05-09-66 ~¥ 9, 1966o A regular meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Changers.at 8~00 P~M., with ~yor Al. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager Duvid M. Gatchel, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen J. Le~y Croft, Jmmes H. Jurney and Jack L. Saunders being present. 1. An opening prayer was ~elivered by the Rev. Linton Lawrence. 1.a. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. 2. The minutes of the regular meeting of April 25th and special meet- ing of May 5th, 1966, were unanimously approved, on motion by Mr. Saunders and seconded by Mr. J~rney. 3. Attorney Sidney M. Dubbin of West Palm ~each, representing Joseph James, who is presently serving a sentence in. the Municipal Jail, said he had recently filed a petition with the Council by letter of May 2nd, directed to Mayor Avery, requesting that Joseph James' sentence be sus- pended and that he be allowed to make restitution, in the nature of payment o~f medical bills, to an individual with whom he was~ engaged in a fight, that said payments be made through the office of Attorney Dubbin; further, that Joseph James would not return to Delray Beach. City Clerk Worthing then read the following letter from Municipal Judge James W. Nowlin, Jr., dated May 9, 1966= "Re: Joseph James, Case Nos. 16203 and 16383 I mm in reCeipt of a copy of a letter from Mr. Sidney Mi Dubbin requesting remittance of a sentence pursuant to Section 57 of the City Charter. I have previously talked to Mr. Dubbin and agreed to make a recommendation that the sentence be remitted, although I am disturbed at the way Mr. Dubbin treats this as a very minor matter involving a dispute between a husband and wife. James was twice before the court in Case No. 16203 on charges of disturbing the peace by threats of violence and disturbing the peace by assault and battery which threats and assault were directed toward his wife, Frances James. At the first hearing, no punishment was imposed on James on his promise to stay away from his wife. However,. it appears that sub- sequent to this hearing he immediately began a campaign of harrsssment and malicious mischief. Among' the things brought out at the second hearing were the facts that the defendant on no less than six occasions slashed the tires of his wife's automobile. He continually harrassed his wife over the tele- phone until she was forced to get a private nUmber and then 'through some method, the defendant discovered the private number and continued his harrassment. He also continued to hang around her house, open her mail, and made many more' threats~ As a result of all this, at the second hearing I sentenced James to thirty days in jail and levied a fine of $150.00 or thirty more days in jail which fine was suspended providing the defendant made reimbursement to his wife for all the damage he caused. Case No. 16383 arose out of an assault on Preston Wright. The evidence brought out at the trial showed that the defendant was hanging around the house of the wife when he discovered the presence of Preston. Wright in the living room. ' He t~ere- upon Crashed his way through a jalousie door and attacked wright with an ice pick, inflicting wounds about his chest and collapsing a lung. W~ight had very extensive medical and s/9/66 "hbspital: bills and I .felt that the best .intere&t of all-con- cer~ed would~ be- served by -seeing t-hat Ja~es took cage ~f Wright' s medical bi.lls. I thereupon fined~Jame~ $~500.00 o ninety% ~s-in jail *~4',sm~ended ~is Se~e providing he pay the mediua, t bills. , Since the sentence in the second case has already been sus- · pended~, Z do,~ot see that any. action is n~essar~ on the of. the City.~*Co~isei~. J~es. i.s n~ ~ Jail .~der the thirty day sent~ce in Case No. 16203 an~ I ~u-l~:r~end to the. ' City Co~isSiom, ~at th~s ~rtion of his aent~ be suspended pr~ide~ he..pe~anently r~ove himself from ~e City of Delray Beauh a~-~,~pa~en~s .as prouided to ~ces J~es. and Presbon Wright, or to the doctors and hospital tn .~estion t~ough the ~. ~ey moved ~at.. ~e .recordation of ~e City. Judge of Del- ray Bea~ be aoue~ed, ,the ~t~on being eecon~e~ b~ ~. Saunders unan~oUs ly' carried. 3. ~. ~begt *D. He~ng, '100t S. W..Sth Street,., comp~in~d to ~ouncil of a dog in his neig~orhood ~ving dist~per, ~d as a result, his d~ had "~is~per and ha~ to be 'disposed of~ ~./Henning s~d he ~elt there e~uXd be a 'law pasS~ that when .a dog .is reported *~0 be sick, the ~Ii'c6-~uld have au~thority to pi~,-up ~e-dog and have it e~ined, and ~s~sed of, i~ it h~ suc~ a disease. A Police report ~s s~mitted ~d read to ~uncil concerning ~og in ~estion belonging to Mr. Julio C. B~ett S~son, which stated that ~. S~son ~id hi-s dog had-heart woms, but ~at ~--~1~ have i.t e~ine4 by a- ve~e~nari~. City Atto~y A~s..i~e~ Council that he ~uld ~see that ~.~e. Police fOlt~ that ~p ~ ~at he feels the suggested ordnance ~ould be ~yor ~ve~ suggested a motion ~t the City Atto~ey be directed to tight~~ '.the ordinance an~ to fo11~ .through on ,~. H~ing'~ re- .est. It ~s ~o ~d by ~. Saunder~, seconded~ by ~, JurneF and 3. ~. Pau'~ ~i~ey~ rep=e~ting ~e ~a~ ~ of De!xay Beach} ~uncil ~at it was one of ~y-f-ive flag& t~ Kiwani~ CI~ h chased ~or presentation to the City~ and ~h~t arrang~nts have been ~de ~th Ci~.~nage~ ~atchel ~d ,~. ~biU ~verett ~_flM said flags' on-National hol.idays~on-~tlantic.,Av~n~ a~d N~ E. 2nd Avenue where the brackets are m~e~ for ~hris~as. ,decor~ti~s. . ~e Ki~n~ ~l~'_was ~ked~ a~ .u~limented on their very ,patri- otic effort in~;~c~sing sai. a flags and. pres~ting th~ to th~ City. 4. ~. Cr~t re~'; he' Beautifm~atmon ~ittee;~e~in9 minutes of Co~%~i~g paragraph ~ of th~ April 27th mi~uteS~ Mayor Ave~2 sug- transferred<to the~ti~ncy ~, Fiance DirectOr ~r e~lai'ned at the ~nd of the ~ear, ,i~ ~ul~*au~ally b~e.a ~art ~f the Gene~l~nd.' (Jay0ees~%eautifioation. ef a-~ea at P.~E.C.' R~lway cmoss- ing~ and Atlantic Avenue.j)- 4.a. A roll call sh~ed the foll~ing OivtC ~r~i~ a~ .repr~ send.yes to be in -2- 5/9/66 111 this community to~:t~ke"a~antage of Palm Beach 'Cou~ty~.s educational program of Exten%~.~fome~.-Econom~*cs in "fur~;her, betterment of individual, family and c°nm~unity'~.cl.iving~ MayOr Avery asked'-th~t'.City~Cle~k Worthing .mail a copy',~f, said Pro- clamation to Mary L. Todd, Extension Home Economics Agen% of~.,Palm Beach County. 5.a. Mr; Jurne~: a~k~the statUs~'of the~'paving of a-. street lying be- tween S. E. 5th and..6th Avenues~ just.-north of De/ray Interiors and south of~ the Woman's Clu~ building. City'. M~nager'.Gat~_hel' reported that said street had, be~-~-referred to the City Ehgineer.. t= prepare for surfacing, ~nd;that ~uld be:d~ne at the' ~ime of. the n~xt surfacing projeCt from the ~ene~al 1~, . 5.a. Mr. Saunders informed Council that Mr. Joseph W. Bath, -Principal of the new P~ne Grove Elemen~ar~ School on S. W. 10th Street, had in- quired about :the Sidewalk-s~uatiDn -in that' vici~/ty.~ : i't was pointe~ out thaC: the ~ine Gr~e' School site~ is. not within the City. Mr. Saunders requested that the City Manager have the City Engineer prepare figures' on wh&t sidewalks at tha~. *location woul~ .c~s~ 5.a. Mr. Saunders said that he t~hough~ the Council should., uomp'liment Mr. Mak WOehl~ ~on his fine job of fencing in,%is junk yard, Ci~Manager was directed ~o write a letter to'.Mr.' Woehle informing him that the City Council wishes to comm~n~ hi.'m on~ ~he progress., he had made. - ~ 6.a. ' Concerning proposed Change' Order No. 2, affecting 'Int~co,unty Construction Corpor~tion:'~.contract for construction of Area 1~ in.-~he Sewage Works Project, City Manager Gatche'l.~nform~d!,Cou~ci!_,'that the change order provides for the addition o~ several small bet~ermen-t, and convenience items' at 'Lift Station 14, which-were requested by .the _City Sewer Department Superintendent, in the best irrterest of .-s~fe.~.an~ ef- ficient operat.ion, of the lift stat/on; further, the total cost for said items, as identified in the change order, is $398. 