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~ANL~RY 11, 1965. A regular mee%ing of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor Al. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager Robert ~J. Holland, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen J. LeRoy Croft, James H. Jurney, Jack L. Saunders and George Talbot, Jr., being present. 1. An opening prayer was 'delivered by the Rev. Duane W. Smith. 1.a. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. 2. The minutes of the Council organizational meeting of January 4th, 1965, were unanimously approved, on motion by Mr. Saunders and second- ed by Mr. Talbot. 3. Mr. Andrew Gent addressed the Council as follows.. "only three hours ago something came to my attention which I feel is very urgent in order to save an industry, or get an industry here in Del=ay Beach. Many years ago the Federal Communications System allocated s channel for F.M. to Delray Beach. There are only five allocations for the whole County. Delray Beach, Boca Raton--they are on the air, Belle Glade, Palm Beach and West Palm Beach. Mr. Gent informed the Council that .M~.~:, _Miller, the owner of W.D. B.F. Radio Station, had app~ie~'~r~-the:~M~ Channel, but that he. ie- now ..in the process of selling the Radio Btation to Profit aesearch, Inc.~ :"" ' ~ :~ i:]~e ~ ' , i,.~:'- -:. · . .~., ~, ~ ..~ -.~ :~- ', , ..~,.. ..... . .:....._ y ,q~e .. ~zs.. t~at. the Council w~ll make'a motign tonight '~o do one of tw6· ~hi~g~ .... ~'f '~°:£~t' Res:~a~C~ '::~n'~": ' ask' the' :Chamber' ~f, C~mme'~c~ "an~' ~ther organizations for help, too, will support them with a letter to.the F.C.C. sa~ing they want the ~nOw to, sorrow ~bou~ ,that, I wou!~ lik~ a letter to.,go to the, p.c.C. ~atin~::%h~f th~ cft'~' ~6%~'~'i~-~ o~:; "to ha'6'~ %hat eha:nn~l held in reserve for a future applicant from the gitx?f ,o"1r~Y.,~e~ch..'.' .~..,Gen~ said the reason for his reBu, st Ss_ ' ..... 'Ma;~br 'A%~ commented: I think a action would be in or, er, ~. ' City Attorney you can ~dvise if, ~h~s is proper, to au~orize ~he ~ayor pi~ca:~on o~ PrOfit ResearCh, 'Ihc ,.r '-: ::-: % ::-~ ,~ ~ -~.- .... :.~,-,.~ --, ~, .. ~.,.,,,-~-~ ~..~ -~.ly., ask: that ~t be reserved for Uelra' Beach" C ,e:.u,z -?,.-':v~ ; :', ..... Y .... ~ =ns= ~u~ cover the situation. I~ WaS'so'moved. bY"~. ~al~0t:,[ 's~'e0nd- '3~' ':~."Pran~:'C:~~ ~llis', 0~ ~ropi,c"Pa'las Subdivision, inforaed the ~oun~il~ ;f nuaero~'s '_Pe$~ie"~pf-n~' af~isi~'nl ~ei, ~e;~,~i~le~- ]t~:.~ ~oiiee' Oe~a~tmen.~ on' '~eveg~r: ' ga'rb~ge and left. Mr. Ellis .asked that th~ City place signs, and pubficize the ~ct: that th-e~e' 'unimproved areas in ~roplc Pal~S?~here large:h0'ies ~ave' ~een]~ug are ~o~' publ~'.~Ping grounds. Ai~O", ~ha~ animals dig~.'ing'int~ this'"r%SuSe is'~ nu%sance' and Unsanftar~. ' "-D~ing di~eu'SsiO'~, h~'YSr Ave~ saia' the Ck~y'~anager Should'be dire.gted ~o ing~S~.1gat~.:~is ~atter and.. abate the nuisance% 'further, in ao'st instahc'.es' the' eity'~oiiee sh~ulS"'be, able;to' S~nd''some egidence ~.':~0' '~-~e ~. ['~'~-~ ~ ~..' ~e=e bein4' ~"ohje:c~k~n' f~ ~e'.'coUnc.il~en, ~a~or' Aver~ '~de and %0 ~rev~' i~s'-'~eo6~rrenee. '~ist'the'.. city ~anager' i~':abating thSs nuisance bY".taki~g ~b'ers of' =he'"v:i0i,~0~'S] ' : 4. Mr. Croft read the following Beautification Committee minutes of January 7th, 1965= "1. At Mrs. Little's suggestion, the secretary will send a request to Mr. ~eorge Warren, asking him to attend our February meeting, hoping he will have further information on the weed clearing of Lake Ida. 2. The Committee is concerned about the appearance of the grounds and landscaping around the City Hal~ and Recreation area. The Bucidatrees along 1st Avenue appear to need ferti- lizing. We highly recommend that the maintenance of the grounds be turned over to the Parks Department. 3. It was moved by Mr. Bingham, seconded by Mr. Lankton, that the Council request the City Manager to have the debrimremoved from the beach area at Knowles Park. To quote from our minutes of November 16, 1961, 'A motion was made that the County be asked to remove the stones and debris in the area south of the 10th Street boat landing, and to build up a sma1! beach area.' That was done. Now, the debris recently dredged from the water- way to make room for the Riverboat is again unsightly, and tracts from the beauty of bowles Park. (Council action) 4. A motion was made by Bud Merritt, seconded by Mr. Smith, that the Council disregard all previous plans for beautifi- cation of the beach area at AiA and Atlantic Avenue, subject to further recommendation by this Committee. It is impractical to plant at this time due to the study being made on beach erosion. (Council action) 5. This.committee again requests that the proper authorities be contacted to