10-24-66 A Special me 'OC~R 24, her 2~ was ~eld ~ g o~ the ~*~ .... ~C~-~ "~ ~4-- '~z~a~ -- ' co~ ~Ore -~ eet°~ o~ *~ ~e o~ co..~er and ~.~zn~... ~' aad fo~ a~~ a~e~n~ng A~ OPen~ng P~a~e~ ~a . . ~ Othe~ bus-- Po~t~oa o~ ~ted and, Very reeogniz_~ ~0~- and ae~e~ T qo S~e e.~Y has em~l--= - ~Ote~ , ' dated ~_. ag .Ctt,.,,.. ~ng ~,,~: USsell ~PY Of =- - f-* cO~ ~.._ _ ~Ch, ']~ "~'r~h ... - ~-z8 d ~._~ ;' ocli ~a,' .' ?u~Sell . . _.~o, t' - 1..~ co re-~ '--~,-ce,,) · ~:* ae~ran~.~.";.~°~a.ulti.~~, ~rom M. ~O~L .... ~ ~' ~33 ~,-"at~Che~ -"gl~eer~, ._ R. Neff , ~'- orfte~a-~.~.,~ced' ~e.lieve the and the "Aa ' aa emergehcy measure, Off ~ht~h ;, we hOWever, a foot ~ ope 600 ~i, ~ a~ea.  dred gall :,) ~te~ etandtn~ ~ter :' line tng:~ ~e ~.- ~one so ...... "" Pump ~__ ~ce One t..:_.' -- _~,eVatlon ~. ~,~w until "~ are b~.'~uut a t~ .... " on i* G -u-c ~ ~.~--'- .earv ~:~ ~,e .hu~dw.~ ~n to o.~. ll~mor=o~ P~ps-~ .... ~ur~'~.~ : P~ e--~, f heir b~u n ,~te a~e~. said i~ mpO~arv ~.._~n an att.~ma. ~re -- end .i_~* '""gzaeer ~- ~e hOuse_ .... shaZl~,~nage att,,.,i;~~ CUlver,. --"~ are- =u e~ -~' -,qu ~he~ .----~es blocks ._ had to ~ '_. ~a~ are _ 23O situation, and hopes .that with the unified effort of the City ~llgineer, Mr. Neff, and the Council, some solution may be arrived at to remedy the situation on a temporary basis until the funds can be obtained from the Federal ~overnment. During comments Mayor Avery suggested that, if there ie.'a solution to this problem, an Ordinance that has been placed on first reading concerning rezoning of some property adjacent to S. W. 10th Street could be advertised for second reading and public hearing. Mr. Jurrley said that he is interested in City Engineer Fleming taking some grades to find out where the lowest points ara, and if necessary get some drag lines to dig ditches and ca~ale, p~t more pumps if necessary, and more and larger culverts, or whatever-the City near thinks is necessary. City Engineer Fleming said that Mr. Neff'a suggestion under 8.b. of the memorandum read tonight, "That the engineers be direote~ to de- velop an interim .plan, or preferably stage construction, to assure that the ma~mum lasting benefit can be derived from the interim facil- ities", is what the Council would wa.hr to consider, and that poflibly a;heavy lift station in the vicinity of 10th Street where the little canal ora.sees-and a force main large enough to'carry 2500 gallons per minute directly west into the C-15 Canal may be considered, if that ties in with the .final construction,, something of that nature, while it is costly, would still have a permanent value. Mayor Avery questio~ed= "This technical question---Mr. Worth~'ng can probably answer it. It has been the policy of this Council and previous Councils that benefited properties pay---carry the weight for their properties that are benefited.' If we took an interim plan, could they later be atsesse.~, for thOSO, things that we did, or would future work that we did fit the assessmen'teT"- Mr. Worthing: "The answer is, they can be la.ret aaseseed.~ Mayor Avery: "For the cost, including this cost?" Mr. Worthing= "Any property can be assessed to the extent of its benefit o" Mayor Avery said i~f Council takes emergency meaeu~es~ now, which could t£e in an~ benefit the overall thing 1&tar, th~ cOSt of this could be al~plie~ ~o ~he Overall benefit. Mr. worthing =ommented: ':! will confi~m"Mark ~le~ing, your City Engineer"s comment, and point.out for the benefit of you gentlemen, the last portion of his comment. This will undoubtedly be a part of your permanent system because beyond all dou~t eventually the western drainage will go down the easterly portion of the right-of-Way of/I-95 to the C-15 Canal, and therefore, the lift sta~ion that he mentioned, while it might seem costly today, will still be part of undoubtedly the per, spent constr~ction." Mr. Neff said that he thinks the reoomme'ndatione in paragraph 8 are sound. First there has to be a plan so that it can' be seen how everything that is done in the interim period ties into tha't plal~. Further, that