04-15-66SpMtg APRIL 15, 1966, A speoial meeting of the City-Council of the City of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 4:00 P.M., PriSsy, April 15th, 1966, with Mayor-A1. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager David M. Gatchel, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Co.uncilmen Jo LeRoy CrOft James H. Jurney, Jack L. Saunders and George Talbot, Jr. being present. Mayor Avery called the meeting to order and announce~d that same had been called for the.purpose of receiving BIDS for c.onstruction of a Concrete Block Revetment Wall a~d for any other business t~,t may come before the meeting. - Mr. Harold Ra,~cliffe, President of' Glace Engineering Corporation~ was present and explail3ed that., the .bids being received today are on a unit basis, and called particular attention to bid items 13a and 13b, be$~g local rubble and granite rubble, and~said it is unlikely that both items would be Used, and e~tirely possible that neithe~ item wo~ld be needed, A representative of ~ClearY Brothers Co~nstruction Company called the City Hall at 4~00 P.M. to .report that a severe rain storm .had prevented him from arrivin~ at' the City Hall at 4:00 P,Mo from West Palm Beach, and he arrived with the bid shortly thereafter. Mr. Harold Radcliffe, C~ity Manager ~atchel and. City Attorney Adams recommended that since it was an act of' G0d,~ the extension of time be waiv. ed..as a tec~hnical defe~t,,-.and .the bid o.f ,C. leary Brothg~rs ,,t,%',on,.co,mpany.'.b~ .ac~eloted. ' ,'Nro".Talbo~ ,mOved to accep:t said:' rea~eAa'a- ~tii~n'.., ,~he .m. 0~ion' was ~seconded by- Mr. Sa, udders and carried' ~ia'him~usly. i" u i ~The f01 'bids were opened and reported.-. ; : ~.., . Total B~d Atlantic ' Poundation Company, -Inc. ~$939,; i510 ." ',' :" ~ .... ~-ngk~..eered P~0a~0~'s' '~8~i, 890:, Mi Eerier Marine' construction, -znc. 745,422. Nurpb¥~.Construction Company 665,288. ..... (.CO~te itab~iati'o~, ~E bids is attached· to the offi~ia.',Z .'~-e, se'-mi~utes.)" See' 9'a'ge 9,~-A.. . Th~.b:ids. of .In~.ustr~a! Contracting Comp.any and. Cleary Brothers COnStruction CO, any were'declared .irregula. r and not read. Mayor Avery s,a.i~, t~at those two companies could consult, with .the` Engineers and. ,U!..e. Ci'.ty iA~o=ney to' det'ermine why said ~ids had been ~le.a..i~. ,;r,,e, gul~, ./Cit~ Attornley Adams' said 'that the $10,000 checkS.:9°V~a, b6: ',r.'~urh6d '~0 those two."comPanies. _ ' ' .~tr. Crof~"im~v~d th'at the, bids.be referred to the Eng!n.e.e=s. s,t_.ud~ an'.~'re~,°.mmendation.. ':'The motion was seconded by ~*' ' Ci~Y'~anager Gatchei r~rred to-two ·itams of-th& Ap~-i~,:~',[ 1966 B~aUtifi~at~°n:'"Commi~tee minutes: that had been presented a~ th.e.$r re ~gg, lar meeting of April lZth. These items involved"$350,00 for sodding the lot' between, the Fire Department buil~ng and tennis cour,~s, and $1,000 for planting and beautification of .tbs.,t. epa.~e be- twee~, th~, .s~a, ewal~, and curb on.West. Atlantic Avenue, and w~1%~:~'~eferred to the'' .~i~ Mans'get for his 're&ommendationso ' ; _ ii:~':' ,' ~': ~C~..~Y.';Manage'r.' said' the budget e'overs both of th?es '~i~'S and 'tha~. :h~,~ t]0gethe, r- with Mr..Elliott, Director of Parks an~; R~creation, reco~ae' ~:,U.n~ii a~Prova!'&f'those ex~anditures in ord&,r ,~at the wor~ ~ay'"pr0c~eed and~be as neariy completed as pOssible ~ri,0rto the 'de~icat'.i,on of 'west Atlantic Avenue. . , ' ~. . ~.. .... · -~ ~='o'i"C~&ft mOVed:" to approve ~he recommendations o~'the · t~'~*~6~k0n being seconded 'by Mr. ' Jurney and carried unanimous ly. - i;' .~!~: "' ';.': ..... '.'; "'". ...... ' - :. '.'Sp. 4/15/66: i . :. . .' "?.31'~ -~ ,L - '..;: .. ":' ,, . .: ' .: :' . .' . ] ' . · - , ' ' ~ · .' ;'~;~: City Manager Gatchel requested a meeting of the Council with the Adult Recreation Committee and the Architect concerning the Adult Recreation Complex and it was scheduled for 4:00 P.M., Monday, April 18th. City Clerk Worthing presented RESOLUTION NO. 19-66. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ~..~LR~Y BEACh, FLORTDA, AMENDING RESOLUTTON NO. '16-66, TO COP~E~T T~E DE- SCRIPTION OF T~E EASE~%TTS AND PORTIONS OF STI(EETS IN DKL-RATON PARK SUBDIVISION HERETOFORE ERRONEOUS- LY DESCRIBED IN SAID RESOLUTION OF ABANDONMENT RE- CORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 1352, PAGE 506~ PUB- PROVIDE FOR ABANDG~/~NT OF ADDITIONAL EAS~MENTSo (Cogy of Resolution NO. 19-66 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See page Resolution No. 19-66 was unanimously passed and adopted on thil first 'and final reading, on motion by Mr. Croft, and seconded by Mr. Sau~ders o The meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M. CR, D ? WQRTHING ity Clerk APPROVED ~ -2- sp. 4/lS/66 96-~ RESOLUTION NO. 19-66. A RESOLUTION OF THE .~ITY OF DELRAy BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 16-66, TO CORRECT THE DE- SCRIPTION OF THE EASEMENTS AND PORTIONS OF STREETS IN DEL-RATON PARK SUBDIVISION HERETOFORE ERRONEOUS- LY DESCRIBED IN SAID RESOLUTION OF ABANDONMENT RE- CORDED ~N OFFICIA~ RECORD BOOK 1352, PAGE 506, PUB- LIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; AND TO PROVIDE FOR A~ANDONM~NT OF ADDITIONAL ~ASEMENTS. WHEREAS, J~RRY EARL PONTIAC, INC., the owner of Lots i thru 10, Block 2, and Lots 1 thru 44, Block 16 of DEL-RATON PARK SUBDI%~- SION, has made application to the City Council of Delray Beach to va- cate and abandon certa{n easements and portions of streets in DEL- RATON PARK SUBDIVISION, and WHEREAS, said dedicated rights-of-way and easements have never been opened or used, end are deemed not needed by said City; WHEREAS, the City Council passed a Resolution on the 28th day of March, 1966, which erroneously described certain rights-of-way petitioned for abandonment, and failed to describe certain easements which should have been included; NOW, THEREFO~, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: Resolution No. 16-66, passed end adopted on March 28, I96'6, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "That pursuant to Section Seven (7), Paragraph Three (3) of the Charter ~or the City of Delray Beach, Florida, it is hereby de- termined to vacate and abandon any'title and interes% in the follow- ing described property= The South-half of Avenue "D"~ that portion of the North~ half of Avenue "E" lying West of Del-Raton Boulevard; a~d the two (2) ten (10) foot Alleys and the two (2) three (3) foot Easements within Block 16, DEL-BATON PARK SUBDIVISION, as appears on Pages 9 and 10, Plat Book 14, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, together With any. other easements which may exist but are not shown Within the aforesaid Block 16 and any easements which may exist but are not shown on the Plat of Lots i through 10, Block 2, DEL-RATONPARKSUBDIVISION, as a~pears onPages 9 a~d 10, Plat Book 14, Public Records of PalmBeach County, Florida." PASSED AND ADOPTED in Special session on this the 15th day of April, 1966. Is~ A~. ~. A_ve~,.v ..... ~ , MAYOR ATTEST: /E/ R. D. Worthing City Clerk