12-12-67 217, DECEMBSRi~, 1967. A regular meeting of the City Council of Delray Eeach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor Al. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager David M. Gatchel, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen J. LeRoy Croft, James H. Jurney, LeRoy W. Merritt and George Talbot, Jr., being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by the Rev. N. A. Jenkins. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. Mayor Avery introduced Mayor-elect J. L. Saunders and Councilmen- elect James B. Wilson and O. F. Youngblood. 3. The minutes of the regular Council meeting of November 27th and special meeting of December 6th, 1967, were unanimously approved, on motion byMr. Croft and Seconded by Mr. Merritt. 4.--There were no public releases. 5. Mr. Merritt asked the status of the proposed anti-noise ordinance. City Manager Gatchel reported that the matter of noise at the F. E. C. Railway property wa~ taken"up at thestaff meeting following the meet- ing at which Council asked him to pursue the matter. Further, the ministration has been in contact with the firm that conducts the piggy- back operation for the'F~. E. C,'Railway CompanY,'also the proper-of- ficia'l~ of"the'F~E. C. RailwaylCompanYhave been contacted directly a~d:have Promisedrelief from the noisy operationduring the night and early mprning hours at the piggy~back loading area on S. E. 3rd Avenue, He said he'had received no complaints since that time. Mr. Merritt reported that he had not received complaints about that OperatiOn recently. The City Manager said if the people most aggrieved by that noise would keepthe City informed, immediate action has been promised by the officials of the F. E. C. Railway Company. 5. Mayor Avery said he had attended the Coaches Award Dinner in honor of the'Seacrest Football Team, and reported that the plaques an~ Reso- lution presented by the City of Delray Eeach were well received. 6.a. Concerning a survey of parcels of land in rio!etlon of the City's nuisance laws presented by the City Manager, Mr. Croft moved that the City Clerk be authorized to proceed with the enforcement of Chapter iS of the code of Ordinances, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried. '(Copy of survey is attached to the official copy of these minutes.] Pg.222-B 6.b. City Manager Gatchel informed Council that Change Order No. 1, relative to the Dawson Company's contract dated May 22, 1967, Provides for reconcil£ation of all differences between the AS-BUILT q~antities' and the BID quantities, and the. result of all deletions and additions to the original contract is a NET UNDER-RUI~of $4,879.10. FUrther, ~he detailed finaI reconciliation of all differences between 'the and As-Built quantities, reflected in APPENDIX "A" supporting the final estimate, as well as the computations therein, have been thor- oughly checked .by the Director of Finance and City Engineer, who conc~ in the accuracy of the final estimate, as submitted, and should Counci~ desire no further information concerning this final estimate, its ac- =eptance is recommended, along with approval of Change Order No. 1. It was-so moved by Mr. Talbot, seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimous- ly carried. (Copy of Change Order No. 1 and Appendix "A" are attached to th~ official copy of ~hese minutes.] See pages 222-C-L. -1- 12-12-67 6.c. The City Manager informed Council that as of November 18, 1966, Mr. John B. Ambrose posted a cash bond of $12,000 with the City, which bond and accompanying executed agreement, as authorized by Council on November 14, 1966, assured the construction of sidewalks on the north and south sides of Poinsettia Boulevard in Sudan Subdivison and that portion of Davis Hoed lying within the Subdivision within twelve months from date ~f agreement= further, due to delay by the County and the City in providing for Davis Road egress and ingress to West Atlantic Ayenue, the conditions set forth in the agreement have been affected, and Mr. Ambrose requests-aD extension of the agreement for twelve months o Mr. Talbot moved that said Agreement be extended for a period of one year, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously car- tied. The City Manager reported that two weeks ago the County Commission received the engineering drawings as prepared by the City of Delray Beach Engineering staff; approved the engineering design as to plans and specifications for construction of Davis Road; and authorized the County Engineer and County Attorney to proceed with the formulation of an agreement to be entered into by the County and the City of Delray Beach; further, this agreement was approved at a County Commission meeting today, and as soon as it is signed and sent to this city, the City will be in a position to procure the lots in Breezy Ridge Estates as agreed upon by Council~ and to proceed with letting a contract for building this connecting link of Davis Road with West Atlantic Avenue. 