05-24-65 159 · MAY 24, 1965. A regular meeting of. the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor Al. C. Avery in the Chair, Acting City Manager R. Do Worthing, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen J. LeRoy Croft, James H. Jurney, Jack L. Saunders and George TaLBot, Jr., being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by Dr. D. Douglas Scrivner. 1.ao The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given. 2. Mr. Croft moved that the minutes of the special meeting of May 14th be approved and the minutes of the regular meeting of May 10th be approved as amended, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried. 3. Attorney John Moore asked that Agenda Item 7.e. concerning abandonment of a portion of Casuarina Road in exchange for certain yacht basin lands, be postponed until an appropriate workshop meet- ing could be held with the Council and people interested in this matter, as well as the contiguous property owners being notified. It was so moved by Mr. Saunders, seconded by Mr. Talbot .. and unani- mously carried. Mayor Avery directed'the 'City Manager to schedule a workshop meeting for this item, to which the public,., the .press and all interested Parties are invited. 3-' _Mr..C.W.' Rice, Chairman of a Committee to study '~"' ~'crea- tiOnal complex in the City Park, reqUested' a 'workshop meeting with the City' Council, and reminded '~h® C°uncil 2hat said 'Committee had been appointed on February 8th, .1965, to explore ,.and .recommend con- Cerning sai~' recreational complex. Mr. Rice said that 'since the' committee had met with the Council in April, they had .been working · On costs and Plans that the entire committee is haPPy Wit asked that said workshop meeting be scheduled this week, if possible, ,.in order that figures and plans may be presented to Council with. a request for permission to finalize said plans. Mr. Jurney moved that the request for said workshop, meeting b~ -granted, the motion being seconded byMr. Saundera and unanimously carried. Mayor Avery directed the City Manager to schedule said work- shop meeting at the ear~'iest possible time. 3. Mr. Carl Rhodes, President of the Delray Beach ~Jaycees, ~- formed the Council that the Jaycees and Civitan Club are having a Shetland pony polo match on June 6th, 1965, at the Se. acres~ 'H~h School practice field! further, the City Manager had given them permission to advertise this by displaying one of the ponies ~down- town in a trailer, but they desire Council permission to have said" pony in the street and they would provide constant cleanup. Mayor Avery asked the City Attorney if there was any reason the Council could not grant the request of displaying .the, pony in.._ the streets, with shovel, and City Attorney Adams said that he saw no r, eason. It was so moved by Mr. Talbot, seconded by Mr,. Jurney and unanimously carried.. 3. Mr. Frank F. Ellis, 553 Jaeger· Drive,. Tropic' palms Sub~ division, a&ked the Status of .the s%reet repair considerat~n in that Subd/vieion. . . ~Ct, ty ~t~orney Adams said he is in the process of '~o,P-~i~ive 3Ceport on. all of tl~e street, in tha~ subdivision '~:~t ha~e"bee'n'oPe~d'. and plans' 'to Present saAd ~epor~ at the next .r,eqular .Council m~et!ng, 5-24-65 16'0 City Manager Worthing reported that Heron Drive, approximately 1400 lineal feet; Ibis Drive, 300 lineal feet; Jaeger Drive, 1200 lineal feet; and Curlew Road, 1200 lineal feet, totaling 4,100 feet or 10,022 square yards, which at approx~u~ately .35¢per square yard, gives an ~stimated cost of $4,510.00 for resurfacing of said streets; further, that he would recommend Council authorize thiawork to be done and upon completion, a suit be entered against the developer of the Subdivision for the established correct amount of cost. City Attorney Adams said he is not in a position at this time to comment on the merits of a suit, as he is not sure whether these streets were put in according to City specifications, and if they were put in according to City specifications, it would be a City maintenance item. City ~ngtneer Fleming informed the Council that the streets in said subdivision had never been completed according to City specifications, that the top course had never been put on them. City Attorney Adams was asked to present his report on the streets of Tropic Palms Subdivision at the next Council meeting, and Mr. Ellis was informed that he could meet with the City Attorney and look over what files the City Attorney had on the matter. 4. Mr.: Croft read the Beautification Committee meeting minutes of May 20th, 1965, on which there was no discussion or action. 4.a. A roll call showed the following Civic Organizations and representatives to be in attendance~ Breezy Ridge Estates. Mr. John Sword Business & Professional Women's Club - Mrs. Clarence Bingham V. F.W. Mr. Clarence Bingham Delray Beach Jaycees Mr. Carl Rhodes Kiwanis Club Mr.. Ben Adams Shuffleboard Club Mr. C. W. Rice Beach Taxpayers League Col. D. G. Campbell Senior Citizens Club Col. Lawrence Everett Delray Beach Board of Realtors Mr. Robert Gracey Chamber of Commerce Mr. Ken Ellingsworth 5. Mayor Avery expressed the pleasure of the Council at having Mrs. Hallie. Yates, Assistant City Clerk, back at the Council meeting after her absence at the last regular Council meeting due to the death of her father-in-law, Mr. walter C. Yates of Herrin, Illinois. 5. City Manager Worthing read the following letter from Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearce, date~ May 23rd= "On May 9, 1965 our son, James Pearce, was in a very serious automobile accident on ~ederal Highway here in Delray Beach. The car in which he wms riding turned over several times and James was pinned under the. engine. An emergency call was made to the Delray Beach Fire Department and Rescue Squad and Officers Clark and Cook responded immediately. By the use of hydraulic jack8 they ejected our son from the wreckage, and had him on his way to the hospital within minutes after the crash. We are writing this letter to you to express our very deep gratitude, not only to Officers Clark and Cook, but also to the entire Fire Department and Rescue Squad, who risk their own lives daily in the per- formance of their duty. There are times when words seemvery inadequate, and this is one of them. 'We cannot.praise these men enough. 161 "They knew their job well, and did it without hesitation. It is indeed a credit to you, the members of this Council, that this City has such capable men in its employ. May we express our thanks to you all." City Manager Worthing informed the Council that Mrs. Pearce is the Cashier at the City Hall. Mayor Avery asked the City Manager to see that all of the individuals and departments involved are commended, through proper channels. 