was provided by the dedication of the south 15.7 feet of said lots. Lots 1 and 2, as appear on the copy of plat, are now to be offered for sale as ~ne lot, fronting on Andrews Avenue, and Mr. Hammond has requested abandonment of that lS.7 foot dedicated right-of-way. It is recommended thi~ petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Board." It was reported that no public utilities exist in said right-of- way and the paving of same is not up to City specifications. Mr. Talbot said that he is familiar with the property and in favor of Council granting the request,"moved that this item be referred to the Planning/Zoning Board, as recommended. The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft and carried unanimously. 8.a. City Clerk Worthing presented RESOLUTION NO. 14-67. A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DE~RAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUIRING PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATE OF COST TO OPEN, GRADE AND PAVE THAT PART OF NORTHEAST SEVENTH COURT LYING BETWEEN SEVENTH AND EIC~HT AVENUES A DISTANCE OF TWO HUNDRED THZRTY-FIVE {235) FEET. (Copy of Resolution No. 14-67 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See page 134-A. It was pointed out that the City participation of cost would be 20 per cent. Resolution No. I4-67 was unanimously passed and adopted on this first and final reading, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Talbot. 8.b. The City Clerk presented ORDINANCE NO. 23-67. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA DE-ABrNEXING FROM THE CITY OF DE~RAY. BEACH', FLORIDA THAT PORTION OF U. S. HIGH~AY~NO. I (STATE ROAD NO. 5) RIGHT- OF-WAY NORTH OF THE NORTH LIMITS OF THE GREATER DELI{AY BEACH RESERVE AREA; AND RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING THE ANNEXATION OF ALL OF SAID HIGH-- WAY RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHIN SAID RESERVE AREA PRE- VIOUSLY ANNEXED BY VARIOUS ORDINANCES. (Copy of Ordinance No. 23-67 is sttached to the official co~y of these minutes.) See page 134-C. There being no objection to Ordinance No. 23-67, said Ordinance was unanimously passed and adopted on this second and final reading, on motion by Mr. 'Talbot and seconded by Mr. Croft. -5- 7-24-67 132 S.c. City Clerk Worth~ng presented ORDIN~ NO. 25-67. o ~Y B~CH, ~IDA~ ~NG ~ ~ CI~ OF ~SHI~ 46 SO~H, ~N~ 43 ~, ~ICH ~G~U8 ~ E~ST~G ~ICIP~ L~ITS OF ~D I~E ~ID ~ PROV~NG ~ ~ ~S OBLI~TIONS OF SAID ~D~ ~ PR~IDING ~IN~ ~OF. 824 An~s Avenue Orainance No. 2S-67 was ~an~ously placed on first =ea~ing, on mot~o~ by ~. Tarot and s~cond~ by ~. Jurney. 8.d. ~e C~ty Clerk pres~ted O~I~ ~. 26-6T. ~L~Y ~A~ ~RTA~ L~D ~D IN ~CTION ~SHIP ~ ~, ~GE 43 ~, ~ZCH ~ IS ~ZG~US. ~ E~STZN~ ~ICIP~ LIMI~ OF SAID CI~" ~DE~NI~ T~ BO~DAR~ES OF SAID CITY TO IN~E ~ ~ PROVIDING FOR ~ ~G~S ~D ~LI~TIONS OF SAID ~ AND PR~DI~ FOR ~NZ~ T~OF. 902 N. E. 9th Avenue ordinance No, 26-67 was unani~usl~ plac~ on first reading, on motion by Croft and seconded by ~. ~ot. 8.e. ~e cindy Clerk presented O~x~N= ~, 27-67. ~ o~x~= oF ~ cx~ ~CIL oF T~ DE~Y ~A~ ~RTAIN ~D ~D ~N SE~ION 21, ~P 46 SO,H, ~ 43 ~ST, ~I~ ~ND ~I~S ~ E~ST~G M~ICIPAL L~S .OF~ SAID ~N~ SA~= ~ }~V~D~ ~O~ ~ ~S O~=~T~ONS O~ SA~= ~ ~ S~VZD=N= ~N~O ~ff. 1020 ~o~eS-Villa Avenue Or~inan=e ~. 27-67 was unani~us~y pla=e~ on fi~t reading, on ~tion by ~. Tarot an~ secon~e~ by ~. Ju=ney. 8.f. City Clezk ~.r~ing ~resente~ O~N~ NO. AN O~IN~ Off ~ CI~ ~CIL OF ~ CI~ OF ~L~Y BEA~ ~RTA~ ~ ~D IN SE~ION 21, ~SHIP 46 SO~, ~G~ 43 EAST, ~Z~ ~D ~S ~NZ~ ~OF. 1111 S. Ocean Boulevard The City Clerk displa~ a tentative sketch plan b~ 'a ~1ooal architect of a proposea ~o-story builaing, acc~anied bY a petition of the pro~rty ~ers for ann~t~on of said land s~Ject to it being zoned R-3 classification. Fo11~&ng g~eral ~cussion, ~. Jurney ~v~ that Ordinance No. 28-~7 be placed on first reading. The ~tion ~ for lack of a second, an~ no ~rther Consideration was giv~ the ~etition for annexa- tion. -6- 7-24-67 1.33 8.g. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDIN~ NO. 29-67,. DE~Y B~ C~TAIN L~ ~TED IN SECTI~ 28, T~SHIP 46 S~, ~GE 43 ~T, ~ICH CI~; ~DEF~IN~ T~ B~D~I~ OF SAID ClW TO ~LIGATZ~S OF SAID L~ ~D PR~ID~G FOR ~N~G TH~OF. 2203 S. ~e~ Blvd. ~dinance No. 29-~7 was ~an~usly p}aced on first reading, on motion by ~. Taler ~ seconded by ~. Croft. 9.a. City Clerk Worthing re. fred ~at on J~e 26th, Co~cil re~erred to ~e Planning/~ning ~ard the petition o[ Dra. As~ler, Cox Kucera, ~ers of certain 1~ ~n ~eola Park, who ha~. re~este~ rezoning of a ~rtion ~ereof to R-3 (Multiple F~ily ~elling trict}, The following is the re~rt of the Pl'~n~ng/~ning Board to Coc- ci1, ~ated July 19th= "At the regular meeting of ~e Pl~g ~d ~n~ng Board held ~Ul~. 18th~ [967 in the COu~.cil ~er, a ~bl. ic Hear- ing was he[~ for consideraZion 0f a r~est for rezoning from R-i~ (Single ,F~ily ~elling District) to R-3 F~ily ~t!ing) that ~r0perty described Lots 1 through ,~, Block 12~ also Lot 12, Block 1, less ~e.North 75 feet, all being . in Osceola P~k, City .of Delray :Beach. No decision was made at ,th~s t~eJ ~ Julv 19th, 1967, the P1~ing and ~ning Board met again for' fu~er discussion of ~is r~est. As a result, '~e Boars ~ted unan~ousiy ~ r~est City Council deny the ~etition at this t~e. as ~is ~uld constitute s~t zoning, Be it a~so kn~ that the '~ard favors rezoning the area t° R-3 at a future t~e, particularly if 2he r~est ~uld include rezoning the preset C-2 ~G~eral ~%~ercial- District) portion to R-3, wi~ the existing co~ercial structures remaning as non-confo~ing uses." 'Following discussion, ~. Tal~Z moved that the re~endation of the Planing .Board be sustained. ~e ~tion was s~onded by croft ~d carried unan~ously. 9.x. City Clerk Worthing read the m~uteS- of the Beautification co~ittee meeting of 'July 19~, 1~67, and COuncil action was re~este~ on the follOwi~g Paragraph of said minutes= '~11owing a 'a~sc~ss~on of ~e recent Council action con- cerning the 'ilth S~eet L~e Ida Park,"'the Co~ittee urgently reco~ends that ~e p~k be p~eserved; whether as a City or County Park.. They further urge that the Co~I investigate the ~ss[~i.lit~ of ac~r[ng~the park for the City in vi~ of the .existing shortage of actua'l ~ark area." It was ~inted out that the C~ty COunc~ plus to meet with Board of ~unty Co~[ssioners r~ard~ng this it~. lO.a. ~elray Beach Jaycees T~ Woo~ and Jer~ Bat~ appear~ before Counc~!_~d asked for ~e~ission ~ use the north wing of the .Delray Beach Civic Center eve~ Monday nigh~ for a Bingo Night s~nsor~ the Delray Beach Jaycees. ~is it~ was referr~ to the City M~ager for his re~endati~. 7~24-67 1.34 and he informed Mr. Batsman that he would give this his consideration as soon as possible. 10.a. Mr. Lee Harrison, 310 N. E. 1st Aven~e, asked if the City Manager had talked with the Manager of the Publix Store relative to some of the complaillts Mr. Harrison had-made concerning said store. The City Manager reported that he had talked-with the store manager who denied that fish was being burned in their incinerator. Concerning limiting the hours that trucks-~c~me to the store, the City Manager informed Mr. ltarr~son the store m~ager had taken the request a~d said he would do everything he. could; ~ever, when it concerned transPOrt trucks coming from all sections of the State with deliveries to .his store along with deliveries to_ other sto~es in the area, such a request was not entirely within their ~' ability to establish. The City M~ager explained 'that one of Mr. H~Frison,s complaints is the