get the work started on the City Cemetery entrance wall and sign." Conce~ning item 3, City Manager Holland informed the Council that Mr. Woods had been allowed to take part of the rock out of the center of the boat landing area and place it to the south of the wall, and his plans are to place sand, muck and sod over same, but tho work had not been done at this time. Concerning item4, Mr. Croft moved that the recommendation of the Beautification Committee concerning beautification at AIA and Atlantic Avenue, be approved, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unani- mously carried. Concerning item 5, City Manager Holland said they had been unable to get the contractors started on this work. Mayor Avery asked if the City had let a contract on this work, and Purchasing Agent Woodard informed the Council that purchase orders had been issued for same last summer. City Manager Holland informed the Council that he had talked with Mr. Cartee of the Parks Department about this a couple of times during the past two weeks, but there seems to be no action on same. Mayor Avery said he would like a definite answer to the problem, and Mr. Woodard explained as follows: "Last summer the Beautification Committee, on their own, solicited bids and recommended that the City Manager, through myself, award purchaaeorders to from six to eight various contractors and sub-contractors in the City to expedite various phases of this project. It ha~ been a Beautification Committee pro- ject as carried out through the Parks Department Superintendent of' the City. To my knowledge, the only member of the City Administration directly working with it is the Parks Department Superintendent." City Manager Holland informed the Council this project had been handled directly with the Beautification Committee and they had recommended it be taken care of by Mr. Carted of the Parks Department. During discussion, Mayor Avery suggested that in order to get action on this matter it be referred to the City Manag~. Mr. Croft moved that the City Manager get this workstarted at once, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney. Mayor Avery commented as follows= "It has been moved and second- ed that the City Manager be directed to take over this and get the work done," Upon call of roll, the motion carried unanimously. 4.a. A roll call showed the following Civic Organizations and represent~tives to be in attendance= Delray Beach Board of Realtors Mr. Andrew Gent League of Woman Voters Mrs. Charles GrOss Beach Taxpayers, League; BUsiness & Professional Woman's Club AND ~onta Mrs. Dorothea Montgomery Jaycees Mr. Carl Rhodes 5. City Clerk worthing read the following letter from Mr. E. A. Traver of Delray Beach and Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, dated January ?th, 1965= "I would like to take this Opportunity to express my personal appreciation and thanks to you and the City you represent, for t~. splendid=cq~e=ation and~-effort$ ex~ended ~t~, m~ .ar~d.t,.h~.~. Badger High ~Ch~ol Ba~,, i~. m~k~:~h~,,i= ~.~. i~ Delray ~9~'d~., never to be.f~rgot~en dr..the ity~fa~i!ities-at t'he b~ach as well as the Werp, enjoyedto the~.fulles~ 'The Poiice..Depar~ment,'too.. are ...... th~.many Wisconsin' ;9eopl~..who were .~viaitors. :here, that ~da.~. ~ ~he esc0~t they Pr'~vide~ f~r"~e ba~ as'they'm~c~d dow~ ~ Avpnue. ~as ~Of great ~help to. :our,~gropp ..... ~:';~-;~:~-~:a,: · . :-~ · he key to the 6itY'wi l hang i, the Badger .igh Sohio1 as an e~r~ast!n9 egb~9~ o{~ hg~.~91!ty frgm thi~. ~ .~rd~m~unity. From.the ..... call~ a ~i~ii I have received the last few days, I m/. ght say'.tha~. D~lra~each ~e~tab~ished a strong beach head ip,=~ake G~neva on the evening of January 5,~:=~hen .th~/m~ ~r~? of 76 ambassadors of Good Will returned-home extolling the praises and attitudes of this Cit~. ~ven'thOugh i"dri.te,-ad~o~d, I ~, SU~4 I 'S~eak='t~9' =~f'~he St~aen{'~as~ W&li a~=-~ll 'theWisCOnsih'Pe0~i~ Who ~e %Pre that d~.Y wheD I_sp~.!Thanks f0r,a ?effect day, with ~. Mayor Aver~ tnt=odu~ed 'Mr'- E~ :' W" :waII~au;'"'a d ~ ~" ......... .-?, :,: ,.....,:.-....... - . · .. _ n t ted that He had Deennonored ~ecentIy'b¥'the:C~overn~rS of North Carolina and New York, along With other famous North Cprolinians,.'to the societyof "Prodigal North Carolina"- Ma ~-A~6r':'~6 ' "* .:: ":"'.': .:='' ' ':'. . .. .... ~ ....Y ..... y .l{.of.~he many.ac¢omplishmen~s and honors Of Mr; '[wa11~au::~a~d read th~":~f01f0w£fig: ' :' :'""' [: - -:- '- :: :': :"":-' 'F .~4~.._R~AS, the ¢ify Council of: the Cit of Delta Beach ms ac te ,,, . .-.. ........... - , Y y u ..... ~ '... .~.. ' r,- 2" "' ' ', .......... -~,.' --.. -- , ',~- ' - Y 9~f~=~'~.,t~?~?r~aY~l_~,.~fe ,~gt~is.'area;.