5. City Manager Worthing read the following letter to Mayor Avery from the Sun-Sentinel, dated May 19th: "As you probably may have heard, the Sun-Sentinel is sponsoring the first South Palm Beach County Shuffl®- board Contest, which will be conducted in Delray Beach on June 14, 15 and 16. We would like very much to have you do us the honor of 'opening this tournament at Delray's Shuffleboard Courts at 9:30 on the morning of June 14. Please let me know if this can be included in your schedule for that date." Mayor A~ery said he felt this was a credit to the Delray Beach Shuffleb°~rd club to promote 'this. contest, a~d 'exPress-ed '-~p~rec~iation to the .S~-Sentinel f~r~ ch°osing-Delray'B'~ach' aS ~e~ £eels .i~ is good advertising. · ~. "City Manager worthing read ~a "l~ter from Mrs,' ~.~ ~'.' Bllen£" berg~r,'' d~tea May i8th,'.'informing the Council that o.n March 30, 1965, .represen~ives"i~ p.u~l~c ~nd Private' agen,Cies' and" ~f '.'~[vi~ .an~ jv01un~eer groups or'jan[zed the Palm' BeaCh 'County commUnitY Action 'co~Cil~ and explaining the purpose of this Council. Further, that as part. of the organizational plan of the Palm Beach. County Co~mu.nity Action Council, a 'South Palm Beach CountY area meeting is to be held on Thursday, May 2'~th, at 7:30 P.M., in the cafetorium of the Delra¥ Beach Junior High School on Seacrest Boulevard, adjo~ning Seacrest High Schoo~ and that the .City. ~Udge, C.~ Attorne~y .and Recreation Director, as well as' othe~ members of ~he' administrative ~S~ff, can profit by learning' 'what: the program Mayor 'AVery asked' City. Manager worthing, to noti~¥ all City pereonne~ ir~dicate~' in' '~a~d~ letter w~'al r~q~est tha~'"i2 ~Ould be aPPreci~ted if th~ wo~' attend' the 'm~et~ng, 5. Mayor Avery. read. a PROCLAMATION.proclaiming the month of JUNE as NATIONAL' RECREATION MONTH, and urging all citizens Of Delray Beach to participate during'Jun® in the many programs of recreatio~ offered by the City of Delra~ Beach. Mayor Avery said 'the City would celebrate as .t~ey.would' have a full-time Recreation Director the ~irst of June. 5. Mayor Avery read a PROCLAMATION proclaiming May 23rd through 29th as REALTOR WEEK, and urging the Citizens of Delray Beach to join with the Delray Beach RealtOrs in its observance. 5~a. Mr. Croft informed the Council that he had been contacted by severs.1 citizens relative to what they consider an unsati'sfactory con'it!on existing-at N. E. 2nd AvenUe and 8th street, and asked 'that the'~ Cit.~ Maha-ge~ W]ith his Traffic and' safety Dire~tor]'/make ~a 'sUrvey a=a deta'ii~d "S'tud~' 'bf' tha~ in~areecti~n/' in' an attemPt t° a solution to correct .the condition that exists at .the p~esent time, -3- 5-~4~65 Mayor Avery directed the City Manager to comply with Mr. Croft~s suggestion and report to Council at the next meeting. $.a. Mr. Saunders asked the-~ status of the proposed sidewalk con- struction on North Swinton Avenue, as he felt the summertime, with school not in session, would be the best time for sidewalk con- struction. City Manager Worthing said this item had been taken up with the County, and the County Commission had referred same to Mr. George Frost to work out details as to where to place the sidewalk on the east side of Sw!nton Avenue! further, a reply to the City is antic- i~ated, in the near future. Mr. Worthing said he believed said reply would be received by the next Council meeting and that installation of the sidewalk would be made possible by the County. 5.a. Mr. Talbot said that in March, 1964, there was a State Road Board hearing which gave information relative to an Intracoastal Waterway bridge to be constructed between Delray Beach and Boca Raton. Mr. Talbot said he did not find any further information on that item, and asked that the City Manager determine the present status of said proposed bridge, it being so ordered by Mayor Avery. 5.a. Mr. Talbot commented as follows: "I would lik~ to ask the City Manager the present status of the offshore soundings on that part of the beach where the inshore soundings have already been taken, and also if he has information on the additional cost on the inshore and offshore soundings on the 1300 feet, which is Section II of the Beach Erosion Program. After July, they are not going to be able to get what we want unless we have unusual weather. I would assume that the cost of this would be brought to the Council for approval before letting, and I would like to know the status. If it can be given :now, fine~ it not, I would like to have a report on it as soon as possible in order to expedite going ahead with this work, which is most important." City Manager WOrthing reported that an order had been given the Glace Engineering Corporation to proceed with their offshore soundings as soon as weather permits, that being within the one mile strip in Section 16-46-43, which is the Municipal Beach. Further, the inshore borings have been provided and are 'reflected in their report. City Manager Worthi~g continued: "I was going to ask you gentlemen later on this evening for consideration relative to ob- taining inshore and offshore borings and sand samples within said Section II, being the 1300 foot strip immediately north of our Municipal Beach. This 1300 foot strip may be determined to be State property and their desires concerning cross section survey and soundings, as well as providing for their procurement and ordering of same, might be under the State Road Department's jurisdiction. Possibly, however, Council would desire to direct Glace Engineering Corporation to provide for this work in conjunction with their off- shore soundings on the Municipal Beach immediately south of this 1300 foot strip, or Council might desire that the Administration obtain proposals from Glace Engineering COrporation for the inshore and offshore soundings of that 1300 foot strip." Mr. Talbot commented: "If the State Road Board comes in, and from a discussion I had with certain parties at the Beach Erosion Seminar in Miami today, they, in all prob~tlity, will take over exactly what we have worked up. If we don~t get these inshore and offshore soundings, and even if we dontt ~ them, the cost will be so small and the delay will be so great that I don~t see why we don~t get the cost so we will know what we can do on it." Mr. Talbot said this information was needed in order that what is going to be done by the City could be finalized not later than Ju~e first. Mayor Avery said that if the data iS received and a special Council meeting is desired, he would call said meeting at any time desired. -4- 5-24-65 Mr. Talbot requested that the City Manager get said informa- tion by phone because of the shortness of time, and it was so directed by Mayor Avery. 