12-19-66SpMtg A special meeting of the ~ity Council of the City o~ ~ay ~ach, ce~r 19~, 1966, W~ ~r Al. C. Avery ~n ~e ~a~r, C~ty ~nager Davi~ M. Gatchel, ~ty Attorney Jo~ ~ss Adams, an~ ~un=ilmen J. LeRoy Croft, Ja~ H. Jurney an~ Jack L. Saunters, ~ing present. ~r Avery called ~e meeting to order a~ anno~ce~ ~at same had been called for cons~deration of ~ta~n special matters of im~ortance, as sho~ by ~e agenda~ and for any o~er bus~ness that ~y come befor~ ~e meeting. An opening pratt was delivered by Counc~l~n Elect ~y ~rr~tt, and the Pledge of Allegiagce ~o ~e Flag of ~e United States of America was g~ven. 1. C~ty ~nager Gatchel reporte~ ~a.t the National Fo~dation - ~rch of Dimes - has declined 'the t~-~ek period for solicitation in ~rch, ~rev~ously granted by Co~c~l, and ~t~tions for permission to solicit within the City during ~e month of Jan~ry. Further, that it is rec- o~ende~ that such permit be granted, subject to ~t being ~derstoo~ and agreed ~at 9olicitation from house to house be confined to ~e two-week period co~ncin~ January 8, 1967, and ~at the National Fo~datio~ Organ~ion be dire.~ to ~e importance of strict com- pliance wi~ Order.ce No~ '~i~'j as 'applicable to charitable solici- tations. The Ci~ ~ger, cont~d[= "In addition to this, :I ~uld res~ctfully suggest to C~c~I', if ~t be yo~ will, ~at you incorpo- rate the opinion, dated Dece~'r 15~h~, a~dressed to ~e C~ty Co~cil from~your City Attor~.Y) reiat~e.to ~is particular re.est [or sol~ci- ration ~rmit." ~ ~. J~ney moved that ~e request be ~anted, as reco~ende~, the motion being seconded b~ ~j ~ft; ~. Sanders Sa~d ~at he ~uld like assurance from AttOrney Philip H~ ~id, Jr., represen~i~g the National Foun~tion - ~rch.of Di~s - that they would comply w~ the t~-~ek ~riod of t~ g~'ve, them January. ~yor A~er~., asked Attorney Reid to info~ h~s client aa to ~e City~.s positive a~t~tu~e toward'them complying with the Ordinance, and that ~sit~ve-measures will ~ taken if ~ey do ~ot comply. ' Attorney ~id info~e~ ~cil ~at he ~uld convey ~e message, an~ eaid that concerning the ~rovision of.~e ordinance in regard to cation.of info~t~on contained ~n ~e a~li~tion, ~e earliest time that P~iication can be made is tomorrow in the Palm Beach ,PoSt~ f~- ~er. if Co~c~l .~es~res any o~er p~lications they ~ul~ be glad to compiy. Ma~0r Avery as~ ~hat permission be granted for sai~ publication ~day in the Palm Beach POSt, and ~. Jurney and ~.. croft acce~ted ~t to ~eir motion and second. J~on call~of roll, th'e m0t[o~ carried 2. City ~ager ~atchel i~formed Council that' ~RGENCY'O~INANCE NO. 64-66 has ~en ~repared by' ~e city Attorney an~ provides lim~tation of gross truck ~ght 'on certain rights-of-way ~in ~e City, deter- mined t~ be in the best ~nterests of the City. F~erj that this ~tter has been d~scusse~ ~Oroughly wi~.the City Attorney, City ~gineer and the ~lice ~par~me~t, and is ~n compliance with ~apter 186 of the Florida 'S. tatutes. ~e City ~nager asked for a cogent by the City Attorney as to the City's position on this matter. C~ty Attorney Adams c~ented ' - foll~s: "The only cogent I could make is to agree with ~. ~atchel. Approximately s~ years ago the ~uncil adopted, as policy, by ~irtue of ~ motion, the ~ol~cy that pro- hibited ali truc~' from an~ng o~er ~an,County roads ~n ~he C~ty. The City has ~en able to enforce it as .much as ~ey fei2 necessary protect the roads, but now it ~s becoming a ~robl~.. and ~ have had at least one firm that has challenged the validity of the Council motion, so we prepared this Ordinance i~' ~compliance with the Model Traffic Code. It sets the limits of gross ton maximum on nine streets and it