08-08-66 AUGUST 8, 1966. A regular meeting of .the City CounCkl of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers' at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor Al. C. AverY in the Chair, City Manager David M. Gat,chel, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen J. LeRoy Croft~ ,James H. Jurney and Jack L. Sau~ders being present. 1. An opening preyer was delivered by the Rev. N. A. Jenkins.. 1.a. The Pledge of Allegis"ce tO the Flag of the United States of America was given. Ma~or Avery welcomed CounciIman Jack Saunders back to the Council meeting following his absence from Several meetings due to illness. MaYOr Avery announced.that today is the City Manager's birthday, after which the City Manager was pregented with a small birthday cake, and the council and audience sang"Happy Birth~ay". 2. The minutes of the regular council meet'ing of July 25th, 1966, were unanimously approved, on motion by Mr, Croft and secor~e,~ by Mr. Jurney, 3. Mr. Kenneth Ellingsworth, Executive Vice President of the ~hamber of Co~nerce, presented the following request to Council= "The aoard of Directors of~ the Velray SeaCh Chamber, ofl commerce respectfully requests that action be taken to expedite instal- lation of a lighting sYStem that would make possible evening · play on some of our municipal tennis courts. This request is made with the understanding that funds have been budgeted and are available for this project. Without` question, facilities for' evening tennis play would be' beneficial to our over-all recreational program and would be utilized, b~ many of our residents and visitors. Written for the Board of Directors." Dr. Monroe Father, a member of the Tennis Committee, informed CoUncil that the Tennis'Committee had been granted money for lighting two courts and that $4,000 is currently in the budget for that purpose. Dr. Farber explained~that there is a bank of six courts in a row and a bank of three courts in a row, and commented further: "Courts are usua!ly lighted in banks of two so that the poles can be put outside the fence of the courts and not interfere with the playing surface. Zf we were to light the three courts .that we have in the one bank, we would just about put out of commission one court, and we would actually tear up or lose one court in riding this. ~he Committee, after exhaust- ing the advice of many lighting engineers trying to work out a way that we could light the three courts, came to the conclusion that the best thing would be to build two all-weather cou~ts that could be used for these lighted courts. ~his. would serve several purposes. AS you know, the courts we have muss be watered and maintained at night because they are used in the da~ime. If they were played on at night, it would mean that you woula~heve to put them out of service at least in the morning while you are co~%tioning them. An all-weather court is an asphalt type~ ~ubber cOur~',~which would need no maintenance and which would ~ a~ai!able immadiate!~ .~fter a rain, so during wet weather you would alsys have two courts available. We feel that rath- er than to lose one cOUrt and throw away the money we have spent on one court now existing, it would be much better to build two new courts and light them properly. It would take, roughly, SS,000 more th~p the $4,000 now in the budget, to build two all-waether courts, completely -1- 8-8-66 lighted, with the fence,, ~rees and, everyth.~ng~ that goes with two new courts. This would he an eXPenditure of ~12,000, o'f ~which now budgeted. Mr. Saunders mOved that this request be received and 'referred to the City Manager for study and' reco~uendation to Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimously. 3. Mr. Elijah Bush, representing the Delray Church of Christ, located at 125 S. W0 15th Avenue, presented the following request to Council: "We humbly ask your permission to help us in our struggle to co,bat crime~ juvenile deli~quency, and immorality in our fair City. To' do this more effe'ctiVely at this time, we need your authority for the following itemS= A permit to canvas the area, a permit to put up s .service pole, and a permit to Put up a fire- proof tent 4.0 ft. X 60 ft. The tent will be available for fire ingpection on the site located on NOrthwest l~th Avenue between Northwest 2nd and 3rd Streets in Delray. This is not s Healing Campaign. Each night our services will consist of: congrega- tional singing~ prayer, GosPel Preaching, ..and prayer of dismissal. This Will be done for not less than two weeks and not more than three weeks with your and the Lord's will. Toilet facilities will be .provided. If any other information is needed we will be glad to furnish it." Mr. Bush informed Council that the .property on which they desire to place the tent belongs to Mr. S. E. O'Neal, who has given the Church permission t~ use his pro~rty if the Council gives their approval of this request, and that th~ desire to start said meeting on October 2, 1966. Mr. Sau~ders moved that this request be referred to the City Manager and that he be given permission to grant the request, subject to the approval of the Fire and sanitation Departments and of the Interde- nominational Ministerial Alliance. The motio~ was seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimously. ~. Mr. William J. Edell of Ocean Ridge, promoter of '~'Sing Out For America", expressed his sincere appreciation to the Council for grant- ing permission to that group to conduc~ a "Sing Out 1966" at the Com- munity Center at 8=00 P.M., Thursday, A~St 11th. 4. Mr. Croft read the Beautification Committee meeting minute~ of Augnst 3, 1966. The Beautification Conu~ittee urged a continued study on the use of underground power lines ~n the City of DelraY Beach, and said that many towns are now using this method and finding it no more costly. Mr. Croft moved that this item be refer~ed to the City Manager and that he continue to stUdy same, as recommended. The motion was sec- onded by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimously. 