6.d. The City Manager reminded Council that the second regular sched- ules meeting for December falls on Monday, December 25th, Christmas Day, and the pleasure of Council for rescheduling said meeting is requested. Following discussion, Mr. Merritt moved that said meeting be resched- bled to 8:00 P.M,, Tuesday, December 26th, 1967, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried. 6.e. The City Manager said that for the past many years, the City council had voted a Christmas bonus to all regular City employees, and the following f~rmula for .computing individual ~bonUses..is recommended: "Salaried. B~. blouses= 9.2% on monthly salary plus a com- puted amount for'in,omc tax and social security. This provides a net amount equivalent to two days' pay for all salaried employees working five days per week. ~.o.~urly...Employees: Two day at regular hourly rate plus a computed amount for income tax and social security, The above is subject to regular employees with the City less than 90 days from December 31, 1967, to receive a prorated bonus with minimum amount fixed at $15.00. Part-time and temporary employees~ $15.00." Further, subject to Council approval, a transfer should be authorized from the ~eneral Fund Contingency Account to the Christmas Bonus Account in the amount of $9,125.00 and from the Water and Sewer ~und Contingency Account to the Christmas Bonus Account in the amount of $1,375.00. Mr. Talbot moved to allow the Christmas Bonus for City employees and to authorize the transfer of funds from the General Fund Contingency Account and the Water and Sewer Fund Contingency AccOunt to cover same. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimously. City Manager Gatchel thanked Council, on behalf of all of the City employees, for approving the Christmas Bonus. 6.f. City Manager ~atchel said that proposed SuPPlemental Agreement No. 13, to the engineering contract between the City and Russell & Axon,. Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated September 30, 1959, provides for competent field engineering and surv~ing for planning sanitary sewer extensions to the ~b of the present serviced areas in a section more particularly descri~ ~s being bounded on the north by South 10th ' ~ -2- 12~12-67 219 ~treet, on the east by the Intracoastal Waterway, on the south by the C-IS .Canal and on the west by Highway 1-95. Further, the estimated cost 'for such engineering and:survey work is $2,500. more or less, and shall be determined u~on actual payroll costs multil~lied by the factor 2.0° to cover overhead, a~ministrative expanse and reasonable profit, plus reimbursement to the engineers for travel expense on the job at the rate of ten cents ~er mile. The City Manager sa~d it is felt that such engineering and survey work asprovided by this supplemental agreemant is vitally necessary, and recon~nended approval of same and the authorization for execution by the proper City officials. Mr. Croft moved that said Supplemental Agreement No. 13' he approv~, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney .and unanimously carried. (Copy of Supplemental Agreemant No. 13 to the eng~neering contract between the City and Russell & Axon, Consulting Engineers, Inc~, dated September 30, 1959, is attached to the official cop~ of these minutes.) See page 222-M. 7.a. The City Clerk informed Council that the Plumosa Kindergarten, through Mrs. Emory E. Dunn., requests, the use of the Com~unity Center gymnasium for the p~ose of conducting a Children's Church Program on the night of January 27th or February 3rd, 1968, from 6:00 to 9~00 P.M., further~ the City Manager, with the City Recreation Director concurring, recommends the request be granted for the night of Feb- ruary 3rd. Mr, Talbot moved that the reco~mendation of the City Manager be approved, the.motion being seconded by Mr. jUrney and unanimously car tied. 7 ~b. C~ty Clerk Worthing in~o~med. Council~ that Miss Betty Ann Reed, Chairman., a.nd on'. behalf o'f the H-~storical MarkerI Comm£t~ee of 'the ~onathan~ Dickinson chapter, Daughters of the'American Revolution'of Delray Beach~ a~ the Florida Board of Parks and Historic Memorials requests the City's ~ermission to furnish, install and maintain_a Historica~ Marker commemorating ORANGE ~ROVE HO~SE OF REFUGE NO. 3 ~nd it .iS their ~esire that this marker be erected on the beach at the south end of the revetment wall, between the sidewalk and wave screen, which location is .approximate!y east of the original House of t~efuge. F.urt~r: the Jonathan DiCkinson Chapter desires t° Pr0vi~e for tion o,~ such marker, during the month of February, 1968, and' there b~ing~'.