01-25-65 JANUARY 25, 1965. A regular meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor Al. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager Robert J. Holland, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen J. LeRcy Croft, James H. Jurney, Jack L. Saunders and George Talbot, Jr., being present. 1, An opening prayer was delivered by City Clerk R. D. Worthing. la, The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. 2. The minutes of the regular Council meeting of January llth, 1965, were unanimously approved, on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Croft. 3. Mrs. Julia E. Schrader, 120 N. E. 7th Avenue, called Council attention to a drainage problem created by the grade of the property where the Howard Johnson's Restaurant is located~ further, it is her understanding that there will be more paving done to that proDerty, which will create a more difficult drainage problem. Mayor Avery asked City Manager Holland if he was aware of 'this situation, and what provision was being made to handle the drainage problem. propose~d.p~.vin~ job until, some solution to ~ drainage problem could paved"W~,uld have' 'tb"~6 '~ r~ is'~d' fi~te~h'" [~Ch~'S' i f th~~ p"'r~P~.~Y~ d~'$~ined westward' to 'the N. Ell 6tD"av~n~9'-a~'iha~"sys~m~ 'inStead 0f ma,'in'9" ~. Dale Christison, a City Engineer, informed the Council that  e h~d run some levels on the resta~ant proper~y today and .that at a ~e raised as much as fif~en inch s to. be level with the sidewalk on 6th Avenue; A~d at-th~-a.ii'~9~~ it ~'Ul~1~Ave~ t~"~e,'r~f~:ed"a :Yi~=i~ over tWo~-~e6~' Further, at the time"the alley was rocked, ~e grade had been kept. do~ as.it was no~ ~ossibl~. to raise it enough tO. drain. the '~t' ~Uld n~t h~ve' ~ec~s' '~ t~e ~li~y. '~n~ t~ woul-d"~ave' ~:~' to their ~r~in~g~ p~oblem. ~. ~i~ti~on ~i~ ~ only would be to.. figure on drainage at that location. ~ ~e~ i~.:~ :s.~ii'o~ '-~f': t~.~.~ ~atur~',; ~"dit~"'Aii~rn~y/~.~s: '~f~' :~' &i%ht ei~'va~{~=- ~'":~': 'focal point and connec~in --'t ~' the N; E 1st Street d a' C~ Manager Hol'land said'the CounciI"haa established a" 01lC '"in .~ .r. f~., .-,.'~,'-.w -.i.--~. .... :. ' .-. , ..... .... .. .... . , . , . P Y '1962, ' ,whiCh ~.-had 'asked' ~or/'-~n ~a~-. 'when- ~ ~buildi~g-~r~i~ is 're-" sw ~es,., ~Faine-'~ a-~ ~i~a~s,% ,~t a~j ,~a~:.'-t~me', p'a~ki~' l~s w~ not .Council mee~'ihg; 'or sooner if'~o~ibl~, 't0"~lt~iha~e' ~e'd.iffi'Cul:Ey.. 3. A%=<>~ .T~,~ e~o=e e~ he ~a~ written a letter to. the City s~ati~g that the Plum Company, the present lessee of the City Docks, is exercising their option for another f~ve year lease, with the same terms and conditions as stated in the original lease. It was explained that according to the terms of the lease, the Plym Company pays the City $1,000.00 per year plus ten per cent of the gross. It was pointe~out that when this property wa~ originally leased, the originaZ lessor made the. improvements. City. Attorney suggested that the Council accept the letter exer- cising the additional option for a five year term. Mr. Talbot said that since he had not read the.letter exercising said option, h~ would move this item be placed on the agenda of the next Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr.. Jurney~and carried unanimously. 3. Col. Lawrence ~. Everett, President of the Senior Citizens Club of Delray Beach, said the primary.purpose of the Senior Citizens is friendliness and good fellowship, and they have provision in their constitution for undertaking any worthy project for community better- ment tha~ may come to their attention, Further, their group is the largest and most frequent users of'the Community Center. Colo Eve=err commented on the. Teen Club that has been in existence about three years, and the things they have provided for the .Community Center. CO1. Everett presented a check to the City.in the amount of $50.00, with a request that it,be a~plied toward the purchase of a ceramic baking oven for the ~ommunity Center, and informe~ the Council that the Senior Citizens had planned to spend sai~ $50.00 for an archery back drop for the teen group, .but that group had voted that the money be spent on the oven, which would benefit the ~nior Citizens as well as the youth. Col. Everett informed the Council that the 'teen group is accom- plishing a great deal, and in the near future are planning to put on 90 minute talking movies once a week, '%wd will schedule basketball and wrestling, which will give them forty p%r cent of the receipts ~or their group. MayOr Avery commended the Senior Citizens for their community spirit, and the Teen Club for their thoughtfulness. 4. A roll call showed the following Civic Organizations and repre- sentatives to be in attendance: Tropic Zsle Civic Association Mrs. Wm. Mudge Breezy Ridge Estates Mr. John SWord League of Woman Voters Mrs. W~. MU~e Zonta International Mrs. Frank Doman Beach Taxpayers League, Inc. and Business & Professional-Woman's Club Mrs. Dorothea Montgomery 5. City Clerk Worthing read the following letter from the Ba~ger High School Band Boosters of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, dated January llth= "we want to thank you and the City'of Delray Beach for the hospitality extended to the Ba~ger Ban~ and their friends on December 30th. The use of the Municipal Pool ~uring the day was enjoyed by all as was the beautiful beach of your city. The Police Department too is a real asset in promoting public relations, in their courtesy and the fine way i~ which they handled the parade. With such a welcome as Delray extended one can only look for- ward to a return to such a community." -2- 1-25-65 ee~ion ~,~u~ in ~ri~ . h. t~ ~YOr Ave~. a~preoia.r'~Y Of ~lL~=oJect th~ ~ ~ an~ae :~ apPreotat~ fe_~y Clerk ~. .... ~ council a~./~J~cen't to ;TY~ a~So %- ~"' .pa an-;-- would be ~ ~aformed' .~_ ~ '~ nave ~he V~c~ Vista .... ~ ( ~0~ eTM ,~ ~:~U - ,-~.~",~ a ~ ~, b ve .... ~,- ~e .... ~ ti - : est ry a ...... ..-,.Chun ...... ...... ~ alrea th -' '~'. e~n ...... ed t '' ~- · .... -~ .cat ' ,v ~ ~-to ...... '- Y c ........ e8 b ..... nd c ..... ..~ d '- :*~,-~ ~ .~ see . , ~' .. Years 1. Cook 5.a. Mr. Jurney said he had been studying the two volumes of the 1961 Comprehensive Planning for Delray Beach that was prepared by Mr. George Simons, and complimented the persons responsible for ob- taining said studies. Mr. Jurney said he thought the Council should put more effort toward the proposed planning, updating some of it, and suggested a meeting of the Council and Planning Board concerning same. Mayor Avery directed City Manager Holland to schedule a meeting, at the earliest possible time that is convenient to both the Planning/ Zoning Board and the Council0 for the purpose of discussing the plan- ning in the City of Delray Beach, and any other problems that the Council or.the Board may wish to bring up at said meeting. 