02-14-66 FEBRUARY 14, 1966. A regUlar meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor Al. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager David M. Gatchel, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen J. LeRoy Croft, James H. Jurney, Jack L. Saunders and George Talbot, Jr., being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by the Rev. Donald Waldron. 1.a. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. 2. The minutes of the regular meeting of January 24th and special meeting of January 31st, 1966, were unanimously approved, on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded byMr. Jurney. 3. Mayor Avery announced that several months ago he had been contact- ed by Rev. Paul W. Gess, Rev. Frank R. Hamilton and Rev. Carl E. Storey concerning the possible formation of a Youth Commission for the City of Delray Beach, and that he had asked Councilman Saunders to meet with those ministers to study the feasibility of such a Youth Commission; further, that onFebruary 10th he had received the following letter from Mr. Tom Adams, Secretary of State of the State of Florida: "The 1965 Session of the Florida Legislature requested that my office furnish the assistance necessary for the reorganization of the Florida Youth Advisory Council. Therefore, in' behalf of the Council, I am writing to you with the hope that you will be interested in establishing such a Youth Advisory Council on the city level. If your reply is positive, the Council will send you an outline on the programs used by existing city youth advisory councils in our state and suggestions for organizing such groups. Any assistance you can give me' in the Florida Youth Advisory Council in this connection will be greatly appreciated." Rev. Paul W. Gess informed the Council that he is present on behalf of the Ministerial ASSociatioh, and presented the following memorandum of recommendations: "MAYOR'S YOUTH COMMISSION The Delray Beach Ministerial ASSociation recommends the appoint- ment of the following people to serve on, and constitute the Mayor's Youth Commission: Legal Profession ........... Mr. Robert Fellows City Council ' ...... ~ .... Mr. Jack Saunders Medical Profession ......... Dr. Paul E. Demick, M.D. Education .................. Mr. Joe Davis Parents ........ Mrs. Joyce Baldwin Business ................... Mr. Bruce WenZel Clergy ..................... Rev. Paul W. Gess The purpose of the youth Commission is threefold: 1. EVALUATE -Community Activities available to youth, etc. 2. RESEARCH - Find out the needs of the young people through seminars, etc. 3. REPORT - Serve as an advisory group---reporting to the City Council." Mr. Saunders moved that the recommendation of the Delray Beach Ministerial Association be approved, establishing a Mayor's Youth Commission, set~ing forth the names of the individuals to serve on the commission, and setting forth the threef61d . purpose. The motion was seconded byMr. Jurney and carried unanimously. 2-14-66 3. Mr. Ward Robinson informed the Council that he had made up a questionnaire concerning why people come to Delray Beach, and gave a report on the returns he had received, a number of them being that Delr~y Beach was such.a nice residentia! City and the lack of high- rise apartments. Mr. Robinson said that he aould not remain at the meeting for con- sideration of Agenda Item 8.f., but would like to inform the Council of his opposition to. Ordinance No. 6-66 concerning building height regulations in R-3 Multiple Family Dwelling District. 4. There w~s no Beautification Committee report. 4.a. ~ roll call showed the following Civic Organizations and repre- sentatives to be in attendance: B~eezy Ridge Estates Mr. John Sword Beach Taxpayers League, Inc. Mr. J. Watson Dunbar Delray.Beach Board of Realtors Mr. Paul ~eague of Women Voters Mrs. PhyLlis Plume ~~War One Barracks No. 30S6 Mr. Leonard E. Klein · ional Woman's Club and ~~ ---~uahl Mrs. Dorothea Montgomery Re~re~"~ub , Mr. C. W. Rice 5. City Clerk Worthing read a latter from Mr.~C~rd E. Baxter, Delray Beach Postmaster, announcing the reopening of Clerk-~arrier Examinations for positions in the Post Office Department. 5. Mayer Avery read a PROCLAMATION, proclaiming Friday a~d Saturday, F~bruary ~25th .and 26th, 1966, as World War One Veteran'S MembeTship Drive Days, spon'sored by World War One Barracks No. 3056, ~elray Beach, Florida, a~d ~esented said Proclamation to Mr. ~eonard E. Klein, Chaplain of said Barracks, and Chairman for this Membership DNive. ~. MayQr Avery ,read a PROCLAMATION, proclaiming-Friday a~d Saturday, ~uary 18th a~d 19th, 1966, as POPPY DAYS for the purpose of collec- ~.~t_~n~ funds for this cause by the American Legion Amx~liary, Unit Mr. Croft moved that permission for said Poppy Days be granted, the motion being seconded by Mr. Saunders and unanimously carried. 5.a. Mr. Jurney informed the Council that ~he had received ~wo tele- phone calls from an individual during the past week rega~r~,~q~e con- dition of streets in the north central par% of toWn where sanitary sewers are being installed, and asked if there is a possibility of signs being placed indicating said construction. City Manager 'Gatchel informed the Council .that he would investigate the matter and see that proper signs are plac~d. 5.a. Mayor Avery said he had received several complaints about the train whi~tle as the tra~s.~ravel through ~e. lray Beach, and asked.the City Attorney what could ~e done to get the ~.E.C. Railway Company to abate said nuisance. City Attorney A~ams said the-CityManageT may be direoted to wr~e said Railway Company a demand letter, with the alternative 'being a speed limit. Mr.Jurney moved that the City ~Manage= be directed to in. tm the S~t Coast Railway,Company that they~must~abate thm-~tmtle or be faced with.a speed limit. The motions.was-~s~ond~d by Mr. croft and carried unanimously. 5.a. Mr. Talbot said ~hat the Council is attempting to regulate the draw bridges over the Imtracoastal Waterway se they would only be open- ed on the hour and half hour, ~.~d asked .wha~ pro~xe-~s~had-been made concerniDg same. City Manager Gatchel repg~9~ that he. h~a~, ~n~a~te~ %he State Road Department as he had 'been i~ed '~hey C°n~9~led ~e ~pen, ing o~ the bridges, a~d had received a L~tter'from'-~e ~trict ~Engineer of tha~ 2-1~-~b department in .Fort Lauderdale today with the information tha. t the Corps of Engineers control"that 6peration~ " ..... ~ ~ Mr. TalbOt'Said thatdue to th~ time element he-would<Suggest 't~at someone in the.'citF Administration make'an ~p~ointment wi~h ~he 'corps of Engineers regardin'g'~thebridge 0p~ning, and t~avel by pI~n~' to keep said appointment. The Councilmen were agreeable to that procedure, and City Manag~ Gatchel was informed that if it ~ecame 'necessary for Su6h,'a trip to ~* made in order to expedite' the matter, the 'Council' approves of same. '~ 6.a. City Manager Gatchel informed the Council that in compliance with the City Charter, s proposed assessment roll pertaining to the previ- ously authorized improvement of a portion of N. W. 3rd Avenue extend- ing soUthward 'from lIth street a distance of 308.3 fee~ is being Pre- sented for their consideration. Said Assessment Roi1 was unanimoUSly approved, on motiOn'~by~r~fTM Talbot and seconded b~Mr. Croft~. '" _ (Copy of Assessment Roll i~ attached to the ~fficial. copy'"Of~%he~e minutes.) See page ~0-B. 6.b. Concerning a survey of parcels of 1and'in violation of the City nuisance laws pr6~ented by the City Manager, Mr. Talb6t moved that the City Clerk be directed to-proceed with the enforcement of Chapter '15 of the Code of Ordinances. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney a~d carried unanimously. (~opy of survey li~t~"is stt~hsd"to'~h~" offiola~ copy of these minutes. Bee page 50-D.) 6.C. City Manager Gatchel reported that Mayor Avery 'and Councilman Jurney desired to serve as members of the Palm Beach County Resources Development Board, and recommended-that the~'~b~ appointed to~'S~rve.-o~ that Boardwith terms' expiring O6to5~'1, 1968 and'6ctO5er'~l~ 1966,' respectively.' · ~.-. ...... ~-.'.~. -i Mr. Croft moved that Mayor ~very and'Couhcilman Jurne~ ed to serve on the Palm Beach County Reso~rces Development'~Board, as recommended, the motion being seconded by Mr. Saunders and ~u~animously carried. 6.d. City Mmnager Gatchel repOr~e'd to Councii as ~11ows: ',In.~ ance with Ordinance No. 3~5, as contai~d~in Chapter 8of the~'Co~ a nuisance has been declared to exist, by'the city EngraVe=, on~Ot~X~, Block 14, Seagate .S/D, namely, collapsed sea wall, resulting in an existing hazard, as'well as ~resen~ing an unsigh~ appea~c~i Should Council determine SuCh nuisance to be a fact, ~d~subject to there being no further evidence desired, the City Clerk s~ould b~ ' directed to comply with said regulatio~s to provide for abatement of' the nuisance." ~ - Mr. Talbot moved that Ordinance ~0."37-65 he complied with, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney. City Manager Gatchel then r6~d the f0ilOWing memorandum from City Engineer Fleming, dated February'9, 1966: "Subject: Inspection'of Seawalls -'Ordinance No. 3?-65. In the course of the general inspect~6n of the condition of sea Walls, aa required in Section 2 of Ordinance No. it'haSbee~ determin~d that numerous'failures have"~ccur~ ' in that reinforced concrete sea Walib0undi~'thr~e SidesS~ ' the pr°per~yknown aS Lot "X" se~gate'/Subdivi~ion~' It has been further determined that this wall is.in violation of the above mentioned ordinance and 'that~the~e failures pre- sent a hazard to the public for safe_Pedestrian, boa~iWg or swimming purposes, and also present an unsightly appearance. Some of the worst failures are shpwn in the attachpd ph0tOT graph~ 'which are .labled as to loc~tio~n4 'directiOn ~.hd which are hereby made a part of this report. -3- '2114-66 ~f Pz°g~e~t m~st ~e ~ d' __~nance ~o~ ~that the ~t'.cceP~= ~'~ . 6o ~% __. ~e _ the ~o~ ' ~age: ' ~a~Y . t ~',~ Feb . F. ~ .. C~ Y _ ..~ fo~ --~L~aY .... ~- oE ~ ~ ~ move 3ucneY' - - the ~'".: '"- ~6U~t ~'~ ~.cati~hs, _~,, ~ag~ tf~n O~ ~ ~:the ~ - _.~eg%u~, . . ~. ~.~3 ~ ' -, ~C~~ ~-~Ce O~ Co ~ t~8, ' at a - nc~l n~ 6 th ~ot. ~u : ca~~ ~-, ~e~ ~hen s~m_..ev move .... ~. Ta ._~ the _~ spec~ ~'~;~n caC~ · -- ~c~i~e co ~:e~x, a~,u~ . _ C~Y ~-_. Li~a~ :_~ent o~?~[~.'h~s ~'~,!'~, ~e C~= ~a~te~. -I.~. O{ ~ S P~ .... tta~s~e~ ' {Corn :~ : that ~',.,,th ~ap~e~. ,he ':eq~e~V~, CCOft :La~e~ - - ~e:. ce cope, a~:~,9., ~&e~ ' . .- · ~ ~ a _ ~e Cs~. ~l~ 'seaczeS~ - evening? t la~e hat "for abandonment of streets and easements within th9 p~p.?~r~ty describ- ed above{ als° the" south' half of Avenue "D" and the no~th half of Avenue "E" contiguous to said tract of land. Council may ~ant or de~y ~is .Petition: hoover, it is reco~end. ed ~a~ same be referred to ~e Planning/Zoning Director: for' ~he Board' s review and 'reco~endation." ~. Talbot moved that this item be referred to the Planning/Zorng Director and Board for review and reco~endation. ~e motion ~s sec- onded by ~. Croft and car=led unanimously. 7.d. Con~rnin~ a petition- for annexation of c~rtain' lan~S,:-City Clerk Worthing reported to Co~cil as follows: "Council determfhati~n is requested relative to. th~. petition of Dr. Alfaro for annexation of 100 foot tract of land lyihg adja=ent to, and no~th of ~.Horizon Apartments on Sou~h AIA,' and between said AiA and the ocea61 ' The peti- tion for annexation ~s s.~ject to- said lands .b~ing cl~ass, i~ed R-3 except ~at the height limitati'on Would not eXc~e~ 35 feet' f=~ the highest finished grade to the ce%ling, o'f ~e highest ftoor." Mr. Talbot moved that ~ Planning/Zoni~g Board recommendati~ of January 24th, 1966, concerning this item, be s~stained. T~e"~ot~0n was seconded by ~. Jurney an~ carried unanimously. 8.a. Ci%y Clerk worthing presen%ed ~SOL~ION~O. 9-6-6: ' A ~SOLUTION OF T~ CITY'CO~CIL 6F ~ CITY'OF DE~Y BEACH, FLOR~A A~HORIZING T~- CITY ~NAGER TO PRO~ED WITH THE. CON~TRUC~ION OF SIqEWALKS, FI~ P~z~ ~N w~, ~XN ~ S~ ~Z~OF~ OF~ ~' (Copy of Resolution ~o. 9-66 ~s ~aehed ~o ~he official Copy o~ ~h~se minutes.) See pag~ 50-Y. ' ' There were no .objections to the proposed construction of sidewalks in various areas in ~e wester~ sector of 'the 'City~as Set' ~6r~ in' '' Resolution No. 6-66, adopted by Council on January 24~, ~966. ~solution No. 9-66 was unanimously passefl On this first ana ~inal reading, on motion by ~. JumPy and secgnded ~y ~. 8.b. City Clerk Worthing.~resented ~SOL~iON NO. 10-66. A ~SOLUTION OF ~ CI~ COUNCIL ~F T~ CI~ OF'DE~Y BEA~, ~LOR~A, ASSRSSI~ COSTS FOR ABATING ~IS~CES ~. a~~ ~ bE~G .~ 'cosT OF SUCH.'A~T~ Li~N O~N-SnXD p~OP~y IN aN ~ AS SH~ Sy ~_ (CbPY' of' ResOlution No.' 10~66 ~'nd. accompanying assessments are attached to the official copy of these minutes.) 'See pag® ~g0lH. ' ' ~eso~u~i°"'~°.' ~0~ was ~aniaously' ~asse~ a~ ~d°p~ea"0~ first and f~nal' reading on motion by ~...Saunders add seconded bY Croftl ......... 8.c. ~e City Clerk ~reSented O~I~NCE..NO. 2~66. ' s~,. FLg~A, .A~XXN~ TO T~ .CITY OF DE~Y is co~v~s ~o ~xxS~x~"~cx~~ ~Z~x~s o~ sai~ c~Y~~ . ~DEF~NG ~ BO~!ES OF sn~ ~ :TO IN~E ~IU ~: 'PR0~DxNG FOR ~ RIG~S'A~' OBLI~A~0NS~>~P Sam LA~. A~ PRO~DING FOR T~ Z6NiNG T~: (509 N..W. 7th Street) -5- ' ~ Z-14-66 (Copy. 0f Ordinan.ce No. 2-66 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.} See page 50-I. There being no .objection to Ordinance No. 2-66, said Ordinance was unanimously passed and adopted on this second and final reading, on motion by Mr.. Croft and seconded by Mr. Talbot. 8. do city Clerk w°rthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 3-66. AN ORDLNANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY .BEACH, FLO. RIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELR~Y BEACH -CERTAIN LAND LOCATED IN SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LAND IS. CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID cITY, A~D REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND. (400~ City Beach property 'on South A1A) (Copy of .Ordinance No.. 3-66 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.} See page 50-~. There being no objection to Ordinance.~o. 3'-66, Mr. Saunders moved that said Ordinance be passed and adopted .on this second and final read- ing, the motion being'seconded by Mr. Talbot. Upon call of ro11, Mr. Crofts. Mr. Saunders, Mr.. Talbot and Mayor Avery voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Jurney was opposed. 8.e. The City Clerk presented ORDINANCE NO. 4-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY .BEACH, FLORIDA, DEANNEXING FROM THE CITY OF DELEAY BEACH CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST. (Copy of Ordinance No. 4-66 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See page 50-K. There being no objection .to Ordinance No. 4-66, said Ordinance. was unanimously, passed and adopted on this second and final reading, on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 8.f. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 5-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE _CITY COUNCIL OF ~ CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 29-7.3° CHAPTER 29 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THIS CITY BY. ADDING SUg-SECTION (14) PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS~ CONDIT~ON~ GOVERN- ING A.~.PLICATION~ ~ROCEDURE~ STANDfll~DS= FII~DINGS REOUIRED~ - AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (Copy of Ordinance No. 5-66 is attached to the official copy of these m~nu~es.) Soo page ~0,M-~0-?. Foil_owing general discussion, Mr. Talbot moved .