01-31-66SpMtg JANUARY 31, 1966. A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at. 9:00 A.M., Monday, January 31, 1966, with Mayor Al. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager David M. GatcheI, City Attorney.John Ross Adams, and Councilmen J. LeRoy Croft, James H. Jurney, Jack L.' Saunders and George Talbot, Jr., being pre- sent. Mayor Avery called the meeting to order and announced that same had been ~al'led for the purpose of considering ordinances providing for Building Site Area and Parking Requirements, and for any other business that may come before the meeting. An opening prayer was delivered by' City Clerk R. D. Worthing, and the Pledge. of Allegiance to the Flag of the united States of America was given. Mayor Avery reviewed the temperature readings over part of the state and nation and said it is still obvious that Delray Beach is the best place in the country to be at this time in spite of the 34° tem- perature reading this morning. Mayor Avery referred to a meeting of the Council Thursday evening, January 27th, at which time Mr. Arthur Smith, Planning Director, had explained the recommendations for amendments to the zoning 'ordinance that had been .presented to Council at their January 24th meeting. City Clerk Worthing .then presented ORDINANCE.NO. 8-66. AN ORDINANCE OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, 'FLORIDA, AMENDING SUB-SECTION (E), SECTIOE 29-7, C~APTER 29 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THIS CITY PERTAINING TO BUILDING SITE AREA RE- QUIREMENTS IN THE R-3 MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT. O~dinance No. 8-66 was unanimously placed on first reading, on motion by Mr, Saunders and seconded by Mr. Jurney. The City ~lerk presented ORDINANCE NO. 9-66. AN ORD~NANq~ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEAm, FLORIDA~ AMENDING SUB-SECTIONS (1) AND (2~, SECTi0N.29,7~4, CHAPTER 29 OF THE CODE OF.ORDINANCES ~F THIS CITY PERTAINING TO OFF STREET PARKING REQUIR~[~TS. unanimously Ordinance No. 9-66 was/placed ~n f~rst reading, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Croft. It was suggested that the press give Ordinances No. 8-66 and No. 9-66 some publicity, and that the City Manager direct the Planning Director to conduct some press conferences in order that the proper concept may be placed before the publi~ City Mansger Gatchel presented the following letter, accompanie~ by a map showing the area~ mentioaed, frgm Mr. D& R. Neff, Projec~ Manager for ~ussell ~AXon, Consulting ~%~ineers, dated January 28, 1966~ 1-31-66 "1. I~ compliance wl~h your instructions, we have pre- pared a plan of.A~ea 20, d~v~ded ~nto t~ee (3) oon- stmuo~on sections. We have also oo~u~ed ~he estimated cost of co~t~uct[on~ to~ethe~ w~th the es~ted in~tt~l ~evenues fo~ each section. 2. ~e above ~o~mat~on ls tabula%ed below~ Es~ted Es~i~ted ~ttlal G~ess. Oons t~uction Pavement z $~,ooo. $~o, o0o. $~6,0o0. II 8,000 .. 79,000. [~, 000. III. 3,000. 68,000. 1~, 000. 3. ~ the pe~cy o~ the City Council is ~0 construct, at this t~e,'~y the most ~e~e~ative a~eaS, it is ~eco~ended ,that ~eas I ~d II be advemtised fo~ eon- st~ction. ~is would el~inate ~ea III ~tll t~ Is mo~e solidly built uD. ~ this oo~eot~on we also pl~ to 'adve~tise a portion of ~ea ~ as a pa~t of this. c ont~act. 4. Please advise at you~ earliest convenience, so that we o~ mo~y the plus, bi~ Gu~tities, ~ the bid ~vttation." ~e City ~age~ me~ded Council' that :whateve~ ~o~t of f~ds ~tended to be. e~ended ~ this a~ea ~e f~ds that were' dive,ted ~o'$he~' p~tion ~ ~ase II of the s~%~y' sewe~ e~si~ ~d that it had been mequested that ~ea 20~ ~ its desi~.stage, be sepa~ated into whateve~ ~eas th® engineers felt m~t legible, o~de~ that a cost ~d ~evenue b~ea~ ~y be obtained. It was po~ted mout .t~ .the ~even~ef~om Oa~ve~ ~Hi~ School not tneluded, ~ the ~ual ~itial G~oss ~venue.'fo~ ~ea I as In the let~ f~-.