06-13-66 125 JUNE 13, 1966. A regular meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor Al. Co Avery in the Chair, City Manager DavidM. Gatchel, City Attorn'ey John-Ross Adams, and Councilmen J. LeRoy Croft, James H. Jurney, Jack L. Saunders and George Talbot, Jr. being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered b~ath,r John-Skeh~n.- ~' 1.a. The Pledge of Allegiance to[the Flag df~the United"States of America was given. Mayor Av~Yy introduced Mr. Fran~'McCoy, Vice-Ma~or of ~oynton Beach, 2. Theminu%es of' the ~egular Council meeting of May 23rd, 1966 were unanimously approved; on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Jurney.' Mayor Avery welcomed Councilman George Talbot, Jr. back-to Council following an illness. 3. Mr. Joseph Ellis, 1603 Germantown Road, asked that the Council con- sider placing at least two ramps at the beach, in addition to steps, for the convenience of the public. ~ This item was referred to the City Manager for-a feasibility study and recommendation. 4. Mr. Croft read the Beautification Committee meeting minutes of Ju~e 1, 1966.- . Concerning Item 1, Mr. Saunders moved to add this year's Chairman of the Garden Club's Presidents' Parley, Mrs. John ~.. Bordeman, to the Beautification Committee. The motion was seconded by M~.. Talbot and carried unanimously. Concerning item 7 regardin~ the unsightly appearande of a building on N. E. 5th Avenue, Mr. Croft moved that the City Manager be instruct- ed to investigate this and make recommendations to the Council concern- ing same. The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unani- mously. Concerning Item 8 regarding the West Atlantic Avenue entrance sign, City Manager Gatchel informed Council that had been taken care of. Concerning Item 9 regarding "No Dogs Allowed" sign at Knowles Park, Mr. Croft moved that this item be referred to the City Manager'for his investigation and recommendation, the motion being seconded by Mr. SaonSers and unanimously carried. 4.a. A roll call showed the f°llowing Civic Organizations and repre- sentatives to be in attendance= Breezy Ridge Estates Mr. John Sword Beach Taxpayers League, Inc. Mr. J. Watson Dunbar Seagrape Garden Club Mrs. James L. Bowen V. F.W. C01. Clarence Bingham Delray Beach Recreation Club Mr. C. W. Rice 5. Mayor Avery read a PROCLAMATION proclaiming the week of June 12th through 18th, 1966~ as NATIONAL FLAG WEEK, and urged all citizens, businessmen and civic organizations to recognize this special week with suitable programs and ceremonies, and by displaying the Flag of these United States of America. Mayor Avery reminded the Council and public that June 14th is FLAG DAY, and announced that the Elks Club will have a public meeting that evening and present a very impressive Ceremony of the Flags. 6-13-66 5.a. Mr. ~rneY said that he had redeived segeral Complaints regard- ing the appearance of the sidewalks on Atlahtic Avenue where they were discolored by bubble gum, etc. Further, that he had scraped s~me of the material off of the sidewalk and he and the George boys had been doing some analyzing of same, and that he thinks some of on the sidewalks is paraffin from overhead Wires. Mr. that the City Manager check into this situation and see ~ walks can be cleaned. 5.a. Mr. Jurney read the following Beach Revetment Construction Re- port for the. week ending Friday, June 10, 1966, from City Engineer Fleming to the City Manager: "Project Starting Date - May 14, 1966 Scheduled Completion Date - August 11, 1966 Lapsed Time to Date of This Report - 28 Days or 31.1% of Total Time As.of the date of this report, the return wall at the northerly end, or Station 7 + 50, has been constructed and capped= approxi- mately 98% of the concrete panels for the toe wall have been pre- cast, approximately 14.6% of the waffle sections have been pre- cast, 100 H-pile sections have been driven, although not to com- plete depth, 'and 13 toe wall slabs from the northerly return wall haVe been'jetted down to grade. The above' described work, in accordance with my rough estimate, represents not mo~e than 11% of the total work to be performed. As noted above, 31.1% of the contract time has now lapsed. Recognizing the fact that heavy weather and the hurricane alert of the current week has caused some loss of working time, the overall effort required to complete-this job in the prescribed time is'still grossly lacking. Repeated promises of additional work crews have failed to materialize. It i$ my suggestion ~hat the owner immediately set up a top- level meeting between the consulting engineer, the owner and the contractor With ~egard to the owner exercising his privi- leges as defined in Article 45 and 55 under the general con- ditions of the Contract." C~tyManager Gatchel informed Council that he had talked today with Mr. Tyson, E~gineer for Dickerson, Inc., and that Mr. Tyson is present tonight and'.that a'representative of the Murphy ConstruCtion Company is also Present. The City Manager asked to.hear from Mr. Tyson as to his plans'for the inadequacy as described in the report of the city Engineer. Mr, Tyson informed Council that the~e has'been considerable loss of time due to abnormal weather but they had increased their crews and plan to put additional crews on as can be utilized. Further, on 'the pre-cast items,-most of the slabs for the toe wall haVe been 'cast, also quite a percentage of the waffle blocks have been cast, and that Mr. Murphy plans to put on another pile driving crew f6r the toe wall this week. Mr. Tyson'~aid that he would be happy to meet with Mr. Kelley of Glace Engineering Corporation and council in said top-level meeting, at the convenience of the Council. Mayor Avery directed City Manager Gatchel to schedule said top- level meeting with the EngineerW and any. of the Council that can be present, but that the meeting should not be held up'because of the ability, of Councilmeh to attend said meetinga~' he felt such a meeting is very important at this time. 5.a. Mr. Ta.