time of city garbage pick up in that area, a~d said that it is impossible to pick up in all of the commercial areas' throughout town at a time desirable to the residents of all of. those areas, and that an endeavor had been made to reroute the City truck so it would work in that' location at a more acceptable hour to Mr. Harrison, Concerning the incinerator at the P~blix Market, the-City Man- ager reported it is supposed to be operating properly at this time and that he had:been informed it~ operatio.n_.had been corrected-to the satisfaction of the County Health Dep~r_tment. Following discussion, Mr. Jurney moved that the City Manager be directed to consult with his superintendent of the disposal unit and reschedule the pickups. The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimously. .. 10.a. Mrs. Ida S. Boel£tz0 34 North Swinton Avenue, commented to Council in view of recent break-ins and other disturbances within the City, and along with many. others would-appreciate any further police protection that is possible to render,: 10.a. Mrs. Dorothea Montgomery asked of the p~ssibili~y of' finding out about a .better type of screen, that would given residents more protection, and said such~ iaformation may be obtained, from the police ~epa~t throughout the state or country, and that she understands the National Police Association has publications that may giv~ in- formation on that subject. Mayor Avery asked that the City Manager investigate that request. 10.al Mr. Thomas Hatcher informed Council that he is interested in the City clearing-and preparing the 400 feet of Cit-f beach property for use by the residents of the City. 10.b. City Clerk Wot.thing presented the following Bills for A~proval~ ~eneral Fund $204,856.22 Water Revanue Pund 29,893.20 Water Operating & Maint~ance Fund . 5,158.41 Special Assessment Fund 540.00 Re fundable Depos its Fund 2,857.61 The bills were unanimously ordered paid, on motion by Mr, . Merritt and seconded by Mr. Croft. The meeting ad3ourned at 9=45 P~M. R. D. W~THING _ City Clerk APPR~ MAYOR ~" -8- 7-24-67 134-A a ~SOLVTXON~ OF T~ CX~ C~ ~ ~ C~T ~O~N~ ~ ~ PA~ ~T ~T ~~T S~ C~T LYI~ ~, the Ci~ C~uil of t~ Ci~ of Delray Beach, Pl~ida, may ~em it to be necessa~ for the safety and convenie~ce of the ~l~c~ tO o~n, grade and ~ve that pa~ of ~r~ast Seventh C~ ly~g bergen Seventh ~d Eighth Arenas a distence of t~ h~ed ~hirty'five feet, ~ a Width of ~en~y-four (24) feet, ~he City of Del- ray Beauh~ Palm ~ach County. FlOrida, tO ~re of such ~pr~e~nt with the o~ers of lan~ ~u~ting there- on2 ~- ~W, T~O~, BE XT ~SOL~D by ~e City Council~ of t~ City of Delray Beach, Palm Beth County, Florida as roll.s: S~ON 1. That the City%~a~r ~' r~ired to 8~mit plans, s~cificatio~ and ~ es%imate of of such i~e~nt to be ~, ~4 t~t~ ~he s~ sha~ ~lace4 ~ file in ~e office of t~ Ci~ P~S~D ~ ~O~D"by t~ City Co~nci1 of the City of Delray Beth, Fl~i4a on ~his Z~ ~th day of July, /S/ Al. C. Avery_ -._. MAYOR ATTESTs /S/ R. D. Worthing ........ City 'Cle~-k 134-B PROPERTIES IN VIO~%TION O~ ORDINANCE NO. G-147 AND S~CTION$ 15-3 and 15-4 of the CITY CODE. PROPERTY CITY OWNER ADDEESS DESCRIPTION COD~ 1. Natalie L.F. 531 N. Swinton Avenue Vacant part ofLot i 15-3 Conroy Delray Beach, Fla. less South 2 feet, ~lbck'~0-Del-Ida Park 15-4 2. Helen M. Rust 133 Elderfiel~ Road Lots 3, 4'& 5, 15-3 Plower Hill Bl~ck.' 10, & Manhasse~ ~.I., Seagate.Section A. 15-4 NewYork- 11030 3. Helen M. Rust " .... Lot 11, Block-16, 15-3 Seagate section A. & 4. 15-4 W. H. Fanta 1218 S. W. 22nd Ave. Vacant part of LOt 1, 15-3 Delray.'BeaUh, ~la. DelrayBeach Highlands Section' l,~Block 8. 15-4 5. Maisie E. Buerk 1410 Providence Road Vacant pert of Lots 10, 15-3 R~chmond, Ky. 40475 11 & 12, B1ock~65.- & 6. 