5.a. Mr. Tatbot referred to the contract the City has with the Glace Engineering Corporation concerning beach erosion, and said he had re- ceived a letter from Mr~ E. S. Kelley, Vice President of Glace Engi- neering Corporation regarding the following letter from Dr. Per Bruun who, at Council request, had been asked to act in an advisory capaci- ty in going over the finalized plan that GlaceEngineering Corpora- tion are to submit to Delray Beach: "This is with reference to your letter of Dec. 31st regarding review of report on coastal protection for Delray Beach. We are not able to undertake such technicalreview on a university contract, but I shall be glad to review the re- port for you on a personal basis, and submit whatever re- port'is needed, as a consultant to you ($150. - per day incl. travelling, if needed)." Mr. Talbot said he had discussed this with Mr. Radcliffe, Presi- dent of the Glace Engineering Corporation, who felt this would be a good'stamp'of approval due to the fact that Glace Engineering would have prepared in their report the final criterion, design and the recommendations and it would be a very sma.ll matter for Dr. Bruun to approve, disapprove, or suggest any changes in their report. Mr. Talbot said it would probably take from three to six days for Dr. Bruun to check their ~eport, and moved that the Glace Engineering Corporation be authorized to expend not more than $1,000.00, if necessary, for this purpose, the money to 'come from the Improvement Trust Fund. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unani- mously. 5.a. Mr. Talbot informed the Council that Mrs. Dorothea Montgomery had called his attention to an undesirable traffic situation at Miramar Drive, and asked that the CitY Manager confer with Mrs. Montgomery about this and check into the situation. 5.a. Mayor Avery said he had received two photographs of the Civic Club signs at the entrances to the City, whic~ show a deplorable condition, and that since Mr. Croft is a member of the Beautification Committee, he would refer the item to said Com~ittee with a request that at the next Council'meeting, there be a report on the condition of the signs and what is needed. $.a. Mayor Avery said he had received a request frown Mr. James Ritterbush concerning a barber shop at the new Sherwood ~k Shopping Center, and since there is some irregularity, suggested tbpt the Council and the Barbers' Board of Examiners meet with the City Manager, City Attorney and Mr. :RitteTbush, and discuss the facets of this item in an attempt to clear it up. Further, this meeting should be scheduled in the very near future, in order that Mr. Ritterbush may proceed with the-shopping o~ter plans. -4- 1-25-6S 6.a. Concerning the March of Dimes, Mayor Avery introduced M~. Lake Lytal, Chairman. of the B~ard of~ County Commissioners, also County Chairman of the March of Dimes program, and Mrs. Norton Zuckerman, local Chairme~ of the March of Dimes. City Clerk Worthing read the followfng letter from Mrs. Zuckerman, dated January 18th: "We would appreciate it very muuh if you would officially declare the ·week of January 24, 1965 as March of Dimes Week. Since 1938, January has always been known as March of Dimes month with the Mothers March being conducted the last week of the month. ~. ' The March of Dimes, in the past, has given us the Salk and · Sabin vaccines. We are now concentrating-on research for. the prevention and curs of Birth Defects. MaDy Of our local people do not know that we have 50 research centers in the United States and we in Florida are fortunate to have one in Gainsville,' supported entirely by the March of Dimes. we would certainly appreciate your declaring this week of January 24, as March of Dimes Birth Defects Week." The week of Januar~ 24t~h w~s unan~mous!~'' decla=~ as .M. argh "?~"MrS." 'Zu~Ck~a'n=. s'a~'d ~th~'. 'Mar~ch"6f:'D~me~'"h~'~ ~.~i~ea the ~'~:. ~=ker~an, 0utlinea the program for the week. :During Mr. Lytal."s comments on the March of Dimes. program, he stated "t~a:t ~he"~ildi,~.Mrs'~ ZU~ke~m~, '~ :~'%i°.~e~i ~G:l~" have ~ounce~ ~at'.on Fri,~q~, January..~gth, 1965, a~ 9~'~d A.M.~ ~fi~ke'~o~l~ ~e-~':'.Le~iaE~4& 'c~'i~ie hel~"'a~ tfi~' city. flali, 'a~ '~ ~e ~ee. a =e~ui~me~ of the local ~le~atio~ that. a~y b~lls submitted .to the Legislature woul~ firet be prese.te~. pr~nt~d"~: :thi-S '%~m~',:'~U~.' W~ '~" ~'~'S had ~': ~Pa~d;' he no~ce' ~d' ~ p~bff~ he~r~-: on- -'any ~l'~s :~h~' W~uld-'~: pres~ted the Legislature. 6.eL City C~rk wor~h-~ng ~fo~d' the ~6fi~l' that an application for dispensing beer and wine for ~nsumption on and off. the premises has 'so leva' ;u ' s"va : 'CftY~~ as .~r~i.s':~..~isp~n~ng~LsUch.'bever~ee, .~a~,a'p~oved appii a x ,' e':ap Je .. .gr n e ,' -' :'." ' "' 6"~d'.' The '~i~y cler~ r~m~dea ~he: Counci'l of %he C°~re&t~on 'Co~ittee meeting at .the .~ty ~all .on ~anu~ry 13t~ where. ~hey~ .rev%ewea the bids received rf~r .~dr~ish~n~'~e~ls: for th~ pr~s0ners at' the ~il, an~ '~ta~d'~th~' ~=h' 8oun~f~an. h~8 ~r.~'~ve~' ~ report of S~e, a.s ~ell 'as' the 'Co~t~e~"s '~c~e~aa't~Ons.' . .... j" '~'"< ~:~_ ~' ~. ~Oda~d're~orte~ tha'~ the esse~z~ of the bi~ .ta~u~&tlo~ i~- dioa%ed.~re WO~i~ be .an 'estimated savings of $2~740.80, based' 6n the estimated volume for the, year. He*explained ~h~ difference in the breakfast meal and said t~ere ha~ been a slight reduction in the cost of the other two meals. City Manager Holland recommende~ that th~ recommendations of the Correction Committee-be approved. Mr. Croft moved that. the recommendation of the Correction Committee concerning feeding of the jail prisoners be' approved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimously. 