~articUla~l¥"~he variety of at.aCtiOns 'Wh:fCh'J~hecit~'0fD41~':/Be'~C~.offe~s its Winter resideDts and.tOurists, is extremei~ beneficial to this Ci~; and ''~'- " '' "':-'" ...... '~:' "WHEREAS, it"has been brought to the attention of the Council thst ED. W. W~LLNAU, a resident of this area, has been acclaim- ed and recognized by the CountZyof Panama,.the State of North Carolina, the United states Air Force and the New York City Hotel Association, as a distinguished 'goodwill ambassador'~ and WHEREAS, it has further been brought to the attention of this Council that the said ED W. WALLNAU constantly expounds the virtues and advantages of life in Delray Bewch~ NOW, THEREFORE, I, AL. C. AVERY, Mayor of the City of Delray Beach, by virtue of the powers invested in me, in honor and deep appreciation of the demonstrated ability of ED W. WALLNAU in selling the many attributes of life in this City, do hereby proclaim and name ED W. WALLN~U as an 'Honorary Citizen' of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. Dated this llth day of January, 1965." 5. Mayor Avery introduced Mr. Ward Robinson, Chairman of Public & Business Affairs Committee for Division 14 of the Florida District of Kiwanis International, and then read the following: "KIWANIS GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY PROCLAMATION WHEREAS January 21, 1965 is the Golden Anniversary of the founding of Kiwanis International, And, W/iEREAS achievement of this milestone represents more than the completion of fifty calendar years, but is, in truth, the golden anniversary of community service, And,WHEREAS the men of Kiwanis have contributed unselfishly to the good of this community, aided in their work by the citizens, I, THEREFORE, call upon the citizens to Join me in honoring the Kiwanians of the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, as those Kiwanians have honored us in countless ways throughout the years, and I declare this to he Kiwanis ~olden Anniversary Week in DELRAyBEACH~ FLORIDA, urging each and every citizen to join me in wishing this organization of our fellow citizens a happy birthday and many more to come in the years that lie ahead." Mr. Robinson then gave a history of Kiwanis International, its principles and activities, also reviewed some Of the history of the Delray Beach Kiwanis Club 5. Mayor Avery introduced Mr. Samuel Purvis, Chairman of the Junior Chamber of Commerce Jaycee ~eek and read the following PROCLAMATION: "WHERE~S, the civic bodies and service oruanizatione of our comm~l~it~ ~ the ~pa~t~n=~t~ o£ the local government, recog- nize the great service rendered to this community by the DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA Junior Chamber of Commerce, and W~EREAS, the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce and its affiliated state and local organizations have. set aside the week of January 17-23, 1~65 to observe the founding of the Junior Chamber of Commerce and %o commemorate such founding by the selection of an outstandiBg young man in this community as the.recipient of the DistingB~shed Service Award, and WHEREAS, this organization of Y0~ng men has contributed ly to the betterment of this community throughout the year, =~ESEFORE, I, AL. C. A~ERY, Mayor of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, do hereby proclaim the week of January 17-23, 1965 as JAYCEE WEEK and urge all citizens of our community to give full consideration to the future service of the Junior Chamber of Commerce." -4- 1-11-65 Mr. Purvis outlined the club activities for JAYCEE WEEK. 5.a. Mr. Saunders asked about a replacement of the awning on the large pavil~io~ at the beach, and City Manager Holland reported that type of material had.been held up by the government, bu~ a substitute material ha~ been obtained and would soon be installed;. 5.a. Mr. Talbot commented to the Council as follows: "I have a matter here that I think has been inadvertently overlooked insofar as taking formal action. As we all know, at an informal meeting with Russell & AXon representatives, the Council took informal action directing ~ussell & Axon to prepare a report on possible extension of sewers to all remaining areas of Delray Beach that are unsewered. Presently, '~ith the completion of the first phase of the sewer outfall program, on!y fifty per cent of the area of the City has been covered and about seventy per cent of the population now being served. It might be well to bring to the attention of the public t~t as of December 31St, Mr. Daniel R. Neff, Project Manager for RUssell & Axon has completed his work and moved out of his office, and~s of that date is no longer on the Russell & Axon payroll as Project Manager for the De%~ay Beach sewer installation project that has just been completed. I understand that Mr. Neff has been assigned by Russell & Axon, on their payroll, to