03-14-66 A regular meeting;of.the. City C0uncil of D~ray Beach was held in the C°uncil'Chambers at;tS:00 P;~i, With Ma~or:~'~'C. A~ery. in the 'Chair, city Manager David M. Gatchul;'City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen J. LeROyCroft, James H. Jurney, Jack L. Saunders and George Talbot, Jr., being present. '" 1. An opening praYer was delivered by the Rev. N. A. Jenkins. 1.so The.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given.'' 2. The minutes of the regular Council meeting of PebruarY 25~ 1966, were unanimously approved, on motion by Mr. ~roft and seconded by Mr. Talbot. 3. Mr. Irwin w. Kresser, 234 N. E. 17th Street, %nf0rmed the Council that he has lived in Delray Beach for several .~eare and f~els it 'is a wonderful place to live~' but the phrase "Beautiful Delray Beach" is not altogether true. He Suggested:that an ordinance be passedand enforced prohibiting trash and rubbish being placed in the rights-of-way for pick-up prior ~0 the evening before the.~c~ed~led. Pick-uR date. Mayor Avery suggested that this item 'be referred t6 the City Manag- er for study, also consideration bY the Beautification Committee, and any recommendations as a result thereof t0--be presented to Council for their consideration. 4. Mr. CrOft read the Beautification Committee meeting minutes' of March 9, 1966. Regarding.the.unsightly.appearance of the shoreline on the east side of the~Intracoastalwa~erwaY, directlY south of the Atlantic Avenue bridge., Mayor Avery, With Council Consent, directed"the City Manager to invest~gatewhether this is private or public property, cost involved, etc. 4.a. A roli'Call showed the f011Owing Civic organizations and representatives to be in attendance: Beach Taxpayers League, Inc. Mr. J. Watson Dunbar Breezy Ridge. Estates Mr~ John S~ord Lions Club Mr. David Tyson Delray Beach Jayceee Mr. Clifford Thomas American Legion ~"' Mr. John George 5. City Clerk worthing read a letter; dated March l~th, 1966, from Dr. K. M. Davis regarding unenclosed swimming .pools, 'with specific reference to a P°ol located at' N, W. 4th A~enue ahd 12th Street. Mayor Avery asked that th~s letter be brought up under Agenda Item 5. Mayor Avery read a PROCLAMATION, proclaiming the week of March 12th to 18th, 1966, as AMERICAN LEGIONBIRTHDAYWEEK, and Mr. John George a[~ounced the AmericanLegionp=ogram that had ~een Planned. for the week. 5. Mayor AVery read a PROCLA~A~ION~ stating that the Palm Beach Blood Bank,'Inc. is conducting its Annual Drive in Delray Beach on the 24th day of March at the Community Center, between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.~. Ma¥°r Avery presente~ said Proclamation to Mr. David TysOn, Delray Beach Chairmanof the Drive, who urged that all indiVidu~ls sixty years of age or o~der, or anyone yo%mger than sixty years of age Wh° is un- able to give blood~ have s friend give blood. 3-14-66 5.' Representatives of the Delray BeaCh Jaycees, Mr. Clifford Thomas, Vice-President, Mr, Jame~ Grady, Vice~Rresident and Mr. Tim Wood, Director, announced' their plans for holding Delray. Beach Fun Days, March 19th and 20th, .in the City Park located ~orth of Atlantic Avenue adjacent to the Intra.coastal Waterway. Mr. Talbot moved that the City Man~ger be authorized to grant the use of any public facil'ittes which, in his opinion, are deemed worthy for the purpose as o~tlined by the Jaydees. The.motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and ca=tied unanimously. 5.a. Mr. Jurney informed the Council that he had received a phone call from Mrs, Leo Dwyer, 1604 North Swinton Avenue, just prior to this meeting, regarding removal of her. hedge, and asked ..if property owners Could be notified prior to such removal where improvements are being installed. It was pointed out that. this property is in the area of. sanitary sewer installation and that'.it is customary,.for property owners to be informed prior to removal of hedges, trees, etc. The City Manager was directed to investigate this item and to check with the Engineers concerning same so there will not be a re- currenc, e of · that. procedure. 5.a. Mr. Jurney referred to the west side of the' 500 block just north of 6th Street on S. ~.~. 3rd Avenue- where the. sidewalk had been damaged because of so~e. contractor not packing the ground sufficiently after placing cables under the-sidewalk. Also that the contractor did not do a very good job on repaying the edge of the roadway at that loca- tion. City Manager ~atchel was directed to investigate this item. 5.a.: Mr. Saunders informed Council that he had received a complaint from a resident in the northwest section of town regarding the noise of s. cooters around 5:00 A.M. · Mayor Avery asked that Mr. ,S, aunders ..give Police Chief Croft some particulars on said call in or~e~ .that it maT be investigated. 5.a. Mr. Saunders, a member of the Screening CO~mlttee of Charitable Solicitation applications, referred to the March of Dimes solicita- tions, and said that they had been .gran~ted. permissi, on to solicit by letter during the month of January, with a two weeks period to active- ly solicit funds. Mr. Saunders said it had been called to his attent~ that the March of Dimes are still making solicitations in Delray ~each, and that he would like for. the City .C. lerk to contact that Or~nization advising them of their.time limit, and that they should also comply with Section 1'8-35 of the Code of Ordinances regarding a report on the result of their solicitations i~ Delray Beach. 5.a. Mrl T~lbot informed ~oum~il of receiv.~.Dg complaints f~om dents in ~he beach area of disturbance by scooters i~ the early morn- ing hours. .6.,a. City Manager Gatchel informed Council.~of an application from the Ame~a~ ..Cancer society requesting permit. %o~.soli=it funds by mail, during the month of April~ and door to door ~.~licitation from Apr~l llth thru the 25th. ~urther, that this application had been reviewed and approved by the ~-h%~ber of Commerce screening committee. Permission for s~ '~oliCitation by .the A~e. rican Cancer. Society was Unanimou~¥ grant~, by m~on &f ~. r saunaers and seconded by Mr. TalbOt. 6.b~ Co~cerning a s.ur. vey of parcels of land .in .,v!o.