the .brief plan is a lift station that ties into 3rd Street and 8th Avenue to take the water west, then down through a se- ries of existing canals to the C-15 Canal. That has the approval of the Centra'l and South Florida ~lood Control District as they have pro- vided fo~ drainage of this area 4n the C-15. Canal. - He said th&t there is a fall of about 8 feet from 3rd Street do~ .,to ~the gate elevation, and that he would assume the City would have....Lia~eon, with the Flood Control District to drop the gate if Mr. Neff said that an alteL~nate, route ~ould be one that would go directly east down 3Td Street to ~he Inland Waterway~ but that plea would not take care of the whole southwest area of Delray Beach. Mr. Neff commented.=. "Before we~ spend too much money on interim meas,~:~s, ! th'ink it is sound recom~ldation to get the..re~ort, the final report, something that you can finance, you can make your plans, ~eal~zin~' ~y -n~ as~e~ C~,a ~ can ..~ s=~-.:_. F~t~a~t ~t o'~ ~.~' ~o into ~ ~e~$ th,... ~us~ ' ' 't ~e a~ · a~e ~ , ~o~S, - · . ~ t .- · . ~ -'" ~ e~ . as,, o~ ~t'"'- .... ~ca .., , .... e~ a~t.. , ~ ~0 .~......, ~ .~" . ..- ~ · ~V~_T. , - & ~'., ~ ., · ~o ~. _'.O~a~.,. - ~a%~~ = ' " at ~e,,~.._=~a.~ p%ans -o~ t .. -. _. year` a~ca~e~,Lnee:"~l~:~ ~'o~ ~ the '~~OPe~ '~ ' ' '- ~ - .... C~ty -s~ ~e'.._ __ ~n~o'~ . .~-ect~ve. ' , wh~_~Lou- that t, ~ ~at ~e . :_~moUe~. . ~ ~ ., . ~. , ~ ~-- ,., . . ~ A~~'' . , . . ~ .-- ' . ~.~eCtO~~ ~ ~ o~ ~a~.:~ ~, -. .. ~ad ~ .... sa. ~e~ . , ' _ .' _.=son ,~'-~.~, ~Ut~' ~ ~ ~' ~.,: ~n~ehen ' ~the~, e ~.~au~e ~ ~ i0-24-66 C0~,,1~ ~e .232 a position to .ahO~ that this ia involved with an overall County-wide water program Or County~wide planning program in general, or an over- all comprehensive plan that they base their capital improvement ex- penditures on. Mr. Smith said that he feels the City needs the same thing, they need to know where the money is Coming from, they need to know a little ~ore about the area 'in a lot of ways; and of the whole City, and how it ties in with the CoUnty. That the Federal ~overnment has been giving money for years to these pro,rams, but they have found out that they don't fit a comprehensive plan and a lot Of work has been duplicated, so they are not doing that anymore. Mr. Smith explained further.: "We were told at a meet. lng, by HUD, that w.i,T/~in 30 to 60 days,~depending'on how fast the County can move, to get their organization and their plan to plan accepted by HUD, then funds for this type of thing will be considered. .Right now the ap- plication is not being considered because the County doesn't have an approved approach to planning. When they get an approved approach, then this type of funds, which is strictly for pla.~ning purposes', can be approved. Later on when you want to implement something, if you want to use · little bit of Pederal money, then you have to have quite a bit of a comprehensive plan completed. Mr. Neff reported to council that in the application to HUD 'for Federal Funds, he had informed them that the Central and South PlOrida Flood Control District has jurisdiction over this area~ further, 'that .he had obtained, and sent a copy of.a letter to HUD, part as follows= ~ln response to your han,~ carried letter', and %~ompany- ing drawing 16, relative to Delray Beach Storm Drainage, the area ,you indicate on your sketch is within the C-15,6rainage basin a~d entitled to drainage into that canal. An app, l,~cat.!on should be presented and executed in conformance with our standards ,of construction and permit procedures. The desiglled.ru~of£ acceptable to the one square mile is 130 cubic feet per second." Mr. Neff said that he. has ~aken the attitude that this d~ainage is part of a master plan of the thirteen county flood control plan, and that whatever WOrk is done will tie into that plan. Mr. Talbot asked if it would be possible to talk the County into condemning the property within the County in order that the City may spend its money in cleaning out the canal? Mayor Avery aske~_ if it would be proper to authorize the City Manager to send the County a request suggesting such procedure at this time. The Mayor a.