12-09-66SpMtg DECEMBER 9, 1~66. A Special meeting of the City COuncil of the City of Delray Beach was held in the Co~cil Chambers at 9=30 A.M., Friday, December 9th, 1966, with Vice-Mayor J. LeRoy Croft in the Chair, City .Manager David M. Gatchal, City Attorney John Roes Adams, and Councilmen James H. Jurney and Jack L. Saunders being present. V~ce-Mayor Crpft called the meeting to order and announced that san had been cal~ed for the purpose of canvassing the returns o£ the General Electio~ held on Tuesday, December 6th, 1966, and for any other bu.~tnee~ that may come before the meeting. An opening prayer was delivered by City Clerk R. D. WOt ~thing, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. City Clerk Worthing informed Council that in Compli~nce with Chapter 12, of the Code of Ordinances, a certified copy of the return reflectl~, the result of the Voting at the City's General ~lection held on Tuesday ia presented, as fol].ows: Mr. James H. Jurney 1159 Mr. LeRoy W. Merritt 920 Mr. William J. McLaughlin 712 Mr. Robert B. Burn, Sr. 357 Further, tha~ ~n the absence of any declaration of contest by any of the Candidates, Council should declare the result of the Election as shown on the ret~n ~mitte~ by the Clerk and Inspectors res~nsi- bls for conducting ~e election. Mr. Saunders moved to accept the election returns, as submitted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimously. Mr..Jurney asked the status of safety devises or control at the crosswalk fro~ the Post Office to the parking lot estab~shed on the east side of N. E. 2nd AVenue for pa~king of Post office patrons. Mr. Sa~nders suggested that the City Manager ask the Police De- partment to patrol that area rather carefully for the next week or so until people become more familiar with the crosswalk being there. City Manager Gatchel reported to Council that the Police Department, Traffic Engineering Department and Planning Department have been work- ing on this situation for the past few weeks. That the crosswalk and all tbs markings on N. E. 2nd Avenue have been realigned, and at the crosswalk there will be signs "S~op For PedeStrian Traffic" also "No Left Turn" signs at that location for both north and south bound traffic. Further, that he would have the Police Department survey that crosswalkl The City Manager informe~ Council that the developer of the Poet Office Shopping Center has been very cooperative, and that he has agreed to different beautification items as well as things that would help control traffic within the parking area. Mr. Jurne¥. asked about beautification on N. E. 1st Avenue just west of t~e Shopping CeBter. The City Manager reported that was not a respone~bt'lit~ .of the developer of the Shopping Center, and that he ~s get~lng some ~fgures on sprinklers, lawn, and plantings for' that area and hop~e to present that item to Council at its December 12th meeting.