~.any such Historical Markers located throughout the ~Orthern part' of the State, all of which are beautiful in construction and reflective of great, historical value, ~t is recommended that the request be' gra..nted. ?erm~:ssion for the placement of such marker was unanimously gran'ted, on .motion by Mr. Merrett and seconded by Mr. Talbot. - 8.a. ,~ty Clerk worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 38-67'. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CO~JNCIL OF THE CITY OF. DELRAY'~EACH~ FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY. OF DELRAY BEACH, A CERTAIN PORTION OF RXGHT-OF-WAY ADJACENT TO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THIS CITY, AND KNOWN 'As CON~S'S AV~:. (COpy. of 0rd~nance No ' 38-67 is attached to the off~cial' copy of these minutes.) See page 222-A. There being no objection to Ordinance NO. 38-67, said Ordina~ce Was ~an~moUsly passed and ado.l~ed on this second and final reading, on motion by M~.. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Croft. 9.a. i' City ~.~erk worth!ng informed Council that in compliance_w, ith the ~ode of'Ordinance r _e~uirements, set forth in Sectio~ 29-?.5%, the Plann~hg.'BOa=~ hell~ a public hearing on a request ~ e~e~ial exception ~'~ height requ*rements, and ~he ~oards's report is as follows~ "On November 21st, 1967, at a Public Hearing held in city Hall at 4,00 P.M., no one appeared in objection to the request for Special Exception in height require- ments in an R-3 Zoning District located at 2400 South Ocean Boulevard described as: That part of the South 200 feet of North 2670 feet of Section 28, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, lying between Easterly right,of-way line of.the Intra- coastal Waterway andWesterly right-of-way line of State Road A-I~A. At a special meeting held in City Hall at 8~00 A.M. on November 28th, 1967, after studying revised plans, the Planning and zoning Board voted unanimously to recom- mend that City council grant the SpecialException." Further, Council may deny the petition or sustain the recommendation of the Planning Board, and may, subject tog.ranting this Special Exception, prescribe a time limit, should it so desire, for convnencement or completion of construction, or both. Following discussion, Mr. Talbot moved that the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board be sustained. The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft and carried unanimously. 9.b. Regarding the Planning Board's report concerning a petition for special exception in height requirements, the City Clerk reported as follows= "World Resorts, Inc. petitioned for Special Exception relative tea proposed development on parts of Ocean Beach Lots 14 & 15 located at 32 North Ocean Boulevard' adjacent to, and north of the City owned parcel on which the Fire Station is located. The planned development was for a 38 unit condominium apartment building (eleven stories). The Planning a~d Zoning Board considered this petition at three separate meetings. At the final meeting, held December 5th, the sub- mitted plans did not provide ~for compliance with the setback require- ments of the City's Code of .Ordinances, and the Board voted unanimously to recomend to Council that the petition be denied as reflected in its report, copy of which accompanied the Agenda. Council may grant this request, sustain the recommendation of the Planning and zoning Board denying thepetition, or defer action thereon until the next regular meeting, requesting the Planning Board's clarification of findings relative to required side yard setbacks." Mr. Merritt moved that the request be denied sustaining the recom- mendation of the Planning and Zoning Board. ~hemotion died for the lack of a second. Following discussion, Mr. Jurney moved that this Agenda Item 9.b. be deferred until.the next wDrkshop meeting which is this coming Thurs-- day night at 8~00 P.M., the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried. Mayor Avery announced that said workshop meeting is open to the public, and asked that City Clerk Worthing see that a member of the Planning and Zoning Board is present at that meeting. 10.a. Mr. Paul Ledridge.i~formed. counCil'that he is'Chairman.of~the Building Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, and that the present chamber of Commerce building is located on th£rty feet of ~ity owned land leased to their organization, but to make the new' bu$lding ade~w~te the thirty feet of land is not quite enough. Mr. Ledridge said the Chamber of Commerce is asking that. twenty-two additionalfeet of land be leased to them which will be adequate for their proposed new build- ing. The. City Manager reco~ended that the request be granted. The City Manager's recommendation wasunanimously approved, on motion by Mr. Merritt and seconded by Mr. Jurney. -4- 12-12-67 221 ~0.a. Mrs. Dorothea G. Montgomery said there was some mention last spring of a sidewalk tying in with the sidewalk of the Mira. MarGarden