~bet said that he is very much disappointed in the way the Beach Rehabilitation Program has progressed and feels it is the re sponsibilityof the Glace Engineering Company and that they should be infox~ed they cannot set inst. ~et~rsburg and do a beach rehabilita- tion program in D~ay Be~c~1%; further, that he is in favor of the top- level conference. -2- 6-13-66 127 Mr. Talbot said. that he is:in accord with the recommendations of.the ~ City.Engineer 'aDd cOmmended him fgr thegood job heis dOing, on this in-~ spection. 5.a. Mayor Avery said tha%he had asked that the following resolution concerning the war in Viet Nam be prepared: ~ RESOLUTION NO. 27-66.' .~ " A RESOLUTION OF. ~HE' CITY COUNCIL OF. THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA,~ U~GING ACTIVE .STEPS BE' TARN TO EFFECT- EARLY CONCLUSION OF THE WAR IN VIETNAM. (Copy of Resolution No~' 27-66 iS attached to'~he 0fficial copy of-these minutes.) See page 132-D. . . ReSolution No. 27-66 was unanimously passed and adopted on this first and final reading, on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 6.a. City Manager Gatchel informed c6Uncil that in compliance 'with Chapter 8 of the City's Code of Ordinances, a detailed survey report accompanied the agenda, identifying certain portions of sea walls to be in violation of regulations set forth in said Chapter, a~determined by the City Engineer; further, that if Council does not desire any fur= · ther information relative thereto, the City Clerk ~bould be directed to comply, with.saidChapter. 8 ofthe Code, as applicable to this report, in order to provide fOr abatement of. the nuisances determined .to exist, as reflected therein. The City Manager pointed out that this is the first major app!~c~tion of'chapter 8 of the Code as deals.with mainten- ance of sea walls S~nce that Ordinance was'adopted. Mr. Jurney moved that the City Clerk be directed to complY with Chapter 8 of the Code as applicable to this report, the motion being seconded by Mr. Saunders and unanimously carried. Copy of .~Y list attached to official espy of minutesl See Pages 132-~-132-C. 6.b. City.Manager Gatchel.informed Council that on June 14, 1965, they authorized Russell & Axon, the City's Consulting Engineers,.to design and prepare specifications for a water treatment plant:.further,, it is recommended that Council 'defer consideration of said plans until such time as they have thoroughly reviewed both plans and specifications, and held at least one workshop meeting pertaining thereto, with the City Manager, City Engineer and Russell &Axon representatives. The City Manager.then introduced Mr. Walter Hayes of Russell &.Axon. Mr. Hayes presented the City with two sets of plans and specifica- tions of the water treatment plant for their review, and said that Russell & Axon w0uld be pleased to meet with the Council, when request- ed, to go ?vet said plans and specifications. Mr. Hayes remindedCoun- cil of a workshop meeting several months ago at which'time there was discussed, in general terms, the procedure'and general schemes to be followed, Further: "We have not ma~e the pla~ elaborate. We have provided space for the purposes inten~ded~ we have not made it a monu- ment, but at the same time we have made it attractive~ durable and utilitarian.' TheSpians are organized in such a manner that there is a set of architectural sheets, structural, mechanical and electrical. I believe that you will have no trouble in following them through. They are divided into two contracts. One for the plant proper, the second contract, the smaller one, for a raw water main '$rom the north well . field to the plant, ~nd a transmission mai.n fpr finished water' back up to the north plant reservoir which Will become aground, s~or&ge reser- voir. The north and south plants will be turned~into unmanned pumping stations which will be controlled from the new water.treatment plant.. The plans and specifi~ations will have to be presented to the state Board of Health for their approval before any construction.begins. It usUallycan be'anticipated tha~ three or four Weeks is necessary ~or the State Boa.~d of~'Hea'lth t° review ~llthe plans and specifications. They are ready to prpsent to the State Board of Health and,~with your approval, we will immediately prepare the neceSsary &pPlicatlOn.~.and -3- 6-13~66 submi~t them to the State Board ~f.'H~a~th for their review and approval." Mr. jurneymOved that Russell & Axon be instructed to proceed with said presentation to the State Board of Health, the motion being sec- onded by"Mr. Saunders and ~nantmously carried. Mr. Hayes"continued: "The next thing,. ~o far as I can see, is for you gentlemen to look the plans Over, or have your City Engineer do it, or both, to let us know when you wish to meet in a workshop session and go over them in detai%, and to_let us know..what we can do to as- sist you in working 0ut~the d~tails.of fihaDcing." City Manager'Gatchel'i~for~ed Council ~hat he and Finance Director Weber had met with Mr. Stanley Ross of the'Piscal Agents recently and that Mr. Ross is now preparing some background data as to what will be aVa~'lable to the City as far as'financing abilities are concerned for 'this facility, and will be prepared to meet in joint session with Coun- cil and the Engineersl The City Manager recommended that such a meet- ing'be scheduled'as soon as pOsSible after, the first of JulY. It was so moved' b~Mr. Jurney, seconded by Mr. Saunders and unanimously car= tied. Mayor Avery in~xoduced Mr. Cecil Spencer, Chief Inspector of Russell & Axon. 6.c. Concerning a survey of parcels of l~nd' in violation of the Cit~ nuisance laws presented by the c!ty'Manage~ Mr. saunders moved that the City Clerk be directed to proceed with'the enforcement of