02-25-66 FEBRUARY 25, 1966 A regular ~eeting~ of the City council of Delrey2Beach. was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M,, with..~,~yor Ai.'C, Avery in the Chair, City Manager David M, Gatchel, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen J, LeHoy Croft, James..H.,Ju'rney, Jack L. Saunders and George Talbot, Jr., being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by the Rev; J;.R. Evans. 1.a. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the~Unite~ States of America w~s given 2. The minutes of the regular Council ~eeting of February 14th, 1966, were unanimously approved on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Jurney~ 3. There were no,public requests-from, the ftoor. 4. Mr. Croft read the Beautif.ication Committee meeting minutes of February 2nd, 1966, and the following two-paragraphs,~ere commented upon: "It was brought to the attention of the Committee~y Mr. Smith that the parking lot sign at ~. E.. Eirs.t Street and Third Avenue was in bad need of repair. Council action on this matter was requested. The Committee was informed of a multi-colored automobile being used to advertise the HeideLberg Restaurant and' believed to be in-violation of both the sign ordinance and the setback ordinance. It is located on the corner of Sixth Avenue and Fourth Street and the Committee requests the immediate action of the City Inspector." City Manager Gatchel was directed to take care of the parking lot sign at N. E. First Street and Third Avenue that was.reported to be in need of repair, The City Manager ~as directed to .look into the legality of a multi-colored automobile being used to advertise the Heidelberg Restaurant. 4.a. A roll call showed the following Civic Organizations and representatives to be'in attendance:--. Beach Taxpayers League, Inc. Mr. J. Watson Dunbar Delray BeAch Jaycees Mr. Clifford Thomas Delray Beach Board.of Realtors Mr. Melville Brown Business & Pro~essional Woman's Club & Zonta 'IAternational Mrs. Dorothea Montgomery Chamber of Commerce Mr. Kenneth Ellingsworth 5. City Clerk Worthing read a letter of thanks to Mayor Avery and the Council for the extension of sidewalkS-on N~ E. Second. Avenue, from Mrs~ Blake A. Parks. 5. Mr. Clifford Thomas, vice 'President of the Jaycees, announced that the Jaycees are sponsoring their annual Gas-A-Rama sale to be held.atRich's Standard, Oil Station. on N. E. Fifth Avenue at . Third Street, Sunday, February 27th,, 1966 from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 .P~M.,. and that their earnings from said project would be used ~'-for uommunity development, for a Delray Beach Fun Day, proposed to be,held in March. 5.a. Mr. croft asked about a traffic check on'North Federal'Highway at 14th Street that had been.requested. City Manager Gatchel said that he had written a letter to Mr. Clarence E. Davidson of the State Road Department in Fort Lauderdale, and had received an answer from Mr. John Wilson, the Traffic Engineer of the Department in Fort Lauderdale, indicating that they would per-form the traffic survey, as requested, as soon as they ~ossibly can; further, included in the request was a traffic survey on N. E. 5th and 6th Avenues at 4th Street. 5.a. Mr. Jurney announced that he and City Attorney Adams had attended a special Council meeting at Boynton Beach, in regard to the Vocational School location, and then read the following resolution prepared by the City Attorney concerning same: RESOLUTION NO. 13-66 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY. OF DELRAY BEACH, FLOP~IDA, URGING THE PALM BEACH COUNTY BOARD OF .EDUCATION TO RECONSIDER ITS. .DECISION OF FEBRUARY 23, 1966, CONCERNING TRE LOCATION OF T~B NEW VOCATIONAL-TECHNICAL CENTER AND TO ]~EED T~E PROFESSIONAL ADVICE OF SAID BOARD' S EMPLOYED EDUCATIONAL EXPERTS. (Copy of Resolution No. 13-66 is attached to the oi~ficial copy of these minutes.) See.pages 64-B-6h-D.~ City Attorney Adams read the following excerpt from a January 3rd, 1966 letter to Mr. Robert W. Fulton, .Superinte~eat of Public' Instruction, from Mrj Charles T. COuncil, Assistant sm~erintendent of Inst-ruction, regarding sites for area~=0cational~.i~Ools. "Mr. Bill McLean, Mr. Perk Mar~a%~s and I met =efta~ive to the location of the area vocatio~aI schools, purpose in writing this memorandum is to give you our best thin.king relat-i=e to sites on the coast. Since we are =~dering s north area voca~.~onal school and a so~th area v~tional school, we have based our opinions upon. the ~stan~e from the schools to the center and the accessibility of the area vocational site to a main artery, especially 1-95. The Boynton Beach area-seems to be about geographically co=rect for the south site, and acceptance of the Boynton Beach C~F site will have to be based upon how accessible it will b'e~ a main artery of traffic, since the'major problem is one time and location of site, ~ are also of the opinion that the first area vocational school should, be placed on the south ~ite. The reason for this recommendation is that - schools in the South have no vocal.ions1 educational opportunity whereas the present Palm Beach site could serve all Schools as a center excep~t Jupiter until we can build the nort~ county area vocational s~hool. Since the School Board is aO~Sidering possible sites at present, you might want to bring to their attention these opinions." City Attorney Adams said that if'Resolution No. 13-66 is .passed after-Dr. A. D. Thorp comments on the situation, he would like,~'if Council is agreeable,'that each Pa/mBeach County School Board member personally receives-cOpy of said Resolution~ and' that the City be advised of any ftffcure meetings' on the subject. Mayor Avery-said that Delray Beach had been instrumental in selling the ides of a vocational school in the sou~h area of Palm Beach County and that Delray Beach has endorsed the Boyi~ton Beach location for said school. . Dr. A. D.~p, a member of the Palm Beach 'County ~oard of. Public Instructi°~ protested the action of that Board in selecting' a north county site for the vocational school, said that this is not just a south coum. ty fight, but-a matter of grava~ concern for the entire county as far. as the taxpayers~ are concerned.- Dr..Thorp calledattention to. the fact that a'bond issue wes passed a year. ago.tocorrec~ many-of the 'inequ/ties in' the educational system, particularly pertaining to ~he'acureditation of many high schools'~ and'-Seacrest High School andCarver High ~chool had been specifically singled out as having many deficiencies, and among thosedeficiencieswas vocational.facilities. Further,- that in the bond issue .was-provi'ded $98,300.00 for the. construction of vocational facilities and '$30,000.00 for.equipment for SeaCrest High School, and for Carver High School, $45~600.00 for construction and $1,500.00 for equipment for vocational facilities~ m~king a total of $175,400.00. ~ Dr. Thorp explained,further= ,~n June it wasdecided unani- mously by the Board of-Public Instructi~ to build~a vocational- technical school in the south end. o~'the~county where the greatest need lies. Inasmuch-as'the additions'.to~.Carver.and Seacrest ran over the budget, and thermate now-under ,ConstruCtion', gymnasium, cafeteria, classrooms, language laboratories, it ~as de=ided by the Board, because, we bad,made, the deci~io~ to.develop a vocational- technical school in the south end of the county, that ~t would be foolish to expend this $175~,400. on duplicating facilities at these individual schools~ therefore, this bond issue money was used to take up the overage, so to speak, on the facilities which are now under ~onstr~ction. If~the Boa=~s decision stands, .and there~ill, in fact, be .no vocationa~l-technical school 'in the- south end~of~ ~he.c~unty, it mean~s,. then from'the general fund~ from loua~ taxpayers, will. have to. come.this $175, 400. to imperil&rely begin~ vocational facilities atCarver and Seacrest to hold the accred~- tation, of both. of these schooks~ ~ .... . .. ¥ollow/ng other c~mments, Dr. Thorp'sta.ted': "I'will.