Apartments, and asked the status of that plan. Mayor Avery asked that said item be referred to the City Manager. Mrs. Montgomery recon~ended that four-way stop signs be placed at the intersection of Venetian and Miramar Drives as a dangerous ~raffic condition exists in that area. Mayor Avery asked that the City Manager take this item under advise- ment. 10.b. Regarding a request to solicit funds within the City, City Clerk worthing reported to council as follows~ "The SOlicitations committee submits the request of the March of Dimes National Foundation for permit to solicit funds withi~ Delray Beach during the period of January 16th through the 31st. It is the recommendation of the Con~ittee that the re- quest be granted subject to the Foundation submitting its prepared News publication of its Financial Statement and . information as required by Ordinance 37-67, to the City Manager for verification of its contents with the complete data shown on the Identification Card, prior to submission of the Statementto'the?~Newsmedia." Mr. Merritt moved that the application from the National Foundation be approved without endorsement. The motion died for the lack of a second. Mr. Merritt then moved that the application be granted subject to compliance with the Ordinance, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney. During discussion, City Attorney Adams pointed out that there is a recently passed Ordinance concerning charitable soli=itations, but said Ordinance iS not in effect at this time. Upon call of roll, the motion carried unanimously. !0.c. City Clerk Worthing presented Bills for Approval as follows= General Fund $135,876.41 Cigarette Tax Fund 5,358.00 Sewer Revenue Fund 5,000.00 Construction Trust Fund 10,140.10 The bills were unanimously ordered paid, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Croft. The meeting adjourned at 9=55 P.M. City Clerk APPROVED ~ MAYOR -5- 12-12-67 222-A ORDINANCE NO. 38-67. AN ORDINANCe. OF ~ CItY CO~C~ O~ T~ CI~ OF DE~Y ~, FL~IDA, ~~ TO T~ CI~ OF DE~Y B~, A ~RTAIN PORTION OF RI~-OF-WAY, ~JA~ ~ T~ AS CONG~SS A~. ~R~AS, the Board of County commissioners of Palm Beach County, has established Certain right-of-way for, and pro- vided construction of, CONGRESS AVENUE in the South County area; and WHEREAS, the City council of the City of Delray Beach, FlOrida, deems it to be in the best interests of the City of Delray Beach in order to provide better regulations and traffic control for this major arterial highway extending through the West sector of this City, which"highimy i_nccrpor~tee S. W..20th Avenue, as now laid out and in use within the corporate limits of the. City; WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has here- tofore been granted authority in its City Charter to annex lands (including submerged lands} to its corporate limits: NOW, T~EREFOR~, BE IT ORDAINED BY ~ CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF DRLRAY BEACH,FLORIDA, AS FOIJ~OW~: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, hereby annexes tO said City the following described Right-Of-Way located in Palm Beach County, Florida, which lies contiguous to said City, to-wit: That tract of land in Sections 7, 8 and 18, Towns~'ip 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, described as follows: That portion of Right-Of-Way known as CONGRESS AVENUe, as shown on Palm Beaah County' s Right-Of-Way Map of CONGRESS AVENUE, per Drawing No. 3-64-034, lying between State Road No. S06 and the North Xii~es of~ Sections Seven and Eight, Town- ship 46 South, Range 45 East. Section 2. That the boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are hereby redefined so as to include therein the above described tract of land, and said right-of-way is hereby de- clared to be within the corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. Section 3. That. if any word, phrase, clause, sentence or Part of this ordinance Shall be declared illegal by a court of competent Jurisdiction, such record of illegality shall in no way affect the remaining portion of said ordinance. PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading on this the 12 day of December , 1967. ~/ Al. MAYOR ATTEST~ ~/ R. D. Worthin~ ....... cit 'C er .... First Reading November 27, 1967 Second Reading December 12, 1967 222-B PROPERTIES IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE NO. G-147 AND SECTIONS 15-3 and 15-4 OF THE CITY CODE. CITY OWNER AND .A~..DRESS PROPERTY D~SCRt.P~..~O~ ~ODE 1. Dora and Jim Thompson, Jr. North 30 feet of Bast 135 feet 15-3 31 Stout Steeet of Bl~ck 10. & Patterson, N.J. 07522 (246 N. W. 6th Avenue) 15-4 2. Agnes Clark Vacant part of South 25.3 feet 15-3 221-07 ]36th AVenue of Lot 4 a all of Lot 5, Block 44. & Laurelton, N. Y. 11413 (25 N. W. 3rd Avenue) 15-4 3. O.D. Priest, Sr. Lot 1, Block 23. 