Chapter 15 of' the Code of O~d~nances. The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft and ~a~=ie~ unanimously. (Copy of Nuisanc~'Violation Survey is attached to ~he offlcial copy of these minutes.) See pa~es 13~-E-13~-F. 6.4. .The City Manage~ presented the following bids that have been received for ~azing the improvements on the Florida East Coast Railway Company's grounds, which comprises the lo~a~ station: For demolition and removal of the station, loading platform and small ~uildings located on the F.E.C. Railway Company's property on S. E. ~rd Avenue, between tat and 2~d Streets: Jay P. Callaway '' $ 8Q0.00 One,an Engineering $1,8~0.00. City Manager Gatchel informed Council that the approval of the F.E.C. Railway Company for razing of said buildings was contingent upon the Railroad's final vacating of. the propertyand giving the City final approval for demolition which had been anticipated soon after the first of June, but ha~ not been received at this time,. The City Manager recommended that the bid be ~warded to .Jay P. Ca11~way .in the amount of $800.00, and that there is sufficient money in the budget to take care of that expense. The City Manager also in- formed Council that it had begn advertised_that the Contractor provide a $100,000 - $300,000'insuranc9 policy to.hold the City and'the F.E.C. Railway Company harnd~ss in~ch ~em01iti~ Proceedings. Mr. Saunders~movedthat the low bid of ~gY P- Callaway be.9~pted in the amount of $800.00 contingent upon ~ insurance and f~ ap- proval of the F'. E.~ C1 Railway Company. ~e'm°t~o~was seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimously. 6.el Regarding the A~ult Re~eation Complex, City Manager Gatchel said that a~'a 9eSult of racent c0U'~"c~l direct~e tha~ a redesign .and cost study~e'~e£f&cted tO '~r~ng't~e'tota~ cost~6f aa, id c~mPlex within the ava~iable~n~~d funds, he had the ~il°~ing progress report: "There was ~ismleXpr~ssed a~ the last ~m&ee!ng we. had with the architect a{l~"~0n~ractor that"thisconstrud%ion could be cut to within the available budget.~ Since the last meeting there haS'been s great deal of effort eapended in this ~egard and~ ~n our audience tonight is Mr. Jacobsgn the Architect a~ Mr. Bill Hay~ the Contractor wi~h whom weW~re de~ltng2 .u~fortuh%a~e/1F at ~his t~e the progress has ~o~ netted the"aesired results. W!~..yg~rapp~oval, I.~would '~ike~to ca1% on Mr. Hays who has done a' ~agnffi¢~ht job~ 'in 'a~t6mpting~s cut back. -4- 6-13 -66 would like for him to tell you.of h.is status as of this afternQgn." Mr. Hays explained his unsuccesSfu! attempts to bring his" ~ below $80,000. DUring lengthy discussion it was mentioned that cutting down on the size of the building may be 'the only way to come within the allot- ted fundsl It was also pointed out that a canopy of canvas or.wood would cut down On-the cost of construction. Mr. Jurney suggested that the $75,000 alloted for building and $5,000 alIoted for furnishings be used for building purposes, and the present facility furnishings be used in the new building, .t~6n at some future date further furnishing of the buildihg could be wg..rked out. Mayor Avery explained that it had been suggested that the building cost be brought down to the $80,000 category as quickly as po£siblg. It was so moved byMr. Jurney. The motionwas seconded by Mr. Sau~ders and unanimously carried. Mayor AveF~ recommended that'representati%es of Bowling on the. Green, Senior Citiz~s~nd Shuffleboard Cl'~ub meet and c~me to an .~reement on how said building cost could be sufficiently reduced. Mr. James Cassel, President of the Shuffleboard Club, informed Coun- cil that they have cabinets, stove, ~hairs, tables and complete awnings over tke twelve present courts, and that their Club will work with Council ~s far as they can. 7.~. City Clerk Worthing informed council of ~eceiving a. petition, signed and submitted by eleven owners of property fronting on Swinton Circle,'requesting Council consideration for street lights on Swinton Circle, said properties reflecting a majority of those adjacent to swinton Circle. Further, that it is recommended this petition be re- ferred to the City Manager for survey of the need and estimate Of. cost for such lighting as may be determined to be warranted. It was so moved by Mr. Saunders, seconded by Mr. Croft and unanimously carried. 8.a. City Clerk Worthing presented RESOLUTION NO. 26h66. A RESOLUTION OF TH~ CITY CO~7~CIL OF TH~ CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PROCEED WITH THE FILLING, GRADING AND PAVING OF THAT, ~ART OF S. W. llth AVENUE LYING BETWEEN 2nd AND' 3rd STREETs. (Copy of Resolution No..26-66 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See pa~s There being no objection'to Resolution No. '24h66 order~g such street improvement, Resolution No. 26-66 was unanimously passed and adopted on 'this first and final reading, on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Saunders. 8.b. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 36-6~. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0~ DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, LICENSING AND REGULATING' THE B~SINES~ OF REPAIRiN6 MOTOR VEHICLES; AND PROVIDING P~NALTIES FOR VIOLATION. City Manager Gatchel explained that Junk cars on the streets or on private property are pretty well covered in. the present ~rdinances, but it was felt'that where motor vehicle repair shops a.re.concerned there needed to be further legislation. Drdinance No. $6-66 was unanimously placed.on ~irs~ reading, on motion by Mr. Saunders and seconded by Mr. Jur~ey. 8.c. The City'Clerk 'presented ORDINANCE NO. 37-66. AN EMERGBNCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFf,THE CITY. OF DELRAY BEACH, .FLORIDA~ A~NDING CHAPTER 22 _OF-THE CODE OF ORBINANCES PERTAINING TO THE AUTHORITY OF MUNICIPAL POLICE OFFICERS. i30 (Copy of Ordinance No. 37-66 is attached to the official .copy of these minutes.) See page 132-H. City Attorney Adams explained that this ordinance is to assist and aid the police officers in making arrests for traffic accidents~ fur- ther that this ordinance was recommended by Police Chief Croft, Muni- cipal Judge James Nowlin, and City ~ro~ecutor Charles Byron. Emergency Ordinance No. 37-66 was ~nanimously passed and adopted on this first and final rea~ing, on 'motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Croft. 