11-13-67 NOVF24BER 13, 1967 A regular meeting Of the City Council of Delray. Beach was held in the Council ch.ambers at 8~00 P.M., with Mayor Al. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager David M. Gatchel, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen J. LeRoy Croft, James H. Jurney, LeRoy W. Merritt and George Talbot, Jr., being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by the Rev. Donald Waldro~. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the united States of America was given. 3. The minutes of the regular meeting of October 30th, 1967, were unanimously approved, on motion by Mr. Merritt and seconded by Croft. 4. Mayor Avery called attention to the poster on display in the C~ty Hall Lobby concerning proposed Capi.ta! Improvements, and expressed his appreciation to Mrs. Phyllis Plume of the League of Women Voters and to anyone who assisted her in preparing said ~oster. 5. Mr. Jurney announced that a former City Councilman of Boynton Beach,' Mr. Albert Deeno had passed away this afternoon due to a heart attack, and ~f it is Ln order for the City of Delray Beach to send flowers, he would like that done. It was agreeable to the other Councilmen, and Mayor Avery directed the City Manager to send flowers. 5. Mr. Jurney reported he had been at the beach Sunday morning and had observed a coneiderable amount of damage to the revetment on the north end of the beach~ further, that he is not condemning the revetment that is there but feels this would make the Council stop and think a little more about the future of the revetment. He said this damage to the revetment was caused by a Northeaster and feels the revetment should be tested by a hurricane before money is spent to continue the fever- men t. 5. Mr. Merritt asked if the City Attorney had done anything about trying to .eliminate the noise at the F. E~ C. Railway property, which item had been brought up at the last Council meeting. City Attorney Adams re~orted he had received a call from an At- torney who represents several interested parties, and said Attorney wants to meet with the City officials when the City Manager arranges for a meeting for consideration of that item. Mr. Merritt suggested that some kind of legislation be prepared to cause that noise disturbance to cease. 5. Concerning the recent Northeaster and the damage to the Beach Re- vetment, Mr. Talbot reported that City Clerk Worthing a~d City Engineer Fleming were on the job as soon as the damage was observed, and he sug- gested that the City Manager be authorized to make a press release in order that the public would know Just what had happened, that it is just a human error in the construction that could happen in any con- s~ructionl further, that he personally feels if it had not been for the revetment, the road in the area of 410 North Ocean Boulevard would have been washed out. Mr. Talbot then moved that the City Manager be instructed to get together with his engineering staff and make such a press release as necessary to advise the public as to what took place and what protec- tion the revetment afforded. The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft. During discussion, City Attorney Adams reported that the City Manager would have to meet with the Consulting Engineers and the Con- tractor before a press release is made and that meeting should be held tomorrow. Upon call of roll, the motion carried unanimously. -1- 11-13-67 ~,~, Concerning a suz~'e~ of parcels of land in violation of the sance l~s p~esented ~ the C~ M~ager, ~'~. Cro~t ~ved that the ty Cl~k be author~z~ ~ pro~ee~ with ~e ~f0rc~ent of the ~de of ~d~nanues, ~e mo~on being seconded ~ ~. Taler. ~. Me=ritt referred to It~ 2 on sa~ su~, being the Gulf O~1 Station Locate~ a~ the ~rn~ o~ west Atl~C~c Avenue and S. W. 5th Avenue, ~d said ~at he ~uld ~c~al~y ~ke to see this p=operty