~.ation of the CitY nuisance laws presented by the CSty .Manager, ~Jr. T&lbo. t moved that the Cit~ Clerk be directed to proceed wi~' the enforcement of Chapter 15 of ~9 Code of O~dinances. The motion was seconded by Mr... Saunders and .carried unapimously, (Copy of nuisance violation survey is at- tached to the 0~icial copy. of these minutes. ) See pa~e ?~-B. -2- 3-14-,,66 6.o. City,an&get Gatchel reporte~ to Council as follows= "Bids for Sewage Works construction in Areas 20 and 22'~e~e received, opened and made public at 4=00 P~M., February 28th, and r~£erred to the Con- sulting Engineers for tabulation, review and reeommendWtion. Excerpt from the Report of"the E~gineers, as ~ result'thereof, is;'as follows= 'It is recommended that.~the Contract be awarded to B~mby &' .Stimpson, INC., who wad the low bidder~~ 'This recomm~ndati~n is predicated upon the acceptance of _the low base bid of ~217,843.30.~ In v~ew of the time element,- an~ based upon the recommendation of the Engineers, award of'contract for this project construc~'ion should be made this evening.' .... Mr, Daniel Neff, Project Manager for Russell a AxOn, reported that their estimated cost of that wo~kwas $249,000. Mr. Saunders moved that the recommendation of Ru~el~ & Axon be accepted and ~hat 'the low base bid of $217,843.-30 ~e .'.awarded to Bumby & Stimpson, Inc. The 'motion was seconded by Mr. Tal]~ot a~d carried unanimously. '" 6.d. City Manager Gatchel reported that in compliance with previous established policy by council, Resident Supervision for Sewer System construction in-Areas 20 and-22 shoutd'.be ~etermined, and if it is the 'pleasure of the Council to continue with the pre~ent resident supervision, Supplemental Agreemen~ No. 9 tO the Engineering Contrast between the City and Russell &AX~ dated September 30th, 1959, has been prepared to so provide. Mr. Talbot moved ~at the Mayor be authorized to execute Supple~ mental. Agreement No.. 9 to Rus~ll'& AXon"S basic contract, the motion being seconded by Mr. Croft and unanimously carried. (Copy of Supple- mental Agreement No. 9 is attached to the ~off~cial copy o~ these- minutes.) See page 74-C. - 6.e. The City Manager informed council that Fleetwing Marine Corpo- ration has applied for ~icense to dispense BEER only, consumption off the premises, at the Marina located at 1035 South Federal Highway. Further, that. all requirements and qualifications for such function having'been met, and the applicant having been approved by the in, vestigating and interested agencies, it is recommended that the petition be granted. It wa~ so moved by Mr. Talbot. The-motion was seconded by Mr. Croft and carried unanimously. 6.f. Regarding waiving of Sewer Construction penalty Concerning Area 14, City Manager Gatchel read the folloWing excerpts from a letter from Russell &Axon, Consulting Engineers, dated March 7th: "The official contract completion date for this Contract was February 20th. The contractor was delayed in the installa- tion of the Lift station by a strike at the American Well WOrks for approximately two months. Since receipt Of the Lift Station, he has worked very diligently, and accomplished all that could be expected of him. In view of the above facts, and the very short overall delay, it is recommended that no penalty be'assessed against this contractor," The City Manager said. he concurred With the recommendation-of the Consulting Engineers, regarding Intereounty Construction Corporation's contract on said Area 14. Mr. Saunders moved that the recommendation of the Consulting Engineers and City Manager be accepted'. The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimously. 6,g.. City Manager Gatchel presented a 'tabulation of bi~s rmceived for construction of six 4-inch test wells, and'read th~ following letter from Russell &Axon, Consulting Engineers, datedMarch 14th: '"Subject: Water ~upply Test Wells ~..Recommendation of cOntract Award. li ComPetitive'bids for drilling-six water supply test wells were received at 4:00 P.M. on Mar~h 10, 1966. Three bids were received, and they are tabulated below.. ~axson well Drilling $3,498.00 Alsay Drilling, Inc. $4,122.00 Pippin Well Drillihg, Inc. $6,132.00 2. The apparent low bid of Maxson Well D~illing did not in- clude ~Page 2 of the bid pXoposal, 'which Stated time of com- pletion, and also carried~the b~d~eris~'signature~ ~ttached to his bid there was also a qualifying statement, that .he would not be ~ble to use a turbine, type. pump in testing the weiISo AcCordinglY, the Maxson b£~ must be Consider~d irregular. 3. Maxson drilled the' last test wells, using a cent'rifugal surface '~oUnted testin~ pump._ Th~'s ~equ~pm~nt did not give conclusive results. The specifications call for a turbine deep .well p.ump for testing, 'and we consider this equipment to be absolute1y necessary to obtain the :desired information. 4. The second bidder, Alsay Drilling, has been contacted, ~nd he ~{~s-g~n assurance that .he will-use a tUrbin~ pdmp, as'speci~ied~ He will' also use a rotary drilling r~, which possesses certain advantages over the percussion drill, which Maxson uses. 5. The primary difference in cost between the first and second bi~ iS, i~ Item 3 p~v'~e"san~s, and ~ater analysi.~~ fSr test wel~. ' Inasmuch~ as.. thi~. is the end r~sult, an~,~urpose of the tests, the money allowed should be sufficient to give: us positive results. 6. In view.of the 'above facts, it is recommended that this contract.be a~arded to Alsay Drilling~ Inc. in the amount of Four Thousand, One H~ndred Twenty-Two Dollars and No Cents ($4,122.00). This contract amount is predicated upon the unit quantities and unit hid-prices, in the proposal.." "City~ Engineer Fleming pointed out that .an~!mportant item in these test wells in the south area is ·the quantity, of water, as well as the quality, and the pumping method is very impo~'tant; further, that he agrees with the recommen4a't~ion' of Russell & AxOn. Mr. Maxson informed the Counoil that since the opening of the bids, because the deep well turbine pump is an impoNtant issue, ~e called -Peerless Pump Company and_obtained a Pr$ce' on a deep well tur- bine, wh;ich he is will{rig to ~buy~ ~-n order tO comply wi~h said speci- fications; further, sa~d people had informe~, him there is not a deep well tUrbine made that will fit in a 4-inch' test well that will de- liver 200 gallons of '~ter per minute, bh~ that he would be willing to ~est 'off the wells with a ~e~P well turb~n~; according to the speci- fications, or the other way, whichever would work out the best. Following lengthy diScuss~on, Mr. Jurney moved that the bids for the t~st 'wel!s b~ tabled for further ~iscus~'ion and brought back t'o Council at the next meeting. The motiOn was ~econded by Mr. Croft and upon call of roll, Mr. Croft, Mr. Jurney-, Mr. saunders and Mayor Avery voted in favor of the motion, and Mr.