~con'clude with one.o~her~financial fiasco that ea~.~be, involved.if this' Board's decision'is~ allowed to stand'~' I~ am asking fOr'-a.ll~i~axpayers, not just so~h coumty, but all taxpayers in.the Countyto take.~heed. On February 10th the Board was told that we must approve the-first vocational-technical school site to get State funds. ~ selected the southcounty; however, to be eligible for these funds, this school mustbe~.~committedand under contract' by AugUst.lst..of'this year to hold'these funds. OtherWise', these funds wi~lbe =ealto- cated to another county.!' Dr.'Thorpexplained that it takes.~several.months~fOran~ architect to draw..up plansfor avocational~technical school;'.~and. that the proposers of-the north ~ounty site do not even~have a site at the present-time; further, that it~witl take,.at a minimum,...two, monthsf0r the. state to.approve a..site,-shou~d.it, meet approval,, add. that .he ~eels the August 1st ~ead.line cannot'be~ met for. a north county site~ and that. P.al~'Beach ~Count~?will,'have the .funds allotted for same~and the County will have no vocational school Mr. William Edell of.Boy~t~n Beach.announced that-.he'ha~ arrangedfor a-meeting of~ll interested peoDle, with the?School Board~members .that could attend, ~o be.held Thursday,,March 3rd at 7:30 P.M..a~ the.B0ynt0n. Beaoh City..Hall, and urged.a-It citizens and taxpayers t~ attend said meeting. - .... ~.~ ReSol~ion~No~ 13-66 was unanimousl~ passed~.and adopted~on this first and final'readin~ ,-on motion byMr. ,Jurney a~d~ seconded Mr. Saunders suggested ~hat the press publicize.the coming meeting in BoyntQn Beach, as.he felt if the parents of the. students at.Carver.~and Se~crest High Schools .knew..said schools may I6se their.accreditation, theywould attend-such a meeting. City Manager Gatchelwas= directed tocont~ct the Cit~Manager at Boca Raton and assist or encourage Boca Raton to hold a special Council meeting and pass Such a resolution aa No. 13-66 in regard to a south county vocational-technical-school at Boynton Beach. 5,a. Mr. Jurney said he had rece/ved many telephone calls ,regarding the recent burglaries in DelrayBeach, and that.in addition to the fine .winter visitors in the area, there are also many sharp con opera~ors and thieves. Mr. Jurney said that t~e Police Department is working very hard, bu~ it is almost impossible to stop crime before a,crime iS committed, and that he feels if facilities were set up in the Police Department where everyone performing and rendering~a service within the city limits of Delray Beach, and.:~that ~t be.~anda~or~;'.that all be photographed and.fingerprinted at their expense, it would have a definite effect on anyone contemplating-a criminal act and theywould mo~e on to another area. Mr. Jurney related an experience where he had asked an employee to be fingerprinted, and it was ~ou~d that the person had been a habitual criminal. Mr. Juxney asked that the City Manager. be ~quested to make a feasibility study of such a pr0~edure, and he was so directed'. 5.a~ Mr. Talbot presented a sketch ~or the improvement and re-land- scaping of a portion of Paul Knowles~mk, and informed the'-Council that this Sketch 'had been presented tO t~e ~ity Menager and Beautification Committee, and appro~ed~'~y.,~em~' fu=ther, this improvement will be done at the expense of Mrs. Paul Knowles,Sr. Mr. Talbot informed the,.Council t~atMrs. Knowl~s had authori.~ed himto:say that if there~are any-~suggestions in the way of,.improving said layout as shown on the sketch, she would be ~app~ ~o consider them. · Mr. Talbot then moved that the Council .accept, with heartfelt thanks, this additional memorial to the ~f~rmer Paul Kn0~les who rendered such a' great service to this~4~m~nity. The motion was seconded by Mr. Saunders and carried unanimous~ly. Th~ity Manager was dire=ted to wri.~e an appropriate letter of acknowledgement an~, thanks to Mrs. Knowles for Tn%is additional gift to the City, from the Counui~ and City administration. 5.a,'Mr..Saunders sa~d he thought the'suggestion of the City attorney was~good in tha,t a copy of~esolut~on No. 13-66 be presented,to ~sach member of the<Palm'Beach Coun%y Boa,rd of'~Public Instruction,.and, also ~o'~he~perim~dent-of Public Instr~ction~ and the City'Manager was so directed. 5.a. Mayor Avery reported'to Council that he Bad ~us~returned from a meeting Of the Ma~rs of~Sou~h ~almBeach County a~ the Manalapan~(~zb relative'~.o~he dredging of the Por~o~ ~a.lm~ac~ where the~e will be an enoz~ousamountof sand dred~e~out; ~rther, that Mr. B, Arnold of the Town of ~a/m Beac~ ha~ requested that this sand be deposited on their beachandthat they would spread.it sc it would get into,~e~ ~ittoral ~i~ Off,the. ocean current. That it is a sufficie~ amoun~ of~s~n~~,f it was' spread at one time, there would be a scrip of san4 ~0, fee% wide, 25 feet tall, from the northernmost limits of the Town of Palm Beach .tothe southe:D~St limits o.f BoUa~Raton~ and that the Army Com~'~ofEnginee~sha.s..~itscheduled to~beYdumped, somewhereelse to~ake a recreation area. Mayor Avery said that beach erosion is a responsibility of the Federal Government, and believes there should~be some ~messure put on the County, State and Federal Gover~nments to get them to put this sand on the beaches where it Us-so badly needed, due, to beach erosion. ~'.'-'-~ . ~' · Mayor Avery said~that"he had-volunteered.the services'of.City. Manager Gatchel as a member of the Committee~ had given assurance to~, ~he Comm/ttee mf Mayors that 'they- could- use' his=,.name personally; that he~ would :like,-Council ~ermission tonight' to use .the' name of th~ Ci'tyr .tha~.any reso!ution ~necessary would' be,passed;' that the Cigy would go to any extent to help facilitate this ~atter so .far, as going to Washington or anything in thee ~ower of this Council to cooperate ~ith the. effort to get that sand:~laced o~.t~e beach at '~almBeach,~as.~all the are~.to the'southwoUld benefit~fTom it. Mr. Talbot moved~tha~ this-Co~nci~hea~tilyendorse the~ac.%ton e~plained by~.Mayo=AverY, and that. City Manager_ Gat~hel be approved a~:~ member, of. the Committee to be appointed, and. that the Council a~d this administration gi~e.~all the backin~pOssible~to~said project. The motion was seconded by':.,M~-,~Jurneyand carrie~.una~i~- mous!y. $.a, Mayor Avery informed the Council t~at a week.~r, ten~ays-ago,. at the N. E. corner of N. W. Second AVenue and 16%h Street, a small child of the Fletcher family wandered into. an open swimming and if it ~had not been for~ahe .a~tion .~f a Mr.. Howard wh~ W.