15-4 Eleanor M. & 919 Salzburg Road Vacant part of Lot 3, Oscar J. Route NO. 1, Block 6, 15-4 Gehringer Bay City, Mich. 48706 Del-Ida Park 7. S, Kamikama P.O. Box 157 Lot 4, Block 6~ 15-3 Delray Beech; Fla. Del-~da Park & 8. 15-4 Ray & Boles P.O. Box 2293 Lots 4 & 5, Block 5, 15-3 Raynor Delray~Bea~h, Fla. Ida Lake TerraCe & 9. 15-4 Anthony T; Torero 4 E. 89th Street. Lot 9 less East 10 feet, 15-3 M.D. New ~York, N..Y. 10028 Block F, High Acres & First Addition 15-4 Elijah & 214 S. W. 14th Avenue Vacant per, of'North 15-3 Earnestine Delray Beach, Fla. 55 feet of South 443 & Johnson feet of East half of 15-4 Block 3, Priest's Addi- tion to Atlantic Park Gardens. Violations 15-3 and 15-4 as concerns this report are as follows: .1. 15-3 - garden trash 15-4 - high weeds 2.15-3 - trim trees overhanging street right-of-way 15-4 - weeds 3.15-3 - garden trash 15-4 - weeds 4.15-3 - garden trash 15-4 - high weeds 5.15-3 - garden trash 15-4 - high weeds 6.15-4 - high weeds 7.15-3 ~ garden trash 15-4 - high weeds 8.15-3 - garden trash 15-4 - high weeds 9.15-3 - garden trash, loose lumber and loose trash 15-4 - high weeds ~0.15-3 - garden trash, junk, loose building trash and assorted trash 15-4 - high weeds Submitted to the City Council by the City Manager on this ~ 14eh dav of July. 1967. 134-C OBDI~CI~ NO. 23'67. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA DE-ANNEXING FROM THE C~TY OF DB~RAY BEACH, FLORIDA THAT I~;RTION OF U. Si HIGHWAY NO. 1 (STAT~ ROAD NO. 5) RIG~ITo OF-WAY N(~qTH OF THE NORTH L~ITS OF TH~ GREATER DEl, RAY BEACH RESERVE AREA; AND RATIFYY/~G AND CONFIRMING THS A~NEXATIO~g OF ~ OF SAID HIGH- WAY RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHIN SAID RESERVE AREA PRE- VIOUSLY A~XED BY VARIOU~ ORDINANCES. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, enacted Ordinance No. 6-476 on December 17, 1962, annexing certain properties to the existing municipal limits of said City~ WHEREAS, a portion of said la~d_s included that part of S. Highway No. 1 (State Road No. 5) right-of-way %ahich is Dow of the North limits of the newly created Delra¥ Beach Reserve Area: N~W, THLqtEFORE, BE XT ORDAIIT~D BY THE CITY C~U~CIL OF THE CITY OF DELBAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS F(~LOWS: Section 1o That the City Council of the City of Delray Beach hereby de-annexes-from said City the following described' right~of-way: All that protion of U. S. Highway No. 1 (State Road No. 5) r~ght-of-way North of the North limits of the Greater Delray Beach Reserve Area; said line more particularly scribed as a line commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 25 of Delray Beach ~states as recorded in Plat Book 21, Page 13, Palm Beach County Records, and continuing in a northwesterly direction along an extension of the So~h line of said Lot 25 a distance of 100 feet to an intersection with the Southeast corner of Lot 20 of said Delray Beach Estates. Section 2. The City Council hereby ratifies and confirms the previous annexations of the following portion of U. S. Highway No. 1 (State Road NO. 5) right-of~way: A11 that protion of U. S. Highway No. I (State Road No. 5) -right-of-way between the line described in Section I above as a North lir~it, and all of the U. S. Highway No. 1 (State Road No. 5) right-of-way Southward therefrom to a point where intersected by the centerline of the C-15 Canal, said Calla1 centerline, located in Section 32, Township 46 South, Range 43 Bast, being the South limit of the hereinabove re- ferred tO Greater Delray Beach Reserve Area. ~,~SED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on second reading this 24th day of July , 1967. . ./.s./,Al..c... A.~.ery_.. MAYOR ~,.S/ R. O. Worth.~nq City Clerk First Reading Ju]~_v. 10. 196~ _ Second Re~im~ _.~ J~l~ 2..4~. 1967..