cleaned up to the full l~it of the law, to the extent of the Health Depar~ent concerning the public rest.r~ms, as he feels ~e conditions that ex~st on ~hat property is a ~isg=ace .... v ...... U~n call of roll, the motion carried unan~usly. (Co~ of surv~ ~s at~ached to ~e official ~ of these minutes.) Page 200-A. 6.b. C~ty Clerk Worth~ng info,ed Council that Section 12-5 of ~he COde of Ordinances, ~t should dete~ne the ~ali- f~ca~ons of ~e following c~d~dates, having f~led for public off,ce on the COuncil ~o= t~-year te~s co~enc~ng on the first Monday Janus,, 1968, and that prior ~ acceptance of the candidates~ ~ali- ficat~OnS, Coun~l shoul~ solicit the advice of the C~ to p=oper ~roce~ure hav~g-been fo11~, ~d ~alL~ications su~tted to the C~ty Clerk at t~me for filing for off~ce~ J~S H. ~Y LeROY W. ~ITT jACK L. SAU~ FO~ C~C~ ROBER~ ~. FAVRE JO~ W. D~I~ R. GEORGE T~B~, J~ B. WILSON O. F. YO~GBLOOD City Attorney Ad~s =e~rted that he and ~. Worth~ng had ex~- in~ all the applications and found eve~ to be legally qualified. Mayor Ave~ relin~ish~ the ga~l to ViC~-Mayor ~rn~ and moved that the candidates be declared ~al~i~. ~e ~tion was seconded by ~. Croft and carried un~imously. 6.c. The City Manager ~aid ~at in c~p~ance with Electi~ require- ments, as .s~t ~rth ~n Chapter 12 of the C~ty's Code of Ordinances, Council shall ap~nt a Clerk ~d ~nspectors ~ preside over the ~ima~ Slect~on which will be held on ~esday, Nov~er 21~ 1967~ further, it is suggested that a Clerk and ten Inspectors be~ap~inted, chosen at r~dom, fr~ t~ following 18 indiv~duals, whose n~es are su~itted for that put, se, ~d should ~t be the pleasure of any Council m~er, additional n~es may be added thereto~ D~ BAUER NINA SPR~ VE~ BO~ J~ W. ~S ~ BR~ING C..C. ~R FLO~CE C~P ~ L. W~R WXLLIE P~XN FRSDERI~ WOLTERING G~RTRUDE ~REEN ~SIE ~TON ~PH~SE ~ON BERT~ P. W~THING BELIE PHILLIPS L.L. Y~GBLOOD It ~ suggested' that the C~ty Clerk select ~he ~ividuals to ~rk as Clerk and InSpec~rs at the Prima~ Election, as he is f~iliar with the ones that. have worked and are best ~a~ified, and it was so moved ~ ~. Merritt. The motion was seconded by ~. Jurn~ ~d car- ried unani~us ly. -2- 11-13-67 '193 6.d. Regarding sea well construction on Casuarina Road, City Manager Gatchel re~orted toCouncil as follows=. "There is sea wall construction currently in progress in the improvement of Lot X, SeagateSubdivision, and adjoining south portion of the Yacht Basin, recently acquired, by the developer of those lands. From that acquired south ~ortion of the Yacht Basin, es pro- vided by Council, there remains 130 feet of the Basin for open water- way adjacent to, and north of the right-of-way of Casuarina Road, plus approximately 10 feet of Basin area. Due to this present sea wall construction, a proposal, considered most advantageous and in the best interest of the City, has been re- ceived from the contractor, International Piling, Inc., to contimue such construction easterly along the north right-of-way line of Casuarina Road to point of tie-in with the sea wall of Col. Kenneth E. Balliet~s property. This propsal offers such construction, sea wall to be 13 feet in height, the lower 2 feet to be 'T' piles driven into rock, for $23.00 per lineal foot, plus an extra charge of $22.50 per hour, for excavating and shaping the berm. Total estimated cost for this badly needed improvement is $3,500.00, and authorization is requested for providing this sea wall construction and transfer of funds to cover the cost thereof from the General Fund Contingency Account." It was so moved by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Merritt. Following a question by Mr. Jurney as to how long the construction would take, City Attorney Adams said there would be a contract for this work, and that he would assume the City Engineer would be on the job at the time of said construction. Upon call of roll, the motion Carried unanimously. 