~s called by..o~her, children, the .F~et~er .chiL~ w~uld., ha=e., d~. FUrther, that he had the swimming pool' fencing law looked into and that he wo~ld like to. have the existing-ordinance explained as'it' now~ exists. . .,:~ ... City Attorney Adams then =cad .the two follo~ing.sectionsio~' the Code. of Ordinances. . "Sec. 17-2~, Unguarded excavations~ swimming'poois~we%ls,. etc,, declared-nuisance. Any well, swimming/pool or other dangerous excavation in %he earthkept, maintained', or ,. mitred, in an uncovered, unprotected, unfenced or otherwise dangerous or unsafe condition within the city is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. ~t. Sec,~i7-30. Same - Unlawful to maintain, tt sh~ll beun- lawful, for any person to keep, mainta~nor per~it a well,, .. swimming p0ol, or other dangerous e~o~vation in the earth: uncovered,-:unprotected, unfenced or otherWise.dangerous or unsafe.condition within .the city;" Th~ C~ty Attorney. explained that thisordinance had been.passed many years ago, and recently theStateLegis~ature had* given-cities authority to.require compulsory fencing of swimming pools. Further, that if Council wishes to determine this particular~site isa public nuisance, the appropriate-motion u,ould be to designate .this specific lotas a public.nuisan~, give the property owner, ten 'days to.come.up With Some suitable a~ement of the nuisance or they would be subject to arrest, and~prosecUtion, and that he would,' if Council feels a compulsory(lancing ~aw is in.~order, prepare an ordinance fo= passage on an emergency basis. Mayor Avery asked for...a motion that the':City Attorne~ be directed.:to~urvey 'the existing ordinance and' ~resent Council with the neces~ary~legiS!ation .that would correct,he ambig~ities and tighten the.law.- Items so moved~ by Mr..Crof% seconded.b~ Mr. SaunderS~:.and unanimously, carried. moved~,that the. swimm~ng~ool.'on.the~.rope~ty.on the..N~ E~ ~o~er 'of 2~.25~6 N. W. 2nd AvenDe and 16th Street be declared a nuisance and that the property owners be directed to aSate the nuisance within ten days. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurneg'. Mr. Talbot said that he was opposed to such a motion as he feels the Council should personally inspect the site, and Mr. Saunders Said he feels the property ~wner sho61d be contactedand given the chance to voluntarily correct the nuisance. The motion and second were then withdrawn, and Mayor Avery moved that the C%ty Council meet at 9~00 A.M., SatUrday, February 26th, at the corner of N. W. 16th Street and 2nd Avenue With the City Manager and any personnel that he chose to bring along, that the situation be surveyed and at that time the Couhcil go to City Hall for a special meeting if necessary fo~ closing the matter. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney. Following phone contact by City Attorney Adams with the property Owner involved, the motion carried unanimously. ~,a. City Manager GatCh~'l 'informed the ~buncil that in conjUnction wi~h~h~ .$~wage.--Works Project No.'5964-10a, bids were solicited for~asPhal~ pavement replacement including the furnishing of 10,000 tons.of Type II Asphaltic Concrete SurfaCe Course, together with 28,300"gallons of Tack and Prime Coat. The fo11~wing is a tabu~ation of. bids received, ~nd the recommendation of the City'~ Consulting Engineers is acceptance of the..~owbid in which City Manager ~atchel concurred and' stated that the money for sam~ would'be provided from the Sewer Funds= H~udaille~D~val-'Wright Co. $72,856.00 Rubin Construction CO. $71,845.00 D~x~ Asph~COmpany $70,436.00. The City Manager reported that the bid of Dixie Asphalt C0mpany~ quotes the best price ~he City has ever received for this type of work, a~d ~hat' asphalt W%llb~'~Sed at this same ~id price for the street rehabilitation and maintenance under the general, fund. The bid~ Dixie Aspha'lt Company in the-amount o~ $70,436.00 was unanimously accepted, on motion by .Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Saunders. 6.b. Cit~Manager GatChel in~6rmed' the C~uncil that in compliance with t~~ City Charter, a pr~poeed ass~ssmen~ roll pertaining to previ~ authorized StOrmD~mtnage imProven~nt on i~land Drive is being presented for their consideration. Said Assessment Roll was unanimously accepted as s~mitted, on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by~lr. Croft. (Copy of Assessment Roll is attached to the officia~ co~y~T these minutes.) See paEe 6~-F. 6.C. City Manager ~a~hel in.formed the Council that a proposal has been 're=eived,' .m~ing poSSible~ Ci~t~ ~CqUieitton of the SOuth 85 feet Of .OCean B.e~ Lot 14, and the North !5.5 feet of Ocean ~each ~gt 15, which parcel of land is 'cOntiguous to, and extends northwa~ from, the City owned parking lot lying between the Beach Fire Station and ~cean Bouleva~;~ fur{~her,'-lt is belie=ed the Council may desime, t~-,meet With the Traffic and Parking Committee concerni~gt~n~s offer, andmany ~ther.-offe~f v. ari~ous parcels of land suitable for addi~tional Darking facilities. Mr. Talbot moved that theCity Manager be instru~ted~ to Set up a ~ate for a workshop meeting' for ~hat purpose at ~he cattiest c~n~enc~~, which the ~Ublic &nde. press may attend, i~ 'they desire. Th~.-~tion was-~seconded by Mr. Saunder.s and carried unanimously. 6.d. The City Manager informed Council that Mr. Joseph Mattarochio requests permit for sale of Beer & Wine for consummation on the premises at 2'53 N. E, 2nd.Avenue~ in conj.~c%~ion with the restaurant business known a~ ~0-~Q'SP~ZZA & ITALIAN KI~CHEN¢-an~ that the applicant has be~n"in~i~at~d by the Customary for the City and approved fo~ Such actiVitY~ which is p~rmissible in that area byvirtue of its zoning. -~ city clerk Worthing exp%ained to 'Council tha~'said lidense is mandatory to be issued, due to the se~ting capacity of sa~d plaC% o~ business. Said license' for Beer & Wine, ~Consumstion on the.premiseS, was unanimously gra~ted, on ~otion by Mr..-Saunders "~Bd seconded by Mr. Jurney. 6.9. Cpncerning seeding unstabili~d areas res61~ing f~0m 'Sewe~ Li~esinStallations, City.M~nager Gatchel r~ported to Council.as follows: "It being considered desirable, in conj'unction with the asphalt paving ~eplacement of disturbed ~ights-Of-Way,, as a result of Sewage Collection Syste~lnstallat%o~s,'to, SEED th& Uns~abilized arWas, authorization i~ re~ested"t0 for such SEEDING, as recommended bylthe Consu!ting~Engin~rs as set' f6~th in Mr'.' ~eff"s iietter' of .F~ruary .14~h,',6~yl which i& attached here~o,"COsT'~f..Which ~s ~s~ima~"~'~e $2,700,,.payable from the Sewer Construction Fun~.. ,T~s will cOVer three areas '~f present se~e~'c~h~t~uCt'ion. ~bU~ .$900'i~is ~eeded for ~ach' of thei~hr~e areas.:' I Would"'lik~ ~o'~0i~t'.'~urther"t~ th~ fa=t.'t~a'£~h~'~"s~ding is a Se~d' Used'b9 tha State H~ghwaY'D~P~tmen~ in 'seeaing th~'areas' along the State High~y~, and is a mixtur.e of sev~n .seeds." ' Mr. Saunders moved that ~the recommendation reg~rdiD~'Se~9~d$~g be approved, the motion being ~econded by Mr. croft and unanimously carried. 