05-03-65SpMtg MAY 3, 1965. A special meeting of the City Council 9~ the City of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M., Monday, May 3rd, 1965, with Vice-Mayor Saunders in the Chair, Acting City Manager R. D. Worthing, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Council- men J. LeRoy Croft, James H. Jurney and George Talbot, Jr., being present. Vice-Mayor Saunders called the meeting to order and announced that same had been called for the 'purpose of further discussion with Mr. Harold Radcliffe of Glace Engineering Corporation con- cerning said Corporation's communication, dated April 23rd, 1965, relating to the final report of said CorDoration as pertains to its beach erosion studies and recommendations, and for any other business that may come before the meeting. Members of the Beach Erosion Committee present were: George Talbot, Jr., Chairman, City Engineer Mark Fleming, and Messrs. Herbert Moffitt, Charles S. Robertson, Jim Wilson and T. M. O'Neal. An opening prayer was delivered by City Manager R. D. Worthing. Vice-Mayor Saunders said' that since Mr. Talbot is Chairman of the Beach Erosion Committee, he woul~ turn the meeting over to him to conduct as he sees fit. ;'~'ilt~ ,611f~ .beir~y 'Bi.each, '.an~ t~at .there are four sections .~i~ ~..the'~each ' ."C.,ity"limitsl line. ana,[.,ex.~ehding s~uth, to the, 1 ?ou~erily e~d s.ea. Wall On Mr. 'Wecke=~'s prop'e'~ty~ section 2 being the 1300 'feet between Section 1 and the north end of the 9ublic beach; Section 3 bein. g the~public beach;, and Section .4 being th~..arga...fr.9.m..the... ~south e~d 0'f~ the. Public beach '9nd~ extending south to';£he' C.i,tY- limits. sea"~a'lls 'in order %o save '{heir property from the ocean, the con- ditio~ ~t~..e...r.e .suppqsedly...ha~n~g ..bee.n~qa~e.d by, t,he grg.%ns 'S~ction' i, beginning at the north C~ty 'limits to the southerly 'e'nd of the wecker sea wall, .the City can,. may and will include, a_..SUpp.!.e- meriting pr'6'g~am; which" Wi'ii- ~e '~ost b~neficial Go ~he 'sea w&'i~s :n0~ install, ed ~r to .any o.f the area up there .that doe~s ~ot h~ve sea. wall$';i' t~he sa~me %~e"'~f reVe't~e'~t' t° be enginee~'~d ~r'_~ha'£' assessment 'basis 'to 'cOVe~ the cost, but the City would handle it, If it ~wa.s.. ~th~ir..des. ir_e.~nd.they, wiShed to have it done;." " : . ..the road.,, whidh s~' ,~ar :ha'st. been sUccessfUl~ 2h6we~e~. w~' ~ h~ri- 'a .Xe~al m~tte~ to be .settle~ 'c~flce~n'ing sec~i0~ 2, as'privat~'~Op- only.Sand noUrishmenti .aha :~is 'co~,~ ~e accompiis~d.'by thb ~ity, but with an assessment to the property owners. Concerning Section 2, City Attorney Adams explained that any part of the land that is east of the State Road R/lq, but still above the mean high water mark, would still be private property. Attorney Adams said there is a recorded road right-of-way from N.E. 8th Street down to the public beach, but there is no recorded right- of-way through Section 16-46-43. Mr. Talbot said this beach erosion program is still behind the originally scheduled time table, and will have to be considered for a year in the future, but it is necessary that the Council take some action at this time in order to make an April 1, 1966 starting date. Mr. Talbot said that he would recommend~ 1. That the Council accept the Glace Engineering report and approve the invoice for the balance due~ 2. That the Council instruct Glace Engineering Corpo- ration to proceed with the offshore survey, as indicated in the report~ 3. That the Council, at this time, withhold any instructions to the Glace Engineering Corporation to proceed with an engineering design until certain matters are resolved~ 4. That the City Attorney be instructed to proceed with investigation of the legal status of the 1,300 feet in ~Section 2, as to private property owners having riparian or littoral right$~ and 5. Concerning Section 2, Mr. Talbot said that whoever pays for the 1,300 feet of beach rehabilitation, he feels that the State Road Department should pay at least half the cost, which cost would be, according to the Glace Engineering report, approximately $130,000. Mr. Talbot said that if the City could not get financial help, the best thing for them to do concerning Section 3 would be to put in a terminal wall at the northern end of the public beach, and rehabilitate with a revetment, as