09-25-67 SEPTEMBER 25, 1967. A regular meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor.~A1. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager David M. Gatchel, Acting City Attorney Harry T. Newett, and Councilmen J. LeRoy Croft, James H. Jurney, LeRoy W. Merritt and George Talbot, Jr., being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by Dr. Frank Hamilton. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. 3. The minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 11, 1967, were unanimously approved, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Croft. 4. Mr. Wilmer Starkey, Commander of Flotilla $4 Delray Beach U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, accompanied by Flotilla Officer Wall and Commander Hammond, presented a Certificate of Appreciation ~rom the United States Coast Guard to the City of Delray Beach Recreation De- partment in recognition for notable services which assisted in further- ing the aims and functions of the Coast Guard, for use Of the Community Center facilities by Flotilla 54 for its Auxiliary meetings and func- tions pertaining to safe boating. Commander Starkey explained the formation and authorization by Congress of the Coast Guard Auxiliary~ and gave a short resume of the duties of said AuxiliarY. Mayor Avery asked that the City Manager accept the Certificate of APPrec~ation, that it be hung in the Community Center, and that the Department involved be co~nended through proper channels. 4. Mayor Avery read a Proclamation concerning s~pport of the fighting men in V£et Nam, proclaiming October as "Link Hands Across the Sea" month. The Proclamation was promoted by the Jaycees and Jaycee-ettes, and those organizations were represented by Mr. & Mrs. Tim Woods, Mr. & MrS. Jim Grady and Mr. Robert Richwagon. Mrs, Grady, State Vice-President of the Jaycee-ettes, and Chairman with her husband in this project, explained the project had started following a letter from Phillip ~rince, stationed ~n vier Nam, who asked the citizens of his home town to aid the Marines in help~mg the Vietnamese people. She explained .that they need many small items, and receptacles for collection of theee items will be placed in various stores i~ Delray Beach. 4. Mayor Avery proclaimed Mr. Gary Gooder, Sun Sen~inal News re~orte~ as "Father of the Week" and announced that Mr. & Mrs. Gooder are the parents of a daughter born Septe~nber 23rd. 4. City Clerk Worthing read the following letter from Mr. Roy C. Diggans, Assistanl~ Post Master, dated September ~On August 29, 1967 my daughter was involved in an automobile accident at the corner of N. W. 4th Avenue and Grove Way. Minutes after the accident the Fire Department's En~ergency First Aid truck arrived on the scene and with an exceedingly high degree of efficiency assembled my daughter and one of her friends involved in the accident and took them to Bethesda Memorial Hospital. Although belated, my wife and I wish to thank you and commend you for the outstanding service you give . to the community." Mayor Avery asked that the City Manager convey Council's thanks -1- 9-2.~-67 to Fire Chief Joe Ouinn, and the Fire Department, and that a copy of said letter be posted on the department bulletin board. 4. City Clerk Worthing read the following letter from the Delray Beach Library dated September 21st= "Our Delray Beach Public Library Association has now cOmpleted plans and financing arrangements for .the construction of the much-needed addition to your Public Library. We have made every attempt to plan this addition in as economical and practical $ manner as possible. We would very much appreciate the waiving of Building Permit and _inspection fees~ tO be city; - We feel that ~ou will agree that the money thus saved could be well-used for worthwhile additional facilities in this project. Please advise us if you need further information or correspondence on this matter. Thank you for your usual excellent cooperation in this regard." Mr. Jurney moved that said building permit and inspection fees be waived, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously cart ied. 5. Mr. Jurney referred to the Dean Martin T. V. program of last week, and that Fred McGee of Delray Beach, Florida had been mentioned numer- ous t~mes during a song on the program. Further, that since Delray Beach had received nation-wide publicity, suggested that the City Manager be directed to write a letter to Dean Martin thanking him for the gratis publicity the City received, and the possibility of offer- ing him the key to the City or being Admiral of the Navy if the pub- licity is-continued. There was no objection and the City Manager was so directed. 6.a. Concerning a survey of parcels of land in violation of the City's nuisance laws presented by the City Manager, Mr. croft moved that the City Clerk be authorized to proceed with the enfopcement of Chapter 1~ of the Code of Ordinances. The motion was se~onde~ by Mr. Merritt and carried unanimously. (Copy of nuisance list is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See page 172-B. 6.b. Concerning a request by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers for a pipeline easement, City Manager Gatchel reported to Council as follows: "The Department of the Army, through its Jacksonvil~e District Office of the Corps of Engineers, reguests a permanent pipeline ease- sent over Cssuarina Road and to the beach for spoil disposal use, in lieu of utilizing the Yacht Basin at Casuarina Road for such disposal . use, within which basin the U. S. Army holds Spoil Easements MSAs 64-A and 648-D, as a result of the River and Harbor Act Of Congress, ap.