5.a. Mr. Talbot asked if the City Park seawall contract had been finalized. City Manager worthing informed the Council that the contract had been-completely prepared and approved by the City Attorney and signed by the proper officials of the Murphy Construction Company. Further, the neoessaryperformance bond had been provided. City Manager Worthing said that he believed the Council should, at a later date, determine the number, if any, of galvanized ladders, as well as mooring pile, to be installed, and possibly the repairs to the matched. ~xisting wa1.1,' if'desiredr'~ur~her,.that a ~emorandum of those.ite~s would'b'e~.furntshed e~c~.'Coun'cilman prior to th~-next " council meeting. 5.a. Mr. Talbot said he understands the Resolution has been approved by the County Co~ission pertaining to the State Road Board partic- ipating in 50 percent of Section II of the Beach Erosion Program, and asked if that had been finalized. City Manager Worthing said he had received no evidence to that effect. Mr. Talbot asked that this be investigated in order that the Council may know where they stand.. 5.a. Mr. Talbot asked about a report on a lighting sur~ey~, and if .that had been finalized. City. Manager ~orthing said in regard to the meeting h~ld on April 9th with the Beach Taxpayers League, he would submit a verbal .report at this time, ifdesired, or a written report later. Mayor Avery asked that this' report be written'and sent.to the Council immediately. ' · 5.a. Mr. Talbot asked City Attorney Adams what. re&¢tioB he had received following contact with the legislative delegation whe~.they turned, the Bill down on the. Greater Delray Beach. Area-. City Attorney Adams informed the CounCil ~that 'las~ Frida~ ~he had sent a telegram to each of the' legislators, stronglyreqUesting an explanation' from the delegation as t° why none Of the Biils 'frOm Delray Beach had been introduced; further, that he had received no reply to the 'telegrams, but the legislature is still in session. 5.a. Mayor AVery informed the Council that he had receiVed'cai.iS' from several concerned parents who had attended the Delray Drive-In Theatre, Where they had taken their children to see a 'family-type movie, and during the evening,, without warning, a previewof an obscene movie was shown.. Mayor Avery commented on a letter to the Editor that was published ~n the Delray Beach News-Journal on May 20th, also an editorial that same day, concerning the showing of .such pictures or previews, and a letter, dated May 17th, 1965, from the'.Palm Be~ch County CounciI of Parent-Teacher Associations~ further, .that he hoped this woUld start a move on the part of the general public 20 do some- thing about such an unsatisfactory, situation. At the re.quest of.Mayor Avery,.City Manager Wor~in~read~the letter to the Editor, also the editorial, and C'ity Attorney Adams read the Iet~er from said Council of Parent-Teacher Associations. Mayor Avery said he had asked the City Attorney to prepare a resolution for Council consideration thatch® hoped.would provide the momentum of leadership to all of the-citizens and organizations' of this City and' that they would rise up in their opposition to .this situation. City Manager Wor~ing then read . RESOLUTION'. NO;' -5-- 5~24-$5 A RESOLUTION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAy BEACH, FLORIDA, DIRECTED TO TH~ OWneRSHIP AND MANAGE- MENT OF THE DELRAY DRIVE-IN THEATRE WI~EREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach that a rather long and detailed preview, of'a forthcoming "adult" movie was recently exhibited at the Delray Drive-In Theatre along with the presentation of a "family-type" movie~ and ~BREAS, the'City Council is cOgnizant that said theatre is outside the corporate limits of the community and therefore beyond the Jurisdiction of any legislative controls that this Council might enact~ however, WHEREAS, the ~ajority of the patrOns of this Theatre are citizens of this City, many of whom are children, and WHEREAS~, the City 'Council, whil~ not attempting to censor or preclude the presentation of "adult" movies~ is particularly desirous that children are not exposed to previews of coming "a~ult" attractions ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, AS FOLLOWS = The owners and management of the Delray Drive-In Theatre, be, and the same are hereby urgently requested to cease and desist from all such previews, or at Xeaet to exercise careful restraint in their future'~'~elections of previews of "adult" movies to include only those which can be tastefully exhibited along with "family- type" movies. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of May, 1965. Resolution.~o° 15~6S wes unanimously passed and adopted on this first and ft~al reading on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Saundere. 6.a. 'City Manager Worth~ng informed the Council that improvement of grounds is needed for the betterment of the North Sector of Pine Ridge Cemetery, necessitating installation of a sprinkler system with an estimated total cost of $600.00, and that Council authorization is requested to provide for such expenditure, that this portion of the Cemetery may be ma~ comparable to a~l other port~ons~ of Delray Beach cemeteries~ furt~,~ necessary funds are available from the Cemetery Perpetual Care Fun~, transfer of which to the Capita! Xmprovements Account is requested. Mr. Saunters moved that the improvement and transfer of funds be authorized, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried. 6.b. Concerning consideration to initiate a test well program, City Manager Wor~hing informed Council as follows: "As a result of Con- sulting Engineers Russell & Axon~s letter of May 4th, following their review of City Engineer Mark Fleming~s memorandum commenting on Russell & Axon~s water works report, authorization for initiating a test well program, comprising four wells, in the area of the South Well Field is recommended, the aPProximate cost of Such wells to be $900.00 each. The necessary funds are available from the Water and .S~.~ Contingency Account, and e~ect to your approval of recommendation, authorization 'for '~ransfer therefrom to the Capital Improvement Account is requested."