6.f. City Manager Gatchel informed the Council that in~6~rdance with Charter provisions~Board and Committee Membershi~ for 1~66~ are recommended being appointed at this time and suggested.member- ships are set forth in a memorandum furnished to them. It was q~estioned as to ~ether a m~nber of the Planni~g/~oning Board could serve on another board or committee, and the Ci~ ~Maha'gef explained.that the interpretation of the City Charter, which is.a duplication of the State Charter in thiB regard, has been 'gsven that the dual membership applies t~ paying ~obs only. City Attorney Adams said t~at for the past f~fteen years it had been interpreted that 'members of the Planning/Zoning.Board. Couldn't hold a salaried positi6n or 'an elective office with the City, and that he feels-that"is the proper interpre%ation_.o~ the ordinance. ' ' Following discussion, Mr.. Croft moved that the Boards Committees~be appointed as submitted, the motion being.secQn~gd by Mr. TaIbot and unanimously ca~ried. The Appointments made are as follows: N. G. Dean - Chairman '' James ?rad~ Dorothy Williams .... .... - NEa~CaT~ON comMiTTeE ONE YEAR TERM~_ R~PRESENTATIVE EXPIRES Board of ~altgrs Stuart Lankton. · 1/1/67 Men's Garden Club -~ CoI.Clarence Bi~gham 1/I/~ Clarence Galinat,Al~ernate~ B~.AUT~I CA~ION cO ,MMITT~ ON~ YEAR TERM REPRESENTATIVE ~.XPIRES City Council J~ Le~y Croft 1/1/67 President's Parley of ~s. ~eorge Little 1/1/67 ~arden Cl~s Gary ~der News 1/1/68 Charles Toth Architects 1/~68 ~. Phyllis Plume LeagUe of ~men Voters 1/1/68 CO~I~ ~TIONS CO~ GertrUde ~dge Florence Barnes Jo~ V~ ~eden Le ~y Baine Margaret ~lsmith C. Spencer Pompey Virginia Me, rs. LUla Bal~in Dr. Stiles'B. Lines Rosetta Rolle ~O~CTION COSINE _ ~ERS ~SORS ~. Frank-T. ~arst '~S,~'A~eS Payt,, ~. ~arles B~on, City P~secu~Or ~i~al E~CT~ E~NG Gaylen ~odwin Electrical Inspector C. W. Trieste General- Contractor J. ~lli~ ~earhart Flori~ mowe~ & Li~h~ company Mmtt Gracey, II Elector Joseph ~in~ Chief of Pire ~evention Ri~ar'~ T. Hanna Architect R. C. K~ ~ster-'E!ectrician ~Chan Sba=p, Chad=man John ~ea ~itley Louis D. Te~erelli ~AL~ ~CTORS ~. Jerr~ Cox Dr. ~lli~ Earnhart Robert Crego PlYing Inspector Dr. Jerry Cox City PhySician ~arles Clark Journe~an P!~e~ Rober~ C. Jo~st0n Journe~an Plier ROber~ Barnwel'l, Jr. ~aster Plier ~rk C, Flying City Engineer Dr. Monroe Father Kenneth Jacobson Paul Speicher Dr. ~omas Shoaf An~ew Gent ~l~ing/~ning Board LeRoy Merritt, ~ai~an - ~usinessma~ Kenn~ E~:lingsworth ~ber ~f Co~erce J~es L~e - ~ ~ohant John ..~gory Fi=e Chief R. C. ~rof~ - Chief of Police TRAFFIC AND .~?ARKING ..CO~4ITTE~ John Kab let Realtor Joe Kern Rea~ltor - BOARD OP ADJUSTMENT Regular and Alternate Members were reappointed with terms as follows: R~. GULAR 'ME~ER ALTERNATE MEMBER TERM EXPIRES C. J. Manson James~=L. Love,Jr. 3/1~/69 Ward M. Robinson John SpiNner, Jr. 3/t5/69 SE~R ADJUSTMENT AD.VISORY BOARD-- Far. Benjamin Hoxsie was reappointed' for a three year term to expir$ August 24, 1968, 6.g, Concerning sewer service to Pine Grove Elementary School, ~i~y Manager Gatch~el .informed Council that he had received information. from the School Planning Department that the City's offer to the School Board to install sewers in Area. 21 has .been declined by said School Board in favor of their own plan to'install their own sewerage treatment plant at the Pine Grove Elementary School, 6.h. City Manager Gatchel informed Council that approval of a proposed Change Order to the Contract for Area 10, held by Constructors .is requested; further,, that such Change Orde~r is to provide for 350 feet of Sewer F~xtension Line On Palm Trail in the.. 7.00 Block, in order to serve the Wedgewood Apartments, as well as the Marineway upon its becom~ing i:.subi~ect to such service, the estimated cost for this extension be'lng $3,500.00~ with payment to be.made from the Sewer. Construction ~nd. Said Change Order was unanimously approved, on motion bY M~. Talbot.and seconded by Mr~ Saunders. '~ - 7.a. City Clerk Worthing informe, d the Council of a petition being received for rezoning, from R-3 (Multiple Family Dwelling..Distr&ct). to C-1 (Limited Commercial District) that portion of.the followings. described tract of land not now zoned C-l: That portion of the West 150 feet. of the-South half of Block 164 less the South 15 fee~ thereof; -alSo the South 30 feet of Lot 24, all of Lot 25, and. the North 35 feet of L0t Seabreeze Park. Further, that Council may deny this r~quest or refer same to the Planning/Zoning Board for consideration, Public Hearing thereon, and recommendation relative thereto. The request for rezoning .was unanimously referred to the Planning/Zoning Board, on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Croft. 7.b. City Clerk WQ~rthing read the following letter from the .Delray~ Beach Jaycees, dated~ FebruarY. 21st., 1966, and informed Co'nc.i!. that it is recommended that s~eh .requeSt be granted as applies to the BB Guns being Unclaimed a.nd Unreturnable due to ~ of owner- ':On behalf of the Delray .Beach Jaycees, I am h~¥"reqUest'- lng that the BB gUnS. C~nfisCated and presen~%I¥ ~d b~. the Delray-Beach Po~lice Department be turned over to.our.'organ~ ization. The jaycees, as a NatiOna! .Organiz~a~ion, 'have held and will continue to hold- a safe~y and competitive program using BB guns. This program is co-sponsored b~. the National Rifle Association. The local winner will compete in. the finals, and each State winner .will be given an all-expenSe paid trip to Ohio for the Nat'ional Competition. .-9- 2-25-66 60. "Our local Chapter has been unable .to present this program in the past, due to the shortage of BE guns in the Delray Beach area. We have contacted Detective Roddiok and he advised that all we need is approval of the City Council to obtain the mb ,guns for this use. Your cooperation in presenting this ~natter of utmost impor- tance to the City Council will be greatly appreciated. The ~equest was u~anSmously granted, as recommended, on motion by Mr. Saunders and seconded by-Mr. Jurney. 8.a. City clerk Worthing presented RESOLUTION NO. 11-66. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, ~LORIDA~ VACATING'AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF A DEDICATED. RIGHT-OF-WAY. (Copy of Resolution No. 11-66 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See ~age 64-a. Resolution No. 11-66 was unanimously passed and adopted o~- this first and final reading, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Saunders. 8.b. City Clerk Worthi,~g ~read RESOLUTION· NO; 12-66. A RESOLUTION OF T~E CITY .C~UNCI, L 'OF, THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROM THE PLORIDA STATE. BOARD OP CON- SERVATION .TO 'ASSIST SAID CITY .IN ALLEVIATING CRITICAL BEACH EROSION PROBLEMS. (Copy of Resolution No. 12-66 is attached to the o~fi~ial copy of these minutes.) S'®e 9age 6~-A. Resolution No. 12-66 was unanimously passe~ a~d adopte~ ~n ,this first and~ final reading, on motion by Mr. Talbot .and Second, by Mr. Jur~e y, Mr. Talbot commended City Manager Gatchel on his preparation of the presentations he will make Conce=ning 2hat fina,ncial assistance. 8.x. City Clerk Worthing stated that.at the last regular Co~lncil meet, ing, when presented on its second end final reading,- ORDINANCE NO. 6-66, pertaining to building hetght~regulattons in the R-]Zone, was tabled for further .study followin~ a pub, li~, hearing held ~her.eon. The City Clerk asked if it is the, pleasure of the Council to remove said Ordinance from the table for further consideration. There being no objection ~om the Councilmen, Mayor Avery.,declared ~hat ORDINANCE NO. 6-66 was o~E the table. Mr. Jurney then moved that Ordinance No. 6-66 be adopted, the motion being seconded by Mr~ Saul, dele. During a public hearing on said Ordinance~ M~s. Dorothea Montgomer~ asked if any more letters of opposition to the proposed ordinance had been received, an~ City 'C~.rk Wo~F.~hing informea, her that fifteen more letters' had been receive~, ~,im~k~n~ a ;t~tal ,of app=0ximately 161. -Mrs. Montgomery said ~he t~oU~ th~se ObjeCtions shoUld be con- sidered by the Council.._ . Mr. j. Watson Du~ber, Sec=et~ry.of the ~Beach TaxpaF~s, League, objected to the passage of said ~a~,, Mr'. Arthu~ Smith, Director °fi.~l~nn~ng, Z~ning and L~.spection, explained the ~rp.0se'~f 'Ord'~na~&~e ,.t~oo ~6~661' !~her, that high-rise apartments are ,~e,~,',,mitte..d,.~n. ler the~e~iSt!ng ,,°.~ni~ces,i and>with the passage of ordinance .~e,,.,>6 6.%~he ~i. ty'~gld h~ve ~ette,r Protection for a good deve!opm&n'e'~'~'f' ihii' '~' o~'~acture. -10-~ 2-25~66 6i Following further commen~s regardiR~ Ordinance-No. 6-66, Mr. Dunbar said if the people of the Beach Taxpayers League are going to be satisfied that th/s '~s .