8.d. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 38-66. AN F2~ERGENCY O~DINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2S OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES PERTAINING TO TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS. (Copy of Ordinance No. 38-66 is attached to the official copy of these minut~s.~ See page 132,I. City Attorney Adams explained that in this regard~ there was some doubt as to whether the State Statutes applied to state highways i~side' the City~ further, this ordinance also specifically gives the police officers the authority to make arrests and investigations on parking lots and quasi public parking lots. Emergency Ordinance No. 38-66 was 'unanimously passed and adopted on this first and f'inal reading, on motion by Mr. ~aunders and seconded by Mr. JurneY. 8.e. The City Clerk presented ORDIEANCE NO. 39-66. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELP4IY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMEN~IN~ CHAPTER 17, CODE OF ORDINANCES OF SA~' CITY, M~KI~' IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO COMMIT WXTHIN THE CORPOR~TE LIMITS OF THE CITY, ANY A~T WHICH IS OR SHALL' BE ~ECOGNIZED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE AS A FELONY. (Copy of Ordinance No.-39-66 is attached to the offici'al copy of these minutes.) See page 132-J. City Attorney Adams explained-that if this ordinance is passed that any violation of a state misdemeanor within the City would he consider- ed and treated as a violation of a municipal ordinance~ further, that the municipal police have been hampered in their control of such .crimes in the past. Emergency Ordinance No. 39-66 ~s unanimously passed and adopted on this first and final reading, on motion by Mr. Jurney and .seconded by Mr. Croft. 8.f. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 40-66. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF ~THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY B~ACH, FLORIDa, A~ENDIN~ CHAPTER 17, CODE OF ORDINAmCES OF SAID CITY PERTA~NING TO VA~RANCY~- (Cupy of Ordinance No. 40-66 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) See page 132-K City Attorney Adams explained that this ordinance updates the present ordinance, and adds other provisiong that Wi~l make it eas~er t'o control idle people. -6- 6-13-66 Emergency Ordinance No. 40-66 was unanimously passed and adopted on this first and final reading, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Croft. 9.a. Concerning a Petition for rezon~ng of property in Tropic PaLms Subdivision, City Clerk Worthing presented the follQwing Planning/ Zoning Board report: "At a regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board held May 17th, 1966"at 4:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, a public hearing was held for consideration of a request for re-- zoning from R-lA, Single Family DwellingDistrict, to R-3, Multiple Family Dwelling D~strict, the following described property: Lots 637 thru 811, less Lots 653 and 655, ; Tropic 'Palms Subdivision, Delray _Beach, Florida. Mr. Paul Sarvinas represented-Mr. Mellon and spoke in behalf of this rezoning to build condominiums. Mr. Burton J. Parks, one of the persons on the list of people notified, appeared in opposition to this rezoning. Nine resi- dents of Tropic Palms Subdivision outside of the notification area appeared and also objected. After the hearing was closed the Board moved to table the re- quest to provide for a work shop session. A special meeting was hold on June 2nd, 1966, at City Hall to review the public hearing for the above request. In view of the separation of the property in question from surrounding pNoperty.by canals on three sides and an eighty foot right-of-way on the remaining side, and the size of the tract (fifty acres), the BOard felt that this was a reasonable request. The Board therefore recommends that the zoning be changed as requested with the following provisions: Lots 653 and 655 be included in the rezoning either by written consent of the owners or acquisition by the petitioner. That the whole tract of'land be re-subdivided vacating.the existing plat and establishing a new plat more suitable for m~ltiple development. The Board voted as follows: Five members voted in favor of the motion; Mr. Scheifley voted 'nay'." Mayor Avery said there had been a meeting.with representatives of Tropic Palms SubdiviSion, and that Mr. Art Smith, Director of Planning, Zoning and InSpection, had suggested that it be stipulated that rezon- lng is contingent upon the furnishing of a bond to assure completion of the proposed work. Mayor Avery suggested that this Planning/Zoning Board report be ac- cepted and referred to the CityMa~ager and that he present,to Council the mecessary safeguards that the work woul~ be started and completed before action is taken on the rezoning ~f said 'property,. ~.It_was so moved by Mr. Jurney. The motion was seconded byMr. Croft and .carried unanimously. 10.a. Concerning a meeting with the Traffic and Parking Committee relative to many offers of available lands for additional ~arking facilities, saidm~eting was scheduled to he held in theCouncil Cham- k~rs at the City Hall at 7:30 P.M., Wednesday, June 29nd, 1966. -7- 6-13-66 10.b. City Manager Gatchel informed Council that a meeting time, sattsfautory to com~cil, is desired .to be established with the Plan~ing/ Zoning Board and other interested p~ties, to consider the rezoning of Delray Beach Heights Extension and adjoining lands. Said meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, J~ne 2~t, at ?