- proved March 2, 1945. This pipeline easement and spoil disposal area is only for use, if and when needed, for disposal of materials resulting from the dredging of the Intracoaatal Waterway. Dedication to the City of Delray Beach and the public, and restricted to public use, of approximately 8 acres of this yacht basin is contingent upon the U. S. Army being furnished this pipeline ease- ment. Authorization for execution by the proper officials of a Pipe- line and Beach' Disposal Easement over Casuarina Road, in~ favor of the United States of America, through its U.' S. Army Engineers' Dis- trict, Jacksonville, and subject to Councll approval thereof, is re- gl/ested." -2- 9-25-67 163 Mr. Talbot said that in view of the area the City is obtaining, and discussion of the effects of the pipeline if and when it is necessary to be installed, moved that the authorization be granted for execution of the permanent pipeline easement over Casuarina Road and to the beach for disposal use in favor of the United States of America for its U. S. Army Corps of Engineers' District, Jacksonville, The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft. Mr. Jurney referred to a public hearing held today by the Planning/Zoning Board concerning Lot X, Block 14, 'Seagate Section "A", and moved that the request from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers be tabled unti! Council receives the Planning/Zoning BOard's recommenda-  tion regarding the proposed apartment building on that property. The · motion died for the lack of a second.' · During discussion, Mr. Merritt said it is his understanding that the approval of this permanent easement would give the City clear title to eight acres of yacht basin that would be a public yacht basin from now on. C.ity.Clerk Worthing explained that would .pave the way for obtaining a deed to the yacht basin which is available to the City upon execution of the pipeline easement. Mr. Merritt then questioned as follows= "Regardless of what is built there, as long as it complies with the Zoning Code, we have no control over it. If it goes above or beyond the Zoning Code, I'm talking about site plan approval, it must come to Council for ap- proval9'' City Clerk Worthing. answered as follows= "That is true, Sir, and it can go 10, 15 or 20 stories high s° long as it otherwise complies with the regulations of the City, and site plan approval does come back to Council for final .ac~.egtance." Upon call of roll on the motion made by Mr. Talbot that author- ization be granted for execution of the permanent pipeline easement over Casuarina Road and to the beach for disposal us®, Mr. Croft, Mr. Merritt, Mr. Talbot and Mayor Avery voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Jurney was opposed. PERMANENT PIPELINE EASEMENT ATTACHED TO OFFICIAL COPY OF THESE MINUTES. (S'ee pages 172-c-f.) 6.c. City Manager Gatchel informed Council that bids were solicited for two truck chassis and two packer bodiea on specificatio~ns furnished by the City, and tabulation of the bids received are as follows: CH~SS~S General (GMC) Gen'l Truck Sales Truck Sales West Palm Beach Bid %1 $7,728.00 $15,456.00 Bid %2 6,717.00 13,434.00 ! Mack South Fla. Mack Trucks, Miami 6,987.00 13,974.00 International Rich Motors West Palm Beach 5,982.00 11,9~,00 GMC Hunt Truck Sales Miami 5,825.00 11,650.00 Chevrolet Adams Chevrolet Co. Delray Beach 5,786.40 11,572.80 .P..ACKER. BODIES Leach H.P. M~son Company $5,040.00 $10,080.~ Road Master Turner Truck Equi~ment j~ Mi Sl~i 4,800.00 9,600.00 -3- 9-25-67 LOAD PACKER Gar-Wood Wayne, Michigan $4,725.00 $9,450.00 pAK-MOR Turner Truck Equipment Miami 4,585.00 9,170.00 The City Manager said tha~ all of the above listed bids complied with the City's specifications, and as a result of careful review and analysis of said bids, the Director of Public Works and City Engineer concur with him in recommending that for the Truck Chassis, the low bid in the amount of $11,572.80 be aucepted, and for the Packer Bodies, the low bid ~ the amount of $9,170.00 be accepted. Further, if Council provides for the award of the low bids, it should transfer from the Contingency Fund of this year the smount of $10,372.00 to provide for'the purchase of one packer complete, chassis and body. He informed Council that the other complete packer is provided in the 1967-68 budget. Mr. Merritt moved that the iow bid of Adams Chevrolet Company for the two truck chassis, also the low bid of Turner Truck Equila~ent for two PAK-MOR bodies, be accepted and the necessary money from this year's Contingency Fund be transferred to pay for one complete unit. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimously. 6.d. Concerning 'authorization for transfer of funds, City Manager Gatchel informed Council that in January, 1967, when the Public Works Administration account was established with the employment of the new Public Works Director, it was determined'to wait until'the end of the fiscal year to provide sufficient funds for its operation, and that it is now determined that $9,487.00 will be 'required for that purpose and Council authorization for transfer of such amount from General Fund Contingency Account to' the Public Works Administration account is requested. Mr. Croft moved that the proper transfer of money be made, the motion being seconded by'Mr. Talbot and unanfmously carried. 6.e. Concerning insurance bids received, City Manager Gatchel reported to Council as follows: "FQllowing is a tabulation of bids received for providing $10,000 Accidental Death Benefit Insurance for Police and Firemen, effective October 1, 1967: DELRAY BEACH INS. AGENCY (Travelers Ins. Co. $1,859.00 (Continental Cas. CO. 1,716.00 GRACEY BROTHERS 1,662.00 ROBERT C. ROY AGENCY (Aetna Cas. & Surety 1,413.00 WEEKE~'~EALTY CO., INC. (Reliance Ins. CO. 986.50 NATIONWIDE MUTUAL INS. CO. 1,430.00 It is recommended that the Accidental Death Benefit Insurance coverage, for the year beginning October 1, 1967, ~e awarded to the 1OW bidder, namely Reliance Insurance Company, represented by .Weekes Realty Come, any of Delray Beach." Following a question by Mr. Talbot, .the City Manager said these b~ds were advertised and a copy of the L~islative Act was sent out as bid specifications. Mr. Talbot moved that the ~nsurance bid be.given to 'Weekes..aealty Co., Inc., with the Reliance Insurance Company as the insurer, in the amount of $986.50. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimously. -4- 9~25-67 165 6.f. Concerning a special telephone audit and listing of long distance calls, City Manager Gatchel re~orted as follows.. "The C.P.A. firm of Himes & Himes, in compliance with Council directive, has completed its examination and audit of telephone service calls as charged to the City Hall telephone account, for the period commencing January 1, 1965, through May 1, 1967. A copy of Himes & Himes' work sheets will be on file in the City Hall and will be made available to interested parties by the City Manager. In making available for City Hall reproduction of the auditors' work sheets, Himes & Himes has also submitted a listing of such long distance calls as were able to be traced, as shown by re~ort to Councilmen. The audit now having been comp!eted and t~e aUdit6rs' report thereon submitted in the manner and form requested by Council, author- ization is requested for transfer of $1,105.00 from the General Fund Contingency account to 910-152-410, to cover the total cost for services rendered by Himes & Himea, previously ordered by Council." Mayor Avery relinquished the gavel ~o Vice-Mayor Jurney and moved that the money to pay said bill be transferred as recommended, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot. Mr. Merritt referred to a letter from Himes & Himes, dated September 21, 1967, regarding said audit, and containing three recom- mendations for Council consideration. He suggested that the City Manager be instructed to institute these three recommendations from Himes & Himes, to correct the situation and see that it doesn't happen again. Mayor Avery and Mr. Talbot accepted that addition to their motion and second, and upon call o.f roll the motion carried unanimously. (Copy of September 21, letter from Himes & Himes is attached to the official copy of these minutes.') S_ee/~ge 172C. 6.g. Concerning acquistion of land for right-of-way purposes, and reinstatement of Davis Road, City Manager Gatchel reported as follows.. "Lengthy negotiations with. the owner of .Lots 22 through 25 in Breezy Ridge Estates, with approximately 385 feet of frontage on West Atlantic Avenue and depth of 66 feet, extending from S. W. 24th Avenue easterly to the E-4 Canal, have finally been concluded in an offer by said owner to the City, making possible the acquisition of said land for right-of-way for the sum of $6,500. Commitment has been received from the Palm Be~ch County Commi&- sion to the effect that the County will, per following excerpt .from the minutes of the County Commission's regular meeting held on February 14, 1967: 'ParticiPate in the construction costs of an access road across th~ residual portions of Lots 22, 23, 24 and 25, Breezy Ridge Estates, without future County maintenance responsi- bilities provided that a continuous right-of- way exists north of the proposed access road to connect with Lake Ida Road.' The City administration has obtained dedication of a 40-foot right-of-way from Breezy Ridge Estates northward to Sudan S/D a distance of approximately 1400 feet, at no cost to the City. These dedications are, however, subject to said Davis Road being opened and ~mproved by the City within 180 days or said deeds of de~ication shall be null and void and the lands, dedicated for right-of-way purposes, mhall revert to the respective owners of the lands, or their successors, which provided the dedications. Council is reminded of the potential development of Sudan Sub- division, R-1AA property, by its owner, 'Judge John B, Ambrose, having been definitely and seriously retarded .b~ the closing of Old Davis Road, as a reault of the State Road Department's improvement of West -5- 9-25-67 Atlantic Avenue from Swinton Avenue to the Turnpike, at which time the State Road Department. sealed off egress and ingress to Atlantic Avenue from Old Davis Road by its construction of the new bridge. It is, therefore, recommended that council approve acquistion of the residual portions of Lots 22, 23, 24 and 25 of Breezy Ridge Estates, for the purpose of providing public right-of-way, for the sum of $6,500., subject to prOration of the 1966 taxes thereon and the City being furnished title insurance, with authorization for transfer of said sum from Oeneral Fund Contingency account to 910-321-601 to ~over cost of acquisition. There is one additional subject here that X would like to recom- mend, and that is, that it be subject to the ability of the City and the County to provide this tie-in, the easterly edge of these lots, with the existing Davis Road, subject to the land actually being there without coming too cl°se to that ca~al. N° engineering.has been done on this as yet. We needed to find Council's desire and its intent in providing this tie-in with Davis Road. I would like this to be subject to our engineering ability to perform what we intend to do. This can be checked out very rapidly and it would not impede, the progress here at all, but this is necessary tO come from this year's Cour= il Contin- gency." Mr. Talbot moved to approve the acquisition of the residual portions of Lots 22, 23, 24 and 25, Breezy Ridge Estates, for the purpose of providing public right-of-way, ~or the sum of $6,500.. subject to the ~roration of the 1966 taxes and the City being furnished ~e insurance, along with the recommendation of the City Manager ~cerning engineering, and authorization' for' transfer of said sum ~m General Fund Contingency account to 910-321-601 to cover cost of acquistion. The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft. Mr. Merritt