6.e. Concerning survey of parcels of land in violation of City nuisance laws, City Clerk Worthing reported to Council as follows: "In compliance with Chapter 15 of the City's Code of Ordi- nances, this survey report is submitted by the City Manager, the owners of which properties will assuredly receive a 'Notice' granting them a'30-day perio~ within which such determined nuisances may be abated by said property owners, in lieu of which, the City will take necessary steps for nuisance abatement on said lands and assess the affected properties COST thereof." It was so moved by Mr. Talbot, seconded by Mr. Jurney and unani- mously carried. (Copy of nuisance violations list is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) (See Page 3~-E) 6o.f. Concerning extension of the City'e waker ski program, City Clerk Worthing read the following letters from Mr. O. W.' Woodard, dated December 18th, 196~ and from Mr. James W. Jackson, dated January 22nd, 1965, also the financial report of the ski program during the fall of 1964: "In response to..our letter dated December 3rd,-requesting the County Commission's consideration for clearing the excessive weed and hyacinth growth from Lake Ida, county commissioner George V. warren indicatedlast Friday that he had been successful in obtaining the necessary chemi- cals to accomplish this job~ further, that he anticipates utilizing these chemicals'early in January. At such time as ~his is accomplished, we' would like to consider an extension of the very successfUl water ski program, being conducted by Jim Jackson at Lake Ida. A letter will be forthcoming in the nea~ future from jim Jackson with specific details on this proposed program." "The fall skiing program was a financial success. Enclosed is a financial, statement. Enthusiasm is high and many parents are hopeful that this successful program will'be continued throughout the winter and spring months. ~herefore, I would like to propose the following sixteen (16} week water ski program to be held on Lake Ida in Delray Beach: Instruction from beginner to expert 4 days a week on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday~ school age children-from 3:00 t~ 5:00 in the afternoon and adults from i:00 to 3:00 on Tuesday and Thursday. 2. The. program will Start February 1, !~65 and tenta- tively end on May 21, 1965.~.' 3. The program will be partiality self-supporting through a nominal activity fee such as the fee charged at the public swimming pool and tennis courts~ "4. I agree to organize, supervise and coach for a salary of forty-two (.$42.) dollars per week. 5. I further agree, to furnish all of the necessary equipment.- Boats, Motors, Skis, Ropes and Water Ski Life-saver jackets which everyone is required to wear. The prospective student would need to bring only a bathing suit and towel. We sincerely hope the ski program will be totally self-support- ing; however, the total _cost for the gas, oil and maintenance will be approximately $40.00 a week. If the activity fee does not fully cover this amount,° I feel I should be reimbursed the difference." "FINANCIAL REPORT -WATm. R SKIING PROGRAM FALL 1964, Delray Beach, Flor'ida INCOME Registration: 105 ~ .25 $ 26.25 Skiing Fees 272.75 EXPENSE_S < $299.00 Gas & Oil $301.00 E.quipnLent Maintenan~ .......... Income= 10S~ reg~ere~ . ~ee and $.2A ~ne c~ nas received much Ood ublic ..a, ~.=~%~.,.; .... _ g .P ~ y all over the country. ~=. '~'aauo= moved to accept J~ie Jackson's proposal, as outlined · n hia..let~e~. ~ .~anuary.22nd,.. ~e .motion being seconded F~nance Dtre~or~ Weber informed the Co~cil there was money for such ~,~i program in ~e Recreation budget, and woul~ be paid f~om ~he Pla~ A ~la~field Account NO. 910 720, an~ ugon call of roll; the. ~io"j~A~'i~:~: ~anim0u-~l 6.g ..... Concerning purchase o~ lan~ fo= righ~-o'fJWa~pU~p0.~sj'.city Cle~k-'~r~hln~ re. fred to Co.oil as follows: ,The previous Council auth°rtzed;:~'~e~ti'ati°n with property owner for acqhi~ition of a stri feet between the F. E. C. ~ailroa~ an~ ~rt~ound Fed~ra!~High~ay. Such. ~eg~t~ation has been: concluded with J~mes,~rk~:,~ ~ St,, o~er of ~h~t~P~'~Uel of. land involved, along with ~at entire trac~ 'lyin Avenue for a di~tanc~Lof~'212 :fee~~ ':A's :authorEzed ~hy said pr~viou~ C°unci~'" ~PPk°%af~:fs ~qUe~te~: for purc~se of ~. Kirkwood s 25 x =e~re~. '~r~9:~ ~9en~a 1 i~d. s: cdnt ihge n 6.h. Con=erning contract for installation of a 12" water main, the City Clerk informed the Council that at their last meeting, they had authorized negotiation with the prime contractor, Intercounty Con- struction Company, for a certain water main facility installation, and to provide for legal procedure to authorize such negotiation, the following resolution should be ado~te~ in compliance with the City's Code of Ordinances, as pertains to the purchasing procedure. City Clerk worthing then presented RESOLUTION NO..5-65. A RESOLUTION OF~THE CITY. COUNCIL OF-THE cITY OF DEL~AY BEACH, FLORIDA, ~UTHORIZIN~ THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE WITH INTER- .COUNTY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY REGARDING THE RELOCATION OF THE WATER MAIN FACILITIES ON WEST ATLANTIC AVENUE, BETWEEN SWIETON AVENUE AND ' HOMEWOOD BOULEVARD. (Copy of Resolution No. 5-65-is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) ( See Page City Attorney Adams gave assurance that this procedure is legal and proper according to the City's Code of Ordinances. Resolution No. 5-65 was unanimously passed and adopted on this first and final reading on motion by Mr. Talbot and 'seconded by Mr. Croft. ' City'Clerk Worthing then ~ead the following memorandum from City Engineer Fleming, dated January 18th, 1965:- ''Subject: Water Main Contract - Atlantic Avenue. Attached are copies of the contract for the installation of a 12" Water Main in connection with the widening .of Atlantic Ave. The pr'ices as quoted by Intercounty Construction Co. have been filled in. You will ~ote that the total contract, based on estimated quantities, 'amounts to $97,655.30. As a-comparison I ha~e computed the total cost of this project, using the unit price figures which ~he city paid in the Rainer- Cambron contract at the time of the c~nstruction of the north water Plant which was a contract of comparable size. This con- tract was performed in 1957, or approximately eight years ago, and the cost of the present contract would have been $88,571.81 at that time. This shows an increase of approximately 10% over the eight year period which seems very reasonable and is probably less than the general increase in the cost of meterials index. The Contract calls for the installation of about two miles~of new 12" Cast Iron, Cement-lined Pipe, including all fittings. and 20 fire hydrants. Also included is the construction of a sub-aquaeous crossing underneath the E-4 Canal, the cutting in of the new main with all existing mains, the maintenance of water'service