~30 P.M., at the City Hall. 10.c. City Manager Gatchel~.lnformed Council that the term of office of the City's Insurance-Agent of Record, as provided by Council in 1960, has expired. Further, that it is suggested that Council sustain the recommendation of ~he local Board of Insurance Agents, supported by the approval .thereof~=om -Marsh &. McLennon, I~c., '~nd reappoi~ Beery a Brown Insurance Agency as t~e InSurance Agent of RecO~d-for the City of Delray Beach for a continuing five year;~termto~the close of the City's fiscal year ending September 30, 1970. It was so moved by Mr. Saunders, seconded byMr. Croft and unanimously carried~ 10.x. Mr. Saunders reported that~he'Mayor~s Youth Committee has had one me,ting and plan to meet each month and co~e ~n w~th ~ome definite recommendations. - Mr. Saunders~ informed Council that the Committee requests 'that the Police Department notify all places of business selling beer and ciga- rettes to be very careful that they do not ~ell those items to boys and girls under 21 years of age. The City Manager was directed to take care of this. 10.x. Mr.. Croft informed Council that he had received complaints f~om residents in the vicinity.of White Drive and South AIA of trash and litter being blown onto their properties from the building site.-of the Banyan Condominium. CityManager Gatchel i~formed council that he would investigate said complaints. 10.d. City Clerk Worthing presented Bills For Approval as follows~ General Fund ~ 110,598.85 Water Operating & Maintenance Fund 5,725.68 Special Assessmen~ Fund 68.60- Refundable Deposits Fund 1,471.02 Interest & Sinking Fund, Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds - Series 196~062 & 63. 487.50 Cigarette Tax Fund 5,358.00 Sewer Construction Trust Fund 143,239.11 Mr. Jurney moved that the bills be paid, the m0%ion being seconded by Mr. Saunders. upon call of rol~, Mr. croft,.Mr. Jurney and Mr. Saunders voted in (avo~ of the motion and Mayor Avery was oppose~. Mayor Avery qualified his vote in that he is remotelyassociated with a company who has a bill in said Bills For Approval. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. · R.~. WORT~..ING City Clerk APPROVED: -8- 6-13-66 132-A PROPERTIES IN VIOLAT-ION OF CHAPTER 8 OF THE ¢I~ CODE. SEC. 8-13. "It shall be un. la.wf~l, for and. per.son to :hav~, keep, maintain or. permit within ~e co~ra.te l~its of ~e City any sea wall ~iuh w~ll i~ede ~e no,al fl~w of boat traffic, or will become hazardous to swimmin~ or 0th~ water_~9orts or ~ioh pre~nts an unsightly appearance." . .. w. c. & ~. B. ~derson 1~ Ouinc¥ AVenue Tropic Isle Oak ~dge,. Complet~ ~ailure an~ collapse of ~e easte=ly sea Wall, f=onting on ~e Intracoas~l ~ter~y, from a point, just sou~ o~ ~e nor~ corner of said w~l~ ~ a point approxi~tely 75 feet sou~ thereof. ~ck & Lillian M. Gage 16701 N. E. 14~ Ave. TrOpic Isle ~2' Apt. NO. 306 Nor~ Miami ~auh, Fla. Faille an~ settle~nt of two ~nel-lengths of t~ eas~rly sea wa~l, fronting on ~e In~acoastal Watery, from a~int ~ately 20 feet nor~ of t~ Sou~ ~er, to a. 40 ~eet no~ of said B~on P. & Lavore Bro~ 2366 N. E. 28th St. ~opAc Isle 118 Pompano Beach, Fla. FaiIure of sing1e piling causing ~acture of ~p ~th~e~side,ce and horizontal offset, in the southerlF'wall, farinon ~bag~ .~nal, at a point aPproxi~tely 90 feet ~sk ~f ~e east ~o~er~'6~'~id ~11. A~a Jacob, APt. No. 4 S195 N. E. !Sth. Ave. Tropic 'Isie 182 Ft. ~uderdale, Fla. Failure and general s~sidenoe o~ ~e nor~erl~ ~11 of fronting on ~ntiago Canal, f=om the east corer of said~!! to a . poin~ approx~ately 95 feet west thereof. Doran Concrete Co., Inc. P. O. Box R.R. Trop~-~sle 184 Pompano Beach, Fla. ~ttie E. Kuenzel 816 ~e~na~d ~ia~e ~r~pic Xs!~ Ho,Ho-~s, N. J. ComPlete ~ailure and c011apse of ~e southerly sea Wall~ on Trinidad ~nai, frJ= th~ ~ste'rly pro~rty line of Lot ~i86, point approxi~ly 55 feet east. thereof. ~wb Corporation 388~ NO=~ Federal H~. Tropic ~sle c/o ~. H. Gr~ditch, J=.p°mPano ~ach, Complete f'ail~e a~ collapse of ~e easte=l~ 8ea./~i1, ~o~ting on ~e T~ini~ad ~nal,. from ~e easte=.ly pro~r~y ll~ of ~ a point approx~ly 6 feet ~st ~ereof.- ' ~ ' ~ne ~ns~ction ~ 7327 W. Congress ~pAc Zsle ...Faille and Collapse of ~e 'nor~erly sea ~1i,. front~ag aPP=°x~te~ 40 feet ~S't ~e~eof. " 132-B P~OP~.~TZ~S I:~ VXO~TZOa OF ~a ~ O~ ~ CZW C~'. ~ne Cons~uction Co~. 7327 W. Con~ess 'Tropic Isle 203 c/o Ma~in ~chman ~il~ukee, W~s. Failure and ~llapse o~ ~e northerly sea ~11, ~ronting on Trinidad Canal, from the ~sterl~ property line of ~t 203 to a point. approxima~ly 40 feet east thereof. Anna M. Breen 537 Li~dell Blvd. ~OpiC Isle ~lray Beach, ~la. Failure of single piling in ~e southerly sea ~11, facing on Perlino Ca~l, ~ausing fail~ of ~ap an~ ~isplacement of a~prox~mately one paneling, at a point approximately 10 feet ~st of the easterly property line of ~t 215. Edward B. Breen 537 LTn~ell B~vd. Tropiu Isle 216 Delray BeaCh, Fracture of cap,' caUSing s~sidence and offset in the ~11, ~ro~t- ing on Perlino ~nal, for a~ut one panel 1eriCh, i~ed~ateIy east of the ~sterly property line of Lot 216. Men,on M,, Jr. a Claire 402 west Atlantic Ave. Tropic Isle 217 ~. M~urrian Delray ~ach/ ~la. Fracture of cap, causing offset an~ sUbsidence in the sou~erly' sea~lI, '~fronting on Perlino Canal, at a poin~ i~iately eaS~ of'~e westerly property line of Lot 217. J. B. Woodbury 221 West 48th Street Tropic Isle ~10 ~nsas City 12, Mo. Complete failure a~ coliapse of ~e southerly seawall, facing B~mini Canal, from ~e ~sterly property line of ~t 310, to a poin~ approximately 55 feet east t~hereof. Gil & Donna Roeder 1241 Miami Road Tropic Isle 311 Fort ~uderdale, 'Fla. Complete failure and col~lapseof the eouthe=ly