~the r.iqht ordinance, suggested that Mr Arthur .Smit~ write ~ let~r .to slid ~eague e~laining 'Why thi~ %rdi- nance is being passed, what it means., a'n~ what is good about,-it. ~s. Montg~ery asked what safety provisions the City has now for a 100 foot building, and -if. the cfty Services are sufficient to take care of that ~y~ of ,'cons~ru=tiDn; fu~6r, that she beit~ves town as a whole would like the site plan approval, but with a l~ita- tion on the height~ ~. Smith said those ~ings are all conside=ed in site ~-plan ap- proval and he and the' City ~nager have spent some time reviewing those aspeuts, and all of them are being cons:ide~d. ~. Talbot related his e~erience in building apartments on ocean front property and apartments being built on adjoining property wi~ only a 10 foo% sid~ ya:rd, se~ack,, an~' 'further stated that on ~e re- commendation of his Attorney he could hot be involved in, ~e decision on this ~tter on account of conflict of personal interest. ~ Following leng~y co~ents..and d~suussion, and u~ ca~' of roll tha~ Ordinance No. ~-66 be passed, ~. Croft, ~. Jurney, ~. SaUnderS and Mayor Avery voted in favor of the motion, and ~. Talbot abstained from voting. 8.c. City Clerk Worthing presented ~N~ NO. 7-66. D~y BEACH, FLORIDA, A~XING ~ T~ C~Y OF T~ BO~ARIES .OF SAI~-CITY TO IN~~ SAID: PRO~DING FOR T~ RI~S A~' OBLIGAT-~s OF~ SA~D ~; A~ PRO~DING FOR T~ ZONIN~ T~OF. (2102 N;W. 1st (Copy Of O=dinance No. 7-66 is attached to ~e official copy of ~ese minutes.) See pa~e 6~-G. ~ere 'being no objection to 'Ordinance No. 7~66, said-ordinanc~ was unanimously passed and 'adopted on-~his second and finai 'reading,' on motion by ~ J~ney .and seconded by ~. Saunders. 8.d.. ,~e Cit~ Clerk presented O~N~ NO. 12~66. · . . ~ O~IN~E OF T~ CITY CO~CIL OF ~T~' cITY . DEL~Y B~ FLORIDA,-~NG TO T~ CITY O~ ~.. DE~Y B~CH, FLORIDA, CERTAXN PORTIONS-~RX~S- OF;WAY, .A~ T~ I~COASTAL WATERWAY ~E~ S~:-' IS ~JAC~ TO T~ CORPO~ L~TS OF .THIS' CITY. (Copy of.'Ord~nance,.No. 12-66 is attached.-to ~he official copy of .these minutes. ) See paEe ~ere being, no objection to Ordinance No. 12-6'6,:'Said ordi~ce " was unanimously Passed-and adopted on th~s second, ahd'"':f~nal reading, on motion by:-~. Jurne~ and seconded by ~;. Cro~t. 8.e. ~ty Clerk .WOrth~ng presente~ - - O~iNAN~.~,NO. .AN O~INAN~ OF ~ CI~ CO~C~ OF T~ CITY 0F ~DEL~Y BEA~ ~R~Ai , A~NO TO T~ CIT~ OF" DE~Y B~ CERTAIN LA~, ~LY LOT 17, SECO~ ~DIT~ON ~ HIGH AC~S, ~ ~ IS CO~iGUOUS TO E~STING' MUNICIPAL LI~TS O~ 'SA~' ,CITY; ~DE-. Fi~ING T~. BO~ARIE.S OF SAI'D 'CITY TO INCL~E .SAID ~D= PRO~DING FOR T~'.RI~S A~ 'OB~I~TIONS OF' SA~ ~; A~ PRO~D~G FOR T~ ~0~ING T~OF. (Copy of Ordinance.No. 13-~66 is attached t'o the official-copy 'of, these minutes.) Se~ page 6~-K, There.being no objection to Ordi~a~e-No~ 13-66. said Ordinance was unanimously passed and adopted on this 'second an~ final reading, on ~tion .by ~. ~oft an~ seconded, by ~. ~Jurney. 8.f. The C~ty Clerk presented O~N~ NO'., 15-66. AN O~INANCE OF T~ CITY C~CIL OF T~ CITY OF DE~Y BEA~, FLOR~A, ~~ SE~ON ~13=2 (k), ~PT~ 13, ~DE OF O~INAN~S OF THIS CITY PER- TAI~ TO ~ATION OF ELS~R~CIANS~ .CA~S ISS~D BY THIS CITY.' (~py of Ordinance So. 15-66 is atta'ched to ~e official copy of mtnu~es.) See p~e There being no objection to Ordinance No. 15-66, said was ~an~ously-pas~d and adopted '.on ~is second and' final reading, on mo~on by ~. Saunters and seconded by ~. Talbott 8.g. City Clerk Worth~ng presented O~INANCE NO. 16-66. AN O~I~N~ OF T~ CITY CO~C~ OF ~ CI~ OF DE~Y BEA~, F~RIDA, A~NG ~ T~ CI~ OF DSL~Y B~ ~RTAIN ~S LOCA~D IN SECTION 9, TO. SHIP 46 ~NGE 43 .EAST, ~ ~S A~ CO~IGUOUS TO EXI~ING ~NICIP~ L~ITS OF SA~ CITY= ~DE~ING T~ BO~ARIES OF SA~ CITY TO. INCL~E SAID L~Si PRO~I~G'.~OR ~ RIG. S A~_OBLIGATIONS OF SAID ~S~ ~ PRO~D~G,FOR T~ ZONI~ ~REO~. (725 Palm ~i~nce No. 16-66 was ~ani~usly 'p~aced on f~rst reading, on motion by ~. Talbot and seconded by ~'. Saunder~; 8.h. ~e City Clerk presented O~INANCE NO. 17-66. ~ O~I~N~ OF T~ CITY CO~CIL 'OF T~ C~TY OF DE~.Y BEA~, PLORIDA, ~NG TO T~ CI~ OF DE~Y B~CH CBRTAIN ~, NA~LY L~ 46, DE~Y B~ SHORES ~ ~CH ~ IS CO~IG~US T0 EXISTING M~ICIPAL L~ITS OF SAID CITY~ ~DEFI~NG ~ SO--ARIES OF SAID CI~ TO IN~E SAID ~ PRO~D~G FOR T~ RIG.S A~ O~I~TIOSS OF SAID ~ ~ PRO~DING FOR T~,. ZONING T~OF. (t010 BroOks ~ne) Ordinance No. 1~-66 was ~an~mously placed on first reading, on motion by ~. T~lbot and seuon~ed by ~. ~oft. 8.i. ~e City Clerk presented O~IN~E NO. 1,8-66, AN O~1N~ OF ~ CITY CO~C~ OF T~ ~Y OF D~Y ~NGE 43 EAST, ~I~ ~S A~ CO~I~ TO ~CIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY~ ~i~ ~ SO.ARIES OF SAID C~Y TO INCL~E SAID LA~S~ PRO~D~G ~OR T~ ~G~S A~ O~IGATIONS OF. :SAID ~S~ ~ P~D:~G FOR THE ZONING T~OF; ~(BaT~ngton Apartments) Ordinance No. 18-66 was ~an~mous~y p~ced~'~n':*f~rst reading, on motion by ~. J~ey and seco~ed by ~. Croft. AN ORDINANCE OF' THE CITY OF'. DELRAY BEACH, FLORiDa, -LEVYING THE ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBMITTED BY THE CITY MANAGER OF SAID CITY CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORM DRAINS IN ISLAND DRIVE, TOGETHER WITH THE' INSTALLA- TION OF CATCH BASINS, MAN-HOLES AND APPURTENANCES IN CON- JUNCTION WITH SUCH STORM DRAINS...- Ordinance No. 19-66 was unanimously placed on first reading, on motion by Mr. Saunders and seconded by Mr. Croft'. 10.a. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that Mr. j. W. Dunbar, Secretary of the Beach Taxpayers League, requests the USe-.of the Community Center ~ s Gymnasium,- Monday evening, .March 7th, - for holding its annual meeting~ further, that ~he City Manager-and Recreational Director jointly recommend that such request be granted. Mr. Talbot moved that the request be granted subject to ~he usual procedure of the City Manager. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimously. 10.x. Mayor Avery commen~ed on the great number of annexations of property to the City, and stated that they are all voluntary. 10.x. Mayor Avery commended Councilman 'Talbot very highly-for 'his comments and answer to call of roll regarding Ordinance NO. 6-66. 10.b. The City. Clerk presented .BilX$ for ApprovaX, as- follows: General Fund -- $ 61,063.14 Water Operating & Maintenance Fund 4,179.'14 Sinking~ Fund, Cigarette Tax Bonds, Series 1965 24,452.50 Sewer Construction Trust Fund, paid by.Trust-Dept. First National Bank of Delray Beach 27,876.42 The 'bills were Unanimously ordered paid, on motion by .Mr. 'Croft and seconded by Mr. Talbot~ The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. R. D'. WORTHING Ci'ty Clerk APPROVED: MAYOR 64-A RESOLUTION PO. 12-66, A RESOLUTION OF T~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, P, EQUESTING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE FLORIDA STATE BOARD OF CONSERVATION TO ASSIST SAID CITY IN ALLEVIATING CRITICAL BEACH EROSION PROBLEMS. WHEREAS, this City has, over the past many years, suffered the loss of ocean front lands by erosion~ and WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach, in 1964, contracted with Glace Engineering COrporation, Consulting Engineers, St. Petersburg, Florida, for the design of facilities to control the erosion of the city beaches, and obtained further invaluable ad- vice from the Department of Coastal Engineering, University of Florida~ and WHEREAS, the preliminary design work has been com- pleted and said corporation is now in the process of completing final design plans and specifications, the construction of which is estimated to cost approximately $1,188,100; and WHEREAS, the City Of Delray Beach recently authorized, issued and sold Cigarette Tax Bonds and earmarked $500,000 of the funds received for beach erosion control projects= and WHEREAS, State Road A-1-A (Ocean Boulevard) is located contiguous to the said municipal beach and is being periodically damaged by erosion~ and W~EREAS, the City of Delray Beach is unable to finance the necessary protective measures alone and the City Council feels that the State of Florida has a definite financial interest and obligation in the protection of said municipal public beach and the State highway adjacent thereto~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City of Delray Beach, Florida, hereby requests the cooperation and financial assistance of the Florida ...