specifically applies only to thru traffic and is not intended to prohibit pick' ups '~n&-.d~l~e~es." Mr. Jurnay said that there is nothing .con~ained in the Ordinance pertaining to AtLantic Avenue An regard to semi-trailers and such - vehicles going through town, and asked 'if that regulation could be in- cluded in this Ordinance. The City Attorney pointed out that Atlantic Avenue is a State Road and that permission would have to coma from the State Road Department~ further, that it is possibie to regulate such traffic but it would take a considerable length of time. Mr. Jurney said there should be a truck route through town and moved that the City Manag. er be directed to start working on that item. The motion was seCOnded by Mr. Saunders end carried u~animously. In explanation of the Ordinance, City Engineer Fleming said that a li~ait of three tons had been chosen as a maximum limit which would permit a 3/4 ton pick-up truck loaded to traverse those streets, but was a low enough weight t° keep returning empty dump trucks from using said streets. · _ ORDINANCE NO. 64-66. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF D~.LI~AY BEACH, PLQR~IDA, 'AMENDIN~ CHAPTER 2~ OF THE COO~-'OF O~Z~CH'S i~AZ~a TO'.THE Z.U~xT~.~ZO~S O~ ~ OPERATION OF FARM TRAC*TORS~ TRAILERS, SEM~-TRAILERS~ AND TR~C~ AND ~RC~AL VEILICLES ON CERTAIN STREETS. WHEREAS, the City Council of ~the City of Delray Beach, Florida, deems it in the best interests of the Citizens of this community to amend sections of the Code of OrdinanCes~ and NHEREAS,, an emergency ordinance is authorized under Section 30 of the City Charter of this Ci'ty for the preservation of public peace, property, 'health or safety~ and WHEREAS, the City has heretofore adopted Chapter 186 of the Florida Statutes k~ow~ and cited as the "Florida Model Traffic Ordinance"~ and NIiEREAS, the City council desires to adopt schedule V~I! as pro- vided in' Section 186.40 of the aforesaid Model Traffic Ordinances~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE tT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Chapter 2'5, Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beech, Florida, be and the same is hereby amended by a~ding Schedule V~II to read ss follows: "OPERATION OF FARM TRACTORS, TRAILERS., SEMI-TRAILERS AND TRUCKS AND COMMERCIAL V~HICLES LIMITED ON CERTAIN STREETS. In accordanc~ with Section 186.40 and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate, or stop, stand, or park a farm tractor, trailer, semi-trailer, or a truck or other commercial veh/cle with a ~ross weight exceeding the following ton limits upon any of the streets described as follows: Gross Tonnage' Name of street* From To Perm£~ted N.E. 7.~h Avenue' N.E. 8th Street Atlantic AVe. three tons S.E. 7th AVenue S.E. 4th Street Atlantic AVe. three tons -2- Sp. 12-19-66 ~ree C-L5-Ca..no~ ~Oa~ ~ee ~o~ ~ee ~onS ~ic ~lv~' ~ ~bzee ~P~. 20~ ~ve. -'c a~ speCificallY schedule ~r ' it pic~ upe not im~ ' -- ~e 8ee~8 ~o ~S~ ~ ~OF~m~ - 6A-66 ~s ~a~m~. 6a~~ers a~ secon6eu ~at ~a!~ oi ~1°~i ~S follO~Z' ...... o~ ~._~ co~ente .~ ~n the t i, S~e ~+.v ~a~e_ -; the CaP ~ '~at ~ __co~Se~ he ~" ~Om ' ' ' a~~ S ~= ' o~ove ~_ ,_u~hO~ize6. ...~ 3~eY' 2 ~ motiOn ~a , _-~ Ci~Y ~e C$~ .l~ in ~" _2~tea: _ - ~en o~- .~noe~e~, .', ". ~ ~e ~ . ~'~19" ' bee~ u~ ~ · ~ ~n~~ · ~e ~ - . CtUallY~ t , oi ~ei.. ~-t baa ~, -,,ExoeP ~ e~i~e ,_ ~= -s'SLg~n~ '-.~e~ i~ ~*'~ ~tinue~ , ,.,~ have '~_~ ~gem ~ ~;.nr of ~Y~" j'~. 'City ~*- ,~_~ to ye ~: -~lV ~n~-~ - -S ~e~-~,,. tion, _a~>~a~ the t~ ~hose ale .~ of CounCi,.~ vo~e8 ye . and th _: ~ve~Y a-~ . ~e' C~ ~$..~ fo~ --th aaY ~t ~o~ati°n' .... ~Se a~ - .