~sse11 & ~on. City ~age~ Gatchel reco~nded that C~eil follow the ~ndatien of the ~g~eems ~d authomize ~l~s ~ specifioati~s to be p=eD~ed fo~ ~eas I ~d II of ~ea City ~age~ Gatehel ~ead the follow~g lette~ f~om ~. Robert W. ~lton, SuDe~in%endent 6f ~blic ~s2~eti. Oh of Pa~ ~aeh dated ~u~y ~, 1966: '"~. Robert ~11e~, of o~ School PI~t Pl~inE Depa~tment~ has ~eDo~ted that he had ~ oppo~ity to meet with you~ yo~ enginee~s ~d the school to ~iscuss the b~St solution fO~ p~oviding s~ f~ the above school. ~e SChool Bo~d is very ~d we ~ow'y~ council is ~te~ested~ ~' ~tving at a solution Shat Is m6st eoon0~oa~ ~d ~enef-lolal~ ~ ~11 ~te~ fu~t~ discussion ~d o~i~ati~n of tho ~y factors inv,lved, we wish to~e ~he offers for aonsidera~ion ~d app~o~l by yo~ A. P~ GR~ ~~Y SCHOOL Since ~ia ~ea is presently a 1~ ~maity ~ea ~d ~e installati~ of a se~e~.~ll~ainly se~ the new school, at ~his time, the School Bo~d will DaY $~0,000 t~ards the cost of instal- li~ a ~e~ant sewem syS~m $~$~ad-of lnstalli~ our ~ p~ivajte System at apR~ex~tel~ th® s~e cost. ~ feel that this is an equitable share as it is anticipated that this ~ea will grow and the sewer system will become mo~e profitable to the Oity~ ~e School Board could but will not e~ect a rebate on its share of the investment when there 1-31-66 are increased-revenues. The School Board .will consider a reasonable monthly service charge which offsets the cost of operating and maintaining our own plant. B. CARVER HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION Since this is a high density area and the City will realize a profitable return from the sewer system, we can not Justify paying more than the cost of connecting to the City sewer arid a reasonable monthly service charge. This is-the normal policy when schools are connected to city severs. This building program was based on this policy since our archltec.ts, Dugger & Johnson, conferred with your a~.thorities and were advised that you were willing to adjust your construction program and. make sewers available in this area. This information was confirmed to us in your letter of J~ly 27, 1965. These offers must be contingent'..upon' She condition that sewers will be available for ~use for both of these schools~ by .August 1966. We appreciate your cooperation and hope that a satisfactory agreement ~will be reached. We will be happy to discuss this further, if necessary." Mr. Croft moved that the recommendation of the City Manager and Russell & Axon be approved, with the stipulation that the negotiation of se, vi~e rates for Carver-.High-School comes back to Council. ~The motion was seconded by Mr. Saunderso Mr. Talbot said he felt the-County~School System should pay an amount of money fop the capital inves~tment of the sanitary sewer installation in that area to service the Carver High School. City Manager Gatchel pointed out that Carver High School is located in Area I of A~ea 20 and if that area is approved, the sanitary sewers would be installed on the East, North and West sides, of said school; further, that the monthly service charge to Carver High School would be the current non-residential rate for sewer services. Following lengthy discussion, Mr. Croft and Mr.. Saunders withdrew their motion and second, and Mr. Croft then moved to construct Areas I and II of Area 20, as outlined in the letter from Mr. Neff dated January 28, 1966, and recommended by the City Manager. .Mayor Avery relinquished the gavel to Vice-Mayor Croft and seconded-the motion. Upon call of roll, Mr. Croft, Mr. SaUnders and Mayor Avery voted in favor of the motion, Mr. Jurney abstained from voting and Mr. Talbot was opposed. Mayor Avery said he had received complaints from residents li~ing on Eve Street in Tropic Isle S/D relative to the concrete block walls left standing on the property Just north of thei~ subdi- vision; further, that these walls are~ unsightly and present a hazard. ~ayor Avery said that he would like to direct the City Attorney to ~e~.omm~d a solution and action ~hat the Council may take to elimi- na.t~-S~cl~ ~ondition, and that said recommendations be placed on the agenda b~ the next regular meeting~ The Councilmen were agreeable to such directive. The meeting adjourned at 9:~ A.M. ~' ' Ci~t~ Clerk APPROVED: M A'~0 R- ·