~ that .~nance No. s.~6 ~e Passed on this aecond and final reading, ~he ~ Was sec- onded by Mr. Jurney...City .Cler~ Wo~thing read Ordina.ee full followed bY call of roll that said Ordinance be passed and the ~otion carried u~animously. 8.g. City Clerk wo~rthing presente_~ ORdiNANCE NO..6-66~ ~ oRDinANCE o~ ~ .~TY co~. OF THE ~TY OF TAINI~NG ~.~/~G HEIGHT REGULATIONS IN. THE R-3 .MUL- -6- 2-14-66 (Copy of Ord~inance No.'6-66 is attached tO the offt~cial~J copy of the~e - minutes.) See page 50-L. City Clerk worth~ng informed '-the Council'~that 'he h%d received 126 protests to the adoption of said Ordinance. -'~- ~- Mr. Kenneth Jacobsor~, Chairman o~' th6 Planning/Zonih~' Board% ex- plained Ordinance No. 6-66, and said that it 'is the desire of the Planning Board~ to help De'lray'Be~Ch groW- nice~y, and:' theY' beI~eve tha't can be done by site Plan approval in the R-3 Multiple Family Dwelling District. Mr. J. Watson Dunbar, Secretary of the Beach Taxpayers '-League , Inc., read a letter-from said'League,-.objecting to-the passage of'Ordinance No. 6-66. ~ Mrs. Dorothea Montgomery presented a~pet~t~on, signed by 34 share holders of the Miramar G~rde~ Apartments, objecting toi~ %he-second part of the proposed ordinance, amendmentS' Mrs. Montgomery also objected to the second paragraph in the pro- posed amendment to Section 29-7, (C)~ further, suggested a change in set back requirements instead of there being no limit on height of buildings in the R-3 Zone. Mr. Karl K. Lohrman als6 suggested~ that set'back requirements be 'changed~, if necessary, but that the building height Should no~ exceed' 100 feet. "' · Mr. Paul Ledridge, a local realtor, objected to. the passage of Ordinance No. 6-66, and Mr. J. W. Schmalz said that"he sees no reason to make a change in the present ordinance. Mr. Walter Dietz sUgge'S~:ed~ the% the qUe~ti-oh of Whether: :the resi- dents of Delray Beach want the community to change to a high-rise community, or whether they want-it to develop., m6derately,~ "'Should be put to the voters, at the next election, ahd urged that no action be taken to pass Said. ordinance this ~evening. - Mrs. Winifred Hanigan, a lo'cal realtor,' asked questions about what Ordinances No. 5-66 and No. 6-66 would_permit, and City Attorney Adams explained different Parts'~of~the OrdinanCes. Mr. Arthur Smith, Planning Director, explained the reason 'for de-~- siring site plan approval of new construction in R-3 Multiple Family Dwelling .Districts,. - - · - -- ~ .... ~': FOllowing lengthy discu~siOn "and comments,' Mr. Jurney~'moved th~-t Ordinance No. 6-66 be tabled~ for furthe~-study by'the Council 'and the Planning/Zoning Board. The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimously. 8.h. City-Clerk Worthing presented' ORDINANCE NO.' 7=66.- 'AN ~ ORDINANCE OF'THE CITY COUNCIL-OF THE'CITY OF~ DE~RAY BEACH,' FLORIDA, ANNEXING 5TO THE CITY OF DELRAY~ BEACH, C~.RTAIN'LAN~, NAMEDY L~T 46,'~KE'~SHORE ESTATES, WHICH LAND IS CONTIGUOUS TO. EXISTING~ MUNICIPAL ~IMITS OF' SAID CITY; REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND; P~OVIDING ~OR THE~ RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS' OF SAID LAND; AND PROVID~.~. FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. · ~02 N. W. 1st avenue) Ordinance No. 7-66" was ~nani~o~sly~ placed o~' ~rst read~.ng, on mo~ion by Mr. Croft and seconded~ by Mr. ~Jur~e~ 8. i. City Clerk Worthing~-Present~-d ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SUB~ECTION (E), SECTION~29-71 CHAPTER 29 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THIS CITY PER- TAINiI~G TO BUILDING S:I~E ;~REA ~QU~REMENTS .I-N.T~E R~3 MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING ~DIST~I~T; ~'" ". ~" --~' (Copy of Ordinand~ No. 8-66 'is. a2tached to 'the official ..copy, of these minutes. ) See PaE® ~0-E. -7- 2-14-66 Mr. Paul Ledridge objected to .the passage of Ordinance No. 8-66, and said that,~there are very few R-3 zoned parcels of land for sale in the beach ~rea, and the passage of sa~d ordinance would cut' down on the number of ap&rtments that could-be built on said properties which would prevent them from being sold and developed. Mr. Kenneth Jacobson, Chairman of the Planning/~.oning Board, said that in recommending passage of the present ordinance concerning Build- ing site area required in R-.3 multiple family dwelling district, they had tried to simplify the ordinance,, and the interpretation.of build- ing three units on 3600 square feet was not the intent ~f the ordinance~ further, that he feels Ordinance No. 8-66 would clear UP the intent of the present ordirmnce. Mr. Art Smith said that the way the ordinance is. presently written a person could build three, units on 3600 square feet and four units on 4800 square feet, where 7000 square feet is requi~ed for two units, and 6000 square feet for one unit. It was pointed out that this ordinance applies to al! R-3 zoned areas in Delray Beach. ~olSlowing discussion and further clarification of the proposed Ordinance by the-City Attorney and Planning Director, Mr. Saunders moved that Ordin&nce NO. 8-66 be passed on this second and. f,inel read- ing. The 'motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimous~y. 8, j. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 9-66. . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA,-AMENDING SUB-SECTIOnS (1)AND (2), SECTION 29-7.4, CHAPTER 29 OF ~I~E,~IDH OF ORDINANCES OF THIS-CITY PERTAINING TO-OFF ~STRE~T PARKING MENTS. (Copy of Or~inan~ No. 9-66 is attaChe~ to the, official copy of these minut%s~) See page 50-~-50-~. Mr. Howard G. ~harton asked where, in O~dina~ No. 9~66, the park- ing requirements are set up for chain stores., la~ge food stores or super markets? The Planning Director explained that the possibility o£ writing into :al~y ordinance something that would cover each and every building to the best degree w~uld.be impossible; further, that there ,~s a depart-. men~ store category and a ~retail shop ~ategory, and it w~.u~d be a mat- ter of interpretatio~ as to what category a business or a~re.,would come under. Mr. Wharton said his concern is his oppositio~ to a proposed su~er market in the block where the Post Office is located. City. Manager Gatchel pointe~ out .~h~t~e,~aaning/Zon~ng Board and Consultant 'George Simons, Jr. ha~ been studying the eel S,~eet parking requirements sim~e last summer and had pres~ented Oounci,! ~lth recom- mendations for change of same last fall, but since Council was consider- ing hiring a Planning Director it was the desire that he also give his thinking on same before an ordinance ameDdment was prel,S~pted~ Mrs. Dorothea Montgomery questioned, one and a hal£ ~prk~!ng spaces for each dwelling .unit in multiple dwelling districts being adequate. The P~anning D~rector pointed, out ~he advantage of site plan ap- proval in regard to perking-requirements. Following lengthy general discussion, Mr. Jurne~ moved ~hat Ordi- nance No. 9-66 be passed on thi. s second and final re&d~ngo The ~mot~on was seconded by Mr. Croft and carried unanimously. 8.k. The City Clerk p~e~ented ORDinANCE NO. ROLL SUBMITTED BY T~ CITY MAN~ER OF SA~D CITY~ CONCT~RN/~'O THE OPENING, GRADIN~'~ ~P~VINO PA~T OF N. W. 3RD AVENUE RU~ING 308.3 I~EET -S- 2-14-66 FROM N. W. 11th. STP~ET, TO. A 'WIDTH OF: TWENTY-FOUR FEET, SAID ASSESSMENT-ROLL BEING' ATTAC~ED HERETO AND FORMING-A PART HEREOF. _~ -- Ordinance No. 10-66-was~una~imously placed on-thi~:, fi.rst reading, on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. 'Talbo,.~. 8.1. The City Clerk presented ORDINANCE NO.. 11-66. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OF CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, F~ORI~A, REPEALING ~E~TIONS . 