~State Board of Conservation to assist this City in alleviating th~ critical beach erosion problem which is affecting the mu- nicipal public beach within the corporate limits of this City. Section 2. That David M. Gatchel, City Manager in and for the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and he is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of the City any appli- cation necessary with the appropriate State offices for the purpose of obtaining the aforesaid state financial assistance. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session this 25th day of February, 1966. /S/ l!. C. Avery . ATTEST: M A Y O R /s/ R. D: worthtn~ ..... City Clerk RESOLUTION ~O. 13-6~ A RESOLUTION OF ."~ CITY COUNCIL OP TH~ CITY OF DELI{AY BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING THE ~ALM BEACH COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION TO RECONSIDER ITS DECISION OF'FEBRUARY 23, 1966,CON- CERNING THE LOCATION 'OF THE NEW VOCATIONAL-TEC~iCAL CENTER AND TO HEED T~ PROF~'SSIONAL ADVICE OF SAID BOARD'S EMPLOYED EDUCATIONAL EXPERTS. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has been conscious of the urgent need of facilities for a vocational-technical school to serve the rapidly expanding population of the South Palm Beach County area for many years; and WHEREAS, in February 1963, an urgent plea.was made to the Palm Beach County Board of Education to acquaint a State "plant survey" inspection team of this urgent need; and ~REAS, following numerous conferences concerning the most logical site for such a plant the City Council of the City 'of Delray Beach, always conscious of the manner in which public tax funds are expended, agreed with the State Department Of Education, that the best possible site would be a twenty-acre site in Boynton Beach, Florida, which site could be obtained at no expense to the taxpayers of this County; and ~REAS, throUgh the diligent efforts of many citizens in the City of Boy,ton Beach, a deed to said twenty acres wa~s recently delivered to the Palm Beach County Board of Education; and ~HEREAS, Robert Fulton, Superintendent, Charles T. Council, Assistant Superintendent, W. L. McLean, Vocational Director, and Perkins Marquess, School Planner, have all previously gone on record urging that the first such center should be constructed on the aforesaid Boynton Beach tract since the South County area has practically no vocational Page 2. RESOLUTION NO. 13-66 facilities~ and $tHEREAS, on the 23rd day of February 1966, the said Board of Education, without prior public notice~ and without placing the item on the Agenda, voted four to one to locate the first vocational-technical school 'in the North Palm Beach area rather than in Boynton Beach, and authorized negotiations for the procurement of a new site;and ~t~EREAS, there are presently 504 vocational class offerings in the North County area and none in the South PelmBeach County area; and ~EREAS, $175,000.00 in bond funds was 'used else- where due to the fact that Carver High School:and Seacrest High SChool would not need additional vocational facilities by virtue of the vocational school which was p}anned in the South Palm Beach County area at that time,_and ~I~EREAS, there is a definite possibility that both Carver High School and Seacrest High School will lose- accreditation because the. aforesaid funds have been stricken unless a vocational school is approved for' the South Palm Beach County area; and ~IiEREAS, there is also a deadline of August 1, 1966, to have this school committed and under contract in order to hold state funds, and not have them re-allocated to another county, which deadline cannot be met if a North County site is selected. ~,- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Palm Beach County Board of Education reconsider its decision of February 23, 1966, concerning the location of the new Vocational-technics1 School and heed the advice of said Board's employed educational eXPerts. '' ' Page 3. RESOLUTION NO. 13-66 2. That a public hearing be scheduled at the time of such reconsideration, an~ should the Board sustain its previous action, that each men. er state his-reason for favoring a site to be procured at taxpayers' expenSe over a free site; and how each member proposes to replace the aforesaid $175,000.00 previously deleted from the budget. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of February 1966. /S/ Al. C. Avery MAYOR ATTEST: /S/ R. O. We~thlng .- C~ty Clerk~ ORDINANCE NO. 19-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, LEVYING THE ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBMITTED BY THE CITY MANAGER OF SAID CITY CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTIONOF STORM DRAINS IN ISLAND DRIVE, TOGETHER WITH THE INSTALLATION OF CATCH' BASINS, MAN-HOLES AND APPURTENANCES - IN CONJUNCTION WITH SUCH STORM DRAINS. WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has, in pursuance-to ~he Charter-of said City, submitted to ~I~e City Council for approval, a report of the costs, and the assessment roll for the .construction'of Storm Drains' in Island Drive, together 'with installation of catch basins, man-holes and appurtenances in conjunc~ionwith Such Storm Drains, and WHEREAS, said report and assessment roll were approved by the City Council in regular session on-the 2$th day of February, 1966, W~EREAS, due notice concerning said assessment' roll was given by advertisement'by the City Clerk, in accordance with the City Charter of said' City, for the purpose of 'hearing-Objections, if any, to said assessment ro11, and WHEREAS, no sufficient objections were received to the confirmation of the assessment roll, NOW,.THERE~ORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITy COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: ~ECTION 1, The assessments, as shown on said assessment ro11, which is annexed hereto.and made a part hereof, are hereby levied against the properties shown and in the amounts stated on said assessment'roll, said assessments, to be paid in three (3) equal annual installments, together with interest at the rate of eight (8) per cent per annum, the first installment becoming due and payable on and on the for the next en- suing two years; and said special assessments, so levied, sba11 be a lien from the date the assessment becomes effective, upon the re- spective lots and parcels of land described in said assessment roll, of the same nature and to the same extent as the liens for general City taxes, and shall be collectible in the same manner and with the same penalties and under the same provisions as to sale and forfei- ture as City taxes are collectible. PASSED in regular session on second and final reading on this the l~th day of Mar~h , 1966. /~./ Al. O. Avsr~ MAYOR ATTEST: /S/ R. D. Worthin~ City Clerk First Reading February 25, 1966 Second Reading ... March 1~, 1966 ~ASSESSME~T R~LL. Construction of Storm Drains in Isl&nd Drive, togethm~with the installation of Catch?Basins. ~4~n-holes' and'app~tenances-in con- j~ction with such Sto~ Dra~s. ASSESS~ per Benef~ed Square foot ....... $ .0372~9 T~AL A~ DESk! PTION BE~FI~D T~AL OF ~ROP~RTY p~R ~SO~ F~. ASS~ DEL~Y ISlE : Part of ~t 14 Arthur W. a Dorothy B. BurkS 4~ 000 $148.92 Part of Lot 15 ~. F. & Mabel F. Cole 8,000 297.8~ Part of Lot 16 ~llja ~ezanin 8,O00 297.83 ~art ~ ~t 17 Robert ~. ~rran 8,000 297.83 Part of L0~.247 William C. a ~r~ha M. Mudgett , 8,000 297.83 ~art o'f Lot 25 Paul & Eleanor T. ~rdy 8,000 29~8~ Part o~. ~t 26 Harry H. a An~s K. S. Pierson 8, 000 297.8~ Part ~f Lot 27 ~thryn Y. Nary 4,000 148.92 5~, 000 $2,084~ 8'2' H. & S. C~n~f~-t~.rs (Contract) .2,~25.00 E~gineering & A~c~umting - 15% 333.?5 Assessment Roil {est) 13520 Ordinance Cagtion (est) · . 