8.a. and 8.b. Mayor Avery announced that these two items have been deferred until the next regular Council meeting on November 2?th. 8.c. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 36-67. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF. DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING. . TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LAND LO~ATED IN SECTION 28, TGWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LAND IS CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING M~NICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY~ REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND~ PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND~ AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. (Co~y of Ordinance No. 36-67 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See pages 200-B-C. The City Clerk read the following Planning and Zoning Board re- port, dated November 3= "At a special meeting held at City Hall this~ morning, the Board voted-unanimously to recommend the annexation of certain lands in Section 28, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, lying between State Road A-1-A andthe Intra- coastal Waterway, as outlined in Ordinance NO. 36-67 and to be in zoning District R-3." The developers of this property were present and displayed plans and a picture of the proposed improvements of this property. They said they plan to build two buildings, four stories high, containing eighty units, and explained they plan to build a club house, swimming ~ool, shuffleboard courts, putting green, seawall and boat~docka. Mr. Jurney asked if it is necessary for them to have ~ny fire fighting apparatus built in., and they explained they have to com~ly with the requirements and install 9prinklers on the roof, access to the roof, enclosed stairways, etc. -3- 11-13-67 ,1'94 Mrs. Dorothea G. Montgomery:..expreseed',her.~.pteasure ~that. the pro- posed /mprovement on that land is only four stories instead of high-rise apartmente. There being no objection to Ordinance No. 36-67~ said Ordinance was unan/mously passed and adopted on this second and final reading, on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Jurney. $.d. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 37-67. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF D~LRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING SECTIONS 18-31 THROUGH' 18-38, CHAPTER 18 ARTICLE III (CHARITABLE SOLICITATIONS) AND AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING N~W SECTIONS 18-31 THROUGH 18-45' REGULATING SOLICITATION:':FOR CHARITABLE AND OTHER SIMILAR PURPOSES AND PROVIDING A PEN- ALTY FOR ANY VIOLATIO~ THEREOF, The City Clerk read the following 1attar from the Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce, dated November 4, 1967, signed by its Executive Vice-President, Ken Ellingsworthz "Following study"-and: recommendation by its 'Char'itable Solicita- tions Committtee, ,The .Board. of Directors of the DeLSey Beaoh Chamber of Commerce requests your faro:able considerate'on of '.e~veral proposed ~hanges. in the.. current,~soticitatione ordina~_oe las indicated, on the at- tached ~orm. These changes are designed to strengthen our current ordinance to better inform our citizens as to how their donated dollars are used,, as well as to protect them from unjustified or fraudulent solicitations. Written for the Board of Directors." Mayor Avery relinquished the gavel to Vice-Mayor Ju=ney and moved ~hat Ordinance No. 37-67 be placed on first reading, the motion being seconded by Mr. Merritt and unanimously carried. 