seawall, facing on B~mini ~anal, from ~e easterly property line o~ Lot 311, to a point approximately' 20 feet west thereof, and' from the ~sterly propert2 line of ~t 311, to a point approximately 1~ feet east thereo~. ~orge A. Sr. a Anne E. 301 N. E. ~th Street Tropic Isle 312 Bloomfield and George A. Boca ~ton, Florida Jr. a ~ncy E. Bloomfiel~ Complete failure and collapse of sou~erly sea~11, facing on Bimini Canal, from the easterly property line ~ ~t 312, to a 9oint approximately 70 feet west thereof. Frank ~ ~rie Danieleon 408 S. E. 28tH Ave. Tropic Isle Pompano BeaCh'~ Fla. Failure and partial uollapse of the southerly seawall, fronting on Pecos Canal, from the westerly proper~y line of ~t 35~, ~o a approx~tely 65 feet east thereof. Frank & Marie Danielson 408 S. E. 28~ Ave. ~opiC Isle 356 Pompano Beach, Fla. FailUre and Partial col~pse of s~utherly Sea~11, facing on Pesos ~1, .'~om the easterly property li~ of ~t ~5~, tO a point approxi- mately 25 feet west thereof. E. Fi" JohnsOn and Was%ca, Minn. Tropic Isle H. F. Deiche~ Subs.i~nce~ an~ fa~Iure of slabs in several pane~s, on~ the easterly sea~ll, frontAng on ~he '~tracoastal Water, y, fro~ a point approxi- mately 20 feet north of ~e south ~r of sai~ sea~l~ ~o a app=oxima~ely~50 feet nor~' Of Sai~ c.~ner. -2A 6-13-66 132-C PROPERTIES IN VIOLATION OF CHA~TER 8 OF THE CITY .OWN~ ADDRESS SUBDIVIS~.ON LOT George E~ Haggart P.O. Box 1962 Tropic Isle Fargo, N. D~ General failure and subsidence of southerly se&wall, fronting on Abaco Ca,al, from the west property line of Lot 383, to a point proximately 40 feet east thereof. Virginia M. Haggart 706 18th Avenue South Tropic Isle 384 Fargo, N. General failure and subsidence of southerly seawall, fronting on Abaco Canal, from the east property line of 384, to a point mately 50 feet west thereof. Thomas R. He,gert 706 18th Avenue South Tropic Isle 385 Fargo, N. D. General failure and subsidence of the southerly seawall, fronting on Abaco Canal, from the westerly-property line of Lot 385,. to a point approximately 30 feet east thereof. Joe A. & Rubye G. StamFs .581 S. E. 15th Ave. Tropic Isle 386 The' Cove, Deerfield BeaCh, Fla. General fail,re and subsidence of southerly seawall,' fronting on Abaco Canal, from the easterly property line of Lot 386, to a point approximately 20 feet west thereof. Ann Rinds Haggart 706 18th Avenue South Tropic Isle 387 Fargo, N. D. General failure and submidence of the southerly seawall, ~fronting on Abaco. Canal, from the westerly property'line of 'Lot 387, to..a point approximately 60 feet east thereof. William Todd Haggart 706 18th Avenue South Tropic Isle 388 Fargo, N. D. General failure and subsidence of the southerly seawall, fronting on Abaco Canal, from .the east~rty property: line of Lot_'388, to a point approximately 20 feet west :thereof, and also from the westerlF property line of Lot. 388, to.a point approximately 20 feet east thereof. Andrew & ~azel M. Aumer 94 Campbell Road Tropic Isle 389 Buffalo, N: Y. Fracture of cap and subsidence of the southerly seawall, fronting on Abaco Canal, from the easterly property line of Lot 389, to a point approximately 10 feet west thereof. J. S. Moore, Trustee 724 Riverside Drive Tropic Isle 422 Jupiter, Fla. Complete failure and collapse of the northerly seawall, fronting on Abaco Canal, from the easterly property line of Lot 422, 'to a point approximately 40 feet west thereof. J. S. Moore, Trustee 724 Riverside ~Drive Tropic Isle ~423. Jupiter, Fla. ~""Complete failure and collapse of the ~or~herly sea~a11, fronting on' Abaco Canal, from the westerly proper'fy line of Lot ~23, to a point approximately 10 feet east thereof. · Frank & Marie Danielson 408 S. E. 28th Ave. Tropic Isle M-9 PomPano ~each, Fla. Complete failure and collapse of apl~roximately 100 feet of the easterly seawall, fronting on Tropic Isle Harbor, extending from a point approximately, 30 feet south o~ the estab~iahed east-west center- llne of Tropic Isle Harbor, to a pol~ approximately. 130 feet south of said centerline. ~. . ' SUBMITTED TO.'.TH~'CITY ~OUNC=L BY TH~ CITY MANAGER-. : on this the 13th ds~ of J~e, 1966. .132-D RS$OLU"~I'ON NO. 27-66. A REsor. UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL O~ T~ CITY OF DEIA~AY BRA~H, .FLORIDA, D~GING ACTIVE STEPS BP- TAKEN TO EPFECT P-ARLY CONCLUSION OF THE WAR TN W~EREAS, the United States of America has for many months last pist been. engaged, in certain combative warfare in Vier Nam, whe=e~ ~numeroue American citizens have been wounded or kil~led and exten~ive damage and loss of ~rican property has been sustained~ and WH~-RRA$, a continuation o~ the present strategy of con~ing the enemy in this mater is dee~ futile= and ~AS, tt i8 ~lieved that ~e ~ited of ~erica presently ~ssesses ~e stra~egic and mili~ s~eng~ to termSnate ~is conflict in .victory ~e presen2 time~ NOW, ~FO~, .~ it resolv~ by the City Council of ~e CITY OP DE~AY BEA~, FLOR~A, ~at President Lyndon B. Johnson, ~atora S~ssard Holland a~ ~orge and ~ng~s~an Paul ~. Rogers, 'are hereby earnestly a~ spectfully urged to utilize ~e full ~wers and influence of their rea~ctive ~ffi~s to bring the existing ~r ~m to an i~edia~ and vic~orious conclusion and to f~er provide for ~e early return of o~ ~ighting men in said area to their h~es and families. BE IT ~R~ ~SOL~ that copies of this ~solution ~ ~rialtzed to each of ~e above-na~d officials. PASS~ A~ ADO~ ~is 13th day of June, A. D, 1966. CITY OF DP-LRAY BEACH, PLOR]~DA By ........ Ma~or - Vice-~yor ......... cou c'k an ~ councilman cJuncil. n ' ATTEST z city Clor - 132-E PROPERTIES IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCES NO. 0-147 AND SECTIONS 15-3 and 15'4 OF THE CITY CODE. 