to customers as far as is possible, the removal and salvage of an equal amount of smaller pipe of sizes 10", 8" and 6" with-all fittings, cleaning and salvaging of all removed material and stockpiling at a location designated by the city, as well as testing and sterilization of the new line in accord- ance with the State Board of Health requirements~ all of which must be accomplished in accordance with the time table worked out with the State Road DePartment for the prime contractor under penalty of $300 per day liquidated-damages for delay caused to the State Road contract. The City will regain .salvage material which is usable in regular city constructio~.:in the amount of $23,765 using the rate for salvaged materialJ (Actually this will result in a much larger saving to the city as it would have paid new prices for the majority of this material eventually.) -8- 1-25-65 "The.net cost of the contract, deducting salvaged material, then, becomes $73,890.30. An additional $1,650 will be refunded to the city by the Intercounty Construction Co. by the elimination of tax on the pipe and materials in accordance with. the direction of the Palm Beach County Freight Traffic Bureau. I have talked with Mr. Woo)bright, Resident Engineer for the State Road Department, an~ he says he will not permit .the pav- ing contractor to start until the major portion of the drainage installation as, well as this water line installation is .well under way. Mr. Louis Vanditti, of. Intercounty Construction Co. says that he is certain that he. can get delivery of all materials except the valves in sufficient time to avoid any delay on the job. The valves and certain other fittings, he says, will re- quire special negotiation and he urgently requests that he be notified as quickly as possible if his contract is acceptable. The contract ~.s written has been handed to the City Attorney for approval as to form. It provides for a !00~ performance bond, as well as all required insurance from the contractor and also requires that the contractor shall protect the city from any financial obligation in the way'of damages or compensation for loss of time due to delays in the performance of this con- tract. The contractor agrees to hold the city harmless from ~.~ claims by the prime contractor or the Florida State ROad D ~ r~meD~ a~ to ~b~it an~ cla~m"f~'r compeDsatio~ from the ~,r~me. con~ra~,.tor t~ a'r~it'rat$o~n"~t~: the stat~ R'~ad 'De'pa=tme,t , for" '~s' w6~ a~a'"the~e wa~- s~me'dfs]9~ss'~'on ,~s to' carrying f~gure,.,wa'~ a~rlv~d,-, at.' begi~-~'~i.t'' ~,$- ~cOn'si'8~r~: th'~t 'ohl'~" .cast. ~on W~ter ~in.~ . As, Sta~e~ ,in ~ previ.ous ~o~munication,, ~,.' ~albot asked .for ~" ~U~gested ~ion an~. City [.Clerk"~or'thing izat~on ~o ~o so, be approved' tO' IntercoUnt~ Co~structio~ ~o~p~ny in the a~o~t of $97~6'55.30 "' ;' ..... It'waS:~O move~' by ~ '~,Talbo~' ~ or ~v~ ~ ~ ,' ~.a~ ~,~'~ ,~e. 'm~O~:-~ .[~6. ~.:',... ..... ' ,.~-~,,: · .~-~ .... .:' - .... ~. ~g~.~. .... . ~ 1 ..zne~u~ n~ zn ~e manner out- cep~e~ .~o the motion-, Ci.t~. 'Cl~k: worrying- in'forme~' ~he: C~e~'l' these con~itzons were centa~ne~' ~ .a-:Contrac~~. whichqwould be~-:~xec-ute~. The motio~ '~s seUOhde~ .by ~.- Cro~t and c~rried unanimously, 6. z, ~0n=er~.~n~_ !;~, ':g!~y ~$er~.:Worth%ng",~s ~a-~'ea' cb ~rea~" the st '~e .ROad D~p~rtment,,.~ ~at~d Jan~ary..18,9~= :' ' .'~' '- ' . - ' ~,t.'~ ':?t' .~,~ '..'~'. "??T~:'' ~','~;' C:.' t~' ~, ~ · ~ ~ . ~,:.~ -. ]':~ ~,A,~ ch~ ~!eas~ ~.~ photoeo~ of self-~lanato=v ~t~r ..g _:- . . ~, .- . ... ~. : : ...... '28 ,,Mr. C. Y. Byrd a~d~.I have discussed ~his matter, at length and he indicates sources of information avai!able to him have termlned there are strong pressures being applied to prevent the construction of this highway in our area.. He and I feel it is imperative that all municipalities from West Palm Beach through Fort Lauderdale be contacted, legis- lators, administrators and Chambers of Commerce, in order that delegations from each maybe sent to this meeting to strongly urge immediate construction of this phase of 1-95 (West Palm Beach to Fort Lauderdale). This is a most critica~ m~tter and shoula be vigorously pursued. I request your permission to follow through with the above sug- gestions." "The Florida State Road Department will hold a public hearing concerning the location and economic effects of Federal Aid Project, State section 93220, from the Broward County line to State Road 704 (Okeechobee Road), covering the construction of Interstate Route 1-95 (State Road 9). This hearing will be held in the Mount's Building located at 531 North Military Trail in Palm Beach County on February 9, 1965, at 10:00 A.M." Following discussion, Mr. Croft moved that the City MaDager be directed to see that the City's case is presented at this pub.lic hear- ing, showing the.fact that Delray Beach desires the completion of 1-95 at the earliest possible time, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried. Mayor Avery commented: ?Mr. City Manage~, you understand that you are to have the City's case prepared and see to it that it is pre- sented at this hearing." Mr. Talbot suggested a meeting prior to the hearing of the cities this road affects from Fort Lauderdale to West Palm Beach, in order that they may combine their ~forts. Mayor AveFy directed the City Manager to take the leadership in coordinating the effort of all such towns in an effort to band to- gether and present their case in a forceful manner. 7.a. City Clerk Worthing read the following letter from Unity of Delray Beach, dated January 18th: "we would like to ask the City Council for permission to have directional signs placed in various positions in the City Limits, for the convenience of visitors to our Community who may wish to lo6ate oUr new Church building. We will cooperate in any way possible with th~ City's regulations. I have discussed this matter with Mr. Holland and also with Mr. Joyal as to the proper method of displaying these signs. The locations of the signs are as follows: 1. N. w. corner of 8th Street & North Swinton Avenue. 2. N. W. 8th street and N. El 2nd Avenue. 3. N. E. corner of Atlantic Avenue and Swinton Avenue. 4. North end of North .~wint0n Ave. at N. W. 22nd Street. 