~ Ta~lbot abstained from 7.a. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that the o~a~ers of a parcel of land 1~' between'AIA '~nd the Ocean, adja6~t t6, and ex- tending 100 feet northwar~ from the Horizon Apartments', have peti- tioned, through their local Attorney, f. or permission to connect to, and be serviced b_y the City"s '.~ewer Collecti6n s~stem, ~ch is lo- cated i~ SOuth A1A R~ abutting said land.'' ~. Talbot said that he had~dis~ussed ~is"item with a couple of Councilmen and they felt a workshop .meeting ~s in orderl..fur~er, that Attorney J. W. Nowlin, Sr.,Attorney for Dr. Alfaro, had agreed that was ~e correct appr6ach. ~. Talbot then moved that item 7~s. be tabled for fu~"ther study. The motion was seconded by ~. Saunders and carried _~antmously. 8.a. City Cl~rk Wor~ing ~es~nted -~SOL~ON ~. 14~66'i A RESOLUTI6N OF T~ CITY' ~CIL O~ T~ CITY OM DEL~Y B~, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A~AS N0~ 10 A~ NO.I~ OF ~- TARY S~R PR~ NO. 5964-8b AS OPE~TION~ A~ SET- TING T~ EF~CTI~ DATE FOR T~ ~TI~ S~ ~TES, FEES A~ ~R ~GMS TO BE IM~SED FOR ~ ' SER~CES A~ 'FACILITIES ~S~D BY MAID A~AS ~. (Copy of R, solution_ No. 14'66' is attached t? '~he office9.1 Cppy of these minutes.) See paEe 7~-~. Resolution No. 14-66 ~s unanimously p~ssed an4 ad4P%~ '~n ~iS first and final reading, on mo~ion by ~-. Tarot and s~con~ Saunders. 8.b. City Clerk Wor~ing presented O~INANCE NO. 10-66. ~ O~I~NCE OF T~ CITY OF DEL~Y BEACH,' FL~iDA ~NG T~ ASSESSORS AS SHO~ BY T~ 'ASSESS~ ROLL S~MI~ED BY THE CiTY ~GER OF ~ID CITy, CONCEDING T~ OPENING, G~G A~ ~A~NG OF T~T (Copy of Ordinance No. 10-66 and ~ccompanying"AsSes~ent'Ro11 are attached to ~e official 'copy of"~es~, minutes.)'" ..~e'e page ~0-A.. There'being no objection to %he assessment.roll' for:Pav~n~ of a portion of N. W. 3rd Avenue, Ordinance No. 10-66 Was dnan[mously passed and adopted on this second and final reading, on motion by Jarney and seconded.by Mr, Croft. '~ ''~' 8.c. City Clerk Wor~[ng Presented O~I~CE NO..14-66.. AN O~I~NCE OF T~ ~TY CO~CIL OF ~ CITY OF DE~Y B~CH, F~R~g, A~ING SE~ION ~29-7.1 (al ~}', e~T~a 2~ o~ T~ CODE OF O~N~eES O~ C-I L~ITED ~RC~L DISTRICT. (Copy of Ordinance" No. 14~6 ~ attached ~o the official copy of ~ese minutes. ]. See-page 7~-D. There being nO'objectiofi to Ordinance No' 14-66, said ordinance was unanimously ~ss~d ahd adopted on this' secofi~ and final reading, on motion by ~. Sa~nder~ and seconded by ~. ~rney. 8.d. City Clerk w0r~ing p~sented O~I~NCE NO. 16-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF , DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF . DRLRAY BEACH CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 46 'SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LANDS ARE CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICI~L LIMITS OF SAID CITY~ REDEPINING THE ,BOUNDARIP-S OF SAID CITY TO IN- ,, CLUDE SAID LANDS~ PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLI- ~A~.IONS OF SAID LANDS~. AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF.. ~' (We. dgewood Apartments) (Copy of--Ordinance No. i6-66 is attached to the official .copy of these m~nutes.) ~e p~,~ There being no °bjectio~ to Ordinance No. 16-66, said Ordinance was unanimously passed and adopted on this second and final reading, on motion bY Mr. Talbot..and seconded by Mr. Saunders, 8.e. The City clerk p~esented ORDINANC~ NO. 17-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CouNCIL OF T~E CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PLORIDA., ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. CERTA~/~ LAND, NAMELY LOT 46, DELRAY BEACH ~HORES,.~-WHICH LAND IS CONTIGUOUS TO E. XISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITYI REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO.'IN~LUDE SAID LANDI PROVIDLI~G ~OR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SA. ID LAND~ AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF, (1010 Brooks Lane)~ (Cop~ of Ordinance No. 17-66 is ateach~d, to ~ne official copy of these' minutes.) Se~. pa~e. There being no objection to Ordinance. Ho. 17-66, said Ordinance was unanimously passed anti aflopted on this second and final ..reading, on motion ~y Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 8.f. The City Clerk presented ORDINANCE NO. 18-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COuNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEnRAY BEACH, PLORIDA,' ANNEXING TO T~E"CITY OF -DRLRAY BEACH CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN SECTION 21i TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 4~ BAS, T, WHICH LANDS; ARE CONTIGUOUS TO ,EX$STI, NG MU~I. CIPAL .~MITS OP SAiD ,CITY~. REDEFINING T.HE ~UNDARIES OF ~AID CITY'TO INCLUDE SAID /~NDS~ PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS ~F SAID LA~DS~ AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. (Barrington Apartments) (Copy of Ordinance No. 18-66 is attached to the official copy of these mintues.) See pa~e ?~-H-?~-I. There be. ing no objection to Ordina. nPe N~. 18-66, said Ordinance was unanimously, passed'and adopted on this second and final reading, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconfled by Mr. Talbot. 8.g. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 19-66. AN ORD~NANCR OP THE CITY OF D~.LRAy BEA~H~ PLORIDA, LEVYING .T~E ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN ~¥ THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBMITTED BY THE CITY MANAGER,:.0F SAID CITY CON- CERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORM DRAINS IN ISLAN~ DRIVE, TOGETHER.WITH THE ~NS. TALLATION OF CATCH BASINS, ,~4AN-HOLES AND APPRUTENANCES. IN CONJI~NCTION WITH SUCH STORM DRAINS. (Cop. yof Or. dinanceI No. 19~66. an~ accompanying Assessment Roll are attached.to the official copy Of thes,e minutes.) See pa~® The_re. be!ng~no objection to the Assessment .Roll for construction of Storm Drains ir~ Island Dri-ve, Ordinance No. 19~66 was ~u~animously -6- 3-14-66 passed and adopted on this second and final ~readkn~, ~on-mdt~Cn by Mr. Talbot and seconded by ..Mr. Sa~h~rs, 8.h. The citY Clerk p~ese,ted'i'~ 6RDINANCE NO, 20-66. ' .... AN"OP. OINm~CE OF ~B~CI~ COUNCIL' OF ~ CI~ OF BE~, F~RIDA, ~X~ TO T~ CIT~ OF ~E~Y~ CERTAIN ~, ~LY LOT 6, SECO~ ~DiTION TO ~GH AC~S, ~I~ ~ IS CO~IGUOUS TO. E~STING M~ICIPAL LIMITS OF S~ C~TY~ ~DEFIN~ 'T~ B0~AR~S~OF~'SAID' CITY TO IN~E SA~ ~ PRO~ING FOR T~ RIG'S ~ OBLIGATIONS OF SA~ ~ND~ A~ ~RO~D~G 'F~ 'T~ ZONIN~ T~OF. (1714 Lake Drive) .... ~ ....... ~:- Ordinance No. 2~66 ~s unanimously-placed on '~rs~~ re~'dlng~' 0n motion by ~. Saunders and seconded by ~. Croft. 