indicated in the Engineers~ report, to approximately 1,000 feet south, to rehabilitate the'critical area, and then put in a southerly terminal'wall~ further, that this would protect the public beach, but would be somewhat of an eyesore, and it would then be up to the State to take care of the road from then on. However, if everyone would cooperate, it could be worked out satisfactorily. Mr. Talbot said he would like tO recommend the following time table concerning the four'items he had presented= Items I and 2 accepting the Glace Engineering Corporation report and approval of invoice, should be acted on promptly. Item 3, withholding instruc- tions to the Glace Engineering Corporation to proceed with engineer- ing design, this matter should be clarified not later than November first, with a definite deadline of December first, in order that the engineering design can be completed and contracts be in order to proceed with the program April l, 1966, Item 4, concerning legality of ownership, would need to be clarified not later than November first. Concerning Item S, seeking participation of the State Road Department~in sharing some of the cost in Section 2, Mr. Talbot commented as follows= "Presently, the State Road Board is making up their budget, which will be completed as of July 1st. If we are going to get in there, if we are going to sell them on the idea of participating, regardless'of to what extent it might be, naturally that will have to be concluded by July first." Major R. Compton asked who would participate in the cost along with the state Road Department concerning Section 2, and Mr. Talbot said it would either be the private property owners or the City, or both. City Attorney Adams said that with the way that land has eroded, it may be well for the Council to acquire quit claim deeds to any properties east of that right-of-way, in order that any restored land would definitely belong to the City. Mr. Talbot said that at this time, as Chairman of the Beach Erosion Committee, he woul~ not accept that suggestion. Mr. Jurney asked what participation the County might take in this program, and County Commissioner George Warren said the County -2- 5-3-65 d Prtvs~'e"°UZd sUppor` . app~ .... ~ revetm~_.' ~e alSO ___,:~s bees ~_~ =s ~at re-- ~ ~U~iter ~'~e~datio- ~ch e=os~ ~e Co~s o= . Juo there for ~ey had m~_ ~a~in~ ~a ~' Radcliffe e 1~i ginee=s m~d COUnt . . e a c ~ed dO ~f 3u~ th~O'.~'~a a"d ex~-~~e ~e be._i~=, their ~._ ~ ~or ~e ... ~ Dy d "~ most _~ _[-~nq it o,,~ _~=n to a was a ~. ' li.;__ ~ ~hev ~__ ~ge here ~ reef. Tha~ . ~eet ~ ~. 9rogram ' :so ~ out of La~ > ' '  · ha~ on the Pointefl Van _ ~1. O( e~lalned ~he. bhe a of the nd ~o 1, the .with can get fro~ ~_. ter~ of~_;Or~easteau, dO.by ~ Went i~t r. ~aun . s or : On dol . o a . ' de=s the St ", /ars, , , ~ aaa, Gene ," ~Pl Poi * f - ate., les _ .. that ~al ~. ' : -tai Z nted o ..... $68. nn~' _Un.~ of t~ :~Proveme. u~ ~at ~ : Y h~p we bond .- ,Per e by; fU~ ~, a.ad . the was Use~ e, Could ~ :~d~s 'the ~_" that.~e ~ ther.5~ ~,~ ~ tax from ~ ~' it ~,,~ ~Oated. ". uney a~a~;~.prod~ .... ~or' ~ ~,u not ar ...... ~ ~., - , ~da '' af -Sau -*" hat ' P OX affeote~ . ~Owe~ a,~ .. fe~t th .... a~e=s ~ .v~ .h ~e, mir.;,~ ~.%~atel ask ,~s. Dorcas.: ' - - '~S used, ',~ .~q~ .al ~e.'~ga~ette lost q. l .de 9~e= .. · ..!la e '. '. ta grad.~, ~ attorn...' .. ~, it ba~'. _ old O~ ~." ~%ri =' *.; '~"~ .co ~he" ~.~'~!r la~ L'L-? DrOpe~L: .... ,..~her= ':~. ~--c .~ee, ,~ -: ~..~y a ' -', as '-~ ~:We~e "~ .- . wn ~ --- i~ ha~ ~eeh ~_~.Ze ~d"~' ?~a~uelL Mx. Talbot then moved that the Council accept the Glees Engi- neering report and approve the invoice, as rendered, in'the, sum of $5,000.00, which is the balance due. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimously. Mr. Talbot moved that the City Manager be instructed to have Glace Engineering Corporation.proceed with the offshore surveys, as indicated in the report and.the engineering contract with the City, the motion being seconded by Mx. Croft and unanimously carried. Mx. Talbot moved that the City Manager be directed to instruct the City Attorney to proceed with proper legal research to investi- gate and report on the status of the land affected in Section 2. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimously. Mx. Talbot moved that the City Manager be instructed to set up a conference with Mx. Clarence E. Davidson of the State Road Depart- ment at the earliest possible date, to go over the matter of the program the City is inaugurating, and to request financial help on a portion thereof, the motion being seconded by Mr. Croft and unani- mously carried. Mx. Talbot said that he felt those motions were the necessary steps to set said beach rehabilitation program in order, with the exception of letting Glace Engineering Corporation know that the City will withhold any instructions for design engineering until the matters brought forth this evening can be resolved. Mr.' Talbot suggested time schedules on the motions just passed, as follows: Items I and 2, immediately; Item 3, not later than November 1, 1965; No. 4, not later than November 1, 1965; No. 5,. not later than July 1, 1965, Vice-Mayor Saunders thanked Glace Engineering Corporation for their fine report, and congratulated MX. TaLbot and the Beach Erosion Committee for their very good work and study. City Attorney Adams' informed the Council that City Engineer Fleming had raised a question on which there should be an under- standing at this time, that being the offshore work by Glace Engi- neering Corporation, and asked as follows: "Is that for them to continue out to their maximum depth of 18 feet or is that for anY- thing additional?" MX. Talbot said as he understands the engineering contract, that is to cover an offshore survey to a depth of 18 feet; proper borings or drillings are to be made, and the out-of-pocket expense for said borings are at the expense of the City. Mr. Radcliffe said that the out-of-pocket expense would be to the laboratory that comes and does the actual borings, and that the survey will be at:the expense of the Glace Engineering Corporation. Mx. Radcliffe informed the Council that the borings spoken of here are to determine the depth and quality of sand. County Commissioner Warren assured the City that the County Commission will pass supporting resolutions and make any personal contact they can in assisting the City in this endeavor, and that he believes the City is moving in the right direction to get results. Vice-Mayor Saunders cautioned the press that the public should not be alarmed with costs that had been mentioned for this beach erosion work until a definite cost had been established. City Manager Worthing reported to the Council, as follows: "The State Highway D~partment recently determined the necessity for lowering the WATER MAINS crossing West Atlantic Avenue at Second, Fifth and Fifteenth Avenues, beyond the original depth as contracted for by Inter- County Construction Company, in order to be beneath the ~determined stabilization of said Atlantic Avenue, at those crossings, such determination having been made by the State Highway Inspector. This needed · xtra l~wering of the MAINS at th~se 3 cross- ings is in the nature of an emergency by reason of the fact that the city was not given the decision of the -4- 5-3-65 "Inspector that such further lowering of Mains was necessary until a point was reached where delay in complying was threatening to impede stabilization operations. It has been determine~ that City forces, doing this added work, would not provide any saving of monies due to the necessity of maintaining traffic as well as the need for scheduling this additional re-location of the Mains to tie-in with the work of the prime contractors. Request is therefore made for Council approval of this Change Order providing for added cost on this project of $2,250.00, being $750.00 per crossing, as quoted by Intercounty Construction Company engineers to their original contract." Mr. Talbot moved that this change order be approved, the money for such expense to be transferred from the Water & Sewer Contigency Account No. 915 858 800to Transmissions and Distribution Account No. 915 440 645, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and unani- mously carried. Mr. Talbot suggested that at the next regular Council meeting, a resolution, motion or whatever it takes be passed, to ~rovide that no change'orders may be mad~ Without beingbrought before the Co~D~.i~ for their approval. The meeting adjourned at 8=30 P.M., by order of Vice-Mayor Saundera. R.D. WORTHING City Clerk APPROVED = /Sf J. L. Saunders VICE-MAYOR -5- 5-3-65