9.a. Regarding an auction held for disposal of obsolete and excess ec/ui~ment, City Clerk Worthing reported as follows: "Council, on October 9th, authorized an auction be held for re- ce.ivin~:.bids on, obeolete'..City owned equip~nt~: This auction was held at the City Barns on November 1st, at 1..00 P.M., with notice of proposed sale having been advertised in the local newspaper for two consecutive weeks prior thereto. The results of the auction are as follows: · .1. 1962 C.M.C. Concrete M£xer lCap.. 6..cu. ft.} $275.00 2. 1958 Street Sand Spreader, 7 H.P. Engine 25.00 3. 'Littleford' Tar Kettle (Cap. 225 gale.) 50.00 - 4. Eleven Aluminum Window Frames, Awning Type, 53~x50'' 35.00 5. Side Dump 4-Wheel Trailer {Cap. 1% yds.) 50.00 6. 1951 White Truck Tractor with Front,end Hydraulic Lift 325.00 7. ~953 G.M.C. ½-Ton Pickup 125.00 8. 1952 Ford Pickup, Utility Body~ Folding Ladder 80.00 9. 1961 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle 50,00 it ie.~bekieved top value has been received for Items One thru Eight. .It is recommended that the offer of $50.00 for the motorcycle be rejected and the City Manager be authorized to solicit new bids for the cycle as it is further believed a much higher bid can be obtained." Mr. Talbot moved to follow the re~o~endation of the 'City Manager, the motion being seconded by Mr. Croft. Mr. Jurney asked how much Item 10 the 1962 C.M.C. Concrete Mixer cost the City? City Clerk Worthing reporte~ that piece of equi~ment cost the City $2,477.93. Mr. Jurney said he felt the bid on that piece of equipment is very small considering what it cost the City. -4- 11-1~-67' 195 Upon call of roll on the motion to follo~ the recomepdat~on ~e City Manager,~ ~. Croft, ~. Merrett, ~. Taint, and Mayo~ Avery  ted in favor of the ~gion and ~. Jurn~ was op~sed. 9.b. City Clerk Worthing info,ed Council that an a~pl~cation to solicit funds within the City, su~ted ~ the Co~ ~est Services of Delray Beach, ~lfs~e~, Highland Beach and ~e Village of Golf, was processed through the Solicita~o~s Co~ittee, which re~rts aS follows, ~d the dates for soli~itation are Februa~ 9-23, 1968 - door to door, w~th letters being mailed in ~v~r, 1967 ~d J~ua~, 1968. "Plebe be advised that the Solicitations Co~ittee re--ends' approval of ~e Co~uni~ ~est's request to solicit on dates listed on ~e~r application. Wr~tt~ for the Sol~citat~ons /s/ 'Ken Ellings~r~h ~. Croft moved to app=ove said application for solic~tation, the motion being seconded ~ ~. Taler and un~usly carried. 9.c. R~ar~g the re, est of ~he Delray Beach ~bl~c L~br~ Solici~ f~de, C~ 'C~e=k.,'Worth~ng:~ ~ead.~.~he. ~l~&ng ~ ~et~er: f~ the Sol~citations CO~ttee, dated Nov~r 2, 1967, and signed ~ Ken Ellings~rth~ "Please be advised that the Solicitations Co~ttee rec~ende '~=0val. of the Delra~ Beach ~bll~ L~br~'s re~e~,to sol~9~t. Dates being, l~te~ ~o~ J~ua~ 1 mktt~e' further suggests- that the' re~ir~' t°''ad- vertise .last. year~.s fibres be..wa~ivgd .... _~ iatt~r'hai~ of Ja~ua~ i968. (as. we are inf0~ed' ~Y' ' ~. JO~Talle~tire'~ Chai~a~ 0'f [the' ~h~r of CO~- . merce CO~it~e~),.~ would like ~ ch~ge our '1968 t~e request~ to M~ch I to 16 inclusive. : ... ~.. W~LI..yOU please add this r~sed, re, est ~ our . . file.. ~k YOU ~e~.much in advance." ~', ~[Ci~y~ c!e~k:'~rthing inf~med'council that he Bad' c°ntac%~~ the Soli~itati°~ Co~ittee today and th~ had approved ~he revised period of solici~at~ogs=.for the De,ray Beach L~r~, b~ig~ Ma=Ch_.1 to 16, 1968. ' ~. ~Ofk moved ~0 approve the revised reoo~e~dat~on of the Charit~ie s01~eita~i0hs ~te~, the'~tion 'b~ing ~e~ded-by Talbot J ' ' ' ~."'He~it~ Said hells afraid it~ ~ld-"be se.tti~g-a'p=ecedent the re~k~=efi~'[~0 ~dve~ise !as~ year'.s.j~.~=~-is Waiv;d, and he feels khat t~e' Libra~: must. c0~ly. ~t~-' t~at 'r~r~ent~. said:-he w°~id' m~ tha~' stiPulatio~ as ~n ~en~nt to the motion. ~. ~o.ft ~d. ~, Taler accePte~' the ~en~en~. ~ kh~ .motion,.'