8.~. The City Clerk presented O~I~ NO. 21-66. ' ~ o~c~ o~ ~ c~ CO~C~L o~ ~ c~ oF Ordinance No. 21-66 was 'unanlmo~'ly plac~d ~n k~rst~' ~aalng on motion by ~. ~rney and second~:b~ MrS' TalbOt.- 8.j. The City Clerk presented O~IN~CE NO. 22~66. ~ ORDIN~CE OF ~ CITY CO~CIL OF ~ ~ITY OF DE~Y B~, FLORIDa, PROVIDING FOR T~ EN~OSU~':0F" ~I~ ~LS ~IN T~~ ~ITY A~ ~aO~Dm~ F0a ~E~LTY FOR ~O~TION. ~e City Clerk then read the following letter from Dr. and ~s. K. M. Davis, dated March llth, 1966= ' .. "It is with aeep concerh ~ '~e urge ~yo~r ~vote 'fo~:apg~val of an ordinance to' prohibit unenclosed 'swi~i~g'po01:s ~n Delray 'BeaCh~ ~en pOOlS' are'~,a hazard to little' c~ildre~ who are interested' ~n what goes ~on around.t~m, '~et are ~able to read ~POSTED~ Signs, or to realize and Obey ~DANGER~;-signs. We are particularly concerned about a ~ol located at 4th Avenue and 12th ~treet, N~ 'W. ~e o~ers are here for a few monthS ~n ~e wlnter season, and I feel confident they'd0n~t realize. .. what a daily 'year round hazard ~e~r open ~ol ~s to ~e seven young children six y6ars old and.young&r, ~o adjacent to itl Safety measures can save ~ "li~s of young children. Let's not'~it for ~e losS of ~' l~fe, to reali-Ze the portance and .necessity of .such an ordinance." City Attorney Adams reminded~' Cocci1 of ~eir ~ece~t ~nSpection of an open swiping pool in ~he nOrth~st part of to~, and that he received a call from a contractor emploYed to enclose sai~ bool, ask- ing ~e t~e ana height of ~nce re~ired.~ Th~' City Att~n~y pointed out ~at pro~o~ed 'Ordinance~'NO.- 22'6~ 're~es-a "fence n0t"iess than forty-eight lnches in height. ~. Tarot moved ~at Ordinance No. 22-66 be placed on first read- ing, 'End requested that ~ere be some"~ooD6rat~on, in th~s'*matter' ~e local pool con,actors.- ~e.~ion ~s seconded by ~." ~ft. ~. Tarot suggested getting ~nfo~ation from the magazine sW~NG. P~L AGE, which is ~e industry maga~ine, a~d~-O ~acting ~* Joe'~oc~o of D~lray ~P~ls.- "- ~ -" '~' -7- 3-~4-66 City Attorney Adams informed C6Uncil that he had contacted Mr. Rocch~.o, who had furn~Shed'him with ordinances from t~ other cities that are even more res~riCtive, than proposed Ordinance No. 22-66, City Attorney Adams said the research on this may be in the area of Planning, and suggested that Mr~ Art Smith, D~rector., of. Plann//~g, Zoning and Inspection., may be the proper party t9 request the infor- mation from the magazine Following lengthy discussion, the motion that ordknance No. 2'2-66 be placed on first reading .carried. unanimously. concerning the letter from Dr. Dav~s~ Mayor Avery directed the City Manager to cohtact the o~wners ,of the .pool mentioned, informing them of the action the Council/~as taken, and asking that they take care of encl'osing their pool in the interest of public safety. Mr. Saunders asked that the Council s~nd a letter of appreciation to Mrs. CarnoChan, 1607 N. W. 2nd AVenue, when she has completed the fencing of her swimming pool. 8.k. The C,~ty Cl~k presented EM~RGENCY.0_RDINANCS NO.o. 2.3-66. AN EMERGENCY-oRDINANC~ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, ~LORIDA REENACTING SECTION 17~28, CHAPTER 17~ CODE OF ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY, MAKING IT UNLAWF_UL FOR ANY PERSON TO COMMIT WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF '~u~ CITY, ANY ACT WHICH IS OR SHALL BE RECOGNIZED BY T~E LAWS OF THE STATE AS A MISDEMEANOR. (copy 2 -66 is tta ed to-the off,cia1 copy of these minutes.) See ~a~e ?~-K. Ordinance No. 23-66 w~s unanimously passed and adopted on this fir~ and f~'nal .reading, on motion by Mr. Saunders and secon~ed~_y Mr. Croft. 9.' City.: .~lerk Worthin~'..re~o=ted that the Traffic and .P~rking ~m- mittee had .been .reqUeSted .~.~o:'~ .the proposed pa~ng improvement of a parCel[of land..in connectiO~~.~. Presby~erlan :~urch, and then re,al.the following Traffic and ~a~k~.~comm~ttge meet~g ~L%nutes of March 1, 1966t "A letter from Mr. Melville Brown was read to ~t~e,Committee advising that the owners of the parcel of land at 222 NoXth Ocean ~oulevard are continu~-ng their.o~fer .to sell O'r lease sa!.~ parcel to the C~ty, but the offer is now.made S_~bject to prior sale or withdrawal. Considerable discussion was held concerning ~e leasSng improvement of the Presbyterian ChUrch parking lot on :Bronson Street,. Mr. Kern moved that the C~y Engineer- prepa~ and sUbmit a less costly parking ,~nd be~utifi~a'tion p~an ~t a meeting to be held with the church representatives, in order to present a mor. e feasible plan t.o the City Council. MOtion seconded by Mr. Kabler and carried. concer~ning the offer of MrS. :End McFem to sell to the City Lots 20-30 of BlOck 9.3,, it Was moved ,by Mrs; I~rn that .this offer be dec_lined due to the cost- of s&%d property, and · distance from the downtown area. Mo~ion seconded by Mr., Love and c.arr!ed. '(DUring discussion, it was ~o~nted out ..~hat the First' National Bank intends to snla.r~e their parking ~ot this y~ ar, and also ~hat the. City presently owns a parkin~"lot immediately .Wgu ~.. of Block 93..)" -8- 3~14-66 10.x. City Manager Gatchel informed Council that Wednesday, March 16th, is' the ~date. Delray Beach Will' make its first formal request to the Corps of Engineers for assi~stance on :the Bea~ch Erosion Project, that he and Mr. Talbot have a 'wednesday afternoon appointment With the~Corps of Engineers in Jackso~ville, and that Mr. Wm,"Carlton of the State Board of ConservatiOn Will"meet' them' in JaCksonville. Further, that as part of the presentAtion'to the ~orps of' Engineers, the following Resolution has been_prepared: RES~)LUTION~ NO. I5-66. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT~ OF-" DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING F~N~NCIAL ASSIST£ ANCE FROM THE U. S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, J]%CKSON~ILLE, 'FLORIDA, TO ASSIST SAID CITY' IN'ALLEVIATING CRITICAL BEACH EROSION PROBLEMS. (Copy of Resolution No. 15-66 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See page Resolution 'No. 15~66 was unanimously' pa~sed and adopted on this first and final reading, on motion by Mr.. Saunders .and seconded by Mr.. Jurney. 10.x. City Manager Gatchel re~orted tha.t several hu~dred~.junk cars have been removed from withi~ the City limits' during the, Pa.st 'several months, but that the time has 'explred~'~n-whie~M~r.-Wil!is h~d the privilege of dumping-the cars "in the lo,at'ion west. of we~ Palm Beach that he has been using. Further, that there still rem~'in~s approxi- mately a hundred junk cars in the street rights-of-way and private property within the City, and an~agreement has been made.'w~th Mr~ Willis wherein he will continue to collect the junk cars if the Cit~ will provide a site for him to dismantle the cars in preparation to hauling them away' in two different forms, one being the u~der~carriage, frame and engine of the vehicles, the ~ther' being the steel ~odies. The City Manager informed Council that the old sanitary land fi1! area had been Suggested for this use, but he did not feel that loca- tion was appropriate; howe~er, as an alte~'native; the util£zat~0n of the southern portion 'of the present land fill area is sugg.ested~ Further, that the Contractor plans to dism~ntle the cars ~hr0ugh the use of a cutting torch, and has agreed to provide a 500 gallon rated water tank with pump to use in combating any fires that might be started. That Mr. Willis has further agreed that at no time will there be more than fifteen ca'rs at that location du~ing said disman- tling operation. The City Manager further stated that if said dismantling operation causes fires or smoke or becomes obnoxious to the area ~esidents; it would be stopped immediately, and that same would be completed within ninety days. Mr. Saunders moved that"the' City Manager be authorized to permit Mr. Willis ~o haul the j.unk cars to the proposed location at the sanitary land fill for dismantling and removal as 'recOmmend~d, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and uhanimously carried. 10.x. City Manager Gatchel reported to Council as follows: "The City Engineer and I, last Friday, met' with the District Engineer of the State Road Department, Mr. Davidson, in Fort Lauderdale, request- ing State Road' Board assistance in our ~ea~h Ero$io~ ProjeCt. We asked for the-rubble along the easterly side of AiA, and this wes given to us. We asked for drainage to be provided from the roa~ through the revetment area i~ this area an~ this was agreed to, that he could provid~ this out of their maintenance funds, and we further asked for 'the permission to close AiA between Atlantic'' Avenue and N.E. 8th Street d~ring the period of this constru'ction, with. the 'intended use of the road being for the heavy equipment and fd~ the. casting, of the interlocking concrete blooks on the site, both from the standpoint of econom~, as well as the time element involved in it. This will have to g~ before the State Road BOard for such ~ermissAon, and today I did direct to the District Engineer a letter requesting this per- mission, and asking that the Road Board consider t/~i~-at their meet- ing to be ~held in Miami next F~iday, in which we intend to be present to answer any questions that the-State Road. Board might-h~'ve. This, as you well know, will amount to quite a-.savings eetimated by our Consulting Engineers," Glace Engineering corporation, in the per foot cost of construct-ion 'in this%revetment area. Any savings, of course, would he reflected in the extension of the--wall- toward Atlantic Avenue from its northern beginning point'~ I wanted to,report, .to~'you that every stoae is being turned that we ,.can think'of to get assistance in this pro~ect." ~0.~. Mr. Jurney asked what progress is ~eing made toward eliminating the nuisance that had been declared to exist on LOt X, Block 14, Seagate. City Engineer Fleming reported that he . had .,been inform, ed a con- tract has been given to Murphy Construction Company, who would con- tact h~m to determine the e_xact~' extent of the sea wall repa'~r., The City Engineer said the north sea ..wall.has not faAled, and the ordi- nance states that a sea wall has to be unsigh~ly or unsafe to be con- demned2 therefore, as City Engineer, he could~.only recommend that the north se~ Wall be repaired. 10.a. City Clerk Worthing presented Bills for Approval, as follows: General .Fund $ 128, ~46%~81 Cigarette ~Tax Fund ..... .5, 358. O0 Water ~perating & Maintenance Wa~r. Revenue. Fund 145,862. S~ecial- A~sessment Fun~' 2; 467.17 Refundable Deposits Fund 1,0~.38 Improvement' Fund 567.29 Mr.. Croft moved that the bill's be pai~, the-motion being seconded by Mr. Saunders. Upon call of roll, Mr. Cro~t, Mr. Saunders, Mr. Talbot and Mayor Avery vote~ .iR ~f-avor Of the motion and Mr. Jurney abstained from voting. Mr.-Jurney qual~fie~ his vote. in that.there is a refund to him for expenses on a trip to Tallahassee. The meeting 'adjourned at 9:45 I~.M, City Clerk APPROVED: - M A-~'O R ~ - -10- 3-14-66. 74-A RESOLUTION NO.. 14-66. A RESOLUTION'-OF. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING.AREAS. NO. 10 AND NO. 14 OF SAnITARY-SEWER PROJECT NO.' 5964-8b AS OPERATIONAL AND SETTING THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THE !INITIAL.. SCHEDULE. OF RATES,- FEES~ AND OTHER CHARGES T.O BE IMPOSED FOR TH~.SERVICES AND FACILI~. TIES FURN!.SHED BYJ. SAXD ARF~S NO..10"AND NO. 14 OF THE SEWER SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the City entered into a contract for engineering services with RusselI.' & Axo~,-..C.O~eult/ng Engineers, on the 30th of September, 1959', ah~ -' WHEREAS, pursuant to said -c~ntract, Russell & Axon designed an ocean, outfa-11 sewer system together with lift stat. ions and .,other san.itaxy sewer improvements, he~einafter referred to as Project No. 5964-8b, .and -_ -" WHEREAS, Russell & ~xon was hired to_ perform consultin.g and resident inspection services for said Areas No. 10 and No.