asked if it is within the jurisdiction of the City to limit this road to there being no thru-truck traffic. City Manager Gatchel said it is provided under the State Law now that a C~ty can limit such traffic through its Traffic Engineering and Chief of Police, and they can take the appropriate action that they deem advisable. Mr. Merritt said if this road iS built he would suggest that it be limited to no thru-truck traffic. Mr. Talbot and Mr. Croft accepted that addition to their motion and second, and upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Robert Estes of Breezy Ridge Estates said if this road is constructed the residents of that area would appreciate some speed signs and enforcement of same~ further, the cooperation of the Council and City Manager is appreciated by the residents of that subdivision. Mayor Avery asked that the City Manager take this request under advisement. 7.a. City Clerk Worthing informed council that the following terms of membership on the Contractor's Board of Examiners will expire on October 9, 1967, and that Board, as of September 20, 1967, recommends to Council that the same members, both regular and alternate, be appointed to eai~ Board of Examiners for a period of three years, com- mencing October 9, 1967. REGULAR .MEMBERS ALTERNATE MEMBERS Charles Toth Architect Richard T. Hanna Jack Spinner Lawyer Charles Byron Mr. Croft moved to sustain the recommendation of the Contractor Board of Examiners and said members be reappointed for a three-year term, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried~ 71b. City Clerk Worthing informed council that the terms of member- s~ip o~ Andrew Gent and L. Stuart La'nkton on the Planning and Zoning I{~rd will expire on September 28, 1967, and that said Board, through -6- 9-25-67 167 its Chairman, Mr. Kenneth Jacobson, recommends to Council the re- appointment of ~ndr~W'M. Ge~t~ .~ur.~her in view of Mr.-Lankton having submitted his resignation from the Board effective at the end of this term of appointment, the Board recon~aends to council the appointment of Col, Theodore L. ~oole, Jr., 1011 Brooks Lane, as replacement for Mr. Lankton, for a five-year term commencing September 28, 1967. Mr. Merritt moved that this item be tabled for discussion at a workshop meeting to be held next Monday night, the, motion .being second, ed by Mayor Avery and unanimously carried. Mr. J. Watson Dunbar of the...Beach Property Ovmer's Association · eaid that it is his understanding there are more matters that come before the Planning and Zoning Board concerning .property on the east side of the Intracoastal Waterway than concerning ~roperty west of the Intracoastal Waterway, and during his five years of residency in the City, there has been no representation on said Board from the east side Of the Intracoastal. He informed Council that their organization had recommended two individuals to be considered for appointment to the Planning and Zoning Board at a time when vacancies occurred on .that · Board, and asked that their recommendations for appointment stall be cons idered. With Council consent, Mayor Avery asked that the City Manager check into this matter and see that consideration is given in investi- gating the qualifications of the individuals recommended by the Beach Property Oyster's Association and report .same at the workshop meeting. 7.c. City Clerk Worthing informed Council that Mr. Henry. Bean of 42 S.-W. 13th Avenue, Delray Beach, requests a gratis license permitting him to do lawn maintenance work and that Dr. Charles A.. Robinson, Delray Beach, advises that, due to a tumor, Mr. Bean did.lose a limb. The City Clerk said it is, therefore, recommended that Mr. Bean's request be granted, as provided in Section 16-4 of the City's Code of Ordinance~ The request was unanimously granted, on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Merritt. 7.d. Concerning transfer of a beer license, City Clerk Worthing in- formed Council that due to transfer in managership of W.J.C. Marine, Inc., at S. E. 10th Street and 6th Avenue, from the previous licensee, Mr. Walter Lanell Williams, to Mr. Charles T. Bragg, an application for transfer of the beer operating license has been received, and the applicant, Mr. Bragg, has been investigated in the .usual manner and by the proper agencies and approved by them, therefore, it is recommended that the petition be granted. Mr. Croft moved that the proper transfer be made, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried. ?.e. City Clerk Worthing informed Council of a request from Mr. D. Mead Johnson, owner of the South 100 feet of the North 1395 feet of Government Lot 1, lying east of Ocean Boulevard, Section 21-46-43, for reclassification of said land. from R-iAAA to R-1AA, and that Council may deny this petition or refer same to the Planning and Zoning Board for a public hearing to be held thereon. Said request was unanimously referred to' the Planning end Zoning Board, on motion by Mr. Merritt and seconded by Mr. Croft. 7.f. The City Clerk informed Council that Mr. James B. Wilson, 250 South Ocean Boulevard, has requested reclassification of a tract of land in Asbury Park Heights, fronting on Ocean Boulevard for an proximate distance of 100 feet with a depth of 325 feet along the north side of Bay Street, from R-1AA (Single Family Dwelling District) to R-3 (M~ltiple Family Dwelling District), and that Council may deny this petition or refer same to the Planning and Zoning Board for its review and public hearing to be held thereon. Said request was unanimously referred to the Planning and Zoning Board, on motion by Mr. Merrett and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 7.g. The Council. was informed that Dr. W. Leslie Kirby, 302 Medical -7- 9-25-67 A=~ ~l]~i~z~, 1177 N. E. 8th Street, born on June 14, 1901, has plied for a gratis license, and in compliance with State a~d local laws, anyone 65 years of age or older is 'entitled ~o exe~ption from Occupational License fees to the extent of $50.00; further, it is recommended that as provided in Section 16-4 of the Code of Ordinances,, Dr. Kirby's petition be g=anted. Mr. Talbot moved that Dr. Kirby's petition be granted, the motion being seconded by Mr. Merritt and unanimously carried. 