9-2, and .9-6, CHAP.TER 9,'0~ THE CODE OF ORDINANCE~ OF'THIS CITY .REQUIRING 'COUNCIL APPROVAL OF.CERTAIN BUILDIN~ PERMITS. (Copy of Ordinance No. 11-66 is attached to the official copy of these minutes. } Ses ~a~e '50-C, · Ordinance No. tl-66 was unanimously passed and 'adopted on this firstan~, final reading, on motioa by .Mr. Sa~rs and seconded by Mr. Croft. 8.m. The City Clerk presented ORDINANCE NO. 12-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAy BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO-THE CITY .OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, CERTAIN.'. PORT~ONS OF RIGHTS~OF-WA~, ~-AND ~T~E I~TRACOASTAL WATERWAY WHERE SAME IS ADJACENT TO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THIS CITY. Ordinance No. 12-66 was unanimously placed on firs%"reading-on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 8.n. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO 13-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE .CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, .~ANNEXING TO. THE CITY OF DELRAY-BE~CH CERTAIN LAND, NAMELY LOT 17, SECOND ADDITION TO.. HIGH ACRES, WHICH LAND IS CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY~ P~FINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. {404 N.. W. 18th Street) Ordinance NO. 13-66 was unanimously placed on first reading, on motion by Mr.. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Croft. 8.0. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 14-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY-COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTIO~.29-~.l (A) (1), CHAP- TER 29 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THIS CITY .~EP~TAIN- ING TO USES PERMITTED IN THE C-1 LIMITED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. City Clerk Worthing also read the. following..~lanning~,Zoning Board report, dated February 8th, 1966: "The Planning and Zoning Board respectfully submits the following change for Sec. 29-7.1 C-1 limited commercial district. (n) USES PERMITTED Within any C-1 }imited commercial district no building, structure or land shall be used' and .no building shall be erected; Structurally altered -9- "or enlarged, unless otherwise permitted by these regulations, except f~r one, or m~re of the following uses: (1) Any use permitted in the R-3 multiple family dwelting distr~ct provided however, that any dwelling structure of three or more family units shall be allowed only as a special exception." Mr. Saunde~s moved that Ordinance No. 14-66 be placed on this first reading, the motion being seconded by Mr. Croft. Upon call of ro11, Mr. Croft, Mr. Jurney, Mr. Saunders and Mayor Avery voted in favor of the motion, and Mx. Talbot abstained from voting. 8.p. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 15-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE-CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 13-2 (k), CHAPTER 13, CODE OF ORDINANCES-OF THIS CITY 'PERTAINING TO TERMIN- ATION OF ELECTRICIANS'-CERTIFXCATES ISSUED BY THIS CITY. Ordinance No. 15-66 was unanimously placed on first reading, on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 9. There were no reports. 10.a. The City.Clerk presented'Bills fo'r Approval, as follows: General Fund' $ 317,087.46 Water Ope~ating & Maintenance Fund 6,097.09 Water RevenueFund 376,995.39= Special Assessment Fund 14,862.50' Refundable Deposits Fund 2,296.29 Disaster Fund 252.65 Improvement-Fund 3,055.90 Capital Improvements .Construction Fund 180.00 Cigarette Tax Fund 5,358.00 Sewer Construction Trust Fund 466,522.64 The b~lls .were unanimoue~y ordered'paid, on motion by Mr. Saunders and seconded by,Mr. Croft. The meeting adjourned at ll:3S P.M. City Clerk APPROVED: 2-14-66 50-A ORDINANCE NO. 10-66. AN ORDINANCE ~ THE CITY OF DELRAY-BEACH, FLORIDA LE~NGT~EASSESSMENTS'A~ SHOWN BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBMITT~Y'T~E CITY MANAGER OF SAX'D CIT~, CONC~REING THE OPENING, GRADING ~ PAVING OF THAT' PART OF N. W. 3rd A~ENUE RUNNING 308.3 FEET "' SOUTHWARD FROM N. W. llth STREET, TO A - - , WIDTH OF ~Y-FOUR F~ET,~ SAID ASSESSME~ KOLL BEING ATTAC~E~'HE~ETO AND' FOI~LING'A - PART HEREOF. W~EREAS, the City Manager of the City,of Delray Beach, Florida has, in pursuance to the Chart~'ofsaid city, submitted to the City Council for approval, a report of the costs, and the assessment roll for the opening, grading and paving of that part of N. W. 3~d Avenue running 308.3. feet southward.from N. W. llth Street to a width (24) feet. ~ ..... WHEREAS, said report and assessmentwo11 was approved by the City Council in regular session on the 14th'~ day of February, 1966, and WHEREAS, due ~ot~ce'concern~ng said assessment roll was given by advertisement, by'the City Clerk) ~n accord- ance with the City Charter of said City, for the purpose of hear- ing objections to said'asSessment roll, and -. ~T~EREAS, no sufficient objections were received to the confirmation Of said assessment roll, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE "CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA,' AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The assessments, as shown by ~said 'as- sessment roll which is attaChedhereto.'&nd made a part hereof, are hereby levied against the properties shown and in the'a- mounts stated on said assessment roll, said aSsessments.to be paid in three equal annual installments, together wi~"interest at the rate of 8%per annum, the first installment becom!Dg due and payable on April 1~ 19~' 'and on the .l~h m~ ~ for the next ensuing two yaarsi and said spe- Cial'assessments, so levied, shall be a lien from the date the assessments become.e~fect~ve, upon the respective lots and par- celslof land described'insaid assessment roll, of the same nature and to the.same extent as the liens for general citYtaXes, and shall be collectible in the same manner and with the same penalties and under the same provisions, as to sale and forfeiture as City taxes are collect~ble. PASSED in regular session on second and final reading on this the l~th day of Ma~¢h , 1966o' ' /S/ AI..C. Awe~v ' . _. MAYOR ATTEST: ' · City Clerk " First Reading ,__' ~,~,,,,,= 'Ih. SeCond Reading Ma~ch 1~, I966 ASSESS,~ENT ROLL For opening, grading a~d paving of that part of N. W. Avenue running 308~3 feet southward from N. W. llth Street, to a width of twenty~four feet. DESCRIPTION OF FRONT FRONT FT. TOTAL PROPERTY ~WNER~ FOOT~G~ ASSESSMEN~ ASS'_M~ South 100 ft of West Paul w. ~. 100 $3.71709 ~37i.?1 154.65 ft of East haIf Christine of Northwest quarter Ledridge of Lot 9 less West 25 ft Section 8-46-43. No=th 90 ft of-South Addie. F. 90 " 334.53 190 ft of West 154.65 Ledridge ft of. East half of Northwest quarter of Lot 9 less West 25 ft Section 8-46-43. West 154.97-ft of East Thomas G., Jr. & 118,3 " 439.73 half of Northwest quar- Lillian R. Foster ter of Lot 9 less South 190 ft, less North 25 ft & less West 25 ft section 8-46-43. west half of Northwest J. Morga~ & 118.3 " 439~73 quarter of Lot 9 ~ess Mae H. Mikell West 167.46 ft, less South 190 ft, -less North 25 ft & less East 25 ft SeCtion 8~46-43.. North 95 ft of ~outh Jack Lee &E~na 95 " 353.13 190 ft ~f West half of Lee SaHnders Northweat quarter of'L~t 9 ,less West I67.46 ft & .~ess East 25 ft "Section 8-46-4~, · out~ 95 ft of West Wm. M. & Betty R~ 95 " 353.13 half of Northwest quar- Hunt ,~er of Lot 9 less West 16~6 ft & less Eas~ 25 ft, Section 8-46-43., 6l~.6'f~et $2,291.96. Advertising: D. B. Eews-Journal $ 37.10 Sun Sentinel 4.90 P. B. Post Times 9.14 Assessment-Roll (est) 13.20 Ordinance Caption (est} 6.60 Construction Contract Turner Nurseries 2~47~.$8 .... $2,"~4~..62 Less 10% City s~are of cost per Res. No. 22-65 .... 