04-19-66SpMtg B?
APRIL 19, 1966.
A special meetingof 'the City Council of the City of Delray Beach
was held in the Council Chambers at 4=00 P.M., Tuesday, April 19th~
1966, with Mayor Al. C. AVery in the Chair~City Manager D~vid M.
Gatchel, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen J.. LeRoy Croft,
James H. Jurney, Jack L. Saunders and George Talbot, Jr., being present.
Mayor Avery called the meeting to order and announced that same h~d
b~en called for the purpose of considering recommendations of the Con-
s~lting Engineers relative to.awarding contract for CONSTRUCTION OF
cONCP4tTE.BLOCKREVETMENTWALL, and for any other business that may co~e
before the meeting. '
An opening prayer was delivered by City Clerk R. D. Worthing, and
the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States' of America
was given. "
City Clerk worthing reported that he had consulted with Mrs.
Fontaine Fox this afternoon, who declines at this time to join with
the other properties-to the south in dedicating her.beach property for
the purpose of construction of a revetment wall.
City Manager Gatchel presented a bill from Glace Engineering Cor-
poration, Consulting Engineers,. in. the amount of $23,082.66, for their
design and engineering'work t0 ddte, and said that he desired'Council
approval of.p~ying said bill from the bond funds, provided if,.after
further'Checking of the bill in accordance with the contract-with' '
Glaoe Eng!neer!ng.~Corpor~tion, it is in order.
~ Mr. TalbO~ moved that ~he. statement rendered by Glace EngiDe%ring_
~orPorati0n'under.date of April 18th, 1966, in the ~mOu'nt bf'
~23,082~66 be paid upoh final verification. The motion'was
by Mr. Croft and carried unanimously .....
_ Ci~y'Man~gerGa'tchei read a letter from Glace Engineering.~c0rPor~'%'
tion, i .Cohs~!t!ng Engineers, dated April 18th; 1966, re~ara~g~ ~e~.'Bld..
Tabulation ~nd ~ePort On ConstruCtion of Concrete Block Reve'%me~t'w~i
(Copy of said letter-and bid tabulation is attached to the official
copy of these minutes.).
City ~tt°rney~Adams commented as followS:''"In revieWing~ th~-'-blans
and specifications, I wasn't exactly satisfied with the two bonds.
They (Dickerson, IncorPora~pd).had one bond for 100 per gpnt for per-
formance'~and material~ and'another one for 50 per cent of the total
contract.price ~Cr labor and materials. I contacted .Mr. K~lleY and.
Mr..RadclSffe~Of'Glace Engineering Corporatio~, and also Mr. Dickerson,
and we ha9e prepared another bond form, which is for 100 per cent of
both per~prm~...nce and paIanpnt consolidated into one bond. I~ also
cl~deS'a'~he':Yeari'g~arantee.Peri0d after the performance
anCe~ and.,I beiieve the~e~s..no.question:that th~s wouidc0~plyl.
~ite a:i~er'~Oldr'~'Mar~Xcano of the Floridaneague
i~mpa and'he suggested that it may be better to have;_6n~'pne:.':bond
fo~. WSth that in mind~':and/bef0re making a motion, this~ould'.be
covered, by. a change ~rder, land Would amend general conditionS, Page. 3,
sub-Section ~...'The Bidder to whom .~he contract is'awarde~'imuS%,"With-
in.ten ~endar. days'foll~wtn~ notice of award, present himself tO. the
place de~$gnated in %heofficial notice of acceptance, for'signin~ of
the contract and'the plans, and to substitute for the bid~security a
contract bond covering'performance, maintenance and payment.of labor:
and mater~al in the amount of one hundred per centumjof, the contrac%
business'-in.'the State of Flprida and acceptable to the'owneri~'.[ In that
regard, I. am sure we Will have no problem because their hondin~ c6mpa-
ny is Seaboard Surety,.who is a very reputableand large-company that
has bonded many of the.sewer Jobs~we have had," '
.Sp. 4-i9-66
~i~ty M~ager Gate. he1 ~!ntroduced .Mr. Walter. C. Crowell,.. ,Jr~, Vi~e
P=es~ent. an~ Ge~e~al_ Manager, an~d Mr, Ted-,Ty~n~ Superintendent and
Engineer,, of D, iCkerson, Incorporated of-Stuart, Florida; also Mr.
Stanley Kelle[y· of. Glaoe~ Engineering Corporation.
City Attorney Adams commented as foi!ows; "This motion will also
include Change Order No. 1, whic~.I read, providing-for =th'e.one bond.
The ,motion shoul.~ beT ...... ~X move~ that~ _we award the contract~o DiC~er-
son,, Inoorpo, rated~ in the amount of ~559,885.00~and authorize, the Mayor
and' Ci.ty C!erk.to -execute. same,, includ,ing Chan~e order,- No. 1,.,previously
read, providing the contractor provides a surety performers, mainten-
ance, and payment bond in the amount of one hundred per Cent Of the con-
tract-price of the .Work, said~bond to be acceptable to the owfler and as
provide~ in- Section. 6~ as.amended~ gen~ral conditions, page :~; ~"
Mr. Croft m0ved,t~ approve the ~otion as stated by the City. Attorney,
the motion being seconded by Mr. Saunders.
During discussion, Mr. Kelley-~xplained as follows: "This-is a unit
price contract~ H,e bids that he will do this'-work a,t the estimated
quantity. ~ A!I 'the.~.quantities shown there .are estimated quantities and
it says so' in the spectf-ications 'These quant~ties cen~be varied up
or down, whichever the case may be, during the:contract and ~t doesn't
affect the contract. You normal[~ bond the contract for the full
amount as bid, even .. though the alternates are inc~ude~'~because you ma'y
use the alternates. The unit prices cannot be changed."
Mr, Talbot asked when the Council would know..what ~osts'.c0Uld~be
leted and-what costs-could not be deleted, and Mr. Kelley said that
would be known as the job pr~greesee~ that the items are put tin to try
to coyer'all ,eventualities so there would no2 have to be a'price nego-
tiation d~ing ,~hel~:cons,truotion ~ork~ further, that as the Job reaches
i~s c°ncl~[&n,'' 'the.i:~ '9°int~'can be determined, which ~Ould be
prox~ately 3,000 feet.
City Manager Gatchel reported that the City has not as yet"~heard
from the application to the Corps of Engineera, and that the~ State Road
Department has asked .~that the City. notify them in advance aa ~2o the
time the~ ~ee~re that.the road b~,cl~S~; ~1 as to the tin~.'.the City
deeire~ the other items tha~ the.; Ro~,~'"Departmen~ ~wi~ .provtde~
It was pointed out'r that the City Manager would be responsible for
the coordination of the construction work with other agencies involved.
Mr. Kelley s~t~ there would be a pre-work conference before-~he con-
struc~on actUally begins, at which the State Departments t~1! be pre-
sent~ a~d anyone else affected, each as utilities, etc.; furt/~er, that
it ia ~oped the const~t~on c&n begin the first of May.
Upon call of roll that the contract be awarded to Dickers~n, Incor-
porated, theJmotion carr-~ed u~animous.ly. (copy of Change Order No. 1 to
Contract of Dickerson, Inc. is attached)
City Ma, naUer.Ga~chel reported~to Council as follows: "State~s
Atto=ne~ ~T~m Johnson, through ~is secretary, contacted the iPotice
Chief and me-today, ,,suqges, ting,~6s,.he~is doing with other communities
~n Palm Beach County, ~.that' representatives of his office mee~: with the
CounCil, the~Police~chief and City 'Manager, etc, to review ~e Grand
Jury RePOrt recently released. His secretary suggested two ,dates ....
around 9:30 A.M., Thursday', ,the 28th of Apr~l, or early in the evening
around 6~00 or ~::00 P,M., F~lday,:~the 29th of Ap=il. I would~like
Council opinion as to .whether 'those dates would be suitable for them,
or whether you would-t£ke to put .it off until later."
Following discussion, the:-~otul=~l directed-that said meeting be
arranged for sometime ~after .the .May 3rd Primary EleCtion.
City Manage= 3atchel in[ormed Council of the importance of.a meeting
w~th ~e Tra~.~o and :~ark~l%g COm~ittee concerning the offers .of proper-
ty for off-Street pa=~ing ~ots~ further, that this is a consideration
that needs~uhO be made. regarding ~he Capita,1 Improvement Program~
Following discussion, the Council directed that said meeting be
arranged for~..sometime after the May 3rd Prima~y Election.
-2- Sp. 4-19,66
City Manager Gatchel asked Council approval for his attendance of
the Annual City Managers' Short Course tobeheld in Gainesville,
Florida, the 24th thru the 27th of April. The CftyM~nager called.
council attention to the fact' thatif such permission iS granted, he
would be absent from the Council meeting of April 25th, but that he
would be back in the City in time to'proceed With the finalizing of
the Contract with Dickerson, Incorporated.
Mr. Croft moved that approval~be given the City'~Manag~r to attend
said Annual City Managers' Short Course in Gainesville, and for pay-
ment of his expenses. The motion was seconded by Mr.'Saunders and
carried unanimously.
Mr..-Jurney.Anformed Council that he has~ received Several calls re~
garding the condition of the street just north of Le Page Interi~rs'.
and just south of the Woman's Club building; further, that he under-
stands some contractor installing a sewer line had torn up the street
and it had never been properly replaced.
The City Manager reported that said' street is a ~wenty foot dedi~
cate~ righ~-of-way that. had been sand-~ealed, and'ha~ been reDla~e~
only as a sand~seal~ further, that he has said right, of-way
agenda for possible repaying as a portion of the City paving~program.
Mayor Avery a~ked for areport on, said item at the-next Council'
The meeting adjourned at 4:40 P.M.
City Cl~rk
-3- Sp. 4-19-66
Consulting Engineers
6727 Wirst Avenue South
St ''~rida
April 18, 1966
Mayor and Counci~nen
City Hall
Delray Beach, Florida
Subject: Bid Tabulation and Report
Construction of Concrete Block
Revetment Wall
Bids Were received on the subject project on Friday, April 15,
1966,~at 4:00 P. M. A total of seven bids were submitted.
Two of the bids received were not read in public as they w~re
declared irregular after review by the City Manager, City
Attorney, Consulting Engineer and City Engineer. The two
'irregular bids were in conflict with Paragraph 10, Page IB-3
of the specifications which prohibits the inclusion of
qualifying letters with bids. These two bids were submitted
by Cleary Brothers, West Palm Beach and Industrial Contracting
Company, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
The range between the acceptable high and low bids was
considerable, the high bid being $939,150.00 and the low bid
being $559,885.00 including both rubble alternates in Items
13a and 13b. The low bid was submit~ed by Dickerson, Inc. of
Stuart, Florida. Dickerson, Inc., is recognized as a reputable,
qualified contractor and has a good background in the type of
constr~ction to be used on this project.
It is recc~mended that subject to the receipt of the properly
executed bond and insurance documents, the City award the
contract for the subject project to Dickerson, Inc..
Respectfully submitted,
April 21, 1966
In accordance ~with the procedure established in the paragraph
entitled "Change in the ~ork" on Page GC-11 of the contract
specifications the. following change order is hereby issued and
shall be considered part of the contract documents=
1. Item 6, page GC-3 of the specifications is hereby revised
to read as follows:
The Bidder to whom the contract is awarded must,
within ten (10) calendar days following notice of award,
9resent himself 'to the place designated in the official
notice of acceptance, for signing of the contract and the
plans, and to substitute for the bid security a contract
bond covering performance, maintenance and payment of
labor and material in the amount of one hundred per
centum (100%~' of the contract price. · Said bond shall be
issued by a company authorized to transact business in
. the State of Florida and acceptable to ~he Owner.
2. Paragraphs 3 and 4 on page 2 of the Standard Contractual
Check List shall be combined and are hereby revised to
refer to the' Performance, Maintenance and Payment of
Labor and Mater~al Bond mentioned in 1. above.
3. Paragraph i of Item 15 on page IB-4 is hereby revised and
shall read as 1. above.
4. The list of contract documents shownnumbered 1'through 9
on the contract page LD-2 of the specifications is hereby
revised to the extent that Items 8 and 9 shall be combined
and shall refer to the Performance, Maintenance and Payment
of Labor and Material Bond as stated in 1. above.
Page i of 2
CHANGE ORDER NO. ! (Continued)
5. pages LD-3 through LD-6 are hereby deleted fr~n the
sPeuifications and shall be =eplaoed by a suitable
bOnd in conformance with the Performance, Maintenance
and Payment of Labor and Material BOnds mentioned in
1. above.
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