~op~X ~ the ~*'' ~ . ,. ~ ~' ,, ap~ ~ ~ . 1966, ~_~..seS, an __~ 2?6 $20,000.00 according to the terms and conditions es more specifically set forth in the photo copy attached here~ and made a part hereof; and WHBP~EAS, the Assignor desires to assign all its rights and' interests in and to said Agreement for Put.chase to the City upon the terms and conditions set forth herein; and W~EREAS, as Assignee wishes t° acquire the rights and interests of the Assignor' In said Ag.z~ement for Purchase as followS: IT IS M~ALLY AGRSF21 AS FOLLOWS: ~-. 1. UpOn the full exe~tion of this Agree .sent,- the City will l~sy the Assignor the sum of $2,000.00 at which time the-City w~11 simultaneous- ly acquire Assignor's rights to a deposit in the amount of $2,000.00 with ~acey Bros., Realtors of. Delray Beach, Florida. 2. The City agrees to waive all contingencies provided for in said contract except for the marketability of title and will endeavor to close the transaction during the calendar year 1966. At the closing, or in any event, providing title to the subject real estate ,is good and insurable, the City shall pay to the Assignor an add£tionak of $4,000.00 withi~ thirty days from the date of this Agreement. In the event title to said real estate is not ,good and insu~able", the city-shall have no obligation to Assignor and shall be entitled to a refund of the aforesaid $2,00O.00 deposit now. being held ~it~ Gracey Bros., Realtors of Delray Be,ach,.Florida. 3. Assignor warrants that no person, firm or c~0rporation is entit. led to any lien or claim of lien against the subject premises for work done or materials furnished from September 23, I966, to date, This war~ranty is made for the purpose of inducing the City to execute this Agreement and the Assignor agrees .to hold the City harmless from all costs or damages from any such claims Which would arise by virtue of work done or materials furnished on behalf of Assignor within said per~od. IN WITNESS WHEREO~ the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed in their names and their corporate., Se~!s~ to,-be hereunto affixed 'by their proper officers thereunto duly a~thorized the day and year first above written. CITY OF~ DELRAY BEACH, a municipal corporatio~ CITY SEAL . . Attest: By A'I. C. AVerY, Mayor ' R, D. worthi~g, City Clerk- ' ' R. and B. PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation CORPORATE SEAL By Attest: Richard Baxt, President Herman Baxt, Se~retafy' ' M~. Jurney moved that the proper City officials be authorized to execute sai~ agreement. The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft and carried unanimously. 4. City Manager Gatchel. informed Council that the Delray Beach Radio club now requests permission to use 'the portion of Block 37 (ST~RLING ~IELD} lying between the south wall of the field and S. W. let Street~ further, that members of the Radio Club are present. The City Manager reported that Mr. Jack,Fairbanks of the Radio Club said their club would be responsible for clearing away-some of the debris and' old cars that are now located on that property. The City Manager said there are a number of gul~-wireS for power poles in that area and if Council' grants permission for use of that area it should~ be with the stipulation that all due care be taken of said guy-wires ~n the conduct of the carnival. Mr. Saunders moved that permission be granted to the ~adio Club for use of said portion of BIocR 37 for the purpose of conducting a carni- v~.l from January 9th through the 14th,. 1967. The motion was seconded b~ ~.' ~ _JurneF and carried ~nanimou~sl¥. ' City Clerk MA Y 0 R ~": .... %'-4-' Sp. 12-19-66