prepare the report mentioned. The objective of the report is to determine sewer basins, from elevation a~ea to flow to e~h i~ft ~t~k~~'~c~T6©~r&D~eTM~ ~tkm~-t~s('2~3~ch'~ea; ex- plore possible mean~ of.financing and estimated revenues and t~ pro- ~ ar~a'. ' ' '" ' "' c'f"think i%'~"~uid'be:~li for'th'is"C6~nc'il %0:inStruct that a Regolution be prepared to put iD f~rmal order the..request that ~,.. j Mr/ Talbot ~a!i'd. that' £n't~iki:~? Wit~' Ci~ :E'~l~e~r Mark %~..a rehabilitation~f 'the 'old' ~e~r ~ai'n~', whi~h'he'und~r~tan~'s"~om~ ~r~e~ a~proxi~a%e~ '~ %~S~'nd'i f~t~ i~d~ 's~ggeste~ that ~i':~i":~. in- sPectiOn,' rePair'a~d rehabi~itatl0n.o~'~'~ld s'e~er augurated as soon .a.s Possible~ . . ] 'Mayor Avery asked<'CieY En~inee'ff"F'l~ming korj'&omments" o& t~ s~we~.system, ~nd'the':'E~ginee~ ~ommedt~d:.a~"f°iio~d: "The 0rigin&i'' sewe~ System was in'Stalled'a~0Ut1926~ 0'f arather' inferi0~ra~'of 'terracotta. TH!s'i.:~y.s. tem is br~en down-i~ ma'~y 'places. I%.i.si'~de~ ' .~e=!orating a~ the ,join'ts:. Th~in~i~trat~0~ into th'issySt~6~-~' Only Of water but'alS0 of sand,:Was the 'prf~arytca~se of the failure of the former sewage.treatment plant which existed in the City Park. ThiSinfiltration con~inU~s; The sand is'being carried int~' the new pu~ps, and. grind~rs'a~d_~t0' the pumps that Pump.to the present ocean ?utfall, and it wi11 deteriorate the~. The system is in such ~a'd shape', for instance, we recently found it necessary to re-lay a sec- .tio~. ~" ~t app~91Ximate'lY a ~ity ~lOck 'i~ 1,ng~h, i~ an. arf~'~,. W~r~.'reU~able'.'"'The~ a~:' num~6us l~aks' anti' ci0ggings dU~'~%o"t~'' loOs~ j'oints and roots growing in them. We get numero~us co~pla~nts fr°~:'.~itizenS;':'ind'%"g~e~'d~ai'~.bfm°n~¥iS's~elt 6n':the W6did b~ my rec~mmendi%i;ff-that a-compi~'~e:'St~dY'M.!~ade °i:i~t',' proba- bly by the new T? V..method in which the company slides a T.. V. ,. -5- ' 1-11-65''' ' -' - [ ........~ camera down for inspection .... or however Mr. Neff and myself arrive at, and determine the cost and repairs necessary." Mayor Avery asked City Engineer Fleming to explain the operation of said cameras, which he did, as follows: "The camera is moved down through the pipes physically, carrying its own lighting. The camera visually makes an inspection of the pipes as it goes down, which is visible to the operator° It also has the capability of making pic- tures and a permanent record, and by measuring it at the same time, any breaks or leaks in the pipe are located. Then, in conjunction with this, it is possible for the operating company to make repairs to the pipe by jacketing the break and pumping in a new neopreme solution or some type of apoxy solution, which is stronger or as strong as the original pipe, and makes a permanent repair right on the job without tearing the pipe out." Mr. Talbot suggested that the Council move that the City Manager, through the City Engineer Mark Fleming, and Russell & Axon, through Mr. D. R. Neff,~prepare a report as to what should be done, estimate the cost of same and bring back a report to the Council at the next meeting. Mr, Talbot so moved, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried. 5.a. Mr. Croft said he had just been informed there is a very un- sightly, weedy area on South AiA at Hibiscus D~ive~ and asked that the City Manager take care of same. 5.a. Mr. Jurney informed the Council he ha~ a call recently from Mrs. Velma Bradshaw in regard to clipping of the red berries on the Adonidia Palm trees along Atlantic Avenue, and had been informed by the City Administration that same was done to keep the berries from · dropping to the sidewalk and possibly causing an accident by someone stepping on them. Mr. jurney said he had not been able to reach Mrs. Bradshaw by telephone to give her the answer. Mayor Avery said that Mrs. Bradshaw had called the City Manager, and had been given the reason the berries were clipped'from the trees. 6.a. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that in compliance with Charter requirements pertaining to appointment of Boards and Commit- tees, the following individuals had been recommended for appointment to the Boards and Committees as indicated: 1. The barbers of Deltay Beach recommend the following to serve as the BARBERS BOARD OF EX~MINERS for the ensuing year: N.G. Dean, Chairman James Grady Ernest Williams Mr. Saunders moved that said recommendations be accepted, the motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried. 2. The BEATIFICATION COMMITTEE recommends'the reappointment for two-year terms to expire January 1, lg67, of: Mrs. Gladys Little LeRoy Merritt J. B. Smith It is recommended that the following reappetntments, for one-year terms to expire January 1, 1966, be made to the BEAUTIFICATION COMMIT- TEE: Board ok Realtors Stuart Lankton Men's Garden Club Col. Clarence Bingham Cl&rence Galinat (Alternate) City Council J. LeRoy Croft Presidents Parley of Garden Clubs Mrs. Margaret Bowen Mr. Talbot moved that said recommendations be accepted, the motion being seconded by Mr. Saunders and unanimously carried. 