08-06-65SpMtg -A special meeting of the City Co. uncil of ~he Oity of D~lray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 5~00 P.M,, ~ednesdey, September 8~h, L965, with Mayor AL. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager David M. Gatchol, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen J. LeRoy CrOft, ~ame&~ H. Jurney, Jack L. Saundere and George Talbot, Jr., heing present. Mayor Avery called the meeting t~ order and announced that same had been called for the purpose of consideration of Priority. Schedule of eapitel...Zmprovement Projects, and for' any other business that may come before the meeting. An opening prayer was delivered by-City-Clerk R. D. W°rthing, and the Pledge of Allegiance .to the Flag of the United s_tates of America was given. Mayor Avery seid.~he felt it .appropriate to give some couluendations fo~ work performed during Hurricane Betsy, and to inform the public of the security that %xista for them from the mo~ey that they pay in taxes. MayOr' Avery oommended Ci~.y Manager Gatchal for having, things so thoroughly organized, az~ for staying at the City Hall all night Tues- day and keeping in constant radio contact with all of the departments and work crews th~_oughout the City. The MaY°r also commended the Pol'~ce Department, Fire Department, water Department,, ~ublic Works Department, ail individuals, the Delray B~ach ~d!O ·,Club a~d part£cul&rly Radio Station W.D.B..F. for~ _~hei.r did, .said letters .to ~ signed by the Mayor.. All Cou~ ~.~=~. · e-fgare2~e :tmx~nky-, 'city Attorney Adams said ~at the City ~nager at ~e end Validatio~ H~r~g ~at ~ :C~Y Manager Satchel men~ioned ~e following projects that ~nsider~ i~ said Resolution No. 30~65 and the .estimated co~ ~f _ , Stre!~. ~°$'sing at S. E. let s~eet. $10o,o0o. " par~: ~:~ Off-street Parking., $50,000 .... - als& if' .~here'~ was Ou~ici~ :money. af~ the o~e~;/fO~""b~}e~tS b&en c0mple~dj;' :aBd:.TCi~y AttoFney'~ms said .~at i~.~he:=even~ there is? S~ unf~r~een' rea~0n that s~ 'o~ the first ~our :pFo~ects could ~02 ~'~ ~cc~Pli~ed~;. ~lso/-~n the event of federal or '~tate ?aid"~at an . ~t 'CoU~.il voted :una~mous'lY favoring the [our i~mo Concerning an estimated 'Cost of replacements at the beach as a result of Hurricane Betsy, City ManegerGatchel informed the Council that the figu~ea to be given them by the City B~gXneerwere very hasti- ly gotten together, but would give them an ~ea. of what was involved. City~ngineer Fleming said.that assuming thestate Highway Depart- merit woul~ replace State Road AIA, the City would probably have to take care of the curb, sidewalk, scarpment, landscaping, and fill, and that a quick estimate covering total damages, inclu~ing labor, is estimated to be $16,600.00, end commented further= "Of that, the coat for material for the City.to proceed and replace it in much the same manner that it was, assuming that we can obtain fill without ~ost, which I lieve we can, and also replace the palm trees without additional cost, the cost of material would be approximately $5,500.00 to come from the Disaster Fund or where ever you would want to allocate it from." Finance Director Weberreporte~ $59,039.06 in the Disaster Trust Fund at this ti~e, and Mayor Avery said if the money ia taken from the Disaster Trust Fund at this time, money should be replaced in said fund so that it would remain at approximately $60,000.00 for the coming fiscal year. City Manager ~atchel informed the Council that there would need to bereplacement of some lifeguard stands, steps, work on the pavillion a~d on numerous other things that had not been considered in the figure ~ven by the City Engineer, Further, that Mr. Papy,~ngineer for the State Road Department, had informed him that the State Road Department would be in Delray Beach tomorrow preparing to fill the eroded area of A~A, and.:that ~aid area had been ro~ed off from public uae. at this time. City Engineer Fleming reported that since the winds hsd changed the beach had regained several feet of sand that had been taken away during the~storm, and that he 'believed there would be a pretty good beach bY morning with the next high tide~ further, that he did not 1isys there wo~l~ need to be new soundings or test borings prior to beach erosion work. Mayor Avery suggested a motion informing the City Manager that it "is the intent of the Council to restore the beach, as nearly aa bls, to its original condition. It was so moved by Mr. Saunders, seconded byMr. Jurney and unanimously carried. It was reported that there, were no knOWn deaths in Delray Beach as a result of the hurricane and that there had only been a few minor first aid Calls. with council permission, Mayor Avery dismissed this Council meet- ing at 5=30 P.M., with the following prayer of thanksgiving: "Most holy and glorious LOZ~ C~, the grand architect of the universe, .the giver of all good gifts and graces, we thank Thee for Thy deliver- anus in taking us into the valley of the shadow of death and deliver- lng us safely to the other side. Lord, we thank Thee that. Thou hast spared our City of Delray BeaCh, and we ask Thy continued blessing upon us and upon our people. Lord, we particularly ask Thy consider- ation of our less fortunate neighbors who have been.:damaged so strongly by Hurricane Betsy. ~ wiit Thouhelp them and give them strength, and give them the ability to u~derstand the dispensation of Thy divine Wisdom. All of this we ask in Christ's name, Amen." ............ R.. D. WORTHXNG City Clerk APPROVED: M A'Y' '~) R ~'~ -2' 9-8-65