5.S0 $2,606;05 Less 20% $21.23 City's share per _ J ~. Resolution No. 33-65. · 80% to be ASSESSED $2,084.82 64-~ ORDINANCE NO. 7-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO TBE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN 5AND, NAMELY LOT 46, LAHE SHORE ESTATES, WHICH LAND IS.CONTIGUOUS TO EX- ISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY; REDEFIN- INO TB~ BOUNDARIES OF SA~D CITY 'TO INCLUDE SAID LAND; PRO~IDI'.NG FOR THE.RIGHT~.~ND OBLI~ATIOI~S OF SAID LAN~! AND PROVIDING .FOR THE zONING T~HEREOF. WHEREAS, JOHN H. DAVIS and JOANNE S~ DAVIS' (his wife)'- are the fee simple owners of the property hereinafter described, and WHEREAS,. said JOHN H. DAVIS and JOANNES. DAVIS (his wife), by their petition, have consented and gi.~en permissi~ for the_annex- ation of said property by the .City of Delray Beach, and WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach has heretofore been author- ized to annex lands in accordance w~th Section 185~1 of the City Charter of said City granted to ~t by ~he State of Florida: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT' ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY-OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, hereby annexes to said City the following described tract of land located in Palm Beach Cou~nty, Florida, which lies contiguous to said City, to-wit: That tract .of land, namely Lot..46, Lake Shore Estates, per Plat Book 25, page 26, Public Records of Palm .Beach County, Florida. SECTION 2. That the boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are hereby redefined so as to include therein the aboue, de- scribed tract of land and said land is hereby declared to be within the corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. SECTION 3. That t~e .tract of land hereinabove described is hereby declared to be in Zoning District R-1AA, as defined by exist- ing ordinances of the City of-Delray Beach, Florida. .,SECTION 4. That the land hereinabove described shall im- mediately become subject to all of the franchises, privileges, im- munities, debts, obligations, liabilities, ~rdtnances and laws to which lands in the~ City of Delray Beach are now or may be, and persons residing thereon shall be deemed citizens of the City of Delray Beach. S~CTION 5. That if any word, phrase, clause, sentence or part of this ordinance shall be. declared illegal by a court of com- petent jurisdiction, such record of illegality shall in no way affect the remaining portion. PASSED in regular session on the second and- final reading on the 25th day of Febl~Uar~ , 1966. ATTEST~ M A Y O R , City Clerk First Reading .. Feb~uamy 1~.,.. 1966 Second Reading Feb~uaPy RESOLUTION NO. 11-66. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONINO A PORTION OF A DEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY. WHEREAS, Stanley Benjamin, joined by his wife Jeanne R. Benjamin, and George J~ Sherman, joined by his wife Flora C. Sherman, the owners of Lot I1 LESS the East 25 feet and State Road R/W, BLOCK 1, J. ~ENNO'S S/D, Plat Book 2-89, Public Records of Palm .'~each ~ounty, Florida, have made application to the ~ity Council of Delray Beach to vacate a portion of the right-of-way lying between Blocks I and 2 in J. G.' FENNO'S Subdivision of the South ½ of the of the SE~ of the NW% of Section 17, Townehip 46 South, Range 43 East, and WHEREAS, said dedicated right-of-way (alley) has never been opened or used bY the City of~ Delray Beach, and is deemed not needed by said City~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: That pursuant to section Seven (7), Paragraph Three (3) of the Charter for the ~City of Delray Beach, Florida, it is 'hereby determined to vacate and abandon any title and interest -in and to the following described property: That portion of a dedicated right-of-way lying between Lot 11. Block 1, and Lot 1'4, BloCk 2, of J. G. FENNO'$ S/D. as appears on Page 89 of Plat Book 2, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, LESS State Road R/W. SeCtion 17-46,43. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the 25th day of February, 1966. /s/ ~1. ¢. ATTEST: City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 12-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Di~LRAY BEACH,' FLOI~IDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, CERTAII~ PORTIONS OF RIGHTS-OF-WAY, AND THE INTRAC0~STAL~ %(ATERWAY WHERE SAME IS ADJACENT TO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THIS CITY. a. WHEREAS, the-.City Council of the.City of ~elray BeaCh, Florida, has heretofore annexed' th~::'right-of-way of-State Road No. 806 (West Atlantic Avenue) westward to Homewood-'Boulevard, and where- as said highway has recently been widened, and a portion thereof has been relocated~ and ~EAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, deems it in the best. interests ~f the citizens of this com- munity to include said relocated portion within the corporate limits to afford police jurisdiction Over the eh=ire portio~-of State Road No. 806 westward to HomewoOd Bot~levard; and b. WHEREAS, the' City Council of the C~ty of' Delray ieach, Florida, has heretofore .annexed the major portion of State Road No. 5 (U. S. Highway No. 1) South of Atlantic Avenue to ~he South City limits, a point as shown in Road Plat Book 2, Pages 211 & 212, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and a portio~ of said right- of-way North of the existing South corporate limits having never been annexed ~ and - ~ W~EREAS, the~ Ci.ty Council of the City =f Delray BeaCh, Florida, deems it in the best 'interests of the' . citizens - of this com- munity to include said omitted portion within the corporate limits to afford police .jurisdiction _over ai1 of said highway t~ the South City ' limits ~ and c. WHEREAS, the City Council of the C~ty of Delray Beach, Florida, has heretofore annexed the major portion of the right-of-way of the Intracoastal' Waterway &djacent to the corporate. ~limits of this city, a portion of-said right-of-way hav£ng never been annexed! and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delrey Beech, Florida, deems it in th~ best interests of the citizens of this com- munity to include any omitted portions within :the corporate limits to afford police jurisdiction over alt' of said right-of,way adjacent to the present corporate limite~ and W~F~AS, the City of-Delrsy Beach, Florida, ~has heretofore been granted authority in its City Charter to annex lands (including submerged lands) to its cor~orate'lim~ts~ NOW, T~EREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: S.E..CTION. 