~ It was so moved by Mr. Talbot, seconded by Mr. Saunders and unanimously carried. ' . -6- 5-24-65 165 (Copy of Russell & Axon's May'4th letter, is-attached to the official copy of these minutes.) (See Pages 172-A thru 172-C) 6.c. Regarding consideration for establishment of a setback line along the Atlantic ocean shore, city Manager Worthing informed the Council as follows: · "As recommended by Glace Engineering Corporation, and in order that an ordinance may ultimately be preparea for Council consideration, establishing an Atlantic Ocean shore setback line, as is believed to be desired by Council and the Beach Erosion Committee, authorization is requested to employ Glace Engineering Corporation to furnish necessary engineering work in conjunction with aerial photo- graphs, which the City shall provide for. Estimated cost for this survey, which on the part of Glace Engineering Corporation will clude a comprehensive, written legal document and map showing the location of such setback lines, is $~1,250.00. Funds for such ex- penditure are available in the Improvement Trust Fund." Mr. Talbot said this was initiate~ through the Beach Erosion Committee and Mr. Worthing had been requested to obtain such infor- mation. Mr. Talbot then asked City Manager Worthing if the aerial photographs would include the two and one-half miles of both private and public beach, and the City Manager replied as follows: "I don~t believe it is necessary to go to that expense. The area to be covered would start at Casuarina Road at the south end of our Munici~ pal Beach and extend southward to our south City limits~ however, I woul.d ..like to .take this Opportunity of saying that said ultimate ordinance, that will be prepared. by the City Att°rn~y sho~l~" i~c~l~ide the entire shoreline for obvious legal reasons, rather than a. ny given ;~:~ In answer to your question, I believe that an aerial_ pho~to- from the south C!ty.M~ici~l Beach line.. ~ ~e ~0u~ limits is all that is required, and would .be provided bY the. city t~rOUgh the" Obtaining of bids, and ! . .~oUid' ..estima~:e !~e ..cOat; to be about .$300.00." During disC~Ussion, .Mr. Talbot Sai~' he would like. for aerial photograph to embrace the complete twO and one~h~lf, miles of Public and .privat~ beach, and continued~ '~My~re. ason .for .suggesting this is that I had the op~ort~ity of talking ~o Mr. B=annon o~f .the ~ s. '~rp, of Eng~nsers in .iami this ~rning ',nd he'.gave a. ~a'l~ on State and Federal participation on beach erosion. I have' nothing of interest to report' but. in my conversation .with him I did .find that there 'are "at least two avenues of approach that might bear some re- sults, but 'that doesn't mean prior to the program! that means after the. ;program has been initiated, and the City might be reimburse~d to a certain percentage. In view of that, I think there .is a 5~0T50 ohan_~e of some participation on this beach erosion program, and that is the reason .I would like tO have aerial photographs.of the e~tire beach so there can be a com~ariSon of the. before., and ..after on what- ever area this .might come. about." .Mr. TalbOt moved that on the estimated ,,Cost,'for the S.urVey foz the setback lines on the..be~ch at $1,.25.'0.00, the. aerial survey.be amended by obtaining the COst .for the entire beach area from Cit~ limits South to City limits North. City Attorney Adam.s asked if the City Man&ger 'sh0uid obtain a written proposal on the costs by the next meeting, ..and City ~Manager worthing informed the Council as follows: "I have.a prOposal of that $1,250,00, and it Can only be a proposal, for it is a cost~ plus job, but doubtless will not exceed $950.00, by Glace Engineerin~ Corporation .to provide their survey south from the .Municipal Beach to the south City limit, but I agree with you that it would be well to have an aerial photograph ~f the entire ocean frontage i~ Delray Beach, and i doubt iif t~at will add a .igreat deal. to' the balance of' $300.00." .'Mr', Talbot cha~ged par~.~ of his ~otiOn, that the City~ Manage= be'auth~=,~ze~ to p=oceed with such an aerial survey Of '.~he. e~lti~e ~&ach fr0~.the.~' City limits to 'the ~°rth city li~i~s, . -.7- 5-24-65 ' 66 City Manager Worthing suggested that authorization be given along the lines that Mr. Talbot moved, as he is doubtful that any additional cost would exceed $300.00. Mr. Saundera said ha would second the motion with a $300.00 limitation on the aerial photographs, to which Mr. Talbot agreed. Mayor Avery explained: "It has been moved and seconded that authorization be granted to Glace Engineering Corporation for aerial photographs and necessary engineering work from the entire'City limit to City limit,' the cost not to exceed the ~1,250.00. plus ~300.00." Upon call of roll, the motion carried u~&nimously. 7.a. City Manager 'Worth4ng read letters from t~e Beach Taxpayers League, Delray Beach Board of Realtors and Mr. Woe R. Kern, objecting to the adoption of Ordinance No. 13-65 at the 1act Council meeting, concerning off-street parking requirements in c-1 zoned districts. Mr. Croft said he had been informed that the Planning/zoning Board, together with Mr. George Simons, Jr., is giving immediate study to the off-street parking requirements in all three commercial zones, and that they have been requested to make recommendations con- cerning same, and moved that these letters be referred to them for their study and co. nsideration. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and, following discussion, carried unanimously. 7.b. City Manager worthing informed the Council of an offer re- ceived to purchase a City-owned parcel of land containing approxi- mately 1.1 acres, located on the southeast corner of S. W.. 8th Avenue and 4th Street, and bounded on the west by a 20 acre City-owned tract of land, 'and on the south by another City-owned parcel of land. Further, that in compliance with Section 7 of the Charter, Council may direct the City Clerk to proceed in accordance with said Section 7 of the Charter, or decline interest in said offer and direct that the deposit be returne~. Following discussion, Mr. Jurney moved that the City Manager be directed to obtain an up-to-date appraisal on said 1.1 acre piece of property. The motion died for the lack of a second. Mr. Saunders moved that said offer to purchase said property be declined, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot. Upon call of roll, Mr. croft, favor of the motion, and Mr. Jurney was Opposed. X' Mr. Talbot said he had Just been informed that Ordinance No. 13-65, concerning off-street parking requirements in C'1 zoned dis- tricts, would become effective 'on June 9th, unless