~d u~n 9.x. City ~ler~,wOrthkng read~ the B~utification'co~itte~' meeting Minutes of No~er.eth.,~ i967~, and the .follOwin?.it~..Of those minutes ' ' "~S."Fbances Ward, of the Po~ciana Gard~ Club, de- sc~bed a pl~ for plating the 20' x 60' strip in'front of the P~rking area in the East Atlantic-Avenue park; Her club ~uld l~ke to undertake th~s prOJec~ after the - · City plants a. scree~a of .high. green shrubbery ~ficus ~r jasmine wer~ suggested). The Club would rotate.color- ful plazttings .each season with the Club supplying the plants azld the City supplying labor sad minimal main- tenance. Mrs. Plume moved that the Conunittee recom- mend the idea of this plea to the Council. (Motion seconded and approved).. Mrs. Ward was. asked to sub- mit a drawing and breakdown of costs to the C°uncil for their consideration." Mr. Merritt disPleyed a. picture of the proposed landscaping and ex~lained as follows: "What they want-to do is take over the area that ~s in between the grass 'and the tall hedge and plant annuals. They wohld like to have' sbme color in' that', area. They have agreed not only to do this, but also to maintain this planted area in the middle. You may be familiar with the island that Mr. Hall takes care of across from the Seaboard Railroad. They want to do something similar to that, only they will have roses, annual'plants of different kinds, and they will change them from time to time." It was pointed out that the City. w°uld have to install a sprinkler system, cost of which had already besa approved by Council, and the only change such plantin~s would make in the sprinkler system would be the location of the sprinkler heads, also that this had been gone over thoroughly with Mr. Elliott, the Director of Parks and Recreation, and coordinated with him. Mr. Merritt moved that the Poinciana Garden Club be allowed to take over the beautification of this specific area with the maintenance and upkeep to be done by that Club. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimously. 9.x. City Clerk worthing reed the following report to the City Manager from the ~o~munity Relations Connnittee, dated October 13, 1967~ "The Community Relations Co~mittee will be most apl~reciative if you would inform the City Council that the following new officers were elected at the Committee's regular meeting on October 2nd: Chairman Mrs. Virginia Meyers Vi~e ~Cha£rman Mr. A1 Risker Recor&ting Secretary Mrs. Rosetta Rolle Cor~sponding Secretary Mrs. Frank L. Carey Thank you." Mayor Avery recognized and introduced Mrs. Meyers, Mrs. Rolls and Mrs. Carey. City Manager Gatchel reported that he had received additional cor- respondence from the Community Relations Committee and would keep Council advised of same. lO.x. City Clerk Worthing reported to Council as follows: "As of Novem- b~c '3,8~ ~9~, Judge John .~, '~/ub~oee posted' a .cash bond of U12,000.-w~th the City, which Bond and accompanying executed Agreement assured the construction of sidewalks on the north and south sides of Poinsettia Boulevard ~n:',.Sudan:.'.Suhd~vision'..and. a portio~ of DaVis 'Road.' lying -.within that Subdivis ion. This Agreement and Bond were for e period of one year, expiring this coming Saturday. Judge Ambrose, in a letter received today, re- quests that Council, at its next meeting on November 27th, consider an extension of.said Agreement, and that he plans to attend that meeting relative to such petition." 10.x. City Clerk Worthing read Che following letter from St. Vincent Fe~re~'te'.Church, dated November 9th, 1967 and signed by Reverend John A. Skehan,. Pastor: 11-13-67 :197 "l respectfully request permission to open a thrift shop at 260 N. ~,o ~tnd Ave., under the name of the Beachcomber Thrift Shop. All items to be sold will be used or second? hand and w.ill be 'donated by our parishioners and friends. The proceeds will be given to St. Vincent Ferret Church for our new church building fund. Thanking your for your consideration, and with personal regards.;' The City Clerk informed Council .that