'P~OPERTY CITY 9m~-~ ~D~S ~ D~SC~IP?ION 1. ~athryn Y~ Nary 320 S. Ocean Blvd. Lot 27', 15-3& Apt. N 2. Delray Beach, Fla. Delray Isle 15-4 2. Mary Angus MulleD Bass River Lots 6 & 7,Block 2, 15-3& Cape Cod, Mass. Lake View Heights 15-4 3. Miss Frances Turner 1328 Bretta St. Lot 8, Block 6, 15-3& Jacksonville, Fla. Del Ida Park 15-4 32211 4. Paul Myers P.O. Box 1114 Vacant part of Lots 15-3& Delray Beach, Fla. 4 & 5, Block A, 15-4 Drinkwater Add.. 5. Peoples Federal Savings 1315 N. Dixie Hwy. Vacant part of Lot 15-3& & Loan Association of Lake Worth, Fla. 10, Block 2, 15-4 Lake Worth. Ida Lake Terrace 6. D. H. Turner P.O. Box 3293 LOt 9, Block 6, 15-3& Station F. De! Ida Park 15-4 Jacksonville, Fla. 7. Merle M; Dearstyne i Holman St. Apt.C. Vacant part of Lots 15-3& Glens Falls, N.Y. 19 & 20, Block 117 15-4 12801 8. Jane M. Ford P.O. Box 393 Lot 6, Block 1, 15-3& Delray Beach, Fla. Seagate. Extension 15-4 9. O. Clifford &Helen P.O. Box 2032 Lot 9, Block 11, l~-3& M. Grimshaw Station 1. ~eagate Sec. !'A" 15-4 Deerfield Beach, Fla. 10. John N. Jr., & 3~50 S. Ocean Blvd. South 92.70 feet of 15-4 Joan W. I(abler Lent&Da, Florida K~' of S% of NS% of of SW~ less North 67.70 feet of West'145 feet less South 25 feet a less West 50 feet of East 65 feet, Section 4~46-43. 11. Robert L. Jr. & c/o J. W. Elliott South 110 feet of Lots 15-3 Edith C. Moore 1466 Pelican Lane 24 & 25 less East 133 & Delray Beach, Fla. feet of 25 & that pot- 15-4 tion of South 110 feet of Lot 11 lying East of E'ly R/W line of Intra- coastal Waterway less Section 9-46-43. 12. Andrew T. &Margaret 1029 Greentree RoSd West 95 feet of Lot 15-3& M. Yount and Dan & Pittsburg, Pa. 22, Lake Ida Manor 15-4 Sara L. Yount 13. Ellen & John Frazier, 303 N. W. let St. South 50 feet of North Jr. DelSey Beach, Fla. 200 feet of West 135 15-3 Feet of South hal£ of & Block 19. 15-4 14. Mary I(eys P.o. Box 1533 No~th 40 feet of SOuth' 15-3 Delray Beach, Fla. 106 feet'o£ West 135 (6-13-66) feet of Block 19. 15-4 132-F PROPERTIES IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE' NO. G-147 AND SECTIONS 15-3 and 15-4 OF THE CITY CODE. ViolatiOns 15-3 and 15-4 as concerns this report are as follows.- 1. 15-3- Garden~t~ash - 15-4 - weeds 2. 15-3 - Garden Trash 15-4 - weeds and undergrowth 3. 15-3 - loose tra'sh and debris 15-4 - weeds, uf~erbZTa, sh and vines 4. 15'-3 - trash I5-4- weeds 5. 15-3 - loose trash an4 part of boat hull i5-4 - weeds 6. 15-3 - loose trash 15-4 - weeds and vines 7. 15-3 - loose trash, dead limbs, etc. 15-4 - weeds 8, 15-3 - dead limbs 15-4 - weeds 9. 15-3 - trash and palm fronds 15-4 - weeds and undergrowth 10. 15-4 - .weeds 11'. 15-3 - dead trees, uprooted trees, logs and lumber 15-4 - weeds and undergrowth 12. 15-3 - garden trash 15-4 - weeds and undergrowth 13. 15-3 - garden trash 15-4 - weeds and undergrowth 14. 15-3 - trash a~d Junk 15-4 -weeds and undergrowth Submitted to the City Counuil by the City Manager on this the 13th day of June, 1966. 132-~ KSSOLUTION NO. 26-66. A RESOLUTION OF THE CXTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORXZXNG THE CITY MANAGER TO PROCEED WITH THE FILL- ING, GRADING AED PAVING OF THAT PART OF S. W. llth AVBN~/E LYING BETWEEN 2nd AND 3rd STREETS. ~IIEAS, the City COuncil of the City cf Delray Beach, Florida, did on the 23rd day of May, 1966, by Reso- lution No. 24-66, determine to proceed with the filling, grading and paving of that part of S. W. llth Avenue lying between 2nd and 3rd Streets to a width of twenty-four (24) feet. WHEREAS, the Resolution providing therefor has' been duly published as required by the City Charter, to- gether ~ith a notice that objections to said improvement woul~ '~be heard, WHEREAS, no sufficient objections have been made to such proposed improvement. ~.NOW.~, ~HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that the City Manager be and~he is hereby instructed to proceed with the filling, grading an~ .pa.ving of that part of S. W. llth Avenue lying between 2nd and 3rd Streets to a width of twenty-four (24) ~eet .acc°rding ~to the plans and specifications heretofore fiied, with..the~C~ty Clerk, and a copy thereof filed in the offi~ce .of the City Manager and kept open for the inspection of the public. .P~SSED i~ Tegular session on this the 13th ~ay of june, , 1966. /S/ Al. C~ Ave,~y MAYOR ATTEST: /s/R. D. CityClerk 132-H ORDINANCE .~O. 37-66. AN EMERGiNCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COI~CIL OF THE CITY OF ~ BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ~I~PTER 22 OF THE CODE OF O1~ DINANCHS PERTAINING TO THE AUTHORITY OF MUNICIPAL POLICE OFFICERS. WHEREAS, the ~ty Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, deems it in the best interests of the Citizens of this ¢ommu~ity to amend sections of the Code of Ordinances= and WHEREAS, an emergency ordinance is authorized under Section 30 of the City Charter of this City when for the pur- pose of facilitating the daily operation ~f a municipal de- partment ! NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP DELP~Y BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Chapter 22, Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and the same is hereby amended by adding Section 22-14 to read as follows: "Sec. 22-14. Arrest Authority of Officer in Con- junction with Automobile Accident investigations. A police officer at the scene of a traffic accident may arrest any driver of a vehicle involved in the accident when based upon personal investigation, the officer has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that the person has committed any offense under the 'code Of Ordinances of this City or-under the S~atutes of Florida incorpora~ted therein, in connection with the accident." Section 2. This ordinance is deemed to be an emergency ordinance and shall become effective immediately. PASSED and ADOPTED on this 13th day of June 1966. /S/ Al. C. Avery .... MAY'OR ATTEST: ~S/, ,R. ,D. Werthing City Clerk 132-I ORDINANCE NO. 38-66. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OP .T.HE CITY COUNCIL OF T~E .CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, A~!N~ L'HAPTE~ 25. OF THE CODE OF ORDINA~NCES PEaTAI'N~.G ~O.