~ked Acting City Manager. Worthing his thinking on the matter. Mr. Worthing answered that he would know better after talking with Mr. George Frost, for he alone is the man to contact at this time in that regard~ further, that he believes it is possible and certainly worth trying. It was so .moved by Mr. Jurney, seconded by Mr. Croft and urmni- mously carried. Mayor Avery said it had been suggested that the overall drainage plan be authorized, and asked how much money ia involved for said plan? Mr. Neff informed Council that the application to HUD i~ for $7,500. for that purpose. Mr. Jurney moved to approve said authorization, and explained that the City would be investing $?,500. for plans ~=om Russe!l & Axon for this drainage system, and in the event money was authorized by HUD, thatcouId be ~rked out &t that time. . -Finance Director Weber asked if this. iS $7,500. for.Planning .or a planning report, and was informed that it is for a planning report. The Pinance. ~irector aske~, ..,if this whole pro,eot would be on an assessment basis, 'and was informed that it would be. He then reported that said funds could come from the Special'A~Sess~ent Ma~or .- Avery e~plained that-M~. Jurney.had moved that' the ,p~anning Report be authori~e~ to Russell & AXon, cost not to ~xceed $7,500. 233 The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot. Mr. Croft asked if that would be a complete report, and Mr. Neff informed Council that it would ~e the same type of report as was-made on the water plant, and wOuld give complete financing, feasibility, and design .... not final plans. Finance Director Weber asked: "Would that $7,500. paid for the Plan~ing Report apply against the final construction plans as it has in the projects for water and sewer?" Mr. Neff answered: "Yes. I would think so. That is covered in the Standard Engineering Fee. You might want to go into final plans without a report if you really want speed.;~' Mayor Avery commented: "There is a- question directed to you. It has been moved end seconded that the report be authorized. The ques- tion has-been directed to you and you do not have to answer because you are just Project Manager and you would have to have the approval of your superiors. We would want a letter to the effect that the money for the report apply toward the final plans and specifications, or part of it, or what have you." Mr. Neff replied: "It has been Russell & Axon's policy to the City of Delray Beach, -in all of their contract work, to refund to the City. We did it on the water report. The $10,000. that you paid for the original report was deducted fro~ the final bill." Mayor Avery asked that the motion included the condition that this sum of money authorized apply toward the f£nal Plans and specifications. Mr. Jurney and Mr. Talbot accepted that addition tO the motion and second. A~ing City Manager Worthing said that he believes it will be well, before approving such fin~l Plan, to negotiate the fee with the Con- sulting Engineers. Mayor Avery explained that the final plans, toward which the $7,500. would applY, would be a negotiated fee. He then asked if the City Manager thinks Council is moving with too much haste in this matter. M~'~ Worthing answered: "Not if you limit this motion to the survey. It was mentioned that this may be a continuation of the Contract with Russell & Axon, and Mayor Avery said he thinks this would come under the Florida Engineering society rates. Further: "Sanitary Sys- tem, then further plans on the sanitary things fall into a rate. Plant Systems and c~rtain things fall into a rate. You may find that this drainage system is not related under Florida Engineering Society, that it is a separate thing entirely'and you Will'h&ve to recognize this, that this is not related to sanitary sewers,' this is stor~ ~rainage, and the Florida Engineering rates Would then apply." Mr. Weber answered that the water Treatment Plant is not connected with sewers, but the rates continued on