action is taken to rescind the passage on second reading. Further, he wondered if such action should be taken until such~ time as the Planning Board and Mr.. Simons can make thei~ recommendations concerning off-street parking to the Counc£1. Following discussion~ Mr. Talbot moved that the action taken by the Council, passing said Ordinance No. 13-65 on second and final reading, be rescinded. Since Mr. Talbot did not vote for the passage of Ordinance No. 13-65 on second and final reading, he did not qualify to make a motion to rescind such action. Mr. Croft suggested waiting for the recommendations of the Planning Board and Mr. Simons, and that no action be taken at this time. 7.c. City Manager Worthing read the following letter of May 12th from the Florida East Coast Railway Company: "Letter to you earlier this week dealt with new crossing through our station grounds which was one of several subjects discussed a~ith you last week. Another matter was the closing of the South Swinton AvenUe crossing. Whereas, we did not have time to discuss details of the -8- 5-24-65 -Lnq haza~ca -e~ ~o~ o ~ave ~8 ~n ~e aze_. ~t ~s to ._ ~ ~a?, P_ ~ill _ app~ -~oai~g o~ L.~ee~e~t i -- ~e *o the ~ _ Ae no ~' ~. coVe~ I ~at ~t is ~ec°~en~e~ ~o ~e ~e~ o~he~ ~ ~o ~ope · ~. ~ ~n~ ~: ~n C ' - ,..~t ~ove~ -" ..... · e~ ~'~v en 'catiOn' ~e ~e~°,. Z~ 6eva~°~ on behalf of himself and residents of N. E. let Avenue and 4th Street, and reviewed some'of the past hearings and rezoning of said Block 73, and asked that before anymore privileges are granted to the owners of this property, agreements should be reviewed and that beautification of thispropertybe incorporated in agreements~ further, that some thought should be given to making safer parking conditions at the POst Office. It was pointed out that there had been plans for some land- scaping north of the Post Office, and it had been determined there was aneed for addit£onal parking in that area~ therefore, same was paved a~imarked for parking purposes. Col. D. G. Campbell asked if there had been anynotification or plans for a. public hearing by the Council or Planning Board on the development of said property, and reviewed some of the past agree- ments and discussions that took place at the time of the rezoning of the propertyand Post Office construction, Col. Campbell requested that a public hearing be held by the P~a~ning Board on this item. Following comments on his desir~tO see developments of this kind in Delray Beach instead of stalling them, Mr. Jurney moved that the request to relocate said alley be granted. Mr. Saunders seconded the motion in order to bring the matter to a point of discussion. Mr. William George'informed the Council that he believed they should review prior Council minutes concerning agreements and develop- ments of the property in Block 73, and should have the Planning Board review them also. Mr. Saunders asked the City Attorney if the CounciI has the authority to change an alley. The City'Attorney said the Council did have that authority, but reminded the Council that the City shared in paving the present alley in Block 73, and any motion should quire the property owner to put the new alley in at his own cost. Mr. Jurney and Mr. Saunders accepted that condition to their motion and second. City Attorney Adams suggested that some time element be tablished or a bond required to guarantee the' performance, and that it should be subject to the Florida Power & Light Company's approval in.order that no easements would be affected. Mr. Jurney added the City AttorneyJs suggestions to his motion. During discussion, Mr. Haggart commentedas follows~ "I am prepared now, in supporting the request, to deed to the City the West 16 feet of Block 73, south of that portion of the block that is now leased to the Post OfficeDepartment, in return for which, ! am asking that the present alley be abandoned. I w~ll then enter into an agreement with the City to give permissive use on the present alley for the ptlrpose of the use of the public in exiting, as it now does, from the Post Office property, and in whatever time limit you might specify, within a year or 18 months, if ~onstruction cannot be completed due to any requirements of the City, then I certainly would observe the fact and realize that it is incumbent upon me to conform to any requirements of the City in this project that I have in mind, and that I intend to do. If, within a year or 18 months, or whatever time it takes to determine whether or not the building that I con- template can be built in conformity with the requirements of the City, if it cannot be built, then I would ask for the return of the West 16 feet of alley, which I have deeded, and will give back to the City theland now occupied bythe present alley." Mr. JUrney said he had considered a shorter Period of time, possibly 6 months, for~ork to begin, and he would include that time 1/mit in his motion.' Mr. Haggart explained hisproposed development"of Block 73, and Mr. J. L. Patterson, representingMr. Haggart, said that time is an important factor in order that theY would not be in the middle of construction during the coming winter season. Mr. Clarence Bingham said that he was interested in the beautification of this area, but in examination of Councii minutes and inquiries at other offices at the City Hall, he could find no -10- 5-24-65 169 agreements or plans concerning the beautification of same, but that he did not think the legal part of this shou~be delayed. Mr. Sau~ders asked about approval for buildings to be located in Block 73, and City Attorney. Adams -said the Building Official would issue building permits, if all compliances were met concerning type' of buildings and off-street parking requirements, .etc., and if those conditions could not be met by the property owner, he could appeal' to the Board of Adjustment for a deviation. To clarify the motion, Mayor Avery commented, as follows: "A motion has been made that the request be granted, -that the new loca- tion of the alley be paved within a six months~ period at the cost of the property owner, subject to the approval of the Florida Power & Light Company regarding easements." City Attorney Adams said the Council may want to insist that the new alleyway on the west side of the block run the entire length of the block, in the event the-.post office is discontinued some day~ further, that the presently existing deed is for-the East 16 feet of Lots 1 thru 12, inclusive, Block 73. Mr. Saunders said there are too manY discrepancies, and with- drew his second to the motion. Mr. James B. Wilson said he owns a business on Atlantic Avenue, but would welcome any worthwhile development on 2nd Avenue, and asked how the truck traffic would be conducted, over the proposed new alley- way, and questioned if there was proper drainage for the area, and if 2nd Avenue is of suff~c~en.t w~.dth... ~ . referre~: t~' the' ~'lann~ng/Zo~g'' B;$~ ' =f~' :their ;.co~.n~a%ig ' 'Mr:' 'Tai~Ot:~Sked ~ be eXCused ~rom the' 'meeting because 'of the lateness of the hOUr, Mr.: Jurney moved that this request to relocate: the. ~iley, be :gr~nted 'Wi-th ~he stSPUiation, ~ha't-it' Be~'ap~O~ea ~ .