2~.~,66, *90% to be assessed $2,29~i96 O~DINANCE NO. 11-66. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE. OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, RE- PEALING SECTIONS 9-2, '~and 9-6, CHAPTER 9 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES?OF T~IS CITY RE-. OUIRING COUNCIL APPROVAL OF CERTAIN BUILD- ING PERMITS. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach. Florida, deems it in the best interests pf the Citi- zens of 'this community to repeal the sections~ 6f th~ Cod~ of Ordinances requiring Council approval of certain build-- ing permits ~ and ~HEREAS, an emergency Ordinance is authorized under ~Section 30 of the City Charter of' this City when~for the purpose of facilitating'the-daily operation of 'a munici- pal departme~t~ NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section' 1. That Section 9-2, Chapter 9, Code of Ordinances of the City of Del~ay Beach, Florida~ be, and the same is hereby repealed. -' Section 2. That Section 9-6; Chapter 9, Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, ~lorida, be; and the' same is hereby repealed. Section 3. ~his ordinance ia deemed to.be an.. emergency ordinance and shall become effective immed, iately. PASSED and ADOPTED on this 14th day of February, 1966. /S/ A1 < 0 ~ UAve,.~.y . MAYOR. ATTEST: City Clerk PROPERTIES IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE NO. G-147 A~O SECTZ0NS 15-3 & 15-~ 0F THE CZT~ CODE PROPERTM~. O~NER ADDRES DESCRIPT!~N 1.City of Delray ~each Oity Hall North ~ of 16 15-3 Delray Beach, Fla. foot alley in 15-4 Bto~k 5, Rosemont Park 2.AuguSt C. Huber, et 826 N. W~ 5th Ave. Lo~s 7, 8, & 9 15-3 al Delray Beach, Fla. less West 10 foot 15-~ .R/W, Haller Gtc otman 3.George D. & Harriett Cemtral Valley S.W. ~ of Lot 9 15-3 W. Oornell New York less East, South west Section 8 46 43 ~.City of Delray ~each ~ Ci{y Hall 50~f~o% Street 15-3' Delray Beach, Fla. R/w~of S~terling 15-4 Avenue between S.W. ~th Ave. Southridge Road 5. Kenneth Gary 1i2 N. W; 5th Ave. Lot I9 · 15.3 Delray Beach, Fla. Sundy~& Tenbrook 15'4 Addition 6oOtty of Delray Beach City Hall Part of 16 foot 15-3 Delray Beach, Fla~~ alley East of Lot 15-~ 24 of Block 12, Monroe S/D 7.City of Delray ~each City Hall 16 foot alley in 15-3 Delray Beach, Fla. Block 43 15-~ Violations 15-3 & 15-4 as concerns this ~eport are as follows: 1. 1%-3 Trash & Iim~s 15-~ Weeds & underbrush 2. 15-3 01d trash, Junk, limbs, & Palmfronds 15-4 Weeds 3. 15-3 ~o dead pine trees on West vacant part 4- 15-3 Dead pine trees¥, broken trees & limbs 15-4 Weeds, underbrush, vines & Scrub Oak 5. 15-3 Dead'~logs, limbS, & trash 15-4 Weeds~ vines & Underbrush 6. 15-3 Old trees, logs, & t~ash 15-4 Weeds & underbrush 7. 15-3 Dead limbs, trash & Junk 15-4 Weeds &underbrush SUbmitted to the City Council by the City Manager on this the 14th day of ~ebruary, 1966~ 5o ORDINANCE NO. 8-66. ~ o~,¥~c~ o~ ~ CITY C~mCIL o~, S~-SECTION (E) , "' SECTION 79-7, ~PTER PERTAI~NG ~ B~L~ SITE A~ ~S IN ~ R-3. ~iP~ F~LY D~LLING DISTRI~. N~, T~FO~, BE ~ O~AI~ BY ~ CI~ OF DEL~Y e~ FLOR~A, AS FOLLOW~: Section 1. ~at d~-seC~ion (E), Code of Ordi~nces of ~e City be a~ ~e s~me is hereby amended to rea~ as foilows: "Sec. 29~7, R-3 ~ultt91e family ~We111:g (E) BU~ING SITE A~A. ~I~D Eve~y'buil~ing hereafter ereC~d or structurally altere6 shall provide a lot area ~r family less then the .following= ~or one family dwelling structure'-"6,000 square feet and ~or each family ~ thereafter, an a~a~tio~l 1,000 square fee~ shall be The lot width ~or a one or t~ .family dwelling s~11 be not less th~n s~ty (60) feet meas~e~ at the line. ~ere a lot or parcel of lan~ has an a~ea or less than ~Ae above ~n~'~s a lot of '~ec0fd at of the e~feetive date of thi~ Ord~nance, (Sections 29-1 - 29-2.10) s~iE lot may ~ u~e~ for a one and t~ family d~lling p~ovide~ ~he minimum Side, front and ~ear yard re~irements as set forth he=etn are con'f~d Section 2. That if any ~r~, phrase, clause, sentence .or part of ~&s oratna~ee shall be ~eelar~ 11.legal by a court o~ competent j~ts~ction, such record of 11legal&fy .shall remaining portion. PASSED tn re~lar sesst~ on the secon~ and final reading on the I~A ~ay of Fe%~ua~ ,1966. /g/. Al. ~.- A~e~7 ..... MA~OR /s/ ~. O. ,wo~ City Clerk First Reading ~u~7 31, 19,66 . . Second Reading February lb, 1966 50-F RESOLUTION NO. 9-66. A RESOLUTION OF THE .CITY-~QUNCIL OP ~ CITY · OF DELRAY BEACH, FLOriDA AUTKORIZI~G THE. CITY M~NAGER TO PROCEED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS, FIUE FEET IN WIDTH, ~qITHIN THE STREET RIGBTS-OFz~Y OF VARIOUS STREETS IN THE WESTERN SECTOR .OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray ~each, ~lorida, did, on the 24th day of January, 1966, by adopt£on of Resolution No. 6-66, determine to proceed with the construction of sidewalks within the street rights-of-way of the following streets in the western sector of the CitY: 1. On the East side of ~ 8th Ave. from Atlantic Ave. to NW 2nd St.~ 2. on the East side of NW 10th Ave. from Atlantic Ave. to the SOuth line of Lot 6, Block C, West side Heights= 3. On the East side of NW 10th Ave. f~rom 2nd to 3rd streets~ 4. on the SOuth side of NW 2nd St. from 10th to 14th Avenues~ 5. On the EaSt side of NW 14th Ave. from ~tlantic Ave. to 2nd St. less LOt 23, Block. l, O~anns S/D~ .6. On the East aide of SW 14th Ave. from Atlantic Ave. to 3~d St.~ ?o On'the Ea'st'.s~e of SW 11th Ave. from 2nd tO 3r~ Streets~. 8. O~ the East side of SW 10th Ave. from Atlantic Ave. to 2nd 9. On the East side of SW 8th Ave. from Atlantic Ave. to 3rd 10. On the South side of SW 2nd street from 5th to 11th Avenues.~ AND 11. On the South side of SW 3rd St, from 8th to 13th Avenues. WHEREAS, the resolution prov~d£ng therefor has been duly published as re..quired by theClty Chad%er, togeth.~r with a notice that objections to said improvement would be heard, and WHEREAS, no sufficient objections have been. made %~ such proposed 'improvement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City ~f Delray Beach, Floridao that the City Manager be and he is hereby instructed to proceed wiSh-the construction of Side- walks within the street rights-.of-way of the above listed streets in the western sector of ~he City, to a width of five feet, accord- ing to the. plans and spe~if~cations heretofore filed ~ith the City Clerk, and a c~y .thereof filed in the office of the City Manager and ~ept open for-~ns~ection-of the public. Passed in regular session on this the 14th Say of February, i966. /S/ AI~ ~. Ave~..y.' . MAYOR ATTEST ~ City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 10-66. 50-G A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN~IL OF THE CITY OF DEl&lAY BEACH, FLORIDA, A~SEsS~NG COSTS FOR ABATING NUISANCES UPON CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY; SETTING ow AC~AL COSTS I~C~aED ~Y SA~D CITY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH ABATEMENT ~ LEV~N~ THE COST OF SUCH ABATEMENT OF SAID NUIBANCES~-AND~:.CLARING SAID LEVY'TO'BE.A LIEN UPON sam P~0P~?~'~ AN~O~ aS SHOWS~Y~- PORT OF THE CITY MANAGER O~F DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dekray Beach, did, in regular. /~/~/////////session held on the 22nd of November and 13th of December, 1965. ~ de~lare th~"~Xistence of a nui- sance u~on 'cer~a~'~ i~S or pa~ceis"0~ land, described in a list sub- mitted to them, for violatfo~ of the provisions of Ordinance G-147; WHEREAS, pursuant to such declaration, the City Clerk cf said City did furnish each of the respective owners of the lands described in said list with a notice d~scribing the nature of the nuisance and that they must abate said nuisance within thirty. (30) days, failing in which the City Council w~uld.