15-3 228 S. W. 1st Avenue (202 S. W. 5th Avenue) & Delray Beach, Plorida 33444 I5-4 4. Alf~ed Straghn Lot 31, Block 32 15-3 636 West Atlantic Avenue (422 S. W. 3rd Street) Delray Beach, Florida 33444 15-4 5. Grant Reynolds North 190.56 feet of Bast 135 15-3 7 Pine Road feet of Block 24. & White Plains, N. Y. 10603 (302-310 S. W. 5th Avenue) 15-4 6. Morgan & Millie Hatcher Lot 23, Block 23 15-3 c/o General Delivery (511 S. W. 3rd Street) & Delray Beach, Florida 33444 15-4 7. Mrs. Annie Smith Goodale A parcel of land 90' x 124' 15-3 5314 Colonial Drive m/1 as described in OR 1134-152 C61umbia, S.C. 29263 Section' 9-46-43 (N.B. 8th Ave.) 15-4 8. Lawrence H. Zill Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 3, 15-3 905 N. E. 6th Avenue Sophia Frey. & Delray'Beach, Florida 33444 (819-905 N. E, 7th Avenue) 15-4 9. L. K. Myers Vacant part of LOts 43 and 44, 15-3 105 S. E. 7th Street Block 7, Osceola Park. & Delray Beach, Florida 33444 (105 S. B. 7th Street) 15-4 10. Samuel A. & Elizabeth B. Vacant paTt of North 100 feet 15-3 Breene & G. Allen M~rs~ed less ~est 37r5 £eet, Dcean Beach & National Transit Building L~t 7~ ~222 Mo=th Ocean Blvd.) 15-4 0il City, Pa. 16301 Violations 15-3 and 15-4 as concerns this report are as follows: 1. 15-3 - Garden trash. 15~4 - High ~eeds and heavy undergrowth. 2. 15-3 - Garden trash. 15-4 - High weeds, heavy undergrowth and junk. 3. 15~3 - Garden trash. 15-4 - High weeds and undergrowth. 4~ 15-3 - Garden trash. 15-4 - High weeds and heavy undergrowth. 5. 15-3 - Garden trash. 15-4 - High weeds and some heavy undergrowth. 6. 15-3 - Garden trash. 15-4 - High weeds and heavy undergrowth. 7. 15-3 - Garden trash. 15-4 - High weeds and heavy undergrowth. 8. 15-3 - Garden trash. 15-4 - High weeds and heavy undergrowth. 9. 15-3 - Garden trash and stagnant water. 15-4 - High weeds, stagnant water and some heavy undergrowth. 10. 15~3 - Garden trash. 15-4 - Heavy undergrowth. Submitted to the Cit~y ~ncil. hy the City Manager this 12th day of December, 1967. 688 222-C GITY OF DELRAY BEAGH PALM BEACH GOUNTY, FLORIDA SEV~'ERAGE WORKS PROTECT Prolect No. $964-8b-III - Area I2 &.Extensions CHANGE ORDER NO, 1 This Agreement entered into this twelfth day of December , 1967, by and bet%vein the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, as party of the FIRST part, and THE DAV~'SON COMPANY, INC., as party of the SECOND part, the same being a change or supplement to a certain Contract by and between the parties aforesaid, dated May 22, 1967, for the construction of a Sewerage Works Project in Area 12 and Ex~ensions of the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. ~VITNESSETH: I. ~'HEREAS, the party of the FIRST part desires to amend the Contract to reconcile the final c~uantities as constructed, with the quantities as originally bid, - and - ~A~HEREAS, the final constructed quantities are set forth in the Final Estimate No. $, - and - V~-IERF~S, the Final Estimate No. $ is, by reference, made an integral part of this change order, - and - WHEREAS, the result of all deletions and additions to the original Contract is a net un. derrun of $4,879.10 - and ~- WHERF~S, this change order, when signed by all par~les thereto, constitutes final acceptance by the CITY OF DELRAY BEAGH, FLORIDA, of all work carried out under this Contract. II. THEREFORE, the party of the SECOND part agrees that this final reconciliation change order supersedes any and all previous correspondence or verbal agreements regarding deletions or ad- ditions to the scope of the work carried out under this Contract dated May 22, 1967 for the construction of a Sewerage X~rorks Project located in Area 12 and Extensions of the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PALM~ BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, and the party of the SECOND part ~further agrees that all quantities and prices s-hewn on the attached Final Estimate are correct, and that the amount of Twenty-One Thousand, SLx Hundred Seventy-Three Dollars and Ninety Three Cents ($Zl,673.93) constitutes final payment, in- cluding retainage, for all material s furnished, and work performed under this Contract, all in accordance with the terms of the Original Contract. III. It is further agreed and understood that this change order shall not'alter in any manner the maintenance, and performance guaranties of the original Contract dated May 9.2, 1967 and the same shall stand in full force and effect in all respects Recommended for Approval: THE DA~ArSON COMPANY, INC. RUSSELL & AXON, y ~_ ~ ~ ~~ B~ ~F~,-'~/-'-~Z~-~F-~w~-/~-' Accepted: B. M. Woolbright/'~r. ,'~,~', Project Manager CITY OF DELl{AY BEACH PALM BEACH COUNTY . ' DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA Approved as to form: Attorney By City Manager Attest: / - , City Clerk --2-- 222-E APPENDIX "A" TO GHANGE ORDER NO, 1 Project No. 5964-8b III -Area 12 and Extensions Delray Beach, Florida Final reconciliation of all