7.h. The City Clerk informed Council that Mr. Jesse Daniels, having purchased the business known as Ted's Teddy Bear, located at 524 West Atlantic Avenue, engaged in dispensing Beer and Wine, consumption on the Premises, has applied for transfer of License No. 736, previously issued to Theodore Jones, the prior owner of said business~ further, the applicant, Mr. Daniels, has been investigated by the proper agencies and approved by them, and it' is recommended that this request be granted, all other regulations in connection .therewith having been met. Mr. Croft moved that said transfer be made, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried. 8.a. The City Clerk presented RESOLUTION NO. 24-67. A RESOLUTION .OF 'THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING AREA 12-PORTION OF SANITARY SEWER PROJECT NO. 5964-8b "AREA 12 AND EXTENSIONS" AS OPERATIONAL AND SETTING THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THE INITIAL SCHEDULE OF RATES, FEES AND OTHER C~LARGES TO BE IMPOSED FOR THE SERV- ICES AND FACILLTIES FURNISHED BY:SAID AREA NO.' 12 OF THE SEWER SY~TF~. (Copy of Resolution No. 24-67 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See page 172-A. Resolution No. 24-67 was unanimously passed and adopted on this first and final reading, on motion by Mr. Merritt and seconded by Mr. Croft. 9.a. The City Clerk reported that as a result of Council's referral to tl~e Planning and Zoning Board of a request from Bertram ~ashaw to construct a building at 128 S. W. 6th Avenue, for use as a Day Care Center, the Board held a public hearing thereon and their report is as follows: "On September 19th, the Planning & Zoning Board a public hearing on a request for Conditional Use for construction of a building and use therof, for the.purpose of conducting a Day Care Center on the following described property= The North 50 ft. of the South 285 ft. of the East 135 ft. of Block 14, located at 128 S. W. 6th Avenue. The Board voted unanimously to recommend to City Council that the request be granted." Mr. Merritt moved that the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board be sustained, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried. 9.b. City Manager Gatchel informed Council that in compliance with directive to him at the last regular Council meeting, detailed esti- mated c~sts have been determined relative to providing parking areas, rest rooms and a storage building in the City Park. Those costs and his recommendations are as follows= -8- 9-25-67 169 " PA~KING AREAS ~Y CONTRACT BY CITY FORCES 1. Area 1 - Filled, leveled & paved $1,470.00 $ 942.00 2. " 2 - Grade, 6" l~merock base and pave 4,996.00 1,286.00 3. " 3 - Pave only (level where needed) 1,094.00 978.00 4. Misc.~items - Raze old building, move fence, remove old poles & wiring, and install concrete sidewalk 1~016~00 413.00 TOTAL $8,576.00 $3,619.00 I~EST ROOMS & STORAGE BUILDING. 20' x 20' x 10' CBS Building BY CONTRACT Women's& Men's Rest Rooms Also storage space 10' x 20' $5,420.00 Landscaping - Muck Sod a Plants BY C~TYFOR~BS $100.00 Sprinklers extended to cover area around the ~4ft station as well as the area between the parking facilities and Atlantic Avenue ...... $410,00 It is recommended that the following improve~ents be authorized= REST ROOMS & STORAGE ROOM (By Contract) $5,420 ~GARBAS (City Forces) 3,619 LANDSCAPING " " 100 SPRINKLER INSTALLATIONS ~ " 410 $9,549 Subject to council approval thereof, authorization is requested for transfer of $10,000 from the General Fund ContingenCy account to pro- vide for these urgently needed ~mprovements." The City Manager displayed a sketch of the proposed improvements and explained same in detail. Mr. Merritt moved for approval of the recommendation of the C~ty Manager and that $10,000 be transferred from the General F~nd Contin- gency Account to provide for said improvements. The motion was second~ ed by Mr. Croft and carried unanimously. 10.a. City Manager Gatchel read a letter from Mr. Wylie C. sampson, dated September 25, 1967, in which Mr. Sampson took exception to a sign concerning registration for pistol shooting instructions not being per- mitted to be displayed at the City Hall at the time the Police Depart- ment conducted its first SELF-PROTECTiON CLASS FOR WOMEN, on September 21st. The City Manager re~orted that the first Police conducted class was well received, and suggested that time for such registration as Mr. Sampson and his group intend could be provided near the end of the Police Department's planned six weeks course. Further, that he feels the Police Depar~mnt should have the full amount of time they have planned in conducting these classes, and if it is Council desire to plan a time for such registration as desired by Mr. Sampson and his group for pistol shooting instructions, it will be provided at the s~xth-class. Mrs. Dorothea G. Montgomery said that ~he is very much in accord with what the Police Department is doing in conducting these Self-Pro- tection Classes for Women, and commended that department for the wonder- ful job they have done during the past year. Following comments by Councilmen and Police Chief Croft, Mr. Merritt moved that the City Man- ager, through the Chief of Police, be instructed to conduct these meet- ings in a manner that gets the job done efficiently and to the best of his ability in what he thinks is in the best interests of the people. The motion was seconded by Mr. ~albot and carried unanimously. 