- 14 of Sewage Works Project No. 5964-8b, and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 1359, dated November 6, 1961, and Ordinance No. G-553, effective July 22, 1964, the-initial schedule of rates, fees and other charges to be imposed .for the services an~ .facilitie's furnished by the-sewer system are to become effective the first day of the month following the date~.when the system is constructed, certified for use by the consulting engineers, and accepted by the City; and WHEREAS, Russell & Axon has recently certified Areas No. 10 and No. 14 of Sewage Works Project No'~' $9.6~-8b as oDerat-iona-l! NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED .BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF DELRAY BE~CH, PLORIDA,~ AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Areas No. 10 and No. 14 of the sanitary sewer sys- tem, heretofore designated Project No. 5964-8b, are hereby accepted by the City as being operational, and the initial schedule of rates, fees and other charges previously established shall become effective April l, 1966.. 2. That nothing herein contained shall be constured as discharging the contractors from the strict performance of their remaining contractual duties. That each of the contractors, and their bonding companies, remain responsible in all respects until released in ac=ordance with their agreements with ~he City. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th ~ay of March, 1966. I~[ ~:., c. ~'~ ........... MAYOR ATTEST: /S/ R. O. Werthing City Clerk 74-B PROPERTIES IN VIOLATION OF OR~INANC~ NO. ~-147 and SECTIONS 15~3 and 15-4 OF THE CITY CODE PROPERTY CITY OWNER ~DDRESS .DESCRIPTION CODE 1. George B. Mehlman 805 C°meau.Building South 135 feet of 15-3 West Palm Beach,Fla. West 85 feet of & Block 20. 15-4 2. Robert & 1315 llth Street~ Lots~ 1 and 2, 15-3 & Gertrude Hanford West Pahn Beach,Fla. Block 42 15-4 3. Hermon Steve~ 224 N.W. 2nd Avenue Lot~ 4 and 5, 15-3 & D~lray Beach, Fla~ Block 42 1544 4. Joe Conyer 240 N.W. 3rd Avenue South'96 feet of 15-3 Delray Beach, Fla. North 244 feet of & East 155 feet of 15-4 Block 34. 5. Jane Jackson c/o L. L. YOungblood vacant Overgrown P. O. Box 1063 parts of East half Delray Beach, Fla~ of Block 34 less 15-3 South 96 feet of & North. 144 feet of 15-4 East 135 feet & less EaSt 20 foot R/W. 6. McEwen Investment P.O. Box 21~ Lot 1, Block 3 lS-3 Company, Inc. Wichita 1, Kansas Seagate "A" 15-4 Violations 15-3 and 1~-4 as concerns this report are as follows: 1. 15-3 - Trash and Junk 15-4 - Weeds and underbrush 2. 15-3 - TFash 15-4 - we~as an~ underbrush ~. 15-3 - Loose trash - 15-4 - Weeds and underbrush 4. 15-3 - Old trash 15-4 - Weeds and underbrush 5. 15-3 - Old trash and'lumber 15-4 - Weeds and underbrush 6. 15-3 - Loose trash, garden trash and large tree half ~ead' 15-4 Weeds and undergr6wth Submitted to the ~ity Council by the City Manager on this the 14th day of March, 1966. SUPPL~4~NTAL AGREEb~NT NO. 9 TO EN~I~R~ CONTRAC~ CZ~ OF D~Y ~, FLOR:~ ~S~ the City of Delray ~ach, hereinafter referred to aS the O~R, and-Rdssell & ~on, consulting ~ngineers, herein- after referred ~0 as the ~:~RS, ent~ed into a contract for engineering services dated ~e 30~ day of Septe~er, 1959, and ~AS~ the ENGI~RS have infO.ed the ~er that ~uld ~ in' the ~e~ interest of the O~ to provide core. tent resident ins~ction for Area 22 and ~ctions 1 and 2 of Area 20, Pro~ect No. 5-964-8b, construction of ~ich is i~ediately c~ntem- ~, ~~. the ~rties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. ~e ~R will ~y to ~e E~I~ERS on a monthly ~sis for providing com~ten% resident ins~ction and su~rvision an amour eq~l to actual field '~st 'plus 50 ~r cent. 2. ~sident su~rvision of construction includes, but is not limited to, laying out of ~rk, a~lysis of tem~rary struc- t~es and facilities, field su~rvision, field ins~ction of ~terials and ~rk, pro~ess re~rts, pre.ration of mon~ly and fill esti~tes and fill re.rt. As ~rt of their duties as Resident Su~rvisors, ~e ~I~RS s~ll render monthly ins~c- tion and profess re~rts to ~e O~. 3. ~e chief local resident engi~er (or project ~nager) assi~ed to the project shall at all times re. in s~ject to ~e approval of the O~R. 4. ~e terms and provisions of the ~ntract ~t~en the parties dated ~pte~r 30, 1959, including all supple~nts ~ere- to, shall re. in in full for~ and effect o~er than as m~'ified by ~is Supple~nt No. -9. Executed this fif~een~h day of Ma~0h , 1966. C~ OF D~Y-B~, ~ORIDA MAYOR RUSSE~ & ~ON, CONS~TI~ E~I~RS ~ ~ President Assfs~nt S~ 74-D ORDINANCE NO. 14-66. AN ORDIXq~NCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF. THE CITY OF DEL~AY BEACHi FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 29-7.1 (A) {1), CHAPTER 29 OF THE CODE 0B OPJ)I~TANCES OF THIS CITY PER- TAINING ~o'USEs PERMITTED IN THE C-1 LIMITED ~OMMERCIAL DI~TI{ICT, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT oRDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Sect£on 29-7.1 (A) (1}, Chapter 29 of the Code of Ordi~ances of the City. be and the same is hereby amen4- ed to read as follows: "sec. 29-7.1. C-1 limited commercial district. (A) USES PERMITTED (1) Any use permitted in the R-3 multiple family dwelling district~ provided however, that any dwelling~ structure of three or more family units shall be allowed only as a spe- Cial exception as provided in Sub-section (14) of Section 29-7.5." Ssction 2. That if any word, phrase, alause, sentence or part of this ordinance shall be declared illegal by a court Of competent jurisdiction, sUch record of i11egal- · ity shall in no way affect the remaining portion. PASSED on second and final reading in regular session on this the l~th day of February , 1966. ATTEST /S/ R. D. Werthing cij ......... .... First Reading F~ebruary !~: _,1,966 Second Reading March 1~, 1966,' ORDINANCE NO'. 17-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA,. ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LAND, NAMELY LOT 46, DELRAY BEACH SHORES, WHICH LAND IS CONTIGUOUS TO EXIST- INGMUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY~ REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF sA~D~ C~TY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND; PRO- VIDING FOR THE R~HTS AND OBLIC~ATIONS OF SAID LAND~ AND PROVIDIN~ FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. WHEREAS, FRANK BLYMYER, is the fee simple owner of the property hereinafter described, and WHEREAS, FRANK BLYM~ER by his petition, .has consented and given permission for the annexation of said property by the City of Delray Beach, and WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach has heretofore been au- thorized to annex 1ands in accordance with Section 185.1 of the city Charter of said City granted to it by the State of Florida: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY~.THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, hereby annexes to said City the following described tract of land located in Palm Beach County, Florida, which 'lies contiguous to said City, to-wit: That tract of land, namely Lot 46, Delray Beach Shores, per Plat Book 23, Page 167] Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. SECTION 2. That the Boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, arehereby redefined so as to include therein the above de- scribed tract of land and said land is hereby declared to be within the corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. SECTION 3. That the tract of land hereinabove described is hereby declared to be in Zoning Diatrict R, 1AA,'as defined by existing ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. SECTION 4. That the land hereinabove described shall im- mediately become subject to all.of the franchises, privileges, im- munities, debts (except the existing bonded indebtedness)., obliga- tions, liabilities, ordinances'and laws to which lands ~n the City of Delray Beach are now or may be, and persons residing thereon shall be deemed citizens of the City of Delray Beach. SECTION 5. That if any word, phrase, clause, sentence or part of this ordinance shall be declared illegal by a court of com- petent jurisdiction, such record of illegality shall in no way affect the remaining portion. PASSED in regula~ session on the second and final reading on the lhth day of March- , 1966. /~/ AI~ C. AverT . ATTEST: M A Y O R City Clerk First Reading ~ebruary 25, 1966. .. second Reading Mar~h 1~,' 1966 ORDINANCE NO. 16-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C~TY 'OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA,-ANNEXING TQ THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN'SEC~ TION 9, TOWNSHIP. 46 SOUTH, ~A~GE 43'EAST,' WHICH LANDS ARE CONTIGUOUS~TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIM- ITS OF SAID CIT¥~ RED~FINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SA~D CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LANDS; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LANDS;.AND PROVIDING FOR'THE ZONiNG'THEREOF. WHEREAS, THE WEDGEWOOD.CORPORATION is the fee simple owner of the property hereinafter described except for that portion comprising a public right-of-way identified as a portion of Palm Trail, and WHEREAS, THE WEDGEWOOD CORPORATION, by their Petition, has consented and given 9~rmiSsi°n for the.~nnexation of said~ property by the City of Delray Beach, and WHERE~S~ the City 0fDelray Beach has ~eretofore been. authorized to annex lands in acuordance with .Section 185~1 of the City Charter of said City granted to it by the State of Florida; NOW, THE.R~.FORE,' BE.IT ORDAINED BY T~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City~ouncilof the City, of Delray Beach, Palm Bea~h CountY,. Florida,,~eby.an~exes~t0.s~£~ City - the following described .tracts of f~a located in Palm :Bea=h County, Florida, which lie contiguous to said City, to,wit: Those tracts of land in Section 9, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, .Florida~ described -as follows: A. The South 250 feet of Lot 6, Subdivisio~ of SeCtion 9, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, lying East of McGinley & Gosman's Subdivision and West of Canal, less Road right-of-way. B. That portion of th9 right-of-way known as Palm Trail lying between the South line of Lot 6, Subdivision of Section 9, Township 46 SOuth, Range 43-East, .and South right- _. of-way ii.ne of N. E. 8th Street. SECTION 2. That the boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are hereby redefinedso as to include therein the above described tracts.and parcels of land, and said 'lands are hereby declared to be within the corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. Paqe ~. ORD~E ~0. ~6-66. SECTION 3. That the'tract of land hereinabove first described is hereby declared to be in Zoning D£Strict "R-3", as defined'by ex~st.ing"ordinanc~s of the ~ity of Delray Beach, Florida. SECTION-.4. That 'the landshereinabove described shall immed~atel,y, be~ome subject to all"of ~he franchises, privileges, immunities, debtS~ Obliger:ions, l~ab. ilities, ord£nances end laws to which land~ in the C~ty of Delra¥ ~each are now or may be, &nd persons resi~ing thereon sh~ll be deemed citizens of the City of Delray Beach. S~CTION 5. That if any wor~, phrase, clause, sentence or Part. of'~his ordinance shall..-he declared illegal by a court of competent ~urisdiction, such record of illegality shall in no way affect the remaining.portion. Passed in regula~ session on the second an~ final read- ing on the l~th. day of March , 1966. MAYOR ATTE ST: /s/ ~. D. W~ Ci.t~ Clerk First Readinq ~eb~uamy 25, 1966 Second Reading Ma?o~ 1~, 1956 .... ORDINANCE NO. 18-66 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY B~EACH CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED ~N SEC- TION 21~ TQWNSHIp ~6 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, ~ICH LANDS ARE CONTIGUOUS TO E~ISTING'MUNICIPAL LIM- ITS OF SAID CITY; REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LANDS; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LANDS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. W~EREA~, BAP~INGTON CORPORATION ia the fee simp!? owner of the property hereinafter describmd, ahd W~EREAS, MR. ROBERT B. REED, President and Sole Stock- holder of BARRINGTON CORPORATION, by his Petition, has consented and given, permission for theannexation 6f ~id~pr~perty ~ the City of Delray Beach, and WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach ~as heretofore been authorized to annex, lands in accordance with Se'orion i85.1 of the City Charter of said City granted to it by the State of Florida; NOW, THEREFORE,'BEIT-ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA; AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, hereby annexes to said City the following described tract of land located in Palm Beach'Coun- ty, Florida, which lies contiguous to said