~ave it done, and the cost thereof would be levied as an assessment against said. property~ and WI{EREAS, the owners hereinafter named did fail and neglect to abate the nuisance exist/ng upon their respective lands within the time prescribed in Said notice and Ordinance G-147, and the City of Delray Beach was~equired to and did enter upon the following lands and incur cos~s-'in aba~ing the nuisance eXisting 'thereon'as described in the aforesaid list; and WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, has, pur- suant to said OrdiDmnce G-l~7 and the City Charter submitt~d to the City Council a report of the costs incurred in abating the nuisance as aforesaid, said report indicating the costs per parcel of land involved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CItY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That assessments in the individual amounts as shown by the report of the 'City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, involving the City's cost of abating the aforesaid nuisances upon the ~ots or par- cels of land described in said report, a copy of which is a~tached hereto and made a part hereof, are levied against the parcels of land described on said report and in the amounts indicated thereo~. Said assessments so levied shall be a lien upon the respective lots and parcels of land.described in said report, of the same nature and to the same extent as the lien for general city taxes and. sha~l be col- lectible in the same manner and with the same penalties and under the same provisions ~s to sale and foreclosure as city taxes are Collect- ible. 2. That the City Clerk of said City sha11,~ as soon as possible after the effective date, record a certified copy of this resolution in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit court in_and for Palm Beach county, Florida, and shall furnish, to each of the owners name~ in and upon said report a notice that the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, did, on the 22nd ~f November.&.%~.ef Decembers... 19~5 ~ order the abatemen~ of a certain ~isance existing on their described property and property owner having"~ailed to abate such nuisance, within the 30 day period, whereupon it was abated by the City at costs shown in said report and such assessments shall be legal, valid and binding obligations upon the property against which said assessments are levied. This resolution shall become effective 30 day~ from the ~te o~ adoption, and the assessments contained herein shall become du~e a~d payable thirty days after the ~ailing date of the notice of sa~d. assessment, after which interes~ ~hallaccrue at the rate of 6% per annum on any unpaid portion there~. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular, sg,~ion o~ the ~4~h.. 0ay of February A.D. 19 66 ATTEST~ /S/A1. C. Avery .~. - ~ . ... ' -'~'~- M A Y O R ~- ' /S/ R. D. Wq~.thlng ..... ,. COST OF ABATINS;N~ISAN~ES %~RDER ORBINAN~E NO. G-147. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OWNER ASSESSMENT November 2.2~ 1965 list. -- - Lot "N", Tropic Palms. Nor Mel Investments,~ Inc. $15.00 Lot 30 and Eas~ 35 feet of J~ W. & Adele Richardson $29.50 LOt 31, Delray Beach Esplanade. Lots 3,' 4, and 5, Block 5; Jeanette & Harriet V. Rosemont Park. Gutterman -$34.50 D~cember..13~' 1965 ~list. West:*12§ feet of. North 150 K.;-E. W. Realty Ce., Inc. $30.00 feet of Ocean Beach .Lot 32. 50-~ ORDINANCE NO. 2-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LAND, NAMELY LOT 16, LAKE IDA MANOR, WHICH LAND IS CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID .CITY= REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO IN- CLUDE SAID LAND; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. WHEREAS, GLENN B. SWANSON and INA RAy SWANSON .(his are the fee simple owners of the property hereinafter described, WHEREAS, said GLENN B. SWANSON and INA PAY SWANSON (his wife), by their Petition, have consented and given_permission for the annexation of said property by the City of Delray Beach, and WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach has heretofore been au- thorized to annex lands in accordance with Section I85.! of the city Charter of said City granted to it by th~ State of Florida; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAI~ BY THE CITY COI~CIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SE. CTION .1. That the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, hereby annexes to said-City the following described tract of land located in Palm Beach County, Florida, which lies contiguous to said City, to-wit: That tract of land, namely Lot 16, LAKE IDA MANOR, per Plat Book 23, page 138, Public Records of palm B~ach County, Florida. SECTION 2. That the boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are hereby redefined so as to include therein the above described tract of land and said land is hereby~declared to be within the corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. .S.E. CTI.ON 3.. That the tract of land here!nabove described is hereby declare~ to be in Zoning District R-1AA,. as defined by existing ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. SECTION 4. That the land hereinabove described shall immediately become subject to all of the franchises, privileges, immunities, debts, obligations, liabilities, ordinances and laws to which lands in the City of Delray Beach are now or may be, and persons residing thereon shall be deemed citizens of the City of Delray Beach. SECTIO. E S. That if any word, phrase, clause, sentence or part of this ordinance shall be declared illegal by a court of competent jurisdiction, such record of illegality shall in no way affect the remaining port.ion. PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading on this the l~th day .of February , 1966. /SI Al, ~, A~er~ ... ~AYOR ATTEST: City Clerk First Reading ~nua~y 2~, 1966 Second Reading Februar[...l~ ~966_~ ORDINANCE NO. 3-66. AN ORDINANCE OF T~]~ CI.TY COUNCIL OF ~HE CITY OF TowNsHiP 46' SO%~TH, *RANGE 4'3' '~AgT, WHICH LA~'" IS CONTIGUOUS TO ~XISTIN~ M~NICIPAL LIMITS O~ SAID CITY,'~AND~ REDEFINING T~E 'BOUNDA~L~S OF SAID CiTY TO I~CU~~' S~O ~D. WHEREAS, the City of Del~ay BeaCh, A Municipal Corporation of the State of' Florida, is the fee simple owller of the property hereinafter described, and WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach has .heretofore been authorized tO annex lan~s in accordance with ~eetion 185.! of City ChArter of said' 'City grante~ to it by the ~tate of Florida; r~R~!ON 1. That the City Council of the City of Delray BeaCh, Pal~' ~ach Cowry, FlOrida, hereby annexes to said City the following described tract of land located in Pa1m Bea~ County, Florida, which lies contiguous to said City, to-wit: ~at t~act of land~ in S~tion 21, To, ship 46 S~u~h,' Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, described as follows: ~at part of ~e South 400 feet of the North 4680 feet of Section 21, To, ship 46 Sou~, ~nge 43 East,' Which part is bounded on the West by the Easterly boundary line of the =i~ht-°f-way of State Road A1A (formerly ~%~te'R°ad 140) and on the East by the waters SE~ION.~. ~at the boundaries of the. City of Delray Beach, Florida, ~F9 ~eb~.Y redefined So as to include ther:ein' the above de- scribed ~f~'tOf i~n~, and said land is hereby deciared to be within the =orporae~~' fk~i~s 0f th~ Ciey of Delray Beach, FlOrida. .That if any ~rd, phrase,[ clause, sentence ~rt of t shall be ~.lared i11e~1-by a court of compe- tent such record of i;llegali%y sba11 ~in no ~y affect the PA$~D in re~lar session on the second and final reading on this ~e lhth day of February , 1966. ATTEST ,,/S/ ~. D. Wo~hfn~ . City Clerk First Reading JaauaPy ~, 1966 Second Reading ..FebP]a~ 1~,. 