4.a. A roll call showed the following Civic organisstions and repre- sentatives to be in attendance= Breezy Ridge Estates Mr. John Sword Beach TaXpayers League Mr. J. watson DUnbar Senior Citizens Club' Col. Larry Everett V. F.W. Col. Clarence B~ngham Shuffleboard Club Mr. James Cassel Chamber of Commerce Mr. Kenneth Ellingsworth Board of Realtors 'Mr. James Ri~tterbusch Planning Board Mr. Kenneth Jacobso~ Palm Beach County Resources Development Board M~.. Cecil Farter -2- 8-8-66 171 5. City Clerk Worthing read the following letter to Police Chief, R. C. Croft, from~HE~D START, _Spady Center, dated July 21, 1966: "We sincerely thank the police Department of Delray Beach for its cooperation in helping to provide a meaningful experience for the children in the Head Start program. Officer Lorenzo Brooks' presentation on safety last Monday, July 18, 1966 was well received by the' children and the teach- ing staff. We are thoroughly convinced that by having this intimate contact with an officer of the law the children have become less apprehensive of polioemen and have begun to accept them as friends. This is the image that we want our children to have of policemen. There is an old proverb which says, 'An oUnce of prevention is worth more than a pound of ours'. We are confident tha~ the splendid safety talk ,was you= 'ounce of prevention'. It gives us a good feeling to know that the people sworn to protect us are as dedicated and diligent as your men are' We- are proud of our police department. May we extend an invitation to you to come every year and help us in a~y way. that you deem. necessaFy." ... With council consent, Mayor'Avery referred this ls'tter .to the City Manager~ ~ith the request, that 'it be .se.~.t thr~ough ,-cha,n. ne~s to the Police '.~9~Partmen~ '~6'be' Placed On their' ~u~letin, 5. City clerk. worthing 'read the following letter from Mr. A. Deyo Clella.n,~., dated Jul~ 27, 1966: "The Be~.ch Revetment.' " It is my considered OPinion that the plan devised' an~ adop~e.d for the construction, o.f the beach revetment a~ong AIA: ~s not. sound and is u~wor~cab!e~ that even if this~ in~tallation should be completed'this ~evet~ent will not hold '~p stroyed by undermining. This could mean the l°Ss' of the entire invest~ent~i and beach~ facin, g, very .expens,ive residential proper~y ,would b~ wreCked and irreparable harm ca~s~' 'this City thr~Ug~ a'ctions WhiCh conceivably would be instituted by irate property holders. Furth,ermore, it is my belief that a greater part of the money so far expended on th~s project is wasted and that the present operation should be d~scontinued. The situa2ion can;be cured~ the beach can be permanently' and attraC, t~vely restored if.reme,di.al action .is taken without delay. z know what ! am,talking ab°~t and 'r am P~epared to discuss this matter with YOu either formally or informally." With Council consent, Mayor Avery re'ferr~d this letter to th® City Manager With the request' that he contact Mr. Clelland. 6.a. City Man~j~er Gatchel informed Council. that it. had been recommend- ed by the Dire'~tor of Parks add Recreation that an Advisory Board (Board. o~ Governors) be appoi~ted to confer with the Recreation. Direc- tor Concerning the operation of the Adult. Recreation '~omplex', and that such Board consist of the following repres'e~'tation: -3- 8-8-66 ~e.presen~tive Alternate SENXO~ CX?X~HS C~ Col. X~r~y Everett,' ~es. ~ B~X~ ~UB G.H. ~anson, P~es. ~oe ~ccaro S~E~~ ~UB ~a~es ~ssel, Pres. ~ohn Glen CITY ~C~ATION A~fred Eilio2k, Director CI~ ~s. Ja~ita Jo~l (Su~rVieor, Co.unity Cen~r)' Fur~er, ~t it is =eco~en~e~ the terms of office ~ for one calendar year, wi~ ~e first ap~intees eerv~ng ~til January, 1~6~. ~. ~oft move~ t~t the appoin~nt of said A~visory ~ard for Adult ~creation Complex be ma~e as reco~ende~, ~e motion being sec- onded by ~. Jurney and ~ani~uely carried. 6.b. ~e City ~nager infold Co.oil of an appliuation for dispens- ing beer~and/or wine, for Uonsu~tion~off the premises, from ~. ~a~ ~siderio for sale of said beverage in ~njUn~ion with ~e new Sher- ~od Park ~rket, located in ~e~ Park Shopping Center, a~ 101~ S. W. 20~ AVenue. ~er., t~at ~ia applicant has been ~oroughly processed i~ the maker as re~ire~ ~y ~e laws of the City as ~r~ins to dispensing of such beverages, a~ a~Prove~ by ~e proof agencies, and it is, ~erefore, recom~n~e~ ~at ~e application be approved and the re~est granted. Said application ~s unanim°usly approval, oh motion by ~. C=oft and seconded by ~. Jurney. 6.c. Regar~ing uae of ~e asse~ly hall in the C~unity ~nter, City ~nager Gatchel reporte~ to Council as follows: "~s. Llo~ Benson, Director of Florida Federation of ~en's Cl~s District 10, together with ~s. Walter ~nck, ~es~dent' of the Delray ~ach Women's C1~, requests ~e use of ~e asse~ly hall at ~e C~unity Center on Monday, ~to~r 31st, bet~en the hours of ~:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. for the purpose of hosting 22 Senior ~men's Olds an~ 18 Junior W~en's Cl~s from sai~ Dis~ict 10, represen~tive ~oups coming from ~ny to~s and cities in five counties in South Florida. There being no conflict of scheduled co~i~ents, an~ wi~ the approval ~f the Recreation DirectOr, it is reco~enaed that this re- .est be granted." ~r Avery inf0~med Co~cil that he had asked ~s. Benson ~uld desire to use '~e C~ty Hall instead of ~e C~unity Center for t~t p~se, a~ sU~t~ ~a~ the City ~nager be given permission to make either one of ~hose buil~ings available, S~Jec~ to ~ere be- ing no conflict with the re~lar program. It ~s Jurney, seconded by ~. Croft an~ unani~usly ~arrie~. 7.a. Regar~ing a re.est for ~rmiasion_ to replace a non-confo~ing structure, City Clerk ~rthing info~ Council that ~. O. T. ~ames re~ests pe~ission to ~eplace a 20,000 gallon gasoline ~nk, a~ve gro~d, inasmuch as Standard Oil COmpany's engineers, following a periodical insp~ction of the e~ip~nt at ~e bulk plant,~ re~enae~ replacement of a 20,000 gallon tank. rather than repair of same, to ins~e ~uch safer operation at ~e plant. Fur~er, ~at Council ap- proval or ~enial of ~is request is ~eemed to be in order and supported by ~apter 14 of the Code of ~inances. ~yor Avery said ~ere had been so~ ~stion as to whether ~uncil had a right to process sai~ re--st tonight, or whether .it should go before the Board of Adjus~ent. City Attorney Adams said that in reinitiating ~is application, ~a~s shoul~ apply for a ~mit an~ if ~e application could not be handled a~m~nistratively between ~e Building ~rtment and t~ Fire Department, ~en his appeal shouId be to the Boa~ of A~Justment. -4- 8-8-66 8.a. City Clerk Worthing presented RESOLUTION NO. 30-66. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~' CITy OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A PORTION OF AREA NO. 20 OF SANITARY SEWER PROJECT NO. 5964-~b AS OPERATIONAL AND SETTING THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THE INITIAL SCHEDULE OF RATES, FEES AND OTHER CHARGES TO BE LMPOSED FOR THE SERVICES AND FACILITIES FURNISHED BY SAID PORTION OF ARE~ NO. 20 OF THE S~WER SYSTEM. (Copy of ResolutiOn No. 30-66 ia attached to the official copy of these minutes.) .See page 176~A. Resolution NO..30-66 was unanimously passed and adopted on this first and final reading, on~ motion by Mrs. Jurney .and seconded by Mr. Croft. 8.b. The City Clerk presented RESOLUTION NO. 31-66. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA,. ASSESSING COSTS .FOR ABATING NUISANCES UPON CERTAIN ..LANDS LOCATED. WITHIN SAID CITY= SETTING OUT ACTUAL COSTS INCURRED BY SAID CITY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH ABATEMEI~ A~D LEVYING THE COST OF SUCH ABATEMENT OF SAID NUISANCES, AND DECLARING SAID LEVY TO BE A LIEN UPON SAID PROPERTY IN AN AMOUNT AS SHOWN BY PORT OF THE CITY MANAGER OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. (Colby of Res01ution No. 31-66 and assessments are attached to the official copy .of these minutes.) See page I?~-B~.c. Resolution No. 31-66 was-unanimously passed and adopted on this first and final reading, on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Jurney. S.c. City Clerk Worthing .presented ORDI~NCE NOi 43-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, LEVYING THE ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBMITTED BY THE CITY MANAGER OF SAID CITY CON- CERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORM DRAINS THROUGH BLOCK 94 FROM S. E. 2nd STREET TO S. E. 1st STREET AND EAST- ERLY TO INTERSECTION OF S. E. 1st STHEET AND 4th AVENUE, AS SHOWN ON S .U~,VE.Y FILE ST S 64-1, TOGETHER WITH THE IN- STALLATION OF .CATCH BASINS, MANHOLES AND APPURTENANCES IN CO~JUNCTION WITH SUCH STORM DRAINS. (Copy of Ordinance No. 43-66 and accompanying ASsessment Roll are attached to the official copy of these minutes.) ~ ~r~ There being no objection to the AsSeSsment Roll for said construc- tion o~ storm drains, Mr. Jurney moved that Ordinance No. 43-66 be passed and adopted on this second and final reading, The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft and carried unanimously. 8.d. The City Clerk presented ORDINANCE NO. 48-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PLOR~DA, ANIqEX~NG TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LAND, NAMELY LOT 12, LARE SHORE ESTATES, WHICH LAND IS CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUN.~CIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY~ REDEFINING THE BOUNDarIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND~ PROVIDING FOR T~ I~GHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND~ AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. 2020 N. W. 4th Avenue (Copy of Ordinance No. 48-66 is attached to the official copy of these There being no objection to Ordi~ance No. 48-66, said'Ordinance was unanimously pasged and adopted on 'this second and ling1 reading, on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Jur~ey. 8.e. The City Clerk presented ORDINANCE NO. 50-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 15A (HOUSING STANDARDS) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DEL- ~AY EEACH, FLORIDA, PERTAININ~ TO T~E ASSESSMENT OF LIENS FOR THE COSTS AND EXI~NSES INCURRED IN ELIMINATING' UNSAFE OR UNSANITARY CONDITZO~S OF BUI~ii~GS WITHZN THE CORPO- RATE LIMITS UPON THE FAIL~P~ OF T~E OWNEI~ THEREOF TO DE- MOLISH, REMOVE OR~ PUT IN A STATE OF SOUND REPAIR FOLLOW- ING NOTICE. City Clerk Wort/ling informed '~ouncil that it is the desire of Mr. Art Smith, the City Planner, that'.the first paragraph on page two of this ordinance, being subaect~on (b) of section 15~'~3.9, close with the following sentence= "However, the b,.~£1di~g inspector may declare that such conditions' exist that warrant a~t'[on u~der ~ction 15A-40 (Emergency powers), in which case a shorter time period may be desig- nated." City Attorney Ad,ms explained that said sentence wad a goo~ addi- tion to the ordinance. Ordinance No. 50-66 .was unanimously p~aC~d on first reading with the addition to Subse~¥~ (b} Section 15A~, as s~ated. The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft and carried unanimously. 9.a. Regarding the Planning Board'e recon~endation concerning request for right-of-way over City owned lands, City Clerk Worthing reported to Council as follows: "A sketch was attached ~.o the agenda, and Mr. Lochiatto, through his attorney, Mrj N~I ~-. ~Millan, fequests the City to dedicate a right-of-way over its 'lS-acre tract of land, shown on the sketch, in order to provide egress and ingress t~ Mr. Lochiatto's property. Council, at its last regular meet:i~g, referred this petition to the Planning Board ~or review' and recommer~tion. The Board, under date of July 29~h, ~][ahea' to confirm its previous recommendation' of April 27th, concerning a simila~ reques~~ ~om Mr. George Lochiatto for right-of~w~ dedication, which Was as follows: 'In reference to any request for right-of-way through the City property, the Board feels this would be inadvisable at t~s time due ~t.o, pending decision as to the future use of t~is property. Mr. Croft moved to sustain the recommendation Of the PIa~t~g.Board, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and 'unanimously carried. 