10.a. Mr. Ward Robinson, a resident of Delray Beach for several years, sa~d he had attended numerous Council meetings, had talked with :CounciLmen and members of the Cit~ administration many times about the subject' of City Planning, and feels ~he biggest contribution this Council or the next Counc£1 Could possibly make to. this City is to get a re&l professional study on City Planning for alI of the City of Delray Beach and the area to the west that may someday be within the city. 10.a. Mr. James Caseel of the Shuffleboard Club expressed his thanks to the Council and City Administration for their action in providing parking in the City Park. 10.a. Mr. Nathan Sharp referred to discussion at the last Council meeting concerning a proposed $600,000 Capital Improvement Bond issue, and suggested that the Council consider a $300,000 ]~nd issue to be used for the Police Complex and the Southwest Area Drainage P. roject, and that the money received from the sale of the 400 feet of City beach property be used for improvement of the present beach where it is needed and wanted. lO.x. City Manager Gatchel informed Council that ~awson & Company, ~being the contractor on the Sewage Works Project for Area 12 and Extensions, have requested a reduction, in their retainage from 10 per cent to 5 per cent, and that earlier this evening Council accepted Area 12, being, the. major port'ion of the contract which is approximately 83 per cent completed. Further, concurred in by the City's Consult- ing Engineers, as well as the City Engineer', Mr. Fleming, it is recom- mended that the request be granted. It Was so moved by Mr. Talbot0 seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried. 10.x. City Manager Gatchel presented the following tabulation of bids concerning proposed improvement at the Community Center: "For 'furnishing all labor, and materials for installing acoustical treatment in the gymnasium at the Community Center in accordance with plans and specifications as provided by the City's Consulting Engineer - John A. Ford. ANNING-~O~N C0~9~NI~. $5,340.00 NORRELL, INC. $5,797.00 Six solicitations for a bid on the above Improvement were forwarded to qualified acoustical contracting firms. Only one other bid was received, that being from Rowell-vanAtta Acoustics, Inc., in. the amount of $4,325.00 which did not meet the specifi- cations and plans as furnished by the City. The above information iS the result of bid opening in City Hall at 10:00 A;M., this day (Monday) and desirous of affecting an early contract for this urgently needed improvement, it is · recommended that the low. bid, in the amount of $5,340.00, approved by the City's Consulting Engineer as qualifying with the plans and specifications, be accepted and authorization given for trans- fer of this amount from the General Fund Contingency account." The City Manager reported to Council as follows: "I talked with Rowell-VanAtta Acoustics, Inc., in Miami, the firm that bid the $4,325.00 that did not meet with the plans and specifications, and I believe Mr. Jurney has a sample of this material from Miami for Council consideration. I would like to say, before Mr. Jurney shows this to you, that this bid was considered by Mr. Ford today in my office, with this material being an alternate material that did not meet with the plans and specifications, and Mr. Ford gave us his .,' reasons, the fact that this mater, ia1 is a sponge glass, is subject to breaking, will not give if hit by a basket ball, will not pop back into shape, and he did not specify such material because of that fact, 171 ' and felt that a more shock absorbent material would be better on our walls in the 95amnasium." Mr. Jurney displayed a sankole of the material just referred to by the City Manager, andsaid heis in favor of saving approximately a thousand dollars for the City if the product will do a job equally as well, or better, than what is specified, and wondered if Mr. Ford had knowledge of this material and the guarantees that would be offer- ed in the installation of same. Following .discussion, Mr. Merritt moved to approve the recom- mendations of the City Manager and that the money be transferred from this year's Contingency Fund to pay for the acoustical work in the Community Center. The motion was seconded byMr. Croft and carried unanimously. lO.x. City Manager Gatchel asked Council approval for his attendance of the International City'Manager's Association meeting to be held in New Orleans on October 8th thru 12th, and said that in attending said meeting, he would be absent from the regular Council meeting of October 9th. Approval for the City Manager to attend said meeting was unani-' mously granted, on motion by Mr. Merr.itt and seconded by Mr. Talbot. 10.b. City Clerk Worthing presented a bill in the amount of $250.00 from City AttOrney~Adams for services rendered in connection with Mrs. Hotchkiss Neal's case against the City also the following Bills for Approval~ General Fund $187,211.83 "Water. ReVenue Fund 62,340.17 Water Operating & Maintenance Fund 4,090.38 Special Assessment Fund 83.00 Refundable Deposits Fund 2,319,06 CemeteryPerpetual Care Fund 8,900.00 Sewer Revenue Fund 20,000.00 Sewer Construction Trust Fund 1,630.29 z The bills were unanimously ordered paid, on motion byMr. Talbot and seconded byMr. Merritt. lO.x. Mayor Avery announced that City Atto~ney John Ross Adams is out of town on vacation and introduced Attorney Harry Newett, a former City Attorney, who served in that capacity this evening. The meeting adjourned at 9=40P.M. .,~ R ~ D t. WOR~HINO City Clerk AP PROVED: - -11- 9-25-67 172-A RESOLUTION NO. 24-67. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ACC~TXNG AREA 12-PORTION AND E~NSIONs" AS OPERATIONAL AND SETTING: TH~ EFFECtiVE DA~E FOR' T SE IN~TLAL SCHNDUL~ OF RATES, FEES AND O~R CHAPJ~ES TO BE IMPOSED FOR T~E SERV- ICeS AND. FACILIT~S ~TRNISHED BY SAID AREA NO. OF T~ SE~ S~. ~S, ~e City entered into a contract for engineering services with Russell a ~on, Consulti~ Bng~eers, on the 30~ day of Septem- ~r, 1959, and ~S, pursuant to said contract, Russell & ~on desired an ocean outfall se~r system toge~er wi~ lift stations and other sanitary se~r ~provements, hereinafter referred to as Project No. 5964-~,and ~S, RuSsell a ~on was hired to perform consult~ and resident inspection services for Area No. 12 and Extensions of Se~ge Project ~. 5964-8b, and ~S, it is deemed to be in ~e best interest of the 'affected properties ~at ~e Initial schedule of rates, 'f~s and other charges to be imposed for 2he services and facilities fu~ish~ by ~e sewer system, as set for~ and contained in Resolution No. 1359 and Ordi- nance No. G-553, are to he.me effective the first day of Nov~r, 1967, and ~S, Russell & ~on has recently certified, as operation1, Ares No. 12-Portion of ~ge ~rks Project No. 5964-8b, Are~ 1~ and Extensions, described as follow: Se~r ~in 12, N. W. 8th Ave. bet. 3rd a 4~ Streets; Se~r ~in 12, N, W. 4th St. " 4th & 8th Avenues; ~teral 12-A, N. W. 4~ Ave. " 2nd & 4~ Streets, N. W. 2nd St. " 3rd & 4th Avenues; " 12-B, N. W..6~ A~. " 2nd a 3~d Streets, N. W. 3rd St. " 5~ a 6~ Avenues, and N. W. 5th Ave. " 3rd a 4th Streets; " 12-B-1, N. W. 5~ Ave. "' 'tnd a 3rd Streets; " ~2-C, N~ W. 6~ Ave. " 3rd & 4~ Streets; " 12-E, N. W. 7~ Ave. "' 3rd & 4~ Streets= " 12-A-1, N..W. 4~ St. " 4~ & Sw~ton Avenues, and "12-A-i-A, N. W, 3rd Ave. " 3rd & 4~ Streets. ~W, ~FO~, BE IT ~S~D BY T~ CITY CO~CIL OF T~ CITY OF DE~Y B~, F~R~A, AS ~WS: 1. ~at Area 12-portion wi~in the Sanita~' ~r.~ Sys~m heretofore desi~ated Project No. 5964-8b, ~ea 12 and ~xtensions, .as identified hereinabove, is hereby accepted by the City as ~ing operational, and the ~itial schedule of rates, fees and other charges 9=eviously estab- lished, and applicable ~ereto,~ shall become.effective Nove~er 1, 1967. 2. That nothing herein contained shall be cons~u~ as ~ischarging the contractors from the strict perforMnce of ~eir tractural duties. ~at each of the contractors, and ~eir bonding companies, remain res~nsible in all respects ~til release4 in ace cor~nce with ~eir agreements with the City. PASSED ~ ~RD this 25th day of Septe~er, 1967. /~/_A1.., q., %ve~Y ATTEST: M A Y O R /...q / R. D. Worthin~. ' '~,' ' 172-B ~ S~CTXONS. 15-3 and 15-4 OF ~ CZ~ CODE. H~{l~n Hagar ~ 450 East Atl~t~c Vac~C par~ of ~ 15-3 Avenue, Delray ' 3, Bl~k 4, .' . , & Beach, Florida Totterdale Addition. 15-4 33444 (417 Lake DriVe) Fa~rf~ of ' Holl~o~ Sank & ~t 1, less West 15-3 ~11~od Trust Co., 5 feet, Block 115. Dev~O~ent, ~11~d, Florida (N. E. 2nd St. & 15-4 Inc. 33022 6~ Ave. ) 3. J, W. & Adele Rt, 1, Box 56~H Lot 30 & East 35 feet 15-3 Richar~on Xr~io, California of -Lot 31, Delray 92201 Beach Espl~ade. 15-4 (1126 Vista Del Mar Dr.) 4. Ethel J. 127 S. W. 5th Argue Vacant part of L0~ 8, 15-3 Mackey Delray Beach, Block 23. ~ Florida, 33444 (230 S. W. 5~ Ave.) 15-4 5. Delaire Cor~. 40 S. E. 1st Argue Vac~t p~t of Lots 15-3 C/o H.D. ~Boca Raton, 2, 3, 4, 5, & Sou~ Cr~ley~ Florida, 33432 23.47 feet of Lot 6, 15-4 Cl~ke Rungs Add. (1001-1009 N. E. 8~h Ave.) 6. Philip L. · P. Oi ~x~Y2805 vacant part of South 15-4 Laura1 P. UniVersi~y:~Station 44 feet of Lo~ 3 & B~alt -~' Gainesville, Florida North 11.5 feet of ~t 15-3 ~601 4, Block ~4. (235 N;~ E. ls~ ave.) ~5-4 ~ ~i~h we~s an4 hea~ growth 2. I5-3 ' ~arden =15-4 -He~ undergrowth ~ Nor~ side of lot 3, .15-3' ~arden trash 15-4 .~ Hea~ undergrowth ~d h~gh 4. 15-3 - Garden and building trash ~I~.4 -High weeds 5; ~IS~ ~ ~a~den and ~ildlnq trash I5~4 --~qh weeds 6. ~-B ~ ~arden ~ash  1~-4 - High ~eds Sub~itted to the City Council by the City Manager this 25th day of September, 1967. 17 2-C~%: ~. H~mu...,.ZS, c... A. HIMES & HIMES ^.~.,c^. ,N$?,?UT. o. SEPTEMBER 21, 196'7 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF DELRAY BEACH DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 GENTLEMEN: PURSUANT TO YOUR REQUEST WE HAVE MADE AN EXAMINATION OF LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE CALLS MADE FROM~ OR CHARGED TO THE CITY HALL TELEPHONE FROM JANUARY 1~ 1965 THROUGH MAy 1, 1967. OUR WORK SHEETS COVERING THIS PERIOD ARE BEING MADE AVAILABLE TODAY FOR A PHOTO COPY OF EACH SHEET TO BE MADE BY AN EMPLOYEE OF THE CITY. WE ENCLOSE A LISTING OF SUCH LONG DISTANCE GALLS AS WE coULD ASCERTAIN THAT WERE MADE TO UNLISTED NUMBERS. WE ALSO ENCLOSE A SHEET LISTING SUCH LONG DISTANCE CALLS AS WE COULD ASCERTAIN THAT WERE MADE TO NEWSPAPERS, RADIO STATIONS, AND TELEVISION STATIONS. THESE HAVE ALL BEEN REQUESTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. LONG DISTANCE CALLS NOT LOGGED ON THE CiTY RECORDS COMPRISED 62.72~ OF THE TOTAL. LONG DISTANCE CALLS MAOE TO UNLISTED NUMBERS COMPRISED 10.56 OF THE TOTAL. LONG DISTANCE TOLL CHARGE "LIST OF CALLS" FOR THE PERIOD UNDER REVIEN WERE MISSING IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $ 104.07. WE RECOMMEND FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION: A SURVEY TO BE ARRANGED BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY TO EXPLORE IMPROVEMENTS IN THE OVERALL SYSTEM OF THE CITY AND ANY ECONOMIES THAT MIGHT BE EFFECTED. CONSIDERATION SHOULD BE GIVEN TO CHARGING ALL LONG DISTANCE CALLSt EXCEPT FOR POLICE AND EMERGENCIES, TO THE CENTRAL NUMBER OF 278-2841. 2. CONSIDE~ATION SHOULD BE GIVEN TO THE DESIRABILITY OF IN- STALLING A DIRECT LINE TO AND FROM ~EST PALM BEACH TNROUGH YOUR SWITHCHBOARD. 3. THE REQUIREMENT THAT ALL LONG DISTANCE CALLS BE PROPERLY RECORDED ON THE LOG OF THE CITY SHOULD BE EMPHASIZED TO ALL CITY EMPLOYEES AND DEPARTMENT HEADS. To ASSIST IN THIS REQUIREMENT~ WE RECOMMEND THAT THE CENTRAL LOG AND DEPART- MENTAL LOGS BE BROUGHT INTO AGREEMENT WITH THE CUT OFF DATES OF THE TELEPHONE BILLS. VERY TRULY YOURS~ --,, HIHES & HIHES lrlE6 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AMENDED 172-C PERMANENT PIFELINE ~A~EM~NT THIS ~A~, made this ..... 