differences between the bid 7 :,~/ quantities (original estimate) and the final quantities ~ ("As-Built") and explanations. /¥~ _ · ~'~EM ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AS-BUILT ~. UNIT .UNIT COST OUANTITY VALUE .QUANTITY VALVE INCREASE DECREA~ Lin. ft $ 10.00 50 600.00 40 400.00 100.00 2 Lin. ft 1.90 4870 9253.00 4718 8964.20 288.80 3 Lin. ft 2.80 7240 20272.00 6719 18813.20 1458.80 4 Lin. ft 4.00 4474 17896.00 5056 20224.00 2328.00 5 Lin. ft 5 80 1520 8816.00 1445 8381.0.0 435.00 6 Lin. ft 7 00 1080 7560.00 1122 7854.00 294,00 7 Lin. ft 5 50 50 275.00 40 220.00 55.00 8 Lin. ft 2 50 1987 4967.50 1987 4967.50 - 9 Lin. ft 2 00 17197 34394.00 17073 34146.00 248.0C 10 Ltn.ft · 1 25 15000 18750.00 10963 13703.75 5046.25 11 Lin.ft 1.00 25 25.00 - - 25.00 12 each 13.00 16 208.00 32 416.00 208.00 13 each 9.50 426 4047.00 381 361'9.50 427.50 14 each 10.00 15 150.00 30 .300.00 150.00 15 'each 180.00 3 540.00 12 2160.00 1620.00 '.6 , each 200.00 60 12000.00 51 10200.00 1800.00 I , '7 Lin. ft 26.00 155 4030.00 160.52 4173.52 143.52 .,~ Vert. ft 20~00 23 460.00 22.01 440.20 19.80 19 each 12.50 10 125.00 10 125.00 - - 20 each 100.00 3 300.00 1 I00.00 200.00 21 Gu.Yds. 0.01 200 '. 12.00 - - 2.00 22 Gu.Yds. 0.01 400 4.00 - - 4.00 23 Gu.Yds. 0.01 20 0.20 37 0.37 0.17 24 MBF 0.01 2 0.02 - - 0.02 . ..' : 222=F ITEM ORIGINAL ,ESTIMATE AS-BUILT N O~ UNiT , UNIT COST QUANTITY ,, ,VALUE QUANTITY VALUE INCREASE DECREASE 25 Sq. Yds. $ 2.25 9365 21071.25 8145 18326.25 2745.00 26 Sq.Yds. 3.50 150 665.00 226 791.00 126.00 27 S~.Yds. 5.50 830 4565.00 845 4647.50 82.50 28 S,q.Yds. 8.00 10 80.00 6 48.00 32.00 29 Lin. Ft. 3.50 i0 , 35.00 - - 35.00 0~]) each 250.00 1 250.00 1 250.00 , - , - Sub-Total $4952.19 $12922.17 Sub-Total Decrease 7969.98 ITEMS ADDED TO THE CONTRACT, ITEM ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AS-BUILT ~qo, UNIT UNIT COST OUANTITY . VALUE QUANTITY VALUE INCREASE, DECREASE 31S Sq.Yds. $ 4.'06 - - 268 $1088.08 $1088.08 32S Sq. Yds. 5.19 - - 270 1401.30 1401.30 33S each 15.00 - - 2 30.00 30.00 34S Lump Sum 350.00 - ] 350.00 350.00 35S Lump Sum 121.50 - 1 121.50 121.50 36S Lump Sum 100.00 -- 1 100.00 100.00 Total $3090.88' $7969.98 TOTAL DECREASE $4879.10 222-G · ..P, RO~ECT 59~4-85 III...- Area 12 and F, xtension~s ExpLANATIONS Item 1 - Excavation 14'-15' QUt -- 10 Lin. ft. -- underrun: This line was shortened by 10 Lin. Ft., due to line change to come into existing manhole Main 11. Item 2 - Eg. cavatlon 0-6' G~t -- 152 Lin~ft. -- underrUn: In actual field layout some of the original cuts were found to be in the next stage and some of the lines were shortened, due to the great distaqce from the last service line to the terminal manhole. Item S - .Excavation, 5'-8' Cut -- 521 Lin. ft. -- underrun: Some of the lines were shortened due to the great distance be- tween the last house service connection and terminal manhole. In field layout some of the cuts were in the next state excavation Item. Item 4 - Excavation 8'-10' Out -- 582 Lin. ft. -- overrun: Due to shifting the location of the lines, this changed the stage excavation and field layout, found other stage excavation shifted to this item. Item 5 -Excavation 10'-22 '..Cut -- 75 Lin. ft. -- underrun: Same as explanation under item No. 3. Item 6 -.E..xcavation 12'-14' Gut-- 42 Linl ft. -- overrun: Same as explanation under Item No. 4. Item 7 - In~tall 15" V,G, Pipe -- 10 Lin. ft. -- underrun: Change in alignment to come into existing manholed on Main: 11. Item 8 - Install 10" V.C. Pipe -- Plan' Quantity Constructed according to the plans. Item 9 - Install 8" V.C, Pipe -- 124 Lin. Ft. -- underrun: Shortening of lines due to the great distance between the last house service line and terminal manhole. Item 10 - Install 6" V,C, Pipe -- 4037 Line. Ft. -- underrun: A number of service lines eliminated to unplatted areas, city- owned property, and at vacant lots, service was placed on lot lines to, serve two lots. Item 11 - ,Install 4" V,O, 'Pipe -- 9.5 Line. Ft. -- underrun: This was a contingency Item and none were required. 222-H Item 12 - Install 10" x 6" 'V~'yes -- 16 each -- overrun: Under estimated. These extra were placed to platted lots, not shown on plan. Item 13 - Install 8" x 6" ~Vyes -- 45 each -- underrun: Used one wye to serve two lots by locating wye on lot line and eliminating wyes to unplatted areas and city-owned property. Item 14 - Install 5" x 4" V~yes -- 15 each -- overrun: Used in vacant lots to serve two lots off of ~ne service line. Item 15 - Shallow Manholes -- 9 each -- overrun: V~hen actual stake out in field it was found that actual depth ex- ceeded limits of shallow manholes. Item 16 - Standard Mahholes-- 9 each -- underrun: The reverse of the reason given in Item 15. Item 17 - Additional Vertical depth M,H, -- 5.52 Lin. Ft. -- overrun: Raised to meet existing old ground line. Item 18 -- Drop Manhole Pipinq-- 