10ca. City Manager ~atchel presented council with copies of the pro- posed budget for the fiscal year of 1966-67, and read his accompanying letter 'of transmittal. Mr. Jurney moved that this budget be received and that the Council meet at ?=30 P.M., Wednesday, August lOth, for a W°r~shop meeting on same. The motion was seconded by Mr.' Croft and carried 'unanimously. Mayor Avery directed the City Manager to have representatives from the Library, Chamber of Commerce and.. BoaUtificat~on Committee present at said workshop meetin~ ..i.f ~l~ey 'desired to make a short presentatio~ at the time their bv~qe~ requests were considered by Council. -6- 8-8-$$ 10.b. Regarding consideration of the Water' works Improvement and Treatment Plant, City ,~anager Gatchel reported to Council a,s follows.- "Information has been received of the apprOva~ by the Florida Stat~ Board of Health of the Plans and Specifications for the .Water Works Improvement Project No. $469-3 (Treatment Plant) subject to the pro- viso that a switch, for the ch'torine, room fan be located outside the c~lorine room door, which provision the Consulting Engineers have agreed to furnish. It is,-therefore, suggested that Council meet with. the engineers and fiscal agents concerning this project and the available dates of those parties are August 23rd, 24th or 25th. council pleasure as to its choice of these da~teS is requested." Following discussion, .M~,~ Jurney m~0ved ~that t~,,e .Council meet with the engineers and fiscal ~g~nts' Concerning th4s project at 7..30 P.M., Tuesday, August :2~rd. The motion w?s. set, on, ed by Mr. Croft and carried unanimously. 10.c. City Manager Oatchel informed Council that a meeting has been arranged to be held with representatives of Glace Engineering ,Corpora- tion, as well as Dickerson, Inc., pertaining to the .~ontract for con- struction of the concrete block revetment wall, pro,ess to date, and vital facts pertain~ng thereto, and Council is urgently requested to be present. The City Manager explained further: "This date of August 11th is quite an ~0rtant ,date as this is the .end of the 90 day .p~.~riod gor'ithe const~,r, Uct,~o.nlOf thiS. Wa!l~. however, .incl.~ment wea .ther dred~t ~ime' .~s. available tO.the C°0tr-actorz,/. but I feel..:th~t, .COuncil needs to have all the facts concerning t~e .revetment wall laid before them, and~ decision 'be made' aa to the. directions that we .~iil go .from . o owin discussion, Mr. meeting .'at 3.1:0. Thursday, August 11th, 1966, be called as a special Council meeting, the mot. ion being seconded by Mr. Jurney ~nd una~imous!y carr~e,d~.~ Mr. J.. Watson Du~b&r appe~ared before the Counci1 and. c~mme~ted as f0110ws: "I amJ.. Watson Dunbar, representing the Beach Taxpayers League. I read in the paper about the pOSSible cancellation of the work on the BeaCh Erosion Revetment Project as of October 1st. , Late in June, I had an opportunity to inspect the, work that had been done to that date and it w~s very obvious that the August llth date was some- body*s midnight summer's dream. I learned at that t~me that a ~ore probable .date wou~ be the 15th .of September. To~ay I had an.oppor- tunity again to go down to the beach, doing a little Scouting. for~ one of our members,, and I learned that all but 160 feet of the toe wall had been built, ,a~d that they can lay about 80 feet a day: That .iS two days' work. As I looked up and down the beach, ~t looked to m~ as though 'about 40 per cent of the waffles had 'been laid. Ali of the re- taining or tie back walls are in, and .I cantt understand why any,addi- tional time after October first is needed to complete that work. I think it would-be a shame' to come back next spring, bring' all the equip- ment .back in. Of course, the City has,a definite cost, but_ still, there are resP°nsibil, ities which the City must assume and which are ~0ing .to cost money. AS a member of the Beach Taxpayers L~ague., 'and representing them, I .think~ every effort should be made-tO Conclude this work by October' lat.. ~Ther. e are six weeks remaining, and I don't think there is ten Per cent of the job"to be done. The Other point is that November is generally a'.very fine month, and ~nless the contractor ,determines to lay off all his men, or unless we have a rash of Storms, I See no reason in the world why that job cannot be completed by October first, and it doesn*t take an engineer to see that. I would like to,~o, on ,record to that effect." ' Mayor Aver~ %sked Mr. Dunbar to .ple4~, ~t~nd .th~ ~spe~iai~ Co~uncil ~ee~tinglsched~ .for Thursday,. Augus~ ll~h~, d~Cerni~g the Beach Re- Vetment Pro~ec~. 8-8-6~ City Manager Gatchel assured Mr. Dunbar and all present that the Administration of th~ City certainly shares with him..th~ 'position he just stated to Cg..~ncil~ furthers' that'the' thinking as to disc~ntinuing this pro,eot prior to its c~letion has been suggested only by the contractor, and neither the City Administration..nor'the Consulting Engineers ~sve ~aken eny'~osition in tha~ matter at thi~ time, as that is a matter for COuncil considera~i6n. 10.x. City Manager Gatchel presented Council with thelatest progress reports from .City Zngi~eer Fleming a on the Beech Revetment Project. 10.x. City Manager Gatchel said that he should hay9 ~elivered to Council at this tame th&jsecond ~'~e~ly EepOrt on the' ~ehabilitation o~ the old sewer syste~ b~t same 'he, a~ ye.~~ bee~ Pre~ared because ~here is on~ f~al portion o~ tha~ project now under constrUction~ but not comple~ed~ ~herefore, rather than make a normal qua~erl¥ report on the status of the rehabilitation program~ ~t was deemed adv£sab~e to wait £or the completion of the final portion of the project and make a complete report at that time. Mr. Croft moved that the delay in the report of the rehabilitation of the old sewer system be grante~, the motion being, seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried.: 10.d. City Clerk Worthing presented Bills For Approval, as follows= General Fund $ 670910.79 Water Operating &~ntenance Fund 1,378.81 Water Revenue Fund 99,899.12 Improvement Fund '198.90 Capital Improveamnts Construction Fund 2,190.53 Cigarette Tax"F~nd 5,358.00 The bills were unanimously ordered paid, on motion, by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Croft. The meeting adjourned at 9=20 P.M. Ci'ty Clerk APPROVED: 176-A I~ESOLUTION NO. 3~0~,66. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI~ OF, THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A PORTION.OF ~ NO. 20 OF' SA~IT~Y S..W~R PRO~eC~ ~0. $964-Sb AS-, OPE~IOan'. ~ SE~Z~G ~m -F,~Ec~Iv~ DA?E FOR T~ Um~ S~ O~ ~TES, ~ES ~ ~R ~ES TO BE ~OSED FOR T~' SER~S. ~ PACILXT~S ~8~D BY SA'~ ~ORTXON OF ~AS, ~he City entere8 into a-contract ~or engineering vices with Russell a ~n, Consulting Engineers, on ~e-30th day of Septe~er, lg5g, a~ ~AS, pursuant to said contract, Russell & ~on 8esA~e8 ocean outfall se~r system together ~th 1Aft stations and '~er sani- tary sewer improve~nts, hereinaf~r referre~ to as Pro~eg~,~.. Sg64- ~AS, Russell & Axon was hi:ed to p~form consulting resident inspection ~rvices flor said Area NO. 20 of Se~ge ~rks Project No. 5g~-Gb, and ~$, by Resolution No. 13~9, dat~ Nov~er 6, 19%I, Ordinance No. G-553, efffective July 22, 1964, ~e initial schedule of ra~s, fees and o~er charges to ~ imposed' ~o~ ~ services a~ fa- cilities fur~ished by the aewet system are ~ be~ effectiye the first 8ay of ~ mom~ foXlowing ~e date ~en ~e a~tem, ia ~:Construc- ted, certified for use by the consulting engineers, and accepte& b~ the City; and ~S~ Russell & ~on has recently certified, as ~e fol~wing 6eactibe6 ~=tion off sai8 Area 20 off Se~ge Works ~o- jeer No. 5964-8b: S. W. 2nd Street - S. W. 10~ Avenue to S. W. 15~ AVenue. S. W. 11~ Avenue - Atlantic AVenue to S. W. 2nd Street. S. W. 12~ Avenue - Atlantic Avenue to S. W. 4~ Strut. S. W. 13~ Avenue - Atlantic Avenue to 8. W. 2n8 S~eet. S. W. 14~ Avenue - Atlantic Avenue to S. W. 3r8 Stteet; S. W. 15th Avenue - Atlantic Avenue to S,. W. 3rd S~eet. Also including East-West alkeys just Sou~ off Atlantic Avenue and bergen S. W. 11~ Avenue and S. W. IS~ Avenue. NO~, T~FO~, ~ IT ~OL~D BY ~ CITY CO, IL OF T~ CITY OF DE~Y B~, ~LORIDA. RS ~O~WS: 1. That ~e ~rtion of ~ea 20, within ~e Sanitary Sewer .Sys- tem heretofo=e desi~ated Project No. 5964-8b, which ~rtion is s~ci- ~ically identifAee hereinabove, is helm accepted by ~e City as be- ing operational, and ~e initial s~e of rates, flees and other c~rgea previously es~bliahe~, and applicable thereto, shalZ be~me efffective 8epte~er 1, 1966. 2. ~at?no~ing herein contained shall be construed as charging ~e contractors from ~e strict ~rfor~nce of ~eir re~n- ing cont=actural 6utica. ~at each off ~e con~ac~r$~ and ~eir bon~- ing com~nies, re, in res~nsible in all ~eapeots until released accordance wi~ their ~e~n~S wi~ the City. ~ASS~ ~ ~O~D ~is 8th dam of AUg.~St, 19&&. ATTEST: ~ A Y O R /S/ R. D. Worthlng ~ESOLUTIO~ NO. 31-66. 176-B A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ASSESSING COSTS FOR ABATING NUISANCES' UPON CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY~ SETTING OUT ACTUAL COSTS INOURREDBY SAID CITY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH ABATEMENT AND LEVYING THE COST OF SUCH A~ATEMENT OF SAID NUISANCES, AND DECLARING SAID LEVY TO ~E A LIEN UPON SAID PROPERTY IN AN AMOUNT AS SHOWN BY RE- PORT OF THE CITY MANAGER OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, did, Regular ~&/~///////////sesSion held on the 25thor APr.i!,. and ~' 9~h of May, 1966 ~- declare the existen~e of a nui- sance upon certain lots or parc~s of land, described in a list sub- mitted to them, for violation of the provisions of Ordinance G-147= WHEREAS, pursuant to such declaration, the City Clerk of said City did furnish each of the respective owners of the lands described in said list with a notice describing the nature of the nuisance and that they must abate said nuisance within thirty (30) days, faiIing in which the City Council would have it done, and the cost thereof would be levied as an assessment against said property~ and ~REAS, the owners hereinafter named did fail and neglect to abate the nuisance existing upon their respective lands within the time prescribed in said notice and Ordinance G-147, and the City of Delray Beach was required to and did enter upon the following lands and incur costs in abating the nuisance existing thereon as described in the aforesaid l£st~ and WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, has, pur- suant to said Ordinance G-1~7 and the City Charter submitted to the City Council a report of the costs incurred in abating the nuisance as aforesaid, said report indicating the costs per parcel of land involved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That assessments in the individual amounts as shown by the report of the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, involving the City's cost of abating the aforesaid nuisances upon the lots or par- cels of land described in said report, a copy of.which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are levied against the parcels of land described on saidreport and in the amounts indicated thereon. Said assessments so levied shall be a lien upon the respective lots and parcels of land..described~in~said report, of the same nature an~ to the same extent as the lien for general city taxes and Shall be col- lectible in the same manner and with the same penalties and under the same provisions as to sale and foreclosure as city taxes are collect- ible. 2. That the City Clerk of said City shall, as soon as possible after the effective date, record a certified copy of this resolution in the 'office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, an~ shall furnish to each of the owners named in an~ upon said report a notice that the City Councll of the City of Del~a~ Beach, did, on the 25th of April and 9th of May, 1966 order the abatement of a Certain nuisance existing on their described property and property owner having failed to abate such nuisance, within the 30 day period, whereupon it was abated by the City at costs shown iU sa~d report and such assessments shall be legal, valid and binding objurgations upo~ the property against which said assessments are levi~? Th~Sresolut~on s~a~ become effective 30 ~ays from the ~ate of ~dpp~o~, and th~ asseSs~e~t~ ~on~ained herein shall become due and P~ya~.le thirty days aEte~ 'i.~e ~ai~ng dat~ o~ the notice of said assessment, after per annom ~n any un~aid ~ort~on PASSED AND ADOreD in regular ,session on t~ 8th day of ~u~ust A.D. 1966 MAYOR _COST OF' HBATING NUISANCES .'~ND, E.R ORDINANCE, NQ,.~ G-147. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION -' . gWNER- ASSESSMENT A~ril 25,' 1966 list~ . ._ ._ ' ........ North 50 feet of East .135 feet H. Edmonds Estate $22.50 of Block 20. North 26.5 feet of Lot 6, Josie G. Green $1~.50 South half of Bl~ek 27. Lot 6, Block 25. Lela Ta.ylor~.Estate $36.75 North 65 feet of Wes% 135 feet'~ William & L~ttie Long $15.~00 of Bloek'2~ .... South 12 feet of Lot 7 &.all of .Elizabeth Singleton .. $20.00 Lot 8, North half of Block. 19. Hargrove That part of South 200 feet of Tamara¢ Development . North 2670 feet of SECTION Company 28-46-43 lyingbetween E'~ly R/W line of Intra¢oastal Waterway & W'ly R/W line of State Road-Al~. .. Ma~ 9, 1966 list. South 100 feet of Lots 23 thru Frank De Rice $3'5.'50 32 & South 100 feet of Lot 33 less West 20 feet, ASbury Park Heights. 176-D ORDINANCE NO. 43-66. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY B~.ACH, PLORLDA, LEVYING THE ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBMITTED BY THE'CITY MANAGER OF SAID CITY CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORM DRAINS THROUGH BLOCK 94 FROM S. E. 2nd STREET TO S. E. 1st STREET AND EASTERLY TO INTERSECTION OF S. E. 1st STP~EET ~ 4th AVENUE, AS SHOWN ON SURVEY FILE ST S 64-1, TO- GETHER WITH THE INSTALLATION OF CATCH BASINS, MAE- HOLES AND APPURTENANCES IN CONJU~TION WITH SUCH sToRM DRAINS. WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has, in pursuance to the Charter of said City, submitted to the City Council for approval, a report of the costs, and the assess- ment roll for the construction of Storm Drains through Block 94 from S. E. 2nd Street to S. E. 1st Street and easterly to intersection of S. E. 1st Street and 4th Avenue, as shown on Survey File ST-'~ 64-1, together with installation of catch basins, man-holes and appurten- ances in conjunction with such Storm Drains, and WHEREAS, said report and assessment roll were approved by the City Council in regUlar session on the 25th day of July, 1966, and WHEREAS, due notice concerning said assessment roll was given by advertisement by the City Clerk, in accordance...,with the City Charter. of said City, for the purpose of hearing objectiens, if any~ to said assessment roll, and WHEREAS, no sufficient objections were received ~o the con- firmation of the assessment roll, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF DELP~%Y B~.ACH,: FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1.. The assessments, as shown on said aseessmen~ roll, which is&~he~ hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby levied against the properties sho~n and in the amounts stated on s=id assessment roll, said assessments to be paid in three (3) equal annual installments, together with interest at the fate'.of eight (8.) per cent pe~ annum, ~the first installment becoming due and payable on and on the for the next ensuing two years; and said special assessments, so levi~4, shall be a lien from the date' the assessment becomes effective, upon t~e spective lots an~ par~e~s-of land desu, ribed i~ said~aesessment roll, of the same nature and to %he sa~e eX~e~ as th% lien~ for general- City taxes, and shall ,be collectible' ~m' the' sam~ mann~= and with the same penalties and under the same provisions as to sale and forfei- ture as City taxes are collectible. PASSED in regular session on second and final reading· on this the 8th of day of August , 1966. /S/ Al. C. Avery MAYOR ATTEST: /S/'R~ D. Werthlng City Clerk First Reading.... July 2~, 1966 Second Reading....~ug~t 8~ 1%66 176-E ORDINANCE NO4 48-66. AN ORDINANCE OF 'TH~ CITY COUNCIL '~ THE CITY OF DEL~AY BEACH, FLOP~DA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY.BEACJ~-CERTA~N LAND, NAMELY LOT 12, LAKE SHORE ESTATES, WHICH LAND IS CONTIGUOUS TO EX- ISTI~NG MUNICIPAL. LIMITS OF SAID CITY; REDEFIN- ING TH~. BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS' AND OBLIGATIONS OF 'SAID LAND~ A~D PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. WHEREAS, LONNIE W. COOK, JR., and MARY ELLEN COOK (his wife) are the fee simple owners of the property hereinafter described, and WHEREAS, said LONNIE W. COOK, JR., and MARY ELLEN COOK (his wife),~by their petition, have consented and given permission for the annexation of said property by the City of Delray Beach, and WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach has heretofore been author- ized to annex lands in accordance with Section 185.1 of the City Charter of said City granted to it by the State of Florida~ NOW, T~EREFORE, BE IT O~bAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, he=eby annexes to said.City the following descmibed~ract of land located in ~alm Beach County, Florida, wh~ich lies contiguous to said City, to-wit: That tract of land, namely Lot 12, Lake Shore Estates, per Plat Book 25, page 26, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. SECTION.2.. That the boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are hereby redefined so as to include therein the above de- scribed tract of land and said land is hereby declared to be within the corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach, Plorida. ~CTtON 3- That the tract of land hereinabove desczibed is hereby declared..~o be in' Zoning District R-i~AA, as defined by exist- ing ordinances of'the City of-DeTray Beach,:.Florida~. SECTIO~ .4~ That'the land hereinabove described shall im- mediately become subjec.t'to all Of the franchises,, privileges, im- munities', debts, obligations,' liabilities, ordinances-an~ laws to which lands in the Ci~y~ of Delray Beach are now or maybe, and persons, residing thereon shal~be deemed citizens of the City of Delray Beach. SECTION ~. That if a~y word, phrase, clause, sentence or part of this ordinance shall be dedlared illegal by a court of comh petent jurisdiction, such record of illegality shall in no way affect the remaining portion. PASSED in regular session on the second and ~inaI reading on the 8th day of August , 1966. /S/.A1. e. Avery _. ATTEST: M A Y O R /S/ R. D. Worthihg City Clerk First Reading July 25, 1966 Second Reading ~.~'~mst 8. 1~66 1~77 A~UST 11, 1966. A special meeting of the City-CounCil of the City of Delray Beach was held in t~e Co~u~cil. Chambers at 3~00 P. M., ~h~rs~ay, August 11th, 1966a ~th ~yor Al. C. Ave~tn ~e ~tr, Ctty,~ager Gatchel, ~ty A~to~ey Jo~ Ross A~s, and ~Ot*~ J. ~y Croft, J~es H. ~rney ~ ~rge Tarot, ~., being preset. - ~ o~ntng prayer ~s-~ltver~ by City, Clerk R. D. ~rt~ng, the ~l~ge of Allegt~ue ~ the ~lag of ~e ~tte~ States of ~ertca ~s give. ~yor Avery ualle~ ~e m~ttng ~ order ~ ~o~c~ ~at be~ =allea for ~e ~e of dtscu.~on ~ repres~tat~ves of 91ace Bngineer~ng ~ration ~d Dt~erson, ~c., per~ntng to con~ract for c0nst~ion of ~e concrete b~o~ r~e~ ~11~ pro- ..9r~ss ~ ~te ~d vt~l facts pe~in~ng* t~re~, ~d for any o~er bu~ss ~at .~y u~e before ~e ~eting. ~yor Avery r~o~tzea ~ wel~ *~. J. Watch ~ar, Secreta~ of ~e Beach T~a~ers City Clerk ~rthtng r~d ~e foll~ng letter f~m ~s. ~rothea Galv~ ~ntg~e~, ~ted Auger 11th~ ~e t~ a serious au~b~le accident on ~y 26~ it .~s' been where. .. ~. :: . I ~tly hope. *~at the C/fy .~ci~ wtl-1 see ~t .Nor~ Oce~ Boulevard ts. c~ple~ Clea=ed,--clued .~d bY Octo~r 1, 1966. ~ ~ve t~ough acaess to ~.~pro~r~y f~m b0~ Oce~ ~ul~ yard ~d ~s Argue. z ~ ~t you ~rs~', ~e ~e as _.z do as a tha~ we have to .~e ou~ ~ ~ea~ ~o~ our winter ~y 0C~ber 1, ,!966. ~y of our, ~tst~Ors c~e ~ ~or ~ole sch~l ~-and.~ others c~e. d~ tn 8~er October to.~r~ ~d to .buy for ~er win~ City ~ager Gatg~l c~ted-as, fol~ws= '~ ~[ 14t 1966, the be~i~ing of ~e 90 ~y period ailOw~ ~ the contract for const~c- ~ton of ~e reveler area*begs. ~e te~tion of to~y, Auk.st 11~. ~ch ~s ~sptr~ ~ring~ ~s 90 en~n.g tO~y. ~ere have be~ meetings held eve~ t~ or elev~ ~ays~ tn o~er ~rds, ~a2 ~uld be ~ meetings eve~ ~ee weeks, to check with ~e pro~ess of ~s reve~nt tns~allatio~. We ~tte a probl~ with ~cl~t ~ather, resul~g from .~ n~r~- easters. ~d one b~sh '~ a' ~rrtcane, which were ~ghly ~season~le at t~s t~e of ~e Ye~=. ~ey. ~ve also e~ert~ced ~ut ~ree times ~e no~aZ;~ratnfall ~ng ~is pert~, as e~t~lis~d by a 30 year ave~a~, of ratnfa11..~ ;~nse~ently, a's o~ this ~te, ~ ~roject ts not c~plet~. ~re,,~.been n~e=~s meetings tak~ part .t..~%~ engineers, ~e c~t~aotors and the City A~inis- tration ~d~s~e'.~e=s of ~e Ct~y _~ctl, to ~velop for ~e ~cii ~' 2his ~.~ .~e ~uS re~rc. The. status re~r2 isJwhe~e we are, ~d where ~ c~ ~ ~ here ~th the ult~te a~ 'to c~- ~le~ t~s ~roj~t prior-to ~e berthing of ~r w~ter the ~Z~r9 of ~cil, Z ~uld like to t~ t~s meeting:over to ~1~ ~:~fe, Prest~nt o~.~lace Engt,eer!~g ~rat~, .our sulting Engineers." M~i:. Radcliffe sai. d that ~he weather conditions had cost the con- tractor a great deal of ~ime and money. ~e then showed pic~ures~ taken today, of different areas of the beach revetment installation and explaine~ .the progress of the work shown in each picture. ~urther, he said that the toe wall for ~he e~t/re project his been installed, that all of ~he cut-of£ walls.: with the exoaption of the ~most northerly one, are all installed, and ~hat. 2.200. fee~ o~ wall will 'be complete~ out of the surf within the next day or two. Mr. Radcliffe. said it had been questione~ as to whether the project could he completed this year,, but the contractor had. determined that by bringing in fill, which is' in the original contr~ct~ and using the beach sand and fill to ~/ke out in front of the.northern 500 feet, he w~lL he ~ble to get that cor~truction in, and will procee~ on that Concerning loss of time because o~ weather .con.ti=ns. Mr, Radcliffe explained as follows: #The' oon~act els= 'provides' :for extension of time for various 'things such as~ westherv ~cts o~ ~o~, and other rea- sonable eXtensions which may be alLowe~. We have .arrived, hetw~ell the inspector who has been on the Job daily working wi~h the contractor - they have arrived each day at whether or not a day is considered a working day, or whether the contractors had to shut down because of the fact of high surf, hurricane, et=. .As of today, there-are allow- able £or this purpose a total of 24 days extension of time. These are the days on which there is no question-between ourSe'lyes, the Manager or 'the contractor that these are legit~mately correct ecuord/ng to the Contract.. .There are other days allowable~ the exact amount of these will have to be worked out, .but the 24 days can be considered as a minin~am, -and as the work g~es on through the 24 days, we will continue s time the extensioll of these 24 daya~ at the ena cz ~ke a recalculat/on to see if there is any t~me lost in the 24 days, plus these other reasons. Toward .the .end Of the Job~ we can arrive at an exact allowable time of co~letion.' Mr. Radclif£e pointed out that 22 of those days occ~lrred daring the first t~o months of the con~raot and .~t since J~ly 4th, approximately 90 per cent of ~he actual Yprogre's~ ~ been ma~e.~ Concerning a time schedule of c~m--pletion, ~Mr* .Radcliffe continued~ ,,starting as of today, and basing this without any factor of time al- lowance, because we don~t -know whet the weather ia going to he, it appears that the following isa re~soliable ,.~he~ule of completion. The section from Station 1500 to 3000, or the south hal£ of the pro- -ject, which has the better wor~ng conditi~ for the =on~ractor where he can move faster, can be completed, he feels, ~ September 15th. The aectio~ from 7~0 to 1500 (the next ?