3. Council should provide for appointment of the COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE for 1965. 1964 committee was comprised of: Gertrude Mudge Florence Barnes John Van Sweden LeRoy Baine Margaret walsmith C. Spencer Pompey Virginia Meyers Lula Baldwin Dr. Stiles B. Lines Rosetta Rolle Mr. Saunders said he understands the Community Relations Committee is in the midst of working on some very important projects, and if the members would agree to serve again, felt they should be appointed, and so moved. The motion ~as seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unani- mously. 4. Council'should provide for appointment of the FINANCIAL ADVISORY BOARD for 1965. 1964 Board was comprised of: Nathan Sharp, Chairman Louis Tenerelli John M. Reagan Rhea Whitlpy Mr Talbot m°V,'d f0r~th~:reappoih'tm~nt ~6f~sai~"~ard, the motion being seconded by.M~..Jurne~ and un&nimouslylcarried. ~ 5. Council should provide f~r app~fhtment'6f CITy HEALTM DOCTORS for ~965. 1964 Health Doctors were: Dr. Jerry Cox Dr. William Earnhart Mr. Croft"m6ved"~o reappoint Dr. j~r~Y CoX~nd Dr. William Earnhart. as City Health Doctors for 1965, the motion beipg seconded b~: ~albo~ and'~n~nk~oUSl~'Ca~ied:' ~' ....... ~ '6.:' Council '~ould ~rov£de foe appointment of the PL.UM~!NG.'~RD f~r' i965. 1964 'Boa~ ~a~ Cbmpr~sed 'Of': ' ' - ' ' '' Robert Crego plumbing Inspector _ Dr. Jerry Cox. ' City.Physician_ Charles Clark - Journeyman R~umber Robert Barnwell, Jr. Master Plumber ~ Quenton Bishop .... MaSter Plumber ! Mark C. Fleming- · ' City Engineer Under date of July '16~ 1~64~ Ordinance No. G-555 was adopted, which, in part, .provided that an addSt~onalJourneyman Plumber b~ appointed to ~he PlUmbing Board, whose members, ~nder date Of january 7, 1965, re=ommend the app0intme~t 0f'Rob~rt C. Johnston, a Journeyman Plumber, in addition to those above named,'for a period of one year or untii:their sUcces~ors ar~appointed:j:"~ ~ Mr. Croft moved that members of the PLUMBING BOARD be reappointed for 1965, with the addition or-Mr. Robert C. Johnston. The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimously. 7~ Council should provide forappoin%ment of the RECREATIOh%%L TENNIS COMMITTEE. ~The 1964 Committee was compri~'~d of: 1-11-65~ .~ ~ ~ Dr. Monroe.Father Paul S~eicher Kenneth Jacobson Dr. Thomas Shoal City Manager Holland asked that Mr. O. W. W0odard, Jr. be appoint- ed as the Ex Officio member of the ~ECREATIONAL T~NNIS CORMITTEE, as that would bring it back up to a five. member board, and the tennis function is part of his duties. Mr. Croft moved for the reappointment of the four members serving on said Eoar~ in 1964, and that Mr. Woodard be appointed as recommend- ed. The motion was seconded byMr. Saunders and ~arried unanimously. 8. Council should provide for appointment of T~AFFIC AND PARKING COMMITTEE, 1964 committee was comprised of= James Sinks LeRoy Merritt James Love Kenneth Ellingsworth O. W. Woodard, Jr. R.C. Croft John Gregory John Kab!er Joe Kern R.J. Holland Mr. Jurney said that Mr. James Sinks had mentioned his membership on this Committee, and had suggested, since he is no longer a member of the Planning/Zoning Board, that the Council may want to appoint a member of the Planning/Zonlng Board to this committee in his place. During discussion, Mr. Woodard explained the background and functions of the Traffic & Parking Committee as follows: "This Committee was formulated about two years ago. This particular Commit- tee, as a dual committee, composed of members of the City Administra- tion dealing with traffic .and parking problems daily, and members of the Planning Board. The primary basis on which it began to operate were the two previous professional surveys which the City paid for, by George Simons, and a 1955 Traffic & Parking Survey which the City paid something like $5,000.00 or $7,500.00 for.. This was the initial basis that we began from. Webrought the works of these two profes- sional surveys uD to date~ worke~ with them and incorporated recom- mendations which were submitte~ to the Council." Mr. T~lbot moved that the TRAFFIC AND PARKING coMMITTEE be re- appointed for 1965, with the exception of Mr. Sinks, and instructions that the additional member be named by thePlanning/Zoning Board, and the Council informed of said person. The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft and unanimously carried. 