0.99 Lin. Ft. -- underrun: Original quantity over estimated. As-built quantity is within one- tenth of a foot of the summation of the take-off quantitites listed at each drop manhole. Item 19 - Pluaaed Stu~$ in M. H, -- Plant Quantity Constructed. Constructed according to plans. Item 20 - Cut-in ~o existinq M,H, -- 2 each -- underrun: Original quantity over-estimated. Two of the existing manholes to be cut-in had existing stub outs. Item 21 - Rock Excavation -- 200 Gu. Yds. -- underrun: No 'rock encountered, therefore none excavated. Item 22 - Sewer pipe beddinq material-- 400 Cu. Yds. -- underrun: This is a stabilizing agent and no areas were encountered that required stabilizing. Item 9.3 - Miscellaneous Gone, in Trench -- 17 Gu.Yds. -- overrun: This is a contingency Item, a very cheap item in this Contract, and liberally used by the Inspector. Item 24 - Lumber left in Place-- 2 MBF-- underrun: This is a contingency Item and none were required. , ,. · 222-I Item 2§ -.Limerock Base Replacement -- 1188 Sq. Yds. -- underrrun: Line change on S. W. llth Ave., Lat. 20o. This line was laid off of West shoulder and over estimated. Item 26 -_Asohalt Driveway, Replacemen~ -- 36 Sq. Yds. -- overrun: Driveways that were constructed after plans were drawn and be- fore construction started. Item 27 - Con. e. Sidewalk Replacement -- 15 Sq. Yds. -- overrun: Original quantity underestimated. Item 9.8 - .,Gone, Driveway Replacement -- 4 sq. yds~ -- underrun: Original Quantity overestimated. Item 29 - _Construct Curb Replacement-- 10 Lin. Ft. -- underrun: No curb required removing during construction. Item 30 - ~nction..Manholes -- Plan Quantity Constructed: · Constructed according to plans. Item 31-S - Street Crossings -- 268 Sq. Yds. -- overrun: There was no item in the contract for asphalting the street crossings except by repaying the entire street. It was cheaper to repair the street crossings with 8" Limerock base and 1" asphalt surface, than resurface the entire street. Item 39.-S - County Road Crossings -- 270 Sq. Yds. -- oven'un: There was no item in the contract to replace the County road cross- ings as required by the County permits which called for lZ'~ Lime-. rock base and 1-1/2" As phalt surface. Item $$-S Raising iV~anholes-- 9. each -- overrun: These manholes were constructed to the elevation of the original side- walk, which was removed to construct the sewage line. At the request of the City the sidewalk was replaced at a higher elevation to match the grade on Swinton Ave. requiring the raising of the con- structed manholes. Item 34-S -Replacing Sod & Shrubbe.ry. -- Lump sum -- overrun: At the request of the City the location of the sewer line on S. llth Avenue was moved out from under the pavement and on the shoulder. The Contractor had not figured any sod or shrubbery re- placement or yard cleanup and there was no item in the contract to cover this work. Item 35~S Replacing shell drives & Parking Areas -- Lump sum -- overrun: The same as Item 34-S. There was no item in.the contract to cover replacement of shell drives and parking areas. I tern 36-S - Placing Cast Iron Pipe under Storm Culvert -- Lump Sum -- overrun: The plans called for the sewer line to clear the 'concrete storm line, however, it was found that the top of the sewer line con- flicted with the bottom of the concrete pipe and it was cheaper to put in a section of cast iron pipe, notch a small section of the bottom of the concrete pipe, increase it in concrete, than to build a Junction manhole. Unit price for Items 31-S thru Item 36-S were negotiated with the Contractor as follows: Item 31-S, the Contract price for driveway pave- ment replacement (Item26), which were found to consist of si~ inches of shell or rock and one inch of asphalt, to which was added one-fourth of Item 25 (eight inches of Llmerock only), i.e. , $3.50 + $225/4 = $4.06. Item 32-8. The Contract price for driveway pavement replacement (Item26) which was found to consist of six inches of shell or rock and one inch of ~sphalt, to which was added three-fourths of Item 25, i.e., $3.50 +3/4 of $2.25 = $5.19. Items 33-S, 34-S and 35-S, were prices agreeded to by the Contractor and the City's Consultant Engineer when the final quantities and the work pre- formed under ~%ls contract was discussed in a conference between the Contractor, Resident InspeCtor and the Project Engineer. The prices listed under Items 31-S thru Item 35-S are be]ie'ved to be fair to the Contractor and to the City of Delray Beach and their acceptance is recommended. RUSSELL & AXON, CONSULTING ENGINEERS, lNG. BlVll~:ym . . . · · Project Manager ...................................... . · . 222'K PERIODICAL ESTIMATE FOR PARTIAL PAYMEHT SEWAGE WOKI~ PROJECT ~OC~T~ON DELPAY ~ o~ P~oJ~ P. O. Box 1307 5964-8b NAZI O~ CONT~O~ The Dawson ~o. ~ I~c'. /~o~$$ ~,,~.