~he the' ~reSentlY exiStin~ ~i.e..'y .be abandon&a 'at' su~ ~'te'" ~hat the 6rep_ .that the.-cost of p~vin~-'~/~e new,a'ile~ ~ b~r~e by the pr~per'i~ saun~rs was oppOse~. · ,city 'Manage~, WO~%hing informed the p're~s and p~blic that, .they were, _welcome' to come i~to the city. Hall to. see a.. sketch of' the proPOsed' de~ei~Pment of'Block 73.~ Commerce, '~ated '~y 10th, '~';n~erni~g: ~e ~hamber ~ing far better equiPped~ than City:: Hail ..to ' sCreen, a'nd': ~®V. aluate a~pl~cations for c°mme~ed~, ~bt 'the ChamberL, s .Offer t6; Set ~up 'a' sp~cia1 ' ~ommi~tee" for 170 (Copy of Ordinance No. 18-65 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) (See page 172-F) There being no ob~ection to Ordinance No. 18-65, said Ordi- nance was unan/mously passed and adopted on this second and final reading, on motion· by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Saunders. 8.b. The City Manager presented ORDINANCE'NO. 20-65. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDZNG ORDINANCE NO. G-436, EXTENDING C~RTAZN TAX PRIVILF~ES CONFINED IN SUBSECTION (3), SECTION 4 OF SAID ORIGINAL ORDI- (Copy of Ordinance No. 20-65 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) (see Page 172-E) There being no objection to Ordinance No. 20-65, said Ordinance was unanimously passed and adopted on this second and final reading, on motion by Mr. Saunders. and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 8.c. The City Manager presented ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, LEVYING ~ ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBMITTED BY THE CITY MANAGER OF SAID CITY, CONCERNING THE OPENING, GRAOING AND PAVIN~ OF T~T PART OF NORTHWEST SECOND AVENUE L%'~NG BETWEEN LAKE TERRACE AND NORTHWEST SEVENTH STREET, TO A WIDTH OF TWENTY-FOUR FEET, ~AID ASSESS- MENT ROLL BEIN~ ATTACHED HERETO AND FOI~MING A PART HEP-~.OF. (Copy of Ordinance No- 21-65 and accompanying assessment roll are attached to the official copy of these minutes.} (See Pages i?2-G & I?2-H) There being no objection to Ordinance No. 21-65 and said assessments, said Ordinance ~as unanimously passed and adopted on second and final read/ng, money for same to-co~e frOm the s~euial Assessment Fund, on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Saunders. 8.d. City Manager Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 22-65. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, LEVYING THE ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBMITTED BY THE CITY MANAGER OF SAID CITY, CONCERNING THE OPENING, GRADIN~ AND IMPROVING OF THAT PART OF HOMEWOOD BOULEVARD LYING BETWEEN HIGHLAND AVEN~E AND LOWSON ~OULEVARD, TO A WIDTH OF TWENTY-POUR FEET, SAID ASSESS- MENT .ROLL BEING ATTACHED HERETO AND A PART H~REOF. (Copy of Ordinance No. 22-65 and accompanying assessment roll are attached to the o~flcial copy of these minutes. )' (see pages 172-I & 172-J) There being no objection to Ordinance No. 22-65 and said assessments, 'Mr. Croft moved that said Ordinance be passed and adopted on this second and final reading, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jur~ey. Upon call of roll, Mr.. Croft, Mr. Jurney and Mayor Avery voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Saunders abstained from voting. 8.e. City Manager worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 23-65. -12- 5-24-65 17i AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE OF OR- DINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAy BEACH BY ADDING SUB-SECTION 2-24, CREATING THE POSTION OF DIP~ECTOR OF RECREATION AND PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES TO BE PER- FORMED BY SAID DIRECTOR. Ordinance No. 23-65 was unanimously .placed on first reading, on motion by Mr. Jurney and seconded by Mr. Saunders. 10.ac Concerning a request for authbrization for execution of a Ouit Claim Deed on certain property, City Manager Worthing reported to Council as follows: "In 1925, a 50 foot lot, identified as Lot 33, Block 8, in Dell Park Subdivision, was deeded to the City and so recorded in the Official Records of the Circuit Court Clerk's Office. Search of the records does not disclose of the City having returned said parcel of land to the original ovmer. HOwever, Palm Beach' County, as well as the City of Delray Beach, has assessed and collected taxes thereon for over 30 years through 1964, and authoriz~tiQn .is therefore Feques. ted to execute a interest of/t~e' ~ty' 0f~Dei'ray 'Be~ch i~' ~aid~lot or parcel. Mr. Croft mo~e~'~hat.sai'd' Quit':'Clai~De~dbe"-~ecuted, the motion being seconded byi. Mri~:$9~nd~rS.an~ ~ani~o~lg'_'~arried. lO.x. city Manage=:" o hi"g' .DELRAy BEACH CERTAIN. LAND, NAMELY LOT. 44, DELRAY ..".. ~ou~RIES o~ SAID C~TY TO Z~C,.~-. ~ID LAND, PaC- .. ~,ND ~ROVID.~'i'~OR' ~"Zo~ ~HEREo~.' ' Ord!~ance' ~0, 24g65 ~s"'unantm°u~i~ ~iac~d on'.~t~ .'reading, on motiOn?by 10.x. c~Y.~na~ar ~o~thing iaformed .t~ 'C~c~i ~ '.a~"~Oth had previously' been one'"%~ ~:hg ~cO~a~'ze'd~-A$~ida~:.~$~' e~i H~, there- fore, ~e.:c~y 'Hal~ '~uld . ; : '''." lO.x. The Soard, c°m~iSed "of ~he 'ei~y'"co~n~ii,: ~u~ :m~t'/iff 'acCOrdance with Charter provisions on JUne 14th, and that ~ai~ Equali=ation ~ard would meet at 10:00 is re~ested, for ,beaUt~catto~.of .th~ 'East 14~ l._,of..the. C~ty-o~ed land :at 'the WOman's Ci~] '.~ec&s~itA~ing S~ddin~: ann"sprinkler service. In ac~rdance ~e City is ~es~ns~le f~'mainte~ance..~ this.'area.,' th~ expend~tur~ A~'t reCesSed,., ~ugh no agproP=ia~$on,'.ts~jne~e~sary. ,, ' ' ~, ~r~tAg..e~lained. ~e ' mon;y 'fO~. Sa~e,-.waS,:,a%a~le..