and applied to the Wat~ar Treat- ment Plant. Upon call of roll, the ~otion carried unanimously. Mayor Avery asked the two CounciI candidates if they had any sug- gestions as to what Council could do to alleviate this situation. Mr. Merritt said that he did not have any suggestions at this time. Mr. McLaughlin said that he is in favor of getting the canals south of 10th Street cleaned out. The meeting a~ovrned at 4:55 P.M. R. D. WORTHING City Clerk APPROVED: MAYOR -5- Sp. 10-24-66 RUSSELL & AXON oF~c~:s Consulting Engineers, Incortmrated DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 October 24, 1966 , INFOP~iAL TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Delray Beach, Florida SUBJECt: Temporary Stol~n Water Control Measures, Southwest Section FROM: D. R. Neff - Project Manager Russell ~ Axon Consulting Engineers, Incorporated 1. Due to recent floodillg of the Southwest section, we have been asked to make recommendations for a temporary sto~m water control system. 2. Recapitulation of Work to Date: a. City Council authorized preparation of planning loan application to Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment ~UD) on July 25, 1966. b. Surveys made and application submitted to HUD on August 24, 1966. c. Application hand-carried to Atlanta by Mr. Klinck, and discussed. Received fa¥or~bly. Now being processed - (4 to 6 months .estimated for processing). 5. Progremto Date: a. We have surveyed two routes for disposal of water, and assembled preliminary design information. b. Pumping station for either route would be located on City property at S. W. 3rd Street and S. W. 8th Avenue. c. West route would take water West on 5rd Street to East edge of 1-95 right of way and thence South to C-15 Canal. d. East route would take water East on 5rd Street to the Intracoastal. ................................ 233-B Honorable Mayor and City Council October 24, 1966 City of Delray Beach, Florida Page 2. e. Based upon preliminary information, it would appear preferable to take the water West. 4. Temporary Stop-Gap Measures -- a. Construct concrete sump, pump bases, and temporary shelter in the vicinity of S. W. 3rd Street and 8th Avenue. b. Order, or allocate, or arrange to rent (on short notice) pumps with a minimum capacity of 2S00 Gallons per Minute c. If diesel pumps are used, construct above-ground fuel storage tank [24 hrs. supply}. d. Replace existing culverts at 10th Street and Germantown Road with twin 48" corrugated iron pipes. e. Get permission from property owners to open up existing diagonal ditch to Germanto~n Road. (Temporary permission.) f. Clean out, where necessary, e~isting ditch from Germanto~n , Road South. Blocked at Boone's farm. [Richardson - o~ner, will cooperate.) S. Mark Fleming has an intimate knowledge of this area, and inas- much as we have not had sufficient time to discuss this question in detail, we are hesitant about a cost estimate. 6. Preliminary Cost Estimate [for planning purposes only. a. Sump, Pu~p bases, shelter, fuel tank, culverts and ditch cleaning - $50,000. b. Pumps - to be recommended in cooperation with Mark Fleming. 7. Discussion of the problem... This problem has existed for a long time, and there is no cheap or easy solution. Under/he circumstances, we would recommend moving ahead with deliberate speed, giving assurance to the citizens directly effected that help is on the way. However, all funds committed should be spent wisely, with the assurance of maximum benefits per dollar. 233-C Honorable Mayor and City Council October 24, 1966 City of Delray Beach, Florida page 3. ~ ; 8. Recommendations - In view of the above facts it is recom- ~ ~ mended: a. That the final report be authorized at once; as envisioned in the HUD application. (If Federal Funds are received in the interim, tkey can be applied.) b. That the engineers be directed to develop an interim plan, or preferably stage construction, to assure that the maxim~ lasting benefit can be derived from the interim facilities. RUSSELL f AXON CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED DRN:om