5. S. W. corner'of N~ W. 22nd Street and Seacrest Boulevard. Thank you very much for your cooperation on this matter." City Manager H0~land informed the ~ouncil that ten non-conforming signs had already been placed by said Church, and if permission was given the Church for their directional signs, they should at least he up to City specifications, CitY Manager Holland asked if the present wooden signs, or metal signs w~uld he used, if'permission was .granted. Mayor Avery said he thought, a policy should be set concerning Church directional signs. -10- 1-25-65 Following ~]iscussion, ~lr. Talbot moved that City Man~g~r Holland be directed to call a meeting with him, of representatives from all the Churches in Delray Beach, for' the purpose of definin~ & recom- mended policy pertaining to Church signs, for Council ap~rov&l~ The motion was seconded by Mr. Saunders and carried unanimously. 8.a. City Clerk Worthing presente~ RESOLUTION NOi 3-65. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF DELRAy-BEACH, FLORIDA, ASSESSING COSTS FOR ABATING NUISANCES ~PON CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY: SETTING OUT ACTUAL COSTS INCURRED BY SAID CITY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH ABATEMENT AND LEVYING THE COST OF SUCH ABATEMENT OF SAID NUISANCES, AND DE- CLARING 'SAID LEVY TO BE A LIEN' UPON SAID PROPERTY IN AN AMOUNT AS SHOWN BY R~PORT OF TH~ CITY MANAGER OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. (Copy of Resolution No. 3-65 and assessments are attached to the official copy of these minutes.) ( See Pages 3~0 & 3~-D) Resolution No. 3-65 was unanimously passed and adopted on this first and final reading, on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 8.b~. 'T~e 'City,"~lerk"presented .'RESOLUTION NO. 4~ 5 Saunders. 9.a. Concerning a p, er~iss:ve'qse .request for growing tomatoes and flowers on a' City 'owned' t~act"'Of"lahd on N. W. 4th Street, City Clerk Worthing reported ,a.s follow~: :"T~is ~at~S fi6 the' :&~est of Mr. jay Po callaway to produce tomatogS and flo, wers on the Dr. Davis tract O( lqnd. lyin~ jacent tO a~d 'nort~ 6~' N.' W'. i~h Street between 2nd and,4~th, 'AvenUesj an~ the PIa~nin~ '~oard's re~ort, "signe~ by Kenneth '":~C'Obson, Chairman and dated January ~.0th, is as follows: o~-the locati,~n .a~d. the ~f[ect thio ,,,Rse ,wo~ld .ha~e ,~gn,.,surround- 9.b. City .C~'e~k wor~h,iDg r~a4 the fo, l, lowl~g two ~l~:~!~g ~oard re- J~nu~ry ~9;'-,1965, :~he: Bo.a~.a;"fn compliance with .Coune~I:'d~rec- ~::':~"~$~ ap~inted ~ Andrew Gent to the Traffic '& Parking '. Com- ..mit%9~ t0 ~fi~l' the vacancy: c~a~ed ~y %h~ resig~atto9 0f :~. "The Boar'd further informs Council that at that regularmeet- lng held on January 19th, it unanimously selected Mr, Kenneth Jacobson as its Chairman and Mr. RiChard Hanna as Vice-Chairh man for 'the ens6ing year.,, Mr. Gent Was UnanimDusly appointed as a replacement for~Mr. James Sinks on the Traffic and.,Parking Committee, on motion by Mr. Croft and 'seconded by Mr. Jurney. 9.Co 'City'Clerk worthing presented a letter from Attorney John Moore, dated January 21st, regarding thepropOsed subdiv~sion by Mrs. Edith Moore, of part of Lots 11, 24 and 25 Model:Land Company's Subdivision of Section 9-46-43, and then read the following Planning Board report concerning same: "At' the regula= Planning Board meeting held on January 19, 1965, Mrs. Edith Moore and her attorney John Moore, presented a re- vised and final plat of the proposed right of way and cul-de-sac (copy attached) dedication. After discussiona motion madeby Mr. Kabler, seconded by Mr. Gent was unanimously approved to recommend to Council that the ordinance be changed to reflect the new location of the cul-de-sac and drainage, etc., and all requirements as to egress and ingress, and parking to comply with R-3 zoni'ng. The board feels that all the requirements of the ~ubdivision ordinance has been met and it is their understanding that the City Engineer'has also approved the size and location of the cul-de-sac, the street ri~ht-of-way and drainage easement." City Clerk Worthing read m Ietter from Mr. Robert Gracey, Agent for the Christensons, requesting that no action whatsoever be taken by the Council tonight, but defer same until there is sufficient time to notify property owners whose interests are affected, and for the property owners to prepare an answer if necessary. Attorney Ray Royce of West Palm Beach submitted to Council a re- vised sketch plan on behalf o'f Mrs. Edith Moore,.reflectingher currently desired dePelopment of the tract of land, which sketch plan was considered by the Planning/Zoning Board during its meeting of January 19th and resulted in the report just read. City Manager Holland reported that he had reviewed the cul-de-sac and drainage with City Engineer Fleming, who had approved same; fur- thor, that he, the City Manager, approved it as far ss accessibility to handle the garbage, trash, police and fire protection, and that it conformed to the City requirements in those respects. Mr. Croft reported to Council that he had been asked, by an inter- ested individual,'by telephone, that this item be deferred tonight until the public could be heard on same. Following lengthy discussion, Mr. Talbot moved as follows: "Mr. Mayor, I move you that this matter be deferred until such a time as proper information can be drawn to compare this drawing and layout, on which they are asking a revi~ed ordinance, with. the dr&wing from which the ordinance now in effect was drawn~ and that when such in- formati6n is received, proper notice be given to all interested partiem before a hearing is set." The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft. During'discussion, taxation of the property was discussed. Mr. Talbot requested that .~he Council be furnished the original drawing of August 7th, in the interim period, and Mayor Avery said that was so ordered. Mayor Avery said he would try to clarify the motion and commented as follows: "The motion is that this matter be deferred until Such time as a compariso~-an~ analysis can be made of the original Proposal and this proposal." -12- .1-25-65." Mr. Talbot said he was interested in knowing on what basis the Ordinance was drawn, what kind of a layout it was, Mayor Avery answered. "We just wanted to clairfy your motion so we will know exactly what the directions are. If this motion 9asses, it will be up to the City Manager to direct the City Engineer and City Attorney to prepare for us an analysis, both of the original and the present plans as they pertain to this ordinance, and that due notice is given so that the public can Se informed before it comes up.". It was stated that said public hearing would'be held by the Council, and that there would be a public notice in the newspaper one week prior to the hearing and personal contact With the affected property owners. Upon call of roll, the motion carried unanimously. 