1966 ~O-.K- ORDINANCE N~. 4-66. AN ORDINANCE ®F THE CITY~ COUNCIL THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, DEANNEXING FROM THE CITY OF DELRAY BEA~ CERTAIN LANDS' LOCATED'~ IN SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RAN~E~43' EAST. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, enacted Ordinance No. G-463 on October 22, 1962, annexing certain properties to the existing municipal ~l£mits of said City; and WHEREAS, a portion of said lands included a portion of State Road A-1-A (formerly State Road 147)~ and WHEREAS, the City Council.of.the City of Delray Beach, Florida, deems it in the best ~interests of the citizens of this community to deanmex a portion of said State Road A,1-A, NOW, THEREFORE,. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, 'FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: That the City ~ouncil ef the City of Delray Beach hereby deannexes from said City,' the following described tract: Ail that portion of state Road No. A-1-A (formerly state Road No'. 140). tying south of Government Lot 1 located in Section 28, Township 46 South, Range 43-:East, according to the plat thereof on f~le with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and"for Palm Beach County, Florida. PASSED in regular session on the second "and final reading on the l~th day of F~b~ua~.7 , 1966. ]~] Al. O. Avery MAYOR ATTE ST: City Clerk First Reading January Second Reading FebPma~ 1~ 1966 · ORDINANCE NO;' 6-66. AN ORDINANCE OF .THE ' CITY COUNC/L OF' THE CITY OF DELRBY ~EACH, FLORIDA; 'AMENDING SUB-SECTION (C), SECTION'29 - 7,¥CHAPTER 29 -OF'THE CODE OF ORDIN~,NCES OF ~ THIS 'CITY PERTAINING ~TO 'BUXLDING HEIGHT P-~GULATIONS IN THE R-$ MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT. NOW, BE IT ORDAIEED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS:' , Section 1. Sub-section (C), Section 29 = 7 of the Code of Ordinances of the City be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows'-. "Sec. 29 - 7, 'R-3 Multi.Die Family .DWelIing DiStXict. (C) BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS No buildings in an R-3 District may be e=ected. to a height exceeding forty-five (45) feet measu=ed from the highest finished grade to the ceiling of the highest floor except as follows: On lots fronting the ocean ,or intracoastal waterway the regular height requirements may be e~eeeded as a' special exception as provided in Sub-section (14) of Section 29 - 7.5." Section 2. That if any word, phrase, clause, sentence or part of this ordinance shall be declared iilegal by a court of competent Jurisdiction, such record of illegality shall in no way affect the-remaining portion. PASSED on second and final reading in regular session on th~s the 2~th day of FebPuary , 1966. ,,/$/.A1,. O. Avery ...... MA YOR- ATTEST: .l~l..~l D. Worthin~ C~ty Clerk First Reading . Ja.n..u_ar.~ 2k. 1966 ._ Secona aead~g .~e~rua~ 25, .1966 ORDTNANCE NO,, 5-66. A~ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDI~G SECTION 29-7.5, CHAPTER 29 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THIS CITY BY ADDING SUB-SECTION (14) PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ExCEPTIONSI CONDITIONS GOVEREING APPLI- CATIONs PROCEDURB~ STANDARDS.~ FINDINGS REOUIREDt AND P~OVIDING F~R AN ~.FFECTIVE DATE. ' NOW, THEReFOrE, BE IT ORDAIN~-D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, F~R~A, AS ~OWS t ~ction ~. ~ction 29-7.5, ~apter 29 of the Code of ~ances of the City be and the sa~ ~s hereby amended by adding S~- ~e~tio~ [14) to r~a~ as follows: "(14} S~c~al exceptions defined: Conditions Governing A~lica~ion~ Pro~ure~ Standards~ F~ndings Required. A. ~e City Council shall deciae onl~ such s~c~al exceptions as are s~ui~ica~ly au~o=ized by the _terms' of ~e zoning ordinance: to dec~de such quest~on. as are involved in dete~ining whe~er s~ciaI excep- tions should be grante~ and to grant special excep- tions wi~ such conditions and 'safeg~rds as are a~ p=opriar~ under ~e zoning ordinance~ or to deny s~o~l excep~io~ ~n no~ in hat.ny W~h ~he pur- ~, i~tent, and =e~ire~nts of the zoning ordinance a~ ~is section. No '~s~cial exception sha~ll ~ ed unt~l the application ~s ~en referred to ~e Plan- E. Any person, f~rm or ~r~rat~on o~ing w~th~n ~e City o~ Delray ~ach, Flor$~, to obtain a s~cial exception as p=escr~d 1~ ~der ~e Zo~ng ~d~n~ of~e C~ty or a~n~nts ~reto shall proceed in the ~o11~ing (1) su~ ~r~n, f~rm or cor~ration shall file .an application ~or a s~cial exception wl~e Director of P~nn~nq, Zoning and Ins~ct~on. Said ap~lication shall be ~n a fo~ s~s~ntially ~n accordance with the form' prescr~d by said D~tec~or, cop~es of ~ch may be ob~n~ from ~he BulLdOg ~r~ent of the C~ty. ~e ~u~o~ity au~oriz~ a ~r~n o~er ~an the o~er to .~ such application must ~ attached to and ac~pa~y ~d application. No fee is required ~il~ng sa~d aPp~oat~on. (2) The Director of P~nn~g, Finning ~d Ins~ction shall ~en refer ~e a~lica2~on to the P~nn~ng ~ard a~ shall provide a public hearing of ~e abutting o~rs in e~ordan~ w~ the ~ollow~ng~ 50-N ,~age 2. ORDINANCE NO. 5-66. (a) If less then a city block is involved ~'nd where the portion petltione4 for special exception · is a corner, the owners of the property for'one block on both sides of the'intersecting streets from that corner must be notified. (b) If less thane city-block is £nvolved and where the portion'petitioned for special exception is not on a Corner, the owners of the property elong the street on which the petitioned property faces for a distance of three hundred feet (300') in both directions from the property petitioned, must be notified. (c) If a city block or more is involved, the owners of the property lying for a depth of one block ~urrounding the property petitioned, must-be notified. (d) The ownership of the abuttingpropertiee shall be determined by the City Clerk who shall notify the owners by U. S. mail the date and purpose of the ~Ianning Board hear~ lng at lea~t fi~e days in advance so that he may be represented in person or by proxy. Notice of the aforesaid meeting shall also be published in a newspaper published in this :city at least ten (10) days prior to the hear- ing. After such'public hearing, the Planning BOard shal~ pass upon the application before it and ~ake its recommendations in accordance with sub,S~ction F,~ The Board shall heve th~ right to=cruse to take action unless the petitioner or,his, duly authorized egent is present at the aforesaid hearing. Co A special expept$on ie hereby defined as a use or structure th~",w~.~ ..not be appr. opriate generally or without restr!cti~.?throughout t~e' zoning division or district but '~iC~ if controlle~ as to number, area~ locati°n'9~"rei~tion to the ~eighb°rhood woul~ promote the publi~ h~lth, safety, welfare, morals, order, comfort, ~onv~ience, prosperity or general welfere, such uses or structures are permitted in such zonin~ districts as special exceptions where specific provision for such exceptions is made in D. i sp~ial ~xcep~ion shall not.be recommendea by the Planning Board unless-and until~ (1) TheP!anntng Board shall meke findings that the granting 'of the special ~xceptiOn, with any appropriate conditions and sefeguards that the Board may deem necessary, will not adversely affect the public interest. (2) In reaching its conclusion.and in making the findings, required ;in. (1), above, the Plan- ,ing Board shall consider afi~ weigh, among ~0-0 Page 3. ORDINANCE NO. 5-66. others, the following factors and standards, where appXicable, and shall show in record such factors as were considered and the dis- position made thereof. Further, the.Board shall find in the case of any of these factors and standards, where they may be relevant and applicable, that the purposes and requirements for granting the special exception have been met by the applicant= (a) ingress and egress to the property and the proposed structures thereon, if any, including such considerations as automotiv~. and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow an~ control, and access in case of fire or catastrophef ~b) off-street parking and loading, areas, where required, including consideration of relevant factors in (a) preceding end the economic, noise, glare or odor effects of the location of such areas on adjacent and nearby properties and properties generally~in the district! (=} refuse and service areas, including consideration of relevant factors in and (b) preceding~ (d) utilities, including such considerations as hook-in locations and availability and co~patibilityof utilities for the proposed use or structure~ (e) screening and buffering, including con- siderations of such relevant factors as type, dimensions and character to preserve and improve compatibility and harmony of use and structures between'the proposed special exception and the uses and structures.