~. .... TRAFFIC %'~OLATI ONS. WHEREAS, the City Council oX' the City Of Delray Beach, Florida, deems it in the b~st in~erests' of the :Citizens of this community to amend sections of the Code of Ordinances~ and WHEREAS, an emergency ordinance is authorized under Sec- tion 30 of the City Charter of this City when for the put.pose of facilitating the daily operation of a municipal department~ NOW, THEREFO~E~ BE. IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF DELR~Y BEACH," FLORIDA, AS FO~.LOWS: Section 1. That Chapter 25, Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and the same is hereby amended by adding Sections 25-3 and 25-4 to read as follows: "Sec. 25-3. Additional Traffic Regulat.£ons. The City 'of Delray Beach, Florida, recognizes every motor vehicle as a d~ngerous £nstrumen~.. · tality. All cf the Provisions and requirements of Chapters 186, 317, 322 and 860, Florida Statutes, 1965, in regard to the regUlation of traffic, whether .such provisions apply to the dr£~er Of a vehicle within %r without a munioi- pal~ty~ are hereby adopted as provisions and re- quirements of the ordinances of the City .of Delray Beach, and 'Shall"be appligsble to the entire ~uni- tips1 territory of this community .and shall not be limited in their applic~tion to the public streets, roads and h~ghways-within the corporate limits. Sec. 25-4. Penalty. Any pereon0 fi~m or corporation who violates Section 25-1 or Section 25-3 shall, npon conviction thereof, be punished by. the same penalty as is prbVi~.e~ .by the laws of the state, but An no case shall such- penalty ~'xce~d a fine of five hundred _dollars, or an ln~priso~ment for ~ore than ninety days, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the municipal judge." Section 2. This ordinance fs deemed to be an emergency ordinance and shall become effective immediately. PASSED an~ ADOPTED on this 13th day of June , 1966. MAYOR ATTEST: /S/~. D. Wo~thi~g City Clerk ' OZ:~D~'~NC$. NO. 39-66. AN F-2~RGENCY ORDII~IA~ OF ~ CZ~ CO~CI~ OF T~ CITy OP DEL~Y BEACH, ~RIDA, ~IN~ C~ER 17, CODE OF O~I~S OF SA~ CI~, ~KING IT ~I~UL FOR ~ ~ERSON ~ CO~T WI~N T~ CORPO~TE LI~TS OF ~ CITY~ A~ A~ ~I~ IS OR S~LL BE is a ~Lo~. ~AS, the City Council of the City of ~lray Bea~, Florida, deems it in the best interests of the ~tizens co,unity to amend sections of the Code of Ordinances= and ~S, an e~rgency ordinance is au~orized under ~ction 30 of ~e City ~arter of this City when for ~e p~- pose of facilitating the daily 9peration of a municipal depart- ~nt ~ NOW, 9~FO~, ~ IT O~AI~D BY T~ CI~ CO~CIL OF T~ CITY OF ~E~Y BEA~ P~RIDA~ AS Section 1. ~at ~ap~er 17, Code of ~rdinan~es of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be a~ the same is hereby amend- e~ by adding Section 17-28.1 which s~ll rea6 as follows= "Sec. 17-28.1. State felonies. It shall be unlawful for any person to within the corporate limits of the city, any act whic~ is or shall be rec0~iZed by the laws of ~e state as a felony, anti ~e commission of such acts is hereby forbidden. ~osoever shall violate ~e provisions of section, upon conviction thereof, shall be p~- ished by the s~me penalty as is ~erefor pro- vided by ~e laws of the state, but in no case shall su~ ~nalty_exceed a fine of five hundred dollars, or an imprisonment for more than ninety days, or both such fine and impriso~ent discretion of the municipal judge." Section 2. This ordinance is deemed to ~ an emergency ordi~nce and shall become effective i~diately. PASSED anti ~OP~ on ~is 13~h flay o~ June ,1966. MAYOR ATTEST = City Cl~k 132-K ORDINANCE NO. 40-66 AN EM~-RGENCY '~RDINA~CE OF THE 'CITY COONCIL OF iT~E 'CITY OF DEL~AY BEACh, ~" Ff.ORIDA, AME~NG CHApTE~ 17, CODE OF ORDINANCES OF ~AID CITY PERTAIN- IN~ TO VASRANCy. WHEREAS, .the City c6unCil of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, deems it in the best interests of the Cit'izens of this community to amend sections of the Code of Ordinances~ and WHEREAS, an emergency ordinance is authorized under Sectlo~ 38 of the City Charter of this City when for the put- Pose of facilitatin~ the daily operation of a munic~pal depart- ~ent ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Chapter 17, co~e of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and the same is hereby amended by repealing the existing Section 17-33 and enacting a new Sec- tion 17-S3 which shall read as follows= " "Sec. 17-3S Idle or dissolute persons who go about or are present within· the city limits without any lawful or pro,er purpose~ ~ersons who engage in unlawful games of chance~ persons who are under the influence of intoxicating liqUors or beverage~ to the extent that their normal faculties are impaired and are ~unruly or disorderly in their Conduct~ thieves~ traders in, or persons in possession of, st°lan pro~erty~ lew~ or wanto lascivious persons~ gamblers or keepers of .places whets'gambling la-permitted~ persons, who neglect their calling or employment, or who' are without reasonably ccnt'inuous employment or regular income and who have not suffi~ient property to sustain them, or W~o misspend what they earn without providing for themselves and ~he support of their families; habitual loafers! idle and dis- orderly ~eraons~ and all able-bodied male persons over the age of eighteen years who are without means of support and rer~a'~n in idleness~ ali persons who have n~ reasonably ~ermanent place of abode or residence= and all persons who cannot properly identify themselves and have no verification of their identity; shall be deemed vagrants. It shall be Unlawful for any person to be s vagrant or commit an act of v&gra~Cy within the city." Section 2. This ordinance is deemed to be an emergency ordinance and shall become effective immediately. PASSED an~ ADOPTED on this 13th ~a~ of June ., 1966. MAYOR ATTE ST .- City Clerk