9.d. City Clerk Worthing reported that at a recent Council meeting, a petition for abandonment Of that part of N. E. 5th Street lying be- tween 6th and 7th Avenues, and al~o a petition for the opening of that portion of N. E. Sth Street, were referred to the Planning/Zoning Board for a public hearing to be held thereon. City Clerk Worthing then read the f0Ilowing Planning Board report concerning same, dated January 2~th, 1965: "At the regular monthly meeting on January 19th, 1965,- the Planning Board held a p~blic hearing on a request to abandon N. E ~th Street between N E ~., ,~ ., . _ _ .~ ~ . 6th and 7th Avenues ixtv- ,e'i.~ .. (6.8.) ~foperty ~.o..~n6rs .were notified.' ~'Twenty=ei'gh~ ' (28 ~on~,.b~ ~ .Hanna, re~o~ends to. cO9~uil ~a~ ~e re.est ~ d~niod. ~ roll call, ~i ~l~r, ~'~ 'H~h~'.~. G~nt and , -'~' '-qg~O~Qgn .vp.tgd~,~90',., ~, ~..Sgheifley voted 'yes.' "~&~"~u~H~r ~G~6n~'~"mo~ijn WaS made bM ~. ~nt, seconded by ~, Kabler to recommend to co~cil that the ortion o ~ E e, $~,t N~ E~' ?th."~v~u~. ~'rotl o~I~ ~, Ka~Ie~ ad. - , ....... ................. : . ; ~ . ~.. -.t ;9:t.:: .'[ . ".f :, ~..t . - .[ --. ' .: .. . . .. tha~ sa~a ..Part .-~f '5~h. $~et, be 0p~hed ~ was-rea~ .':": ', C~y. Clerk W6r~hing. :.=~a~'.' ~': f~ti6~g .letter, ~.=om- Cm~y, Manager Holland to-'.the :Planning/Zoning Board~ '~a~ed ~anuary.'l~th for ~be. fOllowing, reasons= -13- - ....... 1-25-65 .... "1. To provide a continuation of N. E. 5th.Street] which originates at the Intercoastal Waterway, thereby providing a direct traffic outlet to U. S. 2. To efficiently and effectively service this area with garbage and trash service. .3. To pro~ide rapid police and fire 9rotection toall properties lying adjacent to this~right-of-way. 4. To discontinue the utilization of this right-of-way as a private parking area by several residences and businesses, which presently Presents a problem in'control. 5. To lessen and distribute the traffic load ~along 7th Avenue which is traveling toward the nearest entrance to U. S. % 1 (N. E. 4th and 6th Streets). The existing condition is unfair to those residents on 4th and 6th Streets. 6, To allow entrance tO the improved alley between N. E. 6th Avenue (~. S. % i)~and N. E. 7th A~enue. 7. Abandonin~ or failure to utilize this publicly°wnad right- of-way will establish a dangerous precedent in the City. 8. All streets from Atlantic Avenue north to 8th Street.are open to U. S. ~ 1, with the exception of 5th Street. The ob- , jection to opening this street was.that at present, it acts as a buffer between the business and residential zones. How- ever, the same condition exists on all the streets from Atlantic to 8th and ~here~are no complaints, 9, As the City. has a po!ic¥~o open all streets and alleys to enable traffic to flow smoothly, it looks with.disfavor'on dead end streets and cul-de-sacs, which are primarily the same. 10. If improved,. 9here will be ample parking onboth sides of this Streetfor abutting propertie~e, as well as permitting two- way traffic. 11. Close area residents have on file with the City a petition, requesting the opening of this street, and it is felt. their thoughts andrequest, shouldalso be~ given, conSideration at City Clerk Worthing~ informed the council that in the portion of N. E..Sth Street under consideration~tonight, there is stalled drainage line, also a 6" water main distribution line. · Attorney Clinton' Scott, representing individuals of the area who petitiOned for the abandonment of that Part of N. E. 5th Street lying between 6th and 7th Avenues,. presentedto the-Council the reasons they considered it.~best fOr the Council to abandon said.portion of N. E. 5th Street, Mr. Leonard Klein of 340.N.E. 7th.Avenue,:and. Mr. M. A. Fitzgerald of 355 N. E. 7th Avenue, representing individuals of .the area who petitioned for the opening of that part of N. E~.Sth Street lying be- tween 6th and ~th Avenues, pointed outreasOns they considered it best for the CounCil~.to open said~.'portion of-N. E~.Sth Street. During comments, Mr. Croft pointed out that the Council had tonight approved payment of $1,46'3.00 for the purchase of street right-of-way between S...E. §th and ~6tb Avenues=.and he was reluctant to abandon any City street rights-of-way;~therefore,,hewou~d move that the petition for abandonment of that portion uf N. E. Sth Street be denied..The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot, who stated his reason for seconding same is that he is not iD favor of.giving land owned by all the citi- zens of Delray Beach to the-property owners of lands abutting the abandoned rights-of-way. Upon call of roll, the motion carried unani- mously. Mayor Avery informed'theCouncil that they should now act onthe petition for the opening of that part of..N. E, 5th Street lying be- tween 6th an~...7th..Avenues Mr. Jurney moved as follows: "I move that we, the City Council, act on the request of the City Maoager, and to the benefit of al.1 taxpayers in the C~tyI of~Delray Beach to, open this road." ~he motion was seconded~by, Mr. S~un~ers, During comments, Mr. Talbot suggested a traffic survey and re- commendation of a competent traffic engineer or a competent-organ- ization who does traffic surveys, before said street is opened. Mr. Talbot also suggested that something be done to control-the 'noise of car transports being unlOaded at the various automobile agencies during the night. Following lengthy commentS, and upon call of roll, Mr. Croft, Mr. Jurney, Mr. Saunders, and Mayor Avery voted in favor of ~he motion, and Mr. Talbot was opposed~ 10.x. City Clerk Worthing presented the following request from Sea Aire Plastics Inc., dated January 22nd: "we would like to have permission to erect a neon sign with a 36" rotating ~Iastic globe representing the world at the Treat Travel Bureau building 1200 E. Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach. We thank you for your consideration to this request by Miss Treat." Mr. Sau~ders moved that this request~be Referred' Until the next meeting in order that the City Manager may analyze 'same and make recommendations. The motion was- seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimously. 