~, of adjacent a~ nearby properties and proper- ties generally in the district~ (f) signs, if any, and proposed exterior lighting, if any, with reference to glare, traffic safety~ and economic effects of same on properties in the district, and compatibility and harmony with other proper- ties in the district= (g) required yards and open spaces; (h) height of structure where related to uses and structures on adjacent and nearby properties and properties generally in the district= (i) general compatibility and harmony of the use and structures U~der the proposed. special excemtion with the Uses and structures on adjacent and nearby:properties and proper- ties generallyin the. district~ Page 4. ORDINANCE NO. 5~66. (j) economic effects on adjacent and nearby 'properties and properties generally in the d,i~trict of the grant of the special excep- tion. E. In recomm6nding special 'exception, the Planning Board~ may~.~ugg$st.appropriate cond~i6ns an4 safeguards in conformity with the standards herein set out in con- formitywith the Zoning ordinance. In' recommending a grant of special exception, the Planning Board may pre- scribe a time limit within the action for which the specialexception is granted shoul~ he begun or com- pleted, or both. F. The findings of such Planning. Board as herein- above mentioned are recommendatory only. Upon receipt of any such recommendation t~e City Co~ncil shall review the application and recommendations .at the next regular Council meeting following~he Planoing Board hearing. G. In granting any speCi~l exception, the City Council may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with the stan~ards herein, setout in con- formlty with the zoning ordinance. Violation of such conditions and safeguards, When made a part of the terms under which the special except'%on is granted~ shall be deemed a violation of the .zOn~i~g oral,ncc 9nd.p~lish- able under Section 29-7..10 Of t~e zoni~hgor~inance~ .a ing a grant of ex ep oO%'t C t "Council m~ PrescriBe a' time limi~ withi~ ,~h, aC~$~n,~o~ which ~h~ special exce~ion is :g~a~te~''' ahai~ ~be beg,~.m: o~' com- pleted:, or b°~-h~'~ ~i~u~e ,tO' begi~ or,~' ,.~'~ete'~ o~ bOth, sv~h acti0~ w~thi~-the tim~ limi~~ sha'l~l v~d 'the sPeclal e~ception'~- . Section 2. That if any wor~, phrase, clause, sentence or part of this ordinan~e shall be declared illegal by a =ouFt of competent jurisdict~on, such record of i11egali~y shall in ~9 WaY affect the remaining portion. PASS.ED in regular session on the seoon~ a.~. fina~ reading on the l~th day of FebmuaP~ , 1966. /S/41. ¢. A,vez'_v, MAYOR ATTEST: .,/~/ R. D, Wor,.,thinfl 'City Clerk First Reading ~ .Janua~ 2~, '.1966 Second Reading F®b~ua~y i~, 196.6 50-Q ORDINANCE NO. 9-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING.- S~-SECTIONS (1) AND (2), SECTION 29-7.4, CHAPTER 29 OF THE CODE OE ORDINANCES OF THIS CITY PERTAINING TO. OFF ST~ET..pARK-- ING REQUIREMENTS. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF DELRAY REACH, FLOR'IDA, AS FOLLOWS~ Section 1. That Sub-Sections (1) and (2) Section 29-7.4, Chapter 29 of the Code Of Ordinances of.the city,be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 29-7.4. Parking and loading requirements. (1) For the purpose of t~ is ordinanc~, the term 'off stree~ parking space' shall consist of a. minimum net area of two hundred {200) squ~re ~eet of appropriate dimensions for the parking of an automobile, exclusive of access drives or aisles thereto~ (a) In the R-3, C-1, C-2 and C-3 districts, all parking spaces, access drives and loading zones shall be~haFd surface~...and dust proof. (2) There shall be provided at the time o~_the erection of any mai'n building or structure, or at the t~me~anymain building or structure is'altered, enlarged or increased in capacity by adding dwelling units, ~uest.ro~ms, floor =area or seats, minimum off street automobile parking Spaces with adequate provisions for ~ngress a~d egress.by an au- tomobile of standard size, in accordance.with ~he followr lng requirements: (a) Dwelling..structures - one (1) space for each dwelling unit except in the R*IAAA Single Family Dwelling District, which will require'two (2). park- ing spaces for each dwelling structure. (b) Churches, temples or places of worship --One (1) space for every ~ive {§) seats in the.main auditorium. (c) Country, golf, gun clubs - One (1) space for every fiv~ (5) members. (di Department stores - One (1) sp~ce for every two hundred (200) square feet of non-storage floor area. (e) Retail shop, personal service establishment,-- automobile service, professionak offices - One space for every One hundred and fifty (150) square feet of non-storage or customer s~rvice floorarea. (f) Furniture store - One (1) space for every four hundred (400) equare, feet.~ nOn+storage floor area. 50-R Page 2. ORDINANCE NO. 9-66. (g) Hotels - Three (3} spaces~o= every four (4} bedrooms. (h) Multiple dwellings, apartment'houses, effi- ciency apartments - One and One-half (1%) Spaces for each dwelling unit. (i) Hospitals, sanitariums - One (1} space for every two (2) patient beds. (j) Kennels aha animal hospi~ts ,A parking area equal to thirty (30) per cent of the total enclosed or covered area. · - ' (k) Libraries, museums - A parking areaequal to fifty (50) per cent of the floor area open to the public, (1) Medical or dental offices or clinics - Three (3) spaces for each doctor or dentist and one (1) space for each nurse or attendant. (m} Motels - One (1) space for each sleeping room. (n) Nursing or convalescent homes - One (~} space for every three (3) beds. (o} Office buildings '- one (1) space for every four hundred. (400) ~quare feet of gross floor area within the building. (p) Restaurants~ other eating places - One space for every"~..~(4) seats, plus one (1) spac~ for every three (3) employees. .(q) Rooming, boarding houses - One (1) space for each sleeping room, (r) Schools and public buildings - One (1) space for every five (5) seats in the main auditorium or place of assembly. (s) Theatres - One (1) space for every five' (5) seats. (t) Commercial, manufacturing and industrial concerns not cateming to the retail trade - one {15 space for every four hundred (400) square feet of gross floor area." Section 2. That if any word, phrase, clause, sentence or part of this ordinance shall be declared i11egal"by a court of com- petent jurisdiction, such record of illegality shall in no way af- fect the remaining portion. PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading on the l~th day of February ,1966. ATTEST: ...... ~'M.A Y O R /S/ R. D. Worthing City Clerk 1st. reading _ January 31, 1966 . 2nd reading . .P~bp~a~y lk. 1966