~0 feet north) would be plated by October 5th to october 10th. The balance Of the project, the last 550 feet, roughly, by November latee City Manager Gatchel infomad council that as soon as the different portions of the revs~ment project are cc~pleted, the City for=es would be ready to go in and install the aprinkl~T system, sod, etc. Further, that the State Road Department hsd orig~lallY g~an~ed the City a period of ~our months that the portion of a~A could ~e closed, and he pl~a to contact that Department imme~atel~ c~ern~ng ~nstallati°n of some of the drainage and an extension o~ time on the closing of the road. Mr. Radcliffe said that if it is impossible to acquire a deed to the 1~0 feet imperil&rely aomth of the ~Wecker 'seawall, the Fox property, there would have to be a permanent termination ~of the walI to protect the work that is being inStalle~, which would =ec~i~re a ,change in sign and a change or,er to~over 'same, and if the project is in that manner, there shOuld~be a~proximat~lY a $15,000 net reduction Hr. TalbOt s~gges~ed ~hat if the FoX P=o~rtY cannot be obtained, the beach r~%~tment project terminate, at the nort/lern point where the 179 work .is stopped now and instal! a ter~nal wall, then spend the amount of money that would have.been ex~ended' in that northern port~on to con- tinue the revetment to Atlantic Avenue. The engineer.explained that the toe wall and c~t-off wall bare al- ready been inet&lied in t~e northern section of the' project. "~ Following len~hy discussion, Mayor Avery suggested as fol'lows= . think at this '~age it is pro, er that the Chair ehould rqgognize a motion to~ ihatr~ct the City Manager to make one last contact with Mrs'. Fox, and i~ the failure t6 get the quit claim deed to .her beach-pro- perty, au~iorize the engineers to prepare the planning design fr~n the southernmost point of the ~ontaine ~ox property, so~th, which will be the return, and change the contract with the engineers and contractors to accomplish this." It was so moved-by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Croft. City Attorney Adams said the motion- is pro, er with the exception of executing the change order, and that would have to come back to Council for approval~ Mayor Avery asked if it would be possible~ if the m~ney is- available, to proceed further so~th th~s fall or best to wait ~ntil next s~ring. Mr. Walter Crowe11, Jr., of Dickerson, Inc., informed Council- he would prefer to co--Plate the project that has. been .started. the. r~vetment .is: t~- be~extendgd, sou~/~wa~.~ ~t it b~ done n~Xt ........... ... ..... , ~ ~v~ .~ s~ne '.~_~=. you .Wanted ~to. add'. to' the South end there was en0ugh t0 .move in fo~, we .would h'W~liing to C'0me back next'sP~ng and do it, if there is a beach t~ere'whure we can work, . under the same'terms of the present contract, But. we don*t want to get ou~ ~nto ~the ocean,, again, - " Mr. j~ wa~s0n Dunbar, representi~g ~he Beach Taxpayers League, said he feels .the present job .should be c¢~p~leted before, anything ..to. the south is started, and that he feels ~he. ~ime schedule for co~plet~ng the. a/~ferent sections of~the.pro5%t i~.very goOd. - . May6r ,Aver~ revieWe~ the.. 'notion' .. . . .......... ~s.- follows ~'- ."There ~ -~ ~=o=~on,'L. au'~y'nade and ~COnded'0' that the Ci,ty .Manager.be inStruct~d ~o give. Mrs, ~ox the courtesy of informing her that the .decision~.~e ~o .be "' c i_~_d _i._f .she r.e~fuses_to authorize him.to proceed, tO ~ ....... ~ p~epare ~ne return specifications for the nor- thernmost terminus ant prepare the change to' the contract, which.we will have to approve, to accomplish this purpose, at a point 190-feet south of the Wecker sea well." . City Attorney Adams commented= "That would be with the understand- ing that the contractors would be allowed to proceed as the change order is being prepared," That. add/tien .to the motion was acceptable to Mr. J~rney and' Mr, ~roft, andlupon call of roll, Mr. Croft, Mr. Ju=ney and Mayor Avery ~oted in favor of..~he motion .and' Mr. Talbot was opposed. Mro. Radcliffe informed 'Council that ~f the time schedule ' meets with t~eir approval, the cont~actor has i,ld/cated that he is prepared to proceed and work as exped/tioUsly as he can.' Mr. Jurney moved to approve ghe 24 days .extension of the contract~ with the understanding that this is .the minimum as there may be a commendation from the engineers for further-days. Th~motion was se- conded by Mr. 'Croft a~d carrie~ ~nanimoUslY. ' ...... Mayor Avery suggested Counci~ '&pprova! of the tentative time schedule for completion o~ the diffe~nt sections .of said project, as ~./ ..-'.~.:~.;:: . ,-~. ,-~, .~.~ aha ~a~ ne (~oes no~ feel a motio'm to a" 'rove r.z~e · ' ~ ~u~.a,;xve :~3.me. a~ed~le is neceeaary. -' . "'Mayor Avery reported.to CoUnci..t' as follows: "As per Glace Engi- r{eering Ccaupany"s p2~ogx~esS ,reporl~i, "tJ'iMre is .now ~Iue and re~,'otmended for pa~nent to the prime contracto~, Pickers~n, Inc.., the sum of $69,974.39, which amount is concurred in. by the contractor, as re- flected in the. detailed 'Monthly Const~ion 'Est frosts' ,. and confirmed by the City's Director o£ Finance, CoUncil approval 'for ef£ecting this payment is, therefore, recommended.~* Mr. Croft moved that the sum of $69,974,39 be paid to Diokerson, Inc., the motion being seconded'by Mr, "Ju~ney. Upon call-of ro11, Mr. Croft, ~r. Jurney and-Mayor Avery voted in favor o£ the motion end Mr. Talbot was City Manager GaUChe1 ~nformed Council that .two bills have been re- ceived from Glace En~lneering Corporati~n ~n accordance with. the pro- grass report that. has been approved. one bill ia in ~he amount of $1.,106o00 for inspection services per- formed during the ~nth of July, in-accordance with the inspection agreement entered into by Glass Engineering COrporation and.the COuncil~ the other bill, in the amount of $1,207.06, being for engineering ser- vices for the portion of the contract that COuncil has Just authorized payment on to Dickerson, Inc. for ~69,974;39~ further, that both bills have been checkedby the Finance.Di~ector a~d are in ks%ping with the contract betWeea...the City and Gluts Engineering COr~Oration, and that he r~ends payment of said bills.. It was so moved by Mr. Jurney an~ ~eonded b~ Mr:. Croft. ~pon call of roll, Mr: Croft, Mr. Jurne¥ and ~ayor Avery voted in favor of the motion, and'.~% ~T&lbot was op- posed. The meeti-nq.~ adjourned at 3:48 .. ' R, D~ ,Wo,rthina:u . City Clerk APPROVED ~ 8/11/66