under Chapter ~8 of the Code of Ordinances, this activity is exempt from fees and charges. Mayor Avery relinquished the gavel to Vice-Mayo= Jurney and moved that permission be granted. The motion was. seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimously. lO.x. City Manager Gatchel informed Council that bids had been solicit- ed for two new truck chassis suitable for installation of flat dump bodies for-use in the trash department, This had been advertised trade-in allowance on ~ 1955 F-600 ford £1at-bed dump trucks, one with hoist and body, · the other .with hoist but without the body,, and the following bids were received, all meeting the specifications as furnished and called for by the City~ General ,C~C TKuCk Sale. s,&<$.erFice,~ InC, west palm: Bea~h; 'tw°'xnterna~ional t~qkS. ": .$6',6!7.44 The CLty Manager recommended the purchase of two G.M.C. trucks f~om.~ene=al~O~4C Trucks. S~l~s &.Service~ Inc,, of He, st,Palm Beach, in the amoul~t' afl ~5~,87,9,60 slid' l~e~.g'rted tli~it money to cover this purchase is · X% 'was s9 .moved "~y Mr." se~ritt,' seconded by Mr, Jurney an~ unani- !O.x. aega~rding aaso, l.~ti0n N?..2.6-63:..a,uthorizing..t~he is.ouance of f600,',000 Util%ti'es Tax ."Reyenge "cert~i~fiCateS,' passesd .and .'adoPted .st the regulir '..CouhCil ~me'ei~i~g "held ~n-'-o~M~er 'so.th, 'f967, tl{e'.iC!.t~y' lganager i~n~O~ed'~ou~Cil"thit &¢~r:din~'r~O pa$il p~o~edu~'es ·.xssue i~ an ~oUn~'W~i~ch"~'he h~ been ~customedi~o =eCeiV~ng:.~n"the ~st; Of one t~r~ of o~e.per, cent, for t~e Bond Lssue; furt~ier0 _th~s amount ~&. cO~*:~d~'abl~ 'les's ~an' Cit~ A'~tOrii&y& in neighboring co~nities have charged_~o,~ the.~:, ~k on such bond issues, 'Th~ Cit~.~Maaa'ger 'reco~mm~ed:,that: a motion be made and passed authO~iz~'g' 'and'.'-approv'ing~ th~ ~t~'rney' fee~ ~a~ 'juSt mentioned` ~t was so ,mov~ed )~Mro: Mer,ritt~,si,eao~d.e..d.. by .l~x, Jurney and unanimously carried. lC.x, :~Mr.~ 3u~neY ~sked'tl~e~Cf~'Manager~ :th~ statuli'of'~¥ch~ South~est Drainage ~rroJ. ect,: :and .when-.' anot~e'r WOrkShop meeting is:planned for that City Manager. GatChel re'pod:ted,,ak: ~ilows: ": '' "The-End(nears have provided.~t!m: City'w%th ·their coat. estimates, of the Engineering ? . In ,,other Words, .the construction CoS&'s ilar'the three al. ternate ,'routes o~ t.h.e .$0u?hwes-t ,Dral~ig~: .a,r,.ea, 'and;: it' lS now up to.' the- Ad~i'n~s.tratiOn to p~oVtde an estimate .0~' the ~ght.of~ay.;.cOSt~ coltpIe~ .with Engin?erini costs,. ~o~ give: us/a .'iotai p£c~tu~; of what th~i.a· ~utfall Sy~{gn~'w~'~I'd'~ai~unt. to..- Not the collection, but the surfs11 system. This, is in. proc, ess, ,,.Mrs. Jurney and Gentlemen of Council,. ho,w,ever, we are .not a't t~e '.l~oin~ yet where, we are '·prePared.' to-qiVe the~e, c0st I. 1,98 est/mates to Council, but this is in process." Mr. Jurney asked the. time element in ~etting those figures, and the City Manager and City Clerk reported they felt that may be ac- complished by the first of December. Mr. Jurney commanded the City Administration for the work that has been done on that project. 10.x. Mr. Talbot c~mmented: "In last week's agenda there was al letter on the condition Of Marine Way. Am ! remembering correctly, seawall, Was any action taken on it?" The City Manager said no action was taken on that, and continued. "It has been my understanding that for many years, due to the very nature of the protective barrier there, it is Just a pile of rocks, "'. thats all, that we've ha~ to handle it Just as the City did this past summer when there was a failure. We went in and shored it up, beefed it up, and filled in some of the sunken spots, but it appears to us that there is really and truly no answer to that without getting some sort of a sea wall there such as we have at the City Park. Needless to say that could be a considerable expenditure. ! cannot feel that just adding more rock on top of it would be an answer to .the floodwater conditions, the waters would come right on through. It would be an answer to the floating debris that remains deposited on the roadway after the waters recede, but there again, ! cannot help but.feel, after talking with our Engineer and Public Works Director and Mr. worthing, and all of those who have been involVed on this latest shoring up process, I cannot help but feel that it would be just practically no answer at all and I think our trash crews can go down there and clean it up after the waters recede." Mr. Talbot: "Is there any hazard to .it from the City on liabil- ity?" City Manager: "There is always a hazard and a possibility of suit if somebody were to go down there after some of those erosions, after the soil sinks away from below the grass. There was a soft spot there that a person could step in and injure themself, there is always a danger from that aspect." Mr. Talbot= "In othe~ words, it would be a 'separate project to go in there and rehabilitate from the bottom up. (The City Manager answered yes.) It can't be patched up?" City Manager~ "NO sir, I do not feel that it can other than on a hit and miss proposition.such as we have been handling it for many years." Mr. Talbot.~. "We 'would:.probably:'.have. to..wait': '£or~..anOther'.budget." :." ;..'City Manage== . .!:Budget or bond issue or something of the. sort to have funds provided for it." Mr. Jurney: "I have heard something about this too, and I believe what you are referring to ,is the dock down there that was caved in and undermine~." Mr. Talbot: It's in pretty bad shape." Mr. Jurney continued~ "I would like to know if.'.tI%e:~eaSe .that Mr. Plym has with the City in leasing that dock, if it is not his res~onsi- biiity and not the City of Delray Beach, in repairing this dock that was ripped out or torn loose from the footing and a dead man jerked out of the ground. I happened to be down there at the time that that hap- pened and ~ saw a quite large boat: ti%d up there and it is my opinion that that boat and the wake of the passing boats did the damage and not anything that the City did, and if the lease calls for Mr. Plym to~keep that dock in good repair, 1 think that Mr. Plym should be the one that would foot the bill, not the City of Delray Beach." City Manager: "We will be glad to check into that matter. It was my understanding, of course ! was not here in town at this appropriate action was taken by the then Acting City Manager, Mr. Worthing, and the staff, to take care of the immediate problem at hand. I will certainly check into the Lease and verify if this was an item of Mr. Plym's expense or the City's. It was my understanding that it was at the north end of the basin area as leased by Mr. Plym. (Mr. Jurney said it was a dock) I realize there was damage there too,. but I'll check into it." -8- 11-13-67 199 Mr. Jurney= "That is where the damage was, at the dock, and I might say that Mr. Worth£ng d~d a very speedy job in getting in there. It was something that had to be done as it was hazardous, but I would like to see the ~ontents of the Lease be followed." 10.b. City Clerk Worthing presented Bills for Approval as follows~ General Fund $93,509.22 Water Operating & Maintenance Fund 6,351.23 Beach Disaster Fund 15,788.12 Cigarette Tax Pund 5,358.00 Construction Trust Fund 8,251.35 The bills were unanimously ordered paid, on motion by Mr. Croft ~nd seconded by Mr. Jurney. The meeting adjourned at 9~08 P.M. R~ D~. WO~THING City Clerk APPROVED ~ MAYOR ~9- 11-13-67 ~-., ~-. 200-A PROPERTIES 1'N VIOLATION OF OI~DII~NCE NO. G-147 ~ SS~IONS 15-3 and 15~ OF T~ CI~ CODE. ~R a~ ADD~S.S P~O~R~DESCRI~!ON ~ri~ N. ~o~ Cohen Vacant part of ~t 31, 15-3 P. O. ~x L58 ~11er and Grootman's S/D. Herna~o, Florida 32642 (414 N. E. 7~ Avenue) 15-4 Z. ~u~f 0il Cor~ration Ua~t.'part of-'No~th'~ 75 feet 15-3 Gulf Building of WeS~.135~5.fmet ~ess Pittsburgh, Pe~sylvania 20 foot ~, Block 29. 