9. City Clerk worthing informed the Council they should provide for appointment of a committee to review the Resolution submitted by the Jaycees concerning a motor pool and maintenance of City equipment, as submitted to the Council on December 14th, 1964. Mayor Avery said he had approached Mr. Jurney ab°ut, serving oh this committee if the Council approved his appointment, and that Mr. Jurney had agreed that he would. Suggestions were made that Mr. Roy Simon, President of the Chamber of Commerce~ Mr. Robert Perkins, President of the Jaycees~ Mr. Jack D. Walker and Mr. James Pignato be appointed to said committee. It was also suggested that a representative from the Florida Power and Light Company familiar with equipment problems0 and one from the Southern Bell Telephone Company with motor, pool experience, be appointed to said committee, these representatives to be selected by their company. It was pointed out that these committee members may be of much benefit in this study as both companies operate a lot of equipment and the Telephone Company operates a motor pool while the Florida Power and Light Company does not. -8- 1-11-65 It was suggested that City Manager Holland be an Ex Offici~ member and advisor to this committee and that Mr. Jurney be acting chairman unt!% a chairman could be selected by the committee. Following discussion, Mr. Saunders moved for the appointment of the Committee as suggested, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried° 6.b. Concerning the Beach Disaster Fund and expense items chargeable thereto, Mayor Avery said there had been a memorandum'from City Manager Holland recommending that the name of said fund be changed to Disaster Fund, and changes concerning that fund, as follows: "1. All repairs to buildings and equipment costing in excess of $300.00, made necessary due to hurricane damage 6r other natural calamities; also repairs and/or clean-up to the beach area caused by high tides or excessive wave action, including necessary after hours compensation for City personnel, be paid from the Disaster Fund. 2° That any and all insurance recoveries or other com- pensations received by the City as a result of any ex- penditures from the fund be deposited in said fund." Mrs. Dorothea Montgomery reviewed the history and purpose of the Beach Disaster. Fund and. said she did not'think any. money should come out of that fund Without Council approval,-and that Council ShOuld use a %0t of discretionl in approving any'mon.ey'to be pa~d"°u'~6f said fund. ' .... ' Following discussion, Mr, CrOft moved that the name ~f~%h~ Beach Disa's'ter Fun~ be changed to Disaster'Fund; that all monie~ Daid~f~0m the f~nd be at'the discretion of the Council, and that any and all insurance recoveries or other c0mpen.sations received by the .City as ~ ~r~s~lt of any e.XP_enditures ~r~m the fundbe ~ePOsited ~h said.'fUhd. The ~otlon was seconded by Mr.~ Saunders and carried 6~c. A report of properties in 9i01ati6n of the city nui~sance laws was presented, and it was recommended, subject to the acceptance of said report bY the Council, that the ~Ci'%y Clerk be'directed'to comply with %he Code of Ordinancles aS applicabl~~ to this~ s'6rvey, rep0r:t. (copy of said nuisance violation list is' attached to the official copy of these minutes~) (See Pa~es 18-~ & 18~) i,~ Chapter 15 of the Cod~ of Ordina~Ce~' as appIicable to this nuisance survey report, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried.. ~' ~' ~-.,--.. 6.d Concerning bids"kor' a picku~'"tr~C~i City Clerk Worthing report- ed to Council as follows: "The following bi~ds h~e been' rece'i%.ed for al" 3/4 ton Dic~UD which equiPmeht"is needed in the Sewer Department: _ Adams Chevrolet Company $2,91~.00 Earl Wallace Ford, Inc, $2,757.52 Hauser Motor Company .$3,120..63 It is recommended that award of p~rchase be made to the low bidder, and funds for such purchase be authorized from th~ Contingency Account o'f the Water and Sewer Fund' (915 858 800) to the Sewer ~Operating Account (915 ~460 62i)." ' It was so.~oved by Mr.'Talbot, seconded by Mr. Croft and unani- mously Carried. It wa~ pointed out that ,~he iow' bi~der for said truck ~as the E~i Wallace Ford, I~c., in. the amount of $2~757.52. -9- 1-11-65 X. Mr. Talbot asked City Manager Holland if the City did go ahead with the rehabilitation of the old sewers, would it eliminate the purchase of further additional equipment? 'The City Manager said that would be hard t° determine at this time. 7.a. There being no objections to the .application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, as advertised, Mr- Croft moved to approve the issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Mr. PriCe, operator'of the Atlantic Cab, for one addi- tional taxicab. The motion was seconded by Mr'. Talbot and carried unanimously. 