~ ~. CONT~ NO, O~lGl~ ESTI~TE ~ TO DA~ ~T~ ~ IT~ ~~ UNiT V~r ~" pipe, ~4'-~6, cu~ ~0 ~ 10,~0 ~GO OC 8" and 10,' pipe,O-G, cut 4,870 LF 1.9( 9,2~3 O( 4718 8964 ~0 288. 8C S~ge excav. & ~c~ill 8" and 10" pipe,6'-8'cut 7,240 LF 2.8~ 20,272 0~ 6719 18813.~20 1458. 80 " Stage ~cav. & ~ckfill 8" and 10" pipe, 8'-10' 0( cut ~,474 LF 4.00 17,896 5056. 20224. 30; -2328 30 Stage ~cav. ~ ~ckflli 8" and 10" pipe, 1445 10'-12'cut ~1,520 ~ 5.80 8,816 Stage excav. & ~c~ill 8" & 10" pipe.12'-14~cutl,080 ~ 7.00 7,560 ~m. & ~stall 15" V.C. sew~pipe 50 'LF 5.50 275 00 40 220.00 ~ 55.00 ~. & install 10" ~sew~pipe 1,987 LF 2.50 4,967 50 198~ ~967.50 -- Furn. & install 8" sewer pipe ~7,197 LF~ 2.00 34,394 00 17073' ~4146.00' ..248 00~ Fum.& install 6" V.C. pipe se~iceconn~ions 5,000 LF 1.25 18,750 30 10963 '13703 75 "5046 2~ Fum. & ~stall 4" V.C. pipe se~ice connections 2S LF 1.00 25 ~0 0 - .25. 00 ~m. & ~stall 10" x 6" ,~lay ~es and stoppers 16 Ea. 13.00 208 ~0 32 ~16. )0 ' ~2080[ ~. and ~stall 8" x 6~ ~lay ~es and stoppers 426 ~. 9,50 4,047 00 381 3619. ~0 '.427.50 P~. & ~sta~6 "x4" :lay double ~e branches ~ stoppers 15 Ea. 10.00' 150 30 30 ,300.)0 "-150.0[ ~n. mateaals and :ons~ct s~llow ~a~ol~ 3 ~. ~n.nn Total · ~ ~ .... 222-L PERIODICAL E~TiMATE FOR PARTIAL PAYMEHT ~964-8b ~f oF ~oJ~cr SEWAGE WORKS PRO. CT L~T~ON DE~Y B~CH ~ NO. P.O, ~ 1307 COaTi, The Dawson Co. ,Inc. A~O~SS lu~iter, Fl~.. CONT~ NO. ~ E~IaTE NO. $ FOR PERI~ M~!~ 19~, 'TO Die';_ 19 67 . 16 ~m. mat~als & c~ ~ manholes 60 ~. 200..00 I2~000 0( 51 10200 00 1800. 00 7 ~. ma~e~als & con- ; s~ add'l v~ical ..... depth of 4' I,D. stan~rd ~ ' m~holes 155 ~' 26.00 4,030 0( 160.~2 4173.52 -143.52 C 18 ~m. mater~ls & con- : s~ ~opmaho~plp~9 23 ~F 20.00 460 00 22.01 440.20 ..19,80 C ~arious de~s ~.~ ~a. 12.50 125 00 10 ' 12~, 00 -- C 20 ~m. mattel & cons~c' ~a. [00.00 300 ~0 ,1 t00,00 200,00 :ut-~ to ~lst~g manhole 3 ' . 21 R~k~cav. 200 ~ .01 -' 2 ~0 0 -- ..2.00 0; 22 ~a~erial for sew~ pipe .... ;edd~g ordered In ~lt~g by the Eng~e~ 400 DY .01 4 )0 0 -- ..4. 00 0 Z3 Misc. concrete in ~ew~trench 20 ~ .01 ~0 37 0.~7 -.. ,7 24 Lumber le~ ~ place 2 ~BF .01 )2 0 -- . · ~2 0 25 ~. material and con- s~c~ llmerock base :eplacement ' !~,365 ~ 2.25 21,071 ~5 8145 18326 25 ~745. 00 ~avement replacement 190 ~Y 3.50 665 0 22( 791 00 '-1~6. 90 O ~ concrete side~lk 'eplacemont ,, :,, ' .,.830,, :~ · 5.50 4,565' ( 0, 845, · '4647 50 :" '-82., '50. C 28 Pure. materials & con- ~ concrete ~veway, ~vement replacement 10 ~ 8.00 80 (0 6 48.' 00 '32. 00 29 ~n. materials & con- ~ c~b replacemenl 10 · 3.50 35 (0 0 -- '35. 00 0 30 ~. materials & con- Total '~,:, 171,240 97 163,~0.99 -7969.98 · ... . 222-M SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NUMBER 13 ENGINEERING CONTRACT CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach, hereinafter referred to as the OWNER, and Russell & Axon Consulting Engineers, Incorporated, herein- . after referred to as the ENGINEERS, entered into.a contract for engi-' neering services dated'the 30th day of September, 1959, and WHEREAS, the ENGINEERS have informed the OWNER that it would be in the best interest of the OWNER to provide competent field engineering and surveying, for planning sanitary sewer extensions to certain areas south of the present serviced areas, and more particularly described as: : That section bounded on the north by South 10th Street, on the east by the Intracoastal Waterway, on the south by the C-15 Canal and the west'by Highway 1-95. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. A field survey party, comprising a minimum number of three men will commence field work on December 11, 1967, and continue thereon un- =il sufficient engineering data is available for factual preliminary cost analysis of the Sewerage projects. 2. It is estimated that costs for field engineering and survey wc~k will be $2,500, more or less; ~o be determined by actual payroll costs as multiplied by the factor 2.0 to cover overhead, administrative expense and reasonable profit. The hourly rates per person proposed under this agreement are as follows~ Design Engineers $6.50 per hour Survey Party Chief 4.00 .... Engineering Aids 4.00 .... Instrument man 3.25 Draftsmen 3.25 '~ Roadman 2.50 .... Steno & Clerical 2.50 .... In addition, the ENGINEERS will be reimbursed for travel on the job, at the rate of 10 cents per mile. 3. The OWNER will pay the ENGINEERS on a monthly basis as invoiced for providing field engineering and survey under the above terms of payment. 4. The terms and provisions of the contract between the parties dated September 30, 1959, including all supplements hereto, shall remain %n full force and effect other than as modified by this Supplement Number 13. Executed this twelfth day of D~cember , 1967. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: , CITY ~ R~SSELL &AXON CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED BY ATTEST: Authorized Officer Authori~ea' Officer