City, to-wit: That part of Section 21', Township 46 South Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, bounded as follows: On the East by the mean high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean; on the West by the right-of,way of State Road AIA (formerly State Road. 140) as the same is provided for by .the deed recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, in Deed Book ~ . .584, page 257; on the South by a line par- allel to'and 2870 feet northerly from, meas- ured at right angles .to, the South line of Government Lot i of Section 28, Township and Range aforesaid; on the North by a line par- allel to and 3020 feet Northerly from, meas- ured at right angles to, the aforesaid South line of Government Lot 1 of Section 28, Town- ship and Range aforesaid. SECTION 2. That the boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are hereby'redefined so as to include therein ~he above described tract of land and said land is hereby de- C~far~d' ~O'b~' ~ithin the corporate limits of the' C.ity of Delray Beach, Florida. Page 2. ORDI~ANCE NO. 18-66 SECTION ~. That the tract of land hereinabove scribed is hereby declared to be in Zoning District R-3, as defined by existing ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. S~CTION 4. That the Ian~ hereinabove described shall immedia%e~y become subject t~ all of the franchises, privileges, immunities, 'debts (except the existing bonded indebtedness), obligations, liabilities, ordinances and laws to which lands in the City of Delray Beach are now or may be, and. persona residing thereon shall be deemed citizens cf the City of DeIr&y Beach. SECTION 5. That if any word, phrase, clause, sentence or .part of 'this ordinance shalI be declared illegal by a court of competent jurisdiction, such' record of illegality aha11 in no way affect the remaining Dortion. PASSED in regular session on the second and final read- ing on the 14th day of Mar~h , 1966. /S/ Al. MAYOR ATT~-~T: /s/R..9, First Reading' ,Febr, uary ~.~..,. !~66 ' . ... Second Reading Mamoh 1.~, 1966 I~SOLU~ION ~. 15~-66. A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DRLRAY B~ACH, ~A, ~O~STI~ F~NANCI~ ASSIST~CE FR~ ~ U-S. A~Y E~I~ER TRI~, JAC~0~LLE~ FL0~A, ~ ASSIST SAID CI~ IN A~ATING CRITIC~ B~ EROSION " PRO~S. ~S, this City has,' over the past ~ny years, feted ~e loss of ocean fro~t lands by erosion~ and ~AS, the City of ~lray Beach, in 1964, contracted wi~ Glaue Engineering Co~oration, ~neulting Engineers, s~. Pe~r~urg, Florida, for ~e design of facilities to con~ol the e=osio~ of ~e city ~aches, and obtained further invaluable ad- vice from the ~part~nt of Coastal Engineering~ ~iversity Florida ~ and ~AS, the preliminary desi~ ~rk has been comple~d and said corporation is now. in ~e process of c~pleting' tinal de- si~ plans and specifications, ~e cons~uction of ~ich is esti- ~d to cost approxi~tely $1,188,100~ anti ~8, ~he City of ~lray ~ach recently au~ori~d, issued anti sold Cigarette'Tax '~ds an~ ear~rkefl $500,000 f~ts received for beach erosion control projectsr ~S, State R~d A-1-A (O~an ~ulevard) is lo.ted ~nti~ous to the saia ~unicipal beach an~ is ~ing pe~i~ically ~S, ~e' City of Del~ay' Beach is u~ab:le to finance the ~ecessary protective measles alone and ~e City ~uil feels ~at ~e U. S~ ~y Eng-ige~ $iS~iCt' has'.'a debUg'its' .tinancial retest and obligation in t~ protection of said m~icipal p~l~c ~a~h and the State highly adjacent theretot ~W~:T~FO~f ~ IT ~S~D~'BY ~ CITY C~CIL OF ~ ClPY OP DE~Y B~, FLOR~A, AS SeCtion 1. ~e City o~ ~ay ~ach, Florida, hereby req~e~s ~e c~peration a~. 'fina~ial,"-a~Sistance ~t...the U; S. Army S~i~er Dis~ict, Jacksonville, Florida to assist ~is City in al- leviating ~-e.,critic~k-'-~a~ e~sion 'p~blem ~ich ie':a~cting municipal p~lic ~ach within ~e co~orate 'limits of ~is City. ~ction 2. ~at pavia M. Gatchel, CitY'~nager i~ aha for the City o~ De'Ira~~ Beauh, Plortda, be'anti'he ~s hereby' au~or- tzed to execute for and in behalf of ~e City any application ne- cessary with the ~ackeonvi~e Offi~ of ~'~rps Of'.E~ineers for the p~pose of obtaining ~e aforesaid U. S. A~y Engineers Distriut fi~noial assistance. PASSED A~ ~P~D in Tegular session ~is 14th day of ~rcb, 1966. ./S/ ~1, ~, Aver,y ...... MAYOR ATTEST: ~ffS/ R. D. We~thin~ . . City Clerk 7l~-K ORDINANCE ' NO .' _~.3 - 66. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY,OF D~LRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REENACTING SECT~ION 17-28, CHAPTER t~ CODE ®F ®RDINANCES OF SAID CITY,~MAKING IT-UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PER- SON TO COMMIT:.WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS' OF THE CITY, ANY ACT WHICH IS OR SHALL BE RECOG- -NIZED BY THE LAWS OF THE-STATE AS A MISDEMEANOR. WHEREAS, a~ ~lleg&tion ham been raised in the Municipal Courts of various South F~orida cities that certain state misde- meanors cannot be prosecuted by municipalities.unless an ordinance is passed subsequent to each session of the Florida Legislature making it unlawful to commit within the corporate limits~'..O~ the Ci%y,'any act which is ~r shall be rgcognized by the laws of the State as a misdemeanor.; and - WHEREAS, the ¢~ty Council deems it necessary to ~nact Shis ~rdinance on a~_.eme~gency basis t~ insure the proper and ne- cessary functioning of the Delray Beach Police Department, - NOW,...THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF :~' THE ~I~f OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: That Section 17-28, Chapter 17, Code of Ordinances of the City of De, lray~Beach, Florida, is hereby reenacted and shall read as follows: "I~ shall be mnlawful for 9~y..person to commit, with'Ln the corperate..~imit.s of the e%ty, any act which is or shall be recognized by the laws of the s~ate.as~a misdemeanor, amd the c6mmi~sion of such acts is hereby forbidden~ . .... "Whosoever shall~vio.late .%he. provisions of this section., upon conviction thereof, shall be pun- ished by the same penalty as is therefor provided by the laws of the state, but in no case shall such penalty exceed a fine of five hun~red..doll~rs, or an imprisonment .f~r more thud ninety days, or both such fine an~ imprisonment in the discretion .... .~. of the municipal judge." PASSED AND ADOPTED as an emergency ordinance this day of Mar~h , 1966. .~$/ Al. C. Avery Mayor ATTEST: /S/ R. D. Wor~hing City Clerk