1.. That. the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, hereby annexes to Said City the follow£ng described tracts of land located in Palm Beach County, Florida, which lie contiguous to said City, to-wit~ a. That tract of land in Section 18, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida,described as follows: That portion of R/W of State Road No. S-806 es shown on R/w map Section 93550-2601, Sheet 5 of 7 Road Plat Book 3, Page 28, which lies between the WeSterly R/W line of the S.A.Lo Railroad and the Easterly R/W line of L.W.D.D. Canal E-4. 64-~t Page 2. ORDINANCE NO. 12-66. b. That ~ract of la~ in Section 21, Township 46 South, Range.43.East, Palm 'Beach County, Florida, described as follows: That portion of the R/W of S. R. No. 5 a~ shown in Road Blat Book 2, Pages.~ll and 212, R/W map Section No. 9301-2061 which lies be- tween the South City ~imits line of Delray Beach as indicated thereon and a point ap- proxi~!ately 238.92 feet South of'Beloit Street. c. That trac~ of land in seCt$ons 9, 16, 2.1, 28, and. 33, T~wnship 46 South; Range. 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, described as follows.: Commence at a,point where theEasterly R/W l~ne of the Intracoastal Waterway intersects a line 110 feet Northgrly from the South.line of Lot 11, Section 9-46-43, PB 8-40; thence West across said~Intracoastal Waterway a distance of 300 feet more or.less to the'W~sterly R/W line of sa~d Intracoastal waterway; thence Southerly ~long said Westerl~R/W line Of the Intracoastal Waterway to its intersection with the Northerly R/W line of Central & Southern Florida Flood Con- trol DistFict Canal C-15; thence East across said Intracoastal Waterway a distance of 300 feet more or ~ess to the Easterly R/W line-of said Intraeoastal Waterway; thence Northerly along said Easterl~ R/W line of the l~tracoastal Water- way to ~. O. B. ~ECTION ~. That the boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida~ are hereby redefined so as to. include.therein the abo~e de- scribed tracts of land, and said lands are hereby declared to be with- in the corporate limits of the City of De.lray Beach, FlOrida. S$CT!ON 3. That if any word, phrase, clause, sentence or part of this ordinanc~ shall be dee~re~ illegal bY a court of compe- tent jurisdiction, such record of iIlegality shall in no way affect the remaining portion. PASSED in regular session, on the second and final read~n~ on this the 2~th day of February ,1966. /S/ Al. O. Ave'."7 - MA YO~ ATTEST: /s/ . City Clerk First Reading Februar~ .!~,. 1966 .... Second Reading February 25, 1966 64-K ORDINANCE NO. 13-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C~TY OF DEL~AY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANI~EXING TO THE CITY OF DEIA~AY BEACH CERTAIN LAND, NAMELY LOT 17, SECOND ADDITION TO' HIGH ACRES, WHICH LAND IS CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY~ REDE- FINING THE BOUNDA/~IES O~ SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND~ PROVIDING FOR T~E~RIGHTS ~D OBLI- GATIONS OF SAID LAND;. AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF; WHEREAS, W. T. PITT~AN and GEORGIA W. PITTMAN (his wife) are the fee s/mple owners of the property-hereinafter described, a~d WHEREAS, W. T. PITTMAN and GEORGIA W. PITTMAN (his wife), by their petition, have consented, and g~ven permis~s~on for ~he annexation of said property' by the' City of'-Delray BeaCh, and WHEREAS, the C~tY of Delray Beach has heretofore been author- ized to annex lands- i~ aCCordanCe with Section 185.1' of the City~ Char- ter of said Cf'~y granted to itchy the Stat~ ~f Florida': NOW, THEREFORE, 'BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1.. That the City COuncil of the city of Delray Beach, Palm -Beach County,~ Florida, hereby annexes to said City the following described~tract of~' land -located in Palm B~ac~ County, Florida, which lies' contiguous to said City,'~o-wit= That tract of land, namely'Lot 17, Secon~ Addition-tO Hig~ Acres, per" Plat Book 23, . Page 37, Publi~ Records of~ P~lm Beach County, Florida. SECTION 2] That the boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are herebg redefined so as to inulude therein"the abov~ scr/bed tract, of la'nd and said land is hereby declared to be within the corporate limits of the' City. of Delray Beach,' Flori'da. SKCTION 3. That the tract of lan~ he~inabove described is hemeby decIared %0 be in Zoning District R-1AA, a~ defined by existing ordinances of the city of Delray Beach; Florida. SECTION 4. That the land her~'inabove described shall im- mediately become subject to all of"the franchises, privileges, im- munities, debts, obligations, liabilities, ordinances and laws which lands in the City of Delray Beach are now or may be, and persons residing thereon shall be deemed citizens of ~he City of Delray Beach. SECTION 5. That if any word, phrase, clause, sentence or part of this ordinance shall be declared illegal by a court of compe- tent jurisdiction, such record of illegality shall in no way affect the remaining portion. PASSED in regular session on the second and-final rea4ing on the 25th day of February , 1966. - MAYOR ATTE ST: City Clerk First Reading Feb~uar~ ~ ,1966· . Second Reading Feb~ua~5, 1966_ ORDINANCE NO. 15-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C~TY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION- 13,2. {k)~. ~A~TER 13~ CODE .OF. ORDINANOES OF . THIS CtTY'PERTA!NING TO TERMINATION OF ELEC, .TRZCIANS' ~ERTIFICATES ISSUED BY THI~ CITY. NOW, THEREFORE, 'BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COONCIL OF THE CIT~- OF DELRAY BEACH., FLORIDA, AS' FOLLOWS: Section 1. That sub-section (k), Sect'ion 13-2 of the Code of Ordin&nc~s of th~ City be and the same £s.here~y~men~ed to read as follows: "sec~ 1~-2. ~lectrical Examining Board. (k) Termination of Certificate. All elec~rician's certificates shall expire ' on SePtember. 30th of each yea=..a~d must-be "~ hewed ~t that time. All certifi~t~s issued shall remain in full 'force and effect until October 1st of each year after their issu~nce0 and shall be renewed from year to year without further examination, upon payment of two dolla~S~ Provided however, that. in the event a cer~ificate is allowed to l~pse for a period of one year a re- '' examination shall be required. The certificates of maintenance electricians s~a11 bear the name and address of the person by whom they are regularly employed. These certifi- cates shallbecome null and'void if the mainte- nance e~ectrician changes his place of -However, a maintenance el~ctrician m~y exchange his certificate by re-registering in the office of the chief electrical inspector. Duly registered maintenance electricians shall be permitted to change their maintenance certificates for journeyman certi- ficates without'taking.further examination. The renewal fees for master and journeyman elec- tricians' certificates shall he two dollars per year, and one dollar per year for renewal of helper elec- tricians' certificates. All money paid for examina- tion. fees and certificate renewals shall be collected by the office of the chief electrical inspector turned into the general fun~ of the City." Section 2. "'Shat if any word, phrase, clause, sentence or part of this ordinance'shall be declare~ illegal by a'court of com- petent juris~iction, such record of i11egalitysha11 in no way affec~ '%heremainingportion. PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading o~ the 2~th day of ~eb~ua~y , 1966. /S/ Al. C. Avery .. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk F~i=st~ea~!ng. Feb~ua~'y 1~,1966 _ Secon8 Read~n~ February