~ the Parks Department.budget. - .' : ..j -'. - --".] ' · :,.. -..' Mr. Saunders moved that the work be done, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried. lO.x. City Manager Worthing presented the following request and recommendation: "The CIVIC OPERA COMPANYof thePalm Beaches, through its Director - Mr. Louis D. Tenerelli, requests permission to display an automobile at various times and locations within the City, at which time and place tickets will be offered for sale at $1.00 each, pro- ceeds to go to the Opera Company which is a non-profit organization. Such tickets, as sold, will, at a later date, provide for the *Raffle~ of the car to the lucky ticket holder. It is recommended that approval be granted SUBJECT to the Civic Opera Company obtaining appropriate per- mission from the affected property owner om owners." CityAttorney Adams said permission could be given for the exhibit of the car, but cautioned condoning any operation that may be considered a lottery, and at the request of Mayor Avery, continued as follows: "Move that he be granted permission to exhibit the car at various locations, subject to the approval of the owner. The City has no s~onsorship, and as long as the minutes reflect the fact that the City does not condone or sponsor or back any raffle, it is per- fectly alright." It was so moved by Mr. Croft, seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried. lO.x. City Manager said that Council consideration for sharing cost to transport the home furnishings of the recently appointed Recreation Director to Delray Beach is requested~ further, that it is recommended the City pay one-half such cost, which proportionate share is not to exceed $300.00, and that saidmoneywould come from the Contingency Fund. It wae so moved by Mr. Saunders, seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried. lO~b. City Manager worthing presented Bills for Approval, as follows= General Fund $144,808.81 Water Operating & Maintenance Fund 4,867.72 Water Revenue Fund 87,055.90 Special Assessment ~und 6,116.45 Refundable Deposits Fund 1,961.80 Improvement Fund 500.00 Disaster Fund 228.70 Interest & Sinking Fund - Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds - Series 1961, 62 & 63 145,495.00 Utilities Tax Certificates Principal & Xnterest Redemption Fund 34,185.00 Sewer Revenue Fund / 66,185.00 The bills were unanimously ordered paid on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Jurney. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M., by order of Mayor Avery. R.~. D...WORTHING City Clerk M A Y -l~- 5-24-65 172-A RUSSELL & AXON Consulting Engineers. Incorporated May 4, 1965 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Delray Beach City Hall Delray Beach, Florida Attention: Mr. R. D. Worthing, Acting City Manager Gentlemen: This will acknowledge your letter of April 30, 1965, transmitting for our review City Engineer Mark Fleming's memorandum commenting on Russell & Axon's water works report. We have reviewed Mr. Fleming's . comments and have certain observations which we feel should be brought to your attention. Mr. Fleming points out that there is a difference of opinion among Smith & Gillespie's report, Russell & Axon's report of 1962 and Russell'& Axon's report of 1965 concerning the capacity of the south well field. The 1965 report was based on a very ex~ensive study by our Mr. Walter D. Hays. Geological data from all available sources was very carefully studied. Based on these findings, it was concluded that the well field would have adequate capacity provided that the fresh water level in the various canals in or near the CiW was carefully controlled. This conclusion, however, does not preclude the necessity for carrying out a test well program. There- fore, we concur with Mr. Fleming's observation that a test well program should be initiated immediately. Location of the water treatment plant site as recommended in the 1965 report needs further clarification. The factors which were evaluated in selecting the proposed site for the water treatment plant were as follows. 172-E ORDINANCE NO. 20-65. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL O~ THS CITY OF DELRAY BEA~, P~R~A, A~I~ ODI~N~ NO. G-436, E~ING CERTAIN TAX PRI~L~ES CO~AIN~ IN S~SECTION (3), SECTION 40P ~ID ORIGI~L O~I- WHEREAS, it has been determined that contemplated municipal services will not accrue to the lands affected by Ordinance No. G-436 within the period mentioned in Sub- section (3), Section 4 of said Ordinance; NOW, T~EP. EFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITy OF DELRAY.BEA~H, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS= Subsection (3), Section 4 of Ordinance No. G-436, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "(3) At the exDiration of tgn (10) years' from the date hereof, all above described l~nds, as shown on said Exhibits ' 1 and 2', shall become subject to normal taxation, including the bonded indebtgdness of the City of Delray Beach, Florida." PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this s~cond and final reading on the 2~th davy of May, 1965. MAYOR ATTEST: i ,/s/ R. D. WORE NG i City Clerk First Reading -~ May_!0, 176~ Second Reading Ma7 172-F ORDINANCE NO. 18-65. AN O~DINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF DEL~AY BEACH, FLORIDA, AM~NDINO SECTION 4-7, C~APTER 4, CODE 'OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY PERTAINING TO THE L~CATION OF ESTABLISHMENTS WHICH ARE PERMITTED TO SELL INTOXICATING BEVERAGES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL O~ THE CITY OF DE~RAY BEACH, AS FOLLOWS: Section 4-7, Chapter 4, Code of Ordinances O~ this City, be, and the same is hereby amended, as follows: SECTION 1. The phrase "In that portion of above territory lying wast of the intracoastal Canal", be,. and the same is hereby stricken and deleted'. SECTION 2. This amendment shall not apply to nor prejudice any rights presently existing in any person, firm or corporation, where such rights have been acquired by virtue of prior Council approval as to location east of the intracoastak canal, whether such establishment is presently operating or not. Neither shall it apply to assigns or grantees of any license to operate at any such establish- ment heretofore approved. _SECTION 3. Should any section or provision of this ordinance or any p~z~ion thereof, or any paragraph, spntence or word be declared by a court of competent Juris~iction to 'be !n%alid, 'mUch'decision shall not affect the validity of the remainde~hereof as a whole or any 9art hereof, other .than the ~art declare~ to be invalid. PASSED AND ADOPTED ih regular session on the second end final ~eadiag on 10~h day o~.May, 1965. MAYOR ATTEST: City.Clerk - First' Reading .. April 26, 196~ Second Reading May 10, 196~ Final Reading Ma~ 24~ 196~ tOT 1'72-G ORDINANCE NO. 21-65. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA LEVYING THE ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBMITTED BY THE CITY MANAGER OF SAID CITY, CONCERNING' THE OPENING, GRADIN~ AND PAVING OF T~%T PART OF NORTHWEST SECOND AVENUE LYING BETWEEN LAKE TERRACE AND NORTHWEST SEVENTH STREET~ TO A WIDTH OF TWENTY-FOUR FEET, SAID ASSESS- MENT ROLL BEING ATTACHED H~RETO AND FO~MING A PART HEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, Florida has, in pursuance to the Charter of said City, Submitted to the City Council for approval, a report of tLe costs, and the assessment roll for the opening, grading and paving of that part of Northwest Second Avenue lying between Lake Terrace and Northwest Seventh Street to a width of twenty-four (24) feet. WHEREAS, said report and assessment roll was approved by the City Council in regular session on ~he 10th day of May, 1965, and WHEREAS, due notice concerning said assessment roll was given by advertisement, by the City Clerk, in accordance with the City Charts= of. said C. ity, for the purpose of beaning objections to said assessmen,t roll, ~nd WHEREAS/. ~O.suffici~t objections were received to the con- firmation of said assessment roll, City of Delray Beach, F. lo~ida, as. folloWs: SECTION 1~. The assessments, as 'shown bY said assessment roll which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, are.hereby levied again, st t_he properties shown and in the a.m, gu~nts stated on said .assesSment. roll, said assess.men~S to 'be Paid' in three equai annual installments, together with interest at '~he rate of 8% per · annum, {he :fi~t instal'lme~t be'~o~ing, due ~nd':Paya'~ie ..... On ~u~e" '' 2,3~d~ 196~. '.,' "and on the .23rd of Jurle. ' ':for the i,~e~il ehSU~ng, t,w° ~earS; .and .said 's~eci~l :a'saessm~'n.ts, so levied, ' 'shall"be-~ lien 'f~om the da~e the assessments become effective, upon the resp~.Ctive lots and parcels of land described in said assessment ro11.., O~'the same naiUre and to '{hi "sam~ ex~e~t ai the liens for general ci%~ taxes, and 's~ali b~ coiieCtlble ~n the same manner' and ~with the same pe~alties and under the same provisions as to sale and forfeiture aa City taxes are collectible. PASSED in Regular Session on second and final read. lng on this the 2~th da7 of :Ma7 ' - 19'6 5. ' - '' '' /S/ AL. O.' AVERY MA YOR City Clerk :§econd Reading: May,:'24~ '1969 ': . . For Opening, Grading and Paving of that part of NorthWest Second Avenue lying between Lake Terrace and Northwest Seventh Street to a width of twenty-four feet. DESCRIPTION OF FRONT FRONT FT. TOTAL Lot 1, Chevy Cha$~ Delrey Beach 125' $2.7235 $340.44 Dere lopmen t Co ~ Lake 'View Heights Lot 4, Block 2A, RuSsell H. & Edith 140 " 381.29 Lake View Heights H. Craige Lot 10, Biock 2A, Margery G. O'Keefe 120 " 326.83 Lake View Heights 525 feet $1;4~9.S$* Resolution No. 1499 $ 24.75 Ordinance Caption (Est) 6.00 · Assessment Roll (Est} 9.00 Material 977.15 Equipment & Operators 473.74 Labor & Supervision 68.73 · AccoUnting, Engineering, Taxes & Insurance 15% .2~7r94 $1,787.31 Per 'Res'::~''N°. 1499 , ~,.,57,.46 · 80% to be assessed $1~429.65 66~ 172-I ORDINANCE NO. 22-65. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA LEVYING THE ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBMITTED BY THE CITY MANAGER OF SAID CITY, CONCERNING THE OPENING, GRADING AND IMPROVING' OF THAT PART OF HOME~OOD BOULEVARD LYING .BETWEEN HIGHLAND AVENUE AND LOWSON BOULEVARD, TO A WIDTH OF TWE~PY-FOUR FEET, SAID ASSESS- MENT ROLL BEING ATTACHED HERETO AND FORMING A PART HEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, Florida has, in pursuance to the.Charter of sai~ City, submitted to the City Council for approval, a report of the costs, and the assessment roll for the opening, grading and improving of that par.t of Homewood Boulevard lying between Highland Avenue and Lowson Boulevard to a width of twenty-four (24) feet. WHEREAS, said report and assessment roll was approved by the City Council in regular session on the 10th day of May, 1965, and WHEREAS, due notice concerning said assessment roll was given by advertisement, by the City Clerk, in accordance with the City Charter of said City, for the purpose of hearing objections to said assessment ro11, and WH~RE~S, no Sufficient Objections were rec~i'Ved to the con- firmation of said aSSessment rolI', NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED 'BY THE CITY .COUNCIL of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: SECTION 1. The assessments; as shown by Said assessment roll which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby levied sgainst the properties Shown and in the amounts stated on said assessment ro11, said assessments to be paid in three equal annual installments, together with interest at the rate of 8% per annum, the first installment becoming due and payable on Jun~ '23rd~ i965 and on the 23Pd of June "for 'the next ensuing two years; and said special assessments, so levied, Shall be a .lien from the date the assessments become effective, upon the respeCtiVe lots and parcels of land described in said assessment ro11, of the same nature and to the same..extent as the liens for general City taxes,, and Shall be collectible in the same manner and with the same pena~lties and under the same provisions as to sale and f6r- feiture as City taxes are collectible. PASSED in Regular SessiOn on second and final reading on this the .. '2~th da.y .of Ma.y 1965. · ~ /s/ AL. C. AVERY .~ MAYOR ATTEST: </s/R. D. W0~a~Ne City Clerk First Reading May 10~ 196,5 Second Reading May 24', !965 172-J ASSESSMENT ROLL For Opening, Grading and Improving of that part of HomewOod Boulevard lying between Highland Avenue and Lowson BOulevard to a width of twenty-four feet. DESCRIPTION OF FRONT ~RONT,~T.._ TO~AL PROPERTY QWNER FOOTAGE ~A$~SSMENT. ASS'M, Lots i thru 7 W.F. & Gwendlyn 720.'04 $2.23017'" $1,605.81 inclusive, Homewood G. Snyder Park That tract of land R.W. McDowell i276.22 " 2,846'.19 lying within the N.W.% of Section 19-46-43 bounded on the North by Homewood Park S/DF on the west by the easterly right-of-way line of Homewood Blvd.~ and on the South by the East-West center line of Sec. 19-46-43 That part of the East Delray Estates 190 " 423.74 half of the West half Ltd. of Section 19-46-43 lying.between the E-W center.line of said SectiOn 19 and the ' North R/W line of Lowson Blvd. That part of .the west Delray Estates 190 " 423.74 quarter of Section Ltd. 19-46-43, lying between the E-W center line of said section 19 and the North R/W line of Lowson Blvd. $5,299.48* 2,376.26 feet MATERIALS ONLY TO BE ASSESSED Rock, 3,357 Tons % $1.70 $5,706.90 Asghalt, 327.15 Tons ~ $8.32 2,721.89 RC-1, 875 gals. ~ $.19 166.25 Culverts 237.42 $8,832,46 Less 40% City share of cost perilRes. No. lS01~ 3,232.98 *60% to be assessed $5,299.48