10-14-66SpMtg 221 OCTOBER 14, 1966. ~ special meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, was held in the Council Chambers at 3:00 P.M., Friday, October 14th, 1966, with Mayor Al. C. Avery in the Chair, City _Ma. nager' David M. ~atchel, City Attorney John Ross Adams, a~d Councilmen J. LeRoy Croft, James H. Jurney, Jack L. S&U~ders and George Talbot, Jr.', being present. Mayor Avery called the meeting to order and announced that same had been. called for the purpose of further consideration and clarification of the status of religious services being conducted in the tent now located on the S. B. corner of the intersection of N. W. 2nd Street and 10th Avenue, and for any other business that may come before the meet- ing. 'An opening prayer wes delivered by Rev. Willie C. Smith, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. : During discussion it wes poin'te'd~ out that' said tent revival meet- ing was approved at N. W. lOth Avenue and 1at Street, subject to the approval of the Interdenominational Ministerial ASsociation~ further, that the tent is located on N. W. 10th Avenue at 2nd Street, that the Interdenominational Ministerial AllianCe does not approve of said meet- ing, that there has been' complaints fro~ the 'area residents of noise from said meeting, and that no time limit has been set for the length of said tent reviva! meeting. City~ Attorney A~a~s pointed out that whenever someone is given a Conditional permit that it iS up to the person gett!n~ the l~rmit to see that he has qualifi~d before proceeding with said activity. It wes then suggested that a time limit be placed on said tent revival"me~ting,, and. Mr~ S~unders said that permission, for such an ~Ctiv~ty. is usually granted for a two weeks-period Of 'time~ ~e then moved that"sa~d ten't revival meeting terminate at the end of two weeks operation. The motion wes seconded by Mr. Jurney.. During diSCUssion, it' was pointed out that the meeting, began two weeks ag0"on 'Saturday night, therefore, tonight's meeting would complete a two weeks period of time. It was suggested that this meeting be permitted, to continue through Sunday. night, October 16th, and that suggested time was accept- e~ by Mr~ Saunders andS'Mr. Jurney ~n their motion and second. City. Attorney. Adams suggested a motion that may cover everything in case any problem&.arise~ as follows= "I'moVe that in c°nnectio~ with the temporary.structure, namely a tent, located on Lot 1, Block A, ~ Wes~sia~ Heigh%s sUbaiviSion, being the corner of N. W. 2nd. Street and 10th. Avenue, that the .time limit for the utilization thereof be f~xed at 11:00 'P.M.,. sunday, October 16th, 1966, in accordance with Secti~n'504.! of the SOuthern Standard Building Code, the same being the Building" ~Code' of the. City of Delray Beach, and further, in accord with Said Section of the Code that the temporary structure now located there:be removed upon-the_exPiration of the time limit above stated or in no. instance later than 6:00 P.M., Monday, October 17th, 1966." Mr. saunders Said that' he would accept that to his motion;if a tent could be taken down that fast. During~disuusSiOn, the time limit on getting the tent removod was changed~from'6t00 P~M~' to 8:00 P.M. on Monday, october 17th, 1966. .'Rev.. Willi® Smith informed. Council that Rev. Moses .Andr%we-~S the person r~nning said meeting, that he is just working with Rev; Andrews, and~.they plan to continue'"said meeting. 'City. Attorney~ Adams.offered assistance in helping those ministers find properly' zoned area~ in the County where they might h01d religious tent- services. -]. ~_ ~ o_~ a.&& ,222 Mr'.' Jurney withdrew:his second to the motion as he said he feels that Mr. Willie Smith is',defiant to the wishes of the Council! further, that it is his .own persorml opin£on that said tent meeting be allowed to operate until noon tomor. Z'c~, and if the tent is not removed then that, necessary steps be taken to sea that it is .removed. ,/~ity Attorney Adams explained as follows: "The reason for the .,.~e, ~I'm,sure, suggested by the City Manager, is that in the event you are forced to go to court, on this thing, just to make it apparent and obvious that the City is being reasonable. That is the reason for the extra two days." Mr. Saunders coeunented as follows= "I think I will leave my motion as it is, to go through Sunday night, with the services. That is giving them two weeks which we give everybody else. Actually the two weeks they have had has been more or less under protest because they did not carry out the directive to clear with the Minister~al Association. There has been other things out there, we have had complaints from other people. I feel that the City is being more than reasonable in giving you this two weeks, period to end ss of S~nday night, and I feel that the responsibility is yours at this point. Zf you went to defy the City, that is something that you have to decide in your-own mind, but we, as elected officials of this town, have to not only look at what one small religious group thinks, is right, we hsve to have the community as a whole es our responsibility. That is the reason we are meet/~g here today, to try ~o get this thing resolved, and that is why I'll leave the motion as it is." Mr. Jurney said that he would go along with the motion under those circumstances and seconded the motion. Rev. Smith said that he would relate the message to the Evangeli~ further, that at the time of the request to hold said meeting he did not resltze the permi~ ~as conditional and that an incorrect location of the tent h&d been given. Rev. ~nith was informed that the tape of the meeting Where said ~equest w~s made, is available to be heard, if it is' so desired. upon call of roll on the motion made by Mr. Saunders and second~d. bY Mr. Jgrney, the motion carried unanimously. City Manager Gatchel rem~nded Council of ~ 2=00 P.~,,, ,,~tl~g MO~'~. October 17th, with some people from Cleveland, Ohio, ~.ach ero~iot, wh,ich meeting had been requested by M~,~ Wa~d MayOr Avery informed .:,~oun¢i! that he had rec~$v~ a ~t~r from the ~eague of W~.~e~ Vo~ters o~f South Palm Be,ash ,.~f rearing up booths in ~ a~e, ~he,r~ they would dis~,~ute, ~es Vot~p.g an~ r..-eg£S4;r~;Cio~ '~fo},'mat%on and wo91d a~.s~. ~e~'a°~.,strate ~he of voting m&chiaes~ fur~he~ that October 24th t~uqh the 29~h be p~oclatmed as :,~,,T~, R 'E~,U..CA~ WEEK. It was s~ mOVed h.y ~, Tatbot, Mayor Avery asked ~ty ~erk W~,thing to p=ov/~e marion and no~i.,~y ~e P~esid~t of that o~g~..niza~ th&t she ~:-p,.~ it up. ~.. eros, stating that the D~ie ~o~lins High S~h~ol Petersburg has bee~ ex~ended an officeal ~nvitation t~  nd attend ~he C~tton ~1 P~ade and game in Dallas, Texas,~ next as the offi~ia! sta.~e..b~nd to the Co~:~owl~ as'ha~s' the,Florida- Chamber of Co~m~e~c~ .~n desi~r~ating. ~hem ~ ~'~lor~d~'s Music" . The st. Petersburg Cha~]r o.f Cc~me~ce asked ~hat~Del~ay  -2- . ~ ... ~0.~4~66 223 also desiqnate the Dixie Hollina High School Rebel Band aa the City's representative to the Cotton Bowl. It was suggeeted that this request be taken under advisement. Mayor Avery rep~rte~ that the Mental Health Association will have a buffet dinner on October 27th, at the Holiday Inn in West Palm ~each, with a sooial hour at 6:30 P.M..and dinner at 7:30 P.M., at a cost of $3.00 per person. The meeting adjourned at 3:48 P.M. ~. R. D. WORTHING . ..... City Clerk APPROVED .- .. MAYOR - -3- Sp. 10-14-66. · ~24