00~ '. and Council:'.ap- proval therefor is recommended. Mr. Saunders moved-that Change Order No. 2, affec,ting Intercounty Construction 'corporaCion.'a contract, be approved, the m~tion being se, c0~ded by Mr. Croft and unanimously Carri'e~. See~*'pa~es 118..~,118.B. Cop~ of C~sn~s 0~e~ N~'~ ~ attaehed-.'to the ~ff.!otal:=og~ uf mtm~tes~* 6.b, Concerning 'Cha/~ge Urder~No. 3, reflecting final estimate of the contract" Wi'th' ~nterCOUnty construction Corporation. fo= ~Area t4, City Manager ~atchel reported-tO Council as f61~ows: /Change. order. relative'tO 'Intercount~ COnstruction Corporation's AUgust 28, I965,: provides for r~conciliation of ~all differences between the 'As Built' quantities and the bid quantities. Said Change. Order also reflec~s the result of 'any 'Deletions or .'Additt, ons to,the .original contract, and all such variations are set forth.in-detail-in. APpendix 'A'; attached' to and forming a part-of the :Change Order.- Said'~Ch~ge Order is further ~supl~lemented by Final Estimate No. in the amount 6f $~24¥.399.46, attached-thereto, and re~lects the Con~ sulting Engineers' .recommendation for final~ acceptance 9f, anti-.payment for, th~ completed contract for Area 14. The City Engineer concurs in this recommendation and the final estimate has been reviewed,, computa- tions and final estimate checked, and to that extent approved by your Director' of Finance, The. pleasure of Council concerning Change Drder No. 3 ~s rmgues-ed. Mr. Saunders. moved that Change Order No. 3, affecting Intercounty Construction Corporation.' s contract, be approved. The~mOtion was:. se- conded by Mr, croft and carried UnanimouSly. ~.~p~ of ~h~sc.~d~,~' 3 is attached t~_~ the~. efft01al 0opy of minutes. Se'sppages:.:!l~8~ O 11~i J. 6.c. toncerning'a survey of. parcels of land ih.viulatio~ of nuisance laws 'presented by, the City Manager, Mr. Croft moved that the City Clerk be directed to proceed wi-th~ the.~en~or=emen-t of Cha~gr-. 15 of the~ C~de 'of Ordinances.: *The motion was~ *seconded 'by Mr~ ~ Saund$rs and earriec~, unan,tmouslv~(CopY Attached~., ~oee. {~. 5/9/66 112 6.do Regard/rig consideration of bids received for sidewalk and road. co~str~ction, City ~M~nage.r.Oatchel reported to Council as follows "At a special Council meeting held on Thursday,. M~y 5th, the following bids were received: Gra~ing, Preparing Base and Installing approximately 14,000 feet of SIDEWALK: THICKNESS TH.ICKNSSS TOTAL .11,900'- '4" 2,100"- 6" Green & Matra, Inc. $29,869.°00. $10,101,00 $39,970.00 Hardrives of Delray, Inc. 29,036.00 10,059.00 $9,095.00 Hou~ai 11e-D~va t-Wright Co~ 23.,562.00 5,880,00 29,442°00 Rubin Construction-Co'. 33,6?7.00 7, 09~o 00 40~775.00 Said bids were referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for tabulation and study, and., asa result-~hereof, it is recommended that award ~for ~he sidewalk installation be made to.the lo~b~er,. Hou- rial lie-Dural-Wright Company, for the sum of $29,442,00."' · 'Mayor Aver~asked the amount of the Engineer's prelimin~ry estimate on sa-id s~d~wa'~k construction, a~d the City Manager ~eported that fi- gure was approximately ~i,000.00. Mr. Croft move~ that said contract be awarded to HOudaille-Duval- Wright Company in the amount of $29,442&00. The motion was seconded by Mr; Ju=ney and carried unar~mouslyo C4ty-.Manager ;Gatchel informed Council that the reason for taking action separately on awarding the contracts for construction of side- walks and the paving of a portion of S. W. llth Avenue is that the proper legal action, instigated by Council, had been taken providing for the co:st of the sidewalks to be paid, on a cost sharing basis, by the City and the abutting property owners. The City Ms_~ag~r said that bids had been recei~ed.~ as follows, for Fi~ling, Grading and Paving that part of S. We llth Avenue lying be- tween 2nd a~d 3rd Streets: Hardrives of Delray, Inc. $5,888.00 Rubin Construction Company 6.,813.12 The City Manager continued: "We would like to. recommend to .you Chat award for the improvement .of said portion of S. W. llth Avenue be made to the low bidder, Hardrives Of Delray, Inc,, in the amount, of $5,888.00, but I would like to call to your attention, Gentl.eme~, that streets are:normally pave~ on an assessment bas.ia~ therefore., T- would like to ~recO~mend to you ~chat in conjtu%otio~.'wit~ the award of contract to. the l~w bidder, as recommended, if you see .fit, that you f~rther in- struct the.City Administration to proceed as in past policy w~th a pro- V~sion for sharing of cost for the installation of-the road." .~. It was:stated-that t~is road..installation ~sh~uld.be on a cost ~ring basis of 80%.'to~t~:.p=operty owners' and-20% ~o the Mr. Croft 'th~n ~oved that the low bidder, Hardrives o~ De~lray, Inc. be awarded th~ contract in't~e .amount- of '~-$,888,00 ~..a~-~ the proper- ~y owner~ ~e a. saessed on a~ ..~,20 basis. 'The. ~ao~4~oA ~"secotlde~ by ~r~ Jur~ey and carried un-arr/meusly. 7.a? City Clerk Worthing_ informed Council ~hat a pe~A~on..~.~o~ ~is-. pel~sing-beer An cc~unction with. a Lure's Restaurant., to. be 10~pted at 1645 North-Federal'Highway, has been received~ from Lum~s~ ~nc., who are currently in':the pro~s of improv-ing a tract of Land on t~he north- ea-~t corner of Royal ~a/m Bou2e~aEd and Nort~ Federal ~ghway~ further, that all regulations and.requirements for such activAty b~ving been met, including approval o~ the applicant by th~ '~ro~e= City Law Divi- sion and the State -Beverage Department, it is reco~en~ed that the re- quest.be granted, The Council queStiOned ~granting such a petition since the property has not ~et been annexed.to, the Cit~. City Attorney .~d_~S. pointed out that the Ordinan.ce providing for -4- 5/9~66 annexation of sai~ property is .on the agen~a.-~for, ton~gh~,.', a~d that he feels it is in the best ~teres~. of the-City to annex the property., Ma~or AVery suggested.that.:a.motion approving.sai~ .petition for a beer license be contingent upon the passing of the ord',~ance annexi.n.~ said property. It was- so moved by Mr. Jur~ey, seconded by Mr. Croft and unanimoUsly carried. - ~ - 8.a. City Cler~*WOrthing presente_d~RESOLUTION NO. 20-66. A ~ESOLUTION OF' T~E CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF DEL~AY*'~EACH~ ~FLORIDA. ASSESSING COSTS FOR. A~ATING'NUISANCES UPON CERTAI.N~-LANDS LOCATED WITHIN SAID* CITY,~ SETTING OU~.~ACTUAL COSTS..~N-. CURRED? BY ' SAID CITY. TO. ACCOMPLISH $~CH ABATE~ MENT AND LEVYING T~E COST OP SUCH ABATEMENT OF SAID NUISANCES, AND DE.CLA/~ZNG-i SAID LEVY TO BE-A LIEN UPON SAID PROPERTY I~ AN AM0~lqT AS. SHOWN ?*BY REPORT QF .THE CITY MANAGER OF__DELRAY BEACH~ . ~/~.~)RIDA o. (Copy of Resolution No, .20-66-and accompa~fing assessments ar.e attached to the official copy of these.minutee.) See 9aBes* ll~M-118-N. Resolution No. 20-66. was unanimously *passed and a~opted-.on this first and final reading, on motion by Mr. S. aunders~.~nd seconded by Mr .:' Oroft. 8.b. The City Clerk presented RESOLUTION NO.-*.21.66._.. _ L =.' :*:' A RESOL~/TION OF T~E CITY COUNCIL.OF T~CITY .-.,. - OF DELRAY BKACH~ FLORIDA, RELATING TO, THE /~E- ,. MOVAL OF THE/FLORIDA EAST COAS~ RAI-LWAY.S. TATION. (Copy of Res'olution No. 21-66 is attached to' the official copy of these minutes.) See ipage~l-18.-K ..... .. . .. *. Mr. Jurney moved that Resolution No. 21-66 be passed .and adopted on th/*s .*first and. 'f~'n*al reading, th~- motion* being~-secon~ed by, Mr. Saunder~ ~. Mr. Saunders asked if there is 'a time limit on the removal of buildings,~ an~ questioned the cost-invol~ed ia remo.~al. City M~nager ~atehel answered'as follows::~ 'LThere have/)een ..no commitments'~ade-°n the Ci~y?s part at this time as to ,any ti~e ~limit for removing th/s.building~ neither has the~e-hee~ any eeti~a~e:as to what it .woul~ cost to remo~.eSthe.buil~ing. -I ~roul~ like t.o .say, answer to your .cluestions-an~ as-a .little a~itional infor~atiu, n, that this Resolution has=really.been ,pu~hed*~y the ~hamber .of. Commercp, through ~he ,leadershi~' of ~heir- President, Mr.. LeRoy, Merritt~.. We.have met with.'the~, ~and* through *the eff~rts or,the Chamber. of Commerce led by Mr. ~erritt, 'they ha~e contacted, t~e ~ffi~als of the F. E, Co Railway in St. Augustine and they have found tha~..this *i.s possible in a *sim/lar vein~ in fact an i~e~tical:vein,~as.;the 'City. of-Boynton B~each disposed of their station. *An'.~id~mtical resolution was ~passed by the City-of ~oynton Beach an~ .a~=o~.ed ~¥~the F. _Eo * C-.,.Ra~**lway. ,~ ~Thro~gh contaut'with Mr.&* Kain,.-.the..City,~anager of:'BoyntO~:.~each, I *f&Ru%d .*~hat it cost~..th~ City' of Boynton Beach.,.$800.00 totat.. :They asked.for: from ~emolition contractors, an~,-they each bid on~demoliehing, the buil~'ng~ * the low bid being -.for demolishing the build~ng~. ~for,* its sal- vage valu-e plus*.'$800~0D cash,'; How ~that .woul~.compare.~i*~h .the-stat-ion in Delray Beach, we haue ~'not gone into until we have .your approvalo" Mayor Avery sa~d tha~,if :'sa~d work couZd~ be* a~co~plished- by .the - City ,Manager within his budgeted ~un~s, that WOUld b~ satisfactory, but. £f more money is:~neede~t 'the' Ct~yCManager-*.wi~l.~come back to. Coun- cil for s~me. - , ... - . _ 5/9/66 Mr. Jurney informed Council that he had been approached by two in- dividuals desir, ing the lumber from said bui.!d/ng~ and that he did not believe the cost to the City would amount'to very mu=he Mr. Jurney was asked to refer said individuals to the City. Manager. Upon call of rolt on ..the motion that Resolution No. 21-66 be passed and adopted, the motion carried unanimously. 8.c. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NOo 29-66. AN ORDI/~qNCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ~.,~ONING ,AND PLACING THE EASTERLY PORTION OF E% OF NS% 'OF S~% OF SE~. OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43.EAST, LESS ~ROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY ON NORTHERLY AND EAST- ERLY LINES~ ALSO THE WEST 333 FEET OF LOT '21,. SECTION 20, T~NSHIP 46 'SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, LESS ROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY ON THE NORTBERLY AND WESTERLY LI~, DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ,iN. ~C~'3 WHOLESALE .DISTRIBUTION AND LIGHT INDUSTI~ DISTRICT", 'AMENDING "~ONING MAP OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 1960". (Copy Of Ordinance No.. 29-66 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.)., See pa~e 118-0, There being no objection to Ordinance No. 29-66, said ordinance was unanimously passed and adopted on this second and final reading, on motion by Mr. Saunders and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 8.d. The .City Clerk presented ORDINANCE NO. 30-66. AN. 'ORDINANCE OF 'THE CITY ~F"DELRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH CODNTY~ FLORIDA, AMENDING CODE OF ORDI~ N~NCES OF T~E CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, BY AMENDING ~C~TION_, 22~1 THEREOF RELATING TO THE REGISTERING, ~NGERPRI~NTiNG AND PHOTOGRAPHING OF CERTAIN EM- (COp~-O~ Ordinance No. 30-66 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) ~ee_pa~e ~lS-P. During the public hearing-on said ordinance, Mr. Clinton Johnson with the Has~e~ Johnson Lawn ~aintenance asked if this ordinance in- cludes &11 bu.sinesses =e'gist~red in the City of-Delray Beach or just some particular businesses. City Atto=ney Adams said the Ordi-~ance ~i.ncluded the businesses that the COtlnail feels should be reqtt~ated b~cause they have access to properties, -but- ~oes not include all businesses o There being no ,objection to Ordinance-No. 30-66, said ordinance was unanimously passed and adopted on this second and finai reading, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded 'by Mr. Satulderso 8.e. Concerning Ordin.anoe_ No. 32.66. relating to the rezo~i~ O~ cer- tain lands, Mayor Avery Said this o~dinance requires som~ ~ion and it seems indicated that a confe=ence~ is ~eeded P~anning/~oning Board. owners of .t~eprop'er~i-es- involved, ~., Ritterbusch and others, and suggested that this ordinanc% b% until such--conference can be.. arranged, Mr. Cro~t moved tha~ O=~a~ce .No. 32-66 be tabled cH1 ~hat the. motion bei~ng seconded' by Mr~ Saunders' ,and unanimously 8. fo City 'C~e~k Worth~ng, p=eset%~ed ~OttD-TNANCE NO..33£66. LEVYING THE ASSESSMK~ AS SHOWN BY T~E ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBMITTED BY TI~ C~,TY MANAGER OF SAID CITY ~/~/~s 1'15 CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORM DRAINS IN SECTION ~"Q~' AS SHOWN ON STORM DRAINAGE'-SYSTEM. SURVEy Fi~E T.F. 1868hQ, TOGETHER WiTH THE IN- STAV.~%TION OF CATCH BASINS, -MAN-HOLES. AND AP- PuR'TENA~CES 'IN CONJUNCTION WITH SUCH STORM ." DRAINS. (Copy of-Ordinance No.'33-66 and accompanying .assessment roi1 are attached to the officia-1 ..Copy of these minutes.) See page llS-R. There bei.ng no objection to the a~sessment r011-for construction of storm drains in' section "Q", Ordinance No'. ~33-66 was unanimously passed and adopted ~on this second-and final re~ding, on motfon: 'by Mr. Croft and seconded by-Mr~ Jur~y. ' -'~ - · 8.g. The City Clerk presented ORDINANCE NO. 34-66. AN O~DINANCE OF T~E' ~ITY OF DELRAY-BEACH, FLORIDA, LEVYING THE ASSESSMENTS AS SHO~N BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBMITTED BY T~E CITY MANAGER OF SAID. CITY, FOR CONSTRUCTION-OF SIDEWALK FIVE (5) FEET IN WIDTH ON THE EAST SIDE OF NORTH SWINTON AVENUE. BETWEEN N. 8th STREET-AND N. E. 22nd STREET; ALSO ON. THE SOUTH SIDE OF N. E. 22nd STREET BETWEEN NORTH SWINTON AVENL~ AND N. E. 2nd AVENUE; ALSO' ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF"THAT PORT~ON OF N. E. 18th STREET BETWEEN NORTH SWINTON AVE- NUE AND.. N. E. 2nd AVENUE. (Copy of Ordinance No. 34-66 and _accompanying assessment roll are attached to the Official copyI of these minu~es,)"'~e~ page llS-S. There beihg 'no Objection t~ ~he assessmeht roll for construction of sidewalks on a portion of North Swin-to~AvenUe, a'portion of N. E. 22nd Street' and"a portion-~of N. E. 18th stree~,.~,Ordinance No. 34-66 was unanimously passed and adopted on this second'* ~ final reading, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded, by Mr, Croft. 8. h. City Clerk Worthing presan~ed ORDINANCE NO. 35-66.. AN ORDINANCE OF T~E ~C~TY-COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL_RAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO".THE CITY OP-DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LAND, NAMELY LOTS !, 2, 3,.' 4', and 5, BLOCK A, ROYAL PALM-GARDENS -. PLAT NO. 3, ¥~{IC~ LAND IS CONTIGUO~3S TO EXIST- I~G M~NICIPAL LIMITS OF 'SAID C~TY~ REDEFINING- T~E BOUNDARIES OF. SAID. CITY TO INCDUDE. SAID LAND~ PROVIDING' FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING-- T~EREOF. (1645 North Federal Highway) Ordinance No. 35-66 was unanimously l~laced on first reading, on motion by Mr~ Jurney 'and seconde~ by Mr. Croft. 9.a. .Reg~. 'ng the Planning Board's report concerning request.. ~or- right-of-way through: City property., City' Clerk Worthing r~porte~ to Council as follows: "Rgport of the Pl_annin~ Board, together with sketch showing the subject property', accompan.ied the agenda to each of the Counci~men. ' Mr. Lochiatto has made a tentat.ive~of~er to se~l to the City his. parcel of land,~ indicated on the sketch by XXX, c~mpris- lng less than an acre, for~the~ sram of $$~100,' The parc~l marked Private, and located in the lower right corner of the sk%tch, is'the 0ther't~act Of land, which-, aleng with Mr. Lochiat~o's p.arcel, and~0f comparable size' thereto~, t~e Planning Board recommends that 'Council m~y ~sire the city' ~$~a~er to. negotiate with "both owners of sase toward possible acquisition thereof, subject to Council approValo" During d~Saussion, Mr. Jurney suggested that the City Manager ne- gotiate with Mr. Lochiatto for the property at a figure of around $1,200. Mayor Avery suggested a motion that the offer of the land at $6,100 be rejected, and that the City Manager be directed to see if he can ne- got/ate for a more reasonable figure, That would include both owners. It was so moved by Mr. Jurney, seconded by Mr° Croft and unanimously carried. 9.~b. City Manager Oatchel presente~ the ~o11OWi~g memoran4um, dated April. 19, 1966, to the City Manager from Finah~ Direotor Weber: "SUBJECT: Progress Report - Rehabilitation of O.1~ Sewer' System From January 1, 1966, to.March 31, 1966, there-has been expended $3,293o17 for rehabi~ita~io~ of the-OLd sewer SY'st~ by city forces as ~ol~ows m Fore~an $ 788,° 00 Labor 1,889 ~ 09 Construction Material 442,76 Social S~curity Expense 112.4~ Insuranc~ 'Expense 60,89 $3,293'o 1~~ In addition, the rehabilitation crew worked five days on new construction, at Laterial 6hA-3B, S. W.' 4th Street. This cost of $665.49 is also being capitalized." The City Manager al~o presented the followi~g ~.morandum, dated April 30, 19'66, to the City Manager from the City Engineer: "Subject~ Sewer Rehabilitation as of March 31, 1966 During the period from JanUary 1, 1966 to March 31, 1966, an addi.~£onal 12,182 lineal feet of the old sewer system were rehabilitated. Th/s figure should .be added to the figure of 21, 193 lineal feet rehabilitated prior ~o January 1st, making a ~otai of 33,375 lineal-feet completed. In addT'~ion to the ~OVe, 31 manholes were. rehabilitated during ~his q~arter, making a total of 141 completed. The tota'~t expenditure for this period as shown in the Finance Director's r~port, .was $3,293.1~. This amount ~dded to the ,, previously reported asount of January 1, 1966, i9"~,244.87 makes a total expenditUre of The overaI{ cost per lineal .foot for rehabilitating 33,379 lineal feet of pipe becomes $0°2898. The total lineal feet of the old system to be rehabilitated was 49,204 lineal' feet, with & total of 171 manholes and laspholes. This means that the sewer work is about 74.% com- pleted and manholes 82% completed. {~e have worked through &~% .of ~he old pipe now, although some work rmmains to.be don~' on the. main collector l~ines~ we have located and pin P°in~ed the remaining trouble sp~t~s an~ axe in the process of taking measures to correct these before the final cleaning. -8- 5/9/66 "As you know, we are now in the process of reconstructing cer- tain lines end.connections which were originally, planned and ar® necessary. Most 6~":~e ~emainaer of our work now consists of. replac.ing a few old lines with new. If all goes Well, we wi 11. probably, be. comp. letely finish.ed '~th '~he' ~ehaDi li~atio~ project prior to the next ~u~rterly report." It was. pointed~ Out that'~here had been an engineer's estimate of approximately $!90:.900 for sa~d work ~ be-done., an~ an estimate of approx-imatel, y $40~0001 if the'City f~rCes did the WOrk, and it now ap- Pears that'~he total' rehab~li'tat£°n of the o1~ sewer~'~can ~e completed for approximately $15,000. City Engineer Fleming was commended on the very fine job of re- habilitation of the old sewer system. ' 10.x. City Manager Gatchel informed Council that he has an estimate of $2,300 from .Mr..D.R. Neff, P.~oject Manager f~r ~ussell &~Axon, re- lative to a request received for one block of sewer installation on S. W. 2nd Court between ?th a~ 8th ~%venue's= furt~ler, th~s"~ a portion of the City which was Sew~ered"under Ph~S%~"~',~ an~ a'~ the 'time of lation, this street did not warrant, from an economic 'stan~Poi'nt&~ the installation of sewers. Since the si~tuation has changed and there are improved properties, the request has been made for sewer' installation. The City Manager reported that Busby & Stiml~son are now installing sewers in Area 20, ~hich lies immediately'we~t 0~' this street, and recommended that authorization be gfPen for ~ss~anCe' of a 'Change' Order to the contract of Bumby &.Sti~psOn for the""instalia~io'n of said one block of sewers on S. W~ 2nd Cou~t between 7th and 8th Avenues at an approx$:mate.cOst of $2,300. It was pointed out that the yearly.reve- nue from '~hi~ one bl0ck of S~wer installation is $240'.00% which' would make the installa'tion f~asible. ' Mr. Sa~nders moved that the' recom~ehd~iOn of the C~ty Manager be approved...The motion was se_c.0nded by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimous- 10.x. City Manager Gatchel informed Council of a septic ~.ank problem at the vo F. W. Pon~ League Ball Field located 'oh B10ck 37", and stated that approximately thirty feet from the septic tank is a City sewer line. Furt. her, that the City has be.eh taking care of the cost'%f the septic tank repair,- and that he would recommend, at this time that Council giw$.',authorization for connectio~ Of the V. F.; W. Pony League Ball Field to the e~isting sewe~ line, with the City crews doin. g the work, as Sewer Superintenden~ Car1 Howard has estimated~that said work would cost approximate.ly.$125.00. Mr. Saunders moved' to approve the-recommendation' of the City Mana- ger, the m0ti'on being 'seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried. 10.x. city Clerk Worthing read in full RESOLUTION NO'. 22~66. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF D~L~AY BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING'WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORTS ON THE BEACH EROSION CONTROL PROJECT NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION.' (Copy of Resolution No. 22-66 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See 9aEc llS-U. Resolution No, 22-66 was unanimously pa. ssed and adopted on this first and final reading, on motioh'by Mr. Jurney and seconded by 'Mr. Saunders. 10.x. MayOr Avery' said the "~esire had been expressed that-the Ci'ty Engineer make similar reports and suggested a motion to cover same. Mr. Croft moped that ~ Cit~ Manager be instructed to require a separate report to be made to the Council on the progress of the re- vetment construction, to be made weekly during the entire period by -9- 5/9/66 City F~i~er .Fleming, this to b'e separate and apart from the report of GlaCe ~t~neering COrporation. The' motion was seconded by Mr. Saunders and carried unanimously. 10ox. Mr. Jurney informed CounciI that Mr. John George had inquired about the City putting clay on the ball diamond at the Little ~eag~e Ball Field, and asked if it would be possible for ~ to contact Re- creation Director Elliott about same, With Counuil agreement, Mayor Avery dir_ected Mr. Jurney to' confer with City Manager Gatchel and Recreation Director E11iott in an effort to get this work done. 10.a. City Clerk Worthing presented Bills for Approval as follows: General Fund $58,017.03 Water o~erating & Mainte~ance Fund '5~I84~94 aefundab %~ .D~posits Fund '40100 Capital Iml~rove~ents construction TrUst FUnd 23,08~ ,66 Cigarette Tax Fund 5,3S8.00 The bills Were unanimotlsly ordered .paid on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconde~ b~ Mr. saund6rs- 10.xo City Manager GatChel reported to C6~nc~l ~at he had bee~ in- formed that Dickers0n, Inc,, the. p~ime contractor on the.beacl~.?~eot- ment ~r°j/ect, has subcontracted th~ in~tallation"of the =ce wa~,~ MUrphy Construction. ~ompany~ further, that Murphy Const~uction Company i.s ~he cohtractor who installe~ the sea wall alo.~g th~']i:~ntracoastal waterway .at the City Park, with which the .Council was very much p~eased and w~i~h~.Prompted the thinking of the design of the toe wall which has been i~co~porated in the revetment installation. The City ~nager said he feels the City has the best contractors available for the construction of the revetmen~ and the toe wall. The meeting adj~ourned at 9:20 P.M. city ~'lerk APPROV~b: MAY!OR 3"~ -lO- 5/9/66 l18-A CITY OF ~LRAY BRACH PA~ 'BF~FI ~-~]~ITY ~ ~ · PROJeCt ~. 5~4~8-b ~ O~ER ~. 2J ~is agreemen~ ..en~e~d in~o ~his day 1966, by ~d be~een the C~ OF DEL~Y BEA~, PA~ BEA~ ~, F~RIDA, ~ pa~y of ~he FI~ par~, ~d I~R~ ~S~ pa~y of '~he SE~ part, ~he s~e being a ~ge or ~plemen~ ~o a certain C~trac~ by '~d between the parties afo~said, da~' ~s~ 28, 1~5 ~or the cons~c~ion, o~ a Sewerage Wo~k~ P~ect in ~ea ~4 in'the C~ OF DEL~Y BEA~, P~ B~ ~, F~IDA. ~. ~, ~he ~a~y o~ ~he F~ pa~ desi~s ~o ~nd ~he ~n~rac~ to F~vide for s~l be~t ~ c~v~i~ce i~e~, as reques~ by ~he City Se~r S~ri~tend~t, - ~ - ~, ~ese i~ a~ list~ be~: 1. Provide a Xi$~ ~d swit~ in the en~r~ce v~t, pr~ide a steel pipe ra~ for ~t~g all e~ec~ica] e~i~ent, lieu of a ~d ~Xe, (a~l~ing d~ credit for ~he ~le), p~viding 10 extra f~t of ~rg~d electzical conduit, all a~ a ne~ 1~ ~ ces~ o~ $243~. ~ 2. ~ish ~d insgal~ one e~ra 4" ~ ga~e valve with valve ~x at a ~ s~ cos~ of 3. Incre~e size of ~tr~e v~l~ a~ a l~ s~ price of $60. ~. II. ~~, ~he par~ of ~e ~ ~ a~ea to ~r~ o~ ~e extra ~rk ~ indi~ ~, ~ishing all necess~ ~r, ~eria~, ~d s~li~' at ~ .~ ~ ~ price of $~98.~. ~e ~otal ~iti~ ~o ~e ~ being ~e ~dred, Nine~y-Eigt ~]~ ($$~.~). llS-B III. It is further .agreed and understood that the Contract time will not be extended, and that this change Shall not alter in any manner the force and ef£ecto£ the'original Contract dated August 28, 1965, and the same shall stand in full force and effect in all respects, except as ~m~ndedby this .agreement. INTERCOUNTY CONSTRUCTION CORP. Reco~endedfor Approval: Accepted: RUSSELL I ~XO~ CONSULTING ENGINEERS, 'INC. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA Approved as to rom: By ...... , " City Mani~ger By ' City Attomey Attest: City Clerk 118-C CITY OF DELRA¥ BEACH PALgt BEAC}~ COt~,~ FLORIDA SEWERAGE 'WORKS ' PROJECT Pro3eet No. 5964-8b CHANGE ORDER NO. $ This .agreement entered into this __'day of , 1966, by and between the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PAL~ BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, as party of the FIRST part, and INTERCOUNTY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION as party of the SECOND part, the Same'being a change or supplement to a certain Contract by and between the parties aforesaid, dated August 28, 1965, for the construction of a Sewerage Works Project in Area 14 o£ the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PAL~ BEACH CO~,. FLORIDA. WITN~SSEI~{: I. WHEREI~S,the party of the FIRST part desires to amend the Contract to reconcile the' final quantities as constructed' with the quantities as originally bid, - and - WHEREAS, the final constructed quantities are Set forth in the Final Esti~utte' No. 6, ~ and - WHEREAS, a discussion of the differences which exist between' the bid quantities and the' Constructed quantities is attached as Al)pendi~ "A" to' this change order, - and - WHEREAS, both Final Estimate'No. 6 and Appendi~ "A" are, by reference,made an int. egral part of this change order, - and - W}~REAS, this .change order~ when signed'by all parties thereto, constitutes final acceptance by the CITY OF DELRAY FL~IDA, of all w~rk'cal~cied out under this Contract. Il. THEREFC-RE, the party of the SECOND part agrees that this f:inal reconciliation change order supersedes any ,~nd all previous correspondence or verbal agreements regarding delet:ions or additions to the scope of the work carried out ~der this Contract dated Au~st 28, 1965 for the construction of a Sewerage Works Project located in Area 14 of the CITY OF DEL~Y BEACH, PALM B~ CO~, F~RIDA, and the party of the SECOND part ~rther agrees that all qu~tities ~d prices sho~ on the attached Final Estimate are correct, ~d that the ~ount of Twenty-Four ~ous~d, ~ree ~dred Ninety-Nine Dollars ~d Forty-Six Cents ($2~,399.46) constitutes final pa~ent, including retainage, for all materials fumished, and work, p~rfom,d ~der this Contract, all in accord~ce with the te~s of the o~iginal Contract. III. It is further agreed ~d ~dorstood that this change order shall not altor in ~y m~or tho mainten~c~, ~d perfo~co ~ar~ties of the original C~tract dated ~st 28, 1965: ~d the s~ shall stud in ~11 force ~d effect i~ all respects. Reco~ended for A~roval: R~SELL ~ ~ ~SULTING ENGI~E~, INC. ' I~RC~ ~S~I~ CORP. By BY ' Accep~ ed: c~ o~ ~a~ ~A~ p~' ~ ~ By By C~ty Attomey Mayor C'it~ M~ager Attest: ' City clei. k 118-E CITY OF DELRAY BEACH PALM BBACH COUNTY, FLORIDA SENERAGE WORKS PROJECT Project No. 5964-8-b Area 14 APPENDIX "A" to CHANGE ORDER NO. $ 1. The purpose of this Appendix is to eXPlain the reasons for the varia- tions in quantities amd payments between those carried on the original Contract and those carried on the Final Estimate. 2. While a variation of $1,000. or less is considered to be well within ~,~ normal expectations for und0rground work, this Appendix will discuss in detail all significant variations from Contract quantities. $. Items 59 to .44 cover stage excavation and backfill. It will be noted that, in general, the shallow cuts underran and the deeper cuts overran. This has been the general eXPerience in muck areas where we must undercut two feet and backfill with two feet of crushed stone in order to provide a firm foundation for the pipe. If this is not done, the pipe will soon break up. While the entire length of Main 14 along A-I-A was in solid reck, all lines running westward were in muck. Fortunately, some of these changes were compensating, as we underran $7,$00. in the 0-6 ft. cut, and underran $7,520 iu the deepest cut (14' t~ 16'). The overruns occurred in the intermediate cuts. The result of all this was a net overrun of $2,53~ .in trench excavation. This overrun is magnified some- what by the fact that the Contractor had an unbalanced bid on his rock excavation of 10¢ per cu. yd., which was only partially compensated for by the somewhat unbalanced nature of the money he had for his inter- mediate cuts. -'~ 4. Items 45 and 46 cover vitrified clay sewer line pipe - 8" and 12". These came out quite close to the plan quantities. ~ S. Items 47 to S1 cover house service connections. We overran these item~ a net of $1,561. due to the fact that we put in more service connections than were shown on the plans. 6. Items 52 to 58 generally cover manholes and appurtenances. These items had a net overrun of $479. ~ecause one manhole was added in the field, and the depths of others were increased s~ightly, ?. Item $9 covers 10" cast iren force main. This item underran because of a shift in the location of the Lift Station off the State Road Right of Way on to a City owned Street Right of Way at Del Harbor Drive. 8. Item 61 is for 6" cast iron pipe used in highway crossings for house service connections. This item overran $1,110. due to added lengths, in some instances, totaling 120 feet. 9. Item 62, limerock base replacement. This overran $808. as it was --~ considered good construction practice to offset the force main four feet from the deep gravity main in areas where they ran parallel. 10. Item 6S, asphalt driveway replacement. This item overran $225. because some driveways had been paved since the plans were prepared. 11. Item 64 - Rock excavation. This item overran 2725 cu. yds. If we had a normal balanced bid, it would have resulted in a serious overrun. However, at 10~ per cu. yd., it amounted to only $2?2. 12. Item 65 o Lumber left in place. None used, therefore underran $S50. la. Item 66 - Concrete in sewer trench. This is impossible to estimate in advance. It is used to encase deep wyes to guard against breakage. Overrun of $468. 14. Item 67 - Material for sewer pipe bedding. It is very difficult to estimate this item in advance of excavation. See Items 39 to 44 (trench excavation) where we had to undercut two feet, and backfill with crushed rock to prOvide a firm foundation for the pipe. This was necessary in all muck areas west of A-I-A. This item overran $4,620. 15. Item 58-a - Lift Station. This came out on the money. 16. The total amount of overrun of bid quantities covered by this recon- ciliation .agreement is $11,26g, Under the circumstances of the deep rock cuts, and the muck areas w~st of A-I-A; this overrtm of 7% is considered to be well within normal limits for this type of under- ground construction. ThisAppendix, consisting of two pages, is .agreed to by the Contractor and the Consulting Engineers. RUSSELL ~ AXON INTBR~ CONSTRUCTION CORP. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. l18-G PERIODICAL ESTIMATE FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT .59~-8b P. O. B~ 15~ FIN~ ~t. 2720 ~ 3.~ 8,160 ~ 288 864 O0 7,296 O0 11 42 Stye ~c~tl~ & ~ck- ~t. Ill) ~ 20.~ 22,3~ ~ 1462 29,240 O0 -6,940 O~ lO0+ cuC. ~62 ~ 20.~ 11,210 ~ 181 3,620 O0 7,620 OO ~6 ~r. & ins~l 8" V.C. Be~r pi~. 3~ ~ 2.~ 10,1~0 ~ 3931 10,220 60 - 80: 6~ 100+{ fled clay pi~ c~ccl~, 3720 ~ 2.~ 7,~0 ~ 42S~ 8.S06 O0 -~,066~ OO ~00+ f~d clay pl~ se~ice V.C. Wee & st~rs. G1 h 18.60 762 ~ 62 1,153 20 -390 60 100+ ,~' V.C. ~s & stetro, 89 ~ ~ 10.35 921 ,5 95 983 25 - 62; 10 100+ em & s~rs. 2 ~ 40.~ ~~ 4 160~00 - 80'00 10~ -118-! LC~....ATION ~Y ~f.,A~; ~?Li~I~'I'T~ I'~OJECT ~. 6 ~ ~n~ August 28, ~ 65. TO Feb~a~ 20~19 66 ~ 4:~ ~ ~o1.. 20 ~ 270.~ ~,A~ ~ 20 5,400 O0 .... 100 ,,' ~ C~i ~' ~ ~olee. ~ 2~ ~ ............... ,,~ :~~ole. 5 ~ ~5,~ ~,275 ~ 6 1,530' 00 '- 255 0C 100+ , ,~,, i~ ~oles. h ~5.~ ............... i 2 h 81so S lSO ..... ~t ir~ ~4 min. ~75 ~ 4,75 11,281 25 2,217 10,530 75; 750 [~le. I ~ 73.~ 73 ~, I 73 O0 .... 100 ,A-~-A, ~ ~ 9.~ 7~ ~ 200 1,850[00 -1,110 ~ 10~ ~t, 2760 ~ 2.7~ 7,5~ ~I 3,054 8,398~50 - 808 50 100+ ~t ~L~ ~- , mat ~l~mut. ~ ~ 3.~ ~ ~ 360 '1,080':00 - 225 ~ 100~ L ~ ~ ~at%~. 1112 ~ .10 111 20 3,837 383 70 - 272 50 100~ ~r left tn p~m I ~ 350.~ 350 ~ ........ 350 O0 t~, 5 ~ ~.~ ~50 ~ 20.60 618 O0 - 468 00, I00+ h~L~. 7~ ~ 6.~ &50 ~ 845 5,070 O0 -4,620 001 100+ 118- I)IIlQMCAL ISTIMAT! FSI PAITIAL PAYMINT 596~.-8b P. O. ~ 1500 ~ FINAL 6 FOa~R~o~AuEust 28, t965, TO Feb.ruary 20~ ~9 66 ~' ' E~:GIV. & l:~u~terin8 lump ~um &,$~ IX) L.S. 4,594 ~0 .... ~00 ~ C~Ce g~k ~ ~ 2,~S ~ L.S. 2,345 O0 .... 100 ~b 8~ti~ tn PX~ · ~ ~ X2,1~ ~ L.S. 12,136 DO .... lO0 ~ ~reZl ~ ~t ~1] ~ ~ 2,~56 ~ L.S. 2,456 O0 .... 100 ' El~tr~ W~M ~ ~ 2,2~ ~ L.S. 2,290 O0 .... 100 ~alntl~ ~ ~ ~5 ~ L.S. 645 00 .... 100 ~ ~ic price per ~bic y~( of c~te la pl~e ~d ~tr~ ~ ~leted 70 ~tt prim ~r ~d of ~M~d ~Cra ~ MteCed ,, amajo erder , , , , Addltton8 1/2( 47 805 Pt. 6" V.C.P 02.~ 1,610 O0 1,610 ~ .... 61 920 ~. 6" C,I.P ~9.2~ 8,510 O0 8,510 DO .... 63 155 s.y. ~phal~ 0~.00 465~00 ..... 465 )0 58a Extra work on Li~t Station ~14 ~98!00, 398 )0 4/22 Rec~cilia~ton 11,268 96 11,268 ~ - 465 ~00 162,862, OS ~84~649,~ L ~t /~a atmtu~ V ~ -, , , ...... 160.249.55 118-~ RESOLUTION NO. 21-66. A RESOLUTION OF T~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE REMOVAL OF THE FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY STATION BUILDINGS LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY. ~aEREAS, in connection with the implementation of the Master Development plan of the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA~ said City has heretofore determined the necessity of the re- moval' of the existing FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY station buildings located with~in said City~ and WHEREAS, the said FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY has agreed to the removal of said facilities by the City, NOW, THEREFORE,~ BE IT RES0L~ED By THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: That the offer of the FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY to allow the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLOHIDA, to remove' the exist- ing railway station buildings above described at no expense to said RailwaY, is hereby accepted and the City shall imme- diately proceed with the accomplishment of ·this projec~t and the City shalI hold the said FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY harm- less ~from any damages or liability for personal injuries or property damages resulting from said demolition project. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of May, A. D. 1966. MAYOR ATTE ST: City Clerk PROPERTXE$ ~'N VZOLATZON. OF ORDINANCE NO. ~g--147 AND SECTIONS 15-3 and 15-4 OF ~HE CI~ CODE. PROPERTY CXTY OWNER ADDRESS DESCRIPTION CODE 1. L. K. & Caroline K. P.O. Box 7111 West 25 feet of Lot 15-3 Jennison Station C 16 & all of Lots 17 a Atlanta, Ga. & 18~ Wheatley"s S/D. 15-4 2. Mrs. Annie S. Goodale 5314 Colonial Drive Parc~l of land 90 ft. I5-3 Columbia, So C. by 124 ft. m/1 as scribed £n OR 1~34- 15-4 ...... 152, Section 9-46-43. D. F. & Julia S. Bu~e 186 Stribl~g Circle That p_art of Lot 4 15-3 c/o Thomas S. Bu~e Sparta~burg, S. C. lying East of center & line of N.E. 7th Ave. 15-4 if extended North, a West of N'ly extension of. West R/W line of N.E. 8th Avenue, less parcel in Northeast corner. Section 9-46-43. 4. John & Caroline 121'. N. E. 8th St. Vacant..part of South 15-$ Van Bal'~egooien Delray Beach, Pla. I~0 feet of Block 80 a lying East of FEC PR. 1§-4 $. Charles ~., Jr. & 400 N. W. 2nd St. WeSt 5.0 feet of East 15-3 Francenia G. Patrick Delray Beach, Fla. 165 feet of South 135 & feet, Block 19. 15-4 6. Charles Wo, Jr. & 400 1~. W. 2nd St. West 50 feet o~ East 15-3 PYancenia G. Patrick Delray Beach, Fla. 115 feet of South 135 & feet, Block 19. 15-4 7. Edward B. Poole 10! N. W. 6th ~ve. Overgrown vacant part 15-3 Delra¥ Beach, Fla. of approx. South 66 & feet of West 135 feet, 15-4 Block 19.' 8. Prank DeRice P. Oo Box 541 South 100 feet of Lots 15-3 Delray Beach, Fla. 23 thru 32 & South 100 & 100 feet of Lot 33 less 15-4 West 20 feet, Asbur¥ Park Heights. V~olations 15-3 and 15-4 as concerns this report are. as follows: 1. 15-3 - dead iimbs, pal~ fronds and garden trash.. 1S-4 - weeds & undergrowth 2. 15-~ - broken trees & limbs.- 15-4 - weeds a undergrowth 3. 15-3 - broken trees & limbs, and loose trash 15-4 - weeds a undergrowth 4. 15-3-- loose trash & overgrown mounds of weed~ 15-4~- _weeds $. 15-~ - ~oose trash, old trash p~les, limbs, etc. 15-4 - weeds 6. 15-3 - trash piles,, loose trash and. old limbs 15-4 - weeds 7. 15-3 - old trash piles, loose log~ & loose trash 1~-4 - S. 15-3 - garden t. rash 15-4 - weeds Sub, irked to the City Council by the City Manager on .~/~s the 9th day of May, 1966. RESOLUTION NO. 20-66. l18-M A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ASSESSING COSTS FOR ABATING NUISANCES UPON CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY; SETTING OUT ACTUAL COSTS INCURRED BY SAID CITY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH ABATEMENT AND LEVYING THE COST OF SUCH ABATEMENT OF SAID NUISANCES, AND DECLARING SAID LEVY TO BE A LIEN UPON SAID PROPERTY IN AN AMOUNT AS SHOWN BY RE- PORT OF THS CITY MANAGER OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, did, in ~eqular ~/4~////////// session held on the ...10th & 24th of _ Januarv and 14th of February1 .1966 declare the existence of a nui- sance upon certain lots or parcels o'f land, described in a list sub- mitted to them, for violation of the provisions of Ordinance G-147; WHEREAS, pursuant to such declaration, the City Clerk of said City did furnish each of the respective owners of the lands described in said list with a notice describing the nature of the nuisance and that they must abate said nuisance within thirty (30} days, failing in which the City Council would'have it done, and the cost thereof would be lev~ed as an assessment against said property~ and WHEREAS, the owners hereinafter named did fail and 'neglect to abate the nuisance existing upon their respective lands within the time prescribed in Said notice and Ordinance G-147, and the City of Delray Beach was required to and did enter upon the following lands and inc'ur costs in abating the nuisance existing thereon as described in the aforesaid list; and WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, has, pur- suant to said Ordinance G-ld7 and the City Charter submitted to the City Council a report of the costs incurred in abating the nuisance as aforesaid, said report' indicating the costs per parcel of land involved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That assessments in the individual amounts as shown by the report of the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, involving .the City's cost of abating the aforesaid nuisances upon the lots or par- cels of land described in said report, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are levied against the parcels of land described on said report and in the amounts indicated thereon. Said assessments so levied shall be a lien upon the respective lots and parcels of land..described -in said report, of the same nature and to the same extent as the lien for general city taxes and shall'be col- lectible in the same manner and with the same penalties and under the same provisions as to sale and foreclosure as city taxes are collect- ible. 2.' That the City Clerk of said City shall, as soon as possible after the effective date, record a certified copy of this reso;I, ution in the office of the Clerk. of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, and shall furnish to each of the owners named in and upon said report a notice that the City Council oE the CSty o~ DeJ. ray Beach, di~, oN the loth & 2~th of January and 14th of February, 1966 order the aba~men~"~f ~ C'er~n nuisance e~isting o'n""their described property and propeFty owner having failed to abate such nuisance, within the 30 day period, whereupon it was abated by the City at costs shown in said report and such assessments shall be legal, valid and binding obligations upon the property against which said assessments are levied. This resolution shall become effective 30 days from the date of adoption, and the'-assessments contained'herein shall become due a~d payable thirty days after the mailing date of the notice of said assessment, after which interest shall accrue at ~he rate of 6~ per annum on any un~id portion'.thereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regu.lar session on the .Pth~ ~ay of May ~ . _, A.D. 19 66. ATTEST: /S/. Al. C. Avery .... ~AYOB l18-N ¢®~T OF ABATING NUISANCES UNDER ORDINANCE NO. G-147. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OWNER ~SSESSMENT January 10, 1966 list. South 100 feet of North Edward Earnest Conyer $ 60.00 235 feet of East 135 feet, Block 21. ]_anuary 24, 1.966 ~ist.. Lots 8 & 9, Block 8, less H~zvey Bell&my $ 30.00 West ~20 foot R/~, Atlantic Gardens. Lots 1 & 2, Block 5, J.L. & Margaret.~Patterson $ 37.50 Osce~la Park. South 65 feet of East 135 Beulah Mitchell $.27.00 feet of Block 24. South 95 feet of West half _Wm. M. & Betty R. Hunt $ 46.50 of NW% of Lot 9, less West 167.46 feet and less East 25 foot R/W. Section 8-46-43. ~ebruary 14,'1966.~i.s%...... Lots 7, 8 & 9, less West August. C. Huber~ et al.~ -$ .45.00 10.f~ot R/W.,. Haller& Grootman's S/D~ Lot 19, Sundy & Tenbro~k Kenneth Gary $ 70.00 Addition. 118-o ORDINANCE NO. 29-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDa, REZONING AND PLACING THE EASTERLY PORTION OF E% OF NE~ OF NE¼ OF SE¼ OF SECTION 19, TO. SHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, LESS ROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY ON NORTHERLY AND EAST- ERLY LINES~ ALSO THE WEST 333 FEET OF LOT 21, SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, R~EGE 43 EAST, LESS ROAD RIGHTS-OF.WAY ON THE NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY LINES, DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, IN ~OLESALE DISTRIBUTION AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT", AMENDING "ZONING MAP OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 1960". BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION I. That the following described property in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby rezoned, and placed in the "C-3 Wholesale Distribution and Light Industrial District" as defined by Chapter 29 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, to-wit: The easterly portion of the East % of of NE% of SE% of Section 19'46-43, (being 166.99 feet wide on the South and 166.27 feet wid~ on the North} less road of-way on.northerly and easterly lines; Also the West ~33 feet of Lot 21, Section 20-46-43 less road rights-of-way on north- erly and westerly lines. SECTION 2. That the Building Inspector of said City shall upon the effective date of this Ordinance change the Zoning Map of Delray Beach, Florida, to conform with the provi~ions of Section I hereof. PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading on this the 9th day of May , 1966. /S/ Al. C. Aver? , MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk First Reading AD.il 1~ ~&g Second Reading Ma~ 9~ i%~66 ~18-P ORDINANCE NO. 30,66. AN ORDINANCE ~OF THE. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COU_RTY,' FLORIDA,~ AMENDING CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF' D~.LRAY BEACH, BY AMENDING 'SECT. ION 22-! THEREOP R~LATZNG TO THE REGISTF~ING, FINGERP~I~LN-C~ AND ' PHOTO~RA'PHING OF CERTAIN EMI~LOYEES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Section 22-1, Code of. Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 22-1 Fingerprinting, registering and photographing individuals employ- ed in certain establishments or- at certain occupations. Every person employed in any night club, any place handling liquor, beer or wine in any form, places of. amusement, hotels~ .room- ing houses, apartment houses, delivery serv- ices, home, apartment or hotel maintenance services, restaurants, hath clubs, bath houses, solariums, lawn ma'intenanom gardeners, janitors, caddies, newspaper delivery boys over the age of seventeen years, lifeguards, special police o~fi- cers and domestic servants, taxicab drivers, vend- ing machine operators, and charter boat operators, in the City are required to register within f°rty- eight hours from'the time of their employment~ in a book of:registration kept by the chief of pollce, a~dto be fingerprinted. The registrant shall also furnish the chief ofpolice with a photograph of such size as may be designated by the chief~ of police," " SECTION 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. That ~his ordinance shall take effect ~im~ mediately upon. its passage and approval as provided by law. PASSED in regular session on the second and final read- ing on the 9th day of May , 1966. /S/ Al. C. AverT MAYOR ATTEST: /2/ R. D. Worthing City Clerk First Reading April.25, ~6 Second Reading ,.~,,, 1~66~. ~. ....... l18-Q ORDINANCE NO. 33-66 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEKCH. FLORIDA, LEVYING THE ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN 'BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBMITTED BY THE CITY MANAGER OF SAID CITY CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORM .DRAINS IN SECTION:!'0" AS SHOWN ON STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM SUR- VEY FILE T.F* !868-0, TOGETHER WITH THE~ INSTALLA- TION OF CATCH BASINS, MAN-HOLES AND APPURTENANCES IN CONJUNCTION WIT~ SUCH STORM DRAINS. WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has, in ~csuance to the Charter of said City, submitted to the City CounPil for approval, a report of '-the costs, and the assessment roll for the construction of Storm Drains in Section as shown o~ Storm Drainage System Survey File T. F~. 1868-0, together with the installation cE catch basins, man-holes and appurtenances in conjunction with such storm drains, and WHEREAS, said report and assessment roll were approved by the City Council in regular session on the 25th day of April, 1966,' and W~EREAS, due notice concerning said assessment roll was given by advertisement by the City Clerk-, in accordance with the City Charter of said City, for the purpose .of hearing objections, if any, to said assessment roll, and WHERRAS, no sufficient objections were received to the con- firmation of the assessment roll, .NOW,. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRA¥ :'BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1, The assessments, as shown on said assessment roll, which is'ai=ta~hedhereto and made a part hereof, are hereby levied, a~I~inst the properties shown and in the amounts stated on said assessm~tlt roll, said assessments to be paid in three (3) equal annual ins.tallments., together with-.., interest at the rate of sight (8) per cent per annum, the first installment becoming due. 'and payable on and on the for the next ensuing tw~ years~ .and- said special sssessments, so levied, shall be a lien fz~m the date the assessment becomes effective, upon the re- spective lot~ an~ parcels of land described in said assessment roll, ,' .. of the same ~ature .and to the same extent as the liens for general City taxes, and'shall be colleotibIe in. the sam~ ma.r~ler and with the same penalties and under the same provisions as to sale and forfei- ture as City taxes are collectible. PASSED-in regular session on second and final reading on this the 9th day of May , 1966. MAYOR ATTEST: ..... City Clerk First Reading ApPil 25, 1966 ...... Second Reading ~May 9, 1966 ..... 118-S ORDINANCE NO. 34-66. AN ORDINANCE OF TBE CITY OF DELRAY BENCH, FLORIDA, LEVYING. TI~E~ ASSESS~TS AS SHOWN' BY THE' A'SSEssMENT ROLL SUBMITTED' BY THE CITY MANAG~-R OF'SAID CITY, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A' SIDEWALK FIVE (5). F~ET 'IN WIDTH ON THE EAST SIDE OF' ~NORTH SWINTON AVEN~E ..'~TWEEN 'N. E~ 8th STREET AND N.. ~l 22nd 'STREET;~iALSO ON THE SOUTH-SIDE OF-'~N. E. 22nd 'STREET BETWEEN' NORTH- SWINTON AVENUE ~/~D N.' E. 2nd AVENUE; ALSO ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THAT-:PORTION OF N. 'E. 18~h STREET BETWEEN NORTH SWXNTON AVENUE AND N. E. 2nd AVENUE. WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has,. in pursuance to'.the Charter of 'said City, submitted to the City. Council for approv, al, a report of the cost, and. the assessment roll for the construction of a sidewalk five {57 feet in width on the- east side of North Swinton Avenue between N. E. 8th Street and N. E. 22nd Street; als~ on-the South side Of N. E. 22nd Street between North Swinton Avenue and N. E. 2nd Avenue; also on the south side of that-.portion of N. E. 18th.Street between North Swinton Avenue and N. E. 2nd Avenue, ~and WHEREAS, said report and assessment roll were approved by the City Council in regular sessio~ on the 25th day of April, 1966, and WHEREAS, due notice concerning 'said assessment .roll .was given by advertisement by the City Clerk, in accordance with the City Charter of said City, for the purpose of hearin'g objections, if auy, to said assessment roll, and WHEREAS, no suffi~ient objectiOns ~ere reCel~ed to the con- firmation of the assessment roll, NOW, THEREFORE', BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY C~UNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY-BEACH, PLORIDA~ AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The assessments, as.shown--by sai~.-'ass~ssment roll, which is atteehed hereto s~d mede. a part hereof, ~rp.hereby levied .a~ainst the proper~y shown and in amounts shown On. said assessment roll, said assessments to be pai~ in three (3)' eqUal annual installments, together with interest at~:the rate of eight (8) per cent per annum, the-first installment becoming due and pay- able on ar~ on the- f°r the next ensuing tw° ¢2) years' and'said;spe~ialaas''am'n~' s° levied shall-be .a lien frOm ~the date~'~he assessment 'becomes effec- tive, upon the respective lots and parcels of'land descfibe~ in~'s&id assessment roll, of the same nature and to the same extent as ~he lien for general taxes, and shall be collectible in the same manner and with the same penalties and under the ~same provisions as to sale and forfeiture as City Taxes are collectible. PASSED in regular session on second and final reading on this the 9th day of May , 1966.. MAYOR.. ATTEST: City Clerk F~rst Reading Amri125. Second Reading Mal.~ 9, _~966 118-T ORDZN,~N*CE NO. 35-66. AN ORDINANCE OF T~E CITY COUNCIL OF Tt~ CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORT~A, *Ai~'EXING TO TI~ CiTY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LAND, .NAMELY LOTS 1, 2 ~ 3, 4, 8jld 5, BLOCK A, ROYAL PALM GARDENS PLAT NO. 3, WHXCH LAND ZS CO~TIG'JOUS TO EXISTING MIATXCIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY; .REDEFINING-THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LA'ND; PROVIDIN~ FOR THE RIG~TS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND~ AND. PROVIDING FOR THE ~.ON~NG TH~.REOF. WHEREAS, LUM'S INCORPORATED, iS the fee simple owner of the property hereinafter described, and WHEREAS, LUMJS INCORPORATED, by its petition, has consented and given permission for the annexation of said property by the-City of Delray Beach, and WHEREAs, the C~ty of Delray Beach has hereto:fore been author- ized to.annex lands in accordance with Section 185,1 of the City Char- ter of said City granted to it by the State of Florida~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1:~ That the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, hereby annexes to said City the following described tract of _.Land located in Palm Beach ~ounty, Florida, -which lies contiguous to sa~d City, -to-wit: Lots 1, 2~ 3, 4, and 5, Block A, ROYAL PALM ~ARDENS PLAT NO. 3, per Plat Book 2t, Page 57, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. SECT. ION 2. That .the boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are-hereby, redefined so as to inc'I:Ude therein the above de- scribed tract of land and said land is hereby declared to be within the corporate limite of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. SECTION 3. That the t~act of land hereinaboVe 'described is hereby declared to be in Zoning District C-2., as defined by existing ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. SECTION 4. That the land h~reinabove desc~ibed ~all immedi- ately become subject to all of the franchises, privileges, immunities, debts, obligat'iOns, liabilities, ordinances and laws to Which lands in the City of 'De, ray Beach are n~w or may be, and persons residing there- on shall be deemed citizens of the City of Delray Beach. SECTION 5. That if any word, phrase, clause, sentence or part of this ordinance shall be declared illegal by a court of compe- tent jurisdiction, such record of illegality shall in no way affect the remaining portion. PASSED in regular session on second and final r~ading on the 23~d day of May , 1966. /$/ Al. O. Ave,r,y _ _ ATTEST: M A Y O R /8/.R.D. Worthing City Clerk Fi,,.~_t Reading ~.,9~. 1966 second Reading May 23.. 1966 llS-U A RESOLUTION .OF THE CI.TY COUNCIL~. OF THE' CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, 'FLORIDA, REOUEST- ING-WEEE~]~' P~G.~ES~ REPORTS ON THE .BEACH EROSION COntROL PROJECT NOW UNDER CON- - STRU~TION. W~EREAS, the City of DelrayBeach; Florida,.and Glace Engineering Corporation, a Florida Corpora$ion with principal'offices at St. Petersburg, Florida, hav~ heretofore contracted for the latter to perform design, consulting and resident inspection services in connection with a beach ero- sion control project for the City~ and WHEREAS, the City ~ou~cil of t~e City'of'Delray Beach, Florida, has awar~e~ a coHtract for th~ construction of a'concrete block revetment wall-to Dickers0n, Inc. w~th seia Glace Engine~ring Corporatipn to perform consulting and resident inspection services= an~ W~EREAS, the City Council wishes weekly reports on the'construction progress during the'forthcoming construction perio~ NOW, THEREFORK~ BE IT RESOLVED= The City Manager is hereby directed to cohtact'the officials of Glace Engineering Corporation for the purpose of assuring the City Council that it will receive w~ekly progres~ reports on the beach erosion control project now under construc- tion. Passed aha adopted this 9th day of May, 1966. M~ %~OR ATTEST: /~/ R. D. We~'thing City Clerk