7.b. Concerning the City Dock Lease, City Clerk Worthing reported to Council as ~ollows= "The original lease of the premises', known as the City Docks, and lying between S. E. 1st and 2nd Streets adjacent to and east of Marine Way, was dated September 29, 1955, and was for a period of ten years, commencing October 1, 1955 and ending September 30, .1965. pllnnCompany, holder of this lease, under date of December 28, 1964, requests that said lease be extended for a period of five years from and after September 30, 1965, on the same terms as now contained in the lease. Section 22 of the original lease reads, in part, as follows= ~At-the expiration of the term hereby granted, leasee is given the option of renewing this lease on the same terms and conditions for a further term of five years.' It is therefore recommended that Council authorize the proper ..officials to~eXecute a~ lease renewal, on behalf of the City of Delray Beach, for the City Dock premises referred to hereinabove, as petitioned for by the Plym Company, SUBJECT to legal~ity and form providing for such extension of lease being approved by the City Attorney." Mr. Talbot asked what the City realizes from said dock lease, and City Attorney Adams~'inf°rmed him there was $1,000.00 annual rental pluS'10 per cent of the gross rentals. Mr~ Talbot said that since the .City had been very cooperative in sharing the maintenancecost of the dock facilities, and with the in- crease of-"costs over the years, suggested that Mr. Plym be approached about a ten per cent increase in annual rental of said dock facilities. During lengthy discussion, Mr-. s&unders said he would not want to - repudiate' any contract that any former Council had made concerning the Dock.Lease~ but if it was possible to renegotiate same he would like to do so. Mr. Saunders then moved that this matter be tabled until it had been talked over with Mr. Plym and some agreement arrived at. The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimously. 9.a. Concerning a. bronze plaque relating to'the City's ocean outfall sewer system, it'was pointed out that the Council had instructed Mr- Talbot to take care .of same, and Mr. Talbot informed the Council that before said plaque was completed, he would obtain~appr°val of the "rub" from each of them. 10.x, City clerk worthing reported to Council as follows: "A survey report reflecting various parcels' of land to be in violation of the City's nuisance laws; as~ se~'f°rth% in Chapter 15 of the code of ordi- nances was submitted to C6uncil onNovember 23rd, 19~4. That list included, in pa~t, ocean Beach Lot 29 less the West 150 feet. Abate- ment of such nuisance was at that time ordered by council. Bids in due time were solicited, in lieu of the property not having been -10- 1-11-65 gr later. 3 time schedule has been dis~cu~'sed ~ property~ owners: i d i 'it e Dy =ne counciI'~d~sion o~e~ o~ ~'~_~Cz~s~ ~n~?.s~e~l, ~n~ ~a~(~ts, and also ~ ~ ~ ,. ...... ,nor h.o ~he .......... . nuisance sho ............ ~ ~e~ , m v .... ,..h~ ~ , hat the d~s~urb t~e ~e ......... ~ ..... -~ au,,~ ~,,~ ~,~ . ~s n 9~ zt would mended ~at ~: 'Ar6~,~r~'-=_~e~v;'~i t~tsP~:-~. S. ~- ~son recom- · ~ ~cques~ ne granted'B~ ~hat he be admonished to start ele}~i~ op~:a~jo~s not. earlier ~a ~ ' later ~n ~ ~'Y~:~ ;-~r~.~.~ .c~,~,:;r~:~ ~, ..... ~.~x.~ ~ZSth and not . e_, .......... ~=ner ~o' '~'rt"a~ nu~sanc~ ~d be~sat~=~-* .......... merit of the ,..~,~ ~, rc~ ..,~ ,,.~,, , ~ est. o~ ~ -- · .~--~ .~.~ne., ~, w°r~'b~' ',.,~ _. ~,~a~'~ .... no~ c,,~,~,~.~.,~::soo er · 15~ nor .la~er-~ '"M~ ....... ~ ...............~.s :~r:~ ~.- than Aprzl in I ~ompI ~ ~ ..... ~ . .......... ~ ...... ~. ~,~ .~ . ~ ..~ ~y .~o its h~e Burial O0 5. O0" meets any again' basis .the ~'definition. come-back It 10. 1965= "~bject="' Water Main Con~ract'~ At~&~tic 'Avenue - Agenda Ztem we wer~:~Oida¥ as'~ Cons~ct$on ~steTn eet been un~ flew as,~wec -:ime..reDres~n,t~a~!vesof,~he util£- ~.~o the ,'ca,not required ~iengthy ~%, and the ,ion, It SO li~ icts ~he city ~ -65 water main job. Not only would, this automatically eliminate ~ny claim by the prime contractor that he was being held up or delayed by the city's contractor, but the prime contractor would naturally be in a position to quote lower prices to.the city due to the fact that his equipment would be on hand and working on the job. I have contacted the Intercounty Construc- tion Co. people and they are very pleased with the idea and feel that it will be advantageous to both parties. They_s~ate that they feel that the city will make a real savings, and are willing to handle the entire contract for the city even though a portion of it extends westward beyond the end of their State Highway con- tract. For this reason permission is requested to negotiate prices for 'the city's work directly with Intercounty Construction Co., it being understood that all prices must be reasonably in conform- ance with the engineer's estimate. For your information I have checked the d~sign sizes of the proposed water main with.Mr. Hays of Russell & Axon, who?re running a computer ~nalysis of the city's distribution system, and they concur exactly in the sizes which we have specified. I am forwarding construction drawings for the approval of the State.Health Department today as I feel that we cannot wait any longer in this ma~ter, and if the design mu~t be altered at the time of the final discussion we will have .to-go back to the Health 'Department.'for their approval." Mr. Talbot said that sounded reasonable, and asked'ab°~t Council waiving the requirements of sealed bids. City AttorDey Adams.answered: "If the Council waives-the requirement o~'sealed bids, you can negotiate.'" Mr. Talbot moved to accept the recommendation~of the City Engineer with the results subject to.the final approval of price by the Council, the motion ~bein~ seconded by Mr. Jurney and'unanimously carried. 10.x.. Mr. Talbot said.he ha'd been clOsely~ob~erviDg t~ City p~rking areas~during the past two weeks, ahd that the .parking ~rea lying across from~the Police Staticn between S. E~ 'Sth and 6th Avenues as well as the one on N. E. 4th Avenue',' is usually always filled, Mr. Talbot suggested that the~Ci~Y Manager Make a. ~udy of' Saidltwo parking areas, and if they are fil~edwith a lot of all day parking customers, they may be placed on a two hour parking set up and the people that park all day be encouraged to use'the City parking lot'on the. east side of S. E, 6th Avenue,' and it not'have a.time limit placed~on Parking. It was pointed out that t~e City 'Parking lot constructed on the former CoOk Property did have a t~o hour time limit, and City Manager Holland said he would study the parking situation, and would als° en- courage the all day parking c~stomers to use the City parking lot on the west si~e of S. E'. 3rd Avenue. 10~a. City Clerk Worthingpresented Bills For Approval as follows: General Fund $ 333,~61%91 water Operating.& Maintenance Fu~d' 5,144.29 'Water Revenue Fund:. ' - 94,689.42 Improvement Fund 1,316.80 Refundable Deposits Fund 6,123.94 'Special Assessment Fund -~ 7',500~00. .BeaCh Disaster Fund 20'~DD0.00 ~eneral"FUnd,Sinking Fund 20,000.00 The bills Were unanimously'~r~ere~.paid~n mo~ion.byMr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Talbot. The meeting ad.~ourned at 10:00 P.M. by order of Mayor Ayeryo ~ i~ .... City'clerk PROPERTIES IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE NO. G-147 AND SECTIONS 15-3 & 15~4 OF THE CITY CODE PROPERTY CITY ow~,~R ADD.SS %~S~.C ,~IPTI,OX ¢OO___~ 1. David H. Annan 25~0 S. Ocean Blvd. Beg. 38,54' W of 15-3 Palm Beach, Florida S.E. CDr of N~ of 15-4 Lot 28 for P.0.B. th run W 200'; N 135.06'; E 200'; S 135.06' to P.0.B. Section 9-46-43 2. Seacrest Shops, Inc. 22 Sabal Island Dr. Lot 8, Blk. 89 15-3 Ocean Ridge, Fla. 3. John B. Smith, 211 N. E. 1st Ave. Lot I7, Block 81. 15-3 Harry A, Kahler, Jr. Delray Beach, Fla. 15-4 & Joseph M. Buehler 4. Milton J. Strong P. 0. Box 441 Lots 1~ & 16, 15-3 Delray ~Beach, Fla. Block 81. 15-4 Josephine Mackie 441 20th Street Lot 23, Block 41o 15-3 Pottier West Palm Beach, Fla. 15-4 6. John Thieme Rt.-#~1, Box 45 Lot 25, Block 41. 15-3 Winter Garden, Fla. 15-4 George Tegelaar, Jr. c/o Nowlin & Adams Un£mproved portion 15-3 & Gloria Cohen P.O. Box 1510 Lots~ 3 & 4,' 15-4 Delray Beach, Fla. Block 8, DeI1 8. Edward B. Poole 101 N. W. 6th Ave. South half of BLOCK 15-3 Delray Beach, Fla. 19, less ~ less N 45' o~ E 135~; less N 50' of S 185' of E 135'; and less E 165' -~jane' Jackson c/o L. L. Youngblood Unimproved central 15-3 P. O. Box 1063 portion of the East 15-4 Delray Beach, Fla. half of BLOCK 34 less · S 96' of N ~1~ of E. · · ' 135' and less East 20' ~/w. tO'~ - Dr. Frank P. ~t7'Heyburn Bldg. Lot 8, Bl~ck E, 15~3 Strickler Louisville 2, Ky. Palm Beach S~nores 15-4 Acres~ less W 25' R/W 18-B Page 2. - PROPERTIES IN VIOLATION 0P ORDINANCE NO. G-147 AND SECTIONS 15-3 and--15-4 OF THE CITY CODE. Violations 15-3 and 15-4 as concerns this report are as follows: 1. 15-3 - - Broken Branches, Storm Damaged Trees 15-4 - - High Weeds 2. 15-3 - - Storm Debris 3. 15-3 - - Trash ~1~-4 ~ - High Brush 4. 15-3 - - Trash 15-~ - - Weeds 5, 15-3 - - Trash and Debris ~'4 - - High Weeds and Brush 6.15-3 - - 01d Debris and T~ash 15-~ - - Weeds and Brush 15-3 - - Dead Branches and Damaged .Tree 15-~ - - Weeds 8. 15-3 - - 01d Building Trash and Debris 15-h - - Weeds 9.15-3 - - Old Building Trash and'Debris 15-4 - "High weeds 10. 15-3 - - Underbrush,'breken branches & trees, and storm debris 15-k - - High weeds Submitted to the City Council by the City Manager on this llth day of January, 1965,