27th day of Nove~__ber, A. D., 1967, between T}~CXTYOF D~LRAYB~J~H, a municipal corp~ration, whose address is Delray Beach, Florida, party of the first part, a~d the United States of America, represented by the Distriot Engineer.of the U. 6. Army Engineer District, Jacksonville, hereinafter called the Engineer, party of the second part, WITNESSNTH that W~P4~S, in the River and Harbor Act of Congress, approved March 2, 1945, provision was made for improvement of the Intra- coastal Watex'way from Jacksonville, Florida, to Mi~, Florida, in accordance with the plans set forth in House Document No. 740, 79~h Congress, 2nd Session, subject to the condition, among others, that local interests furnish free of co~.t to the United States all lands, easements, rights-of-way and spoil d{s~osal areas needed for new work and for subsequent maintenanoe when and as required, and WHEP~AS, the party of the first part i~ the owner of suffi- cient title in and to the tract of land described in Schedule A, which is made a part hereof, and so represents, to permit the con- veyance to the United States of the rights, privileges, and ease- ments herein described, and NOW, T~FOR~, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), the recei~ of which is hereby acknowledged and the bene- fits to the party of the first part that will result from the pro- posed improvement and maintenance of said Intracoastal Waterway, the party of the first part does hereby convey unto the United States of America, its offioers, agents, servants and c~ntra=tors, the perpetual right and easement intermittently, or continuously, to enter upon and to use any and all of the land described in Schedule A in connection with the ~onatruction and maintenen=eof said Waterway as described in said congressional authorization, and any future enlargement and maintenanoe as may be authorized by Con- gress, for the following purposes~ The location, construction, operation, main~.gn, aB=e, alteration, repair and patro~ o'f"~-'-pi~61'in~ ~f6~'~h6"~ransfer and disposal of dredged material, together with th& right to. trim, cut, fell and remove therefrom all trees, underbrush, obstruutions and other vegetation, struotures or obstacles within the limits of the right-of-way. The party of the first part reserves u~to itself, its succes- sors and assigns all rights and privileges in said lands which may be used and enjoyed without interfering with or abridging the rights hereinabove conveyed. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that in its discretion the United States, its agents, c~ntractors and assigns may use the premises, in whole or in part, for the pur- poses afOresaid, but is under no obligation so to do. 172-D TO ~A~ AND TO HOLD the said rights and easements unto the assigns, for the ~poses aforesaid, forever. The party of the first part does hereby ~ovenant lawfully meiae~ of suffioient title ~o the Schedule A to grant the rights aforementioned and ma~d ~r~y of the first part will save and hold the Unite4 States free fr~ damages due to said use. XNNXTR~S ~OF said Party of the first part has hereunto set hand and seal on the day and year 172-E SCHEDULE "A" That portion of MSA-D (Tract 793) l%~W Jacksonville to Miami, Palm Beach County, Florida, described as follows: Block 136 and Block 144 of the City of Delray Beach, formerly Town of Linton, Palm Beach County, Florida, according to "Plat of the Fractional East Half, Sec. 16, Tp. 46 S., of R. 43 E.", recorded in the current public records in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court in and for said Palm Beach County, in Plat Book l, at page~3, lying East of the East Right-of-way Line of the Intracoastal Waterway from Jacksonville to Miami, Florida, as that righ-of-way is shown on the plat recorded in Plat Book 17, at page 16-B of and in the aforesaid public records, Less, the following described portion of Blocks 136 and 144, Plat of the Fractional East Half of Section 16, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book l, page 25, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot X~ SEAGATE, SECTION A, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 20, page 48, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida: Thence run North 0° Ol' 55" West along said Northerly extension of the West ri~ht- of-way line of Sea Sage Drive a distance of 25.00 feet to a point of curvature and the Point of Begin- ninE; thence Northwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 50.00 feet, a central angle of 90°, for an arc distance of 78.54 feet to a point of tangency; thence South ·89° 58' 05" West a distance of 427.86 feet to a point.on the East right- of-way line of the Intracoastal Waterway, thence South 7° 22' 05" West along said East right-of-way line a distance of g.48 feet; thence South 0° 07" West a distance of 40.60 feet; thence North 89Q 58' 05" East a distance of 479.65 feet to the Point of Beginning. 172-F STATB O~P FLORT,,IlJ~ ) COUNTY O~* PALM BB~H ) Before me personally appeared AL. C. AVER~ ~nd R. D. WORTHI~, to me Well known, ~-nd known ~o me to be the indi- viduals described in and who executed ~he foregoing men~ as Mayor and City Clerk of the above named CXTY OF DELRAY BEACH, a CorpOration, and severally acknowledge4 tO and before me ~hat ~hey exe~ted su~ instrument as such officers, re- spe=tively, of said corporation, and that ~he seal affixed to {:he forego~ instrumen{: is ~he corporate seal of said corpo- ration and that it was affixed to said ins~ument by due and regular corporate authority, and that said ins~rument is ~he free act an~ deed of said corporation. WIT. S my hand and official seal, this 27th of November _, A. D., 1967. ]{{){:ny Publlo, 8tats' of Florida at Large Notaw Publk, State of FIo~da at ~y Commission Expires Sept 13, 1970