10..x... City Clerk Wo~thi~g.presented .,I~..SOLfJT~ONNO]' 6-65~ ~which' was a~u~ati0~,,;': v~x~:-~i~;' section 3.202, an ~M Channel' has ~en a~si~e~to ~he city o~ Delray Beach, ~lotida~ and I~a~n~d that an appli~ation ha~ ~een filed to' hake,the Channel now allocated to Delray Beach m0ve~' to zng the"c6mUni~y for this allocation 'to remain uncha~gedr ....... ~'~ ...... ~t'the ~ederal Co~unications Commission be'urged to ~eny- any_request gO move. the aforementioned chg el ass' C~ty.or'.~ncorporated. area~. ~d - - · ' . 2. ~:'::~a~"th~. ~aral..CO~unfcat~ons-Com~ssion-: is further urged ~o aet'.fa~orably..u~og~ any, application on the part-of an a [f~an . Secr~y: ~n~.:, eagh..,M~F. of/~he . ~era 1[ ~qmmunicatio~s - commiss ion Re~Olu~ion No;, 6-65 was,unaniaOUSly-passed and adopted,on :'" "e~:'~i~k W~rthing repo~ted' that. a ~opY of 'safd:Resolution would Mr. Ben F. Waple, Secretary (Room 7509) Mr. E. William Henry, Chairman (Room 7115) Mr. Rose1 H. Hyde, Commissioner (doom 7311) Mr. Robert T. Bartley, Commissioner (Room 7407) Mr. Robert E. Lee, Commissioner (Room 6407) Mr. Frederick W. Ford, Commissioner (Room ?353) Mr. Kenneth A. Cox, Commissioner (Room 7207) Mr. Lee Loe~inger, Commissioner (Room 7241) 10.a. The City Clerk presented a bill the amount of $?5.00, covering services to date in connection with the exchange of properties with Mr~ Hasten J..Johnson, also Bills for Approval as follows: General Fund $115,673.25 Water Operating & Maintenance.Fund 4,96?.93 The bills were unanimously ordered paid, on motion by Mr. Saunders and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 10.x. Mr. Talbo~moved that the City Attorney, through the City Manager, be directed to obtain anti-noise ordinances from surrounding towns, and submit his findings to the Council for consideration, the motion being seconded by Mr. Saunders and unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M., by order of Mayor Avery. R. D. WORTHING City Clerk APPROVED: -16- 1-25-65 3b~-A RESOLUTION NO. 5-65. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF DEL~AY BEACH, FLORIDA,. AUTHOR- IZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE WITH INTERCOUNTY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY RECORD- ING THE RELOCATION OF'THE WATER MAIN .' FACILITIES ON WEST ATLANTIC AVENUE, TW~EN SWINTON AVENUE AND HOMEWOOD BOULE- W~EREAS, the Florida State Road Department has awarded the contracts for the improvement of West Atlantic- Avenue, between Swinton Avenue and Homewoo~ Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the City of Delra¥ Beach is required to relocate its water main facilities which are in the right- of-way of. sa~d road~ and WHEREAS, Intercounty ConstructionCo~pany is the prime contractor on the project and has indicated that it could handle the water main relocation more economically than other companies for the obvious reason that its equip- ment will already be at the construction site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITYCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL~AY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the City Manager is hereby authOriz~d to negotiate with I~tercounty Construction Company for the location of the City's water main facilities on West Atlantic Avenue between Swinton Avenue and Homewood Boulevard~ however, any agreement as a result of said negotiations must first be approved by the City Council. Passed and adopted this twenty-fifth day of January, 1965. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 4~65. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, DIRECTING RUSSELL & AXON, CONSULTING ENGINEERS, TO PROCEED WITH T~E PREPARATION OF AN UPDATED REPORT CONTAINING RECOMMENDATIONS .FOR AD- DITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM OF THIS CITY. WHEREAS, the City entered into a co~tract for engineering services with Russell &Axon, Consulting Engine~rs, on the 30th day of September, 1959;'and WHERF2%S, pursuant to said contract a cOmprehensive plan for sanitary sewer improvements was prepared and presented to the City in ~arch, 1960; and WHEREAS, a revised preliptnary report was prepared and submitted to the City in October, 1961, and a synopsis of all of the previous engineering plans was prepared and submitted to the City in March, 1963; and WHEREAS, pursuant tO the aforesaid 1963 Plan, an ocean outfall sewer system together with lift stations and other sanitary sewer im- provements was constructed and accepted by the City on December 1, 1964, said project, known as No. 5964-8a; and WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interests of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, to immediately commence planning for further additions and improvements to the sanitary sewer system; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT REsOLVED.BY TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF DELRAY B~ACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That. the firm of Russell & Axon, Consulting Engineers, is hereby directed to immediately proceed with the preparation of an up- dated preliminary report confining recommendations as to how the City should now proceed° 2. That said updated report should contain, among other things, an analysis of the original sewer system which was constructed in 1926; an estimate of the possible connections which could be achieved in various unsewered areas of the City, including a recommended pri- ority schedule~ an estimate of construction costs; and suggestions as to how to finance said additions and improvements. 3. That the ENGINEERS' fees for this work shall be in accord- ance with the current engineering contract between the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH and RUSSELL & AXON. Passed and adopted this 25th day of January, 196~. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ R. D. WORTHING City Clerk I~OL~TION NO, 3-65. A ~EsoL~TION OF THE CITY coUncIL OF TRE 0ITY OF D~Y .B~CH, F~RI~, ASS~$~G C0~TS ~R A~TING ~ANC~ ~N C~TAIN ~S ~A~ ~ SAID CI~ SETTING O~ ACTUAL C.~ ~O~ BY SA~ CI~ TO ACCO~LISH SUCH A~TE~ A~ ~ING ~E C~T OF S~H A~~ OF ~ ~ANC~, A~ D~RING SA~' ~-TO ~ A ~ ~ON ~ PSO~ IN AN AMO~ AS SHO~ ~ ~PORT ~ ~ CI~ ~GER 0F DE~Y ~CH, F~RIDA. ~. t~ City ~o~cil of the City of Delray Beach, did~ in Regular ~/~ session held on ~e 26th of O,e~h,~_ S"" · ~e..