15-4 15219 (442 West AtLantic Avenue) Joseph and Lillian Brown Vacant part of Lot 19, Block 1, 15-3 Phillips Odmanns S/D. & P. O. Box 1884 (48 N. W. 13th Avenue} 19-4 Delray Besah, Florida 33444 Violations 15-3 and 15-4 as concerns this report are as follows= 1. 15-3 - Garden trash, bottles and cans 15-4 - High weeds 2. 15-3 - Garden trash, bottles and cans. 15-4 - Junk of all descriptions 3. ~-3 - Garden tresh 15-4 - High weeds, loose lumber, cans, bottles and other miscellaneous junk. Submitted to the City Council by the City Manager this the 13th day of November, 1967. 200-B ORDI~AN~ ~0. 36-67. AN ORDINANCE OF T~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DBLRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LAND LOCATED IN SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 BAST, WHICH LAND IS CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY; REDEFINING TH~ BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING T~REOF. WHEREAS, HARRY E. BRAY, as Trustee, is the fee simple owner of the property hereinafter described, and WHEREAS, HARRY E. BRAY, as Trustee, by hie petition, has consented and given permission for the annexation of said property by the City of Delray Beach, and WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach has heretofore been authorized to annex lands in accordance with section 185.1 of the City Charter of said City granted to it by the State of Florida; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF DELRAYBEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, hereby annexes to said City the following described tract of land located in Palm Beach County, Florida, which liescontiguoua to said City, to-wit: A part of Section 28, Township 46 South, Range 43 Bast, being all that' part of the North 200 feet of the South 2000 feet (measured at right angles to the East and West Quarter Section line of said'Section), of that part of sa~4 section which lies north of the east and west Quarter Section linethroughsaid section, and. Lies between the westerly right-of-way line of State Road AZA and the Easterly right-of-way line of the Intracoastal Waterway (FLorida East Coast Canal). The East and West Quarter Section Line through said Section 28, is as established by agreement between Bessemer PToperties, InCorPOrated, and Bessett W. Mitchell and Mary S~arr Mitchell, his wife, dated ' November 20, 1941, recorded in Deed Book 642, Page '474., of.the Palm'BeaCh County, Florida records. SECTION 2. That the boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are hereby redefined so as to include therein the above described tract of land, and said land is hereby declared to be within the corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. SECTION 3. That the tract of land hereinabove described is hereby deClared'to be in Zoning District R-3 as defined by exist- ing ordinances of the 'City of Delray Beach, Florida. 200-C Page 2. Ordinance No. 36-67. SECTION 4. That the lands hereinabove described shall immediately become subject to all of the franchises, 9rivileges, immunities, debts (except the existing bonded indebtedness), ob- ligations, liabilities, ordinances and laws to which lands in the City of Delray Beach are now or may be, and persons residing there- on shall be deemed citizens of the City of Delray Beach. SECTION 5. That if any word, .phrase, clause, sentence or part of this ordinance shall be declared illegal by a court of competent jurisdiction, such record of illegality shall in no~ay affect the remaining portion. PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading on the 13th day of November , 1967. /S/ Alt C. Avery MAYOR AT~ST '. /S/ R. D- Worthinc. _ - . ~City Clerk First Reading octob~ ~. iq&7. _ Second Reading ~Nove~ber 13~ ~967