~:~d ~ November. ]964 declare t~ e~s'tence of-a ~u~" ~ce up%n certain Xo~ OP p~o~Xs Of 1~, described in a list sub- ~tted to them, for violation of ~ provisions of ~din~ce ~S, pursuit to such decimation, the Ci~ Clerk of said City did f~sh each of. ~e respective o~e~s of the lands described. in said list with a notice, descPibi~ the ~t~e of ~e nuis~ce d t~t they ~st aba~e said nuis~ce wi~ thirty {30) days, failing in which ~e City ~ouncil would have it done, ~d the cost thePeof would be levied as an assessment aga~s~ said property; ~d ~S, the o~s herei~ter n~d did fail and neglect to abate the ~anoe e~sting, upon ~e~ respective l~ds wt~ the time prescmibed In said notice ~d Ordi~e G-~7, ~d the City of Delray Beach ~a requi~ed to ~d did en~e~ upon the follow~g l~ds ~d inc~ costs in abating ~e nuis~oe e~sting ~ePeon as dea~ribed in'the aforesaid listj ~d ~S, ~e City M~ager of the City of Delmay Beach, has, su~t to said 0rdin~e G-~7 ~d t~ City Oh~te~ su~tted to the City Co~il a repo~t of $~ oos~s incited ~ a~tl~ the nuis~ce as ~o~esaid, .said ~epo~t indieati~ ~e costs per p~cel of l~d involved, NOW, T~O~, ~ IT ~DL~ ~ THE CI~ CO~CIL OF T~ 1. ~at assesg~nte in t~ individual ~o~ as sho~ ~ the ~eport of ~e City M~ager of ~e City of Del~-B~ach, !nVolvl~ the ~City~s Oosg 0f abating the. af~esaid nuis~oes upon ~e l~ts or p~- eels of l~d d~sc~ibed ~ said report, a copy of w~ is- attached he~te ~d made a.p~t-he~eof, ~e levied agains~ the p~celS ~ described on said Pepo~t ~d in ~e ~o~ts indicated thereon. Said assessments so levied shaX1 be a lien ~ tho ~esPecti~e lots and panels of ~nd described ~ Said report, of ~e nature an~ to the s~ extent ~s the lien fo~ general city taxes ~d shall be collectible in the s~e .~er ~d with the s~e penalties ~d ~de~ the s~e p~ovisions as to sale ~d forecloses as city t~es ~e collectible. 2. ~at ~e Ci~ Clerk Of said Ci~ shall, aS soon. as possible ~t~ ~e effective da~e, rectal' a ce~t~ied copy of t~s resolu$ion in t~ office of the C~rk of ~e 'Ci~uit Oo~t in ~d fo~ Pa~ Beach Co~ty, Florida, ~d shall f~ish.to each of the o~ers n~d in upon said report a notice t~t the Ci~ Cocci1 0f the Oi~ of Del~a2 Beach, did, on the 26th ~f 0ctebe~. 196[~.th~ 23rd of-November. 1~6~ omdeP ~e abatement of a ceP~ nuls~oe e~st~g on ~e~- daacPibed property ~d p~operty O~ hav~6 fal~d to abate such nuis~ce, ~ithin ~e 30 da~ period, ~reupon it was abated by the City at costs sho~ in said report and such assessmenSs shall be' legal, '.valid ~d bind~g obligations ~on the priest2 assist ~ich said assess~nts a~e levied. This resoluti~ shall beco~ effective 30 days from da~e of ~option, end the asiessments contained herein shall bec~e due ~d payable ~irty days ~te~ ~e ~iling date of the notice of said assessment, ~te~ which interest shall acc~e at the ~ate of 6% per a~ on ~2 unpaid portion t~=eof~ PA~ ~ ADO~ ~ ve~lav sesslon on the , 25th d~ Janua~ /s/ R. D. W0R~N~ 3~-D COST OF ABATING, N.~ISANCE ~NDER ORDINANCE NO. ~-1~7. October 26~ 196~ !~ist. PROPERTY ' DESCRIPTION OWNER ASSESSMENT West vacant part ofthe South Cornelia Robb Thompson $48.00 half of Northeast quarter of Lot 7, less W. 200 feet East 33 feet, Section 8-46-43. Lots 28 & 29, Blec~'12, D.M. & Ve!~e B. Bradshaw$75.00 Dell Park. South'l~.,feet efLet 5~, Leonard. L. Smrlea & $55.00 and North 36.2 feet of .. '~. George E. &'Charlotte Lot 6, less West 5 feet K. Mc0oy thereof, Block November 2~, 156~ l~.st. South 900' of W 250! 'el East,' Beach Par~.Cerpo~atien $66.~0 750' of'West 3/~ N~ - Section 20-~6-~3 Lot 23, Block 12, Dell Park Santa Rita ~d Co, any $188.00 34-~ PROPERTIES IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE NO. G-147 AND SECTIONS 15-3 & 15-4 OP THE GITY CODE PROPERTY CITY OWNER ADDRESS DESCRIPTION CODE 1. Fontaine Pox ~ Nowtin & Adams West vacant part of 15-3 20 S. E. 5th Ave. Let 2 less W 25' R/W Delray Beach, Fla. and Lot 3 less S 10' West of Ocean Blvd. & less W 25' R~/~, Blk. E, Palm Beach Shore Acres 2. C. Herrick & P.O. Box 855 Lets 1 & ~ & West 15-3 Leni K. Hammond Delray Beach, Fla. vacamt part ef Let 3 Hammond Property - 3. Robert E. McCabe % Margaret W. Overgrown part of 15-3 Est. McOabe Let 9, North Ocean 15-4 P. 0. Box 1692 Beach Lots Oharleston, West. Va. 4. Trieste Con- 336 N. Eo ~rd Ave.Vacant part of Lot 9, 15-3 struction Co., Delray Beach, Fla.& N 26.5' of Lot 10, Inc. Blk. 67 5. Jean G. Pyle 309 W. 22nd St. Let 10, Blk. 89 15-3 Bradenton, Fla. 15-4 6. 0. D. Priest, 111 S. W. 4th St. Le~ 18, Blk. 1 15-4 Jr. Delray Beach, Pla.04~uns S/D' 7. Priest Land 228 S. W. 1st Ave.Vacamt part ef Lot 15-3 Company Delray Beach, Pla.20, Blk. l, Atlantic 15-4 Park Gardens 8. Chester E. & 278 Elm Road Emgenia S. Falmouth, Mass. Lot 14, Blk. 119 15-3 Lawrence (North Property Line) 15-4 9. Robert E. & 918 S. W. llth Vacant part of N 45' 15-3 Joan Tllley Avenue of Let 4 & S 22.5' Delray Beach, Flu.of Lot 5, Delray Beach Heights, Block 1 Violations 15-3 and 15-4 as concerns this report are as fellows: 1. 15-3 - - Broken tree limbs 2. 15-3 - - Broken tree limbs 3. 15-3 - - Broken tree limbs 15-4 - - Nndergrewth, Weeds & Vines } 1 5-3 - - Broken tree limbs 15-3 - - Broken tree limbs 15-4 - - Weeds 6. 15-4 Palmettos and Underbrush ?. 15-3 - - Debris 15-4 - - High Weeds 8. 15-3 - - Broken tree limbs 15-4 - - ~ndergrowth 9. 15-3 - - Trash and debris Smbmitte4 to the City Council by the City Manager en this 25th day of January, 1965. RESOLUTION NO. 6-65. A RESOLUTION OF THE 0ITY C0~N¢IL OF T~E CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PERTAINING T0 AN F.M. 0HANNEL A~SIGNMENT IN THIS 0ITY. WHEREA~, in the Federal .Communications Commission's "Rules and Regmlations" Volume III, Section 3.202, an FM channel has been assigned to the 0ity of Delray Beach, Florida; and WHEREAS, the CityOouneil has learned that an appli- cation has beem filed to have the cha~mel now allocated te Delray Beach moved to another city; and ~EREAS', the City Council deems it in the best interest of the residents of the Oity of Delray Beach, as well as the area surrounding the community for this alloca- tion to remain mnchanged; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY O0~NCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRA¥ BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. T~at the Federal 0ommunications Commission be urged to deny an~v~~ request to move the aforementioned channel assignment to any ~%her city or incorporated area; and 2. That the Federal Oommunications Commission is further urged to act favorably mpon any application on the pa~t of any applicant who will operate in and from the City of Delray Beach, Florida; and 3. That c~pies ef this Resolution be sent to the Chairman, the Secretary and each Member of the Federal Gemmmni- cations-Commission. UNANIMOUBLY ADDOPTED this 25th day of January, 1965. ATTEST: